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價格促銷深度與消費者購買行為 - 以量販店餅乾品類為例 / Price Promotion Impact on Consumer Behavior – A Study of Biscuit Category in Hypermarkets陳惠玫, Chen, Ivy Hui Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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消費者間共鳴對購買意願之影響 / An empirical study of the effects of customer resonance on purchase intention謝依臻, Sie, Yi Jhen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於調查再社群網路上,何種因素會導致消費者去討論以及分享訊息,也就是使用者間的共鳴,之後更進一步探討,當使用者間的共鳴發生時,是否會影響到使用者的購買意願。本研究共蒐集了410份樣本並使用結構方程模型分析其樣本顯著與否。本研究結果發現其內容滿足、社會關係滿足與自我形象滿足都對共鳴有顯著影響,且共鳴對購買意願也有顯著影響。此外,本研究也執行分群分析將共鳴結果分為高共鳴與低共鳴兩族,分別探討其顯著指標與背後意義。 / In recent years, social network have become incredibly popular. Online communication platform such as Facebook, YouTube, and Flicker offer freely available user-generated content that enabled individuals to express their ideas and communicate their opinions to many people. People can create, modify, discuss, and share on social networks. Therefore, social networks have gradually become interpersonal communication platforms. Message resonated when information is shared among individuals. We want to have a better understanding of the use and gratification that users obtain from social networks when topic resonated among them.
We collected the 410 sample and used the structural equation model analyzed our proposed model by using SPSS 21.0 and SmartPLS. Besides, we also used K-means to partition our sample into two clustering and obtained the managerial implications. In our research, we observed that content gratification, social relation gratification and self-presentation gratification have impact on resonance and resonance also has influence on purchase intention.
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情境因素、消費者購買涉入與創新接受態度影響網路競標意願之研究 / The Effects of Situational Factors, Consumer Purchasing Involvement, and Innovativeness on Online Bidding Intention蔣宗男, Chiang, Tsung-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
6.吸引低創新接受態度消費者的行銷策略。 / The appearance of Internet has contributed to rapid growth of both surfer population and business applications. As a result, the Internet-based E-commerce has become a new business practices in the information society. Under the impact, the new consumption trend of online bidding is growing rapidly. This thesis takes a look into the new online transaction-online bidding in terms of the perspective of consumer behavior.
This thesis compiles documents such as current foreign and domestic online bidding status, relevant researches, and related theories, to construct the operating framework on it, which is to study the impact of situational factors, consumer purchasing involvement, innovativeness, and demographic variation on online bidding intention.
The following points are the major discoveries of this thesis:
1.Among all the factors of communication situation, "product variety," "efficiency in product searching," and "accessibility to product information" are the most influential factors on consumers' online bidding intention.
2.Among all the factors of purchase situation, consumers are most interested in online bidding when "prices of desired products are lower than personal budget" and "deadlines for bidding are approaching."
3.Consumers with higher purchasing involvement have higher online bidding intention than those who with lower purchasing involvement.
4.Consumers inclined to adopt innovations are more willingly to participate in online bidding.
5.Consumers who have experiences of online bidding and those who spend more time surfing on the Internet have higher intention on online bidding.
Based on the findings, this thesis proposes several reference suggestions and approaches for online bidding websites.
1.To provide products women need or establish websites designed exclusively for women.
2.To accept various ways of payment.
3.To strengthen functions and publicity of websites.
4.To shorten the bidding term of popular products.
5.The marketing strategy to attract consumers with high purchasing involvement.
6.The marketing strategy of appealing to consumers with low innovativeness.
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共創共享平台創新行銷模式之研究 / A Research on the New Co-creation Platform of Online Marketing Model徐凱玲 Unknown Date (has links)
同時在這樣的研究方式下,測試及比較體驗行銷與信任行銷兩者之間,會因為共創的這樣的一個身分,而改變對品牌的認同感與黏著度。 / Sharing economy and social media are, nowadays, inseparable topics in the realm of media marketing and business management. However, while in an era which WWW is being used with such high frequency, the entire environment is changed, these abundant resources have transformed consumers’ identities, not any longer a one way receiver, but to have a strong desire and curiosity to acquiring more knowledge and information. It is such hunger for information the key consumers’ identities change. Consumers are changed directly or indirectly to an evaluator, they are from being the one that suggests or purchases to a seller, this is the new module developed under “sharing economy.”
