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橫斷面與時間數列混合資料之隨機邊界生產函數--台灣地區之實證研究陳慧玲, CHEN,HUI-LING Unknown Date (has links)
自一九七七年Ainger,Lovell,and Schmidt 發表隨機性邊界生產函數估計方法一文以
後,這項方法便廣泛地應用於廠商生產技術效率的估計。然而, Ainger,et al的方
見,直至目前僅 Chen and Tang(1987),劉錦添與蔡偉德(1989)兩篇,且均偏重於橫
斷面的分析。本文將利用近年來發展的Panel Data生產技術效率測定方法來進行,文
中主要參考Schmidt and Sickles(1984) 與Cornwell,Schmidt and Sickles (1988)
」(fixed effect)及「隨機效果」(random effect) 二種模型。固定效果模型認為廠
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匯率變動保險之研究史文章, Shi, Wen-Zhang Unknown Date (has links)
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家電消費者資訓收集行為及其對廠商行銷策略擬定之影響李曾密, Li, Zeng-Mi Unknown Date (has links)
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廠商對東南亞國家外銷問題之研究許溪南, Xu, Xi-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣國際新創事業績效影響因素之研究-國際化、廠商優勢、市場進入策略與成長策略楊國彬, Yang, Kuo-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
80年代末期,全球經濟中出現一種特殊的國際企業,其在創業初期或在創業很短的時間內就開始涉入國際市場,而且國際化的程度相當高。文獻將這種類型的國際企業稱之為「國際新創事業」 (International New Venture),同時證實這種新出現的國際企業類型非但不是特例,甚至越來越為普及。由於這類廠商通常規模較小,但卻能成功的在國際市場中與設立已久的大型廠商成功競爭,顯示現象背後必然存在相當值得探討的管理意涵。台灣廠商整體而言具備了兩大特色-高度的國際化及旺盛的創業精神-此二特色正符合學界對國際新創事業的概念性定義。另外由於「國際化」與「創業」領域結合的研究議題在學界正方興未艾,在學界對國際新創事業的認識仍存有落差的情況下,針對台灣國際新創事業之現象,具體描繪這些廠商的輪廓、瞭解這些廠商國際化的績效意涵、探討這些廠商的優勢策略、市場策略及後續成長等議題,在理論及實務上都具有相當重要之意義與價值。
假說驗證上,本研究以行政院主計處1986、1991及1996年針對製造業抽查的資料庫之資料,進行各項假說驗證。統計實證結果大致支持本研究各項假說,即台灣國際新創事業:(1)國際化程度與績效間,呈先增後減的∩型曲線關係;(2) 研發密集度高於低度國際化廠商的研發密集度;(3) 研發密集度與其績效間,呈先減後增的∪型曲線關係;(4) 採取不同市場進入策略,在績效上無顯著之差異;(5) 採取不同市場進入策略在事業風險上有顯著之差異,「技術創業」廠商的風險最高,「後進模仿創業」廠商的風險最低;然而,有關台灣國際新創事業的廣告密集度與其績效間呈負向線性關係之假說,並未能獲得支持。
除以量化統計方式進行分析外,為進一步瞭解國際新創事業國際化的動態歷程及市場策略的演化軌跡,本研究另以個案研究方式進行相關問題之探討。針對四家個案廠商深度訪談的研究結果,除大致呼應量化分析中的各項假說關係外,另亦呈現部分台灣國際新創事業異於西方文獻所預測及描繪的特點,包括海外投資地理範疇的高度集中、國際化與績效關係轉折點跟海外直接投資 (FDI) 有密切關係、利基能力的建構與台灣產業環境間的配適,以及國際化因素對創業廠商績效的調節作用等。
在理論貢獻上,本研究具體完成影響台灣國際新創事業績效的各項因素之探討,補充過去國際新創事業相關文獻中較為缺乏的規範性意涵。此外,透過橫跨1986-1996年的縱斷面分析,本研究具體呈現台灣國際新創事業在特徵屬性、市場進入方式及成長策略上的演化動態,並據以檢驗這些因素的演化型態與廠商績效間之關係,提供學界一個關於國際新創事業更加完整的形態 (posture) 與勢態 (strategic move) 之描繪。最後,本論文以台灣國際新創事業做為研究樣本,也有助於相關理論外部效度之拓展。在實務意涵上,由於本研究跳脫描述性的研究架構,實證結果證實各項策略因素對國際新創事業具有重要之意涵,因此研究結果可做為台灣國際新創事業在制訂國際化策略、優勢策略、市場進入策略及後續成長策略上之參考。
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國際化程度、產品差異化能力與績效之關聯性--台灣企業之實證研究喬友慶, Chiao, Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
命題一與命題二分別以第三章564家大型製造廠商、第四章170公開上市資訊電子業、第五章3,194家中小型製造廠商、第六章601家中小型紡織業及818家中小型電子業,以及第七章1986年、1991年與1996年三期之大型 (275家,825個樣本) 及中小型 (322家,966個樣本) 製造廠商之長期追蹤資料加以驗證。經由不同廠商規模與產業,以及橫斷面與縱斷面的資料分析,得到國際化程度對廠商績效為一倒U型關係、產品差異化能力 (研發密集度) 對廠商績效為一正向的影響,亦即在研究一 (第三章) 至研究五 (第七章) 的結論發現,國際化程度與廠商績效的倒U型關係皆獲得支持,惟不同的樣本中,國際化程度與績效的最適點不同;產品差異化能力的部份僅於研發密集度與廠商績效的正向關係獲得支持,故支持本研究所提出之前兩項研究命題。
本研究根據量化研究倒U型之結果,分別在研究六 (第八章) 以一家非上市 (櫃) 小型手工具製造業、一家中型上櫃紡織業,以及一家大型上市電子業為研究對象,分析管理能力對國際化與廠商績效關係之影響,經由三家個案廠商的分析,亦傾向於支持管理能力對台灣製造廠商之國際化程度與績效的關係有一正向的調節效果。亦即廠商的管理能力可以調節 (moderate) 國際化與廠商績效的關係,在面對海外市場擴張所面臨的複雜度增加,廠商若能適時調整其管理能力,即使處於高度國際化的狀況,亦能保有優良的廠商績效;反之,若廠商之國際化程度仍未達國際化之最適點,但其管理能力始終沒有在海外市場擴張的過程中做適時的調整,亦有可能產生績效不佳的狀況。因此,支持本研究所提出的第三個研究命題。
