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高科技廠商的存活風險分析:以竹科廠商為例 / Survival Analysis of the Hi-Tech Firms: A Case Study of the Hsinchu Science Park王盈智, Wang, Ying Chih Unknown Date (has links)
既有研究多半強調竹科成功的要素,但往往會使我們將目光只放在成功廠商,而忽視廠商退出竹科的現象,又或者未正視高科技產業的特質之一:高風險,因此本研究將試圖運用事件史分析來捕捉在竹科特殊的產業生態中,高科技產業其風險的真正面貌,並運用資源基礎、資源依賴以及組織生態學的觀點來探討竹科的不同廠商所涉風險之影響因素。 / The Hsinchu science park has made remarkable contributions to Taiwan’s development, so far as statistics in 2006, the annual sales volume takes up 35% of the national industrial production volume, nearly 10% of Taiwan’s GDP, it also accounts for 8% of the national export trade. The employment of the Hsinchu science park takes up 1.2% of the total employment of Taiwan. Its significant importance is easy to be understood fully at a glance, so the survival of firms in the Hsinchu science park interweaved with Taiwan’s society and development. Firm exit not only makes the working opportunity deficient, but also affect the usage of policy resources and the socio-economic development of Taiwan.
Academic researches about the Hsinchu science park only emphasized the successful element, placed sight on the successful manufacturer, and ignored the phenomenon that some firms have exited from the Hsinchu science park. Actually, one characteristic of the Hi-Tech industry was high risk. So this research will attempt to use the event history analysis to realize firm survival in the Hsinchu science park, catch the real risk of Hi-Tech industry and understand the important factor that effect firm exit from the Hsinchu science park through resource-based theory, resource dependency theory, and organizational ecology perspective.
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高科技產業分析架構研究-以LCD產業為例洪崑欽 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以產業經濟學的產業結構-廠商行為-績效(Structure—Conduct—Performance, S-C-P)理論,為主要的分析架構,再配合Porter的五力分析架構,價值鏈分析和國家優勢競爭之鑽石模型概念分析台灣的LCD產業。希望透過研究的過程,找出一套適用於LCD產業的產業分析架構。在實務上希望能夠作為業者擬定企業競爭策略及政府擬定產業政策的參考。由於本研究有其研究的限制,本文也開列出後續研究的建議,希望提供後者更進一步的研究方向。
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運用網際網路提升企業客戶價值–以個人電腦廠商為例 / Use internet to enhance enterprise client's value - Case study of personal computer companies洪李竹, Li-tsu Hong Unknown Date (has links)
一、 個人電腦廠商運用網際網路,可以提升的企業客戶網際網路特定價值,主要在於(一)成本的降低;(二)反應速度的增加與作業流程的縮短兩項
二、 個案廠商善用目前網際網路技術與特性,提升其企業客戶的價值,其線上銷售的比重也日漸增加,並且朝向地區與顧客客製化的方向邁進
三、 四家個案廠商在網際網路運用上主要的差異在於(一)網際網路定位差異–本身運用於產品服務的銷售,或視為「資訊服務」提供給企業客戶。(二)銷售通路策略的差異
四、 個人電腦廠商網際網路的運用和實體業務活動相配合,提供企業客戶較高的價值
五、 個人電腦廠商運用網際網路配合直銷模式能提升企業客戶較高的價值
圖目錄 5
表目錄 7
第一章 緒論 9
第一節 研究背景與動機 9
第二節 研究目的與問題 11
第三節 論文組織結構 12
第二章 文獻整理 13
第一節 個人電腦業概況 13
壹、個人電腦業的發展歷程 13
貳、產業現況 14
參、銷售通路 15
肆、未來趨勢 17
伍、個人電腦業技術特性 18
陸、個人電腦產品特性 20
柒、個人電腦業文獻小結 22
第二節 網際網路相關文獻探討 23
壹、全球資訊網與網際網路的特性 23
貳、網站做為行銷通路 28
參、網站經營模式 31
肆、網站應用於一對一行銷 34
伍、企業與企業間的電子商務 36
陸、網站顧客服務 41
柒、網站經營的關鍵成功因素 42
捌、網際網路虛擬社群的經營 48
玖、網路技術發展與趨勢 50
