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2003SARS在兩岸----生物政治學的研究途徑邵軒磊, Shao ,Hsuan-Lei Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞: SARS、中國、生物政治、全球化、系譜學、傅科、尼采 / 2003SARS in the Cross-Strait
----On the Bio-Political Perspective
The epidemic, SARS, erupted on two sides of the Taiwan Strait in spring and summer of 2003. Cross-Strait exchanges fell to close to none. It brought great influence to not only East Asia, but also the whole world. This essay attempts to employ the methodology of Genealogy to explore the SARS incident and to understand how power maneuvers in this context. The research materials will primarily be editorials and news. The research reveals that: SARS is a new disease. People are uncertain about the SARS symptom and desired to know more as possible. Therefore, the discourse of SARS is dialectic of knowledge/power. One the other hand, the signification of body politics can be seen in the control of virus/patients: from the name of SARS, to the categorization of virus carriers, and the way to handle the disease and quarantine. The final discuss is on the implication of disease in the context of globalization and international politics.
Western philosophical thinking the human being is the greatest of the living thing, and the other organism of the nature is object being. The assumption that human beings have the power to decide and discover their Subjects dictates the interactions between human beings and other creatures/ objects. The existence of “others” thus serves as a background and secondary meaning to human. Bio-politics aims to discuss a different kind of thinking which puts “others” in the position of Subjects. This is to deconstruct the opposite relations between human and nature, and to describe the source of power in humankind’s political science. Genealogy’s research on power traces back to the research on Subjects; while Bio-politics can employ Genealogy’s methodology to discover another level of research on power.
Keywords: Bio-politics、Epidemiology、Foucault、Genealogy、SARS、WHO
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泰國學生運動發展之研究(1973-1992)陳志毅, Chen, Chih-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
1973∼1992年的二十年間,泰國一共經歷了三次重要的民主轉型階段,同時也發生了三次大規模全國性群眾運動,分別是1973年的10月學運、1976年的第二次學運以及1992年的黑色5月事件。1973年的事件是起因於他儂(Thanom Kittikachon)政權施行威權統治,進而引發大規模政治抗議的結果,而此次由學生所領導的事件,可說是泰國大規模社會運動的濫觴;1976年的二次學運是針對軍方態度的跋扈及對群眾請求漠視的反動;1992年的5月運動則是要要求執政當局制定具有民主本質的憲法,同時也欲推翻未經民選過程卻出任首相的蘇欽達(Suchinda Kraprayoon)。
本研究主要是利用政治發展理論(political development theory)來分析泰國學生運動與政治發展間的關聯性,進而探究其在泰國政治轉型中所扮演的角色為何。同時並觀察外在政治環境的變化,特別是軍方政權的態度與行為模式、學生動員群眾的方式,尤其是與其它組織的結盟策略以及運動帶給一般群眾的認知與文化思想信念等變數,來分析學生運動成功或失敗的原因。
最後,本研究認為,在學生運動帶動下的市民社會抗爭獲得成功之後,其信心與力量都更為鞏固,同時人民已認知到集體力量的重要性,日後統治階層若想再藉由武力的方式來鎮壓民眾的聲音,恐將難以成功,而泰國的政治應該會更加朝向民主鞏固的路途邁進。 / Abstract
This thesis examines the role of the Thai student movements in the political development process that took place in Thailand between 1973 and 1992. Most studies of the student movements in Thailand take the presence of a movement as something that can be traced simply through sequential events. Things occur and results materialize. This research has a different purpose: first, to explore not only what happened, but also how it happened. Second, to examine its emergence, development and transformation. Finally, to evaluate the contribution it has made to the expansion of civil society and democratization.
Here this research attempts to answer such questions as: what internal conditions facilitated the emergence and development of the movements and how? What was the historical context in which the movement emerged and how was the emergence related to this context? How and why were students able to become activists, and then recruit others so as to sustain a voluntary social formation? And how did the elements of culture and ideology affect the development and transformation? The main subjects of this research are three pro-democracy demonstrations: the student movement of 1973, the bloody October of 1976, and the May uprising of 1992.
