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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃俊程, Harry Huang Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代,企業要不斷地創造知識、累積知識、利用知識、傳播知識;並藉由知識不斷地的累積、應用、傳播與創新,才能協助企業在競爭激烈的市場裡獲取最大的價值與利益。在這知識快速創造、累積、傳播與應用的經濟時代裡,必需利用知識密集來創造價值的產業以半導體業最具代表性。 若能以平衡計分卡的精神來引導組織將資源聚焦、並使策略落實執行,必能激勵產業變革,使台灣半導體產業的命脈永續、IC設計業者基業長青。本研究即以此為出發點,以個案研究為主軸,深入瞭解IC設計業所處之環境與策略發展模式,再以平衡計分卡架構為個案公司診視策略內容,協助設計新的營運模式,為個案公司設計導入平衡計分卡之模型,並為台灣半導體產業中的IC設計業提供未來發展整合性策略管理制度之參考。 本研究計劃分二階段來發展平衡計分卡在IC設計業之應用模型。第一階段先針對IC設計業之特性,承接個案公司策略發展之議題,考量其財務構面、顧客構面、內部程序構面與學習成長構面等,配合組織發展、資訊工程架構、管理制度、…等,來設計平衡計分卡在IC設計業之應用模型。第二階段以平衡計分卡模型為基礎,整合資源,為個案公司提出調整建議,改善現行缺失,建立新的營運模式,使經營者能利用整合性策略管理制度來定期檢視營運成果,並藉以督促組織變革,朝經營效率化的目標努力,以達成企業的願景與使命。 同時,藉由個案公司推導平衡計分卡的過程中,由策略分析及檢視開始,將策略內容推展至平衡計分卡四個構面之中,並將之轉化成為營運術語、連結其他管理制度、展開行動方案及績效衡量與回饋等一連串的活動,來驗證平衡計分卡是一套整合性的策略管理平台;並證明企業導入平衡計分卡制度後,將可有效的將各種管理制度與行動計畫予以整合,並用以溝通內部,統籌資源,朝共同的目標而努力。而以個案公司為主軸的研究主要內容彙整如下: 1.個案公司導入平衡計分卡的理由: (1)內部溝通管道不順暢 (2)避免衡量指標偏向財務化 (3)檢討策略發展方向 2.實施平衡計分卡的目的 (1)提昇公司競爭力 (2)協助創業團隊達成經營目標 (3)連結績效管理 (4)建置價值鏈體系 (5)資源整合與聚焦 3.設計平衡計分卡 將個案公司修正過後的六項核心策略分別依照其發展的方向融入平衡計分卡四個構面之中。再將之連結至各構面的策略性議題中,逐步發展平衡計分卡模型。有關個案公司平衡計分卡的設計內容,主要項目如下: (1)定義四個構面之策略性議題與策略性目標。 (2)建構策略地圖,做為個案公司未來發展方向之藍圖。 (3)進行缺口分析。分為水平缺口與垂直缺口檢視,並提出缺口改善及因應之道。 (4)校正策略性議題與策略性目標,並定義個案公司發展平衡計分卡之基礎建設。 (5)調整策略地圖。 (6)闡述各策略性目標間之因果關係。 4.平衡計分卡的應用 導入平衡計分卡後,個案公司不僅可以更明確的瞭解在萌芽期的發展方向與目標,更可協助個案公司徹底的解決或改善如下問題: (1)落實服務客戶的理念 (2)使內部溝通順暢 (3)確立萌芽期的發展方向 (4)釐清盲點、彌補缺口 (5)構建完整的營運機制 (6)提昇競爭能力 5.導入平衡計分卡的具體效益 個案公司導入平衡計分卡之後,除了運用於改善上述的應用項目外,並徹底的解決下列三項根本問題點: (1)策略性議題的形成過程中,解決策略不聚焦的問題。 (2)行動方案與績效衡量改善缺乏執行力的缺點。 (3)內部程序構面的策略性議題,協助建置完整的管理機制。 根據研究結果,本研究對後續研究者之建議為: 1.對個案公司後續研究的建議,方向有二: (1)承續本研究的結果,蒐集個案公司實施平衡計分卡的情形,驗證個案公司是否從此制度中獲得真正的助益,並檢討執行成果及修正未來之發展方向。 (2)以平衡計分卡為平台,研究在個案公司的實務環境下如何與其他管理制度相結合,改善經營效益等。 2.將平衡計分卡延伸應用於半導體產業的研究: 目前國內有關平衡計分卡的研究,在實務上比較缺乏對半導體產業上、中、下游應用之探討。本研究雖開啟對以半導體產業上游之IC設計業為研究對象之先河,但仍有所不足。希望能藉此研究抛磚引玉,吸引更多人之投入整合性管理制度在半導體產業相關領域之應用研究。 3.將平衡計分卡與智慧資本連結之研究: 本研究對象為IC設計業,是屬於知識密集型的產業,它需要運用大量的知識來創造價值。也因為此緣故,IC設計業者擁大量的智慧資本,亦可提供後續研究者探討平衡計分卡與智慧資本之研究範疇。 4.策略發展與平衡計分卡關係的研究: 一般的策略管理文獻鮮少論及如何將策略轉換為具體的行動方案;而平衡計分卡的相關文獻中亦很少提及如何發展成為策略性議題。本研究雖然以策略矩陣分析法來協助個案公司檢視策略內容並將之串聯至策略性議題中,但因策略發展的方法眾多,本研究受限於時間精力,只能擇一理論發展。後續研究者亦可針對如何將其他策略管理理論與平衡計分卡做連接,深入研究探討。


