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湖南新政(1895-1898)與近代中國政治文化 / The Hunan reform movement(1895-1898) and the political culture of modern china羅皓星, Law, Ho Sing Unknown Date (has links)
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外人直接投資與政治遊說 / Foreign direct investment and political lobbying余光弘, Yu, Kuang Hung Unknown Date (has links)
政府制訂政策時往往有許多考量,尤其是面對外人直接投資時,政府的政策規範常會因為國內發展情況不同而有所調整,本文嘗試站在政府的角度,以兩種情況討論關稅的訂定與開放外人直接投資的決策。首先,我們以Grossman & Helpman (1994) 之政治獻金模型為架構,考慮兩國廠商各種遊說的情況,藉以訂出最適關稅。我們發現,政府將會選擇兩國廠商一起遊說。其次,我們考慮本國政府可以開放外國廠商進入本國直接投資,同時我們假定外國廠商擁有技術優勢,進入本國直接投資後,對本國廠商會產生一技術外溢效果 (Spillover effect),使得本國廠商邊際生產成本下降。最後,我們比較上述兩種情況之下之政府效用大小,並發現本國政府越重視國內福利相較於政治獻金時,將會傾向開放外人直接投資。 / Since the domestic government can choose the optimal policy instrument to maximize the social welfare, this paper analyzes how a domestic government sets the policy about foreign direct investment. In the beginning, we use Grossman & Helpman (1994) political contribution model to endogenize tariff policy in a duopoly composed of a domestic firm and a foreign firm, where both firms affect the domestic government’s tariff policy via their contributions. It is found that the domestic government will choose both the domestic firm and the foreign firm apply contributions. Then, we consider a spillover effect when the domestic government decides to let the foreign firm with superior technology undertake foreign direct investment. Finally, we compare the government’s utility in the two situations above and find that the domestic government tends to open FDI when it puts much weight on the social welfare.
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美國金融自由化的政治分析 1980-2000黃宗昊 Unknown Date (has links)
美國應對金融全球化的調適主要有四項發展。在國內層面,美國推動了金融自由化,主要是反映在業務項目和地理區位兩方面。業務項目的去管制是要廢除要求銀行與證券分業的Glass-Steagall Act,地理區位去管制是要廢除限制銀行跨州經營的McFadden Act。在國際層面,為了穩定金融體系同時又要保障美國金融利益的海外運作,美國一方面推動訂定了Basle Accord,提升了資本適足標準,將美國自身的資本標準國際化。另方面,為了不讓金融機構的海外放款陷入危機,美國藉由IMF執行金援抒困的任務,將美國政府金援抒困的角色國際化了。
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客家電視台族群政治分析 / An Analysis of ethnic politics involving Hakka TV李信漢, Lee, Hsin Han Unknown Date (has links)
透過史料文獻分析、深度訪談六位曾參與規劃建置客家電視的相關人員,以釐清客家電視的生成脈絡。同時本研究也援引雷蒙‧威廉士(Raymond Williams)的「節目編排:分佈與流程」的概念,分析客家電視台的節目編排策略;並輔以考察國外族群電視個案,指出客家電視所面臨的困境,以及提供參考建議。
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政治共同體的再建構 - 德東人國族認同的轉變與延續 / Re-construction of Political Community - The Transformation and Continuation of National Identity for the East German王贊焜 Unknown Date (has links)
1973年西德聯邦憲法法院作出東、西德基礎條約判決指陳 ”基礎條約的特殊性在於,它雖是一項適用國際法規則、並且具有國際法條約效力的兩國間之雙邊條約,然而這兩個國家卻是一個始終尚存、又保有同一民族的整體德國之兩部份”。西德以「基本法(Das Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, GG)」治國,在政治自由與經濟成長的輝煌成果,對社會主義東德產生催枯拉朽的體系瓦解,並導致兩個德國在1990年10月3日正式復歸「統一」。