The analysis of the Thai student movements is guided by political development theory to better understand the relationship between student movement and political development. Through this study, three conclusions have been drawn: (1) Thai student movement played the role as the agent of social force. Through its efforts, the political awareness of the civil society has thus been waken up, leading to the break down of the military. (2) Student movement brought about the “the bottom-up” reform forceand created the political space for mass participation. This kind of “bottom-up” reform force will be playing the leading role affecting government’s attitude and policies. (3) The Thai student movement verifies the hypothesis of the political development theory. Through drastic mass movements, it leads to a real progress of the political system.
A comparison of the three cases shows that the development and expansion of civil society led by student movements, and the success of mass struggle make people understand the importance of collective action. It would be a quite difficult thing for the ruling class using violent means to stifle people’s demands in the future, and Thailand will be getting closer to the goal of the consolidation of democracy.
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我國獨立董事與獨立監察人之屬性與盈餘管理之關聯性研究馬瑜霙, Ma, Yu-ying, Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果支持本研究認為因監察人得以單獨行使職權,故獨立監察人實際選任席次超過最低法定門檻之比例確實較獨立董事實際選任席次超過最低法定門檻的比例高,且企業所選任的獨立董監素質,因企業之規模大小不同而有顯著差異,另外,亦發現企業確實會考量職能別的差異,進而聘僱不同專業背景之專家。最後,關於獨立董事與獨立監察人在監督管理當局從事盈餘管理行為時之作用部分,未獲得實證結果支持,推測原因,可能係因我國企業於設置獨立董事與監察人後,僅將其視為專業地位崇高的「名譽」董事與監察人,但並未賦予其監督的實際權力,因而造成獨立董事與監察人未能涉入企業核心,致使其無法發揮監督管理當局之預期功能所導致。 / The institution of independent directors and independent supervisors is a new phenomenon arisen from forced enactment made by Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation and Gretai Securities Market on February 22, 2002. It claims all new listed corporations to employ at least 2 independent directors and 1 independent supervisor in order to enhance corporate governance in Taiwan.
This thesis examines if enterprises have special considerations when employ independent directors and independent supervisors from the viewpoints of actual numbers, grade level and governance expertise. Furthermore, this thesis also examines the actual contributions of them to reduce the earnings management behaviors.
Consistent with our hypothesis that due to the different way to oversee the management, this thesis finds that besides achieving the minimum standard threshold, it is more likely for an enterprise to employ much more independent supervisors than independent directors. Moreover, empirical results support that the bigger size of the company, the better independent directors and independent supervisors it will employ. Additionally, this study also finds that corporation will employ different kinds of experts owing to the different functions between independent directors and independent supervisors. Finally, as for reducing earnings management behaviors, this study can’t offer proper evidences. It may result from that enterprise views independent directors and independent supervisors as “reputable” experts, so they can’t have actual power to oversee managements. In other words, independent directors and independent supervisors can’t exercise the role well because of lacking actual power.
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大陸偷渡人民與國家安全之研究周正民 Unknown Date (has links)
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向下紮根:中國國民黨與臺灣地方政治的發展(1949-1960)任育德, Jen,Yu-Te Unknown Date (has links)
第四章處理的是朝野互動下的地方政治。先分兩方面觀察在野精英的參政問題:青年黨與民社黨的黨務發展,及無黨籍人士。其次在野人士對於公平競爭的訴求,顯示於反對「一人競選現象」,選舉監察問題兩大主題。在野人士由於無法獲取國民黨進一步回應,決定以組黨從事政治競爭。對在野精英而言,組黨是化解社會分歧、從事政治公平競爭的解決方式;國民黨對組黨運動如何動用國家情治機構、媒體與黨機器解決1950年以來的首次內部危機,也在討論之列。 / This study explores four topics: construction of KMT party-state system, developments of KMT in Taiwan, interactions between KMT and local factions, interactions between KMT and opposition elites from 1949 to 1960.
It deals with Taiwan politics during the later phase of 1940s in Chapter 1, including Taiwanese elites’ political participations from Japanese colonial rule to ROC takeover, and premiere stage of KMT developments in Taiwan.
It explores reconstruction of KMT and building of party-state system in Chapter 2. Changes of US policy to Taiwan, and decision-making process of Taiwan Province autonomy are main courses in political situations after ROC regime’s retreat in 1949. About KMT reconstruction process, this study first deals with reconstruction under tsung-tsai (supreme leader of KMT), and party decision power only belongs to tsung-tsai. Then it explores designs of party base formation, cadres change of Taiwan Province Party Bureau, organizations and fiscal budgets of party bureaus, and how they exercise to reorganize KMT’s local support during 1950s. Then it focuses on “social investigations” which are implemented by KMT. KMT use them to understand Taiwanese society, raise political consciousness of party members, and policies feedback. At last, “Social investigations” are also positive to building of party-state system.
