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購買行為、產品知覺品質與顧客滿意度及忠誠度之關係研究:以HP家用多功能印表機產品為例 / Research of the relationship among buying behavior, perceived quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: A case study with HP consumer multi-functional printers陳孝萱, Chen, Hsiao Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以全球科技大廠 – 惠普科技(Hewlett-Packard)中之「家用多功能印表機」產品為例,探討消費者「購買行為」(消費動機、購買考慮因素)、「產品知覺品質」與「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」之關係及影響因素,希望能提供惠普科技在後續產品規劃、行銷策略與品牌形象經營之參考。
本研究採量化-「問卷調查法」與質化-「焦點團體訪談法」之方式進行研究;量化調查方面,共取得300份有效問卷,並運用敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、Pearson相關分析法、迴歸分析法,將資料進行統計分析及獲得假設驗證;質化研究方面,採用焦點團體訪談法,藉由訪談已購買及使用該產品超過一年之消費者,探索研究對象之消費者使用經驗、品牌形象與未被滿足的需求。
(1) 產品面:建議業者更加加強產品行銷策略,特別是針對產品口碑、品牌、品質及功能…等部份。
(2) 服務面:加強產品的教育訓練以及提升賣場人員對HP品牌的忠誠度、提高產品售後服務保固年限,在國內設置消費者聯絡窗口…等。
(3)就品牌形象:目前惠普科技(Hewlett-Packard)給消費者的感覺已非常正面,也 擁有高知名度,建議保持並更加加強HP品牌在消費者心目中的良好形象。
HP惠普總公司位於美國加州Palo Alto,由Mark Hurd擔任董事長暨執行長,於全球超過170個國家設有服務據點,擁有151,000名以上的員工。2008年全球營收總額逾1183億美元,為財星雜誌(Fortune)評選500大企業中排名11之跨國性企業體。 / In this research, a case study is conducted for the consumer multi-functional printer products of the global market leader, i.e. Hewlett-Packard in order to investigate how consumer buying behavior and perceived quality influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The result is expected to be a point of reference for HP to develop its product roadmap, marketing strategy, and brand image in the future.
This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 300 effective questionnaires are obtained for statistical analysis where a few statistical methodologies such as Descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, Regression are utilized to verify the hypothesis and assumptions. As to qualitative approach, Focus Group is employed where the people with over one year experience in using the products are interviewed in efforts to explore consumer experience, brand image, and unsatisfactory customer needs.
The result of this research shows:
1. Interviewees with different sex, age, and income show significant differences when they consider purchasing the products.
2. Buying behavior has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
3. There is an obvious correlation with customer satisfaction, customer loyalty on perceived quality.
4. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have a positive relationship.
5. Through the qualitative research, HP brand and its multi-functional printers have a positive brand image on consumer.
Hereafter are the suggestions for HP to develop the marketing strategy onwards:
1.Product: enhance product marketing strategy in particular in brand image, quality, and functionality, etc.
2.Service: organize channel training programs in order to increase brand loyalty and extend the period of after services as well as establish direct contact window in Taiwan.
3.Brand image: nowadays HP has a positive impression on consumer with its high brand recognition. Advise to maintain and even strengthen the customer relationship.
