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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林士然 Unknown Date (has links)


吳祉芸, Wu, Chih-yun Unknown Date (has links)
自一九七O年代起,品牌個性成為研究的焦點,有越來越多學者探討此項議題;實務界更是廣泛地運用。 歷來研究中以品牌個性構面的建立為最具完整架構,學者多從消費者的角度出發;然而,文化差異對品牌個性有很大的影響,但過去相關研究卻不多,又廣告之中包含豐富的品牌個性及文化訊息,於此,本文參考過去學者提出的構面,利用廣告研究,進行品牌個性的跨文化比較。 本文首次由廣告呈現的角度出發,補過去研究之不足;而藉由廣告所傳遞的豐富訊息,可以尋找華人企業偏好的品牌個性,比較兩岸文化及品牌個性呈現的差異,探討產品類別對品牌個性的影響,並連結消費者自我概念與品牌個性之間的關係,由觀察的現象中深入分析策略意涵,可供實務界作參考。 研究設計方面,本文針對兩岸廣告,橫跨1996至2001共六年期間,以報紙為抽樣對象,台灣地區選擇中國時報,大陸地區選擇文匯報,共得864則廣告,利用內容分析法,粹取其中的品牌個性及文化概念,再進行統計分析,比較兩岸之間以及產品類別間的差異,結果發現如下: 1.兩岸品牌個性的呈現有差異,台灣偏重品牌的人性面,大陸則較重視產品的功能性。 2.品牌個性各構面間呈現比例亦有差異,出現頻率較高的構面,可能較容易為消費者所感知,或反映出消費者偏好。 3.品牌個性與文化之間具有相關性,其方向有正有負,正相關意味著該文化傾向愈高,應強調該個性構面的呈現,反之亦然,值得廠商參考,隨著不同地區的文化差異而調整其品牌個性的塑造。 4.不同產品廣告的品牌個性呈現則大異其趣,亦即產品類別對品牌個性有影響。大致而言,利益產品較重視「稱職」構面的展現,價值產品則著重人性面;廠商在塑造品牌個性時也應考慮攸關的產品特性。 5.品牌個性與自我概念的關係很密切,本文初探兩者相關性,發現確有關聯存在:「平和」、「純真」與「真實我」呈顯著正相關;「刺激」、「稱職」、「教養」則與「理想我」呈顯著正相關,反映出兩個自我實為相對的概念;然其確切影響方向,甚至是其他變數的調節作用,則值得作進一步探討。 / Since the 1970s, “brand personality” has become a popular issue, which was discussed by many scholars and widely used in business practice. Most scholars studied this topic from the consumer’s point of view, and the framework of brand personality dimensions has been most completely worked out. However, culture differences had great influence on brand personality, but there were limited studies that focused on this issue. Since advertisements contained sufficient information of culture and brand personality, this study intended to make a cross-cultural comparison of brand personality by referring to the brand personality dimensions found by previous researchers and performing advertisement research. The purposes of this study are to compare the differences of brand personality between Taiwan and Mainland China, to investigate the influence of product category on brand personality, and to combine “self concept” with brand personality. Compiling the dimensions studied by previous scholars for coding indicators, this study uses content analysis to make this study. Not only does this study fulfill the scope of brand personality analysis, it also provides insights for building brand strategies and entering the market in China. The samples are newspaper advertisements from 1996 to 2001. China Times in Taiwan and Shang-Hai Wen-Hui Bao in Mainland China are chosen. There is a total of 864 advertisements. After statistics analysis, the results are listed as the following: 1.To the appearance of brand personality, ads in Taiwan show more humanity, while those in Mainland China emphasize on product functions. 2.There are different proportions between the representations of dimensions. Those dimensions with higher frequencies may be easily perceived by consumers or may more appealing to them. 3.Relationships exist between brand personality and culture. Positive relationship means certain dimension should be emphasized when the relative culture tendency is higher. 4.There exists a great difference in brand personality between product categories: the “utilitarian-expressive” products emphasize on “competence” dimension, while the “value-expressive” products show more humanity. 5.Brand personality is closely related with “self-concept”: “peacefulness” and “sincerity” are positively related to “actual self,” while the other three dimensions are positive related to “ideal self.” This study discusses this issue for the first time; however, further studies are needed to investigate the moderating effects.


