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研發網絡、信任關係與廠商績效 / The effect of trust on firm performance in r&d network王宜婷 Unknown Date (has links)
據此,本研究以生物技術產業為例,探討生技研發網絡內廠商間信任建立與廠商績效之影響關係,藉以了解生技產業中信任所扮演的重要角色。本研究以研發合作之問卷設計,對台灣地區的生技廠商作問卷調查,並以因素分析與結構方程模式作為資料分析方法。實證結果得知,生技廠商的研發合作乃需透過信任建立方能正面影響廠商績效。 / Facing an era of globalization of industry, the product manufacturing process gradually formed tight links between firms due to specialization .And the industry links based on R&D and innovation as the main purpose are known as R&D network. Great deal of technical knowledge flows in R&D network, and a major share among the members is the costs and risks of innovative technology development, while helping to improve the members on learning. However, these knowledge exchange and resource sharing are based on technical confidential information leakage and misappropriation hazards. At this point, the establishment of trust between firms can reduce high uncertainty of R&D, and prevent partners from doing opportunistic behavior, thereby enhancing R&D cooperation between firms. Therefore, the trust among the partners is an important factor of the impact of R&D network and firm performance.
Accordingly, the study takes the biotechnology industry for example, and the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship of trust and firm performance among R&D cooperation in biotechnology R&D network, and explore that trust plays an important role in biotechnology. In research method, the questionnaire was designed for R&D cooperation between biotechnology firms in Taiwan for survey. Both factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze for the study. Empirical results show that the R&D cooperation of biotechnology firms should be established through the trust to effect the firm performance positively.
Keywords: R&D Network, Trust, Firm Performance, Path Analysis
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國際採購行為之研究--以資訊業與製鞋業為例 / Foreign Sourcing Strategy of Taiwanese Firm張銘新, Chang Ming Shin Unknown Date (has links)
增加對國外的採購,此外,製鞋業的外銷經驗亦對其 海外採購有
所幫助;企業在國內與外商合作,亦可經由該管 道協助進行國外
產 品零組件變化程度較小,與供應商維持平均年限較長,且零
零組件外包策略;對資訊業而言,製程改變所造成生產設備 的
購時並非以接近當地市場為目的,而是以 技術及生產方面為考量
;製鞋業仍是以採購地點與價值活動 地點之地理距離為考量。結
論四:對資訊業而言,各地的採購比例大部分與採購關鍵零組 傢騿A製鞋
業亦同。 結論五:不論是資訊業
或是製鞋業,兩者創新程度高,則為了維持技 術優勢,將會與海
外供應商進行技術互惠合作;而產品標準 化程度增加,亦將會使
海外採購品的標準化程度增加;值得 注意的是,由於專業分工的
細密,外部海外專業供應商可提 供品質較好之零組件。結論六:
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運動代言人與故事結構對廣告效果的影響蔡東儒 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 故事結構性高低對於故事轉換效果沒有影響。
2. 不同的代言人類型對於故事轉換效果沒有影響。
3. 個人的成就動機會影響故事轉換效果。
4. 故事轉換效果會影響受試者的同情反應。
5. 故事轉換效果會影響受試者的移情反應。
6. 故事轉換效果對於自我品牌關聯性以及廣告態度有影響。
7. 故事結構性以及代言人類型對於情感反應有影響。
8. 受試者的移情反應會影響自我品牌關聯性。
9. 受試者的同情反應會影響品牌態度。
10. 自我品牌關聯性對於廣告態度及品牌態度皆有影響。
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民意代表網站瀏覽者行為之實證研究 / An empirical study of visitors' behavior on a political website楊堯燦, Yang, Yao-Tsan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Howard的消費者決策模式(CDM)為基礎,配合本研究題目的特定範圍加以修正,利用路徑分析(Path Analysis)探討瀏覽者行為在數個構面上的影響關係,再以單因子變異數分析(1-way ANOVA)界定各構面在年齡、職業及區域上的差異,最後形成策略意涵。
根據研究結果,做成以下建議:以長期來看,民意代表經營專屬網站有助於爭取更多支持的選民;爭取學生族群的認同;台北市南區的候選人,目前適合搭配專屬網站作為整體的競選文宣。 / Nowadays there are more and more people going online. It’s unimaginable how people could live without Internet, especially for those who do their job using computer frequently through Internet. Just as we could not imagine what utilities Internet bring hundreds of years ago. It goes without saying that Internet has changed our lives. That’s why lots of business go online to be an E-business. Though the benefit brought by going on line can’t be clearly estimated, lots of corporate spend much money constructing their E-business because of avoiding lost in the beginning.