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從生活型態觀點探討旅遊網站消費者購買決策過程與使用意願之研究黃美蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
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多規格電影之消費決策流程初探 / An Exploratory Research on Decision Making Process in Films with Multiple Formats邱惇 Unknown Date (has links)
電影產業隨著科技的進步,不論是在拍攝技術與放映技術,都讓電影映演呈現不同的面貌。從單純的 2D 數位電影,到 IMAX、IMAX 3D、3D、4D 等技術都紛紛應用到電影產業中。2016 李安導演的作品《比利.林恩的中場戰事》更是採用前所未有的規格拍攝,也因為全新、高規格的拍攝技術需要有更佳的放映規格,而全球僅有五間電影院更新了規格設備能夠放映此片。隨著一部電影上映的規格越多,也改變過去單一部電影僅有場次、價位等選擇,當今的電影消費者面對一部電影時,他們尚須在不同規格之間進行選擇。
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消費者綠購買行為前因研究:雙重路徑觀點 / Antecedents of consumer green purchase behavior: A Dual-Route view洪敘峰, Hung, Hsu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
消費者環保行為研究中,多以理性行為模式解釋影響消費者綠購買行為之前因,但實證研究對於綠購買態度影響綠購買行為之假設,仍然無法獲得一致的支持。此外,根據現況效應的論點,消費者會傾向於保留原始行為,除非存在放棄原始決策的合理理由。然而,理性行為模式缺乏對於消費者可能放棄原本購買行為的決策因素探討。因此,本研究之主要目的為整合理性行為模式與拓展模式觀點,提出同時具備正向展現因素與負向放棄因素的雙重路徑模型,使消費者綠購買行為之解釋模型更為完整。本研究認為影響消費者綠購買行為展現的正向因素,除環保知覺效能、環保知識、綠購買態度與綠購買意圖之外,消費者環保行為鑲嵌度是另一個重要的正向影響前因。綠購買行為的負向因素,包括拓展模式中的相關因素,如知覺環保衝擊事件、環保心像違背與非環保產品的評估與搜尋。拓展模式相關因素會提升消費者放棄環保行為意圖,間接降低綠購買行為之展現。問卷調查結果顯示,本研究所提出之雙重路徑觀點獲得支持,該模式與理性行為模式相容並包含更完整的解釋因素。模式比較之結果顯示,本研究所提出的雙重路徑整合模式,相較於獨立的理性行為模式或拓展模式,整合模式之表現皆較為優良。 / Most studies of consumer environmental protection behavior apply the theory of reasoned action to predict consumer green purchase behavior. However, the assumed relationship between green purchase attitude and green purchase behavior has not received consistent support in the previous research. Besides, according to the view of status quo effect, consumers tend to repeat the current behaviors unless justifiable quit reason is existence. However, the theory of reasoned action does not offer explanation of why consumers might quit green purchase behavior. The purpose of this study is to integrate the theory of reasoned action and unfolding model then provide a dual-route model which has positive and negative antecedents of green purchase behavior simultaneously and makes the explanation model more complete. In this study, the positive antecedents of consumer green purchasing include environmental perceived effectiveness, environmental knowledge, green purchase attitude, and green purchase intention. In addition, embeddedness of environmental protection behavior is another critical positive factor to influence consumer green purchase behavior. The negative antecedents of consumer green purchase behavior include the factors of unfolding model, i.e., perceived environmental shocks, environmental image violation, and alternative product searching and evaluation. The factors of unfolding model will increase the quit intention of green purchasing and decrease green purchase behavior indirectly. The result of a two-waved survey and SEM analysis shows that the dual-route model has satisfactory measurement performance and explanation capability. The result of model comparison analysis shows that the explanatory capability of the dual-route model is better than all other single theoretical models, including the reasoned action model and unfolding model.
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金融業永續發展對企業形象、購買意願與知覺風險影響之研究 / The Empirical Study of Financial Industry Sustainable Development, Corporate Image, Purchasing Intention, and Perceived Risk黃士瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
4.研究對象為各校就讀企業管理研究所學生,此群學生對於永續發展議題的觀點對於未來金融業發展永續作為相關實務有其參考價值。 / The research is a study of Corporate Image, Personal Purchasing Intention, Enterprise Purchasing Intention and Perceived Risk based on the sustainable development theory - Triple Bottom Line through the scenario approach to design the questionnaire.
The study collected 225 valid questionnaires from students who are major in business administration in master degree and took advantage of SEM to verify research hypotheses. Results and discussions are concluded below:
1.The sustainable development of the financial industry has a positive impact on Corporate Image. Social and Environmental aspects performance are the key factor.
2.The sustainable development of the financial industry has a positive impact on Personal Purchasing Intention, Enterprise Purchasing Intention and Perceived Risk. Economic aspects performance is the key factor.
3.Thera are not having positive result on through sustainable education can let the subjects pay more attention to Social and Environmental aspects performance.
Through analysis of empirical research and literature review, research contributions of this study are concluded below:
1.Past researches few investigated the case of the financial sector for sustainable development issues in consumer behavior and most of researches are based on corporate social responsibility. Therefore, this study clarifies the relationship between corporate social responsibility and studies cusomers behavior issues through sustainable development theory.
