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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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群際接觸對登陸台灣人當地化之影響:以東莞及上海為例 / The Impacts of Intergroup Contacts on the Localization of Taiwanese Immigrants in China: The Study of Dongguan and Shanghai

蔣逸青, Chiang, Yi Ching Unknown Date (has links)
登陸台灣人在中國大陸與台灣兩地的跨界生活,形塑了兩地的生活空間及社會網絡,本研究的問題意識在於,個人層次的接觸、互動與熟識,是否有助於個人在社會互動情境中親身認識及了解他人,減少以類屬性的刻板印象去看待外團體成員,因此可以降低族群偏見、促進移民的當地化?經過2007年及2008年兩次的田野調查,在東莞及上海地區深度訪談三十位當地台灣人之後,本研究初步發現,在接觸的第一階段,當台灣人接觸愈來愈多的大陸人之後,將消除原先的偏見,形成心理「基模」,一方面,部分受訪者表示其原先持有的偏見獲得證實,亦即台灣人對大陸人的偏見消除了,但因而產生負面態度,反之,有些受訪者破除其對大陸人的偏見,進而對大陸人抱持正面態度;到了接觸的第二階段,一旦個人的心理基模形成,其乃決定繼續接觸或阻絕接觸大陸人的關鍵;最後,來到接觸的第三階段,繼續接觸大陸人的台灣人,逐漸同情理解當地文化,反之,阻絕接觸大陸人的台灣人,始終無法融入當地人的社交網絡。 / The theory of intergroup contact maintains that the key to reduce intergroup prejudice is through contacts between the groups under optimal conditions. The main concerns of this dissertation are as following: Would it be possible for Taiwanese to reduce their prejudice toward Chinese through intergroup contacts? And, would the intergroup contacts help Taiwanese immigrants integrate into local community? Grounding on these two questions, this dissertation examines the impacts of intergroup contact between Taiwanese and Chinese through field study in Dongguan and Shanghai from 2007 to 2008. After interviewing thirty Taiwanese immigrants, my empirical research suggests that the contact process can be divided into three stages. First, at the earliest stage, by contacting more and more local residents, Taiwanese immigrants would reduce their prejudice and thus cultivate a sometimes positive and sometimes negative attitude toward Chinese. At the second stage, the attitude cultivated in earlier stage turns into the schema and then plays an important role in conditioning sequent contacts: those who have a positive attitude would open up and get along with local Chinese while those who have a negative attitude would refuse to get in touch with Chinese. At the third and final stage, those who open themselves up would have sympathetic understanding of local culture and adapt to local community gradually while those who refuse to contact Chinese would have difficulties integrating into local community. Keywords: intergroup contact, localization, social identity, Taishang Study

一位明星高中成績低落學生自我認同歷程的敘事研究 / Narrative Research: An Underachiever's Self-identity Process In A Prestigious High School In Taiwan

楊貴雯, Yang, Quei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用敘說研究方法,探討一位明星高中成績低落學生形成自我認同的心理歷程。以後現代的觀點,來瞭解受訪者如何看待自己在耀眼的明星高中裡,所經驗到的課業問題以及對自我形象的認定。本研究採立意取樣方式,邀請正就讀於北部某明星高中,且高一至高二其間學業成績明顯低落的受訪者KK,進行半結構式的訪談。經過文本的分析詮釋後整理出KK的自我認同歷程階段表,來描述受訪者在進入明星高中前後,所經歷不同時期的自我認同樣貌;此外,研究者亦參考各心理學家所提出自我認同的相關理論來檢視受訪者的自我認同程度,並以質性的方式來描述;最後,研究者歸納出受訪者如何重新賦予自我新形象的心理模式。本研究亦針對教育工作者、質性研究者與諮商員提出反思與建議。 / The main purpose of this study is to inquiry what an underachiever expe¬riences his academically lagging behind in a prestigious high school in north Taiwan and how he establishes his self-image in the process of self-identity. By taking a post-modern perspective, I tried to understand the participator’s experiential world through his narrative language in a semi-structured interview. The method of text analysis is the holistic-content model by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach(1998). After a narrative interpretation, I concluded the participator’s self-identity process describing his different self-image before and after entering the prestigious high school, assessed the participator’s degree of self identity by relevant theories in a qualitative method and discussed the way he established self-images. Finally, I proposed some educational suggestions for practical educators, qualitative researchers and counselors.


