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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣與韓國國民中學道德教育課程之比較研究 / A comparative research of Taiwan & Korea of middle school curriculum in moral education

李性淑, Lee, Seong-Suk Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以台灣與韓國國中道德教育課程標準與現行教科書為主要論點。研究重要結論如下: 一、從課程標準之沿革看國中道德教育之目標,兩國均重視培養學生的道德觀念及民族意識,其背景理念同為儒家思想與現代市民倫理。 台灣自民國五十七(1968)年實施九年國民教育以來歷經四次的課程標準修訂,其初以道德教育為主的「公民與道德」教學,從民國七十二年的課程標準之後,則強調未來公民須知的政治、經濟、法律、社會及文化之知識教育。民國八十三(1994)年公佈的「國民中學課程標準」裡,表明國中階段的教育目的的培養,而缺乏價值判斷能力之培養。 韓國自 1954 年第一次教育課程以來經歷了六次的修訂,其教學重點仍以生活擴展理論做為準則,基本上以個人、社會、國家及反共、統一為主題。 1992 年所公佈的現行第六次教育課程則區分為個人生活;家庭、鄰居、學校生活;社會生活;國家、民族生活等四個範圍,其特點以強化禮節教育試圖維持社會秩序。道德科從 1973 年正式成為獨立一門學科之後,一直保持學校教育中的首要科目,並扮演民主市民教育、價值觀教育、統一教育。近年來社會各層面時常發生價值衝突現象,因此道德價科書中以多引述兩難困境培養學生的判斷能力。從以上的論述,可知韓國的道德教育也含蓄公民教育。 二、國中道德教育教科書方面: 1.台灣公民教育與道德教育合併為一科,故教科書之名稱為『公民與道德』,韓國則將『道德』獨立成為一學科,而以『社會』科負責公民知識教育。 2.教科書之編輯重點,台灣以教育、社會、法律、政治、經濟以及文化為教學重點,按各主題編一冊,共六冊,故每冊章與章間相互關聯,自成體系。韓國則以個人生活、家庭‧鄰里‧學校生活、社會生活、國家‧民族生活等分四大範圍,各學年應用一本,因而各學年間,課本的內容有系統的編排。 3.課文中道德內涵的呈現,台灣雖比以往減少然而還是以引用孫中山和蔣中正的話語占得多。韓國則以現實生活中常遇到的具體實例和故事來顯示。 三、未來發展趨勢:現行課程標準係預備二十一世紀而設計的,因此兩國均重視人性化、本土化、世界化的精神,加強鄉土教育和世界觀教育。隨著社會變遷兩性平等逐漸實現,因此兩性教育也被受注目。 道德教育途徑的多樣化,突出反映在德目主義和全面主義相結合。像台灣與韓國雖然有獨立的一門學科,然而亦重視「潛在課程」及環境薰陶。其餘教學方法上,運用多樣的教學法來補救傳統注入德目教條式教學的弊端。

調節焦點理論、消費罪惡感與內外控人格特質於綠色行銷之應用─以個人道德標準為調節變數 / The applications of regulatory focus theory, consumer guilt, locus of control as a means for promoting the green marketing

楊佑鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以調節焦點理論為基礎,企圖於綠色風潮盛行的環保社會中,將此理論應用於綠色廣告中,旨在探討消費者之目標導向與廣告中綠色產品所傳達的利益訴求訊息間一致匹配與否,是否也如此理論應用於一般產品廣告中,將使消費者對廣告中產品的評價產生影響,並且也探討消費者預期性消費罪惡感喚起程度及人格特質的不同,是否也會影響消費者對綠色產品的評價,最後以個人道德標準為衡量指標,探討其高低程度是否會使消費者的目標導向與廣告利益訴求訊息匹配時,較不匹配時所產生較好的產品評價受到影響。   本研究採用實驗法,為一次性實驗,實驗中共分為八個情境之問卷,即2(受測者的預期性消費罪惡感:有、無)X2(受測者的兩種目標導向:促進焦點導向、預防焦點導向)X2(廣告所傳遞的兩種產品利益:促進焦點利益訴求、預防焦點利益訴求)。   結果發現調節焦點理論所強調的消費者目標導向與廣告訊息利益匹配時,會較不匹配時對該廣告產品產生較好評價的概念,於綠色廣告的溝通應用中,也能發揮同樣的效果。在消費者預期性消費罪惡感喚醒程度與個人人格特質方面,首先在預期性消費罪惡感的部分,相較無預期性消費罪惡感喚醒的情況,消費者於預期性消費罪惡感喚醒時,能產生較佳的品牌態度;其次在個人人格特質方面,相較消費者為外控人格特質的情況,消費者屬於內控人格特質時,能產生較佳的品牌態度;最後在個人道德標準程度對調節焦點匹配與否所帶來影響的部分,廣告訊息所傳達的利益與消費者調節焦點導向匹配時,其品牌態度及購買意願優於不匹配時的差異程度,於消費者具高個人道德標準的情況較低個人道德標準的情況更大。