This study explores the shared economic business models that have been implemented and are now proliferating successfully in the marketplace, and indirectly look at the Taiwanese market in terms of brand marketing. This research aims at the skin care industry, starting at exploring the media marketing tools currently used in the market, and through further research to find out a subtle combination of channel marketing and online sales platforms. Such a combination of marketing methods comes from consumers’ strong demand for basic information and proliferation, directly and indirectly bring out the model of a “ co-creating economy,” in order that Taiwanese skin care product brands can find a suitable marketing model between consumers and products, and further explore which marketing models would be the strongest links and weakest links to these consumers.
At the same time in such research approach, the test and comparison between experience marketing and trust marketing will change the brand recognition and attachment due to the presence of co-creation.
Key words: Customer value, create economy, service quality, purchase intention, service involved
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YouTuber對美妝消費者購買決策影響之研究 / The influence of YouTuber on consumers’ decision journey in the cosmetic products蘇品伃, Su, Ping Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美妝影音部落格和美妝消費者為研究對象,探討「美妝消費者的購買決策過程,及其如何受到YouTuber之影響」,採用質性的網路民族誌 (netnography) 作為研究方法,先搜集三個YouTube熱門美妝頻道的網路資料,參與留言區的討論,再訪談十六位千禧世代的美妝消費者。本研究發現:一、創作者和觀看者透過YouTube凝聚成美妝「社群」;二、美妝YouTuber具備「發起者」和「影響者」的角色;三、美妝消費者的行為和態度可能受到人氣YouTuber影響。 / Nowadays, consumers search information about products, prices and distribution on the Internet before their purchase decisions so that social media has radically changed the communication landscape. Consumers are able to share their purchase experiences online and interact with other users. More and more users are using YouTube as a search engine as well as looking for makeup tips, tutorials, and product recommendations because consumers would believe these user-generated contents are reliable and trustable.
The aim of this research is to explore how YouTubers of beauty industry in Taiwan, have influenced their viewers and to what extent this influence on the purchase decision process.
This study uses a qualitative approach ‘netnography’ as the main research methods to collect data. Three YouTube beauty channels were observed and participated; additionally, 16 in-depth interviews with millennial consumers were conducted. The research finds out that YouTube beauty channels can be seen as communities where relationships between YouTubers and viewers is formed. YouTubers are the initiator and influncer on the purchase decision journey. The study also found that the popularity of YouTuber may affect consumers’ behaviors and attitudes.
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代言人道德問題與產品適配度對購買意願之影響 / The effects of moral issues and product fit of endorser on purchase intention高煒哲, Kao, Wei Che Unknown Date (has links)
6.不論代言人發生違情或違法的道德問題,受試者皆認為廠商需與代言人暫停合作關係,然又以發生違法的道德問題時,更應與代言人暫停合作。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the effects on purchase intention when product fit and moral issue of endorsers are in different level. When product fit is different, the connection between product and endorser will be in different degree. Therefore, endorser have different types of moral issues which will have impact on purchase intention. There are two independent variables: Product fit (High vs. Low), Moral issue (illegal vs. unfaithful) and two moderator variables (subjective moral level vs. objective moral level) and we conduct a 2x2 factorial research to test whether they will have influence on purchase intention. There are 126 effective questionnaires and the following is the results:
1.Different type of moral issues will affect purchase intention. When endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention.
2.There is no interaction effect between product fit and type of moral issue. No matter how product fit is, when endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention.
3.There is no interaction effect between moral level and type of moral issue. No matter how moral level is, when endorser has illegal moral issue, customers will have lower purchase intention.
4.Different type of moral issues will affect endorser credibility. When endorser has illegal moral issue, he or she will have lower credibility.
5.No matter what kinds of moral issues, customers think companies should stop cooperation with endorsers. When endorser has illegal moral issue, customers think companies should stop cooperation with endorsers much seriously.