鄭克蘋 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣常被稱為「素食者的天堂」,但對身處台灣的素食者來說,社會互動與人際關的經營仍是在選擇了這種飲食方式之後,所必須面對的挑戰。本研究以質性研究方法,來探討台灣素食者對素食者身份的認同基礎,以及如何以素食者的身分去面對社會互動及經營人際關係。依據參與觀察和深度訪談之資料所得,本研究發現:(一)在認同基礎方面,素食者透過了文化意義的認同與社會群體的認同,以建立其自我之身分意識,並學習素食在日常生活中的實踐方式。同時,其身份認同基礎的文化意義,是游移於社會改革與自我成長的光譜之間,並偏向強調素食與自我轉化間的關連。(二)在實踐過程中,素食者往往會面對五種社會困境,分別是營養缺乏的困境、選擇受限的困境、缺乏樂趣的困境、喪失主動性的困境和道德象徵的困境。在面對這些困境下,素食者傾向以六種方式作為回應:事先宣告、個人化歸因、避免暴露自身感覺、自我貶低、自行準備自我滿足以及建構新的論述。本研究發現,這些現象正呼應了Kanter(1993)對少數群體(minority)處於多數群體(majority)處於多數群體(majority)中的經驗與行為之探討。素食者作為社會上,特別是共餐場合中的少數族群,其所遭遇的社會困境和回應模式跟女性做為少數在以男性為主流的企業中極為相似。(三)對於素食者來說,「素食者」絕非他們唯一扮演的角色。當他們同時是家人、伴侶以及朋友的時候,這些角色有可能會與素食者的角色產生衝突,其反應的模式除了受到少數族群的身分影響之外,互動的過程也受到既有關係中權力分配以及台灣飲食文化的象徵意義所影響。 / Taiwan often is perceived as a “paradise of vegetarian”. However, for vegetarians in Taiwan, they still have to face the challenges in social interactions and relationships with others after choosing vegetarianism. This research used qualitative methods to examine vegetarians’ identities experiences of social interactions and relationships with others in Taiwan. Based on data collected through participant observation and in-depth interviewing, the study found that: According to the results of observation and in-depth interview, the finding is: (1) In the identity aspect, vegetarians construct their identity and learn how to practice vegetarianism through cultural meanings and groups. At the same time, the cultural meanings vegetarian identify across a spectrum between social reformation and self growth, emphasize the relationship between vegetarianism and self growth. (2) In practice process, vegetarians are often in fire five difficult positions: short of nutrition, lack of choices, short of fun, loss of active status and morality sign. Vegetarian prefer to reply those positions by six methods: claim at the beginning, individual reasoning, avoid telling personal feelings, disparaging self, preparing and being satisfied by myself and finally constructing a new discourse. This result responds to research that Kanter studied the experiences of minority in the majority in 1993. Vegetarian are minority in society, especially in meal time. Their difficult positions and responses are similar to the situation women faced in the company when men are the majority. (3) For vegetarian, “vegetarian” are not the only role they are acting. When they act the roles like a family member, a mate and a friend, they may encounter conflicts between vegetarian and the other roles. Those responses might be effected by identity of minority, power distribution in the relationship and symbol of diet culture in Taiwan.