國族認同在德國既因為納粹時代的誤用而被視為一種罪惡及禁忌,二次戰後的德國人,既不能像其他國族國家的人民一般以土地作為政治共同體認同的對象,也不能繼續以國族為認同的對象,乃發展出以體制為認同的對象。統一後德國經濟的表現與落差,不如原先之預測與期待,隨之而來的是,認同自己是「德東人」的前東德人卻越來越多。1990年統一之初,有六成一的東德人回答自己是「德國人」,到了2000年時,認同自己是「東德人」的竟高達七成七。以歷史的角度來看,所謂的日耳曼民族「統一」,在漫長的歷史長河裏,是否竟成短暫一瞬?國族認同其實是不斷「轉變」、需要被「建構」? 德東人的國族認同似乎印證此一說法。 / The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court in the Basic Treaty of 1973 stated “ The specialty of the treaty is that it applies to, as well as effects, a bilateral international treaty between two states which are existing for long and keep the same nation in the two divisions of the entire Germany as a whole.” The significant political freedoms and economic prosperity that West Germany established under the Grundgesetz (Basic Law), which across the border many of East Germany’s citizens looked to, eventually led to the collapse of socialist and the consequent official unification of two German states into one again on 3rd October 1990.
Due to the Nazis’ distortion of national identity, as well as the changing border in historical Germany, an ideology of identity in political communities has appeared on “systems” for the postwar German, rather than on “nations” or “lands” as for people in other nation state. Alongside the social unequal and decline derived from the disappointing economic performance after unification, more and more pre East German now declare themselves “East German”. In 1990, 61% of pre East German recognized “German”, while in 2000 77% of those recognized “East German”. From the historical point of view, the so called “Germanic unification” ultimate becomes a short memory in the long history? National identity actually transforms and needs to be continuously constructed? The terms of pre East German seem in support of this indication.
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來自人民的聲音 新加坡諷刺播客Mr. Brown Show / Voice from the people-- Singaporean satirical podcast Mr. Brown Show唐湘怡, Eva Tang Unknown Date (has links)
新加坡是個經濟繁榮、法治嚴明、資訊科技發達的城市國家,主流平面及電子媒體由報業控股公司(SPH)及新傳媒(Media Corp.)兩大集團壟斷,奉行「政府說了算」的新聞學意理,網路使用普及後,公民媒體乘勢興起。
Mr. Brown Show是由新加坡人民製作的政治諷刺播客(podcast),主要作者為資深部落客李健敏(Mr. Brown),持續發聲已逾三年,廣受歡迎。播客內容多為重現新聞時事的幽默短劇,以人民的觀點針砭時政,實踐公民新聞學(citizen journalism)。
筆者以播客發聲至今顯著性高的新聞議題為指標,選出四大議題共二十三則播客,將之謄寫、節譯為文字稿,以主流媒體(如《海峽時報》)報導為事件背景,對照播客內容,呈現Mr. Brown Show觀點,並歸納製作群的慣用表述策略,如文字遊戲、雙關語、偽裝角色等,申論政治諷刺拓展公民新聞學實踐的範疇。
Mr. Brown Show以播客為載具,網路為傳播平台,正好規避當局對傳統媒介的管制,更甚者,當局未干涉播客的諷刺評論,Mr. Brown Show為另類媒介提供生存線索,並拓寬當前播客的使用目的。
傳播科技帶來新媒體發展的可能性,本文取Mr. Brown Show為個案,以小窺大,除了看它如何利用播客實踐公民新聞學,也探討新媒體對統治當局的挑戰。 / This study examines the production of podcast by a Singaporean blogger Lee Kin Mun, a.k.a. Mr. Brown. He and his team have been utilizing the outcome of a technological convergence — podcast, in a most creative way to express their political views. By its own unique style of satire, Mr. Brown Show has survived in this city state’s closely regulated Internet sphere. In addition, it emerged as a good example of citizen journalism, providing survival tips for local alternative media. It remains to be seen, however, in what way Mr. Brown Show or its likes can make a difference on Singapore’s online democracy.
