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平均地權平等概念之研究張為禮 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣與歐盟關係之研究 / Relation of Taiwan and EU鄭世杰 Unknown Date (has links)
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政治研究的邏輯 以「後實證觀點」為論述基準朱紹俊 Unknown Date (has links)
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法國驅逐吉普賽人:震撼二零一零年法國政治與社會的新聞之框架研究 / The Roma's expulsions in France: Framing the socio-political crisis that shook France in 2010孟柯, MONCOQUET, Christine Unknown Date (has links)
法國在2010年發生了一件富社會與政治爭議性的大事:對非法吉普塞人移民的驅除。當時法國媒體極力報導這則消息,並皆由報導重新建構此事件。此篇論文探討法文報紙在報導吉普賽移民議題上如何被政治化。此研究由法國《世界報》與《費加洛日報》中挑選240篇文章出來做框架分析,《世界報》與《費加洛日報》分別代表法國兩大不同政治理念的國家日報,藉此分析支持學者哈林與曼席尼的媒體政治制度化與框架中的分化假設。《世界報》中大部分文章有著支持吉普賽移民框架報導(107篇文章)而《費加洛日報》中大部份文章則是反吉普賽移民框架報導的(76篇文章)。此外,結果顯示《世界報》中佔優勢的框架是支持吉普賽人安全制度的框架,而《費加洛日報》佔優勢的框架則是反吉普賽人移民的國家主義框架。 / Summer 2010 in France was marked by a major socio-political controversy: the expulsions of illegal Roma immigrants. The French news media widely broadcasted the issue, reconstructing the debate for the audiences. This thesis researched how French newspapers are being politicized in reporting the Roma immigration debate. Framing analysis of 240 articles in Le Monde and Le Figaro, two selected French national dailies of differing political ideology, supported Hallin and Mancini’s hypothesis of media instrumentalization and polarization in frame. Le Monde had a majority of pro-Roma immigration frames (107 articles) and Le Figaro had a majority of against Roma immigration frames (76 articles). Moreover, findings showed that Le Monde’s dominant frame was the pro-Roma securitization frame and Le Figaro’s dominant frame was the against Roma immigration nationalism frame.
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蔣中正政治思想之研究-以正統及憲政主義為中心的論述 / Study of Chiang Kai-shek''s Political Thought - Based on Orthodex Ideolgy and Constitution謝政諭, Hsieh, Chen-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
中國歷史自春秋時代以降,就不只是史實程事件的描述而已,而是一種價值判斷,其標準簡要而言,可歸納為:取天下以「正」-亦即「德治政治」及「統」天下於一,亦即追求政治的大一統兩大要旨。而當代憲政主義則強調法治主義(rule of law)、權力分立(separation of power)以及權責分明與保障人權等為要旨,本文即以此理論內涵檢視蔣先生思想的特色。
蔣先生主政期間,透過一次又一次的教育、訓練與社會運動來強化其「德治政治」的理想。對付北洋軍閥、中國共產黨以及日本帝國主義亦持「先德後力」的三民主義「新道統」理念以貫徹其「有道」伐「無道」的「正統」思想。其次,蔣先生在訓政階段、政治協商會議、國民大會制憲代表大會等等「憲法時刻」(constitutional moment)中如何堅持與妥協其憲政主義的理念。總之,正統與憲政主義的落實與否影響蔣先生革命與建國事業的興衰成敗至巨。
蔣先生政治思想主要以「正統」論,做為解決其對內與對外的政治難題,亦以此證成與辯明(justify)其統治正當性之基礎,同時亦可說這理論所欲建構的大一統的「四維八德」的王道政治是其理想的政治藍圖。 / Chinese conventional orthodoxy of teachings or precepts and its ideas are the powerful of a Chinese ruler establishing his governing legitimacy.
The constitutionalism is the basis of the governing legality globalized in the present age. The purpose of this article is to review Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought based on this two types of theories.
Chinese history after the Epoch of Spring and Autumn was added a judgement of value as well as described the original historical facts and events. The standard of the judgement is briefly classified to “taking the whole country of China with righteous course”, that is, Virtuocracy government, and “unifying the whole country”, that is, the pursuit of the unification of the polity. The constitutionalism in the present age is a king of principle focusing on the rule of law, the separation of power, the definition of power and responsibility and the protection of human rights, etc.