上海移民文化下的多元認同:以台商「抱團群聚」為例 / The multi-cultural identity of immigrants in Shanghai:behavior of Taiwan businessmen's lives

陳威仰 Unknown Date (has links)
民進黨的執政並未改減緩台商西進大陸的現象,如今政黨再次輪替,兩岸關係更是日益密切,但台灣與大陸畢竟因為長期的政治對立造成社會隔閡,彼此之間在許多層面都存在著差異。當越來越多台灣人前進大陸的同時,台灣人在當地社會融入不及經濟融入的現象也屢見不鮮,其中又以台商「抱團群聚」為具體行為。面對這樣一群存有差異,甚至曾經敵對的一群人,既像自己人又像是外人,在當地獲取經濟利益時,卻刻意與當地社會保持距離的情形,一般大陸人會有怎樣的感受? 「社會認同理論」主張,族群的產生,會因為自尊的需求,不斷進行族群間的比較,當低群體成員無法像高群體進行身分移動時,會轉向自身的群體尋求提高自尊,於是族群間的偏見、對立,乃至衝突是不可避免的。「群際接觸假說」認為,族群間的偏見是因為對彼此的不熟悉,或因為資訊不足、或因為負面的訊息,透過正向條件下的接觸是可以消除彼此雙方的偏見,族群間的對立和衝突是可以避免的。 認同研究認為,人的認同會因為時間和地點的不同而改變,所以「上海」反而成為此次研究的關鍵因素,在上海的外來大陸人認為台灣人就以在上海來說,相對上海人而言反而比較像是「我群」的成員,所以對台灣人在上海抱團群聚的行為並不感到反感,甚至本身也是這種行為的成員之一。對上海人而言,台灣人抱團群聚的現象根本就是見怪不怪,由於上海特殊的移民文化,使得上海人的認同反而多元共存,甚至認為台灣人在某些層面比起其他大陸人更接近上海人的「我群」成員,特殊的移民多元文化創造上海不斷的進步、繁榮,而後者又不斷吸引新的移民進入。 不同群際接觸假說,上海獨特的移民歷史,改變了前者對「接觸」的定義,在多元文化的社會中,人們對其他族群和文化的包容力會變大,不一定要經過實質的接觸,或是正面的訊息傳遞。不以「同化」為目的,而是一種包容「差異」的能力,而上海本身便是把多元文化形成可能的一個場域,這或許就是上海獨特其它中國城市的原因,也是她迷人的所在。 / Under the increasingly frequent exchanges between Taiwan and China, Taiwanese people tend to congregate and inhabit certain regions of Shanghai. In face of immigrants who look both familiar and alien, how will most Mainlanders react, especially when social inclusion lags behind economic inclusion of these people? The contact theory proposes that positive contacts or reception of positive messages between ethnic groups can help iron out mutual biases. However, this study discovers the unique history of Shanghai about immigrants in foreign concessions and thus further extends this theory. A multi-cultural environment may affect one ethnic group’s tolerance of another group even without positive contacts or reception of positive messages between them. This is not any kind of assimilation but a phenomenon of people’s tolerance of minor differences. In addition to positive contacts and reception of positive messages, mutual tolerance among different ethnic groups may also be affected by the culture of the “field” they reside in.

名人代言人的品牌權益之相關影響因素探討 / The study of the celebrity endorcers' brand equity

王菀菱, Wang, Wan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
運用代言人來為品牌進行代言已成為普遍的廣告行銷手法,在各種不同類型的代言人當中,又以「名人」做為代言人的現象最為普遍。由於名人本身具有鮮明特殊的形象與個性,又受到大眾的信任與喜愛,同時任何一舉一動都容易吸引媒體與社會的高度關注,因此,邀請名人為品牌代言,就可以輕易地利用其高知名度來獲取消費者的矚目,並以名人相關的豐富聯想來塑造品牌形象,更可以將消費者對於名人的喜好一併移轉到品牌身上。 本研究觀察了名人的代言現象,發現過去國內外學者的研究皆以「企業」觀點出發,探討企業應該如何挑選代言人以提升品牌權益,卻忽略了在名人為品牌進行代言的同時,名人的品牌權益也會因此正向提升或負向削弱。因此本研究以「名人」的角度出發,將名人視為一個品牌,探討名人擔任品牌代言人的過程中哪些因素將影響名人的品牌權益,希望提供企業挑選品牌代言人、以及名人面對代言邀約時的參考依據。 在研究設計方面,首先挑選台灣近十年來代言數量多、知名度高、而且較沒有明顯政治立場的名人,最後選擇蔡依林做為研究客體。研究採問卷調查法,以便利抽樣方式在台北市信義商圈發放紙本問卷、在台灣大學BBS討論區PTT上發放網路問卷,最後總共回收有效問卷共300份。 研究結果發現,名人形象與品牌形象的差異、名人與品牌間的關聯程度,以及名人代言品牌產品的知覺品質會影響消費者對於代言關係的認同感,進而影響名人的品牌權益。當名人形象與品牌形象越一致、名人與品牌的關聯程度越高、代言產品的知覺品質越佳時,消費者對於代言關係的認同感越高,而名人的品牌權益便因而提升。

