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電信私有化的政治邏輯︰以英國、俄羅斯與台灣為例 / Political logic of telecom privatization in UK, Russia and Taiwan羅彥傑 Unknown Date (has links)
作者發現,從英國、俄羅斯與台灣電信私有化過程的實際表現而言,理念、制度與利益確實能解釋三國在電信私有化進展速度、成功機率與順暢性上的差異。換言之,若欲迅速、成功與順利推動電信私有化,端視該國的理念、制度與利益而定。雖然理念不易改變,但政府可先從制度與利益著手。制度對電信私有化政策發揮「制度承諾」的效果,而利益則扮演策略性誘因的角色,對電信私有化政策發揮「利益分配」的效果。尤其,利益分配愈普遍、愈讓全民與電信員工有利可圖,電信私有化愈能獲得市場與投資人認同,愈能化解阻力。本研究建議,政府應逆向思考,唯有在首次釋股時先「賤賣」電信資產給全民與員工,電信私有化方能順利推動。 / Privatization has become international and interregional phenomena since 1980s. Among the privatizations of all state-owned and public enterprises, telecom ones can be described as one of the most political implications, facing more political resistance than others. Given the fact that the past researches mostly focused on such single approaches as ideology, institutions and interest groups, this study tries to integrate idea, institutions and interests into a political analytical framework. This study hopes to answer the key prerequisites affecting telecom privatization’s three dimensions-speed, success and smoothness, constructing the political theory of telecom privatization.
Two indicators of measuring “idea” are “telecom assets historically privately-owned” and “re-elected ruler (or ruling party)’s winning margins”. Two indicators of measuring “institutions” are “fusion of political powers” and “health of capital markets”. Two indicators of measuring “interests” are “arbitrage incentives during first shares sale” and “offering shares to individual investors and employees”. If the case is simultaneously qualified for two indicators, it means the case could perform well in that dimension, and vice versa. If the case only satisfies one indicator, it means the case could perform intermediately.
The author found that as far as the results of telecom privatizations in United Kingdom, Russia and Taiwan are concerned, idea, institutions and interests actually are able to explain the difference of the three cases in terms of speed, success and smoothness. In other words, a speedy, successful and smooth telecom privatization depends on idea, institutions and interests. Although it is difficult to change idea, the governments can begin with institutions and interests. Institutions play the “commitment” role, and interests show the “allocation” effect. In particular, the more broadly interests being allocated, and the more profitable individual investors and employees obtaining from telecom privatization, the less opposition the government encountering. The study suggests that the government think of telecom privatization reversely. Telecom privatizations can be pressed ahead smoothly only with “cheaply selling” telecom assets to individual investors and employees during first shares offering.
Keywords: Telecom privatization, idea, institution, interest, arbitrage.
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臺北縣國中新住民子女母親管教方式、自我概念與學習適應關係之研究范筱蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
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國家儀典與國民統合:日治時期台灣官方節日與儀式之研究岩口敬子 Unknown Date (has links)
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國中英語教師閱讀教學信念與實踐:兩位教師之個案研究 / Junior high school EFL teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices on reading instruction: a case study陳瑋芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討兩位國中英語教師閱讀教學信念及其課堂教學,同時分析師生課堂互動如何影響教師的課堂閱讀教學。過去研究顯示出學生對於教師的信念及教學有很大的影響,但課堂上的師生互動如何影響教師教學卻需要進一步的研究。本研究採取質性個案研究,研究過程採取訪談教師及學生和課堂觀察兩位教師的教學為主要資料蒐集來源。結果顯示教師所聲稱的閱讀教學信念與其實際課堂教學確有差異之處,而學生因素包括: (1) 學生課堂參與 (2) 學生對教授內容的理解 (3) 學生英語程度差異 (4) 學生考試壓力均影響教師調整課堂教學的內容。然而教師信念與實際教學差異卻反映了教師信念因應個別教學情境而改變的本質,同時透過教師信念研究亦凸顯了教師於課堂中真正扮演的角色。文末進一步提出相關建議,以期能作為在職教師及未來研究參考。 / The purposes of the present study are to investigate two junior high school English teachers’ beliefs and practices on reading instruction and how the teacher-student interaction in class impacts teachers’ reading instruction behaviors. Previous studies have shown the impacts of student issues on the teachers’ beliefs, but how exactly these issues interact with teachers’ in-class practices demands further investigation. The case study research, that is semi-structured interviews with participating teachers and students and classroom observations, was adopted in the present study. The results reveal that there are indeed discrepancies between the teachers’ claimed pedagogical beliefs and their in-class actions, and students’ in-class participation, their comprehension of teachers’ instruction, their diverse English proficiency levels and their examination pressure all present challenges to shape teachers’ actions in class. Nevertheless, these discrepancies between teachers’ beliefs and practice in turn reveal the situated nature of teachers’ beliefs, which help teachers develop more contextualized adjustments to meet their individual teaching contexts. Moreover, the investigation of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs make the instruction roles they play explicit. Finally, it is expected that the findings of the present study offer a new perspective to understand teachers’ beliefs and practices and provide pedagogical implications for in-service teaching profession.