It explores Taiwan’s local politics in party-state system in Chapter 3. First, not only changes of autonomy law system, workings of local party and administration system need to be dealt with. Second, when we focus on KMT mobilization system construction, we should notice some facts that Taiwanese party members becomes main sector in local party organizations, mainlanders are still in majority on party cadres and whole party. They can be stated that KMT begins to taking roots in Taiwan. KMT needs more apparatus to mobilize and penetrate Taiwanese society. Using established Farmer Association, organizing brand new system -- “Public Service Stations” meet such needs. Third, because local elections became ladder participating regime for Taiwanese elites, we should notice that political struggles between “ban-shan” and “a-hai”, and connections between local factions and elections. Not only the building of KMT nomination system, but also campaign task system which was controlled by KMT and how they work need to be explored. During such processes, established frameworks about interactions between KMT and local factions can be reconsidered and exemplified.
It explores local politics between KMT and its opposition powers in Chapter 4. First, Political participations of opposition elites can be surveyed in developments of CYP and DSP, and independents. Second, Opposition elites call for fair campaigns by against “non-competitive election”, and supervising campaigns. No further response from KMT, which makes opposition elites calling for organizing opposition party. To them, organizing opposition party is best way to ease social divergence, and to solve KMT’s manipulations in local elections. This study also focuses on how KMT uses intelligence apparatus of state, media and party apparatus to solve its first inner crisis since 1950.
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張東蓀政治思想研究—國共之外的第三條路1920∼1940年代劉啟貞 Unknown Date (has links)
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晚清駐檳榔嶼副領事之角色分析(1893-1911)張曉威, Chong, Siou Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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新經濟下的新建構與舊矛盾--對「新經濟」之政治經濟學批判的分析邱嘉琳, Chiu,Chia-lin Unknown Date (has links)
新經濟的宣稱是否顯示資本主義已邁入另一階段的發展進程?資本主義發生了根本的變化了嗎?新經濟的生產模式是否能解決資本主義長久以來的結構性矛盾,還是只是深化和擴大商品化的矛盾?而馬克思主義能否解釋當代資本主義的變化? 這是本論文的問題意識源起。
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列寧時期政治宣傳海報之研究蔡佳岑 Unknown Date (has links)
海報原是屬於藝術性的創作品,然而在蘇聯將其與政治相結合發展成政治宣傳海報,因此其特性是既屬藝術又屬政治。在西方電影中,時常可看到將政治宣傳海報當成藝術品掛於牆上,例如在電影《恐懼的總和》(«The Sum of All Fears»)中,主角是一名蘇聯歷史學家,其辦公室的牆上就掛著一幅由摩爾(Д. С. Моор, 1883-1946)所畫的《五月一日─勞動節》(«1 Мая Праздник Труда», 1920, 圖3-3-13)海報,電影畫面所欲呈現的意涵一方面是作為裝飾品,另一方面則是象徵著蘇聯。在2003年筆者曾到過聖彼得堡及莫斯科,當地所有書店皆將過去蘇聯時期所發行的政治宣傳海報重新印製,作為海報、書冊、明信片等予以販售,足見其對俄國而言,是珍藏品,亦是代表俄國的紀念品。
在1917年十月革命後的俄共不論在政治、經濟、或社會皆處於混亂之中,但是政治宣傳海報卻絲毫不受影響的開始茁壯成長,反而似乎因破碎國家的局勢激起了海報畫家創作的靈感,大量的作品自十月革命後便不斷湧現。因此,由這些海報作品中除了可以欣賞畫家的繪畫手法、感受海報內容所流露的情感外,同時從這些政治宣傳海報中也能勾勒出當時的歷史背景及時代意涵。因此若要解讀十月革命後由列寧(Владимир Ильич Ульянов(Ленин), 1870-1924)所統治的蘇共歷史,亦應能透過海報的內容來理解,而這也唯有結合了政治與藝術於一體的政治宣傳海報才能達到此目的。
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台灣民眾政治容忍之研究鄧忠俊 Unknown Date (has links)
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