整體而言,本論文於第三章至第七章量化研究獲得國際化程度與產品差異化能力對廠商績效一致的結果;透過第八章的質化研究,亦達成管理能力於國際化與廠商績效間關係的釐清。因此本論文的完成亦讓研究者對於台灣企業的國際化程度、產品差異化能力及管理能力,在影響廠商績效的議題上有更豐富的認識與瞭解。 / Internationalization has been the focus to the business and academic communities for years. Actively entering foreign markets for most firms in Taiwan, a small-opened economy, has become a must in the globalized economy. Does internationalization bring better performance for business? Most empirical studies found that internationalization increases firms’ benefits; however, some researchers argued that there are limited the benefits associated with firms’ internationalization. Furthermore, it has been suggested that there’s no significant relationship between internationalization and firm’s performance. That seemed a tendency for researchers to argue that “capability for product differentiation” is the key to profitability.
Comparing with multinational corporations (MNCs) from western developed countries, the sizes of Taiwanese firms are much smaller. What kind of capabilities for product differentiation, in addition to the internationalization, could contribute to their performance? So far researchers have different views. On top of that, when excusing the issue, most studies still focused on firms, mostly MNCs, from the developed countries, few has looked into the behaviors of firms from developing countries. This study bridges this gap and proposes the following research questions: (1) Does internationalization affect performance firms from newly industrialized economies, such as Taiwan? (2) Besides internationalization, what characteristics of firms in Taiwan contribute to their performance?
Managerial capability truly plays an important role in firms’ internationalization process; however, previous studies did not pay much attention on this construct. Also, higher levels of internationalization does not necessary bring positive impact on firms’ performance. To maintain better performance, firms need to adjust as well as adapt their managerial capabilities during their foreign market expansion process. Understanding the relationship between managerial capability and international expansion helps us to shed new light on the inconsistency findings of past empirical studies. Thus, the third research question tries to understand the moderating role of managerial capability on the relationship between internationalization and firms’ performance.
The study reviews related literatures on internationalization, capability for product differentiation, and managerial capability in terms of above mentioned research questions. After deriving three main research propositions, this study employs both quantitative and qualitative research designs to answer the research questions by taking Taiwanese manufacture firms as research samples.
For the purpose of triangulation, this study examines propositions 1 and 2 by different sample profiles including cross-sectional and longitudinal data. They are: (1) 564 large manufacture firms (chapter 3); (2) 170 Taiwan Stock Exchange Market listed electronics firms (chapter 4); (3) 3,194 small and medium-sized enterprises (chapter 5); (4) 601 small and medium-sized textile firms and 818 small and medium-sized electronics firms (chapter 6), and (5) 275 (825 observations) large and 322 (966 observations) small and medium-sized firms for three periods (i.e., 1986, 1991, and 1996) (chapter 7). The first two main findings are: (1) the relationship between internationalization and performance could be graphically depicted as an inverted U-shaped curve, and (2) a positive relationship between capability for product differentiation in terms of R&D intensity and performance regardless of firm size and industry. Thus, our findings support the first two propositions.
