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行動通訊產業上市公司投資價值之研究陳茵茵, Chen,Ying-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
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移動式點對點串流協定的設計與實作 / Mobile Peer-to-Peer Streaming Protocol Design and Implementation呂哲康, Lu, Che Kang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來網路多媒體應用日漸盛行,從聲音、影像到網路電視的應用,皆流行於人們的生活之中。我們可以使用Skype 軟體撥打免費的網路電話或是節費電話,我們也可以使用軟體透過網路來觀賞電視節目,而大部分這類型的應用軟體皆使用點對點的技術來獲取更好的傳輸效率。點對點技術同樣是一項新的、受歡迎的應用。從一開始使用者使用點對點傳輸軟體來下載檔案、分享資料,到現在使用點對點傳輸軟體來收聽音樂、觀賞電視節目。無線網路,特別是IEEE 802.11 無線網路,近年來同樣地受到使用者的廣泛使用。使用者可以在任何一處使用網路,即使是在行走之中使用。多媒體結合無線網路是一項非常好的應用,然而,無線網路的一些基本問題,例如移動、傳輸不穩定,常常會降低網路的傳輸效率。因此,我們提出一個新的移動式點對點串流協定,來解決無線網路上多媒體應用的傳輸問題,讓影音的撥放可以更順暢。 / Network multimedia applications are popular in recent years. From voice over IP, video over IP, to IPTV, they are in people’s life now. We can use Skype to dial a free network call or a cheap PSTN call, and we can use some
applications to watch TV programs from Internet. Most of them use peer-to-peer technology to get better performance. Peer-to-peer technology is also a new and popular technique in recent years. People use peer-to-peer software to download files and share data in the beginning, and now they use peer-to-peer software to listen to music, and to watch TV programs. Wireless networks, especially the IEEE 802.11 network, is also popular now. People can access Internet anywhere even they are walking. It's a good idea to use multimedia streaming applications in wireless networks, but however, the essential problems of wireless networks will reduce the performance of these applications, such as mobility, and channel instability. We propose a new
mobile peer-to-peer streaming protocol to solve the performance problems caused by wireless networks and let the media be played more continuously and smoothly.
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探索通往心靈的消費--SPA陳妍君 Unknown Date (has links)
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電玩遊戲熱衷者的行動意義──以家用主機遊戲的玩家為研究黃建文, Huang, Chien Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所針對的並非是家用電玩的內容本身,而針對的是那些家用電玩的熱衷者如何進行打電玩這樣一種行動。因此本研究試圖就打電動此行動本身進行實證性研究。以個人的行動出發,在研究對象上所側重的是那些對電玩投入大量的時間與精力的玩家。對於這些長時間專注於電玩上的人,是否清楚自身行動選擇的意義,在這當中的行動背後的意義為何。 / 但在研究中發現,對於這些遊戲熱衷者而言,當他們投注在當中的時間越來越多時,電玩對他們來說已不再是閒暇時所進行的活動,而是作為他們日常生活中慣習的一部份,成為他們每日的例行事項。另一方面,在這些電玩熱衷者的行動中可以明顯的發現到工具理性式的思維,把電玩當作是可以計算的對象一般不斷的進行計算。可以發現,這樣例行的義務與理性的計算使得這些人在玩電玩時,愈加的脫離了遊戲原本的意義。於是在這種工具理性式的思維背後,所顯現出來的就是在當中的慾望壓抑的過程。而重點在於說,當他們進行遊戲的過程時,這樣的工具理性作為一種手段,就是以慾望壓抑的展現作為他的趨力。
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企業動態競爭建構之分析_資訊配銷產業個案比較諸凱莉, Chu, Kai Li Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在相同的競爭環境下,不同的競爭對手如何察覺、回應與行動?
2. 組織能耐是否影響組織的察覺、回應與行動?
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台灣電子產業代工與品牌經營模式之個案研究 - 以筆記型電腦與行動電話為例 / A research of business model (OEM/ODM/OBM) in Taiwan electronic industry - Cases for notebook and mobile phone industries陳廷彥 Unknown Date (has links)
對於任何企業而言,必須要瞭解自身內部的競爭優勢與關鍵成功要素,建立專屬的核心能耐,才能延續企業的生命力。 / Taiwan electronic industry started from OEM and some of the companies are very successful in worldwide. The industrial environment has changed and is more competitive and the margin of OEM is getting less during these years.Most of the companies are aiming to become more competitive by improving their R&D technique and build own brand awareness.
This study is based on Notebook and Mobile phone industries to analyze the differences of management in these two fields, and I have chosen two representative companies for each field.
Through the research we can conclude there are several factors to affect the enterprise strategy. The findings are as follows:
OEM companies should:
1.Integrate industrial chain and enlarge economic scale to decrease the production cost.
2.Strengthen and develop the R&D ability and increase various product lines.
3.Improve own technologies and unique designs to be more competitive.
OBM companies should:
1.The products can lead the trend and meet the request of end consumers.
2.Create pioneer technology and catch the market trend.
3.Create innovative business model and good management of the channels.
All enterprises should find their own advantages and KSF to build their core competency to extend the business life.