拾、網際網路運用小結 51
第三節 企業客戶價值相關文獻 52
壹、顧客價值的學術定義 52
貳、顧客價值的構面 56
參、價值鏈與星系價值網 67
肆、顧客價值的創造與提升 69
伍、顧客價值管理 73
陸、企業客戶價值文獻小結 74
捌、 本章小結 77
【本章註釋】 81
第三章 研究方法 83
第一節 研究架構與變數說明 83
壹、 研究架構 83
貳、 變數說明 84
第二節 研究設計與資料搜集 87
壹、 研究範圍 87
貳、 研究對象的選取 88
參、 資料蒐集方式 89
第三節 研究流程 95
第四章 個案廠商介紹與分析 97
第一節 康柏電腦 97
壹、 個案廠商背景介紹 97
貳、 網際網路與企業客戶的策略定位 101
參、 公司網站提供產品與服務的運用 107
肆、公司網站蒐集企業客戶回饋機制 112
伍、企業客戶個案 113
第二節 IBM 115
壹、 個案廠商背景介紹 115
貳、 網際網路與企業客戶價值的策略定位 118
參、公司網站提供產品與服務運用情形 127
肆、公司網站蒐集企業客戶回饋機制 131
伍、企業客戶個案 132
第三節 DELL電腦 136
壹、 個案廠商背景介紹 136
貳、 網際網路與企業客戶價值的策略定位 143
參、 公司網站提供產品與服務運用情形 150
肆、 公司網站接受企業客戶回饋的運用情形 156
伍、 企業客戶個案分析 158
第四節 惠普科技 160
壹、 個案廠商背景介紹 160
貳、 網際網路與企業客戶價值的策略定位 163
參、 公司網站提供產品與服務運用情形 177
肆、 公司網站接受企業客戶回饋的運用情形。 181
伍、企業客戶個案分析 181
第五章 個案綜整與研究發現 185
第一節 個案比較分析 185
壹、 個案基本資料 185
貳、網際網路與企業客戶價值的策略定位 186
參、網站或網際網路技術所提供之產品與服務 188
肆、企業客戶回饋資訊 191
第二節 研究發現 193
第六章 結論與建議 201
第一節 研究發現 201
第二節 研究限制 203
第三節 建議 205
參考文獻 207
一、 中文部份 207
二、 英文部分 208
個案引用文獻 211
附錄A 217
個案廠商企業網站全球各地運用情形整理表 217
附錄B 個案廠商詢問信件回覆情形記錄 228
附錄C 各個案廠商與台灣廠商代工關係 230 / Much of the current expansion in internet use is accelerated by the emergence of the World Wide Web. In short time , the number of web sites and population is increasing rapidly. And the using of internet promises to transform the business operation, especially in business-to-business market . Personal computer companies are facing keen competition, for the standard of CPU and software platform is controlled by companies like Intel and Microsoft, so manufacturing of personal computers is creating fewer and fewer value. So personal computer companies need to find new sources of value differentiation.
The research try to observe and analysis how personal computer companies use internet to enhance their enterprise clients' value, and answer the following questions: (1)What enterprise clients' value can personal computer companies create by using internet ? ; (2)What is the similarities and differences of how personal computer companies use internet? ; (3)How personal computer companies should use internet to enhance higher enterprise clients' value?
Findings of the research
● The internet specific enterprise clients' values personal computer companies can enhance by using internet are the reduction of cost, the increase of reaction speed and simplification of operation procedure.
● The case personal computer companies can use internet well to enhance enterprise clients' value. The increasing of online sale proportion and customizing by area and customer differentiation is the main trend.
● The difference of internet usage between case companies is the focus on using internet as channel of products and services or providing internet technology to enterprise clients as a "information service".
● Personal computer companies can enhance higher enterprise clients' value by matching their operation activities with internet strategy.