Political websites are all nonprofit organizations. The way their performances are evaluated is election. It’s cruel that you are a survivor or getting nothing but crash otherwise. The Candidates want to be more closer to ’customers’, so they choose to setup a website and provide service. But How can they be sure that they are more possible to win the final campaign? The answer is in this paper. It is going to find out the behavior of those who visit the websites and make some suggestion about the strategies to promote the websites.
The structure of this research is based on the CDM(Consumer Decision-Making) Model with some specific modification. The related dimensions are connected using Path Analysis, then the interactive relationship of these dimensions are clear. Accompanied by 1-way ANOVA, we can find the characteristics of the visitors’ on these dimensions, say age, occupation and where they live.
According to the outcome, our suggestions are : it’s helpful for the candidates to win the campaign in the long run by providing services on websites ; ‘Student’ is apparently the group which is worth targeting when you want to promote yourself ; it’s now appropriate to concentrate on website if you are a candidate in the south area of Taipei.
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經濟投票之路徑分析:2012年總統選舉之研究 / Economic Voting in Taiwan: A Path Analysis of the 2012 Presidential Election林政宇, Lin, Cheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
經濟投票研究逐漸重視內因問題,國外的研究對於資料上和方法上均展開革新。相較之下,台灣的經濟投票研究受限於資料和方法,一直無法對認知性與資料性的內因問題進行有效的處理。資料的侷限不是一時能獲得改善的。但方法的反思和修正,正是研究者與方法對話讓方法實用的開始(黃紀 2000b)。處理經濟投票的二個內因問題,本文引用Menard(2010, 145-168)所提出的PALR方法。它保留路徑分析的優點,並讓類別變數能夠在路徑分析方法中被估計;同時結合Heckman因果效應模型的概念,亦能處理資料性的內因問題。
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貓空地區觀光意象對遊客選擇行為影響之路徑分析 / A Path Analysis for Influence of Destination Image on Tourists' Behavior in Maokong Area羅明璇, Lo, Ming-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以遊客問卷之設計,對非當地居民之遊客作為抽樣調查之對象,並以因素分析與結構方程模式作為資料分析方法,所得主要結果為:觀光意象對地方依附、旅遊品質與選擇行為有直接正向影響,而影響遊客對旅遊目的地選擇行為最重要的因素為地方依附。 / With the change of industry structure, tourism industry has become one of important industries in a city. Facing the competition under the global age, the concept of destination marketing has widely aroused attention because of fast development of tourism industry and keen competition among relative industry proprietors.
Destination image is sum of beliefs, ideas and impressions that a person has of a destination. Destination image has been shown to be vital influence on travelers' travel behavior, that is, the urban with a positive and good image perceived by tourists can bring out the urban a significant effect on urban development and economic growth. A tourist's intent to visit a destination is determined by a combination of cognitive and affective image. Tourists usually develop emotional associations with destination where they're lovely to visit. However, very limited research has been conducted personal emotional or meanings tourists attach to the places they visited and experienced. Thus, the study takes Maokong Area of Taipei city for example, and the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship among destination image, place attachment, trip quality, satisfaction, and traveling behavior.
In research method, the survey was quantitative research oriented in order to understand visitors' ideas toward the destination images of Maokong area. Both factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze for the study. The major results of this research were found that destination image directly has positive influence on place attachment, trip quality, and traveling behavior, and place attachment is the most important cause to influence tourists' behavior.