李坤興 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為及生活適應的差異情形,並比較高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為及生活適應上的差異,以及高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應間的關係。 本研究以台灣地區高職實用技能班學生為研究對象,並以「高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應問卷」為施測工具進行問卷調查。有效樣本737 人。所得資料以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法加以處理及分析。綜合本研究之結果如下: 壹、家庭氣氛為影響學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應之重要因素。 貳、親子關係為學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應之重要影響。 參、家庭經濟狀況較好之實用技能班學生,其自我概念、學習行為與生活適應較家裡經濟狀況差的學生為佳。 肆、整體而言,在三大變項間學習行為與生活適應之相關最高,自我概念與生活適應次之,自我概念與學習行為最低。 伍、在學習行為方面,自己打工賺取零用錢的學生,其在「生活常規」 與「課程接受」明顯高於父母或家人供給之學生;在生活適應方面,自己打工賺取零用錢的學生,其「學校適應」亦明顯高較父母或家人供給之學生。 陸、母親教育程度較高之實用技能班學生,其在「未來進路」之分數較高;但父親之教育程度則沒有影響。 柒、性別之差異造成學生在自我概念、學習行為與生活適應上之差異。 最後,研究者依據研究所得結果提出幾點建議,作為學校教育、家長及未來研究之參考。


張翠娟 Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解幼兒期學習才藝與國小學業成就相關因素的關係,乃以國小二年級學童及其家長為研究對象,共蒐集到712份有效樣本,採用基本資料表、幼兒期才藝學習調查表、父母教育期望量表以及父母教養信念量表等研究工具,獲得所需資料,再以描述統計、卡方檢定、區別分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe’事後考驗、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。結果發現:   1.國小低年級學童在幼兒期有學習才藝的比例高達87.6%。以學習類才   藝學習最多(69.7%),學習藝術類才藝居次(61.1%),而以學習   運動類最少(48.3%)。 2.背景變項與國小低年級學童在幼兒期學習才藝的關係:(1) 父母教育   程度不同,幼兒期有無學習才藝有顯著差異,學習才藝類別也有顯著差   異。(2)父母職業不同、母親有無工作,幼兒期學習才藝類別有顯著差   異。(3)每月家庭總所得不同,幼兒期有無學習才藝有顯著差異,學習   才藝類別也有顯著差異。(4)家庭結構不同,幼兒期有無學習才藝有顯   著差異。(6)性別不同的兒童,其幼兒期學習才藝類別有顯著差異。   3.父母教育期望,以學習才藝類別量區分有顯著差異。   4.父母教養信念,以學習才藝類別量區分有顯著差異。   5.國小低年級學童在幼兒期有無學習才藝,其學業成就確實有顯著差異存   在;學習才藝類別不同,其學業成就也有顯著差異存在。   6.背景變項、父母教育期望以及幼兒期有無學習才藝,確實能有效預測國   小低年級學童學業成就。背景變項、父母教育期望以及幼兒期學習才藝   類別,能有效預測幼兒期有學習才藝的國小低年級學童的學業成就。 本研究根據上述研究結果加以討論,並對家庭教育、學前教育、社會教育、未來研究等方面提出建議。 關鍵字:幼兒、才藝、父母教育期望、父母教養信念、學業成就

臺灣五專學生英語聽力學習信念與聽力學習策略之研究 / Taiwanese Five-year Junior College EFL Students’ Beliefs

