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臺北市議會職權運作之研究--以第七屆市議會為例李明倫, Lee, Ming-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的.........................................1
第二節 研究方法與架構.........................................5
第三節 研究範圍與限制.........................................8
第四節 文獻探討...............................................9
第貳章 臺北市議會的演變歷程
第一節 光復初期至民國五十六年臺北市改制前之市議會............12
第二節 臺北市改制為直轄市後至直轄市自治法公布前之市議會......17
第三節 直轄市自治法公布後之市議會............................24
第參章 臺北市議會的組織及職權
第一節 臺北市議會的組織......................................29
第二節 臺北市議會的職權......................................57
第肆章 臺北市議會與中央政府及市政府之關係
第一節 中央政府與臺北市議會之關係............................84
第二節 臺北市政府與臺北市議會之關係..........................93
第三節 區里與臺北市議會之關係...............................106
第伍章 影響臺北市議會職權行使的因素
第一節 政治生態.............................................111
第二節 政黨.................................................118
第三節 輿論.................................................123
第四節 利益團體.............................................125
第五節 選民壓力.............................................128
第陸章 結論
第一節 研究發現.............................................133
第二節 研究建議.............................................138
第三節 結語.................................................142
圖 表 目 錄
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立法委員的選民服務之個案研究 / A Case Study of a Legislator's Casework蔡佳泓, Tsai, Jia Houng Unknown Date (has links)
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我國選舉政策之研究 / The Study on the Election Policy in Taiwan,ROC.黃鼎佑, Huang, Ting Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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院會與委員會的權力關係鍾智明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從我國立法院中院會與常設委員會之間政黨組成結構的角度出發,試圖探討兩者之間組成差異的程度以及方向對於法條審查所造成的影響。本文假設委員會與院會之間的政黨組成差異若越大,則委員會對於法案的審查結果在院會遭到修正的情況將越為明顯。研究結果顯示,在第三屆中政黨組成差異比例越大的委員會,其審查通過的法條在院會所遭到的修正程度越小,而院會多數黨若在審查委員會席次過半,則有助於減緩審查通過的條文在院會遭到修正的情況。另一方面,由於委員會組成方式改變導致院會與委員會之間的組成依政黨比例為原則,因此第六屆的部分在研究中主要僅提供參考,其中政黨組成差異比例與多數黨是否在委員會中過半皆並不對法條審查造成任何影響,而將兩屆資料合併分析則是如同第三屆所呈現的結果。換言之,本文對於院會與委員會政黨組成差異對於法案修正影響的研究假設並未能得到經驗上的支持。 / This research takes its departure from observing different percentage of party constitution between floor and standing committees in Legislative Yuan, and tries to examine how the difference affects the process and consequence of bill amendments. The main hypothesis of this research is that higher different percentage of party constitution will result in higher degree of bill amendment on the floor. Empirical evidence shows that in the third term, higher different percentage of party constitution in a committee results in lower degree of floor amendment. Nevertheless, when the majority party comes to enjoy more than a majority in a committee, lower degree of bill amendments is found. On the other hand, because the method to compose committees changed, the proportion of parties in floor and committees was similar in the sixth term. So, the data of the sixth term is just for reference; the different percentage of party constitution and majority party’s seat advantage in committees do not impact the extent of floor amendments. The combination of the third and sixth term also shows the same result with the third term. In other words, the hypothesis regarding different percentage of party constitution is not supported by empirical data.
