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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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涂展源, Tu, Chen-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
企業創造價值的來源由傳統的有形資產如土地、廠房和設備等,轉變為無形的智慧資本,然而一般公認會計原則將創造智慧資本的投入視為費用加以處理,使得企業之帳面價值與市場價值的差距日益增加,公司的管理當局及投資人在評價時面臨重大困難,因而有效的智慧資本評價方式變得十分重要。本研究目的即在探討,採用收益基礎的評價模式下,何種資金成本估計方式所估計之資金成本較能有效反應投資人在考慮企業智慧資本之特性和風險後,所要求的必要報酬率,而使得以該資金成本作為折現率,估計企業智慧資本價值,所估計之結果較能反映企業之市場價值。本研究以Fama and French之三因子模式、益本比法以及市場模式估計企業之資金成本,實證結果發現如下: (1)不同資金成本估計方式所估計之結果存有一定程度的差異,而以不同資金成本估計方式所估計之資金成本作為折現率所計算之企業智慧資本價值亦有一定程度的歧異。 (2)三種估計企業資金成本的方式中,僅有Fama and French之三因子模式企業之Beta值呈正相關,而與公司規模呈負相關,為有效的資金成本估計方式。 (3)複迴歸分析結果發現,以三種方式所估計之資金成本作為折現率計算之智慧資本價值均對企業價值具有價值攸關性,而以三因子模式所估計之資金成本作為折現率計算之結果價值攸關性較高。 (4)若將企業依研發支出密度加以區分,在低研發支出密度公司中,以益本比法所估計之折現率計算之智慧資本價值攸關性最高;而在高研發支出密度以及零研發支出密度公司中均以三因子模式所估計之折現率計算之結果價值攸關性較高。 / Intellectual capital has become the origin of value of a company. But traditional GAAP views investment that is helpful to the value of untellectual capital such as R&D and advertisement as expenses, the gap between the book value and the market value of a business has become larger. This study confer that if we value a business through income-based method, what kind of estimated method of cost of capital should we use to make the estimated value of intellectual capital reflect the value of a business more efficiently. In this study we estimated cost of capital using three estimated method: factor model of Fama and French, earning to price ratio(E/P ratio), and market model, and we find: 1.If we use different kind of estimated methods, the estimated cost of capital can be different from each other. And if we use different kinds of cost of capital as discount rate, the estimated value of intellectual capital can be different from each other too. 2.Only the cost of capital that estimated through three factor model can be a effective method to estimate cost of capital of a company. 3.The value of intellectual capital can reflect the market value of the company when we use the cost of capital estimated through factor model, E/P ratio, and marlet model as the discount rate, and the result of Wald test suggest that using the cost of capital estimated by factor model as the discount rate to calculate the value of intellectual capital can reflect the market value more effeciently than others. 4.If we divide our sample into three group using the density of their R&D expenditure, we find that the cost of capital estimated by factor model can be the most efficient if a company has a higher R&D orzero expenditure.