劉家佑, Liu, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在.com泡沫化之前,企業均對資訊科技做巨幅的投資,以為投資在資訊科技或是企業資訊系統就會帶給企業龐大的利潤。但在最近幾年的一些研究(Carr, 2003)顯示,企業大量投資於資訊科技以及資訊系統,卻未必對應企業就能因此而獲利,企業高階管理者必須瞭解資訊科技與競爭優勢之間的成本效益關係,這些問題值得企業主管們審慎的去思考。 本研究的主要目的就是要發展一套評估企業流程能力以及資訊系統投資效益的模式,協助高階主管能瞭解及評估其投資的資訊科技對企業流程能力以及競爭優勢的重要性。本研究的企業流程評估步驟如下: Step 1:先以企業整體資訊流程作為評估的基礎,分析企業整體資訊流程。Step 2:分辨企業的識別流程、優先流程、背景流程以及強制流程,瞭解企 業各個流程所需要的流程能力。 Step 3:利用企業顧客價值主張以及企業內部流程構面來評估企業識別、流程和優先流程目標。 Step 4:繪製企業的策略地圖,判斷企業的流程能力是否和企業策略相符合。 Step 5:分析企業目前使用的資訊系統所能提升的流程能力,瞭解資訊系統對企業策略的影響。 Step 6:根據企業的策略地圖制定企業的績效衡量指標。 本研究最後採取個案研究,透過實際個案來說明本研究的評估模式,並描述企業的流程能力以及和企業策略的連結方式。


