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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


胡淑棻, Hu,Shu-Fen Unknown Date (has links)

當代中國電影的主流意識:以革命歷史片為例 / The mainstream ideology of the contemporary Chinese film: using the revolutionary history film as an example

陳加恩, Chen, Chia En Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對近年來越來越多中國電影向主流意識靠攏的現象感到好奇。透過分析近年來頗受好評的四部革命歷史電影,來了解當前中國電影中的主流意識內涵以及這些主流意識與電影之間的接合方式。研究發現,當前在革命歷史電影中的主流意識,可分為下列四項:彰顯革命精神、凝聚國族意識、中國式民主的建立與資本家地位的提升。這些主流意識的內涵,其功能主要是為了維持中共政權的存續,提供意識形態上的合法性依據。此外,在接合方法上,採用了商業電影的製作方式,達到吸引觀眾與傳遞主流意識的功能。 / An increasing number of Chinese films draw close to the mainstream ideology in recent years. This study analyzes four revolutionary history Films which have good reputation to understand the mainstream ideology in contemporary Chinese film and the articulation which is between the mainstream ideology and the Chinese film. This study found that there are four mainstream ideologies in those revolutionary history Films. They are as follows: Highlight of the revolutionary spirit, Solidarity of the national consciousness, establishment of Chinese-style democracy and upgrading of capitalists status in china. The main function of those mainstream ideologies is to maintain the existence of the Chinese Communist regime. In addition, those Chinese films are produced by commercial film production way in order to attract the audience and delivery the mainstream ideology.

文化取向的傳播研究--雷蒙、威廉斯(RAYMOND WILLIAMS)論點之探討

謝國雄, XIE, GUO-XIONG Unknown Date (has links)
文中所稱之「文化取向的傳播研究」,是以英國的文化研究(CULTURAL STUDIES)為 代表。第一章導論,分析傳播之主流研究,並指出其極限,進而說明文化研究正可補 其不足。第二章試圖勾勒出研究的內涵。第三、四、五章闡釋文化研究的巨擘──雷 蒙•威廉斯之三組核心概念,分別是:1•文化、傳播與過程社區(COMMUNITY OF PROCESS) ;2•感知結構(STRUCTURE OF FEELING) ;3•整體傳播過程中的意圖 (INTENTION) 與霸權(HEGEMONY)。第六章結論,檢討威廉斯所代表之文化研究, 並嘗試指出威廉斯論點中何供本地文化及傳播研究借鏡之處。


李天保 Unknown Date (has links)
「流行文化」(popular culture)已是當代全球人們普遍的日常生活現象,流行文化呈現多方集結又散落四處景況。幾經浪奔浪流變遷滄海桑田,「一年一個樣,三年大變樣」已是上海流行文化充滿蓬勃生機的真實寫照。本研究以上海(Shanghai)為研究對象,流行文化變遷是研究主軸,研究目的在於:探討上海流行文化的發展、上海流行文化與城市、社會、人的關係、與上海流行文化變遷的影響因素分析。 本研究是中國與台灣論述上海流行文化初探性學術研究,從上海流行文化的歷史發展解析,包括上海歷史沿革、社會文化、流行文化、服裝、電影的演變過程;並從海派文化、上海人、小資牽動上海流行文化、上海的台北熱、上海都會的消費娛樂生活現象、上海流行文化的城市社會觀向度深入探討。研究發現,影響上海流行文化因素包括:文化全球化的衝擊、中西文化的交流、中國流行文化演進、小資的出現。 研究結論為:1、中國改革開放後,上海流行文化呈現趨新善變發展趨勢。2、在文化全球化浪潮下,上海流行文化正朝混種融合(hybridization)發展。3、上海流行文化反映崇尚洋派、風尚西方文化價值。4、上海流行文化投射出中國流行文化與台灣流行文化風貌。5、小資引領上海都會消費娛樂生活。6、上海流行文化與城市、社會、人之間緊密相關。

英語間接請求語的回應:台灣高中生外語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on EFL Responding to Indirect Requests