謝竣宇 Unknown Date (has links)
確定提撥制是現今退休金制度潮流的趨勢,而在這個制度下,勞工最後所能累積的退休金總額及每月所能領到的月退休金額度和個人帳戶的投資結果有很大的關係,所以個人帳戶的投資績效成為勞工退休生活安全性最重要的因素。 本研究的目的在提供一個方法以評量投資績效,使得在每月提撥一定金額到個人帳戶的情形下,對於投資期間的經濟環境以隨機投資模型或情境分析模型加以考量後,可以在不同的投資策略及起始資產配置下,找到適合投資人的最佳投資策略及起始資產配置。在本研究中考慮了股票和長期債券兩種投資標的,而投資標的之投資報酬率變化則以隨機投資模型(Stochastic Investment Model)及情境分析(Scenario Analysis)兩種模擬方式為之,其中在隨機投資模型模擬的部分,不同的隨機投資模型對於經濟環境有不同的設定,也因此將得到不同的投資結果,本研究採用在英國學術上廣為研究的Wilkie投資模型(1986)及黃泓智等人於2005年證券市場發展季刊所推導之台灣投資模型,並利用蒙地卡羅模擬的方式來建構投資標的之報酬率。而在情境分析模擬的部分,則設定三種基本的投資報酬率趨勢,並假設三種投資報酬率趨勢服從均勻分配,而後考慮投資期間分成前後兩個時期,搭配而得九種情境。 本文將觀察不同的起始資產配置(股票資產配置之權重考慮由0%~100%,間隔為1%,共101組;債券資產的權重則為1-股票資產配置之權重,也就是100%~0%),並以投資組合保險中三種常見的投資策略:買入持有(Buy & Hold;BH)、固定比例混合法(Constant Mixture;CM)及時間不變性投資組合保護(Time-invariant Portfolio Protection;TIPP),作為投資策略。 在三種投資策略及每種投資策略有101個起始資產配置下,將可以得到303組不同的投資結果,而每一組投資結果中,都可找到個人帳戶於退休時的累積金額、在一定目標所得替代率下之破產機率,以及平均投資報酬率和投資報酬率之標準差,並將所得之投資組合報酬率之平均值為縱軸,標準差為橫軸作圖,找出效率前緣;也就是說,可以依個人帳戶持有人的風險,在其所能忍受的風險下,找到最適的起始資產配置及投資策略,及依這樣的起始資產配置和投資策略下所能得到的平均報酬。另外,更進一步以Sharpe ratio及Reward-to-VaR ratio、Reward-to-CTE ratio三個指標來衡量投資表現,找出在這三個指標下的最適起始資產配置和投資策略。 在前述中,都未考慮到交易成本對於投資結果的影響,但在現實的環境中,交易成本對於投資結果是有影響的,所以本研究也會在考慮交易成本下,找到情境分析和隨機模型下的投資結果及效率前緣,並找出三個投資指標的值來衡量投資表現。 / The defined contribution plan is the trend of retirement pension funds management, but under this plan, the total account values accumulated and the retirement benefits paid each month that labors can get are great related to the investment results of the individual accounts. That's why we said that the investment result of the individual accounts is the most important factor the labors care about. In this article, we will focus on the measure of investment results. We consider bond and stock as our holding assets, and set the investment rate of return in two methods, including scenario analysis and stochastic model. In the scenario analysis method, we set fourteen scenarios to reflect the changes of the investment returns of stocks. In the stochastic model method, we take use of Wilkie investment model to set the investment return rate of stocks and bonds and simulate enormous data to find the average investment rate of return. In each method, we will consider 101 different initial ratio of stock value and three different investment strategies: Buy & Hold(BH)、Constant Mixture(CM) and Time-invariant Portfolio Protection(TIPP). After setting the investment rate of return and investment strategies, we can find 303 different investment results under three investment strategies and 101 initial ratios of stock values. In each result, we can get the accumulated amounts, the income substitute rate and the average rate of return, and use the average rate of return as y-axis, standard deviation as x-axis to find the efficient frontier. That is, we can find the optimal investment strategies and initial ratio of stock value under the risk we can tolerant. We will also use Sharpe Ratio、Reward-to-VaR ratio and Reward-to-CTE ratio to measure the investment results, and find the optimal investment strategies and initial ratio of stock value basic on the three ratios. In practice, the transaction cost is an important factor that will affect the investment results, so we also find the investment results under different situations which had considered the transaction cost.