林隆潤, Lin, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
平衡計分卡( Balanced Scorecard, BSC)是一項可以協助描述、並推動組織策略付諸實行的利器,關於描述組織之價值創造的四個構面模式,可以當成高階管理團隊彼此間討論企業發展方向與策略議題優先性的共同語言。至於有關策略性衡量指標,除了是四大構面的績效指標之外,也應被視為BSC內四個構面具有因果關係連結的目標、項目;Robert S. Kaplan和David P. Norton共同創造出一個關於此連結的通用表達方式,用來協助高階主管進行討論,並稱之為策略地圖。他們同時也證明了BSC所寄託的一個基本原則,那就是「如果您能夠衡量,就可以管理」 從實務經驗中大多數人都會認為管理資訊系統不僅協助企業管理工作,也是產出各種衡量數據的利器,因此本研」究希望透過分析已導入過BSC之個案公司,探討該公司由策略地圖所引導出來的各項策略性衡量指標的資訊需求,是否能夠在其管理資訊系統中獲得滿足?管理資訊系統的建置是否應該優先支援公司策略性目標?實際上探訪各行業導入BSC之狀況,發現普遍存在著「數據落差」。 本研究旨在建構一套能夠彌補「數據落差的資訊需求規劃模式,利用商業智慧(BI)工具擷取ERP、CRM、SCM、Workflow、KM、e-Learning等管理資訊系統之有效數據,進行資訊加工後,提供給BSC資訊系統,在數位儀表板上顯示,以協助隨時管控策略性衡量指標之達成狀況。本研究也將BSC導入程序及資訊系統整合作業加以制式化,整理成BSC導入專案進度表,供其它有意導入BSC之企業參考,本論文最後延伸說明BSC在協助組織變革管理、協助智慧資本之衡量、及審視資訊資本齊備程度等方面,都很有助益。 / Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a powerful tool for describing and implementing an organization’s strategy. The four-perspective model of describing a value-creating organization can be regards as a language for executive teams to discuss the direction and priority of their strategic agenda. In terms of strategy measures, they do not only represent as the key performance indicators (KPIs) of four independent perspectives, but also regard as the cause-effect linkage of goals and items among the four perspectives of BSC. Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton created the expression model of the cause-effect linkage to assist the discussion process of executive teams. It is so called a strategy map. They both also demonstrated a fundamental principle underling the BSC; i.e. “If you can measure, you can manage it.” From an empirical perspective, people believe that management information systems (MISs) can help the efficiency and effectiveness of business administration as well as be the powerful tool of generating data for various performance measures. Therefore, by analyzing a case of a BSC roll-out enterprise, this research would like to address whether the data requirements of strategic measures generating from strategy maps are fulfilled by the data output from the MISs or not. Is it a necessity to support the strategic goals of an enterprise first in case of building MISs for an enterprise? After studying the status of roll-out BSC enterprises in different industries, it shows that there is a “KPI-data accuracy” issue between actual KPIs needed and the data resources from. The purpose of this research is to build a data requirement planning model to find out the “accurate data” by using a business intelligence (BI) tool to access the effective information from ERP, CRM, SCM, Workflow, KM, e-Learning; etc., and then to manipulate those data in order to output the BSC indicators for executive teams for monitoring the status achieved of BSC from the dashboard anytime. Moreover, the study also standardizes the BSC roll-out processes and the integration processes of MISs by summarizing into time tables of project management which can be regarded as a reference kit for enterprises intending to implement BSC in the future. Finally, the study also demonstrates the benefits of BSC in assisting change management of an organization, in evaluating the intellectual capital, and in measuring information capital readiness of an enterprise, etc.

論平衡計分卡於我國中、小型產物保險公司之應用--以建立策略核心組織為目標 / Application of the balanced scorecard to the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan - with the goal of establishing a strategy focused organization

吳明青 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用「平衡計分卡」之觀念,以我國中、小型產險業為對象,探討及建議其建立策略核心組織之相關作法。首先以總體性的經營危機,喚醒業界對「經濟任務」之關注,而平衡計分卡經評估與實證之經驗為最有效的策略執行工具,提供了經濟任務達成之具體藍圖。認識「平衡計分卡」之關鍵精神外,業界必須從基本體認「策略管理」理論主張,再深入分析計分卡轉化策略為營運架構的五個構面:財務面、顧客面、績效行銷面、內部流程面及學習與成長面。接著,以正確的認知,構築策略地圖與計分卡-策略規劃流程圖與績效衡量系統(法則一),它強化了企業策略執行面的語言,並奠定推展「策略核心組織」之後續法則基礎:法則二、以策略為核心整合組織資源、法則三,將策略落實為每個人的日常工作、法則四、讓策略成為持續性循環流程、法則五,由高階領導帶動變革,透過這些法則流程引導產險業「變革計劃」之執行。其中,以筆者創意之目標市場:「溫心小棧」為本研究之主要差異化策略、並利用績效行銷構面中之計量模型,在一定前提性假設下,估算出每張保險單之實效額以及示範性之部門間「服務協約」、整合性獎勵辦法、修正式預算制度等,使業界於應用平衡計分卡時具實務上之可行性。 關鍵字:平衡計分卡、策略核心組織、經濟任務、五個構面、變革計劃、溫心小棧 / This thesis undertakes the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept to examine the issues related to establishing a strategy-focused organization for the small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan. It emphasizes on the issue of macro-business crisis and intends to awake the target companies' perception on their economy mission. The BSC is one vehicle in strategy implementation based upon survey and practical application, and able to accomplish economy mission of target companies with streamlined map. With respect of the BSC fundamentals, target companies need to understand the basic proposition of strategy management planning, then analyze five perspectives of the BSC, namely finance, customer, performance, marketing,internal, and learning and growth. With the above perceptions, the following rules need to be undertaken: establishing a strategy map and scorecard (rule 1), integrating resources of organizations under the strategy (rule 2), transforming the strategy into the staff’s routine job (rule 3), making the strategy as a continuing procedure (rule 4) and conducting a change plan by the senior management (rule 5). As the conclusive recommendation, certain mechanisms integrated for facilitating practical availability are submitted to small and medium non-life insurance companies in Taiwan: 1. Key differentiated strategy - targeted markets: a “Sweet Inn”; 2. Merit evaluated based on certain assumptions; 3. Demonstrated service agreements among units; 4. Integrated compensation system; and 5. Revised budgeting plans. Keywords: The Balanced Scorecard、The Strategy-Focused Organization、Economy Mission、Five Perspectives、Change Plan、Sweet Inn

