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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王俊凱, Wang,Chun-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
1999年台灣發生九二一地震之後,中央政府為因應災後重建需要,制定「九二一震災暫行條例」,並依法設置「行政院九二一震災災後重建推動委員會」負責重建事項之協調、審核、決策、推動及監督。其次再將中央政府所收震災捐款設立「財團法人九二一震災重建基金會」,聘任政府相關單位代表與民間社會人士組成董監事會共同管理基金。 財團法人九二一震災重建基金會為一公設的財團法人(GONGO),成立之初主要功能仍是在配合政府施政,並未因面對地震應變而有所調整。然而2000年台灣進行50年來首次的政黨輪替,卻也意外地改變了基金會的組織型態,以「議題導向、主動規劃」成為基金會新的思考方向,並在此基礎之上展開策略規劃。 本文主要以「策略矩陣分析法」對於基金會所推動的住宅重建策略進行分析,並以政府所推動相對之住宅政策作為比較基準(benchmark),透過實務上的驗證分析,說明在一個創新的組織型態下,確實能更為有效地處理「公共」議題,同時為「公設財團法人」或是「行政法人」的角色找出新的價值與定位。 / Following Taiwan’s September 21 (921) Earthquake in 1999, the central government answered post-disaster reconstruction needs by drawing up the Temporary Statute for 921 Earthquake Reconstruction. On this basis it established the Executive Yuan 921 Earthquake Post-Disaster Recover Commission to address problems of co-ordination, policy approval and development, process advancement and overall supervision. In addition, it formed the 921 Earthquake Relief Foundation using donations received by the central government, while placing government representatives from applicable agencies as well as members of the public on a board of directors to manage the foundation’s funds. The 921 Earthquake Relief Foundation was a “government-organized non-governmental organization” (GONGO). Its main function at the time of its formation was to coordinate with the government in the implementation of policy, but it was not able to adjust its role in the face of new contingencies. In 2000, however, Taiwan’s first transfer of political power in fifty years unexpectedly reshaped the foundation. Its line of thinking became “issue-oriented and planning-proactive,” and on this basis it began to be involved in strategic development. This article uses strategic matrix analysis to investigate the residential reconstruction policy advanced by the foundation. With the corresponding residential policy advanced by the government as a benchmark, and using practical verification and analysis, it argues that an organization that has undergone change is indeed able to efficiently deal with “public” themes while at the same time seeking out new value and orientation in the role of a GONGO or the “administrative corporation.”

美國膠黏劑市場之產業分析與擴張策略: 以台資企業為例 / Industry Analysis and Expansion SStrategies for the U.S. adhesive market: taking an example of a taiwan-based company

梁俊偉, Liang, Chun-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
In the past two years, a Taiwan-based adhesive manufacturer confronted significant declines in sales for the U.S. market. The purpose of the study is to propose alternative strategies for the manufacturer in expanding the U.S. adhesive market and to assess the best strategies to be implemented. The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), a managerial assessment tool that determines the relative attractiveness of different strategies based on a firm’s external and internal factors, was adopted as the methodology. The results revealed that working with alternative agents is the most suitable strategic decision. The selected strategy is two percent better than strategy one: Build a factory in the U.S., eight percent better than strategy two: Maintain and strengthen the existing ODM model, eleven percent better than strategy three: Acquire the current agent, and twenty percent better than strategy five: Supply from the JV factory in India. The study findings may serve as a guide for the management team to construct their market development plan for the U.S. market.