行動寬頻技術演進對我國電信法規管制之影響─以無線寬頻接取為研究中心 / Effect of Mobile Broadband Technologies Evolution in Taiwan’s Regulatory Control over Telecom ─ A Study on Wireless Broadband Access

黃慶原, Huang, Chin Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國的電信市場自1987年起開始逐漸邁向自由化,迄今已完成行動通信、衛星通信、固定通信等多項電信業務之開放,在2001年7月開放語音轉售業務(International Simple Release)及2002年2月完成第三代行動通信業務執照之釋出工作後,我國電信市場開放之程度已與國際電信市場發展趨勢同步。我國亦於2002年1月1日成為世界貿易組織(WTO)會員。 鑑於無線寬頻接取業務(Wireless Broadband Access Service)是全球積極研發的重點產業,我國政府為求與世界接軌,亦積極投入此一電信業務行列。國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)為配合行政院所裁定推動的行動台灣產業政策,將政策轉化為法律,於2007年3月30日依據電信法第14條第6項之授權,發布「無線寬頻接取業務管理規則」,作為開放2.5-2.69GHz頻段提供無線寬頻接取服務之法規基礎。無線寬頻接取業務於2007年辦理執照競標,共發行6張分區特許執照,執照期限為6年。 本論文將檢視因配合政府產業政策所制定與第四代行動通訊系統有著密切關係的「無線寬頻接取業務管理規則」,是否符合我國電信法與其他國際組織所揭櫫的「技術中立」的基本精神與管制規範,以及因不合適的規範所造成在實務面上對法規與管制之影響。 關鍵字 :無線寬頻接取、技術中立、電信法、國際標準規範。 / Liberalization of telecommunications market in Taiwan has been proceeded progressively since 1987. So far the restrictions on mobile communication, satellite communication, and fixed-network communication have all been relaxed. After the liberalization of ISR (International Simple Release) business in July 2001 and the release of the third generation mobile communication licenses in February 2002, Taiwan’s telecommunications market has become as open as all the other developed countries. In addition, Taiwan became a member of WTO on January 1st, 2002. In light of the importance of wireless broadband access services from a global perspective, Taiwan government has been actively devoting to the development of wireless broadband access to secure an early mover advantage. Given the fact that wireless broadband access is an integral part of Executive Yuan’s industry policy and the implementation demands appropriate regulations, National Communications Commission (NCC) released “Regulations on Wireless Broadband Access (WBA) Services” on March 30th, 2007 based on paragraph 6, article 14 of “Telecom Act”, which forms the legal framework for the release of 2.5-2.69GHz spectrums exclusively for the provisioning of wireless broadband access services. The licenses of wireless broadband access services were auctioned in 2007. The total number of licenses (regional) is six and the duration of permits is six years. As unbiased treatment is the core value, when international standard organizations are dealing with emerging technologies. This dissertation inspects the technical neutrality of “Regulations on WBA Services” which is induced by a government industry policy and highly relevant to the 4th generation mobile communication systems. The criteria includes the conformance of Telecom Act with the essence and standards of other international standard organizations as well as the impact on the implementation due to improper regulations from both the regulation and legal perspectives.