2000-2007美國布希政府對印尼外交政策:同盟的關係? / The Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy toward Indonesia, 2000-2007: An Alliance Relationship?

吳宗翰, Wu, Tsung Han Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰時期,蘇哈托所統治的印尼雖然標榜著不結盟運動,試圖在東西兩強的夾擊下另闢蹊徑。但是在同樣反對共產主義的主張下,印尼在這段時期,和美國建立起了相當友好的關係,包括軍事和經濟上的援助。在一個近年來已解密的文件中更顯示,福特總統以及季辛吉更曾經和蘇哈托有過正式及非正式的接觸,被認為是美國希望以對印尼軍政府的支持,換取其在反共同盟上的支持。 九十年代之後,印尼政府在人權問題上的處理失當,多次導致美國政府的不滿,進而暫停或取消對印尼的援助。在此事件上,美國國會更採取強硬的立場,要求美國政府必須更仔細而審慎的評估,對印尼的人權表現,是否有明顯的改善。 2001年的九一一事件,代表著美國政府外交政策的巨大改變,在對印尼的外交政策上也出現了明顯的變化。印尼為世界上最大的回教國家,其本身對美國較溫和的立場,使得美國政府在宣揚其反恐理念上,需要印尼的協助。而印尼本身與日俱增的戰略地位,如控制麻六甲海峽,龐大資源,以及在東南亞國協中的大國地位等,使美國政府不得不重新審視其對印尼的外交政策。 本論文主要在探討布希政府在九一一事變後,對印尼外交政策的特點,以及是否和過去出現不同之處。論文組織分為三個主要部分,分別為反恐、人權以及軍事合作。在理論架構方面,本論文借助Steven M. Walt(沃爾特)的同盟理論,希望能釐清兩國在反恐合作方面,是否已具備了同盟的性質。而其他同盟理論的重要內涵,如威脅平衡、意識型態、援助、滲透等,皆會被用來加強本文的論述。 研究發現,在沃爾特的同盟理論架構下,美國和印尼在反恐合作上,的確出現了有如同盟的密切關係。雖然彼此間不存在約束的同盟條約,然而,就同盟的實質而言,恢復的軍事關係和密切的反恐合作等,皆是同盟的重要指標。研究並發現,威脅平衡理論的確較合理的詮釋了美印兩國因反恐而強化的關係。而意識型態、援助和滲透等,對同盟的組成皆有一定程度的影響,但非強大的因素。 / During the Cold War, Indonesia was noted for its leadership in the Non-Alignment Movement, which distinguished itself from the two-polar world. However, the Suharto government had in fact built an amicable relationship with the U.S. under the flag of anti-communism. In the 1990s, due to the notorious human rights records, the U.S. had moved to cancel or suspend military and economic aid to Indonesia. The Congress and Senate of the U.S. took a hard-line stance in dealing with these problems. The 9/11 event marked a significant change in the U.S. foreign policy. As the biggest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia’s comparably moderate nature gains its importance for America in promoting anti-terror in Muslim world. Also, the growing strategic status, like the location in the Malacca Straits, vast resources and key status in ASEAN, necessitates the U.S. to reconsider its policy toward Indonesia. The thesis is primarily dedicated to analyze the Bush Administration’s foreign policy toward Indonesia after the 9/11 event. There are three main pillars in the thesis—anti-terror, human rights and military cooperation. Steven M. Walt’s famous Alliance Theory contributes the analytic framework to this thesis. Also, some other arguments of alliance theory like balance of threat, ideology, foreign aid and penetration will be utilized to deepen the analysis of this thesis. Under Walt’s alliance theory, in spite of the fact that there is no concrete alliance binding between these two countries, the resumed military relationship, and close anti-terror cooperation are all noted indicators that shows the U.S. and Indonesia act as alliance partners. This thesis also demonstrates that the balance of threat theory is a better analytic framework to explain the relationship between the U.S. and Indonesia. Ideology, foreign aid and penetration in this case surely affects the formation of alliance, however, they are not causes of it as Walt concludes.