樊可瑜, Fan, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探索間接請求語的回應策略,針對以英語為外語的台灣高中生做討論。共有120位受試者,分為3組,即以英語為母語的(Native American)高中生,以中文為母語的(Native Chinese)高中生,及以英語為外語的(Learning English as a Foreign Language)高中生。每組均有40位受試者,且男女數目相同。主要的實驗工具是「完成對話問卷」(DCT),設計上有12個真實生活的情境,並以請求語的種類(傳統間接請求、非傳統間接請求)作為變因。所有回應策略被分成四類。策略(一)僅有是否、(S1 yes/ no alone)、策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action)、策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)及策略(四)其他(S4 others)。本研究量化方面以卡方檢定來辨別三組間是否有顯著差異,並輔以質性研究作為進一步的分析以求更全盤瞭解各策略的使用。 結果發現,普遍來說,台灣高中生在語用能力上仍顯不足。第二點、三組受試者在回應間接請求語上有不同的表現。以英文為母語的受試者偏好使用策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action),而以英語為外語的高中生和以中文為母語的高中生卻都較偏愛使用策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)。第三點、以英文為外語的高中生在英語的使用上雖然有受到外語文化的影響,但其母語(即中文)對於其第二語言的使用影響更深遠。此外,三組受試者對於不同形式(CID, NCID)的間接請求語,在回應上採用不同的策略。再者,本研究顯示社會文化在請求語及其回應上扮演著重要的角色,在某個文化中被接受的語言使用可能在另一個文化中是不恰當的。最後,根據本文的探討,提出一些在英語學習與教學及日後研究的應用與建議。 / This study aims to explore and discuss the strategy use of EFL senior high school students in Taiwan when they respond to indirect requests. One hundred and twenty senior high school students participated in this study. They were divided into 3 groups--- native Americans (NA), native Chinese (NC), and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). There were 40 participants in each group, and the number of males and females were the same. The main instrument in this study was Discourse Completion Task (DCT), designed with 12 real life situations. One variable in the DCT was the different types of indirect requests--- Conventional Indirect (CID) and Non-conventional Indirect (NCID). The participants’ responses were divided into four exclusive categories, namely, S1 (yes/ no alone), S2 (yes/ no plus information or action), S3 (information or action) and S4 (others). To provide the quantitative results, Chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups. In addition, qualitative analysis was conducted to fully understand the employment of each strategy. The result showed that high school students in Taiwan generally had deficient pragmatic competence. Second, the three participant groups performed differently when responding to indirect requests. It was found that the NA group tended to select Yes/ no plus information or action (S2) whereas the NC and EFL groups preferred to employ Information or action (S3). Third, the performance of the EFL group heavily followed their L1’s cultural norms, although some of their behavior was influenced by the culture of their target language. In addition, participants among three groups tended to use different respondent strategies when encountering different indirect requests, namely, CID and NCID. Furthermore, this study also found that cultural norms play a crucial role in responses to requests. The influence of cultural norms should never be neglected because an acceptable behavior in one culture may be very inappropriate in another. At last, according to the findings, this study hoped to give some suggestions and implications for English learning and teaching as well as the future research.

見鬼了! 電視新聞為何鬼話連篇?-泛靈化電視新聞初探研究 / Why are ghosts on TV? primary study on paranormal TV news in Taiwan

張之穎, Chang, Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣泛靈化電視新聞為題,探究超自然、非視覺的泛靈化新聞,如何藉由重視影像、感官、並呈現自然界事件的電視新聞媒介再現。 本研究結合人類宗教學之泛靈化理論,並以此為主軸,將人類的宗教儀式行動,應用於媒體行為之中。更進一步,觀察各類超自然新聞,包括算命、靈異等新聞題材,如何在電視媒體中,體現巫術式─情緒化、戲劇性的操控。 研究方法採用內容分析法,統計分析泛靈化新聞之呈現框架,因此對台灣泛靈新聞,做了一次初探性統整。並藉由文本分析,進而對泛靈化電視新聞,做深入的文化解剖。 研究發現:(一)泛靈化新聞透過幻想儀式建構一種慾望與迷思,以天意的塑造、關聯化幻想、宣洩情緒的方式,滿足偷窺的慾望。(二)泛靈化新聞的超真幻想,打破新聞本質。(三)縱欲式幻想,滿足低層次的需求。

日本與台灣間影集留言板之跨文化探討 / An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Study of Message Board of Sitcom Programs in Japan and Taiwan

李雅嵐, Lee, Ya-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
This study tried to have an exploratory study about the cross-cultural effect of the content of the message board by examining the sitcom programs both broadcasted in Japan and Taiwan. The theory of Individualism versus Collectivism from Hofstede is used as a basis of this study. Moreover, the other factors such as country of origin and viewers’ profile have specific effects toward our findings as well. The content analysis was applied to analyze the data collected from the message board. The practical research relates to the objective of customers and the segmentation of products by analyzing the data of a company. There are important implications of cross-cultural customers and marketing practices according to this research. The future research is expected by examining other aspects of relative issues.