紀實娛樂頻道的國際化策略分析 / The international strategy of Real-World entertainment channel

洪琪真, Hung, Chi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
文化的重要性,巳躍居為國家戰略級的地位。兩岸政府都將文化創意產業的發展列入下一波的新興產業,期許它能成為推動下一波經濟的新引擎。然而,文創產業除了強調文化在地性之價值,更重視與國際接軌,才有機會跨越國界,創造出如韓劇《大長今》遍及全球60國家的900億新台幣的週邊效益(超越750萬台EeePC的產值)。 八十年代起,各國政府對媒體解除管制,及新科技的推波助瀾,美國電視集團紛紛前進海外市場佈局。本研究針對Discovery傳播集團如何建立全球品牌,在國際化的過程將節目及行銷依不同市場選擇不同的在地化策略,最終將紀實影片的利基市場,從美國擴大到歐洲、亞洲、拉丁美洲等國際市場,成為全球性的紀實娛樂頻道的領導品牌。 Discovery傳播集團因其知識性與教育性的內容,天生具備「政府友善」(Government Friendly)的特質,迅速在美國成長。但其國際化初期,因節目版權、各國政府法令限制在地製作內容的比例、觀眾偏好不同等挑戰,進而推出尋求在地人才製作在地節目的《新銳導演計畫》,並舉辦紀實影片研討會廣納人才。隨後又與BBC合作推出大成本、大製作的紀實影片,推出「與世界同步觀賞」的世界級節目,建立全球一致的品牌形象。過程中,Discovery累積並發展出其核心能力,並複製到其他市場,是最終建立其全球品牌價值、優勢、及持續成長的重要關鍵。 透過四個個案的分析-《流言終結者》、《新銳導演計畫》、《聖母峰:攀越巔峰》及《瘋台灣》,探討Discovery「節目與行銷」vs.「標準化及在地化」四種策略的成效,進一步確認「在地化」因子,在國際化過程極為重要的關鍵。「在地化」架構一個平台,讓在地的觀眾、媒體、廣告主、政府能有進一步參與的角色,並達成以5R的綜效(Local Relevant、Rating、Relationship、Revenue、Recognition)。 關鍵詞:國際化、標準化與在地化、紀實娛樂、Discovery頻道。 / The huge success of Cool Britannia, Korean drama & K-pop, cultural and creative industries, aka soft power, are considered key drivers in booting economic growth by Taiwan & Mainland China governments. The key factor behind this success is internationalizing the unique local culture. The objective of this study is to reveal the internationalization history, the factor & the formula behind the World’s number one real-world entertainment media - Discovery Communications Inc. What challenges did Discovery confronted back to early 90s, and what competence the company built up through limited resources over the past 27 years, and how it adopted the success formula from Europe to Asia and make Discovery a global brand. The research analyzes four cases which include Mythbusters, First Time Filmmakers, Everest and Fun Taiwan by the framework of standardization and localization vs. programming & marketing. Through the process, this work reveals the key successful factor is localization either in programing or marketing. Therefore it creates a local-friendly platform to further engage local partners- viewer, advertiser, media & government to take part in and achieve a multi-purposes success – the 5R synergy- Local Relevant, Rating, Relationship, Recognition & Revenue. Key words: internationalization, Discovery Channel, real-world entertainment, standardization & localization

標準語音與日常語音的距離─以台灣華語為例 / The difference between standard pronunciation and ordinary pronunciation: the case of Taiwan Mandarin