數位落差狀態衡量、策略規劃及績效管理之整合性架構與模式研究 / The Study of the Integrated Architecture and Model for the Measurement of the Status, the Strategic Planning and the Performance Management of Digital Divide

王行一, Wang, Hsing I Unknown Date (has links)
數位落差是資訊科技與數位化經濟快速發展下的產物。研究發現數位落差代表著機會的消失,更反映著社會基本素養、貧窮、醫療或其他社會問題存在的議題,只要數位落差存在,經濟的發展、國家競爭力的提升、人民生活的進步都將受到拖延而遲緩。事實上,有關數位落差如何發生、如何衡量、影響層面與嚴重性以及如何縮減數位落差的相關議題不斷的被討論,各國政府與國際組織或者自行組成研究小組,或者邀請學者專家針對縮減數位落差議題加以探討,期以建立一個公平共享數位化所帶來各項利益的社會。然而研究顯示縮減數位落差各方努力的成效仍不如預期。如何縮減數位落差的相關研究至今仍有許多缺口待彌補,包括數位落差現象觀察不完整、欠缺一個具有全方位評量的架構、縮減數位落差的方案與數位落差現象間的因果關係並無法提出一個對應的脈絡、如何檢討縮減數位落差策略的執行績效等等。 本研究由文獻探討、資料分析提出數位落差整體衡量架構,繼之由策略管理的角度建立以平衡記分卡為基礎之數位落差策略績效評比架構,確立縮減數位落差之願景、使命、策略、策略目標以及建立以BSC為基礎之數位落差評量指標。研究並提出縮減數位落差策略缺口之定義與檢視方法。數位差衡量指標以層級分析法求得權數,並將指標與策略結合,衡量縮減數位落差策略在數位落差整體表現的實質績效。研究獲得以下結論: 1. 研究提出一個國內與國際數位落差觀察與衡量整合架構,架構共分為ICT普及、均等機會、資訊社會與國家競爭力四個構面。 2. 研究結果認為縮減數位落差在策略上應考量受益群體、政府功能與流程、全國性學習與成長以及公共財政的支援。 3. 利用策略地圖所闡述的因果特性進行策略缺口分析。研究結果提出四類水平策略議題缺口、五類水平策略目標缺口、兩類垂直策略議題缺口與三類垂直策略目標缺口。水平策略缺口分析可確保策略議題之完整性,而垂直缺口分析則可檢視策略間之因果關係是否連結。最終目標則是保證縮減數位落差策略之品質。 4. 本研究將策略與數位落差評估架構結合,除了以AHP計算各指標權數,瞭解各指標之重要性,並於指標架構表中指出該指標為績效驅動指標,或為策略執行結果指標。 5. 實例分析發現,目前台灣在縮減數位落差議題上水平策略缺口包含遺漏策略議題、缺少因應台灣特質之策略與策略目標、策略議題不明、遺漏重要策略目標、缺少適當衡量指標以及無效的策略等等。垂直策略缺口情況較嚴重,表示策略間的邏輯性並未詳細檢討過。 研究最後對我國政府提出以下建議:1.重新檢討目前衡量數位落差之架構、2.擬定縮減數位落差的策略規劃與管理機制、3.借鏡先進國家的成功案例並進行跨國的合作、4.尋求質的改善。此外提出五項衍生之議題,值得後續繼續觀察與探討:1.考慮如何將本研究所提出之架構更精鍊。2.目前全球的趨勢已由觀察數位落差的移轉至數位機會的存在,在這樣的新思維下,策略上應有哪些重大的改變?如何將這種轉變以無縫的方式連接,是值得持續觀察的議題。3.指標術語或專用名詞更精確的解釋與規範。4.跨國應用與比較,實地訪談,徵詢更實際的意見與建議,增加本研究所提出架構之實務價值。5.設計問項、核定與統一衡量單位、定義問項目的與建立題庫。 / Digital divide (DD) is the byproduct of the fast development of information technologies and digital economy. Previous researches indicated that the existence of digital divide implies the vanishment of digital opportunities, and furthermore, it reflects the presence of servere social problems including literacy, poverty, medical systems, etc. As long as there is a gap, the development of economy, national competitiveness, and the advance of human lives will be affected. As the matter of fact, the issues of the causes, the measurements, the impacts as well as the reducing of digital divide have been constantly discussed over a decade. Governments and international organizations have put a lot of efforts in pursuit of establishing a society in which people would equally share the benefits of e-society by minimizing the gaps. Unfortunately, research findings have indicated that the efforts for reducing digital divides were inconvincible. Major themes, such as the observation as well as the evaluation of the status of digital divide in an integrated view, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationship between strategies and the outcomes, are still absent in the discussions or researches. By reviewing literatures and analyzing the documents collected, this research first provides an integrated framework for simultaneously analyzing domestic and international digital divides. The framework is later incorporated with the BSC to form the strategic management platform for reducing DD. To ease the process for a nation to build its own DD-BSC and to refine its DD strategies, this research also presents a systemized approach to locate strategic gaps. The AHP is adopted in this research to verify the consistency of the structure of the framework as well as to calculate the weights of the indicators. In summary, this research contributes the following results: 1. An integrated model, containing ICT Diffusion, Equal Opportunity, Information Society and National Competitiveness dimension for the measurement and evaluation of digital divide, is presented in this research. 2. Research findings suggest the strategies of reducing DD should be planned based on Beneficiaries, Governmental Functions and Processes, Nation-Wide Learning and Growth and Public Finance perspectives. 3. The research proposes and defines four types of horizontal strategic theme gaps, five types of horizontal strategic objective gaps, two types of vertical strategic theme gaps and three types of vertical strategic objective gap types. The ultimate goal of strategic gaps analysis is to ensure the qualities of the strategies of reducing DD. 4. The measurements proposed in this research can be used to measure the status of DD and to evaluate the performances of the strategies of reducing DD. 5. The case study of Taiwn reveals that in the issue of reducing DD, the government could initiate more effective strategies by referencing other developed countries. Major problems of Taiwan regarding to reducing DD include the lack of strategic objectives, the lack of proper measurement, the broken links among strategies as well as between strategy and its objectives. Suggestions proposed to the government including the reexamination the scopes and strutrucures of measuring the status of digital divide, designing a strategic planning and control system for reducing DD, seeking for cross-nation cooperations and focusing on improving the qualities of the DD strategies. Future studies may focus on the refinement of the frameworks proposed in this research; determine the changes that are affected by the new concept of digital opportunities; define more clearly and precisely the terms used in observing or measuring DD; design questionnaires and collect data regularly. Finally, more interviews and case studies are to be conducted to improve the practical values of this research.