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我國行動通訊系統業者在第三代行動通訊服務市場經營策略之研究 / The Managerial Strategies of Operators in 3G mobile service market of Taiwan盧建安, Lu, Chien-An Unknown Date (has links)
通訊與網路的發展使得整個產業價值鏈分工趨向專業並緊密聯盟,而且沒有一家企業能總括所有的產業區隔;另外,第三代行動通訊服務市場在技術與服務的本質上可說是一項新事業,因此競標團隊在此新事業的發展上相當強調「綜效的追求」,策略作為將走向利用本身資源累積的移轉以提高經營的門檻,以及以行動通訊匯聚、整合旗下所有的產業區隔,以發揮整體作戰優勢與開創新利基市場。另外,伴隨行動通訊全球漫遊的發展,系統業者勢必跟隨全球化腳步跨國發展;所以,除了在國內市場建立厚實基礎,累積核心能耐與競爭優勢以增強議價力外,並要結合國際一流廠商的資源和品牌優勢,利用文化障礙與華文內容發展的經驗和know-how,深耕華文市場。 / The key issue of corporate developing and creating new area is strategic planning. Meanwhile, good strategic planning helps business clarify the viewpoint in the complex environment. Both mobile communication and Internet are mainstream of the telecommunication industry. And 3G will integrate mobility and Internet. I hope to discuss the managerial strategies of operators in the mobile service market.
This research adopts 「Case Study Research」. After deciding the research theme and range, I began to gather up related references and analyze them according to research frame. Next, I deeply interviewed with top managers of seven companies. And then, my conclusions were infirmed by them.
Operators, which provide all kinds of services, need a mechanism that do whole network planning and design contents and services. The operating rule is that appeal to customers, create the contents and services by revenue, adjust the module of platform to reduce the customers’ cost of transaction, and increase the efficiency of network. Most important is to do customers' services management well. The strategy to win the customers is creating value-added services, meanwhile personalized product and value.
We can discuss the synergy from two dimensions: economy of core competence sharing and complementary of all businesses corporation. Operators will develop the「defense」and「attack」strategies from two dimensions. Besides, it is “Giant Game” in the mobile service market. Operators in Taiwan can stand on the local market. Next, they can increase competitive advantages and follow first tier to explore the operating boundary with Chinese content.
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行動商務企業出版系統-以電子書為例鄭舒蕊, Zheng, Su-Rei Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本研究提供了Service Module 與Presentation Module兩個模組,利用XML、XSL 、JSP、XSP等技術幫助電子書的輯輯者處理電子書的服務與展現格式的工作,並且提供了一個編輯環境整合整本電子書的製作流程,最後將成品發行到伺服端的Application Server上,經由Application Server的處理, 讓各式各樣的Device都能上網觀看這一本電子書。
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整合行銷傳播在推廣策略上之應用-以行動電話預付卡為例楊佳蓉, Yang, Chia-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,「整合行銷傳播(IMC;Integrated Marketing Communication)」在國內外蔚為風潮,許多企業及廣告代理商都將其應用於實務;以國內電信市場為例,自從開放民營以來,各家廠商投入大筆預算,多方運用各項傳播工具,成為應用整合行銷傳播最徹底的產業。有鑑於市場趨勢如此,於是本研究將討論焦點放在熱門電信商品之一-行動電話預付卡,分析預付卡的推廣策略,以探討電信業者應用整合行銷傳播於實務的可行性與效果。
本研究採用「個案研究法」,透過訪談從業人員及實地觀察的過程,就理論與實務面探討整合行銷傳播在推廣策略上的應用情形,進而得到全面性的視野及觀點。本研究又更進一步採用「比較個案比較法」(Comparative case studies),以「市場佔有率前二名」之遠傳電信「IF卡」(易付卡)以及和信電訊「輕鬆打」為研究對象,藉由雙個案的比較、對照,達到下列研究目的:
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社會化臨場感對行動服務採用行為之影響 / The impact of social presence on the adoption behavior of mobile services許媖媖, Hsui, Dorothy Unknown Date (has links)
In this study the technology acceptance model (TAM) serves as the foundation to analyze the behavior of consumers with regards to their use of the smartphone and its associated services. The research also aims to provide a basis for companies that need a complete theoretical framework to better understand the behavior of consumers using smartphones and related services under the intensely competitive environment and constantly evolving changes in consumer demand. The extensive version of TAM will assist in analyzing consumer behavior and influences affecting the use of smartphones, which will be validated through the empirical data collected.
This research utilizes one questionnaire to conduct investigations pertaining to the study. Questionnaires were distributed to consumers that use mobile services and/or applications. The majority of the questionnaires were filled out by students in college and graduate institutions in Taipei, Taiwan. In addition, a majority of the subjects who participated have already purchased smartphones. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed and 266 were returned, making a 53.2 % return rate.
Results retrieved from this study are as follows:
1. When a user experiences deeper social presence, higher subjective norms are created by the application.
2. When a user experiences deeper social presence, perceived usefulness of the application increases.
3. When a user experiences deeper social presence, perceived ease of use of the application fluctuates.
4. The higher the application’s subjective norms are, the more significant is the increase of the user’s image.
5. The higher the application’s subjective norms are, the more significant is the increase of perceived usefulness
6. As the user’s perceived ease of use of the application increases, the greater the influence becomes on perceived usefulness.
7. The higher the application’s subjective norm is, the more the user’s behavioral intention to use increases.
8. As the application’s perceived usefulness increases, the user’s behavioral intention to use the application also increases.
9. As the user’s perceived ease of use for the application increases, the greater the influence on behavioral intention to use becomes.
Undoubtedly, companies need to understand consumer behavior and their use of the smartphones. Consequently, this study seeks to use theories from TAM as a basis and consider principles of external factors influencing a consumer-----social presence and society’s influences. The components of TAM, social presence and society’s influences are analyzed to compile this research.
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