胡維庭 Unknown Date (has links)
華語由中國大陸引入台灣數十年後,因為政治上的阻隔、語言接觸的影響和語言實踐的結果,已經產生了顯著的變化。在發音、詞彙和語法等各個層面上,無論和引入台灣之前於中國大陸訂定的「標準國語」或是中國現行的「普通話」相比,都具有明顯的差異,語言學界將目前台灣通行的華語稱為「台灣華語」(Taiwan Mandarin) 「台灣華語」這一華語的變體是絕大多數台灣人日常生活時所採用的語言,作為華語中獨立的分支也是語言學界公認的事實,然而台灣的華語教學界鮮少將「台灣華語」的發音視為學習標的。華語教師教學時所使用的語言和台灣人民日常使用的語言存在顯著斷裂。 本研究檢視華語從一方之言到演變到「國語」的建構歷程以及華語在台灣的發展史,發現華語在台灣的發展和民族主義與國族認同的建構具有密切的關連。在回顧相關文獻與制度規章並佐以與現任華語教師的訪談結果後,發現台灣的對外華語教學界也普遍受到這種影響。教學的內容除了語言教學的專業考量外,尙存在著以往以獨尊華語、壓迫台灣其它語言的觀念及做法,認為「台灣華語」乃受「方言」污染而不純淨的語言,並以「華語」發源地的北京口音為嚮往對象。 最後,本研究從大眾傳媒的角度切入,探討「台灣華語」的最大公約數。認為「台灣華語」中許多成份已趨穩固,為絕大多數的台灣人所接受,也對全世界的華語人口具有相當的影響力。「台灣華語」的發音和繁體字、台灣式的辭彙與注音符號一樣應可視為「台灣華語」的重要成份,而能夠進入教學殿堂,作為外籍學生學習的對象。 / This study discusses the role of 'Taiwan Mandarin' in the field of teaching Mandarin as a second language. Results of the study indicate that Taiwan Mandarin is commonly disregarded, due to its association with other Taiwanese languages and the method in which it was introduced to the Taiwanese community. Decades after its introduction to Taiwan, Mandarin has evolved as a result of political and geographical separation from its origin in China, language contact, and local usage. This new variant, known as ‘Taiwan Mandarin’, has marked differences in terms of phonology, lexicon and syntax, and is viewed as a independent variant, different from ‘Guoyu’ or 'Putonghua' by many linguists. Although Taiwan Mandarin is, in practice, the most commonly used language by the Taiwanese people, it has been rejected by many language teachers and those who compile teaching materials for foreign learners. Language teachers are expected to teach an accent that is different from that of most Taiwan Mandarin speakers. This study investigates the standardization of modern Mandarin, and how it has developed in Taiwan. It shows that the enforcement of Chinese nationalism and identity is closely related to the popularaization of Mandarin in Taiwan. After reviewing related studies, regulation of teaching proficiency tests, and interviewing language teachers, it has been demonstrated that Chinese nationalism has also influenced the teaching of Mandarin as a second language in Taiwan. Taiwanese Mandarin phonology is commonly associated with the result contaminated by other Taiwanese languages such as Holo and Hakka by language teachers, and hence only the Beijing dialect is considered standard and desirable. Based on the findings of previous studies and interviews, this study suggests that the commonly accepted Taiwan Mandarin phonology can be gained through the language used in Taiwanese media, due to its steadiness and popular standing amongst Mandarin speakers world wide. Its unique phonology should be considered an important feature of Taiwan Mandarin, along with traditional characters, Taiwanese lexicon and phonetic symbols (注音符號), and it should be accepted in teaching methodology.

中藥飲片的產業標準化 : 對中藥飲片GMP和藥典的分析 / Industrial standardization of Chinese herb slice : an analysis of GMP and pharmacopeia of Chinese herb slice

張露 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

封閉型、非主流電信標準成功可行性探討 -以A公司PHS營運為例 / Closed, Non-mainstream Success Feasibility Of Telecommunications Standards - A Company Operating PHS as an Example