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主修領域背景對大學生知識信念與學習策略的影響 / The relationship between college students' epistemological belief, learning strategy use and their major domain何宗翰, Ho, Tsung-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以自編「大學生知識信念與學習策略量表」為工具,抽取政治大學、清華大學、中興大學法商學院、台灣藝術學院與東海大學等五所大學 368 位大學生為對象,共分為自然科學領域大學生 116 人,社會科學領域大學生 141 人與人文學科領域大學生 111 人。探討主修領域背景對大學生知識信念與學習策略的影響。
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易經管理哲學之研究吳嘉欽, Wu, Jia-Qin Unknown Date (has links)
在中國傳統文化中易經為首要,是六經之首。(癸辭)亦曰: 「易與天地準。故能彌綸天地之道。」可知易經之道廣矣、大矣。清康熙皇帝其在為(日講易經解易)御制(序)中,就這樣說道: 「惟帝王道法,載在六經,而極天人,窮性命,開物前民,通變造利,則其理莫詳於(易)。(易)之為書合四聖人立象設卦繫辭焉,而廣大悉備。自音包我、神農、黃帝、堯、舜,王天下之道,咸取諸此。蓋(詩)、(書)之文,(禮)、(樂)之具,(春秋)之行,事罔不於(易)命通焉。漢班固有言,「六藝」具五常之道,而(易)為之原。若乃越諸躬行,措諸事業,有親民設教之方,有通德類情之用。恐懼修身以治身,思患豫防以維世。因而仲之,觸類而長之,而治理備矣。
就當代管理親點亦越來越重視哲學思考能力,Robert B.Denhart認為一個好個管理者與卓越的管理者的區別不在於其專門技術了而在於對自我及其環境的見識,此一見識只能透過深思熟慮的反思,經由理論才可推導出來。因此,卓越管理者所需要的技術已超過「專門技術」(Technical skill) ,這種能力是只有透過理論的素養及哲學思考才能獲得,此即「概念的技術」。易經的哲學思想就能加強此一能力的培養。在未來的管理者所面對的是一個充斥著不定變數及瞬息萬變的複雜環境,對管理工研究生而言將無疑是項艱鉅挑戰,然吾人深信管理者是可透過易經哲學思想來達到更清楚的解析,因為易經就是以簡單的支卦來作整體把握及清楚認識這宇宙中萬事萬物,透過易經哲學可以清楚認識管理問題上所面對的複雜情境,且亦提供一套整體思維及組織中自我的修養。
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山地、平地國中生場地獨立性、內外控信念與生活適應關係之研究 / A study of the field independence 、the locus of control and life adaptation among the junior middle school from mountain and plain蔡俊傑, Tsay Jiun Jye Unknown Date (has links)
,並比較性別 ( 男、女 ) ,地區 ( 山地、平地 ) 國中學生的差異情形
計分析等步驟歸納結論, 所使用的統計方法包含, 多變項變異數分析、
變異數分析、t考驗與 Scheffe' 法事後比較。三、研究工具「藏圖測驗
究結果 (一)場地獨立性方面 1.男、女國中生在場地獨立性上無顯著差異
。 2.山地、平地國中生在場地獨立性上有顯著差異;且平地國中生比山
地國中生更傾向場地獨立。 (二)內外控信念方面 1.男、女國中生在內外
控信念上有顯著差異;且女國中生比男國中生更傾向內控。 2.山地、平
內控。 (三)生活適應方面 1.男、女國中生在生活適應(個人適應、社會
適應)有顯著差異;且女國中生在生活適應( 個人適應、社會適應)比男國
中生適應較佳。 2.山地、平地國中生在生活適應(個人適應、社會適應)
有顯著差異;且平地國中生在生活適應( 個人適應、社會適應)比山地國
中生適應較佳。 (四)場地獨立性、內外控信念及生活適應的關係 1.國中
生的場地獨立性與內外控信念,在生活適應( 個人適應、社會適應 )無交
互作用。 2.場地獨立性與內外控信念無顯著相關。 3.場地獨立性與生活
適應(個人適應、社會適應)無顯著相關。 4.內外控信念與生活適應(個人
適應、社會適應)有顯著的正相關;即愈內控的人在生活適應( 個人適應
、社會適應)愈佳。 (五)「知覺--期待型式」與生活適應的關係不同「知
覺 -- 期待型式」國中生在生活適應 ( 個人適應、 社會適應) 顯著差異
;其中以「場地獨立 -- 內控」適應最為佳,其次為「場地依賴-- 內控
」, 再次為「場地依賴 -- 外控」,最後為「場地獨立 -- 外控」。和
諧組與不和諧組在生活適應 ( 個人適應、社會適應 ) 無顯著差異。五、
建議 (一)山地方面--提供優秀人才及適當的教育資源 (二)內外控信念與
場地獨立方面--採適性輔導 (三)教育方式--多鼓勵、多關懷、提供適當
自主 (四)本研究的限制及對未來的建議 1.就樣本而言--擴大取樣範圍
2.就研究變項而言--可再加入其他自變項 3.就研究工具而言--編擬適當
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德國統一後高等教育改革之研究 / Higher education reform after reunification in Germany江世琳, Chiang, Shih Lin Unknown Date (has links)
