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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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政治反對運動成敗因素之分析-以野草莓運動為例 / Success and Failure of A Political Opposition Movement:A Case Study of Wild Strawberry Movement in Taiwan

張瑞恆 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣從一九八0年代開始進入民主化之後,政局改變也促使大規模民眾參與社會運動性質產生變化。野百合運動後近二十年出現野草莓運動,也是威權轉型後的首次以學生為主體的大型政治反對運動。本論文針對野草莓運動的組織、動員、決策、參與動機、政治價值、態度與行為模式進行探討。 本論文以野草莓運動為例,透過深度訪談方式進行個案研究。本論文主要研究目的如下:首先,探討政治反對運動的形成因素,對政治反對運動原因、屬性等影響。其次,探討現階段學生參與社會運動的動機。第三,討論分析野草莓運動形成的有關因素及影響,瞭解政治上是否有如同野百合學運一般的實質影響力。 本論文研究後發現,野草莓運動與野百合運動相較之下,其政治影響力不如野百合運動。野百合運動的效果導致台灣進入憲政改革,加速民主化過程,並受到執政當局的積極回應。相較於野草莓運動,從野草莓運動開始,政府就不斷以消極的方式面對,有別於野百合運動時的政府積極態度。 一個社會運動的成敗必須要各方面的配合,除了運動的理想所產生的集體思維和社會信念,更要有公眾的強力支持為後盾,配合系統化、組織化的動員與適合的決策程序。一個運動的成敗,除了內部決策、組織、動員、策略、抗議手段等,也要考量到社會大眾的認同與支持,上述論及之各項因素都將會對政治反對運動的成敗造成影響。 關鍵字:政治反對運動、社會運動、野草莓運動、野百合運動、集體決策、組織動員。 / The thesis attempts to observe the characters of the Wild Strawberry Movement in Taiwan. After the third wave of democratization, the characters of the mass participation in Taiwan’s social movement have changed. The Wild Strawberry Movement is the first large-scale political opposition led by students after Taiwan’s democratic transformation. The thesis wants to discuss the Wild Strawberry Movement’s organization, mobilization, decision, participation and value etc. There are three aims in the thesis. At first, to understand the causes of political opposition movement. Second, to figure out student’ s motives of the social movement. Third, to discuss the cause of Wild Strawberry Movement and compare it’s political influence to the Wild Lily Student movement. A successful political opposition movement needs some elements to match up. The collective thinking and social belief are playing the main roles in the social movement. The most important element of all is public’s support. Besides, the internal decision, organization and mobilization are also important elements to affect the political opposition movement.

政府官員異動之社會網路分析 / A study on government official's changing with social network analysis

林岡隆 Unknown Date (has links)
對於大量零碎的資料,社會網路分析提供了一個可能的方向,可以更容易 的對個體與整體進行觀察,而得以發掘其中隱藏的資訊。本論文嘗試以我 國政府官員異動資料為一零碎資料的代表,利用社會網路分析做為工具, 提出網路模型以幫助我們分析與觀察其中所隱藏的資訊。利用官員的異動 時間記錄建立網路,實驗的模型共可分為人物共同異動網路、人物共事時 間網路,職務升遷網路,人物共同異動網路部分,將每一人物視為不同節 點,節點間的連結則為兩人共同異動的次數,輔以職務間相關性的關係對 資料中的雜訊進行過濾,人物共事時間網路則以兩人在相關單位共事的時 間長度做為其節點間的連結,職務網路改為以職務做為節點,利用人物的 職務升遷,在前後任職的職務節點間建立連結,對於所建立的各種網路, 再利用社會網路分析中一些性質或指標進行分析。實驗結果顯示本研究所 設計的模型對於觀察人物間相互關係以及不同單位所產生的群體間的關係 有所幫助,並提供對於社會網路分析在類似情境下應用的可能性與限制的 了解。

中國「和平崛起」思維與在東亞地區的實踐研究 / The study of the practice of China's 「Peaceful Rise」thinking in East Asia

