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我國獨立選民的發展與變遷(1989∼1999) / The Developing and Changing Situation of Independent Voters in Taiwan(from 1989 through 1999)莊天憐, Chuang, Tien-Lien Unknown Date (has links)
在未來的發展趨勢上,我們發現新世代及新新世代選民中獨立選民所佔的比例是較低的,因此我們可以預期,獨立選民的比例應該還有下降的可能性。在民主化的進程繼續推展,政黨政治日益成熟穩定之後,我們預期有政黨認同的選民會呈現增長的趨勢,與此同時,獨立選民並不會大幅度的減少。基於獨立選民是理想公民的期待,我們相信還是會有一定比例的民眾認為自己是獨立選民,但正如同我們觀察到的,此時的獨立選民將不再是對政治一無所知,或是對政治冷漠的冷漠型獨立選民;而將成為對政治保持高度關注,並能依自己客觀的態度做出政治決定的理想公民。 / In most studies about party identification, people who do not clearly indicate their party identification are usually classified as so「neutral non-respondents」or 「Independents」. Are these respondents really neutral or non-response, or are they really independents ? Yeh Ming-Yuan (1994) has done detailed research on independent voters in Taiwan. This thesis follows his research, using individual level survey data to analyze the developing and changing situation of independent voters in Taiwan from 1989 through 1999. In particular, this thesis examines changing party identification and social background of independent voters, changing political involvement among independent voters, changing vote intentions of independent voters, and the facts which have influenced the develop of independent voters.
Our research outcomes have shown that although the percentage of independent voters in Taiwan has declined, in recent years this trend seems to have reversed, The percentage of independent voters has actually been influenced by changes in the electoral system. There are differences in social background between independents and party identifiers. The degree of political involvement of independent voters is lower than that of party identifiers. Their evaluation of candidates and parties is also lower than those of party identifiers. They tend to stay neutral to all political issues when making their voting decisions, they tend to consider the conditions of the candidates, rather than voting by the boundary of parties. However, we also discover that independent voters are gradually evolving from "apathetic independent voters", with lower political knowledge and lower political involvement, to "ideal independent voters", with higher political knowledge and higher political involvement.
Looking to the future, we discover that the percentage of independent voters in the next generation and the generation after that are much lower. Hence we can predict that the percentage of independent voters will likely decline. With the continuing development of democracy and the increasing maturity and stability of party politics, we expect that the percentage of party indentifiers will grow. However, this does not necessarily mean that the percentage of independent voters will decline dramatically.Because of the expectation that independent voters are the ideal citizens, we believe that there are still a certain percentage of people who will consider themselves as independent voters. Hence, independent voters increasingly will not be "apathetic independent voters" who know nothing about politics. On the contrary, they will become "ideal citizens" who keep highly concerned about politics and make political decisions according to their own subjective attitudes.
