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理性選擇、社會資本與全球減災合作:印度洋海嘯預警系統個案分析 / Rational choice, social capital, and global cooperation in disaster reduction: A Case study on Indian ocean tsunami warning system (IOTWS)王俊元, Wang, Chun Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的研究問題,係探求在全球行動者為何要參與減災合作,而此全球減災合作又如何運作的呢?全球減災合作、理性選擇與全球社會資本的分析架構將被運用。從理論上粹取的因素,例如風險意識、能力素養、偏好、制度限制、資訊、可信的承諾與信任等,被用來分析行動者如何決定參與合作,以及此合作如何運作。鑑於2004年印度洋海嘯所造成的重大傷亡以及後續國際社會對救災及減災的承諾,本研究將以印度洋海嘯預警系統的個案為例,並透過在4個國家共計22人次對參與此系統的國際行動者之訪談資料,以及對參與印度洋海嘯預警系統之人員發放共計591份問卷進行調查及分析,回收問卷目前共計61份,然進行論文分析時為59份。換言之,實際上的回收率為10.66%,而本研究用以分析之問卷回收率為10.32%。本研究最主要的發現為風險意識及能力素養的提升,結合理性選擇與社會資本的不同因素作用下,將對全球減災合作的結果有正面的影響。最後,本研究也對未來國際減災合作提出相關之建議。 / Writing on the issue of global environmental security, the World Bank has noted that approximately “25 million square kilometers (about 19 percent of the Earth’s land area) and 3.4 billion people (more than half of the world’s population) are relatively highly exposed to at least one hazard.” With the coming of the globalization era, we .also live in a shared risk society. Since global environmental security is seen as a global public good, how to act for global crisis management under the logic of collective action has become a primary subject for global actors. Coping with the crises of SARS or Bird Flu through international cooperation has become a significant issue for these global actors. One of the main dilemmas of international cooperation for disaster reduction is the reconciliation of different individual actions. Interestingly, in spite of two decades efforts of international cooperation, the amount of damage caused by natural disasters and the total number if people affected have gradually increased since the 1960s.
This research focuses on two questions in the present research: why do global actors cooperate in disaster reduction, and how does this cooperation operate? The frameworks of international cooperation in disaster reduction, rational choice and global social capital are employed here, to explore the issue of international cooperation. Several factors, such as awareness of risk, capacity, preferences, institutional constraints, information, credible commitment, and trust, are used to examine how an actor engages in decision-making and how cooperation occurs.
Because of the tremendous damage that resulted from the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 and the engagement of the global society in disaster recovery and reduction, the above issues will be explored through a case study of the development of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS). Twenty-two interviews were conducted in four countries and these constitute the qualitative data for this analysis. 591 questionnaires also have been sent to the participants in the IOTWS to collect the quantitative data. I analyzed the quantitative data from 59 returned questionnaires (10.32% returning rate) and the qualitative data from 22 interviewees in four countries. These analyses resulted in several suggestions to facilitate international cooperation for disaster reduction.
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民國初年親權法制的開展—以大理院的司法實踐為中心 / The initial implementation of parental rights during the early years of the Republic of China:focus on the judicial practice of Ta-Li-Yuan黃琴唐, Huang, Chin Tang Unknown Date (has links)
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論瑪格麗特‧愛特伍《瘋狂亞當三部曲》中新自由主義治理論述,裸命,生命-形式及無身份 / Neo-liberal governmentality:bare life, form-of-life and (non)-identity in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam trilogy鄧安廷, Teng, An-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
瑪格麗特‧愛特伍的《瘋狂亞當三部曲》描繪了當代讀者所熟悉的世界: 一個受新自由主義浪潮席捲的社會。當政府權力被龐大財團架空,自由國家的民主核心價值早已崩解。
本篇論文的論點延伸自Chris Vials 的文章,並試圖以新自由主義統治論述來解釋小說中民主與極權融為一體的情況。第一章解釋新經濟思維使個人與社會產生疏離,以統治極端分化的社會階層。第二章則闡述小說中的國家已陷入例外狀態,法律受到懸置,而圍牆的設立強化了排除生命的機制並且產生 “裸命”。在最後的章節將探討上帝的園丁會 “生命-形式” 的革命以及《瘋狂亞當》的主角澤伯所展現的 “無身份” 抵抗的可能性。
如同書中角色,身處於當代的讀者正受到這股 “未來的浪潮” 推進向前卻同時又受到過去的夢靨所困。世界大戰、猶太人集中營不只是已過去的歷史事實,他們以不同形式再現且縈繞不去。如何撿拾過去的傷痛與錯誤,承接死去之人的意志正是我們必須肩負的責任。 / In Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy, the author imagines a near future that is too familiar for the reader who live in the contemporary period, a neoliberal society. Through the depiction of a hollowed-out nation replaced by a giant consortium, she lays bare a truth that democracy is going to collapse.