田燕平 Unknown Date (has links)
自 1955 年,中國與印度和緬甸簽署「和平共處五項原則」之後,又在改革開放時期,提出了「和平與發展」是當今時代的兩大主題起,「和諧世界」理念便開啟了國際的視窗,至 1999 年代初期,中國學者基於「國際觀」的理念,提出未來「中國崛起」對國際權力平衡結構將造成影響的討論,此時國際間便興起「中國威脅論」及「中國即將崩潰」的論點研究。 有鑑於此,鄭必堅於 2004 年 4 月 22 日在北京人民大會堂繼續舉行第三單元主題報告會,在最後一場報告會上發表題為「中國和平崛起的發展道路」的演講中,曾提到「和平怎麼會威脅?崛起又怎麼會崩潰?和平崛起是對中國威脅論和中國崩潰論最有利的回擊」。因此提出「和平崛起」理念,來企圖推翻「中國威脅論」及「中國即將崩潰」的論點,因為中國認為唯有藉創造「和諧環境」與「善意的回應」,才能轉移國際焦點,把國際經濟重點引向中國大陸。 中國談「和平崛起」,在政治上「無非是想建立一個對他有利的區域國際環境」,在經濟上「主要在加強與東亞各國的經濟合作,營造中國經濟崛起所需要的周邊環境」,在軍事上「主要在增加東亞地區國家對中國的依賴,成為區域大國」;美國雖然不願意看到「中國的崛起」,影響其美國在東亞地區的主導地位,但自發生「九一一恐怖攻擊」事件後,基於地緣戰略需要,為確保亞洲地區的安全,反而依賴中國在亞洲區的優勢戰略條件,使中國佔有舉足輕重的地位,美國欲藉中國在亞太地區的影響力,牽制「資恐國家」的軍事力量擴張與恐怖組織力量的蔓延,所以此舉也替中國帶來「和平崛起」的契機與國際環境,但是必須克服「東亞各國政治理念分歧」、「歷史宿怨與政治相悖」等主要限制因素,中國才能達到主導東亞事務的目的。 中國向以「強勢國家」自居,從近年來國防武器發展來看,在東亞地區已影響區域軍事均衡,日本也已警覺到「中國」所帶來的威脅,所以也積極尋求國家支持日本軍力的擴展,今後,東亞地區的和平與否,「中、日」兩國是關鍵,兩國若無建立合作機制,求得共同利益的環境,必會導致軍事競賽的情形發生,那麼「東亞地區」真的就如同亞洲的彈藥庫一般,實不得不注意。 / Since 1955, after signing the Treaty of “Five Principles concerning Peaceful Co-existence”with India and Burma, and after proposing that “Peace and Development”were two major issues of contemporary times during the period of reformation and opening, China has promoted the idea of “Harmonious World”to open the international view. At the beginning of 1990s, Chinese scholars launched the discussion about how “The Rising of China”will influence the structure of balance between international powers, on the basis of the idea of “International View”, there arose the study of theses of “China is a threat” and “China is going to collapse”among international scholars. According to this fact, in the conference held in April, 22nd, 2004, in Peking People’s Hall, Chen Pi-Gen presented a speech entitled “The Developing Way of Peaceful Rising of China ”in the final session of the third topic, and mentioned that “How does peace become a threat? How does rising become collapse? Peaceful rising is the most useful response for the theses of “Chinese threat” and “Chinese collapse”. He proposed the idea of “Peaceful Rising”, therefore, in order to overthrow the theses of “Chinese Threat” and “Chinese Collapse”. He argued that China can shift international focus and introduce important international economy into mainland China only by inventing “Harmonious Environment” and “Friendly Responses”. For China, to talk about “Peaceful Rising”, is to “build a regional international environment good for herself”on the political ground, to “strengthen mainly economic cooperation with South-east Asian countries, to construct the circumstance necessary for the economic rising of China” on the economic ground, and to “increase the dependence of East Asian countries on China, in order to become a regional great country”. The United States is not willing to see “The Rising of China”which affects the leading role of U. S. A. in the region of East Asia. However, after the event of “911 Terrorist Attack ”, the United States relys on the dominant role of China in Asian strategic situation in order to protect the peace of Asia. The United States wishes to use Chinese influence on Asian countries to prevent the military expansion of conntries which support terriorism as well as the increase of the power of terriorist organizations. This measure has brougnt the opportunity and international environment of “Peaceful Rising”for China. Nevertheless, for the purpose of leading international affairs in East Asia, China has to overcome the limiting factors of “divergence of political ideas among East Asian countries”and “the contradictin of historical hatred and politics”. China has long been proud of being a “Strong Country”. From the evidence of Chinese development of defense weapons, we can find China has influenced regional military balance in East Asia. Japan has awared the threat from China, and trys eagerly to look for national support for expanding military power. From now on, China and Japan will play key roles in peace-keeping in East Asia. If there is no cooperation mechanism constructed between two countries for their mutual benefits, there will arise for sure military competition between two countries, and East Asia will become the bomb storage of Asia. This situation deserves our close and constant attention.