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區域與不分區立委代表行為之差異 / The difference of representative behavior among district and list legislators高偉綸 Unknown Date (has links)
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立法委員應用Facebook的行為在選舉期與會期間的探索 / A comparative study of campaign and non-campaign Facebook strategies: The case of Taiwan’s Legislators陳禹瑞, Chen, Yu Jui Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的日新月異,讓政府與民眾之間的關係有了改變,在Web 2.0的網路應用模式興起之下,不但讓社會互動的內涵拓展到網路世界當中,也改變了日常生活、媒體環境,甚至進入了民主政治運作的機制當中,扮演重要的角色。順應這股潮流,各國政府無不積極推動相關的機制,期望讓民眾有更親切,多元的參與途徑,以達成更好的治理。
然而,不論國內外對於政府結合Web 2.0的研究上,主要都聚焦於公共服務的提供,並沒有更進一步探討「政府」與「民眾」關係的內涵,事實上,這種雙向關係的建立是社群網站之所以能進入民眾生活的重要的核心概念,也是政府結合社群網站提供服務應該關注的焦點。因此,本研究從深化治理關係的角度出發,比較立法委員在選舉期間和會期間運用Facebook與民眾溝通、互動的行為,一方面希望探索政治人物所應用的網路科技是否含有治理的功用,突破以往網路選戰的囹圄;另一方面,也希望了解在政府各單位提供的電子參與機制之外,能不能透過更接近民眾日常生活的Facebook建立治理關係,讓電子參與的理念可以藉由不同的途徑所達成。
研究結果發現,立法委員在Facebook在選舉期間和會期間主要應用的策略都是「政治資訊」和「生活分享」兩項,不同於過去競選期間以攻擊對手最為主要應用的策略,立法委員在Facebook上有明顯的策略轉向,可能與Facebook社交的特性有關。另一方面,立法委員所應用的Facebook不論在選舉期間或會期,在電子參與上都達到不錯的比率,但是大部分溝通能以單向的資訊傳播為主,與民眾的雙向互動較為稀少。從分析結果來看,立法委員應用Facebook除了地區之外,並沒有明顯的差異。整體而言,立法委員的Facebook有成為電子參與新途徑的潛力,但是要達成雙向、穩定、長期的治理關係,落實電子參與的理念仍需要繼續努力。 / Facebook, the most popular social media in the world, has changed ways of citizen involvement in governance. Politicians and (elected) public administrators worldwide have adopted Facebook as an important approach to connect with citizens. Following the trend, most legislators in Taiwan also create personal Facebook accounts and Facebook pages as an additional way to reach their potential voters and citizens in general. Ideally, legislators can efficiently operate their constituents and directly communicate with their “friends.” Facebook pages of legislators seem to offer the promise of electronic participation (e-participation), reaching citizens on a common platform and allowing for citizen comments. On the other hand, citizens can establish a link to legislators via information-sharing, dialogue, and consensus-building on Facebook. If the two-way communication works properly and successfully, Facebook will certainly help to create more citizen participation and more public values.
This study investigates differences in communication strategies and patterns of legislators’ Facebook in Taiwan during the 2011 election periods and during the 2012 regular legislative sessions, with the aim of exploring whether the Facebook phenomenon can improve the process of online political communication and citizen participation. The finding reveals that percentage of e-participation achieves fine rate, but most communication on legislators’ Facebook is one way. The result indicates that legislators’ Facebook is another platform to distribute public information to citizens, and may have potential to create more public values. To improve democracy, legislators need to get more feedback from citizens, i.e., improving the two-way communication on Facebook.The lessons from this study will help pave the way for future research on political campaign and electronic participation.
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我國文建會國會聯絡機制之研究 / A Study for Congressional Liaison Mechanism of the Council for Cultural Affairs劉惠美, Liu,Huei-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
五、好的國會聯絡人有助於國會運作,聯絡人必須具備的特質包括專業與熱誠、溝通與協調能力、熟悉政治運作與技巧、良好的國會人脈、長官授權與肯定。 / The aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election left the ROC fragmented among several political parties. The increasing political conflict between the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan has aggravated the administration process of government policies. The legislative elections in year 2004 created an even difficult situation when the Pan-Blue Coalition has gained the absolute majority over the Pan-Green Coalition, resulting in much of govenment-sponsored bills being deadlocked. Executive divisions are faced with increasingly complicated political environment, which requires greater manpower and resources to reconcile with the legislative branch. This situation, occurring when legislative branch overpowers or when inter-branch relations hampered, then calls for a strengthening of congressional liaison functions.