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臺灣電視公司歷屆總統選舉新聞偏差之研究:1996-2008 / Political Bias in Taiwan Television Enterprise's Coverage of the four Presidential Elections in Taiwan: 1996-2008林裕展, Lin , Yu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是以內容分析法分析台視在報導1996 年至2008年的四屆總統大選時,選舉新聞的政黨偏差現象,並進一步剖析台視民營化前後,所有權轉變對選舉新聞政治偏差的影響。研究結果顯示,台視在民營化前的三屆(1996年、2000年、2004年)總統大選中,皆出現明顯政治偏差,且偏差方向均對執政黨較為有利。但台視民營化後,選舉新聞的政治偏差情形變得較不明顯,在2008年的總統大選中,台視的選舉新聞已遠比以往公正。為了解所有權轉變對台視選舉新聞公正性的影響,本研究以深度訪談法專訪十名台視記者,分析四屆總統選舉時的採訪歷程。受訪者皆認為,台視在民營化前,政府及執政黨明顯影響選舉新聞報導;但民營化後,政府及執政黨的影響力降低,台視選舉新聞已較為公正。 / This study examines how Taiwan Television Enterprise reported the campaign and candidates during the 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 Presidential Elections in Taiwan. A content analysis of evening news coverage of election news coverage of the television station indicated that there were significant quantity bias, source bias, and presentation bias in its coverage of the first three presidential election campaigns. However, the television station was more balance in its coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign. A depth interview of 10 reporters of the television station indicated that ownership structure has direct or indirect influence on election coverage of the station. The change of ownership of the station in 2007 has contributed to the achievement of more balanced election coverage in the 2008 presidential election.
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外人直接投資或關稅遊說-污染外部性模型劉郁潔 Unknown Date (has links)
政府在制定政策的過程中,往往會受到利益團體影響。我們藉由 Grossman and Helpman (1994) 所發展的政治獻金模型為架構,討論在國內生產具有負面外部性的情況下,政府決定是否開放具有生產優勢的外國廠商進入本國生產的決策。我們發現開放外人直接投資與否,受到政府對社會福利重視的程度所影響。在政府極端不重視社會福利且生產完全無生產技術外溢時,政府將不會選擇開放國外廠商進入本國投資,而一般情況下,當市場規模夠大且政府重視社會福利有一定程度時,生產時所造成的負面外部性愈大,本國政府將傾向不開放外國廠商進入本國直接生產。 / Since the domestic government can makes its choice between alternative policy instruments to maximize its’ welfare, this paper analyzes how a domestic government makes the policy about foreign direct investment by Grossman and Helpman (1994) political contribution model. It shows that opening FDI or not is affected by the weight that the domestic government puts on the social welfare. We found that domestic government tends not to open FDI when it puts little weight on the social welfare. In this case that the weight and market are large enough, the domestic government tends to open FDI as the pollution externality increases.
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政策利害關係人對廉政政策順服與政治信任感關聯性之研究-以環保署業務往來之廠商為例 / Policy stakeholder’s policy compliance and political trust: a case study of the environmental protection administration in Taiwan楊華興 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:政策利害關係人、政策順服、政策執行、政治信任感、廉政倫理規範 / Based on David Easton's framework of political-system support theory, this study discussed the factors that influence policy compliance of policy stakeholders with different background and political attitudes. From the point of view of policy monitoring , it analyzed the variables affecting compliance from the aspects of policy cognition, policy environment, satisfaction of implementation effectiveness, and cooperation degree of policy stakeholders. Furthermore, it examined the correlations between policy compliance and political trust of each individual in order to get the verification of theory.
