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隔制震公司的經營策略-以A公司為例 / The business strategy of seismic isolation and energy dissipation companies -a study of A company葉曉明 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國共同供應契約採購制度之研究-以中央信託局辦理之共同供應契約為對象 / A Study on the Procurement System "Inter-entity Supply Contract" of the Republic of China--Limited to the Contracts Conducted by Central Trust of China閻建民 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係利用文獻探討、專家訪談與問卷調查諸研究方法,針對我國共同供應契約採購制度實施以後的情況(例如共同供應契約產品的供應價格是否低廉等)做一調查與研究,藉以驗證此一採購制度確實具有降低採購成本與行政成本的功能,可以減少政府財政支出;此外,本研究亦針對此一採購制度自實施以後所產生的問題進行探討並提出建議,冀做為主管機關修改政策與執行機關實際作業之參考。 / Since the Government Procurement Law (abbreviated as “GPL” hereinafter) entered into effect in 1999, the Republic of China endeavors herself to implement a procurement system named “Inter-entity Supply Contract” (referred to as “the system” hereinafter) in accordance with the Article 93 of GPL. Based on relevant theories of the Economics and experience of procurement practice, the system should provide an advantage in reducing the government procurement cost by collecting the amount of common needs of different entities and in reducing the government administration cost by avoiding procuring same objectives repeatedly.
By means of reviewing literature, interviewing experts and questionnaire, this thesis aims at evaluating the actual performance of the system, such as whether the prices of the supplies are advantageous, and verifying that the system indeed has a effect in reducing government procurement and administration costs. Furthermore, this thesis also explores the problems emerged due to the implementation of the system and offers some practical solutions in eliminating these problems. The suggested solutions are in a hope to be referred to by the GPL Responsible Entity during amending policies and by the conducting entities during operation.
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國際物流業導入跨組織作業基礎成本制之個案研究-以某國際物流公司為例林輝倫 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國2008年企業所得稅改革對上市公司權益資金成本與融資決策之影響 / The influences of China’s Enterprise Income Tax Law reform in 2008 on listed companies’ cost of capital and financing policy黃盈綺, Huang,Ying Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討中國2008年企業所得稅改革對上市企業權益資金成本與融資政策的影響。實證結果顯示,從權益資金成本來看,此項稅改不僅降低上市公司的權益資金成本,且其降低幅度與其有效稅率為正相關。就融資決策的影響而言,雖然所得稅改革降低企業的負債比率,但是這個現象則與企業的有效稅率無關。 / This paper investigates how China’s Enterprise Income Tax Law reform in 2008 influences listed companies’ cost of capital and financing policy. The empirical results show that: for the cost of capital, the reform declines the listed companies’ cost of capital, and the degree of decline is positively correlated with their effective tax rate. For the financing policy, although the reform declines the listed companies’ debt ratio, this condition is unrelated with their effective tax rate.
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連鎖企業經營型態之研究_以台灣連鎖體系為例蔡沛廷 Unknown Date (has links)
四經營技術( know – how )愈難移轉,連鎖企業選擇直營為其經營型態:
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無形資產移轉訂價之研究-以成本分攤協議為中心 / A Study on Transfer Pricing of Intangible Assets: Focusing on Cost Sharing Arrangements吳家維, Wu, Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
其次,借鑒相關案例之爭議與本研究之設想,本研究擬定我國未來制定或施行成本分攤協議之法規所可能面臨之問題或應考量之事項,分為稅務面、法制面與稽徵行政面,並據以提供相關建議。稅務面主要可分為分攤協議之成本、使用協議所開發之無形資產、成本分攤給付以及買進與買斷給付之稅務處理,法制面為應考量制定之法律位階與訂定內容之相關配套措施,稽徵行政面則須評估預審制度之效益、權責單位之規劃與其保密義務之限制、專責人員之專業素養與獨立性以及對於成本分攤協議進行技術輸出管制之重要性。 / This research examines whether the transfer pricing regulations of intangible assets in Taiwan are sufficient or not. It focuses on lack of regulations pertaining to cost sharing arrangements (CSA) in Taiwan. With the references to foreign legislations and cases, the research further discusses the legislation defects and provides suggestions for Taiwan’s legislatives as to enactment or enforcement of related regulations in the future.
Specifically, this research locates the legislation deficiencies by comparing transfer pricing systems of intangible assets between major countries and Taiwan. Examples of such major countries are used as a framework of CSA regulations for Taiwan. This framework covers the following main items: definition of a CSA, intangible development costs (IDC), reasonably anticipated benefits (RAB), the consistency between IDC shares and RAB shares, changes in participants and the termination of CSAs, adjustments by tax administrations, tax treatment of CSAs, elements of a CSA, and administration of tax collection.
Based on the above analysis and controversies of related cases, this research points out problems that may arise and issues that should be considered when CSA regulations are to be enacted or enforced in Taiwan. Such problems and issues can be separated into three aspects, namely, taxation, legal system, and administration of tax collection. The research concludes by offering suggestions on each aspect. For the taxation aspect, the tax treatment relating to certain conditions should be contemplated, including IDC shared by each participant in a CSA, exploiting the intangible assets developed by a CSA, cost sharing transaction payments (CST payments), and buy-in/buy-out payments. With regard to the aspect of legal system, the legal position and supplementary measures of CSA regulations should be taken into account. As to the aspect of administration of tax collection, many factors should be taken into consideration, such as assessing the feasibility and benefit of issuing a CSA advance ruling, determining the appropriate tax authorities in charge of CSAs, training and developing qualified tax officials to audit CSAs, and controlling the technologies export via CSAs.