In contemporary democratic systems, the congressional liaison is an important strategic intermediary between executive and legislative branches. A successful practice of the liaison function is expected to improve the communications and collaborations and to mitigate potential conflicts between executive and legislative branches. Congressional liaisons become the keys to the success of the function. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the role of congressional liaison at the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) in inter-branch politics.
Major conclusions of this thesis are summarized as follows:
1.In a divided party government, strategic operations of congressional liaison provide great contributions to the interactions between executive and legislative branches.
2.Strengthened public relations with the congress improves the administrative efficiency and helps achieving policy goals of executive divisions.
3.Service-type tasks have become the major load of congressional liaison offices at the CCA and have shown to suffer the greatest complications.
4.The congressional liaison office, being on the front line of executive-legislative branch relations, is responsible for information delivery, opinion exchanges and reconciliation of issues with the legislative institution.
5.A competent congressional liaison will successfully assist the congressional operations and is expected to have the following characteristics: being professional and enthusiastic, having great communication and coordination skills, being familiar with political operations, having extensive connections in congress, and being authorized and endorsed by superiors.
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選區劃分與代表角色之探討陳彥欣 Unknown Date (has links)
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劣勢者的競選策略 / The Campaign Strategy of Underdog楊家俍 Unknown Date (has links)
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數位國會與電子民主:立法院應用資訊通訊科技與公民互動之研究 / Digital Parliament and E-Democracy: A Study of ICTs Application for the Interaction between Legislative Yuan and Citizens鍾政廷, Chung, Cheng Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文結論建議:一、立法院網站是具備發展電子民主潛能的理想雲端空間,擁有豐沛的議事資料可供運用,應持續加以耕耘,建立有特色的網站系統,讓民眾更親近、瞭解立法院;二、資訊處須妥善管理網站系統,培養公民民主素養教育,促進理性對話空間;三、秉持更開放的態度落實公民參與訴求,結合官方與民間力量,推廣國會數位資源,使其效用極大化,朝向全面性、深入性的電子民主為未來發展目標。 / In the digital era, the Taiwanese governments have been advocating its paperless government initiatives by adopting Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide better services to the public. The Legislative Yuan is also carrying out the Digital Parliament Development Program, similar with the Paperless Government initiatives, which aims to foster e-democracy in Taiwan by offering comprehensive information of congressional schemes through a strong back-end IT platform. The previous literatures as well as successful applications from other democratic countries have indicated that paperless government can potentially accelerate democracy development; however, how to apply effectively is a practical issue to pay attention to. Thus, this study attempted to utilize the e-democracy index such as openness, citizen interaction, citizen participation, efficiency and effectiveness of services, to assess the functionality of the Legislative Yuan website and to compare with other similar government websites.
The methodologies of the current study were content analysis and individual in-depth interview. Several bills under the legislative review process were selected and some follow-up interviews with key interest group representatives who are familiar with the aforementioned issues were conducted to collect their insights on congressional e-democracy and how they acquire relevant information from the Legislative Yuan website. Moreover, the use of ICTs for interaction with citizens among the Legislators is also a key factor impacting of e-democracy.
Based on the research results, information and document offered by the Legislative website are completed and abundant. Nevertheless, there is less number of users whose identification is general citizen, and the using frequency is still low. Besides, the Legislators seldom use the website as a tool to interact with citizens. It means that the Legislative website functions are yet to be revealed and the effects are inferior to those community websites. The reasons may include: (1) The interface design of the website remains complicated for citizens to use. The officials must simplify operation and offer instructions; (2) The website cannot meet the need of citizen groups, who acquire information by private access, not by the website. But individual citizens could not utilize the same access. This situation would cause information gap; (3) The officials should propagate the Legislative website to the public and promote its popularity and utilization.
According to the previous findings, three points are suggested. Firstly, the website of Legislative Yuan is a potentially wonderful cyberspace for e-democracy which should be maintained to attract the citizens closer to realize e-parliament. Secondly, the Legislative Yuan should properly manage its website, cultivate the citizens’ democratic literacy and engage them to rational dialogue. Thirdly, the public officials should keep an more open attitude, combine those diverse powers around the Parliament to get itself ready heading towards e-democracy.
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