從策略行銷4C架構來探討資訊顧問業的行銷服務 著重在"降低道德危機成本"與"增加專屬無形資產"

陳玉麟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討資訊顧問服務業者在面臨臺灣地區資訊服務市場日漸飽和,企業客戶對於顧問服務要求的多樣化;而資訊科技演變在軟體供應商大者恆大的趨勢下面臨創新與整合兩難的情況下,資訊顧問服務業者如何在激烈的競爭環境中脫穎而出,業者仍然必須從對現有客戶服務的品質提昇與持續地研究各項對客戶經營有附加價值的行銷服務著手;在這個標準是關係行銷與高人員涉入程度的資訊顧問服務產業內,我們希望從策略行銷4C架構的理論基礎為出發點,針對與企業客戶在整個服務行銷的過程中,能夠綜合考量包括『無形性』、『不可分割性』、『異質性』、『易消逝性』等服務特性來從內部各項提供服務的機會與流程中,綜合產業先進與企業客戶的寶貴經驗來探討有哪些切實可行的作法可以來協助資訊顧問業者來達到『降低客戶道德危機成本』與『增加專屬無形資產』的行銷服務的營運目標。  在『降低客戶道德危機成本』方面,本研究結果認為資訊顧問業者必須發展出一套如何協助客戶就資訊系統採購專案的內部與外部要進行哪些詳細評估流程,並從包括『策略』、『組織』、『流程』、『人員與文化』、『資訊科技』等構面來協助客戶瞭解到這些資訊系統引進來的衝擊與必須有的應對策略與方法,在『增加專屬無形資產』方面,本研究結果認為資訊顧問業的核心競爭力是『人才』與『知識資產』,客戶購置顧問服務其目的也是在希望完成某種程度的『技術移轉』,包括企業客戶與資訊顧問都是希望是達到能夠協助客戶自行維護系統的目標,資訊顧問公司所提供給客戶是一個很好的『體驗經濟』的服務過程;我們相信這個雙方願意相互陷入的結局應該是好的。

綠色供應鏈中,供應商管理方法對交換成本 影響之探討—以台灣電子製造業為例 / The effect of supplier management practices on exchange costs in green supply chain—an empirical study on Taiwan’s electronics manufacturing industry

林筱雯, Lin, Hsiao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
由於環境保護議題的興起,以歐盟為首,各國對電子相關產品相繼遞出各種法規限制,企業為了因應綠色潮流與各國法規之要求,與供應商體系的緊密配合更顯重要,在此情境之下,企業如何選擇供應商管理的方法,與供應商共同面對綠色趨勢與漸趨嚴苛的法規規定,並且同時避免在交易過程中所衍生出的各種阻礙廠商之間交易效率的成本是本研究之研究重點。 本研究從綠色供應鏈管理的角度出發,以台灣電子製造業為研究對象,了解企業對關鍵零組件供應商的依賴程度、企業本身投入綠色活動的積極度,兩者對供應商管理方法的選擇、以及企業與供應商交易的過程中所衍生的各種交換成本,即外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本與專屬資產陷入成本之影響,並進一步找出對這四個交換成本有顯著影響的供應商管理方法為何。 本研究採用問卷調查的方式,以1263家的台灣電子業上市公司作為抽樣對象,於回收的173份有效樣本之統計分析結果顯示:企業對關鍵零組件供應商的依賴程度、以及企業本身投入綠色活動的積極度,兩者會造成企業在選擇供應商管理方法上有所不同,因而對交換成本有不同程度之影響。當企業投入綠色活動的意願愈高,愈會選擇多種的供應商管理方法來加強對供應商的控制,藉以確保供應商提供的商品能符合企業的需求,而這類型的企業在與供應商交易的過程中,總體的交換成本是相對較低的;相反地,當企業較不積極地投入綠色相關的活動時,也會較不投入於供應商管理,總體的交換成本較高,特別是在企業對供應商的依賴程度愈低時,整體的交換成本愈高。而在供應商管理方法中,最能有效降低交換成本的方法為「關係品質」,即企業與供應商之間擁有共同的目標、將品質列為優先考量、彼此之間存在信任、並且了解雙方的需求。

運輸成本對寡占市場均衡之影響-Hotelling 模型再探討 / Oligopoly in linear city-transportation cost absorbed by firms