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業配文與產品購買意願之研究:信號理論觀點 / Sponsored posts and consumer purchase intention: a signaling theory perspective曹靖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究遂以信號理論(Signaling Theory)的觀點出發,將業配文撰文者視為信號傳遞者(Signaler)、文章內容視為信號本身(Signal)、消費者視為信號接收者(Receiver)、承載文章之平台視為信號環境(Signaling Environment),探討此四大面向中可能影響消費者文章信任、產品態度與購買意願之因素。
本研究採量化分析,透過發放線上問卷蒐集初級資料,經統計迴歸分析後發現,信號接收者面向的「撰文者與消費者相似性」、「撰文者過往名聲」、信號本身面向的「文章內容真實性」以及信號環境面向的「平台可信度」確實對文章信任有正向顯著影響,並會藉之進而影響產品態度和購買意願。此外,「平台生動性」及「平台互動性」則直接對產品態度有正向顯著影響。而本研究也針對文章信任之中介效果及信號接收者面向的「消費者人格外向開放性」、「消費者過去受業配文影響之經驗」、「消費者產品知識程度」是否具調節效果進行分析,詳細結果於研究中將一一闡述。 / In recent years, the impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has surged due to the prevalence of the Internet and social media. In response to this phenomenon, many firms have been inviting public figures or Internet celebrities to write sponsored (blog) posts for certain products. Sponsored posts, in substance, lie somewhere between solely spontaneous sharing of personal experiences and actual endorsements. Hence, many consumers still take sponsored posts with a grain of salt and remain skeptical of their authenticity as well as trustworthiness.
This research builds upon Signaling Theory by adopting the concept of “Signaler”, “Signal”, “Receiver”, and “Signaling Environment”, and aims at clarifying some possible factors that may influence consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, product attitude and purchase intention.
Among the independent variables, “Similarity between Writer and Consumer”, “Writer’s Reputation”, “Content Truthfulness”, and “Media Credibility” are significantly positively correlated with consumers’ trust toward the sponsored posts, which then positively influences consumers’ product attitude and purchase intention. Meanwhile, “Media Vividness” and “Media Interactivity” also contribute significantly to consumers’ product attitude. Other factors involved, the mediating effect of trust, as well as the moderating effect of “Consumer’s Personality” and “Consumer’s Past Experiences” are further discussed in this research.
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我國房地分離相關爭議問題之研究-兼論立法改革芻議 / The Study on the Disputes of Separatin Disposition of Building and Land in Taiwan: Preliminary Trial for Legislative Reforms許凱翔 Unknown Date (has links)
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門檻迴歸模型與追蹤資料共整合方法在財務的應用 / Financial applications using threshold regression model and panel cointegration陳建福, Chen, Chien-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文包括3篇時間序列方法在財務的應用。第一篇以門檻向量自我迴歸模型(threshold vector autoregression)分析股市訊息傳遞的不對稱效果;第二篇利用不對稱共整合模型(asymmetric cointegration)分析中國大陸股市之間長期均衡關係;第三篇根據追蹤資料共整合檢定(panel Cointegration test)檢定購買力平價說。
第二篇文章以Enders and Siklos(2001)不對稱共整合模型探討,中國大陸上海及深圳A股與B股股價指數之間長期不對稱的均衡關係,實證結果發現,在1992年10月至2001年8月,上海A股指數與深圳A股指數之間具有不對稱共整合關係,且當上海A股處於好消息狀態(股市上漲)時,其誤差修正項的調整速度較壞消息狀態(股市下跌)之下為快,此外,上海A股指數與深圳A股指數之間其有雙向的連動關係。在B股開放之後,則是深圳股市A股與B股指數存在不對稱共整合關係,同時Granger因果關係檢定顯示深圳B股指數領先A股指數。
關鍵字:門檻向量自我迴歸模型、不對稱共整合、追蹤資料共整合、股票市場、購買力平價說 / This dissertation includes three financial applications using time series methods. The first article investigates the asymmetric effects of information transmissions in stock markets using threshold vector autoregression model. The second article uses asymmetric cointegration to study the long-run equilibium relationships among Chinese stock markets. The third article uses panal cointegration to test purchasing-power parity (PPP).