Based on Chris Vials’ article, “Margaret Atwood’s Dystopic Fiction and the Contradictions of Neoliberal Freedom,” this thesis furthers to elaborate the integration of democratic regime and totalitarianism by discourse of neoliberal governance: the neoliberal rationality alienates individuals, uniting the divided social stratifications. In the second part, I suggest that the nation falls into an anarchy since it has already entered into a state of exception, which gives rise to “bare life.” The exclusion mechanism is represented by the construction of “the Walls.” The third chapter aims to discuss the possibility of resisting the new form of sovereign power in practice of the God’s Gardeners about how to live “form-of-life” and politics of “(non)-identity” deployed by Zeb, the protagonist of MaddAddam.
Like the characters, we stand in the intersection of the “Wave of future” and the recurring nightmare in the past. Global wars and concentration camp are not only historical facts but recurring events. It is our responsibility to recall the memory, remember the pain, and inherit the will of the dead.
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買或不買: 馬來西亞大學生綠色購買意向調查 / To buy or not to buy: Malaysian University students’ green purchase intention伊德琳, Edaline Audrey Spykerman Unknown Date (has links)
This research was driven by Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to examine the impact of ecological knowledge, ecological concern, and man-nature orientation on green purchasing (including both intention and actual behavior), with the moderating effect of price sensitivity and allowance and/or income. This research surveyed 602 Malaysian university students within the age bracket of 18 to 25, because this specific demographic is a sizeable market and such research is lacking in an emerging economy like Malaysia. The results demonstrated that ecological concern and man-nature orientation influenced purchase intention and actual purchase. The findings also indicated that price sensitivity and allowance and/or income moderated the relationship between behavioral intention and actual behavior. This study has two implications: (1) it extends TRA by exploring the potential moderating variables between behavioral intention and actual behavior, and its findings adds to the body of knowledge in the area of green consumer behavior; (2) marketing managers can formulate their green marketing strategies effectively by consistently driving heart-warming campaigns to create or stir consumers’ emotions. Marketers should keep in mind that Malaysians are highly influenced by man-nature relationship belief, and additionally, marketers need to be careful in justifying pricing difference between non-green and green products for consumers that are sensitive to price.
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吸煙行爲: 排列路徑方法 / Smoking Behaviors: A Permutation Approach司亭牧, Tim Stahl Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從2009-2010全國成人煙草使用率的調查數據,研討不同類型的戒菸方式對於個體行為異質性所造成的影響。先前的研究顯示有意願想要戒菸的吸菸者有外部戒菸控制方式的需求,然而我們無法在有限的研究中找出相同的吸煙者不滿意對於外部戒菸的控制需求。此外我們發現,高成癮率和高程度的吸菸量提高吸煙者對尼古丁替代物或其他藥物的需求。我們在這份研究中甚至發現,無知的雙曲線貼現吸煙者降低外部需求的戒菸者對於禁煙令或香煙稅當中的關係。 / Using data from the 2009-2010 National Adult Tobacco Survey, this study investigates how the heterogeneity of individual behaviors affects demand for different types of cessation supports. Previous studies have demonstrated that smokers with a desire to quit have a demand for external cessation controls, however, there is limited research into how those same smokers demand individual disutility decreasing supports like nicotine replacement or counseling. We find that high addiction and consumption levels increase the demand for nicotine replacement or other medication. We also find support linking naïf hyperbolic discounters to lower demand for external cessation supports like smoking bans or cigarette taxes.