When it comes to the evaluation and appraisal of the implementation of the anticorruption policy, vendors are ,compared to the general public, more familiar to the affairs concerning Ethics Direction for Civil Servants. This study has selected vendors (i.e. the policy stakeholders) as the research objects. According to the study goal, the "cognition" and the "environmental pressure" were assumed to be two main factors affecting individual satisfaction and behavioral orientation toward the anticorruption policy. When an individual holds a positive cognition toward the anticorruption policy, the policy environment will force the individual to comply with the policy. The satisfaction toward the policy and the behavioral compliance will be fostered. On the contrary, if an individual holds a negative cognition toward the policy, and the policy environment will discourage the individual to comply with the provisions of the anticorruption policy. The individual will not satisfy with the implementing results of the current policy. It will impede the satisfaction and lower the behavioral compliance.
The study found that the party identification of the policy stakeholders would influence their compliance to the anticorruption policy. The reason might be that different backgrounds make different life experiences. This molds individual into different level of policy cognition, attitude of support, policy satisfaction and participation orientation, and in turn makes different representation on scale of compliance of the anticorruption policy. In addition, the political trust, when compared to previous studies, was found to be at a low level, and significantly related to gender, education level, job category, party identification and income level. When exploring from the correlation between the anticorruption policy and the political trust, the study found a significant correlation between them. Among variables of anticorruption policy dimension, "environmental pressure," "degree of satisfaction" and "behavioral orientation" have high levels of correlation with political trust.
Lastly, this study has explored suggestions to the implementation and evaluation of strategies related to the promotion of anticorruption policy in hope to serve as an important reference to the policy implementation.
Key word:policy stakeholder, policy compliance, policy implementation, Political Trust, Ethics Direction for Civil Servants
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斯賓諾莎論釋經:《神學政治論》研究 / Spinoza on biblical interpretation: a study of tractatus theologico-politicus郭大維, Kuo, Da-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
斯賓諾莎的《神學政治論》向來被認為是現代自由民主、與聖經批判的哲學性起源,學者大多認為斯賓諾莎以一種科學式的方法來研究聖經。本文旨在研究斯賓諾莎的聖經觀與宗教觀。藉著對十七世紀荷蘭神學-政治背景、以及《神學政治論》第七章到第十五章的分析,來說明斯賓諾莎所關心的並不是「如何解釋聖經」,而是「誰有權釋經」。他並不是藉著一種客觀的方法論來研究聖經,而是將解釋聖經的判准建立在解釋者的德性之上。而後不斷質疑各種可能形成解釋權威、壟斷信仰的科學式或理論性宗教知識。他把信仰的本質還原為生活,並且主張唯有解釋者有道德行為,他對聖經的解釋才可能是真的。因此,斯賓諾莎解釋聖經的方式不是一種聖經批判,而是一種德性證成的觀點。藉此,他把解釋聖經的權利還諸一切信仰者,並且將哲學與神學分離,前者的基礎是思辨理論,後者的基礎是道德實踐。 / Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus has always been regarded as the philosophical origin of modern liberal democracy and modern biblical criticism. Most scholars consider Spinoza’s biblical study as a kind of scientific method. This thesis aims at Spinoza’s view of the Bible and his view of religion. By a description of the theological-political background of the 17th century Dutch, and an analysis of Tractatus Theologico-Politicus Chapters 7 through 15, I would demonstrate that Spinoza cares not “how to study the Scripture” but “who has the authority to interpret the Scripture.” He does not study the Scripture by means of an objective methodology, rather, he sets up the criteria of biblical interpretation upon the virtue of interpreters. Then he doubts constantly every kind of theoretical knowledge of religion which may become the authority of interpretation and monopolize the faith. He reduces the essence of faith to life, and claims that only when an interpreter is moral, can his interpretation of the Scripture be true. Therefore, Spinoza’s interpretation of the Bible is not a kind of biblical-criticism, but a kind of justification by means of virtue. By doing so (or simply “Thus”), he returns the right of interpreting Scripture back to all believers, and separates philosophy away from theology. The foundation of philosophy is speculative theory, and theology is based on moral practices.
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