● With direct model, personal computer companies can enhance higher enterprise clients' value
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應用軟體銷售模式探討─以企業客戶為例黃文德, Huang, Wen Te Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以企業用戶為探討對象,經過國內外文獻資料與相關市場調查的蒐集,並整理目前軟體產業中成功代表個案,包含:微軟、Salesforces.com、Apple iTunes 線上音樂以及Google,彙整其競爭優勢、策略與挑戰,藉此進一步探討不同軟體銷售模式發展下行銷通路的變化、各類應用軟體適用的銷售模式分析、以及多元軟體銷售機制對軟體廠商與消費者的影響。
針對上述議題,本研究以提升顧客價值為觀點,提出以下六點結論,以期作為軟體廠商擬定公司行銷策略之參考與依據,與及企業用戶訂定軟體採購的方針。這六點結論如下所敘:(1)不同銷售模式有著不同的銷售通路,因此採用對的銷售模式及銷售通路,將有助於軟體廠商進入新的市場;(2)整體擁有成本低、功能變動小、諮商維護需求低,且對企業效益不高的軟體產品,適用於一次買斷軟體銷售模式;(3) 當產品使用人數少,但對產品功能的維護、更新需求高時,建議企業採取依使用人次配合固定租金無限使用模式;(4)當對該軟體產品之使用效益評估尚不明確時,建議企業可先採取依使用量計價的模式;(5)建議既有軟體廠商可善用多元銷售模式與傳統買斷式、大量授權銷售模式的整合,積極與顧客建立長期關係;(6)軟體廠商應不斷精益求精,提供更好的服務品質。 / Today's software vendors must consider a wide assortment of licensing models to maintain the competitive edge on the marketplace instead of solely resource investment on either R&D or sales channel. Traditionally perpetual licensing selling model characterized by large, upfront costs is still the major software selling model, however, several non-perpetual licensing models (i.e. term licensing) like subscription and utility pricing, defined as pay-as-you-go pricing based on a fixed or variable metric are gaining attention.
To better understand different licensing selling model approach toward the enterprise customers, and the their impacts on channel ecosystem, selling advantage and the connection between enterprise buyers and software vendors, the study has elaborated recent marketing researches and celebrity cases in the market. The cases we went through include Microsoft, Salesforce.com, Apple and Google.
Base on the core principle of “customer value”, the study has identified 6 takeaways that can be used by both software vendors and enterprise customers for marketing strategy planning and procurement tactics implementation. Below are the 6 takeaways.
1.Different licensing models come with different selling channels; an appropriate licensing model adoption will effectively help software vendors to penetrate to new market.
2.The perpetual licensing model is more suitable to the software applications whose characteristics are low TCO, infrequent function update and few maintenance effort
3.Subscription model is a choice for the software applications that have frequent function updates, high maintenance effort but use by few people daily
4.Pay-as-you-go pricing model for usage will benefit to enterprise customers when the ROI of software application they are using is unclear
5.Existing market players of software application will be paid back from long-term customer relation by aggressively deploying multiple licensing models (perpetual and term licensing) together
6.Face competitive challenge of revenue stream and future growth, Software vendors not only should continuously work on better-for-customer products and services for enterprise customers, a better-for-customer pricing model development are a crucial pivot point as well.
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廠商回應環境管理規範之研究 / Firm Responses To Environmental Regulations梁晉嘉, Liang, Chin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
許多環境管理績效研究顯示廠商會受到許多內外部利害關係人的影響而促使廠商採行環境管理作為以提高環境管理績效。影響廠商行為的利害關係人有不同的類型(Freeman, 1984),在環境管理議題方面,主要影響廠商行為的利害關係人有四種類型,分別為:規範性、組織性、社區和媒體(Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999)。其中規範性利害關係人對廠商環境管理行為的影響深遠(Cordano, Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010)。其次,股東也是對廠商環境管理行為具有影響力的利害關係人(Flammer, 2013)。再者,Kassinis and Vafeas (2006)發現在美國,社區型利害關係人壓力有助於提昇工廠的環境管理績效水準。然而,既有研究尚未清楚探討,利害關係人對新興經濟體廠商實際污染行為產生是否影響?據此,關於利害關係人與廠商實際環境污染行為的實證,本研究發現,本國大股東、國外法人股東,和已開發國家客戶等利害關係人的壓力皆會正向影響廠商實際環境污染行為。然而,設置獨立董事會導致廠商實際環境污染行為機率提高的實證結果,本研究將深入討論。
最後,本研究以微觀基礎架構去剖析廠商回應利害關係人要求,發展出符合環境管理規範的回應能力。本研究透過個案研究與內容分析等方式,區分出三種類型環境管理規範,分別是技術應用型環境管理規範、專業知識型環境管理規範,和跨領域專業知識型環境管理規範。針對不同類型的環境管理規範,廠商也發展出三種類型環境管理規範回應能力,分別是:單一部門整合回應能力、跨部門整合回應能力,和跨領域整合回應能力,並進一步討論不同環境管理規範和廠商環境管理規範回應能力的關係,以及說明研究限制和後續建議。 / There are many environmental management performance studies have shown that many firms will be affected by internal and external stakeholders, their pressures force firms to improve their environmental management performance as they adopt environmental management act. Different stakeholders’ pressures influence the behavior of firm (Freeman, 1984). To environmental management issues, there are four types of stakeholders may affect firm’s behavior, namely: normative, organizational, community and media (Henriques and Sadorsky, 1999). The normative stakeholder influence firm’s environmental management act deeply (Cordano , Marshall And Silverman 2010; 2010 Darnall, Heniques and Sadorsky, 2010) . In addition, shareholders also influence firm’s environmental management actions (Flammer, 2013). Kassinis and Vafeas (2006) found that in the United States, community-based stakeholders improve factory’s environmental management performance. However, the relationship between stakeholder’s pressures and emerging markets firm’s actual pollution behavior has not been clear.