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嚴肅遊戲中感知之精熟經驗、角色依附與內在政治效能之路徑模式 / A path model of perceived mastery experiences, character attachment and internal political efficacy in serious games黃齡儀, Huang, Ling Yi Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現:(一) 實驗組與控制組之內在政治效能感皆明顯提升,然而,實驗組之提升幅度並未顯著高於控制組。(二) 在路徑模式中,角色依附會透過感知之精熟經驗間接影響內在政治效能,而前測內在政治效能會透過感知精熟經驗間接影響後測內在政治效能,亦會對後測內在政治效能造成直接影響。
本研究有助於了解嚴肅遊戲之心理機制,其結果對於應用嚴肅遊戲設計與公民教育有重要啟示。 / This study distinguished “mediated enactive experience” and “perceived mastery experience”. The former referred to the experience when a player plays an avatar in a game and the latter referred to a player’s psychological evaluations of the experience including past experience. Mediated enactive experiences is positively related to perceived mastery experiences when players play and make progresses in a game. The experiences are an essential part of a game. Yet character attachment may influence the relationship between players and avatars. If a player attaches to his or her own avatar more, he or she may perceive the mediated enactive experiences more his or her mastery experience, therefore, character attachment should positively contribute to internal political efficacy through perceived mastery experience.
A control group pretest-posttest experimental design was conducted in this study. Both groups received policy-related mediated enactive experiences from the serious game. In order to test if players who received more policy-related mediated enactive experiences will upgrade their internal political efficacy to a higher level, 113 college students were randomly assigned to one of the two groups: In the experimental group, players played an avatar with chances for practicing learned skills in three different settings; In the control group, players played an avatar without chances for practicing learned skills. Two repeated-Measure ANOVAs were conducted to analyze if there were gender and group differences on manipulation effects. Moreover, structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to analyze the proposed path model of character attachment, perceived mastery experiences, prior and posttest internal political efficacy.
The results showed that the internal political efficacy of both groups was significantly enhanced. However, the experimental group did not upgrade to a higher level than the control group. Furthermore, in the path model, character attachment influenced posttest internal political efficacy indirectly through perceived mastery experiences; moreover, prior internal political efficacy influenced posttest internal political efficacy through perceived mastery experiences indirectly and also influenced posttest internal political efficacy directly.
To conclude, the findings of this study can help understand psychological mechanisms related to gaming as well as can be applied to civic education and serious game design in the future.
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影響國際連鎖觀光旅館顧客滿意度與忠誠度因素之研究蔡雅雯 Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業是世界各國普遍重視的無煙囪工業,與科技產業共同被視為是21 世紀的明星產業,環顧世界經濟情勢,新興產業不斷興起,觀光事業已趨於國際化、多角化經營之際,也是我國當前首重之發展產業。國際觀光旅館是屬於高有形性比重的產業以及高度人員涉入的服務產業,探討具有實體產品與無形服務組合的服務其產品品質與服務品質如何對於消費者產生影響,將是一個兼具研究與實用價值的主題。
本研究參考Zeithaml and Bitner(1996)提出「顧客知覺品質與顧客滿意度關係圖」作為研究基礎,來探討影響不同區隔的顧客滿意度因素,以及不同區隔的顧客,影響其顧客忠誠度的因素又為何?以及國際觀光旅館的產品品質對於商務旅客顧客滿意度以及忠誠度之影響是否大於國際觀光旅館的服務品質之影響,並且探討國際觀光旅館的服務品質對於休憩觀光旅客顧客滿意度以及忠誠度之影響是否大於國際觀光旅館的產品品質之影響。接著探討滿意度與忠誠度之間的關係;最後以探索性研究的方式檢視忠誠會員專案對於商務旅客之顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響。
經初步研究發現會員忠誠專案對於顧客忠誠度的影響不明顯,忠誠度計劃的測量結果發現參加會員忠誠專案之旅客,只是對忠誠度計劃本身具忠誠度而非對該特定品牌具有一定的忠誠度,旅客的忠誠度是脆弱也容易因為其他因素對其忠誠度產生影響。對許多專業經理人來說,工作就等於休閒,因此,如何讓他們在工作中,也能得到休閒時的自在感,是未來國際觀光旅館業的趨勢。 / This study make used of hotel’s database and based on the 131 completed survey form hotel guests, identify attributes that will affect the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of guests in the chain hotels. And will explore that if the frequent – guest program help hotels increase customer loyalty.