楊名暖, Yang, Ming Nuan Unknown Date (has links)
雖然聽力在語言學習中佔重要的地位,研究學者對學習者的聽力信念的了解仍十分有限。因此本研究主要是探討五專學生對英語聽力的信念和學習策略,並探討聽力信念和學習策略二者之間的關係,另外程度不同的學生是否抱持不同的聽力信念及使用不同的策略,也是本研究探討的重點。 本研究採用量性研究方法,研究對象為北部某五專406位五專學生。研究工具為英語聽力學習者背景問卷、英語聽力學習信念問卷、聽力學習策略問卷和英語聽力測驗。 本研究的主要發現如下:學生均肯定聽力在語言學習過程扮演的角色,它可以幫助學生學習其它的英文能力。學生使用聽力學習策略約為中等程度,在不同的策略類型當中,學生最常使用認知策略,其次為後設認知策略。聽力信念和學習策略二者之間關係密切。而程度較好的學生在聽力信念方面,有較高的聽力學習效能,並認同口語的特色可以幫助了解英文。在學習策略方面,程度較好的學生會使用較多的學習策略,並視任務的不同而彈性使用適當的策略。 本論文並提出英聽教學上之應用建議。本研究結果可以幫助教師了解學生的聽力信念及學習困擾,幫助老師教導學生正確的學習信念及有效的學習策略,讓學生的英語聽力學習更有成效,進而改善英語聽力。 / Despite the importance of studying listening in foreign language learning, we still have very limited understanding of learners’ listening beliefs, and a more comprehensive system of listening beliefs is still not in sight. Hence, this study investigated junior college students’ listening beliefs, their listening strategy use, the relationship between their listening beliefs and strategies and the possible effects of English listening proficiency on junior college students’ listening beliefs and listening strategy use. This study mainly employed a quantitative approach to understanding junior college students’ beliefs about English listening comprehension, their strategy use and the relationship between listening beliefs and strategies. The participants were 406 students from one junior college in northern Taiwan. The instruments of the study were the Learner Profile Questionnaire (LPQ), the Belief About English Listening Comprehension Questionnaire (BELCQ), and English Listening Strategy Questionnaire (ELSQ) and the listening comprehension test. The results of the study suggested that: (1) most learners endorsed the belief that listening plays an important role in their English learning process and may facilitate the development of other language skills, (2) learners showed a medium level use of listening strategies and used a wide variety of strategies including cognitive and metacognitive strategies, (3) learners’ listening beliefs were associated with their use of listening strategies, (4) compared with ineffective learners, effective learners tended to report positive beliefs about listening comprehension, and (5) effective learners used a wider variety of strategies than ineffective listeners. Results of this study regarding junior college students’ listening beliefs and listening strategy use may provide rich implications for English education in Taiwan. It is hoped that through this study, more attention will be drawn to listening instruction in junior college students. Understanding students’ beliefs about listening may help English teachers become more aware of students’ frustrations and difficulties in listening to English. Moreover, it might enable EFL teachers to help students develop effective learning strategies and ultimately improve students’ English listening abilities.


劉鈞銓 Unknown Date (has links)
「學校自我評鑑」係指學校自發性針對學校行政、教學(育)、設備、師資等全方位之評估與檢視,藉以全面瞭解辦學成效,俾利改進缺失、克服困難,發揮學校經營優勢,導引校務發展。 本研究的主要重點可以分成下列三點來說明: (一)透過文獻分析的方式探討高級中學自我評鑑的方法及模式,並透過此模式研訂學校自我評鑑指標及評鑑指標規準。 (二)研究方法係利用概念構圖原理(concept mapping),研擬學校校務自我評鑑指標。 (三)建立校務自我評鑑檢核表、指標權重的統計方式及整體自我評鑑評結果分數的呈現。 透過此方式,學校評鑑參與人員,根據學校組織情境與需求所診斷的結果為本位,在自發、自主的內在動機下,發揮自身的潛能,確其優勢,以解決問題與缺失,促進改善,並在所面臨的外在環境可能擁有的機會下,發揮學校最大效能,以發展其特色的一種學校評鑑的歷程。 關鍵字:學校自我評鑑 概念構圖法 學校評鑑指標 / The school self-evaluation refers to the omni-directional evaluation and inspection coming from the school spontaneity in view of school administration, teaching, equipment and teachers. By means of the appraisal, we may comprehensively realize the school effect in order to improve flaw, overcome difficulties, display the superiority of the school management and guide the school development. The primary intention of the research is redacting the index of school self-evaluation. The research technique uses the Concept Mapping to draw up the self-evaluation index of the school and transfer the index as the questionnaire survey tool about school self- evaluation meter. It could be the important reference for school self-evaluating and school improvement in senior high school. Through the way, the participates in self-evaluation, according to the diagnostic result from the school organization situation and the demand, do themselves justice in potential under spontaneous and independent intrinsic motives, determine its superiority and solve problems and flaws to promote improvement. Besides, bring as much potency as school can into play and develop school characteristic as a kind of school evaluation under the possible opportunity in the external environment. Keywords:School self-evaluation Concept Mapping Indicator of School self-evaluation