王玉澄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Hotelling之線形城市模型為基礎模型,但對運輸成本由消費者負擔之假設改為由生產者負擔,廠商以運送貨物至消費者所在地之形式負擔運輸成本,而非直接補貼消費者之運輸成本。在此新的模型架構之下,本研究對廠商是否能夠向消費者價格歧視,以及是否有買賣承諾存在,兩者組合產生之四種情況分別進行探討。最後得出在廠商不能夠對消費者價格歧視,但無買賣承諾存在時,以及在廠商能對消費者價格歧視,無論買賣承諾存在與否時,兩廠商會設廠於線形城市之1/4及3/4處,達到社會福利極大之均衡。但若廠商不得採價格歧視,而有買賣承諾之存在時,兩廠商會選擇極小化差異,也就是設廠於線形城市之中心點,此時將造成社會的無謂損失。 / This research is based on Hotelling model. The only difference is that the firms have to pay transportation cost in this research. The firms absorb transportation cost in two ways. One way is the firms accept orders from the consumer and send the commodities to them. The other ways is the firms sent the commodities to some chain stores and the consumers will go to buy them in their neighborhoods. Since the transportation cost is decreased almost to zero and thus can be neglected, it is just like the consumers do not have pay it. This research considers four conditions under this new structure -whether the firms can price discriminate or not and whether there exists a commitment between the consumers and firms- combined together. If the firms can price discriminates, the firms will settle down on the 1/4 and 3/4 of the linear city. But if the firms cannot price discriminates, when the commitment exits, they will still choose their location on 1/4 and 3/4, or they will minimize differenciation.

垂直分工,內生性切割技術及政府政策 / Vertical specialization, endogenous fragmentation and government policy

黃士真 Unknown Date (has links)

低成本航空對傳統航空載客率影響之研究─以日本線為例 / Market Impacts of Low-cost Carriers on Traditional Airlines: A Case Study of Taiwan-Japan Aviation

蔡佳提, Tsai, Jia Ti Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1987年開放天空政策以來,各大小航空公司紛紛成立。低成本航空(LCC)也開始積極進入台灣市場。台灣與日本於2011年11月10簽屬日航空協定,此後,捷星(Jetstar)、樂桃(Peach)等低成本航空如雨後春筍般進入台灣,進而激起了許多低成本航空對於傳統航空(FSC)衝擊之討論。然而,低成本航在日本航載客率上是否真的對傳統航空造成影響?具體影響的程度為何?鮮有文獻深入探討。 本文針對大阪、成田、名古屋、琉球四條航線,透過敘述性統計、相關分析、多元迴歸分析之方法,將產業變數之、總體環境變數分別對華航、長榮載客率2011年至2016年之月資料進行分析。並進一步透過BCG矩陣歸納出兩家航空公司四條航線的成長率與市占率分布情形。 研究結果顯示,在日本四條航線上,低成本航空皆沒有與傳統航空載客率造成負向影響,反觀整體旅日市場上升,兩者市場區隔,形成二種經營型態共榮共存的局面。攸關日本線最顯著之變數為淡旺季、次者為消費者信心指數。在BCG矩陣研究結果顯示,中華航空四條航線市場占有率高、成長率低的情形;長榮航空相對市場佔有率低於中華航空,但是大阪線與琉球線的成長率卻高。 根據研究結果,分別對中華航空、長榮航空四條航線上提出各項建議,供航空業者、相關研究人員未來研究之參考。 / Since Taiwan agreed to initiate its Open-skies Policy in 1987, various airline companies began to form, including low-cost carriers (LCC) which eagerly entered Taiwanese markets. Taiwan and Japan reached aviation agreements on November 10, 2011; many LCCs such as Jetstar and Peach emerged as rising competitors in Taiwan, sparking a discussion about their impact on other full-service carriers (FSC). Do LCCs really pose a threat to FSCs in air travel between the two countries? To what extent do they affect those companies? Few sources have explored in detail. This research focuses on four destinations - Osaka, Tokyo Narita, Nagoya and Okinawa - based on descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis (MRA), while taking a close look at marketing and overall environmental factors in travel data between China Airlines and EVA Air (2011-2016, monthly). The growth and market share distributions of these four routes, operated by both companies, can be furthermore described using BCG matrices. The research concludes that, with respect to these four Japanese travel routes, LCCs did not create a negative impact on FSCs. Increasing traffic between Taiwan and Japan, in fact, facilitated prosper coexistence between the two types of carriers. Among the most significant factors are peak and low seasons, in addition to consumer confidence. BCG matrix analyses indicate that China Airlines had greater market shares and smaller growth rates; although EVA Air possessed fewer market shares than China Airlines, their Osaka and Okinawa routes grew at a rapid rate. The results of these observations may serve as suggestions to China Airlines and EVA Air, as well as references for aviation professionals and future researchers.