2.Through the Empirical Study, found that the sustainable development of the financial industry has a positive impact on Corporate Image, Personal Purchasing Intention, Enterprise Purchasing Intention and Perceived Risk and further found the relationships between various aspects (Economic, Social and Environmental).
3.Through the Empirical Study, found the relationships among sustainable education, awareness of sustainable development and various aspects.
4.This reasarch, target group are students study for MBA, can apply financial institutes for some pratical reference value when financial institutes want to do the sustainable development.
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應用資料採礦於連鎖藥局商品 / The Application of Data Mining on the Association of Pharmaceutical Products Through the Chain Pharmacies王詠立, Wang YungLi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由台灣某家連鎖藥局的銷售時點情報系統(POINT OF SALE, POS)資料分析顧客會員之購買行為,依據會員之購買日期、購買品項、購買金額等,應用資料採礦分析方法,先利用RFM模型分析顧客價值群的特性概況,再利用APRIORI演算法針對該連鎖藥局的八大類別商品銷售資料探討顧客會員購買產品的關聯規則,依照結果衍生出不同的商品銷售組合,並在門市執行有效的行銷策略以提升營業額。最後,依據研究結果對該家連鎖藥局提供銷售的策略及建議,作為該連鎖藥局業者後續經營之參考。 / The development of the domestic pharmacies in Taiwan has influenced by the government policy and logistics. Gradually, the traditional pharmacy had been replaced by the chain pharmacies to face the demands of products variety, customized and the consumer information.
The members' purchase behaviors were analyzed in this study through the Point of Sale(POS) data from chain pharmacy headquarters. The purchase behaviors of the pharmacy members were analyzed based on purchase date, purchase item, amount of purchase etc. First, data regarding customer purchasing records are collected and widely known RFM model is used to evaluate the value for each customer. Second, an association rule mining tool, the Apriori algorithm, is used to analyze the relationship between customer purchasing records and products, to obtain hidden and useful purchasing rules for each product category.
The association rules obtained can help the decision managers plan their new cross-selling strategies for products in future.
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黑膠之購買動機、認知價值、服務品質與對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度關係之研究:以古碟公司為例 / A Study on the Relationship among Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty:the Example of “Goodiscs Vinyl Company吳孟宇 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:黑膠、誠品音樂館、購買動機、認知價值、服務品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度 / From a sales perspective, current CD in the recorded music market has declined, while that vinyl was cornered by CD, but since a few years ago, a dark horse, now and digital downloads are comparable to the growth rate. Vinyl continued market reasons, is because digital sound quality cannot have satisfactory hearing sensitivity, coupled with recently, vinyl prices under market competition, if not unattainable in the past, so many young people in droves. This study focuses on vinyl marketing strategy, with “Purchase Motivation”, “Perceived Value”, “Service Quality”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Customer Loyalty” as research variables. There are four research purposes:(A) Investigating the meaning of vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. (B) Examing vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty. (C) Exploring demographic variables whether there are significant differences with vinyl Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service quality, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty or not. (D) Based on quantitative and qualitative research, give the case ''Goodiscs'' Vinyl Company’s marketing suggestions.
This research survey was conducted in consumers from Eslite Music Center. A total of 100 valid samples were collected. The results showed that, in ''Goodiscs'' Vinyl Company, customers value “Perceived Value”, among which "Reputation of a firm's product”, “Monetary value and Behavioral price" the most.
Finally, this study presents seven recommendations for “Goodiscs'' vinyl company, hoping to combine research with reality.
Keywords: Vinyl, Eslite Music Center, Purchase Motivation, Perceived Value, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
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大台北地區兒童才藝班消費行為之研究謝效昭, XIE, XIAO-ZHAO Unknown Date (has links)
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中西營養劑購買行為之比較研究陳亮誌, Chen, Liang-Zhi Unknown Date (has links)
第壹章 導論
第一節 研究問題
第二節 研究目的
第三節 產業狀況
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 購買行為理論模式之探討
第二節 心態變數──人格特質與生活方式
第三節 過去有關研究
第四節 五研究之觀念架構
第參章 研究設計
第一節 研究步驟
第二節 問卷設計
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意見領袖購買行為廖春霖, Liao, Chun-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
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