民進黨客家政策的政治果效 / Political effects of the Hakka policies under the DPP government

曾棠君 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣推動第四代行動通訊WiMAX的行動者網絡分析 / An Actor-Network Analysis of the promotion of semi-4G WiMAX in Taiwan

邱鈞彥, Theodre, Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 台灣產官學研自2005年起推動被稱為準4G(第四代行動通訊)的WiMAX技術,然而今日WiMAX不但未成為國際通用的4G技術,在台灣市場也無法做大。本文以「行動者網絡理論」作為主要分析工具,輔以「後進技術框架」為鉅觀視野,還原台灣推動WiMAX的行動歷程。透過檢閱期刊文獻、官方資料、媒體報導,以及訪談科技法人、營運商、官員、技術專家、使用者、環運人士,研究結果如下: 2005年在代工困境及PC產業成長趨緩的背景下,台灣產官學研持續尋求解套辦法。產官人士發現,技術專利有助於刺激產業升級,而通訊技術則能帶動硬體裝置銷售成長,市場潛力大。當時恰逢電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)正在研發WiMAX,有許多技術專利可供搶佔,加上IEEE對外較開放,因此轉譯了台灣產官人士的興趣,促使WiMAX技術網絡在台灣萌生。 然而受到傳統電信商不支持、執照分區及載具限制等因素影響,WiMAX在台灣的用戶數始終停滯不前。為了解決市場限制,營運商透過命名、訊號轉換及體驗行銷等方式,力圖擴大市場。本研究也發現,WiMAX在使用者與訊號轉換器的共同運作之下,多被用成解決Wi-Fi覆蓋死角的網路技術,而未被當成行動網路來使用。傳統電信業者所慣用的綁約機制,則是影響使用者選擇進用WiMAX的關鍵因素。 承接前述脈絡,本文發現台灣推動WiMAX乃後進技術國家追尋現代性的顯著案例,我國治理組織推動WiMAX的主要目的並非佈局4G,而是為了取得專利、帶動產業升級、刺激產業典範轉移。在WiMAX網絡的萌生過程中,南韓則因為擁有成功的CDMA經驗,取代了歐美先進技術國家,成為台灣苦苦追趕的對象。 / Abstract From 2005, the Government-industry-university-research collaboration started to promote WiMAX, as the so called semi-4G, in Taiwan. However, WiMAX didn’t become the globally used standard, nor developed very well in Taiwan. The analytical frame of this paper is based on actor-network-theory(ANT), while applying the post technological frame. The research data are collected from Journal articles, formal informations, media reports and 8 actors. The results are as follower: The dilemma that OEMs are facing and the down of PC market shake off economics downturn in Taiwan. The Government-industry-university-research collaboration continued to find the solution to change the manufacturing paradigm. Around 2005 they found out the IPR and wireless broadband are having much market potential. At that time the IEEE was developing WiMAX standard. WiMAX and its IPR translate the Government-industry-university-research collaboration’s interests. Due to the lack of telecom operator’s support, license arrangement, and limitations of device capabilities the subscribers of WiMAX didn’t grow massively. For expanding the market, operators used naming, signal device, and experiential marketing to promote WiMAX. However, WiMAX was used as a Wi-fi not a Mobile broadband by the users and signal devices. The contract tied with 3G and Wi-fi impacted the subscribing of WiMAX. The promotion of WiMAX in Taiwan was a significant case of post technological country. The aim of promoting WiMAX was not for 4G, but for the paradigm shifting. In the promoting process, South-Korea played an important role as advanced technological country for Taiwan to chase up.