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約翰.密爾論民主公民的品質及其條件馬仲民 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在闡述十九世紀英國政治思想家約翰•密爾(John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873)的理論中對於公民概念的看法,並且試圖透過這樣的檢視過程發現密爾公民理論對於當代民主政治所可能有的啟發作用。長期以來,密爾被視為自由主義發展史上一個重要的里程碑,我們在很大的程度上可以說這是因為密爾在闡述自由此一概念上所做的巨大貢獻所致。
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選舉模式預測之探討與分析--民國八十六年縣市選舉劉遠浩 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國銀行業兼營保險未來趨勢之研究李幼蓮, Li, You-Lian Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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有線電視國會頻道與選民政治知識之關聯性研究-以民國八十二年台北縣長選舉為例 / Cable Television Use , and Political Knowledge宋學維, Jethro Song Unknown Date (has links)
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階級結構的轉型與臺灣政治反對運動(1960-1993) / The Transition of The Class and Taiwan's Political Opposition (1960-1993)陳嘉宏, Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
起的動力以及發展的特性與侷限。 本文以為,政治反對運動的發展結
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媒介娛樂中的生活政治:以Anthony Giddens的「現代性自我認同」概念為基礎探討閱聽人的反思活動 / The "life politics" in media entertainment-audience's self-reflexivity in media reception based on anthony giddens' theory of "modernity and self-identity"劉琮琦, Liu, Chung Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究一方面回顧紀登斯的「自我認同」及「生活政治」論述,二方面蒐集了閱聽人觀影後的自我書寫資料並對其創用者進行深入訪談,以回應研究者的核心提問。結果顯示閱聽人接收媒介通俗文本時,同時在「看著他人的故事想著自己的心事」。過程裡,收視者的自我反思將帶動著自我認同的發展,從而和生活政治的推展產生聯繫。研究者希望透過本研究擴充當代閱聽人研究的提問角度,並和紀登斯的生活政治概念進行理論及經驗上的對話。 / Entertaining media reception has long been regarded as “irrelevant to politics.” However, a body of literature of Culture Study found that “reading-the-popular-text” is political in itself, since readers might subvert or resist the ideology embedded in the popular texts, hence, empowering them the “political consciousness.” Yet, the above argument is incomplete: once entertaining media reception relate to policy only through the “politically critical reading”, the rest reading types of the audiences will be debased logically. Thus, this thesis introduces the concept of “Life Politics”, raised up by Anthony Giddens, to inject new possibilities into the reception-study tradition.
This thesis reviews Giddens’ theory on the one hand, collects the empirical data through audiences’ post-text on Blogs after receiving the popular text and self-narration in interviews on the other, to answer research questions. The result shows that audiences are inclined to reflex themselves while receiving the popular text. The whole process leads to the development of Self-Identity which has a deep linkage to the modern course of Life Politics. The analysis and theories mentioned above will broaden our understanding of audiences’ reception as well as enlarge the usability of Giddens’ political thought.
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台灣民主自治同盟案件研究 / The research of Taiwan democratic self-government league曾培強 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業環境資訊自願性揭露影響因素之實證研究-以我國化工業及電子業為例 / The determinants of corporate voluntary environmental information disclosure – An empirical study of listed chemical and electronic companies in Taiwan黃佳卿, Huang, Chia Ching Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,自願性環境資訊揭露與公司規模大小、是否取得ISO14001認證、環境支出預算、罰款與賠償以及國際化程度皆存在顯著正向的關係,其中又以是否取得ISO14001認證這個因素影響程度最大。至於化工業和電子業公司自願性環境資訊揭露受到何種因素較大,實證結果顯示化工業公司規模、經營績效以及環境支出預算愈高時,其環境資訊揭露正相關程度將大於電子業;而電子業若取得ISO14001認證及罰款與賠償金額愈高時,其環境資訊揭露正相關程度將大於化工業;此外,環境資訊揭露與國際化程度亦呈正相關。 / This study applies society political theory to explain the voluntary environmental disclosure in annual reports. The sample consists of firms in chemical and electronic industries in Taiwan during 2007 and 2009. The determinants of voluntary environmental information disclosure include firm size, economic performance, ISO 14001 certification, environmental expenditure budgets, penalty, and the extent of internationalization.
The empirical results indicate that the firm size, economic performance, ISO 14001 certification, environmental expenditure budgets, penalty, the extent of internationalization are significant determinants of voluntary environmental disclosure while ISO 14001 certification is the most significant determinant. Moreover, the firm size, economic performance, and environmental expenditure budgets are more influential in chemical industry than in electronic industry as determinants of voluntary environmental disclosure. On the contrary, ISO 14001 certification and penalty are more significant for electronic industry. Finally, the extent of internationalization shows positive relation with voluntary environmental disclosure.
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從釣魚臺爭議分析中國與日本之海洋戰略葉柏熙, Yeh, Bor Shi Unknown Date (has links)
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