高等教育改革在20世紀後不斷推陳出新且成為國家發展的重要項目之一,世界先進國家無不投入大量的經費和研究在發展高等教育上。從德國高等教育國際化的發展來看,市場的要求成了改變高等教育的主要推動力,而各個高等學校國際化的程度也成了大眾選校和評估職業發展的標準。研究發現,德國在統一以後不但高等學校增加,大學生人數也提高,其改革的真正動機就是國際化,目的是為了維持高等教育在歐洲乃至於全球的競爭力。德國統一以後最大的高教改革特色是引入學士碩士兩階段學制以和國際接軌,同時更積極在各校推行績效責任制度和評鑑以提升教學品質和落實辦學成效,最後更藉由擴大學校的自主管理為發展學校特色的手段,用來達到競爭的目的。德國的做法其實並不異於其他國家,而波隆那進程在促進歐洲高等教育區的發展更適時地給予了德國聯邦政府這麼做的理由。德國聯邦政府為了保障其高等教育在歐洲框架下的「地位」,必須將自己放入歐洲高等教育區的系統中,讓德國高等教育的體制與歐洲其他國家的標準相互連接起來。德國聯邦政府認為歐洲高等教育區在未來會是全球化的一個縮影,而德國各邦高等學校願意妥協也是因為意識到唯有將自己放入一個競爭的系統中學校才會更具吸引力。 / Reform of higher education continued to emerge in the late 20th century and has become one of the most important developments for a country. Advanced countries around the world have invested a lot of their time in funding, researching and developing their higher educational programs. From an international point of view, the requirements of the workplace are driving the changes in higher educational programs. Indeed, the degree of internationalization in colleges and universities can also affect how a school will be judged by students wanting to develop their professional skills. This study indicates that both the number of higher educational institution and also the number of student enrollments in Germany have been increasing since Reunification. The motivation of the reform is to internationalize the higher educational system with the purpose of maintaining the competitive potential of German students. Germany has opened up access to a new bachelor-master-system in order to more readily connect students to international programs. The new evaluation and accreditation processes have been instituted in order to raise the teaching quality and to ensure the effectiveness of schools. Germany's approach is not different from other countries. The Bologna Process, which is a guideline for the European Higher Education Area, gave the German Federal Government a reason timely to modernize its higher education system. If the German Federal Government had not addressed the accords, Germany would have lost its stature and fall behind European trends and development within the European Higher Education Area. The German Federal Government is aware that the European Higher Education Area will be a small microcosm of globalization in the future, and local German colleges and universities have also realized that they can be attractive only when they put themselves into a competitive international system.
