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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉慧雯, Liu,Hui-Wen Unknown Date (has links)

MSN狀態列內容自我揭露的性別差異 / Gender differences in self-disclosure in the away message of MSN

蕭萱茵, Deike Lautenschlaeger Unknown Date (has links)
Although a substantial body of research exists on gender differences in Computer Mediated Communication, relatively little empirical attention has been directed toward the special case of CMC - Instant Messenger (IM) and the area of self-disclosure. This study analyzes gender differences and relationships in self-disclosure in the away message of MSN of 329 male and female Taiwanese university students. Applying the five subscales of self-disclosure by Wheeless and Grotz (Wheeless, 1978; Wheeless & Grotz, 1976) and the six topic areas of self-disclosure by Jourard and Lasakow (1958) revealed the following results: Findings show that males and females often do not show the gender differences anymore, which were previously found in face-to-face communication on certain aspects of self-disclosure e.g. frequency, depth, breadth, honesty or accuracy and valence of self-disclosure. However, findings pointing out the different motives and the use of self-disclosure on IM are similar to face-to-face communication, such as females prefer discussing their “personality” while male MSN users prefer “work or studies” especially the more buddies they have. Also males disclose with awareness and intention suggesting the make use of selective self-presentation (Walther, 1996) for rather males than females. Female MSN users write more impulsively in their away message, however they are found to be more selective than males in to whom they chose to disclose or not by blocking buddies. The number of buddies on the buddy list seems to have hardly any effect on males’ and females’ self-disclosure. The gender of buddies on the buddy list as a moderating factor showed that males feel more comfortable (honest and less understated) when disclosing to females. Extra findings include that for both gender self-disclosures on IM is not less honest and not exaggerated, rather understated. Previous findings in face-to-face communication on preferred topics of self-disclosure of both genders of Asian background were confirmed on IM. On IM, self-disclosure by males and females seem to be free of the importance of the degree of social distance within Chinese society as hardly any primary groups and secondary groups but almost only mixed groups of buddies on buddy lists were found.

語言與思維:英文與中文母語者在表情符號使用上的差異 / Does Language Shape Thought? English and Mandarin Speakers’ Usage of Emoticons as Non-Verbal Cues in Communication

陳怡廷, Tan, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
有關表情符號的跨文化分析,現有之研究皆以亞洲國家(例如日本或韓國)和美國做比較。然而此間差異不僅包含文化上的,也包含語言使用上的不同。如此一來,在了解影響人們使用表情符號的因素時,文化背景與語言的因素混雜一體,難以區辨各別影響狀況。本研究試著控制文化的因素,將文化背景具有一定相似性,但官方語言不同的新加坡和台灣做比較。結果顯示新加坡與台灣使用者確實表現出不同的表情符號使用偏好。前者傾向使用橫式表情符號,後者則以使用直式表情符號居多。形式的不同也導致使用者在組合表情符號的眼型與口型時呈現明顯差異。此外,語言背景也會影響一個人對表情符號的認識與解讀能力。本研究發現,此現象在新加坡的受試者身上較為顯著,他們在認識與解讀台灣使用者的常用表情符號時較容易出現障礙。最後,本論文也討論了研究結果的意義以及研究者對於未來研究的建議。 / Existing literature on the cross-cultural use of emoticons often discuss how styles of emoticons vary by comparing countries such as Japan or Korea with the United States. However, these countries differ both in terms of their culture as well as the language used in the country. Thus, there remains a dilemma in distinguishing whether the effects of cultural background or language plays a greater role in determining the style of emoticons a person uses. This research explores this issue by comparing the use of emoticons between users from Singapore and Taiwan. Both countries have similar cultural background but differ in terms of their first language. By focusing on the difference of language and holding cultural background as a constant, results indicated that users from both countries do have a difference in preference for emoticons style. While the former predominantly use horizontal emoticons, the latter prefer vertical emoticons instead. Such difference has also resulted in different representation of the eyes and mouths of emoticons used by Singaporean and Taiwanese users. In addition, it has also been found that language background has an effect on a person’s ability to recognize and interpret emoticons used by natives from the other culture. This situation was more prominent among Singaporean participants as they were found to be less capable in recognizing and interpreting emoticons commonly used by their Taiwanese counterparts. The implications of these findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.