知識經濟時代的身體政治學:大陸網路媒體對知識產權建構的論述分析 / Body Politics of Knowledge Economy: Discourse Theory of Intellectual Property Construction of China Online Media

陳述之, Chen,Shu-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是探討大陸網路媒體如何建構知識產權,而此一建構又對人構成什麼樣的張力,並由此進一步反思知識經濟時代下的身體政治學。研究途徑是文化研究,並利用論述理論進行分析。 著作權、專利權、商標權是知識產權三大主要內涵,本研究選擇了王同億現象作為著作權的案例;漢芯晶片造假事件作為專利權的案例;爽歪歪爭議事件作為商標權的案例,經由解構上述案例的網路文本,以見建構它們、評價它們價值的論述立場為何。 而這些論述立場,可分為由黨國體制主導的主流立場與作為他者的非主立場。主流立場是由黨國主導,包括了追求黨國為公、民族先進、經濟規範、知識創新等論述,它是一套中國知識經濟追趕戰略;非主流立場則是相對於主流立場的黨國貪腐、民族落後、經濟無序、知識造假等論述。在國家介入,以及知識經濟與網路媒體促使資訊快速流通、議題快速汰換等因素作用下,這兩個立場是討論知識產權事件的限制性框架。 知識產權與網路審查是國家機器為適應知識經濟潮流的自我調適,並利用它們將知識創意活動侷限在以經濟發展、民族主義為目標等無關黨國體制的範疇上,以免創意活動危及黨國。國家機器利用掌握知識產權的法律力量與網路媒體的宣傳力量,吸引與主導了主流立場的結盟。在威權政治透過法律與宣傳加緊催化下,主流立場加緊活動,同時也就激發了非主流立場的反作用力,正反勢力互相拉抬、互相證成以致知識經濟時代下大陸的文化圖像呈現出威權政治引導下的眾聲喧嘩之景。 在此眾聲喧嘩下產生的知識產權生產活動,或相應而生的偽劣假冒活動,均會被收編,以有助國家主導的主流價值再生產。基於民族國家和公民身體的辯證統一的現代國家權力形態,以及知識經濟代表意識為身體服務的邏輯,主流價值的再生產亦即身體得到照顧與伸展。雖然威權體制致國家較身體享有更大能動性,但在威權體制集中施力的情況下,也將驅動主流、非主流雙方互動更形熱烈,提高了人遊走在從屬性、能動性、與解放性的機會與速率。因此,知識經濟的環境,創造了一個國家與身體在知識產權論述中介下,緊密鑲嵌,相依並存的關係。而知識經濟下的身體政治學,是國家提取身體力量之學,也是國家滿足身體須要之學,也是身體在從屬中取得能動性與解放之學。 / The aim of the dissertation is to discuss how online media of Mainland China construct intellectual property, and what kind of tension does the construction set up to human being. Furthermore, I can introspect body politics in time of knowledge economy. I use cultural studies as methodology and analyses by discourse theory. Copyrights, patent rights and trademark rights are three mainly components of intellectual property. The dissertation selected the phenomena of tong-yi wang as case of copyrights, hanxin fake event as case of patent rights, and shuang wai wai as case of trademark rights. I construct and evaluate their value of discourse position by way of deconstruct cybertext of the three cases. The discourse positions can be divided mainstream position dominated by party-state system and the position of non-mainstream as the other. Mainstream position means dominated by party-state. The discourses contain pursuit of whole interests of party-state, advancement of nation, norms of economy and innovation of knowledge. It’s a catch-up strategy of knowledge economy of Mainland China. The discourses of non-mainstream position, as opposite of mainstream,contain party-state corruption, failure of nation, disorder of economy and fake of knowledge. The two positions are limited frameworks in discussing events of intellectual property because of the interactions of factors such as state intervention, rapid flow information by knowledge economy and online media, rapid issue update, etc. Intellectual property and cyber examination is self adjustment of state mechanism for the purpose of adaptation of knowledge economy. Activities of knowledge innovation should be limited in economic development and nationalism that without any connection of category of party-state system. So the activities of innovation won’t be hazardous to party-state. State mechanism used the legal power of controlling intellectual property and propaganda of cyber media and attracted and dominated the alliance of mainstream position. Mainstream position accelerated activities under catalysis of law and propaganda in authoritarian regime. And it stimulated the power of counter-operation of non-mainstream position. The mutual promotion and mutual confirm lead to phenomena of heteroglossia that constructing cultural image of time of knowledge economy in Mainland China. The production activities of intellectual property under heteroglossia, or the fake and copy activities accompany with them will be all recruited and helpful reproduction of main value that dominated by state. Based on the form of state power of dialection and unification of nation state and civil body, and the logic of consciousness served for body, the reproduction of main value means the body can be took after and extension. Although state owns greater autonomous than body under authoritarian regime, but under the condition of concentration of power of authoritarian regime, the interaction of mainstream and non-mainstream will be more frequent. This will promote the opportunity and rapidity of belonging, autonomous and emancipation of human being. So it will create a relationship of mutually embedded and existence under discourse of intellectual property of state and body. Body politics under knowledge economy is a discipline of state’s extracting body strength, a discipline of state’s satisfaction of body requirement, a discipline of body’s acquiring autonomy and emancipation under subordination also.