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從新聞中的偽科學報導看大學生的科學素養與媒體識讀能力 / Scientific literacy and media literacy: how college students believe pseudoscience in news王貞懿, Wang, Chen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究於台灣北、中、南、東四地區抽樣調查共1190名大學生,研究結果顯示,大學生在科學素養與媒體識讀能力的表現普通,相信偽科學的程度也不低;而就不同的偽科學信念主題來說,大學生較無法辨識以商業為主題的偽科學。本研究也發現科學素養與媒體識讀能力呈現正相關,與偽科學信念間無顯著相關,而媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念則呈負相關。同時,媒體時間接觸越長的人,其偽科學信念越高,特別是電視的影響最深。在控制多重可能影響的基本背景變項後發現,媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念為解釋偽科學新聞辨識能力的有力變項,本研究論文最後針對這些發現作進一步的討論與建議。 / The current study explores the roles of scientific literacy and media literacy in how people understand or believe the pseudoscientific content in news. Scientific literacy has been considered as an important concept in science communication research for it may explain how well people are able to understand the knowledge in news content, while media literacy is the ability of an audience to think independently and critically of the information provided by media. Past students, however, have not yet suggested a complete picture of how scientific literacy and media literacy together influence audiences’ processing of science news.
Past studies have also not yet widely explored pseudoscience in media or its impact on audiences. Pseudoscience subjects such as astrology and medical quackery can be easily found in media content today, even news, with exaggerated or unproved claims. It remains unknown how publics receive such media information, particularly since audiences have preexisting beliefs relevant to these pseudoscience subjects that would be influential. Thus, the present study is aimed to depict the relationship of science literacy and media literacy in reading pseudoscientific news with consideration of audiences’ pseudoscientific beliefs.
A survey on college students in Taiwan was conducted with a nation-wide stratified sample of 1190. The results first showed that college students are at mediate levels of scientific literacy and media literacy, and the scores of their pseudo-scientific beliefs are not low, particularly on the pseudoscientific subjects that have a marketing theme or a commercial purpose. The findings also showed that scientific literacy is positively related to media literacy and not significantly related to pseudoscientific beliefs; media literacy is negatively related to pseudo-scientific beliefs. In addition, the study found that media use is positively related to pseudoscientific beliefs; especially the viewing of television. Hierarchical regression analyses further showed that media literacy and pseudo-scientific beliefs have significant effects on how pseudoscience content in news is believed. The implications of the findings and recommendations for future studies are discussed at the end.
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母親教養信念、管教方式、子女管教滿意與國中生行為表現關係之研究 / The Study of Mothers’ Parenting Beliefs and Styles, Children’ Satisfactions and Behavioral Performances in Junior High School李巧惠 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 目前母親的「自我能力」教養信念與「經驗」教養信念皆呈現中偏高之得分。
二、 目前國中生子女知覺母親採用的管教方式中,「忽視冷漠」的管教方式讓子女感到最不滿意,而「開明權威」的管教方式讓子女感到最滿意。
三、 教育程度為研究所或以上(含碩博) 之母親,比專科或大學畢業、高中或高職畢業或國中畢業者,具有較強烈之「孩子自己有能力處理」的教養信念。
四、 在母親不同教育程度與職業下,僅教育程度為「高中或高職畢業」的母親,「母親教養信念總分」是區別其採用管教方式類型的重要變項。
五、 不同教育程度母親的教養信念與其子女的行為表現(學業成績、偏差行為)間呈顯著低度相關的關係。
六、 不同職業母親的教養信念與其子女的行為表現(學業成績、偏差行為)間呈顯著低度相關的關係。
七、 母親「自我能力」或「經驗」的教養信念、「寬鬆放任」或「開明權威」的管教方式以及子女對其採用管教方式的「滿意度」能有效預測子女的學業成績表現。
八、 母親的「經驗」教養信念、「開明權威」的管教方式及子女對其採用管教方式的「滿意度」能有效預測子女的偏差行為表現。
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