外籍教師在台灣升學導向高中之教學信念及實踐 / Teaching beliefs and instructional practices: A Case study of a native speaking english teacher in a college-bound senior high school in Taiwan

黃久芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討在台灣升學導向高中任教之外籍教師在面對不同議題時之信念是否受到大學聯考的影響,以及其教學信念及實踐是否一致。 為了能夠深入了解外籍教師的教學信念,本研究採用質性研究法來進行資料採集及分析,所使用的資料採集工具為訪談、課室觀察及文件分析。除了訪談一名擁有三年私立升學導向高中教學經驗的女性教師,研究者更進一步訪談該校外語中心主任以期能了解該校對其外籍老師的要求及期待。研究結果呈現此外籍教師對於學習、教學、英語、大學入學考試、台灣教育以及本籍及外籍教師間之異同的信念及看法。 在本研究最後,研究者也針對研究結果提出了建議,以期能提供給教育當局、學校以及學者作為參考。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the beliefs of a native English speaking teacher (NEST) in a college-bound senior high school in Taipei City and to see if the JUEE has influence on her teaching beliefs. Instructional practices are used to compare with the NEST’s beliefs to check the consistency between them. In order to have a complete picture of NEST’s beliefs, the researcher made use of qualitative research methods in this study and selected an experienced NEST who was currently teaching in a private senior high school in Taipei City. By adopting three data collection methods: semi-structured interviews, classroom observations and document analyses, the researcher collected the data from the NEST. Furthermore, the researcher also interviewed the director of Foreign Language Center to see if the NEST’s beliefs were congruent with the school’s expectations. The data were analyzed to present the NEST’s beliefs about learning, teaching, English, the JUEE, the educational system in Taiwan and the differences between NESTs and NNESTs. Based on the results, the implications were offered for the policy makers and the institutions as well as the recommendations for the future researchers.

電信私有化的政治邏輯︰以英國、俄羅斯與台灣為例 / Political logic of telecom privatization in UK, Russia and Taiwan

羅彥傑 Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代以降,私有化成為跨國、跨區域的全球化現象。在各種國公營事業私有化中,電信私有化堪稱是其中最具政治意涵的項目之一,其遭遇的政治阻力也最大。有鑑於過去相關研究多半側重意識型態、制度或利益團體等單一途徑,本研究嘗試統合理念、制度與利益等途徑,以完整的政治分析架構來解釋影響電信私有化三面向-進展速度、成功機率與順暢性-的最重要條件,建構電信私有化的政治理論。 衡量理念的兩項指標為「電信私有歷史遺緒」與「執政者(黨)連任勝選幅度」。衡量制度的兩項指標為「政治權力融合」與「資本市場體質」。衡量利益的兩項指標為「首次釋股套利誘因」與「全民與員工釋股」。若研究個案同時具備這兩項指標或表現較優,意味該個案在該面向上的表現也可能較佳。若個案不具備這兩項指標或表現較遜,意味該個案在該面向上的表現也可能較差。若個案僅具備其中一項指標或僅一項指標較佳,意味該個案在該面向上的表現可能持平。 作者發現,從英國、俄羅斯與台灣電信私有化過程的實際表現而言,理念、制度與利益確實能解釋三國在電信私有化進展速度、成功機率與順暢性上的差異。換言之,若欲迅速、成功與順利推動電信私有化,端視該國的理念、制度與利益而定。雖然理念不易改變,但政府可先從制度與利益著手。制度對電信私有化政策發揮「制度承諾」的效果,而利益則扮演策略性誘因的角色,對電信私有化政策發揮「利益分配」的效果。尤其,利益分配愈普遍、愈讓全民與電信員工有利可圖,電信私有化愈能獲得市場與投資人認同,愈能化解阻力。本研究建議,政府應逆向思考,唯有在首次釋股時先「賤賣」電信資產給全民與員工,電信私有化方能順利推動。 / Privatization has become international and interregional phenomena since 1980s. Among the privatizations of all state-owned and public enterprises, telecom ones can be described as one of the most political implications, facing more political resistance than others. Given the fact that the past researches mostly focused on such single approaches as ideology, institutions and interest groups, this study tries to integrate idea, institutions and interests into a political analytical framework. This study hopes to answer the key prerequisites affecting telecom privatization’s three dimensions-speed, success and smoothness, constructing the political theory of telecom privatization. Two indicators of measuring “idea” are “telecom assets historically privately-owned” and “re-elected ruler (or ruling party)’s winning margins”. Two indicators of measuring “institutions” are “fusion of political powers” and “health of capital markets”. Two indicators of measuring “interests” are “arbitrage incentives during first shares sale” and “offering shares to individual investors and employees”. If the case is simultaneously qualified for two indicators, it means the case could perform well in that dimension, and vice versa. If the case only satisfies one indicator, it means the case could perform intermediately. The author found that as far as the results of telecom privatizations in United Kingdom, Russia and Taiwan are concerned, idea, institutions and interests actually are able to explain the difference of the three cases in terms of speed, success and smoothness. In other words, a speedy, successful and smooth telecom privatization depends on idea, institutions and interests. Although it is difficult to change idea, the governments can begin with institutions and interests. Institutions play the “commitment” role, and interests show the “allocation” effect. In particular, the more broadly interests being allocated, and the more profitable individual investors and employees obtaining from telecom privatization, the less opposition the government encountering. The study suggests that the government think of telecom privatization reversely. Telecom privatizations can be pressed ahead smoothly only with “cheaply selling” telecom assets to individual investors and employees during first shares offering. Keywords: Telecom privatization, idea, institution, interest, arbitrage.