謝坤霖, Hsieh, Kun Lin Unknown Date (has links)
電信服務日新月異,電信技術與標準推陳出新,在眾多技術與標準中,選擇一種可以獲得用戶支持,並且滿足潛在市場需求的技術標準,在世代交替與技術標準轉換之際,選擇適合的技術標準,以建構用戶基礎與技術優勢,將是投資龐大之電信公司營運成功與否的關鍵因素。 過去曾經風光的封閉型電信標準,如日本的NTT DoCoMo的PDC與其iMode標準,終究因為不能滿足新的競爭與市場需求,並且電信服務價值鏈日漸繁複的趨勢,終就還是走入歷史;近年封閉與非主流的低功率行動電話PHS標準被中國與其他國家捨棄,目前唯一經營PHS的日本Willcom電信公司與台灣的A公司也都紛紛進入財務重整,全球PHS用戶曾經達到一億之盛況,卻因為中國大陸的電信政策影響,讓曾經風光,俗稱小靈通的PHS因此消失。 PDC和PHS都是被認為是曾經領先當代的封閉型技術標準,也都是日本電信公司自主研發的先進行動通信技術,但是NTT DoCoMo只經營了三年PHS,即終止PHS服務,而Willcom電信公司(DDI Pocket前身)則選擇持續發展PHS技術;曾經封閉的PHS技術領先其他電信標準,最後卻遭到淘汰;對照蘋果公司的iOS作業系統與iTunes服務,一樣是封閉型系統,Apple卻仍是屹立不搖;未來是否可以持續保持,封閉型的標準是否可以成功,擁有廣大市場,主導整個服務鏈,頗值得深入探討。 全球各國對於電信技術與標準的管理,已逐漸採行技術中立的政策,對於技術與標準的選擇,政府政策因素的影響對企業選擇標準因素限制,已逐漸降低;本研究將以台灣A公司經營PHS為例,對照中國與日本的PHS電信業者,探討與分析電信公司選擇封閉型、非主流電信標準之成功可行性。 / Telecommunication Services have been changed rapidly recently; technologies and standards are also replaced to next generation every few years period. There are technology standards; right selection of standard is to fulfill requirements and obtain market is important. There were successful closed type telecom standards, like PDC of NTT DoCoMo in the 2G era. But finally it had been replaced by 3G, its next generation technology. The standard of telecom trend is toward an open type telecom standard. It is due to the complication of value chain of telecom services and global interfaces requirements. The closed type of technology standard is gradually abandoned. The PHS technology has been developed and adopted by leading technology telecom service provider, Willcom Japan, Telecom Company A in Taiwan announced PHS to be upgraded to XGP for a 100Mbps high speed mobile data network to compete with dominant and worldwide adopted a 4 G LTE mobile standard. But both companies went bankruptcy recently. The subscribers of PHS had been reached to his peak at 100 millions, the government policy has caused PHS in China clear away in a day. PDC and PHS are all considered as closed type technology standards. They were all invented by Japanese Telecom Operators. NTT had been operated and provided PHS service only for 3 years. The PHS leading operator, Willcom (previously DDI Pocket) is all the way providing services with PHS upgraded technology. But The Company is still facing financial difficulty and numbers of subscribers decreased dramatically. In Comparison with Apple Inc. who developed the closed type iOS and iTunes standards, are still leading mobile handset and applications markets. Apple’s service and product now become market dominant. Will Apple’s closed technologies maintenance for future successful? It is worth to be studied and look into details and referred with the PHS technology development as closed type standards. The natural to technology and standard is a trend globally from the government management policy. The governing policy has less effect on the technology and standard selection. The study is based on the case of A company using PHS technology to analyze Selection of close type standard or non dominant telecom standard will it be possible to be successful ? Willcom has announced to adopt XGP, the next generation PHS technology. Can we foresee the failure or it will arise from the dead? The study based on literature and cases analysis to analyze telecommunication, especially mobile communications operators. Successful factors of selection Telecommunication standards based on telecom service value chains, technology dependence, advantages and disadvantages of closed and open type’s standards. The thesis hopes to answer why A company’s failure and recommendation of successful factors when selection a closed type technology standard. The thesis is also to analyze the failure of A company in selection PHS technology which is closed type and reference of literature and other thesis to see the technology standard trend and hope to provide valuable reference for Telecommunication operators or related service providers in the future.

台灣專利聯盟(Patent Pool)的可行性探討─以國際產業標準的營運模式為例 / The feasibility analysis of Patent Pool in Taiwan─The Business Model of International Standard