葉文琦, Yeh ,Wen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由於國際連鎖速食業地區經營者(Market Operator)的主要資本投入,包括:原料採購、餐飲設備投資、設計裝修、人員訓練、以及租用不動產時,都牽扯到被陷入或轉換成本偏高的問題,以致對於既有資源供應商之續約談判時處於不利的地位。   本研究主要從交易成本理論、陷入成本及專屬資產、買賣方之交易關係等理論解析國際連鎖速食店的地區經營者提高取得上述資源的議價能力(Bargaining Power)的管理策略,並透過業界專家實證其可行性。   經研究結果顯示,國際速食連鎖業地區經營者可以從「降低專屬陷入成本的投入」、「促使主要供應商投入專屬資產」、「善用其他交易影響者的力量」等三個方向來提高議價能力,並可根據資源特性的不同,而採取不同的策略行動。


郭欣惠, Kuo, Sin-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
行銷學研究的重點,從過去著重在單次交換行為形成的原因,到現在已逐漸延伸為探討如何與消費者建立長期關係,也就是說把早期研究重點從發現消費者的需求、確立產品定位、改善產品品質等方式來滿足消費者,逐漸轉為探討如何建立與消費者的長期關係、取得消費者的信任等相關課題。  本研究研究目的在於以交易成本理論為基礎,探討可能影響消費者滿意度與忠誠度的原因;研究第二目的,由資產專屬建立強弱與否,來比較消費者態度、忠誠度是否因為產品種類而有不同。同時探討投機主義知覺程度、公司信任度、預期更好商品這些因素對滿意度與忠誠度的影響。  實證結果發現: (一)顧客滿意度方面:無論入口網站或ISP消費者,對於入口網站或ISP產品表現的滿意度皆會產生對公司的整體滿意度;同時服務的滿意度會影響消費者對入口網站及ISP業者的信任程度;同時對公司的信任度會影響對消費者對入口網站或ISP業者整體滿意度,而且上述關係皆為顯著正相關。  (二)顧客忠誠度方面:無論入口網站或ISP消費者,對入口網站或ISP業者整體滿意度及對公司的信任度皆會造成顧客的忠誠度,而且為顯著正相關。  (三)交易成本方面:無論入口網站或ISP消費者,若資產專屬性越高,則轉換成本愈高,且為顯著正相關。在投機知覺方面,兩群消費者皆表現出若投機知覺度愈高,顧客對公司信任度越不足,且為顯著負相關。  同時根據實證結果,提供業者在交易成本理論下,如何創造顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的實務建議。