對外關係的國內根源:兩岸經貿交流中的利益、符號與威脅 / Domestic Roots of Foreign Relations: the Interests, Symbols, and Threats of Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges

陳映男 Unknown Date (has links)

新古典現實主義視角下的中國外交決策——以2012至2013年的釣魚臺爭端為例 / The foreign policy decision-making of China under Neoclassical Realism perspective——taking the dispute of Diaoyu island from 2012 to 2013 as the example

高岸 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要通過新古典現實主義的層次分析法對2012至2013年間中國在釣魚臺爭端中的重要外交決策進行分析。希望以此探討中國外交決策形成中的幾個主要影響因素。首先,本文以中國通過「過度反應」策略將日本對釣魚臺的單方面控制成功轉變為中日交叉控制為例,探討了國際體系層次上的結構變化對中國外交決策的影響。接著,本文以中國組建新的國家海洋局為例,探討了國內政治層次上的部門分工對中國外交決策的影響。最後,本文以設立東海防空識別區為例,探討了個人層次上的領導人特質對中國外交決策的影響。 國際體系、國內政治、領導人三個因素都在中國外交的決策過程中發揮著重要影響。首先,國際體系因素作為自變量,同時影響著國內政治因素和領導人因素。其次,國內政治因素和領導人因素作為幹預變量同時受到國際體系因素的影響,並且這兩者之間也存在相互影響。最後,最終的外交決策作為因變量同時受到上述三個因素的影響。

踏不死的道種:台灣一貫道遭禁與復振 / Indestructible “Dao Orthodoxy”: the prohibition and revitalization of I-Kuan-Tao in Taiwan

陳韋辰, Chen, Wei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以一貫道這個源自中國的救度宗教傳統,傳到台灣發展的歷程,以及其所展現的宗教思想與實踐,著重於組織發展、教義與倫理、以及宗教與政治社會脈絡的對話,並透過梳理這個過程,成為進一步理解一貫道宗教實踐特色的基礎。一貫道曾在台灣曾遭禁三十餘載(1951-1987),但其信仰並未熄滅,在戒嚴與遭禁的情境下生存下來,發展至今成為頗具規模的宗教。在遭禁下與解禁後的發展,一貫道的宗教實踐有越趨儒教化、強調道德教化的趨勢,本文認為這個取向是特定歷史過程與文化脈絡交織下的產物,並伴隨著政治機會結構而逐漸浮現。因此本文以「道德政治」(moral politics)作為觀察一貫道宗教實踐的顯微鏡,試圖掌握一貫道實踐中道德的策略性與展演性,看到信眾如何透過詮釋道德、運用道德符號與實踐道德的方法,達到延續宗教組織、獲得宗教實踐的正當性、擴大宗教社群、推廣一貫道的宗教品牌等效果。本研究主要以一貫道的一個分支基礎忠恕為主要案例,同時參考不同組線分支的案例,以期本研究有更寬廣的視野。 / The task of the thesis is trying to interpret and analyze the praxis of a salvationist religion I-Kuan-Tao (一貫道, also written as ‘Yiguandao’) in Taiwan which originates from China and inherits the tradition of “Chinese Sectarianism”, and concentrates on the transformation of I-Kuan-Tao’s religious organization, doctrine and ethics, and dialogue with the context of the political society. I-Kuan-Tao had been prohibited by Kuomintang from 1951 to 1987, but the belief continued growing under the banned situation and Martial Law, and developed into a thrived religion after it gained legal status. The praxis of I-Kuan-Tao orientates Confucianism and emphasizes the significance of moral, which is a product of characteristic historical process, cultural contexts, and the political opportunities. The thesis develops the concept “moral politics” to describe the performance and strategy of moral in religious praxis of I-Kuan-Tao. I consider that “moral” as a maneuverable symbolic capital which further helps us to comprehend the dialectical relationship between those factors. Therefore, it will demonstrate how believers maintain and reproduce I-Kuan-Tao community, gain the legitimacy of religious praxis, promote the brand of religion and subsequently utilize their agency. The thesis focuses on Jichu Zhongshu(基礎忠恕) branch as the main case, and also compares with other branches for a broader view.