民進黨客家政策的政治果效 / Political effects of the Hakka policies under the DPP government

曾棠君 Unknown Date (has links)

對外關係的國內根源:兩岸經貿交流中的利益、符號與威脅 / Domestic Roots of Foreign Relations: the Interests, Symbols, and Threats of Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges

陳映男 Unknown Date (has links)

品牌在地化發展策略個案分析 / A case study on the localizations of branding strategies

許能竣 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國市場從以往的生產基地逐漸轉變為重要的消費市場後,全球品牌包括台資企業無不爭相進入中國市場取得一席之地。然而,如何在獨特的中國市場環境中了解需求、解讀需求、提供正確的產品或服務進一步達到銷售目的則是品牌所關心的。 本研究探討台資企業切入中國市場經營品牌,討論個案公司如何配合環境發展出相對應的在地化策略以獲得當地消費者的品牌認同。而本篇研究針對在地化策略將會從人力資源、銷售通路與物流體系、原物料採購、生產基地、研究機構、經營方式、產品品牌、產品研發、價格、行銷與傳播概念、公益事業、公關策略各角度研究,並進一步討論來源國形象對台資企業在中國發展品牌的效應,以期待在未來能夠透過整合性的架構提供給欲前往中國發展品牌的企業在策略發展之啟發。 本研究採取個案研究法,在個案的選擇著重於探討在中國深耕二、三十餘年具代表性的箱包品牌,以獲得較深入的策略見解提供研究議題之探究。在個案公司方面,本研究選擇了皇冠箱包、外交官箱包兩家在中國獲得‘中國報告大廳’所發佈的「2015十大行李箱品牌」,以作為個案分析公司。透過歸納與整理反思,本研究之研究問題總結為以下三點: 1. 台資品牌在中國市場的在地化策略內涵 2. 探討個案公司如何在中國市場克服來源國效應問題,以拓展市場 3. 個案公司如何成功塑造品牌認同,建立以品牌為基礎的成長模式 / With the Chinese market gradually transformed from the previous production base into important consumer market, global brands including Taiwan-funded enterprises are all eager to enter the Chinese market. However, how to understand the unique needs of the Chinese market environment, interpret them and provide the accurate products or services to further achieve the purpose of selling is what the brand concerned of. This study was based on the discussion of how cases develop corresponding strategy to get local consumer brand recognition in China market. Strategies in the research will include human resources, sales channels and logistics system, raw materials procurement, production, research institutes, management style, brand, product development, pricing, marketing and communication concept, public welfare, PR strategy, and further discuss of country of origin image development, looking forward to provide a structure information for those whom prepare to the China market for developing the brand. In this study, we focus on two cases that develop its brands in China for more then twenty years, and also won the prize of 2015 Top Ten luggage brand published from China Lobby report. The research questions of this study are summarized in the following three points: 1. Local strategy connotation of foreign brands in the Chinese market 2. Discuss how the cases deal with country of origin effect in the Chinese market for market expansion. 3. How the cases successfully build the brand recognition.