臺灣電子零組件廠商品質策略的研究--以台達電為例 / The Case Study of Quality Assurance Strategy for Delta Electronics, INC. in Taiwan

鄭子建, Cheng, Tzi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
從設計、材料、製造到管理的品質是追求卓越品質的關鍵成功因素,而卓越的品質產品是能夠留住顧客的重要因素之一。 本研究借由對個案公司的深入訪談與分析,整理近5年來品質績效資料及訪談的結果,依重要性與急迫性四象限分類,確認問題的所在,再作深入的設計、材料、製造及管理品質的要因分析。在面對未來更為競爭及多變的環境下,經由波特的五力分析模式,探討零組件產業的競爭環境,同時運用優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅的相互交叉,分析個案公司所在的產業環境,找出面對的問題與挑戰,以調整品質保證策略的方向。因本研究採個案研究方式,主要結論如下: 一、電子零組件專業製造廠商的品質保證關鍵成功因素為: 穩健性產品設計的品質工程能力、專業的製程工程能力及快速的改善效能、良好的供應商、變異小(5~6 sigma range)的材料、專業的一流管理及工程人才、及健全的品質系統。 二、從個案公司的經營使命「環保、節能、愛地球」,因應國際品質保證標準及環保要求的分析來看,個案公司已經主動提昇系統品質的策略,將品質系統提昇到「對社會負責的企業」,並積極投入「綠色設計」的產品研發。 三、品質保證策略是整體性的,要達到品質產品的目的,個案公司運用同步工程同時從設計、製造、材料及管理去努力。 個案公司的品質保證策略,是以六標準差(6-Sigma)為主要改善工具,精進設計及製程的DFx並相互檢討,並導入在品質系統中,以達到零ppm 的境界。 四、良好的供應商、及品質穩定且變異性在合理的一定範圍裡的原材料,對個案公司的品質及供應商管理的成本有非常密切的影響,選擇具有良好競爭力的供應商、再有完善的供應商管理制度及真正落實執行供應商的獎懲,是確保供應商材料品質及個案公司的品質產品的最佳手法。 五、好的經營使命、好的政策理念、好的策略、及完善的管理制度及流程,一定要有一流的人才及有效能的組織去落實,因此,個案公司必須積極的規劃執行「人才培育」、外聘管理及工程的國際化「專業經理人」,同時對於品管組織應予以獨立,以便能徹底執行品質保證的要求。 卓越的設計、材料、製造及管理品質,可透過平衡計分卡的顧客滿意度來確認,而內部的績效,經由財務面的品質成本,作業流程面的直通率,以及學習面的六標準差及DFx成果來驗證品質保證策略的方向是否正確。 關鍵詞:品質保證、關鍵成功因素、綠色設計、平衡計分卡、六標準差