According to the U-shaped result of quantitative analysis, this study explores the relationship among managerial capability, internationalization, and performance by conducting three in-depth company interviews. The firms, including an unlisted hand tool firm, a medium-sized OTC textile firm, and one large listed electronics firm, represent a mix of companies. The third main findings tend to support that managerial capability has a positive moderating effect between internationalization and performance. If firms could adapt or adjust their managerial capabilities to handle the complexity during their foreign market expansion process at the right timing, they could still enjoy better performance with higher levels of internationalization. On the contrary, the complexity associated with high-level of internationalization will burn out the managers and eventually lead to poor performance. Thus, the result supports the third proposition.
In summary, on the one hand, the study confirms the relationship among internationalization, capability for product differentiation, and firm’s performance through quantitative analyses in chapters 3 to 7. This study also identifies the moderating effect of managerial capability on the relationship between internationalization and firm’s performance through a qualitative analysis in chapter 8. Theoretically speaking, this dissertation provides better understanding on the relationship among internationalization, capability for product differentiation, managerial capability, and performance of Taiwanese firms.
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我國政府商業e化推動策略之探討 -以流通業與物流業為例 / An Examination of Government E-Commerce Promotion Policy in Taiwan – Evidence from Retailing Industry&Logistics IndustryAn Examination of Government E-Commerce Promotion Policy in Taiwan – Evidence from Retailing Industry&Logistics Industry張永美, Chang,Yung-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
商業司自民國90年起推動「商業e化輔導推動計畫」至民國93年止已輔導了127個體系,共由127家受輔導廠商及其帶動上線企業26,641家接受政府補助進行各項B2B需求鏈的e化應用,如電子採購(e-Procurement)、電子帳務處理(e-Payment)、企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning)、協同規劃/預測/補貨系統(Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment)等。
1. 針對帶動上線企業之問卷調查與分析,暸解其持續上線狀況,e化效益,e化交易金額比重,e化困難點,e化滿意度並給予企業提出相關建議等。
2. 依據帶動上線企業各項問卷普查及意見彙整後,再提供受輔導廠商予以回覆,並了解關鍵性績效指標之改善或提升程度。
3. 針對回卷率特別偏低或高,或無持續上線率偏高,或持續上線率高,之受輔導廠商進行深度個案訪談。
4. 佐以商業司主辦的各項會議之專家意見
本研究綜合上述各項調查、個案訪談、意見彙總,除瞭解政府商業e化推動措施對流通業及物流業之效益外,亦針對政府、流通業及資服業提出建議,希望能在產官學研的共同努力下,利用e化提升我國流通業之競爭力。 / Industries in Taiwan have been facing severe competition in the global marketplace since Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). E-Commerce is touted as the necessary technology and management innovation for the retailing industry in Taiwan to improve its productivity and competitiveness. Since most retailers in Taiwan are small and medium firms, they frequently lack sufficient resource to implement E-Commerce. Consequently, government must provide the retailers with necessary support and guidance to upgrade their E-Commerce practices.
The Department of Commerce (DOC) in Taiwan has been actively assisting the retailers with their e-commerce implementation. Between 2001 and 2004, DOC embarked on the “E-Commerce Promotion and Assistance Plan” and successfully established 127 E-Commerce systems, sponsored 127 firms who subsequently involved 26,641 affiliated firms downstream to implement various B2B programs, including e-Procurement, e-Payment, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Collaborative Planning, Forecasting & Replenishment (CPFR).
The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of DOC’s current E-Commerce policy for supporting the retailers in Taiwan. To collect necessary information, this study surveyed 42 systems, 42 sponsored firms and 5,697 affiliated firms, visited several individual retailers, and interviewed a few industry experts. The following is the research procedure followed by this study.
1. Based on the completed questionnaires from the affiliated firms, this study analyzed and studied the progress, effectiveness, sales contribution, difficulties, and satisfaction of their E-Commerce implementation. Accordingly, several suggestions for improvement were proposed.
2. The feedback from the affiliated firms was provided to those sponsored firms for adjusting their future E-Commerce strategies.
3. Identified several sponsored firms who had either low or high usage of the established E-Commerce programs and conducted in-depth interviews to understand the success and failure of the implementation.