In the period of the Chiang Kai-Shek’s reign, he might strengthen his ideal benevolent government through education, training and social movements again and again. Even though he faced the northern warlords, China Communist party and Japanese imperialists in the early years of the Republic of China, he had insisted on treating them with the courtesy before the use of force, a new idea of orthodoxy of teachings or precepts in Three People’s Principles, to carry out the orthodox idea of taking the country with righteous course stead of unrighteous course. Second, in the political tutelage stage, how Chiang Kai-Shek insisted or conceded to his constitutional ideas in the “constitutional moment”, and for the duration of the political negotiation conference and national Assembly for the establishment of national constitution. However, whether the orthodox ideology and the constitutionalism were realized or not had tremendously affected Chiang Kai-Shek’s revolution and national reconstruction business.
Finally, five meta theories are proposed for supportingthe importance of the meta fundamental of the orthodox ideology and the constitutionalis.
Orthodox Ideology
1.The the that men are born good
2.Intrinsic transcendence beyond morality
5.Cultural world view
1.The theory that men are born evil
2.Extrinsic transcendence beyond law
5.Political nation view
It has been found that Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought tends to the side of the orthodox ideas after verifying Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought by such five meta theories. The result has also indicated the factors of Chiang Kai-Shek’s intrinsic difficulty in transforming the governing legality to constitutionalism and Chiang Kai-Shek’s social system with super steady structure, consisting of conventional
Confucianists, landlords and bureaucrats. This five meta theories may have the section of repulsion among them, but when examining them deeply, you will find they also have a supplementary action among them. Although Chiang Kai-Shek had noticed such discrimination and relativity among them, he failed to find an useful method to transform the governing legality to constitutionalism successfully so that he got in into extreme difficulty.
Chiang Kai-Shek’s political thought is based on the orthodox theory that supported him to solve the tough problems in politics in internal or external. Depending on this, it has verified and justified the governing legitimacy, and further indicated that unifying and governing the whole country of China with the enlightened reign of righteousness including the four ethical principles and eight cardinal virtues is Chiang Kai-Shek’s political ideal and hope.
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東亞共同體的想像:日本的「亞細亞」與「近代」 / The Imagined East Asian Community: Japan's Ajia and Kindai Narratives陳泓達, Chen, Hung Ta Unknown Date (has links)
近代日本將「亞細亞」想像為一個共同體 (imagined community),在政治、經濟、文化、知識等面向加以呈現,寄託日本自我定位的國族敘事,型塑國家的外交政策與戰略目標。「亞細亞」一度是象徵停滯、落後的符碼,但在1980年代後,隨著日本經濟崛起與區域主義 (regionalism) 勃興,帶有文化意涵的「東亞」轉而成為日本烘托自身優越感的地標,本文即試圖透過對近代日本亞洲論述的梳理和考察,揭示此類話語所反映的認同政治。本文假定,日本對「東亞」的想像空間源自於三重結構,即對抗中華霸權與西方帝國主義的文明論述;以中華帝國為中心、涵括其周邊地區的「前近代」(pre-modern) 朝貢體制與華夷秩序;以及反思西方近代性的知識建構,重建東亞近代性的對話空間。這三重結構轉喻下的日本,呈現三種存在樣態 (mode of being),即抵抗 (resistance)、鑲嵌 (embeddedness) 與再現 (representation),三者在不同條件下各有凸顯,但揭示的問題意識 (problematic) 如一,即「東亞」作為對應於「歐洲」或「西方」的「建構的實在」(constructed reality),擁有與歐洲或西方不同的特質,成為日本據以證成其獨特發展的基底、書寫自我認同的對象,反映知識社群面對他者時的集體焦慮,「東亞」因而在不同時期呈現不同樣態,被賦予不同的政治任務,其間變化必須從「東亞」相對於日本近代化的情境來理解。刻畫西方近代性的「亞細亞」空間與「近代」時間,在知識上予以構連 (articulation) 後,「共同體」的型塑成為日本在東方與西方、自我與他者、區域與全球之間依違擺盪的認同地標,抵抗的意義旨於再現自我,鑲嵌的異化證成抵抗的合法性,而再現最終又回歸鑲嵌的論域。本文的設計重點在於揭示一種研究途徑,透過不同立場的經典閱讀,探討東亞近代性構圖中涉及政治地理學的基本問題,闡述日本的亞洲想像之所以以「共同體」為念,並非地理概念的「亞洲中心主義」(Asia-centrism),而是日本近代化進程中「東方之故鄉」式的情感體現與文明政治,延伸的軸線則是建構歷史主體的自覺意識,既是彰顯國族敘事的辯證命題,也是自我定位的知識建構。 / Modern Japan regards "Ajia" as an imagined community, and exhibits in the political, economic, cultural and epistemic aspects, commits Japan's nationalist narrative of self-orientation accordingly, and shapes her foreign policy and strategic objectives . In modern Japan, "Ajia" was once a negative term by indicating stagnant, laggard, but in the 1980s, as Japan's economy has been developing rapidly and regionalism gaining popularity, the "East Asia" (Tōa) instead became the symbol of heightening her superiority with its cultural implications, this dissertation is trying to reveal the identity politics reflected by such Asianism discourses. This dissertation assumes that Japan's "East Asia" imagination derived from the following triplet structure that is civilization discourse of resisting the hegemony of Chinese and Western imperialism; "pre-modern" Sino-Barbarian (Hua-Yi) tributary system; and reflection to Western modernity knowledge construction, reconstructing the East Asian modernity for dialogue space. Under the triplet structure, there were three kinds of mode of being in modern Japan: resistance, embeddedness and representation, each had been highlighted under different conditions, but the problematic manifested as one, that is the "East Asia" was a "constructed reality" corresponded to the "Europe" or "the West" with different characteristics, constituted the perceptive understructure of Japan's unique development road, and illustrated in self-identity writing context, underlined the collective anxiety of her knowledge community when faced with "the others". As a result, "East Asia" implied its different significances at different stages, and been given different political tasks, during which the change must be understood from the "East Asia" relative to Japan’s context of modernization. After articulation of knowledge, the spatial "Ajia" and temporal "Kindai" which depicted the Eurocentric modernity, converged on Japan’s "community" imagination that swung between the East and West, self and the others, regional and global identity landmarks. The implication of resistance aimed at self-representation, as alienated embeddedness justified the legitimacy of resistance, and representation returned to the field of embeddedness discourse eventually.
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中共對台資企業政策的演變分析:福建省個案研究(1979年至1997年)洪志清, Horng, Jyh-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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網際網路使用行為與選舉參與模式探析 / The relationship between Internet usage and participation in election related activities吳淑俊, Wu, Shwu Jiunn Unknown Date (has links)
每一項新科技產品的誕生,總為人們帶來促進民主參與的無限想像,關於網際網路與公民參與的關係,持「動員」 (mobilization) 看法的學者認為網際網路對於那些在現有政治體系中處於邊緣地位者有協助告知(inform)、組織(organize)與吸引他們參與的功能。然而,也有學者認為網路資源只是對那些原本在傳統政治系統中的活躍份子進行「強化」(reinforcement)作用。強化假說認為,即使網際網路具備開放與去中心化的潛質,它也只對那些既有菁英們(elites)較有幫助,因此,原本參與偏差(biases)的現象仍然存在,甚至可能更為惡化。另一方面,主張「時間取代說」(time replacement)的學者則認為,電腦中介傳播是以現實生活中參與活動的時間,換取在網路上與人互動的時間,必然損害人們實體的社會資本,因此媒介使用對社會和政治參與有負面影響。
研究發現,單純的網路使用與否,對實體選舉參與並無預測力,必須進一步探究不同層次的數位應用情形,而數位使用能力對網路或實體選舉參與所產生的影響,也必須藉由網路政治內容瀏覽、網路政治意見交換及內在政治效能感等變項作為中介變數。這樣的結果顯示,未來欲探討網際網路對政治參與的影響,必須深入區分不同使用型態間的落差。 / The birth of a new technological product always brings to people an endless imagination on how this would promote the political participation. The scholars who think the Internet helps “mobilize” civic engagement believe the Internet helps to “inform,” “organize” and “attract” the individuals who are marginalized in the existing political systems. Some scholars, however, believe the Internet merely has a “reinforcement” effect on those who are already active in the political systems. According to the reinforcement theory, the Internet only benefits the elites despite its features of openness and decentralization; as a result, biases may still exist and even worsen. On the other hand, scholars who propose the “time replacement” theory believe that the time spent on participating in real-world activities is replaced by the time spent online, and this inevitably puts a loss on people’s social capital. Consequently, Internet usage has negative effects on social and political participation.
All three above theories are supported by past studies, and there are sufficient findings on the variables that predicted political participation. But a discussion about the correlations between those factors is still lacking. As an attempt to reveal the correlation between the patterns of Internet usage and election related activities, a phone survey was conducted with 1,434 individuals in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Kaohsiung City who are 20-years of age and above.
The findings indicate whether one accesses to the Internet or not does not predict one’s participation in voting, and a further analysis of different patterns of Internet usage is required.
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漢唐宰相制度 V.3周道濟, ZHOU, DAO-JI Unknown Date (has links)
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漢唐宰相制度 V.2周道濟, ZHOU, DAO-JI Unknown Date (has links)
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