新制度理論之研究-以瑠公農田水利會為例 / A Case Study of Liou-Gong Irrigation Association

謝偉智, Shie, Wei Ji Unknown Date (has links)
近來公共行政學術與實務朝向多元的發展與範圍的擴大,就前者而言,學術上的多元雖引起學科認同危機的疑慮,卻開啟了學派與科際交流的大門,為行政學術注入活水,也為理性論辯提供制度性的基礎;就後者而言,在有效治理與解決社會問題的要求下,政府必需尋求非政府部門組織與行動者的合作以共同承擔公共責任。另方面,在經過行為主義的浪潮後,社會科學界再度對「制度」(institutions)在人類社會中所扮演的角色重新審視,這主要表現在「制度」界定並影響社會互動的過程及結果。這股研究風潮在「新制度理論」(new institution)的名稱下並無一體系性的研究立場與策略,但都分享了對制度研究的高度興趣的共識,值此時刻,上述公共行政學術與實務的趨勢,提供了新制度理論引介的契機。基此,本論文乃針對新制度理論內涵作一引介,並提出一多元制度分析架構以為個案分析用。第一章部分:提出本文之研究架構與方法,並對多元分歧的〞制度〞定義作一說明與界定,此外,針對現行農田水利會的性格與特質作一簡述。第二章部分:在於對社會科學領域中新制度理論的發展作一歷史性的分析,分別探討其科際發展背景,並引用核心假設、主要論題、政策意涵與相關問題四個面向來對此思潮內部分歧的二大研究途徑:理性選擇途徑與社會文化途徑的差異作一比較,並進而探討二者是否有共量與對話的可能。第三章部分:有鑑於新制度理論內部的分歧,學者們曾提出不少理論模式以為整合,本文則分別從知識旨趣、理性概念與行動邏輯的概念探討提出另一研究途徑--溝通理性途徑,加上前述二途徑而成為多元的制度分析架構。而在分析層次方面,在就制度論制度的前提下,根據其活動範圍大小、時間歷程、客觀強制力大小而區分為制度變遷、制度改革與制度設計三層次,彼此以鑲鍖的方式存在而具有內在連繫性。第四章部分:本章依多元制度分析架構對塯公農田水利會作一個案分析,從灌溉系統的問題本質、系絡特性、與實際運作規則對其制度的源起、發展維持、轉型替代作一說明。而在農田水利會制度改革過程中,相關行動者彼此的策略性結盟、隱喻使用及論証的提出等各項行動,不僅有其自利的動機,更有其象徵意義。最後分別由交易成本、社會文化與溝通對話面向,對於改革過程中所提出的改制案、現行案及水利聯盟案作一比較分析,而塯公水利會的組織特色又適合何種制度架構亦有必要探討。第五章部分:在於對新制度理論目前發展作一評估,探討其在社會科學領域中〞進步的意義,及水利會的改革歷程所透露出的訊息為何?最後,則是對新制度理論未來研究方向提出一說明。

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