Firstly, we examines the asymmetric effects of information transmissions of Nasdaq stock market on Taiwan, Japan, and Korea stock markets by using a threshold vector autoregressive model. And also, we check whether Nasdaq stock market have different impacts on organized stock exchanges (including TAIEX, NIKKEI 225 Index, Korea Composite Index) and over-the-counter markets (including Taisdaq Index, Jasdaq Index, and Kosdaq Index) or not. The empirical results indicate that negative innovations in Nasdaq market (bad news regime) have large influence on Asia stock markets. Particularly, the positive innovations in Nasdaq market (good news regime) have small influence on Asia stock market. The large negative innovations in Nasdaq market have great influence than those of the large positive innovations on Jasdaq Index and Kosdaq Index in bad news regime.
The second article uses Enders and Sikios's (2001) asymmetric cointegration model to investigate the long-run asymmetric equihbrium relationships. The empirical results find that there exits an asymmetric cointegrated relationship between Shanghai A share index and Shenzhen A share index for the period from October 1992 to August 2001. The adjustment parameters of error correction term at Shanghai A share market are larger in bad-news regime than those in good-news regime. This result reveals investors at Shanghai possess over-reaction behavior on news of stock market. Moreover, there exists a bi-directional Granger causality between Shanghai A share index and Shenzhen A share index. We find there exists an asymmetric cointegrated relationship between Shenzhen A share index and Shenzhen B share index after 19 February 2001. Furthermore, the Shenzhen B share index leads Shenzhen A share index after 19 February 2001.
The third article uses Pedroni's (2001) panel cointegration test to examine the validity of PPP hypothesis by two different price indces, i.e. Big Mac prices and CPI. Our panel observations include 14 countries from 1992 to 1999. The empirical evidence indicates Big Mac PPP and CPI PPP is supposed if we use nominal exchange rate as the explanatory variable. Nevertheless, the Big Mac PPP is valid but CPI PPP not valid if we use price level as the explanatory variable. Moveover, our concludtion does not influenced by productivity bias.
Keywords: threshold vector autoregression, asymmetric cointegration, panel cointegration, stock markets, purchasing-power parity
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由購買動機、品牌形象探討顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係-以日本UMPC品牌KJS為例 / Through purchase motivation, brand image to research on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationship─A case study of UMPC-KJS brand許敦傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採問卷調查與深度訪談方式進行研究,問卷調查方面,共取得267份有效問卷,並運用敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、相關分析與迴歸分析,將資料進行統計分析及獲得假設驗證;深度訪談方面,共進行兩次的深度訪談,藉由訪談專業人士,探索個案品牌行銷策略與產品規劃。
針對目前個案及市場現狀,在產品方面,建議個案可再加強宣傳觸控螢幕及產品娛樂功能的開發,品牌方面則是不論從問卷資料及訪談資料中,均顯示出KJS在台灣市場擁有很好的品牌形象,因此應以此為品牌核心價值,專注於原本的利基市場,雖然可以視市場狀況延伸產品系列,然不宜投入過多資源進入低價市場,與低價小筆電作正面廝殺,而應作適當區隔。 / This research aims at discussing the relationships among purchase motivation, brand image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and the influence factors of the four dimensions through a case study of UMPC-KJS brand in order to provide reference of marketing strategies and brand development for netbook and UMPC industry.
This research used a questionnaire survey and in-depth interview to study. With regard to questionnaire survey, 267 valid samples were obtained by stratifies sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis. Besides, through in-depth interview with two professionals in this field to explore the marketing strategies and production planning of KJS brand.
According to the results of this research, the customer satisfaction could be influenced by the demographics varieties from sex, age, education level and the number that one customer has, however, the customer loyalty could not be influenced by the demographics varieties. Besides, not only customer satisfaction but customer loyalty could be influenced by part factors of purchase motivation and brand image. Finally, customer loyalty gets higher if customers are satisfied.
According to the present condition of the netbook market, there are some suggestions to KJS brand. First, KJS is proposed to focus on the development of touch-screen and entertainment features. Second, since KJS has a very good brand image in Taiwan, this should be the core values of the brand and KJS should focus on this original niche market. It’s necessary to make some market segmentation from other netbook brand.
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