身分認同、觀感和社會融合: 以西班牙穆斯林移民為例 / Identity, Perception and Integration: A Case Of Muslim Immigrants in Spain

馬馨怡, Ma, Shing Yi Unknown Date (has links)
現今科技的進步和全球化,人們能更容易且迅速地遷移到不同的地方。移民遷移國外不難,但要適應居住國不同的文化、種族、宗教、歷史背景和社會融合就因人而異。身分認同是社會融合中重要的因素,而社會融合的困難與挑戰則可以從歐洲公民的態度、穆斯林移民的自我身分認同、對於移民的觀感和刻板印象中觀察出。 論文藉由和西班牙穆斯林移民的實地訪談,試圖了解這些移民在社會融合的過程以及挑戰。許多學者認為穆斯林移民在社會的代表性較差,以及其認同常常遭受許多歧視和誤解。其他學者並不認為西班牙移民威脅到國家認同,因為移民在社會中缺乏能見度。 然而,近年來歐洲經濟危機和恐怖攻擊事件導致當地公民對於穆斯林移民的態度有所改變。當穆斯林移民面臨在異鄉的適應和社會融合的困難中,他們或許會選擇從當地社會中分離並組成自我的社會群體,或選擇融入當地社會而失去自己的身分認同。如果穆斯林移民能夠被當地社群和政府接受,或許會更容易融入社會。 關鍵字: 身分認同、社會融合、建構主義、穆斯林移民、社會觀感。 / It is easier and faster for people to move to different places nowadays with the advanced development of technology and globalization. Although it is easy to move to foreign countries, it is difficult for immigrants to adapt and integrate into a society with distinct cultures, ethnicities, religious and historical background. Identity can be seen as an important factor during the process of integration. From the attitudes of European citizens, self-identification of Muslim immigrants, perceptions and stereotypes imposed toward the immigrants, the difficulties and challenges of integration into the society can easily be observed. The researcher propose to conduct interviews with Muslim immigrants living in Spain to see their perspectives of the process of integration and the challenges they faced. Many scholars believed that the Muslim immigrants were not represented in the society and often face many discriminations and misunderstandings due to their identity. For other scholars, immigration in Spain is not perceived to be a threat to national identity because of the lack of visibility of immigrants. However, with recent event of terrorist attacks and the economic crisis, the attitudes of local citizens are becoming less tolerant toward Muslim immigrants. When Muslim immigrants face difficulties of adaptation and integration into the foreign society, they would become segregated and form their own social group; or they would assimilate into the foreign country and lose their identity. If Muslim immigrants are accepted and welcomed by local communities and the government, they would be able to create a new identity and integrate into the society better. Key words: Identity, integration, constructivism, Muslim immigrants, perception

在地化行不行? —影視消費與身份認同之關係探討 / Does Localization Work? An Exploration into Relationship between Media Consumption and Identity

張家誠, Chang, Chia Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
2014年,台灣FOX頻道播出美國長青諷刺卡通《辛普森家庭》,以其台味十足的配音風格而紅極一時。台灣《辛普森家庭》揉合了在地當時流行的時事話題,與原版內容大相逕庭,卻深受台灣觀眾喜愛。然而,即使廣受歡迎,台版《辛普森家庭》也為部分觀眾所批評,認為其喪失原版樣貌,在網路上亦興起一波攻擊與護航熱議。過去研究指出,人們傾向接觸與自己相近的事物,也比較喜歡這樣的內容(Markus & Wurf, 1987; Chang, 2002, 2005, 2008a, 2011)。 據此,本研究以雜揉兩種文化的影視文化產品出發,試圖於自我一致性理論(Self Congruency Theory)版圖中加入影視消費一環。因此,本研究以「知覺影片文化」與「既存文化認同」之交互作用切入,欲了解兩者之間的關係。此外,本研究亦試圖剖析閱聽人觀影時的心理機制,加入閱聽人觀影後的認知反應(自我參照、自我-影片連結、心理距離)與情感反應(正向情緒、觀影享受),測試其對於影片態度的效果。 本研究採單因子實驗設計,以「知覺影片文化」為自變項,以「文化認同」為調節變項,兩者之交互作用項作為分析之用;此外,亦探討自我參照、自我-影片連結、心理距離、正向情緒、觀影享受等五概念對於影片態度之中介效果。研究結果指出,知覺影片文化與文化認同之交互作用並未能顯著預測影片態度,文中討論研究限制所在與未來研究建議。

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