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新制度理論之研究-以瑠公農田水利會為例 / A Case Study of Liou-Gong Irrigation Association謝偉智, Shie, Wei Ji Unknown Date (has links)
近來公共行政學術與實務朝向多元的發展與範圍的擴大,就前者而言,學術上的多元雖引起學科認同危機的疑慮,卻開啟了學派與科際交流的大門,為行政學術注入活水,也為理性論辯提供制度性的基礎;就後者而言,在有效治理與解決社會問題的要求下,政府必需尋求非政府部門組織與行動者的合作以共同承擔公共責任。另方面,在經過行為主義的浪潮後,社會科學界再度對「制度」(institutions)在人類社會中所扮演的角色重新審視,這主要表現在「制度」界定並影響社會互動的過程及結果。這股研究風潮在「新制度理論」(new institution)的名稱下並無一體系性的研究立場與策略,但都分享了對制度研究的高度興趣的共識,值此時刻,上述公共行政學術與實務的趨勢,提供了新制度理論引介的契機。基此,本論文乃針對新制度理論內涵作一引介,並提出一多元制度分析架構以為個案分析用。第一章部分:提出本文之研究架構與方法,並對多元分歧的〞制度〞定義作一說明與界定,此外,針對現行農田水利會的性格與特質作一簡述。第二章部分:在於對社會科學領域中新制度理論的發展作一歷史性的分析,分別探討其科際發展背景,並引用核心假設、主要論題、政策意涵與相關問題四個面向來對此思潮內部分歧的二大研究途徑:理性選擇途徑與社會文化途徑的差異作一比較,並進而探討二者是否有共量與對話的可能。第三章部分:有鑑於新制度理論內部的分歧,學者們曾提出不少理論模式以為整合,本文則分別從知識旨趣、理性概念與行動邏輯的概念探討提出另一研究途徑--溝通理性途徑,加上前述二途徑而成為多元的制度分析架構。而在分析層次方面,在就制度論制度的前提下,根據其活動範圍大小、時間歷程、客觀強制力大小而區分為制度變遷、制度改革與制度設計三層次,彼此以鑲鍖的方式存在而具有內在連繫性。第四章部分:本章依多元制度分析架構對塯公農田水利會作一個案分析,從灌溉系統的問題本質、系絡特性、與實際運作規則對其制度的源起、發展維持、轉型替代作一說明。而在農田水利會制度改革過程中,相關行動者彼此的策略性結盟、隱喻使用及論証的提出等各項行動,不僅有其自利的動機,更有其象徵意義。最後分別由交易成本、社會文化與溝通對話面向,對於改革過程中所提出的改制案、現行案及水利聯盟案作一比較分析,而塯公水利會的組織特色又適合何種制度架構亦有必要探討。第五章部分:在於對新制度理論目前發展作一評估,探討其在社會科學領域中〞進步的意義,及水利會的改革歷程所透露出的訊息為何?最後,則是對新制度理論未來研究方向提出一說明。
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由多面向觀點探討理性思考與感性人格的關係 / A Study on The Relationship of Rational Thinking And Affective Personality Traits: From A Multidimensional Perspective汪慧瑜, Wang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議,根據理性思考與感性人格特質之間的相輔相成互動關係,學校宜多鼓勵男學生培養感性人格特質,鼓勵女學生發揮理性思考的潛能,不受刻板印象所限;在大學的通識教育上亦有必要重新調整,提供學生培養經驗整合與整全判斷能力。 / The objectives of this study were to explore the relationship of rational thinking, consisted of critical thinking dimension and creative thinking dimension, and affective personality traits, consisted of four positive dimensions and one negative dimension, from a multidimensional perspective, and to examine if one's sex and major would have influence on his/her rational thinking and affective personality traits. Tests were administered to 386 college students, evaluating their levels of critical thinking, creative thinking, interpersonal sensitivity, aesthetic orientation, emotioanl expressivity, empathy and emotionality. Findings suggest that: (1) Subjects scoring high on Rational thinking have significant high scores in positive dimensions of affective personality traits, but it seems that rational thinking is not related to the negative dimension of affective personality traits. (2) There is no significant sex difference in rational thinking, meanwhile in affective personality traits, female score obviously higher in aesthetic orientation, empathy, and emotionality, and there is no significant sex difference in emotional expressivity, but male score higher in interpersonal sensitivity. (3) Students in different majors don't have significant differences in their critical thinking, creative thinking, and rational thinking abilities, but students majoring art and literature surely score higher in emotionality and aesthetic orientation dimensions than students majoring nature science or other subjects.