劉勇豪 Unknown Date (has links)
在新製造環境下,由於昂貴自動化設備之引進及人工成本之提高,因而設備成本及人工成本於產品成本中所佔之比率亦相對地重要,然而若是採用了不恰當的產能觀念與數據,其所造成對產品成本分攤比率的影響非常大,亦即將設備及人力閒置產能(idle capacity)的成本分攤至完成的產品上,也就造成了成本資訊的扭曲。而缺乏有效地結合產能成本的產能管理制度,其結果導致多數的企業均忽略其重要性或是將無附加價值的產能成本(capacity cost)分攤於產品成本之中,造成企業於制定價格決策或選擇訂單決策時,引用了不恰當的資訊,並減低了企業之競爭力。 本研究的目的,擬針對產能成本及產能管理作進一步探討,瞭解其對企業界之決策方面的影響程度。本研究係以國內一通信電纜公司作為研究對象,並以個案及田野研究的方式來探討產能成本及產能管理之相關議題,以提供給相同產業的其他公司,或其他產業作為採行此技術時的參考。 本研究之研究主題包括下列二大項: 一、 建立一套作業制成本制觀念下的產能成本制度,並依據作業制成本制的架構來計算產能成本。 二、 運用所建立的產能成本制度及其所提供的產能成本資訊來協助產能管理。 本研究採用個案研究之方式,將產能成本管理制度之整體架構實施於個案公司內,期能透過此研究方法瞭解產能成本管理之整體架構,以彌補目前文獻中偏重理論探討而缺乏實務研究之缺點。 本研究透過作業制成本制度的適當設計,企業可以獲致設備與人員方面的產能成本,使得管理當局得以瞭解各作業之產能成本,再根據設備與人員方面不同的特性加以妥善管理,可獲致排程管理、閒置產能開發、產品定價決策、提昇產品附加價值(value added)及加強生產管理等效益。 因此,在產能成本管理制度所提供的產能成本資訊中,管理當局除了可以看出各作業尚有多少閒置產能改善的空間之外,尚可於生產之前即可得知瓶頸部門之所在,藉以預先進行生產排程管理,俾降低瓶頸部門之影響;另外,對於資本決策方面所需的資訊,亦可由本制度的資訊中獲得,避免不必要之資本支出;本研究對於日益競爭的產業環境而言,實為一不可或缺之管理工具,藉由本研究所提出之產能成本管理制度的設計與實施,不僅可提升產能管理決策、瓶頸部門管理、資本決策、定價決策等之決策品質,並可間接地降低成本,達到提昇企業競爭力之目的。 / In today’s manufacturing environment, the percentage of equipment cost and labor cost of product cost have became very important, because of expensive auto-machine and high labor cost. If introduce incorrect concept and information of capacity, it would influence the allocation of product cost, that is, allocate the idle capacity cost of equipment and labor to the cost of finished goods. Fail to link capacity cost to capacity management system, it would allocate the non-value-added capacity cost to product cost, and would lead business to “death spiral” because of using incorrect-information for pricing-decision and order-selection-decision. The purpose of the study is to research the influences of business decision-making with the information of capacity cost and capacity management. The research method that I used is case study and field study in a communication cable manufacturing company. The study includes two themes: 1. Building a capacity oriented Activity-Based Costing system, and calculating capacity cost according the ABC system. 2. Using the information of capacity cost system to assist the management of capacity. The study is case study and performs the designed capacity cost management system to the company, I expect to understand the frame of capacity cost management and expand existing literatures that focus on theoretical research to applied research. Through the designed capacity-oriented ABC system, business could get the information of capacity cost between equipment and employee. Using the information of capacity cost, business could get the advantages of order-scheduling management、idle-capacity management、pricing-decision、promoting value-added of products and strengthening production management. Finally, management team could understand the unused-capacity of each activity from the capacity-oriented ABC system, and could predict the bottle-neck department before manufacturing. Management team could reduce the influence of bottle-neck through order-scheduling management. And, management team could avoid unnecessary capital expenditure from the system. For today’s competitive environment, the capacity-oriented ABC system was very important for management, it could promote the quality of decision-making of capacity management、bottle-neck management、capital management、pricing management, and then, increase the competition advantages by reducing product cost indirectly.

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