The dimension of customer satisfaction with a service includes service quality, product quality and price. The results of the regression test that variable, the product quality and service quality will affect customer satisfaction of the business traveler, moreover service quality and product that direct influence customer loyalty. There is linear relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The factors affect the customer satisfaction are comfort of room、cleanliness of room and check-in。The hotel staff provides the effective check-in with pleasure attitude will affect their loyalty.
Analysis results showed that the service quality and product quality will have direct influence the customer satisfaction of pleasure traveler, however, service quality will engage the customer loyalty of pleasure traveler. There is a strong connection between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. And the comfort of room will be the factor engaged the customer satisfaction.
Finally, the frequent-guest program has the less influence of customer loyalty as expected. The business traveler were among the least loyal of the guests, considering the industry’s huge expenditures on frequent-guest programs, the hotelier may consider redirecting some of the frequent-guest expenditure toward strengthening human resources and toward improving the guest’s experience through quality of product improvement.
Inferred form the results we have found, this study proposed some recommendations to the hotelier and the academics who try to do some further research on this topic.
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大陸環境政策與路徑分析理論:以北京空氣汙染治理為例 / China’s environmental protection policies and path dependent analysis: in the case of Beijing air pollution control陳品誠, Chen, Ping-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,大陸已經從一個強調經濟發展的國家蛻變為一個注重經濟發展但是也關注永續發展的國家。大陸從只願付出共同但有區別責任到積極做出空氣污染管制的大國,是否可以藉由不同於以往的模型來解釋?本論文主要運用路徑分析法的概念來闡述北京的空氣污染治理政策演進,藉由設定奧運和APEC北京為治理的「關鍵節點」,進一步闡述國家與地方環境政策的變化與演進。而中國政策決策制度的演進也是影響環境政策的輔助因素,因此第四章也特別說明中國大陸制定決策的模式演變。希望藉由不同的理論來解釋當前北京乃至中國的環境治理,並檢視當前環境治理的不足及說明未來可能的發展方向。 / In the past decade, countries and organizations around the globe have devoted themselves to brought out the important message of sustainable development. Climate change and environmental protection have been two of the core issues to be considered into state’s foreign policy. China has been facing the environmental issues in recent years. In this thesis, it argues that China’s awareness of sustainable development and environmental protection, especially on air pollution problem in Beijing, was gradually flourished as time went by. From ignoring environmental problem and devoting effort on one-sided economic development to positively face and try to solve the air pollution problem, China has gone through its decision-making and mindsets reform. Furthermore, this thesis suggests that the progress of it corresponds with a certainly path. Hence, path dependent analysis would be applied to test whether this kind of path fits air pollution control methods in China and possibly foresee the environmental future of Beijing to be a cleaner and healthier city.
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智慧資本與企業價值及獲利能力的關聯研究劉明德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用過去文獻所使用之智慧資本指標,採用因素分析來萃取出代表人力資本的員工獲利因素和員工薪資增長因素,代表顧客資本的營收及營收成長因素和廣告費因素,代表創新資本的研發費用因素,代表流程資本的管理費用因素和流動比率因素。本研究主要在探討代表企業價值的市場附加價值、市價帳面比和Tobin’s q值,代表獲利能力的每股剩餘價值、每股無形資產價值和每股經濟附加價值與智慧資本因素之間的關聯。
實證結果為人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市場附加價值有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市價帳面比有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對市價帳面比具有中介效果。人力資本、顧客資本和流程資本對Tobin’s q值有正向顯著影響,創新資本對Tobin’s q值的影響方向為正向。人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股剩餘價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股無形資產有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股經濟附加價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對每股經濟附加價值具有中介效果。由以上討論可知,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本對企業價值及獲利能力都有正向的影響。
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