Relationships between Stakeholders and firm’s actual pollution behavior, our empirical findings show that home country’s major shareholders, foreign institutional shareholders, and developed country customers may positively improve actual pollution behavior of emerging market firm. However, firm with independent board directors may lead to increase firm’s actual pollution behavior; we also have intensely discussion to this empirical result.
Finally, this study use the micro-foundation framework to demonstrate firm’s development of environmental management regulation’ responding capacities. This study uses case studies and content analysis to distinguish three types of environmental management regulations, which are technology applied environmental management regulation, professional knowledge-based environmental management regulation, and interdisciplinary knowledge-based environmental management regulation. With different types of environmental management regulations, firm developed three types’ capabilities to respond to those environmental management regulations, namely: single department's intergation ability to fit enrionmental management regulations, cross-department integration capability to fit emvironmental management resulations, and interdisciplinary integration capability to fit environmental management regulatuons, then we discuss the relationships between different types of environmental management regulations and firm’s integration capability to fit environmental regulations. Research limitations and future research issues also discussed.
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產品品質、市場規模與貿易政策:異質廠商貿易模型的詮釋 / Product Quality, Market Size and Trade Policy under Heterogeneous Firm Trade Model林學宏, Lin, Shiue Hung Unknown Date (has links)
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廠商特性與行銷創新之關係 - 台灣地區零售業之實證分析 / Relationships between Firm Characteristics and Marketing Innovation – An Empirical Study of the Retail Industry in Taiwan洪宗瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
3.當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含消費者時,除了產品展示方式/管道的創新之外,此項廠商特性對於廠商進行其他五種類型的行銷創新皆有正向影響。當零售業廠商主要顧客類型包含非母企業集團之其他公司時,本研究結論無足夠證據支持其對進行此六種行銷創新是否有正向或負向之影響。當零售業廠商的主要顧客類型包含政府單位時,對於進行產品展示方式/管道的創新有正向影響。 / This research is to study the market innovation of the retail industry in Taiwan. Previous researches had rarely studied on the relationship between firm characteristics and market innovation. This research uses an empirical method to investigate the relationship between characteristics of retail firms in Taiwan and market innovation.
This research first finds out what sorts of market innovation that the firms in the Taiwan retail industry tend to do, then identifies the relationship between firm characteristics and marketing innovation, and finally investigate the impacts of customer types and market area upon market innovations of these retail firms by probit regression model.
The main findings of this research are in the following.
I. Firms in the Taiwan retail industries have higher level of market innovation in every aspect as compared to firms in other service industries. The ranking of the percentage of each sort of market innovation, from high to low, is as follows: channel, design, promotion, display, package, and pricing.
II. The increase of the number of overseas markets will contribute to higher level of five sorts of market innovation, except for the pricing innovation. In other words, the higher the retail firms’ market area, the more likely the firms will have marketing innovation.
III. If the retail firms’ major customers include final consumers, firms are more likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation, except for the display innovation. If the major customers include the government, retail firms are more likely to have display innovation, but less likely to have channel, design, promotion, package, and pricing innovation.