4. Solicited expert opinions from a few DOC-sponsored meetings.
With valuable information collected from the above sources, this study intends to shed light in the effectiveness of the government’s current E-Commerce policy. Additionally, this study hopes to provide suggestions to the government, the retailing industry, and the IT industry for improving the practice of E-Commerce and ultimately the global competitiveness of the retailing industry in Taiwan.
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品牌進入策略之初探與分析-以台灣食品廠商為例 / The Analysis of Brand Entery Strategy for Food Industry in Taiwan盧玉慧, Lu,Yui-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
再利用個案分析的結果,歸納出現有廠商進入新市場所採取的品牌進入策略類型為「自創品牌進入策略」、「共創品牌進入策略」及「信任建立式品牌進入策略」。並詳細說明各品牌進入策略的特性及成因,並據此提出相關命題。最後本研究再以行銷交換成本為構面,針對不同的品牌進入策略提出建議的解決模式。 / With liberalized economic system the scope of corporate brands has also been expanded to international markets. Simultaneously, the paradigm shift in competitive advantage makes exertion of brand equity more critical, which is an internal factor considered by entry mode. Thus, the issue concerning “how to enter markets efficiently by brand equity” is highly stressed. Currently, many in-depth researches of entry mode and brand strategy dimensions have been conducted in academic field, yet rather few have been made on this issue. To fill the theoretical gap, the research uses qualitative methodology by interviewing food companies in Taiwan for through discussion.
First, in order to distinguish the relationship between brand equity and efficiency of market entry, the research analyzes relationship between brand equity and exchange problems in literature review, while systematically explain how brand equity affects exchange costs via Chiou’s (2006) marketing 4C analytical framework. Identical framework is adopted in case studies to discuss problem solving abilities and brand entry strategy of five representative food companies.
Then according to results of case studies, the research summarizes brand entry strategy types adopted by current companies when entering new markets, categorizing as “private label entry strategy”, “ co-brand entry strategy” and “trust-establishing brand entry strategy”, and elaborating on characteristics and causes of each brand’s entry strategy to come up with hypothesis. Finally, the research uses marketing exchange cost as dimension, providing suggested solution models of entry strategies for different brands.
Key words: Brand Entry Strategy, Brand Equity, Private Label, Co-brand, Food Company.
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觸控產業行銷策略之探討-以台灣、大陸及日本觸控廠商為例吳誌雄, Wu, Nelson Unknown Date (has links)
而水平多角化廠商則是採取比較特殊的行銷評估準則,將產品定位列為最重要的行銷評估準則。強調可以整合現有客戶端的觸控既有的產品規格與水平多角化觸控廠商的產品作一定程度的結合,以建立廣義的產品專屬資產。 / This research to Taiwan, China and Japan of touch panel industry for research of object, according to Professsor Jyh-Shen Chiou (2010) proposed of 4C strategic marketing as theory of schema, and according to AHP analysis model, will analylze the object and criteria for marketing target, and while started assessment to different of touch panel industry including professional touch panel manufacturers, vertical integration manufacturer and horizontal diversification manufacturers to made 4C overall and the individual cross compared matrix of analysis together with the assessment guidelines of relative weight, To serve as an effective marketing strategy formulation, overall touch panel industry and professional touch manufacturers in the higher weight and consistency of 4C marketing perspective, marketing strategies using the sequence (from large to small) are as follows: cost of moral hazard(C3), cost of specific asset(C4), unit cost/utility(C1), and cost of information search(C2). The weight of individual manufacturers guidelines for assessing types of marketing analysis, benevolence , reduce the total cost, and product specific asset are the highest weight of assessment criteria. Especially the whole touch panel industry recognizes benevolence as the most important assessment criteria level. Horizontal diversification manufacturers are quite special to keep product positioning as the most important marketing assessment criteria.
In addition, the professional touch manufacturers attach considerable importance to honor its contractual commitments (can do) and increasing utility of the buyer. Attention to honor its contractual commitments is mainly because of the high customer specifications, to undertake to fully meet the customer's requirements or exceed our customers ' expectations, which had obvious help for future long-term cooperation.
Vertical-integration manufacturers are particularly strengthened with customers to establish an effective personnel specific asset because this type of firms mainly extends on both LCD partnership, again increasing cooperation between the touch panel, a major marketing strategy can build on existing senior management staff between exclusive is the most effective.
Horizontal diversification manufacturers are taking product positioning as the most important marketing assessment criteria to establish a broad product-specific assets.