平衡閱讀教學對英語初學者字母知識、語音覺識 、及閱讀態度之影響-以台灣補習班 / The impact of BRI on the letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and attitude of EFL beginners in a Taiwan cram school.

王寶佳, SHIRLY Unknown Date (has links)
視英語為第一外語的學習,一直是學生生活中一個重要的課題。英語的使用變的更為普遍,以位於東亞國家的台灣來說,就已經開始重視英語的教學。然而,大部分的家長仍不滿意孩子們的英語能力,因此,而產生了所謂的補習班。為了增進學生的閱讀能力與態度,任何一種有效的教學策略都是值得探討的。本研究的主要目的之一,便是了解平衡閱讀教學的出現,如何增進國小學生英語學習的效能。而實施行動研究的目的,主要是為了確認平衡閱讀教學的效果。在為期五個月的前導研究完成後,其研究成果便成為正式研究的基礎架構。本研究之對象為15位台北市國小一年級參加補習班的學童。研究結果顯示,平衡閱讀教學對於增進學生字彙的認知能力、語音覺識與技巧有所幫助,同時,也能大幅增進學生學習英語的自信心。除此之外,平時就有參加補習班的學童進步的程度也明顯大於未參加的學童。然而,為了增進教學的效能,系統化的發音教學範例在幫助教師制定更為合適的教學計畫與學習內容上,是極為必要的。 關鍵字:平衡閱讀教學、字母知識、語音覺識,閱讀態度,英語初學者。 / English language learning as the first and foreign language has always been an important factor in a child’s life as a student. As the usage of the English language becomes ever more apparent, East Asian nation like Taiwan has started to place much focus on its teaching. However, many parents in Taiwan are still unsatisfied with their children’s English abilities where they gained from formal school, hence the so-called cram school. In order to improve student reading ability and attitude, any effective teaching strategies are worth exploring. The main objective of this study is to determine how balanced reading instruction will enhance English learning effectiveness among EFL beginners. An action study was done in order to identify teaching effects of a balanced reading instruction. A pilot study was first accomplished, which later served as the backbone of the formal study. Participants were fifteen first graders at an English cram school in Taipei. Data collections were gained from abecedarian reading assessment, reading attitude questionnaires, observations, interviews and recordings methods. Results showed that balanced reading instruction is helpful in enhancing students’ letter knowledge, phonological awareness and increasing the students’ reading attitude. In addition, students who attended class in the cram school regularly improved better than those who did not. However, in order to improve teaching efficiency, more systematic phonics teaching are needed in order to help teachers make appropriate teaching plans for the EFL beginners. Keywords: balanced reading instruction, letter knowledge, phonological awareness, reading attitude, EFL beginners