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日本汽車產業跨國策略聯盟的動態演進楊謹嘉, Yang, Chin-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
一、 持股性跨國策略聯盟有助於合作公司進行原企業模式的再思考。
二、 跨國聯盟選擇伙伴時應選擇具核心價值觀不抵觸、並具有誠意進行文化調和的公司。
三、 策略聯盟可藉由跨公司中階管理團隊的由中至上決策模式,來確保聯盟的設計與執行不會產生落差。
四、 即使是同一產業內的聯盟,也會因公司本身能力、管理風格的相異而使聯盟作法呈現不同樣貌。
五、 汽車產業的策略聯盟廠商所追求的綜效,傾向由追求規模經濟帶來的成本效益轉而追求產品競爭能力的提升。
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公營廠商民營化的最適釋股比例分析―考慮租稅的情況 / The optimal government shareholdings in public enterprises in the process of privatization within tax evasion economy林宛儀 Unknown Date (has links)
邱俊榮與黃鴻 (2006) 一文在忽略租稅負擔的情況下,探討公營廠商民營化的最適釋股比例問題,文中發現:在開放體系下,廠商邊際成本固定並採Cournot數量競爭,唯在公營廠商生產效率較民營廠商生產效率低時政府才有動機將產業民營化,然而實際上租稅負擔會影響到廠商的有效邊際成本,進而影響其產出決策,最後再影響民營化的最適釋股比例。有鑑於此,本文在邱俊榮與黃鴻 (2006) 一文中導入利潤稅制與公司稅制,別探討此二種稅制的引進如何影響到最適的釋股比例。文中發現:利潤稅的存在將提高政府的最適釋股比例,而且最適釋股比例隨著稅率增加而增加,不過,在利潤稅制下唯在公營廠商生產效率較民營廠商生產效率低時政府才有動機將產業民營化。然而,公司稅對於最適釋股比例影響方向並不明確。比較有趣的是,在公司稅制下即使公營廠商生產效率與民營廠商相同,政府仍有動機將產業民營化,此部份有異於邱俊榮與黃鴻 (2006) 一文所獲致的結果。
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台灣DRAM製造廠商風險管理問題之研究-以案例研討為中心 / CASE STUDY ON THE RISK MANAGEMENT OF DRAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY IN tAIWAN郭頴彥, Kuo, Ying-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀初的經濟不景氣橫掃了全球的DRAM製造產業,讓全世界的DRAM製造產商大賠了120億美金,國內廠商受傷尤其嚴重,甚至發生公司債之債務不履行事件,國內廠商岌岌可危。本論文主要係以案例探討之方式,研究國內DRAM製造廠商之經營模式、產業特性與風險管理問題,尤其在面對國際間產業劇烈之競爭下,國內之DRAM製造商的經營條件比國際大廠更為艱困,例如:金融環境、政府支援程度、生產規模、技術自主問題等與國外廠商皆有一段差距,因此在經營上所面對之風險與其他國家製造商相較,其實更為險峻。 / 本文以案例公司發生公司債之債務不履行事件為切入點,深入地了解一家在本國企業中屬於中大型企業之DRAM製造公司,為何會有債務不履行之情況發生?其近因似為案例公司在財務上過度倚賴公司債為籌資工具,且公司債之到期或轉換公司債之履約期間過於密集,以致產生流動性問題,然而其遠因乃在於DRAM產品價格快速的滑落,廠商缺乏適當的風險管理工具及機制以應付DRAM之價格風險。DRAM產品為成本競爭導向之標準產品,成本競爭來自於生產良率、製程微縮與新建更大尺寸廠房,當每家廠商都競逐於經濟規模以降低成本時產業會變得不穩定而暴起暴落,在產品價格處於高點時,所有廠商將產能利用率(稼動率)推到最高,此時因產能稼動率高,因此平均每單位晶片之生產成本較低,所以廠商獲利頗豐,並可輕易自資本市場取得資金擴充產能;等到市場供過於求,產品價格下跌處於低點時,廠商只好減產以降低損失,在其他條件不變下,此時因產能稼動率低,因此平均每單位晶片之生產成本反而較產品價格好時還要高,產品價格下跌所帶來的巨額損失,對廠商的虧損有乘數效果,此時廠商在資本市場或銀行等間接金融市場都不容易籌措到資金,本文以案例公司所面對之風險管理問題,提供幾個避險之建議,其中包括金融業、政府等應該能夠扮演更積極的角色,創造共贏共榮的局面,並避免類似之事件再發生,此為本文最大之貢獻。
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