以策略矩陣分析法探討競合中的動態競爭:自行車產業兩領導廠商為例 / The Strategic Matrix Analysis of Competitive Dynamics in Co-opetition: The Case of Two Leaders in the Bicycle Industry

林明翰, Lin, Ming Han Unknown Date (has links)
為了共同面對來自中國大陸廠商的價格競爭壓力,台灣自行車業的兩大領導廠商──巨大與美利達,以朝向高值化的共同目標籌組了競爭者間的合作體系。然而,競爭者雙方以合作為前提下,競合關係下的動態性以及廠商間的競爭性行動呈現何種面貌?又,如何應用策略矩陣分析法更細緻地分析,在競合關係中廠商間的競爭行為? 本研究結合動態競爭的對偶層次分析及策略矩陣分析法,以策略點為分析基礎,更細緻地展開處於合作情境下的兩家競爭廠商,如何在歐洲自行車市場佈局競爭性行動。根據結構內容分析兩家廠商2006至2016 年間的新聞事件後發現,在合作的前提下,兩家廠商分別在競爭性行動的時間軸、地理涵蓋範圍、價值單元以及策略點皆進行具差異性的佈局,呈現多樣化的競爭內涵。 本研究除擴展競合情境下的動態競爭研究外,亦藉由策略矩陣分析法豐富化廠商間可分析的競爭行為,並探討資源條件不同的廠商間,其競爭行為如何佈局的實質細節。本研究對於廠商如何在競合關係中發起競爭性行動,提供了實務性的指引與參考。 / To present a united front against the stress of price-cutting competition from Mainland China, Taiwan’s two leaders in the bicycle industry, Giant and Merida, established an inter-firm cooperation system between competitors in order to achieve the common goal of delivering high-valued product. However, under the premise of cooperation agreement between two competing leaders, what is the dynamicity in co-opetition and the inter-firm competitive action under the real scenario? And, how can we apply the strategic matrix analysis to inter-firm rivalry on competitive behvior involved in co-opetition relationship? This study combines dyadic analysis from competitive dynamics with strategic matrix analysis to investigate the two research questions addressed above. By using the “strategic point” as the analytical basis, this study examines two competing leaders under cooperation agreement and extracts their competitive actions in European bicycle market with structured content analysis. Building on the results from the analysis of the news between 2006 and 2016, two competing leaders separately differentiate and conduct their competitive action deployments on four dimensions, which are time-axis, geographical coverage, value unit, and strategic point. Therefore, this study reveals the various contents of two competing leaders in the cooperation-competition. More than contributing to the research field of competitive dynamics in co-opetition, this study enriches the analyzability of inter-firm competitive behaviors by conducting strategic matrix analysis. It provides the details about how the firms compete with each other with different resource endowments. This study broadens our view of the competitive dynamics in co-opetition and introduces practical guidelines on initiating competitive action to the firms in co-opetition relationship.

以特徵向量法解條件分配相容性問題 / Solving compatibility issues of conditional distributions by eigenvector approach