服務部門轉型為虛擬利潤中心之管理控制系統 -以某汽車公司為例

邱奕淳 Unknown Date (has links)
於日益嚴峻之企業營運環境下,企業內屬輔助性質之服務部門角色功能便顯得日益重要。然服務部門於企業內多歸類於費用中心,多屬被動提供服務之性質,往往較缺乏創造收入與協助組織策略達成之思維。 虛擬利潤中心概念為將非屬利潤中心特質之單位,採利潤中心之管理與績效衡量概念,以發揮激勵部門提升自身價值的效果。 個案公司於實施平衡計分卡架構下,於服務部門導入虛擬利潤中心制度。本研究採個案研究方式,針對制度導入時,管理控制系統所扮演的角色功能進行研究,並探討服務部門實施虛擬利潤中心制度過程可能產生之問題、特質與效益。 本研究發現,服務部門導入虛擬利潤中心制度時,以提供「資訊回饋之溝通與激勵」最為重要。此制度增加了員工顧客導向之思維,並提升其收入創造與成本之認知。然服務部門之性質差異,會影響虛擬利潤中心制度之導入。 / As the operating environment for businesses is becoming harsher, the role and functions of businesses’ shared service unit, which provide assistance for businesses, are appearing to be more and more important. However, internal service sector of businesses are often cost centers, which mostly provide services passively and lack the cogitation about making profit for the businesses and assisting the businesses’ strategies to be successfully practiced. The concept of pseudo-profit center is to manage non-profit center by adopting profit center’s way of management and its concept of performance measure for the purpose of inspiring each sector to promote its own value. The company in the case manages its shared service unit by introducing the system of pseudo-profit center under the scheme of balanced scorecard. The thesis is a case study about the function of the management control system during the course of introducing the pseudo-profit center system. Furthermore, the thesis also discusses the special features, the benefit, and the problems that might happen during the course of introduction. The study reveals that when introducing the system of pseudo-profit center into the shared service unit, the most important factor is the supply and the feedback of information. The system triggers the employees to be customer-oriented and to be more aware of making profit and saving cost. However, the different nature of the shared service unit affects the introduction of pseudo-profit center system.

生質燃料補貼在WTO協定下相關適用之法律問題—以SCM協定與農業協定為中心 / The Legal Analysis of Biofuels Subsidies under the WTO Agreements—in Particular the SCM Agreement and the Agriculture Agreement

羅錦嵐, Lo, Chin-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
自從「京都議定書」在2005年2月16日經160個國家簽署生效後,為兼顧環境保護及經濟發展,各國政府便開始鼓勵其國內能源產業發展生質燃料作為替代燃料,以減少溫室氣體排放。然生質燃料產業起步階段,因技術與市場交易機制均未成熟,故有賴政府的補貼才能順利推廣。是以,目前生質燃料的補貼是否應受到WTO協定之規範仍是備受爭議,而實有討論與研究之必要。 本論文主要研究目的,遂在分析目前德國、美國、巴西等主要生質燃料生產國為鼓勵、推廣生質燃料產業之發展,其獎勵措施所涉及的補貼是否會對未受補貼的國內外競爭者形成不公平待遇,以及是否違反WTO補貼暨平衡稅措施協定及農業協定補貼規範的情形,以政策事實套法律要件的方式,深入討論現階段各國生質燃料補貼措施:市場保證、價格補貼、投資補貼、稅賦優惠四種措施態樣,在和平條款落日後,於生質燃料製程上游、中游、下游的協定管轄情形與適法性,以期對目前生質燃料補貼政策作一完整的評估與建議。 / Since the Kyoto Protocol was signed by 160 countries and entered into forced on 16 Feburauy 2005, the governments of above countries began encouraging their enery industries to develop biofuels as substitute to reduce green house gases in pursuit of environmental protection and economic development. While the technologies and trading mechanisms of biofuel industries were immature at the preliminary stage, the prevalence of the biofuels will be dependent on government subsidies. Therefore, whether biofuels subsidies shall be subject to the rules of WTO Agreements is still a controversial issue and needs to be discussed and studied. The main purpose of the thesis is to analyze the domestic policies and incentives of those key biofuel-producuing countries such as Germany, United States and Brazil, and find if such subsidizing measures constitute unfair treatments to foreign compeitiors and violate the SCM Agreement or Agriculture Agrmment under the WTO. In order to conduct a comprehensive analysis and come up with feasible suggestions, the thesis will take the four main incentives, the so-called“Market Assurance”, “Price Support”, “Investment Support”and “Tax credit”as facts to conduct legal analysis as well as discuss the applicability of agreements when Peace Clause came to an end and analyze the legality of each incentive from upstream to downstream of the biofuel production process.

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