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全球前四大PC廠商經營策略變化之研究 / The Study Of Golbal Big-4 PC Company's Strategic Managent - 1997~1998賴淑華, Lai, Shu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
1. 採相關多角化經營策略來分散風險,作法是檢視公司所擁有的有形/無形的資源或資產裡,有那一些可運用在可見的未來環境裡,成為有潛力或發展性的產品或服務,尤其要朝技術升級方向思考。
2. 在PC產業愈來愈成熟的情況之下,產品也會愈趨於標準化,因此為了追求降低成本,需到生產成本較低的地方生產。另一方面,消費者需求多變而複雜,因此為了快速提供符合市場需求的產品或服務,也必須進行海外投資,以靠近市場,所以必須國際化。
3. 將資源集中在最有把握的領域,以精耕、深耕的方式耕耘市場,提供符合該市場需求的產品或服務,採取重點區域經營的策略。
第一章 緒論 1
一、研究動機與目的 1
二、研究範圍 2
三、研究方法與架構 2
四、研究限制 6
第二章 外在環境分析 7
第一節 1995年至1996年之PC產業環境分析 7
一、1995年至1996年之PC 發展動向 7
二、1995年至1996年之PC廠商的排名 9
第二節1997至1998年之PC產業環境分析 10
一、1997年至1998年之PC 發展動向 10
二、1997年至1998年全球PC市場概況 12
三、1997年至1998年之PC廠商的排名 20
四、1997年至1998年間各區域市場的發展 22
第三節 1998年後之個人電腦產業發展趨勢 27
一、PC未來重要性不變,但走向低價、高效能 28
二、後PC時代 29
三、Y2K、Windows 2000與Intel發表新產品的影響 31
四、網際網路與電子商務發展快速 32
五、3C 整合 33
六、亞太PC市場復甦在望 33
七、移動式運算(Mobile Computing)漸漸盛行 34
第三章 全球前四大PC廠商之簡介與優劣勢分析 35
第一節 Compaq 電腦公司簡介 35
一、Compaq電腦公司現況簡介: 35
二、Compaq電腦公司發展沿革 36
三、Compaq電腦公司營收狀況 38
四、Compaq電腦公司組織與成長 40
五、Compaq電腦公司的條件與目標 43
第二節 IBM 公司簡介 48
一、IBM公司現況簡介: 48
二、IBM公司發展沿革 49
三、IBM公司營收狀況 52
四、IBM公司組織與成長 56
五、IBM公司的條件與目標 56
第三節 HP公司簡介 61
一、HP公司現況簡介: 61
二、HP公司發展沿革 62
三、HP公司營收狀況 65
四、HP公司組織與成長 68
五、HP公司的條件與目標 70
第四節DELL電腦公司簡介 75
一、DELL電腦公司現況簡介: 75
二、DELL電腦公司發展沿革 76
三、DELL電腦公司營收狀況 78
四、DELL電腦公司組織與成長 81
五、DELL電腦公司的條件與目標 82
第四章 全球前四大PC廠商之策略型態分析 88
第一節Compaq電腦公司的策略型態分析 88
一、Compaq電腦公司策略型態 89
二、Compaq電腦公司的功能政策 90
第二節IBM公司的策略型態分析 101
一、IBM公司的策略形態 101
二、IBM公司的功能政策 102
第三節HP公司的策略型態分析 113
一、HP公司的策略形態 113
二、HP公司的功能政策 114
第四節DELL電腦公司的策略型態分析 122
一、DELL電腦公司的策略形態 122
二、DELL電腦公司的功能政策 123
第五章 結論與建議 136
第一節 各公司之經營策略分析 136
一、產品/價格策略矩陣分析 136
二、各公司之接單生產與通路組裝策略矩陣分析 144
三、各公司之經銷模式分析 149
四、各公司之購併策略與公司整體策略分析 155
五、對各公司在1997年至1998年之營運策略之看法 161
第二節 各公司之未來發展動向 168
一、Compaq電腦公司的未來發展動向 169
二、IBM電腦公司之未來發展動向 178
三、HP電腦公司之未來發展動向 184
四、DELL 電腦公司之未來發展動向 191
第三節 各公司策略動向對臺灣廠商策略之影響與建議 197
一、各公司策略動向對我國系統廠商策略之影響 197
二、各公司策略動向對我國資訊產品代工廠商策略之影響 198
三、臺灣廠商的的優勢 213
四、臺灣廠商的未來因應做法與建議 217
五、例證說明臺灣廠商的做法 218
參考文獻 227
一、參考書目 227
二、期刊 228
三、線上新聞 230
四、網站 230
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