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比較西歐銀行業之成本效率: 新共同邊界Fourier成本函數之應用 / Comparing cost efficiency in Western European banking industries: Using the new metafrontier Fourier flexible cost function李起銓, Lee, Chi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用新的隨機共同邊界方法,將其擴充至Fourier富伸縮成本函數,針對西歐地區十個國家的銀行業進行成本效率之分析,資料期間涵蓋1996年至2010年。不同於Battese et al. (2004), O’Donnell et al. (2008), and Huang et al. (2011a) 等人利用線性規劃法,本文應用隨機共同邊界法來估計技術缺口比率,進而做跨國間的效率比較,此法的特點在於技術缺口比率可以設為一些反映國家環境差異的外生變數之函數,而線性規劃法則無法做此設定。實證結果顯示採用線性規劃方法所估計出的技術缺口比率與共同成本效率會有低估的現象,技術缺口比率以及共同成本效率在1996年至2000年間逐步上升,此結果支持金融市場的整合可以增進效率,然而,到2000年之後則反轉向下,特別是在2007年至2010年次級房貸風暴時期明顯惡化。此外,進一步的分群進行分析的結果顯示,小規模、高獲利、或是較保守的銀行相對來說較具有效率。 / This paper aims to gain further insights into cost efficiency using the newly developed metafrontier approach under the framework of the Fourier flexible cost frontier for banking industries across 10 Western European nations during the period 1996-2010. Unlike Battese et al. (2004), O’Donnell et al. (2008), and Huang et al. (2011a), who suggest using programming techniques, the stochastic metafrontier is formulated and applied to obtain the technology gap ratio (TGR) for efficiency comparisons among countries. One salient feature of our method is that the TGR can be specified as a function of some exogenous variables that reflect group-specific environmental differences, while the mathematical programming is not allowed to do so. Empirical results show that both TGR and metafrontier cost efficiency (MCE) are underestimated by programming techniques. The TGR and MCE exhibit a gradual upward trend during 1996-2000 and then followed by a downward trend, especially after the subprime crisis of 2007-2010. This suggests that a more integrated financial market is able to improve banking efficiency. Smaller banks tend to be more cost efficient than larger ones. Higher profitable banks and more conservative banks are related to greater efficiency.
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長子?嫡子?庶子? 從中國規模以上工業企業數據看各類型企業的貸款成本差異 / The Difference between Borrowing Price of Various Enterprise above Designated Size in China丁年初 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討中國大陸各類型企業在不同登記註冊類型或所有權結構下,借貸成本是否有所差異。本研究利用中國國家統計局2001至2009年的「製造業規模以上企業年度調查」為資料來源,將各企業分為國有企業、私營企業、集體企業、港澳台企業,與外資企業,分別探討貸款成本是否因不同類型之企業數據而有所差異。其中又將國有企業分類依隸屬關係分為中央(央企)與省(省企),分別驗證其隸屬關係與貸款成本的關聯。另外,本文也將探討上述差異是否因中國國務院國有資產監督管理委員會成立 (2003) 前後及金融危機 (2008) 前後而有所不同,因此本文將以結合時間序列資料與橫斷面資料之追蹤資料為基本模型假設。研究結果發現國有企業的確可以以較低的利率水準向銀行貸款,且中國的國有銀行對中央企業與省企業的放款標準可能存在某種程度的差異,此種現象在國資委成立之後更為顯著;而金融危機之後,則是可能因為各類型企業皆受到同幅度的波動影響,導致向銀行貸款利率之差異減少。
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財務槓桿、自由現金流量與過度投資關聯性之研究 / The Association between Financial Leverage, Free Cash Flows and Overinvestment葉柏廷, YEH,PO-TING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於探討公司自由現金流量與其過度投資之關聯性,並設法瞭解內外部機制是否有助於減緩公司過度投資之代理問題。此外,本研究亦探究公司自由現金流量與債務控制之關聯性,以及債務控制與公司之其他監督機制間之關聯性。本研究發現,公司自由現金流量愈大時,愈可能有過度投資之現象,且此種現象較集中於自由現金流量為正之公司。此外,相較於高成長公司,低成長公司自由現金流量之代理問題較為嚴重,更傾向於過度投資。而在減緩代理問題之機制上,管理階層及機構投資人之持股並無法有效減緩代理成本,或抑制公司過度投資之現象,但或許可藉由債務控制減緩過度投資之問題。再者,本研究推論過度投資之公司可能會傾向於提前適用資產減損之會計處理,以認列其投資損失。最後,公司代理問題愈嚴重時,並不一定會藉由債務控制方式減緩過度投資。而在降低代理成本的作用上,管理者持股、機構投資人持股與債務控制之間具有明顯的互補關係。 / The main purpose of this study is to examine the association between a firm’s free cash flows and its overinvestment. In addition, I also examine the interrelationships between free cash flow, managerial ownership, institutional investors, and debt .The empirical results suggest that overinvestment is concentrated in firms with higher levels of free cash flows and lower opportunities for growth. Further tests find that a firm’s managerial ownership, institutional investors’ ownership may not effectively mitigate its overinvestment. However, debt appears to control overinvestment. Besides, I infer that firms with overinvestment may choose to adopt the accounting standards for asset impairment earlier to recognize their investment losses. Finally, I find evidence that firms may not be using debt control to mitigate their overinvestment, and a firm’s managerial ownership, institutional investors’ ownership and debt may serve as substitutes in controlling its agency costs.
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轉換成本對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係影響之研究-以電信業為例 / A Study on Switching Cost, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty-An Example in Telecommunication Industry廖健聰, Liao, Chien Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有正向關係。
(2) 轉換成本對顧客忠誠度具有正向關係。
(3) 顧客滿意度與忠誠度間之關係,會受到轉換成本之影響。
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