徐弘光, Hsu, Henry Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣高科技廠商開始投注大量的心血在於專利申請上,由公告的美國專利數目,台灣專利權人2005年在美獲取專利數已位居美國以外國家的第三位,在這樣的數據下,應該值得驕傲,然若從訴訟案例來看,台灣廠商卻仍明顯處於被指控專利侵權的窘境,在光電產業、光儲存產業、半導體產業、IC設計業等,有相當多的案例說明台灣廠商雖然在專利的數量上已達一定的成效,但營運上卻因為專利議題而障礙重重。 許多專利聯盟案例的成功,如MPEG LA與DVD 6C都說明了以專利為基礎所產生標準後能帶來的龐大商業利益。使得標準之爭,成為國際級大集團的必爭之地。反觀台灣或是中國,近年來都有許多與標準相關的聯盟產生,但都未能為主流產品所遵循、參與。 本文藉由MPEG-2 的案例,對於技術、專利、產品、產業的相互關係作一實證的探討,並以國際級跨國公司的智權管理來分析其營運模鏈式。發現推動標準的領導廠商,在標準制訂過程中,積極地參與標準組織、轉化研發成果為專利;在專利的佈局上,也善用專利申請的技巧在各國廣佈專利;積極推廣標準成為主流後,再組成專利聯盟、訂立授權機制。 國內廠商,若要制訂標準、組成專利聯盟,應建立許多研發的配套機制,例如研發過程中,標準、產品與專利的結、產業上中下游價值鏈的安排、研發聯盟的組成等。 / Hi-tech companies in Taiwan have begun to focus their resources on patent prosecution and the added-value thereafter in recent years. According to the statistics of USPTO, Taiwan ranks 3th on the total patent granted to a foreign origin. This is clearly an achievement to be proud of. However, Taiwan companies are still subject to many infringement challenges, be they in the field of optoelectronics, optical storage, semi-conductor or IC design. Clearly the growing patent ownership has not quite resolved the intellectual property issues these companies must overcome. The success of patent pools can bring profit to companies. In cases of MPEG LA and DVD 6C, they makes standard war a critical issue to international companies. On the contrary in Taiwan and China, many alliances aiming to promote standard fail to become standard finally. The case of MPEG-2 is analyzed in the aspects of technology, patent, product, industry and also their interactions. In addition, the IP management of the business model is also discussed. We found the leading company of industrial standard are aggressively participating the standard organization and applying patents. In patent application, there were skillfully in filing patents in different countries. After the technology become dominant standards, they start to form patent pool and build the license mechanism. Domestic companies should establish the infrastructure of R&D before setting standard and forming patent pool. For example, the connections of standard, product development, patent application, industrial value chain and R&D alliance should be planed and established during R&D process.

歷史教育與時代聚焦的轉變:以2000年高中歷史教科書下冊為例的討論 / The Transformation of History Education And the Foci of the Times:Discussion Based on History Textbooks for Senior High School Freshmen in 2000

郭智勇 Unknown Date (has links)
高中歷史教科書自1999學年度起即由統編本開放為「一綱多本」之審定本,各版編著者雖皆依據1995年部頒之課程標準,然仍因編寫理念不同,內容之差異性難以避免。目前新編高中歷史教科書即有六版:三民、大同、正中、南一、建宏、龍騰,實有必要加以探討。 本文從政治與歷史密不可分之關係,探討高中歷史教育與歷史教科書之間的關係與演變,焦點集中於高一下冊本國近現代史部分。鑒於目前新編高中本國史下冊審定本中的六版教科書,因編寫理念不同,在外部結構及主題內容有較大差異,在政治立場上尤為突出,特擇取中國近現代為研究主題,加以比較分析。在研究方法上,本文依據教科書的特性以內容分析法為主,從外部的結構量化分析,比較各版本在標題綱要、提綱、注釋、大事年表等方面之差異;從實質內容的分析,比較各版本間在課文內容、歷史評價、圖片內涵、研究與討論等方面之異同。藉此檢視其是否與部頒之高中歷史課程標準相符,觀察新舊教材轉變之軌跡,以及對此後之大學入學測驗、歷史教育之影響。同時透過本文之研究,希望能對當前台灣地區之歷史研究與歷史教育提供不同面向之省思,所提相關建議作為日後教育主管機關之參考與採納。 / After the school year of 1999, history textbooks for senior high school were no longer published, in a unified version, by the Ministry of Education (MOE) only; private publishing houses have been allowed to compile and publish various versions of textbooks since then. Even though all publishers follow the curriculum standards/ guidelines enacted by the MOE in 1995, diversity of contents still exists because of different concerns about compilation. Currently, there are six versions of history textbooks for senior high school: San-min, Da-tong, Zheng-zhong, Nan-yi, Jian-hong, and Long-teng, and therefore it is necessary to have a further discussion. This paper discusses the evolution of history education and history textbooks for senior high school and the relationship between the two by analyzing the interplay between politics and history. Since the six versions of history textbooks are very different in their external structure and contents because of varied concerns over compilation, and the diversity is especially apparent in their political stances, modern and contemporary history of Chinese are chosen as the topics to be compared and analyzed. As for methodology, this paper mainly takes the content analysis approach due to the characteristics of textbooks. It compares the differences in titles, outlines, footnotes, and chronologies of important events by making quantitative analysis of the external structure, and compares the disparities in texts, historical evaluation, pictures, and questions for discussion by analyzing the contents. By doing so, the paper aims at examining whether the textbooks meet the curriculum standards, observing how the teaching materials have changed, and discussing the impacts brought by the change on college entrance exams and history education. Also, it is hoped that the paper offers reflections on historical research and history education in Taiwan from different perspectives, and the suggestions will be considered and adopted by the educational authorities.

NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準與幼兒園課程品質評估之研究 / A study of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and the curriculum quality evaluation

龔芮誼 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以自我評量的觀點,瞭解美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」與我國課程品質之評估,包括「幼兒園基礎評鑑指標教保活動課程部分」、「幼兒園課程與教學品質評估表課程與教學規劃部分」、「幼兒園教保活動課程暫行大綱」三議題。進而比較其指標內涵,同時採調查法的方式,便利取樣選取公立幼兒園10所,共11位教師,使用美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」,以瞭解其在台灣之適用性,並請現場老師給予相關的回饋與建議。 研究結果如下: 壹、美國NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準特色有四: 一、課程認證標準具發展合宜實務理論依據。 二、課程認證標準與時俱進。 三、課程認證標準組織架構具體明確且指標具彈性。 四、認證標準確實可提升班級課程品質。 貳、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」與我國幼兒園課程品質評估之比較: 一、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」指標內涵強調幼兒本位。 二、我國「幼兒園基礎評鑑指標教保活動課程部分」強調合法性。 三、我國「幼兒園課程與教學品質評估表課程與教學規劃部分」定義課程原則。 四、我國「幼兒園教保活動課程暫行大綱」是我國目前課程規劃重要依據。 五、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」含括領域指標具體完整值得效法。 参、美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」之適用性: 一、現場教師肯定美國「NAEYC幼兒園課程認證標準」,並具以下啟示: (一) 幫助教師課程規劃。 (二) 拓展視野放眼國際。 (三) 瞭解班級課程品質。 二、方案評鑑標準(The program evaluation standards)確定美國「NAEYC 幼兒園課程認證標準」在台灣之適用性。 本研究並根據研究結果提出建議,以「他山之石,可以攻錯」的借鏡觀點,提供對未來台灣幼兒教育發展之建議及後續研究之參考。 關鍵字:美國幼教協會NAEYC、課程認證標準、課程品質評估 / The main purpose of this study is to understand the concept of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and the curriculum quality evaluation. Include " Preschool Care-taking Activities of Kindergarten Basic Evaluationin"," Curriculum and Teaching Plan of Kindergarten Curriculum and Teaching Quality Assessment Form",and" Curriculum Outlines for Preschool Care-taking Activities". This study also received to 11 teacher’s interview to understand the applicability of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards in Taiwan. Here are the results of this study: A.NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards characteristics: 1. Based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice. 2. Change with time. 3. Organization is clear and specific and the indicators are flexible. 4. Indeed improve the curriculum quality of class. B.Compare NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and the curriculum quality evaluation: 1. NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards emphasize child-centered. 2. Preschool Care-taking Activities of Kindergarten Basic Evaluationin emphasize the legitimacy. 3. Curriculum and Teaching Plan of Kindergarten Curriculum and Teaching Quality Assessment Form define curriculum principle. 4. Curriculum Outlines for Preschool Care-taking Activities is important basis for curriculum planning at present. 5. The fields and indicators of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards are specific and complete and worth our emulation. C. The applicability of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards : 1.Teachers affirm NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards and get the following inspirations: a.Help teachers planning curriculum. b. Expand the horizons and looking to international. c.Understand the curriculum quality of class. 2. The program evaluation standards make sure the applicability of NAEYC accreditation curriculum standards in Taiwan. Key words: NAEYC, accreditation curriculum standards, curriculum quality evaluation

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