顧仲航, Ku, Chung Hang Unknown Date (has links)
給定兩個隨機變數的條件機率矩陣A和B,相容性問題的主要課題包 含:(一)如何判斷他們是否相容?若相容,則如何檢驗聯合分配的唯一性 或找出所有的聯合分配;(二)若不相容,則如何訂定測量不相容程度的方 法並找出最近似聯合分配。目前的文獻資料有幾種解決問題的途徑,例 如Arnold and Press (1989)的比值矩陣法、Song et al. (2010)的不可約 化對角塊狀矩陣法及Arnold et al. (2002)的數學規劃法等,經由這些方法 的啟發,本文發展出創新的特徵向量法來處理前述的相容性課題。 當A和B相容時,我們觀察到邊際分配分別是AB′和B′A對應特徵值1的 特徵向量。因此,在以邊際分配檢驗相容性時,特徵向量法僅需檢驗滿足 特徵向量條件的邊際分配,大幅度減少了檢驗的工作量。利用線性代數中 的Perron定理和不可約化對角塊狀矩陣的概念,特徵向量法可圓滿處理相 容性問題(一)的部份。 當A和B不相容時,特徵向量法也可衍生出一個測量不相容程度的簡單 方法。由於不同的測量方法可得到不同的最近似聯合分配,為了比較其優 劣,本文中提出了以條件分配的偏差加上邊際分配的偏差作為評量最近似 聯合分配的標準。特徵向量法除了可推導出最近似聯合分配的公式解外, 經過例子的驗證,在此評量標準下特徵向量法也獲得比其他測量法更佳的 最近似聯合分配。由是,特徵向量法也可用在處理相容性問題(二)的部份。 最後,將特徵向量法實際應用在兩人零和有限賽局問題上。作業研究的 解法是將雙方採取何種策略視為獨立,但是我們認為雙方可利用償付值表 所提供的資訊作為決策的依據,並將雙方的策略寫成兩個條件機率矩陣, 則賽局問題被轉換為相容性問題。我們可用廣義相容的概念對賽局的解進 行分析,並在各種測度下討論賽局的解及雙方的最佳策略。 / Given two conditional probability matrices A and B of two random variables, the issues of the compatibility include: (a) how to determine whether they are compatible? If compatible, how to check the uniqueness of the joint distribution or find all possible joint distributions; (b) if incompatible, how to measure how far they are from compatibility and find the most nearly compatible joint distribution. There are several approaches to solve these problems, such as the ratio matrix method(Arnold and Press, 1989), the IBD matrix method(Song et al., 2010) and the mathematical programming method(Arnold et al., 2002). Inspired by these methods, the thesis develops the eigenvector approach to deal with the compatibility issues. When A and B are compatible, it is observed that the marginal distributions are eigenvectors of AB′ and B′A corresponding to 1, respectively. While checking compatibility by the marginal distributions, the eigenvector approach only checks the marginal distributions which are eigenvectors of AB′ and B′A. It significantly reduces the workload. By using Perron theorem and the concept of the IBD matrix, the part (a) of compatibility issues can be dealt with the eigenvector approach. When A and B are incompatible, a simple way to measure the degree of incompatibility can be derived from the eigenvector approach. In order to compare the most nearly compatible joint distributions given by different measures, the thesis proposes the deviation of the conditional distributions plus the deviation of the marginal distributions as the most nearly compatible joint distribution assessment standard. The eigenvector approach not only derives formula for the most nearly compatible distribution, but also provides better joint distribution than those given by the other measures through the validations under this standard. The part (b) of compatibility issues can also be dealt with the eigenvector approach. Finally, the eigenvector approach is used in solving game problems. In operations research, strategies adopted by both players are assumed to be independent. However, this independent assumption may not be appropriate, since both players can make decisions through the information provided by the payoffs for the game. Let strategies of both players form two conditional probability matrices, then the game problems can be converted into compatibility issues. We can use the concept of generalized compatibility to analyze game solutions and discuss the best strategies for both players in a variety of measurements.