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行政組際協調之嵌套賽局分析 / A nested game analysis of interorganizational coordination in public administration廖洲棚, Liao, Zhou Peng Unknown Date (has links)
綜合而言,本文建構的「行政組際協調嵌套賽局模型」,是建立在一個嚴格的假定條件之上的,因此其理論的解釋力與預測能力都僅能限縮在一定的範圍內,特別是一階層管理者、兩行政組織的三人完全訊息賽局。換言之,超出這個範圍之外的行政組際協調現象,就不適合使用本模型進行解釋。本文雖然只使用極精簡的相關研究變項,卻也足以展現一個理論模型應具備的解釋與預測能力。當然,本文的研究僅是一個開端,不論在模型的廣博性以及適用性都還有極大的待改善空間。筆者也鼓勵後繼的學者,能持續地擴展與修改本文提出之理論模型,讓行政組際協調研究領域能朝向更正面的發展。 / Under the present governance environment, the government would need more efforts to coordinate different organizations’ actions than before to make sure the public services would be provided successfully. Thus, most public managers would not only agree that the interorganizational coordination has become one of the important and urgent issues in the governance era, but also they need to learn new abilities to response the citizens’ needs. The author defined the concept of interorganizational coordination as “The end-state of a public policy or program which is implemented by two or more organizations in a consistent way is characterized by minimal redundancy, incoherence and lacunae.” Under this definition, the author discussed three different questions of interorganization coordination in public administration. The first question is How can we formulate a set of consistent actions for implementing a public policy or program? The second question is “How can we explain the interactive relationship between the organizations in public administration?” The third question is “What kind of results would be produced by multi-organizational implementation?”
The nested game model of this dissertation has been assumed that the specification and unique side payment system of bureaucracy are the fundamental institution of interorganizational coordination. Under this assumption, the author introduced the concept of simple loss function and structure-induced equilibrium to create an utility function of public organizations and a spatial model for deducing propositions of interorganizational coordination in public administration. In order to verify the propositions of the nested game model of this dissertation, the author did a case study which was including 52 appealed cases of 1999 Citizen Hotline of Taipei City Government and tested the hypothesis derived from the propositions. Finally, the author concluded that there are six independent variables, including interdependency, communication, territory, supervision, outside accountability and inside accountability which can be used to explain two dependent variables, including cooperative behaviors and the result of interorganizational coordination.
The author admitted that the interorganizational coordination is a contingent process and should be carefully defined its game rules before discussing what happened in this process. This dissertation has provided a simplicity model for explaining interorganizational coordination with one hierarchical organization and two horizontal organizations within four different situations. The author hoped that other researchers can modify this simple model to explain more complex situations of interorganizational coordination. Thus, this field could be continually developed in a positive way.
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土壤污染與土地利用政策之研究 : 以桃園縣蘆竹鄉鎘污染事件為例陳志仲, Chen, Chih-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以土壤污染問題為探討對象,並採用Milbrath「新環境典範」(new environmental paradigm)之概念,以及Jacobs「後現代主義」(postmodernism)的土地利用計畫概念作為理論基礎,對土壤污染的形成原因;政府、污染者(廠商)及民眾之間在土壤污染事件的互動情形;以及土壤遭受污染後,其土地應如何再利用等問題,進行深入的思辯及探討。
最後,在土地利用政策上,本研究認為政府及各界不應再奉科學方法為圭臬,並且純然的由科技專家來掌控,在新環境典範及後現代主義的階段,土地利用政策的決策權力應適度下放至地方及社區,並讓地方民眾的意見進入政策制訂過程之中,並且,土地利用政策也應該是一個政治及社會辯論的重要場域,服膺「民主」、 「公平」及「正義」等社會上的重要價值。
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資訊揭露對股票市場的波動性與流動性之影響 / The Impacts of Market Transparency on Volatility and Liquidity張景婷 Unknown Date (has links)
是故,本研究利用代理人基人工股票市場來探討資訊揭露對於金融市場之影響。在此架構下之交易者皆已有限理性方式來呈現。他們是以遺傳規劃(genetic programming)之方式來學習並修正他們對於未來之金融市場之預期。在透過即時的模擬價格之資訊揭露,我們嘗試探討此資訊揭露之金融政策措施對於市場之波動性、市場之流動性之影響。 / The topic of asymmetric information between the informed traders and uninformed traders has been widely discussed by researchers in academics. To maintain the fairness of securities market, an appropriate information disclosure is quite important for authorities of securities regulation to protect the rights and interests of uninformed traders, and to maintain the operations of securities market stable. Based on these reasons, we construct an agent-based artificial stock market to investigate how information disclosure affects a financial market. In this framework of artificial stock market, all traders are characterized by bounded rationality. The traders are able to learn and adjust their predictions of financial market by means of a genetic programming algorithm. We try to understand how market transparency affects the volatility and the liquidity of a securities market.
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