俄羅斯兼併克里米亞─地緣政治的視角 / Russia's Annexation of Crimea: A Geopolitical Perspective

周建宏, Chou, Chien Hung Unknown Date (has links)
西元2014年3月16日原屬於烏克蘭的克里米亞自治共和國舉行了全民公投, 其最終的結果,超過九成的選民贊同加入俄羅斯聯邦。就筆者從俄羅斯相關的外交政策觀察中發現,兼併克里米亞的積極性與主動性原因不僅僅只是為了領土的增加,更多的考量是在於地緣利益的維持與獲得。因此本文將從地緣政治的觀點切入,企圖了解克里米亞半島對於俄羅斯的地緣重要性為何?俄羅斯在2014年克里米亞事件中所扮演的角色?收回克里米亞後對於俄羅斯的地緣政治產生何種影響? 收回克里米亞的迫切性起因在於2013年底烏克蘭親歐盟示威,俄羅斯明顯感受到來自於歐盟和北約不斷地東擴的壓力,因此不得不做出回應,以俄裔人口為居多的克里米亞成為俄羅斯發揮其影響力的首選之地。在2014年克里米亞事件中,俄羅斯的態度和作為符合國際關係中「攻勢現實主義」的圭臬,即強調大國會不斷尋求機會採取攻勢獲取最大權力,俄羅斯的主動出兵和強硬態度便是最好的佐證。 最後,本文認為2014年克里米亞事件後,即便國際社會普遍撻伐俄羅斯的行為,並祭出經濟制裁懲罰性手段,然而對於自身俄羅斯而言,不僅成功收回克里米亞,還重獲地緣政治利益,可以說是蘇聯解體後,地緣競逐中最大的一場勝利。 / On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which was one part of Ukraine. The final result was over a 90 percent vote for integration of the region into the Russian Federation with an 83.1 percent voter turnout. According to the author’s observation on some related foreign policy of Russia, the cause of the initiative and motivation of annexing Crimea is not only increasing its territory but also retaining and obtaining its geopolitical benefit. Therefore, this paper will focus on the concept of geopolitics to understand what Crimea is, why it matters, which role does Russia play during the Crimean crisis of 2014, and what will be the influence after Russia’s annexation of Crimea. In the end of 2013, Euromaidan in Ukraine was the main reason for Russia to take back Crimea urgently. Due to the expansion of EU and NATO to post-soviet countries, Russia had no choice but to react to the threat. Consequently, Russia tried to make a great impact on the status of Crimea, where ethnic Russians are dominant. In the event of the Crimean crisis of 2014, Russia’s attitude and behavior were in accordance with the principle of “Offensive Realism”, that is to say the great power emphasized on a non-stop way in search of opportunities in order to obtain the maximum authority, and Russia spontaneously sent military troops with a solid attitude to handle the situation as the best proof of evidence. Finally, the study shows that after the Crimean crisis of 2014, even though lots of countries in international community blamed it on Russia, and imposed economic sanctions on Russia for its illegal annexation of Crimea, Russia has successfully retaken Crimea and regained the geopolitical advantage. It was the biggest victory of the geopolitical competition since the Soviet Union collapsed.


溫詠儀 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences. / Department of Government and Public Administration

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