吳樹煌, wu,Jeff. Unknown Date (has links)
1989年起,對台灣零售產業發展是一巨大的變革,萬客隆、家樂福等量販店產業的崛起是最具備現代化改革的代表,2000年以後,福元批發倉儲等相繼退出量販店市場,2003年年初萬客隆的停業與高峰百貨2003年年底的跳票倒閉事件更令人震撼,藉由本產業分析的研究期望能對成功與失敗案例背後成因有更深入的了解。 本文中第一章主要說明研究動機、目的、架構與限制,並對部分學者提出的產業分析文獻做一番探討,藉此,突顯與本研究中「產業矩陣分析法」之差異。第二章對量販店產業的定義與其發展沿革做說明,由於量販店所販售的商品與超商、超市、專賣店、百貨公司與甚至傳統市場有所競爭,對於超商、超市、專賣店、百貨公司與傳統市場等本文將其界定為量販店之間接競爭相關產業,文中也做了簡略的介紹,在本章最後說明量販店產業經營時所面臨的種種困難。 「產業矩陣分析法」的應用在於對產業經營流程中所涉及的價值單元(value unit)從投入(input)到產出(output)的產業價值鏈做系統化的分析,第三章主要在界定量販店產業經營流程與產業價值鏈,並對產業中投入部分的價值單元與產出部分的價值單元給予適切的定義。企業的策略需要因應產業環境變化而做適度的調整。「產業矩陣分析法」是從個別企業的立場著手,將產業價值鏈與策略型態構面和產業型態構面交叉分析,透過產業矩陣的應用,將產業分析與策略分析結合,從中為自己所屬的企業找出最適宜之經營策略應是「產業矩陣分析法」之真正精髓所在。第四章是藉由「產業矩陣分析法」來分析台灣量販店產業特性,將量販店產業的產業背景資料一一呈現,就如同一幅產業空照圖,而個別量販店業者要以哪一種策略進入這個寶山,就看個別企業的本事了。 第五章為本文之總結,文中對量販店產業可能的發展趨勢與經營策略做一些整理,並對政府有關單位提出一些建議,也期望對台灣量販店產業的發展有些許的貢獻。 / Since 1989, the development of Taiwan’s retail industry has been through a dramatic transformation with Marko and Carrefour representing the most contemporary innovative changing Hypermarkets. From year 2000 onwards, Fu-Yuan warehouse subsequently disappeared from the Hypermarket industry. At the beginning of year 2003, the stopping of operation of Marko and the closing of Kao-Mart department store represented more shocking news. Therefore the purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of the hypermarket industry in order to gain a deeper insight of the successful and failed cases of hypermarkets. The first chapter explains the motive , objective, structure and limitation of this study and also gives a brief discussion of the exiting literature of the analysis of the industry through which the uniqueness of “The analysis of the Industry Matrix” could be emphasized. The second chapter explains the definition of the hypermarket industry and the chronicle of the development of the industry. The products sold by convenient stores, supermarkets, department stores and traditional markets are similar to the products of those of the hypermarkets. Therefore convenient stores, supermarkets, department stores and traditional markets are regarded as indirect competitors of those of the hypermarkets .The definition of these above mentioned industries will also be explained. The later parts of this study explain the various difficulties that may be encountered during the operation of the hypermarkets. The main application of “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method” is to systematically analyze every value unit from input to output of the entire industry value chain. The third chapter mainly explains the operation procedure and the industry value chain of the hypermarket industry and also gives the appropriate definition of the input value units and output value units of the industry value chain. The strategies of a firm must be constantly reviewed and changed according to the changing in the industry environment. “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method” is based on individual firms and is used to analyze the strategy dimensional types and industry dimensional types crossly with the entire industry value chain. By means of“The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”, the industry and strategy analysis could then be combined to find out the most appropriate operation strategies of the firms. This is the core spirit of “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”. The fourth chapter involves using the “The Industry Matrix Analysis Method”to analyze the characteristics of Taiwan’s hypermarket industry and to present the background information of the hypermarket industry as same as the industry’s bird’s eye perspective picture. Which strategies the firm will take and which firms may dominate the hypermarket industry market depending on their own competence. The last chapter includes the summary of this study. The possible future trend and appropriate operation strategies are summarized. Suggestions for the government are also included. The author expects that this study could make some useful contributions for the development of Taiwan’s hypermarket industry.


武亞銘, Wu, Ya Ming Unknown Date (has links)
保全業在台灣的發展已有三十年,然對於此一產業的研究仍集中於法令條文或技術研發等面向,甚少針對經營模式做出研究。然企業的不斷成長,仰賴於對市場需求變化的不斷因應,從無例外。相較於國外的保全業者,我國的經營者大都依循傳統的經營方式前進,而沒有採取更前瞻的經營方法來拓展事業進而成長,也遑論經營上的創新,相當可惜。 本研究之目的是探討安全服務產業的創新經營模式。對於安全服務產業的創新服務模式為何,以及採用創新經營模式時,企業內功能單位該如何重新定位予以探討。本研究參諸國內、外經營模式理論及國內保全業法令的演進,並述及保全業在國內、外的起源發展。再以創新經營模式的構面、價值鏈的重塑、策略矩陣分析及策略形態的構面來說明創新經營模式的可行性。希望藉此提供新的經營思維予保全業的經營者,期能加速成長,使保全業在台灣的發展更加蓬勃。