范筱蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依研究目的,係以問卷調查法進行研究臺北縣就讀國中之新住民子女其母親之管教方式、自我概念、學習適應的差異及關係,並了解就讀國中之新住民子女母親管教方式、新住民子女自我概念和學習適應的情形及其關係。 本研究所得結論如下: 一、國中新住民學生自我概念之現況分析 對於自我概念的構面知覺以「學校我」構面得分最高,其次依序為「家庭我」、「生理我」、「心理我」、「社會我」之構面。 二、母親管教方式之現況分析 對於母親管教方式的構面知覺以「母親回應」構面得分最高,其次為「母親要求」。新住民男學生顯著高於女學生,9年級的學生感受母親管教上的要求顯著高於7年級的學生。 三、國中新住民學生學習適應之現況分析 對於學習適應的構面知覺以「學習環境」構面得分最高,其次依序為「學習態度」、「學習習慣」、「師生關係」、「學習方法」之構面。


岩口敬子 Unknown Date (has links)
國家舉辦的儀式以及紀念日活動即象徵著國家本身。國家透過這些活動,呈現、宣傳國家的安定以及正統性等。除了政治權力本身的政策之外,對於這些儀式所具有的力量,則是近年以來不問地域,皆是許多研究者討論的課題。   反覆舉行的紀念日是對過去的回顧。紀念日連結了過去的故事性與記憶,透過將國家歷史與現在國家的努力連結,國家將國家認同明確化。果真如此,那麼儀式以及相關的紀念性活動之影響力就不能被忽略。   日本統治時代,作為殖民地的台灣,與母國內地一樣展開如祝祭日等官方節日,以及如天皇即位式等皇室儀式活動,甚至皇太子等皇室來台灣訪察時,也盛大舉辦儀式和慶祝、紀念活動。也就是說,即使是在殖民地也展開了種種「帝國儀式活動」。   然而,除此以外,尚有殖民地台灣才有的儀式活動。特別是始政紀念日此一紀念日及其相關儀式活動,是所有節日中相當被重視的,甚於某些祝祭日。自日本開始統治台灣的1895年6月17日始,到日本戰敗為止,持續舉辦紀念及慶祝活動。   一個是與內地同樣展開地,以天皇為中心,呼喊「天皇子民」、「一視同仁」等等,期待國民統合的祝祭日以及皇室儀式。另一個則是只有殖民地台灣才被展開地,紀念「日本統治台灣」此一充滿殖民統治意識的紀念日。就被殖民者而言,這是象徵日本統治開始的紀念日。這兩種不同意涵的官方節日在台灣怎麼展開?兩者如何互相影響?是加乘效果或是矛盾抵銷呢?本文基於上述問題意識,針對日治時期在台灣的國家節日及儀式活動進行了研究與討論。

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