數值高程模型誤差偵測之研究 / Study on error detection methods for digital elevation models

林永錞, Lin, Yung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究主要利用誤差偵測方法發掘數值高程模型中可能出現的高程誤差,藉以提升數值高程模型之高程品質。本研究採用三種誤差偵測方法即參數統計、水流方向矩陣、坡度與變化約制等,這三種方法過去是應用在航測資料測製之格網式數值高程模型,本研究嘗試推廣至空載光達製作的數值高程模型。 利用模擬DEM資料以驗證三種偵測方法之偵測能力。首先利用多項式函數擬合出各種地形,並假設該地形無誤差。再將人為誤差隨機加入模擬DEM資料;第二部份則將誤差偵測之方法應用至真實的數值高程模型資料,並配合檢核點高程測量檢驗之。根據誤差偵測結果,參數統計和坡度變化結果類似而且皆有過度偵測之缺點,可透過提高門檻值或高通濾波改善;水流方向矩陣比較不適合誤差偵測,但可透過窪地填平最佳化地形。 關鍵字:數值高程模型、誤差偵測、參數統計法、坡度與變化約制、水流方向矩陣。 / Abstract In this study, error detection methods were proposed to find possible elevation errors in digital elevation model (DEM), and to improve the quality of DEM. Three methods were employed to detect errors in the study, i.e. parametric statistical method, flow direction matrix, and constrained slope and change. These methods can deal with grid DEM from photogrammetric approach in the past, and now the methods are used to find errors in high resolution DEM from light detection and ranging (LIDAR). The simulated DEMs were used to approve the detection capability of the proposed methods. The fitted DEMs were first obtained by polynomial functions fit the different terrains and assuming these DEMs were free of errors. Then the artificial errors were added to fitted DEMs. The proposed methods were also applied to real DEM data got from LIDAR and field check works were run to insure the results. The results of parametric statistical method and constrained slope and change are similar, and all show the over-detection of errors. These results can be improved by using high threshold or high-pass filter. Flow direction matrix is not suitable for error detection in DEM, but can be applied to fill sink to optimize terrain for watershed analysis. Keyword: digital elevation model, error detection, parametric statistical method, constrained slope and change, flow direction matrix.

價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry

黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以策略管理理論「策略形態分析」法與「策略矩陣分析」法為基礎,發展出新的分析架構–「價值單元展開分析」法,並與策略矩陣整合成為策略系統模型。藉由個案研究,驗證此策略系統模型如何使管理者能更精確地衡量未來策略規劃之選擇,最佳化公司未來競爭策略方向。 筆者以個案探討新創科技公司在持續變動與競爭之產業中,競爭策略分析與規劃之方法。以3D感測產業作為分析與研究之個案產業,並以其中一新創科技公司–L科技公司作為個案探討之對象,提出一以新創科技公司為出發點,在衡量現有與發展未來競爭策略時,可供利用與權衡的分析方法。 「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies. Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.

台灣旅遊業經營管理與營運策略 / Management and operating strategy of tourism industry in Taiwan

謝宏明, Hsieh, Hung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
台灣有超過2,000家在營業中的旅行社,營運規模由3到5個員工到數千人員工,由極輕量化的公司營運一直到大型營運的公司皆存在旅遊產業中。 本研究個案試著運用幾種企業管理常用的理論模組,讓閱讀本文的人士能夠清楚地了解,如何在適當的時機做對的決策,以擴大營運規模。 以本個案的綜合旅行社為例,年間服務出境旅客超過20萬人次,在過去七年間,員工人數成長約2.5倍,業績成長約3倍,並且上興櫃成功;除了公司內部作業平台的改善及優化之外,本個案要闡明的是,在快速變遷的環境中,如何掌握機會,做好決策,並落實執行的過程。期望能提供有效的資訊給有意將公司大型化的同業參考,並也藉由個案檢視公司成長的決策過程,由累積公司成長的經驗中建立有效、穩定的公司決策模式。讓個案中的公司與有興趣閱讀的人員可以從文中獲得知識的累積與經營事業的啟發。


王睦舜, Wang, Ruffin Unknown Date (has links)

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