呂懿婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「網路上發表有關廣告論述文章」的現象出發,將BBS站廣告版網友的發言視為「閱聽人發表對廣告看法」的場所,分別運用不同的研究方法針對使用者、文本以及與BBS情境使用特性相關的三大方面加以歸類,並著重解釋使用者與文本、使用者與BBS、文本與BBS之間兩兩相互影響的現象。 研究發現,BBS站廣告版作為一個抒發意見的新媒體管道,它的內容是十分多元的,從文本環境來看,可以分成閱聽人意見的討論(包括詢問、感覺、心得、意見、批評等五種不同類型)與廣告本身(包括廣告演員、內容、現象、結構等分類的討論)以及學界概念、業界環境的討論等幾個重要的議題,同時,精華區的設置也提供了廣告版文章的歷史記錄和文章分類樣貌。本研究並提出《BBS廣告版的「閱聽人意見回饋」模式》來解釋BBS上廣告文本與閱聽人這樣的互動行為:當(when)受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人有廣告觀看經驗並有所想法,並有使用廣告版(接近性)的狀況下的的時候,他們就會發表對廣告的相關看法。在此條件下(under conditions),假如受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人與廣告有相當的關連性,那麼她們會對討論廣告有較為多元的想法,並且對自己意見發表的行為較為積極,這樣的意見回饋形式,呈現了閱聽人對於廣告多種想法的表達,有別於既有廣告批評或消費者研究將受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人視為缺乏主動性的研究立場,也劃分出另一個有別於傳統效果模式的意見回饋管道。


林欣若 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路發展之初,女性主義者批評網路是許於男性的新科技,女性被拒絕在這項新科技外,然而越來越多的女性網站相繼成立,各BBS站台也陸續有女性為主的版面出現,顯示女性逐漸在這項新科技中佔有一席之地。 女性在網路世界裡尋找到獨立的空間,在這個新的溝通空間裡,女性如何看待彼此?如何建立關係?少了男性意見的干擾,女性如何型塑溝通文化?專屬於女性的溝通文化呈現如何的特色?這些都是女性入主網路世界後,值得深入探討的問題。 本研究以台大椰林「站崗的女人」版面為研究場域,版上使用者的互動以及版面特殊文化,是探討網路人際關係以及網路科技現代意義的最佳題材。研究以深度訪談進行,探討版上的女性使用者如何看待「當兵」、如何調適「站崗」心情,同時探討在BBS的虛擬環境中,版上的女性使用者如何建立關係、培養親密情誼。 在文獻部分,首先探討電腦中介傳播中人際互動的可能性,接著整理愛情相關理論,探討在時間與空間的限制下,「站崗的女人」與當兵男友的愛情關係可能會面臨的狀況;最後探討女性與網路的關係,包括女性主義者對科技的批判、以及網路中的女性情誼。   研究結果發現,同理心、共同經驗、以及女性特質是「站崗的女人」版上使用者建立關係的重要基礎;而來自於版友的慰問與鼓勵、以及版上正面積極的文章,是站崗的女人最大的支持力量來源;站崗的女人與版友和男友之間的互動關係,也突顯出女性在站崗中的位置以及傳統價值觀下扮演的角色。


黃楷元 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台大批踢踢實業坊(PTT)政治類看板為例,企圖評估電子布告欄(BBS)系統是否為承載政治意見的理想論域。 在文獻探討的過程中可知,「政治參與」對於民主發展至為重要,而其中透過網際網路進行的政治意見表達,在數位時代來臨後的重要性與日俱增。因此本研究以哈伯瑪斯的公共領域與溝通行動理論為核心,建立「理想意見論域」的三項標準:開放性、公共性、理性。並據此三項標準,對研究場域PTT政治類看板進行評估。 本研究以量化的內容分析法為主,輔以直接觀察,對研究場域及其中政治意見的性質,進行客觀的描述與分析。研究結果發現,PTT政治類看板進入和參與的門檻低、互動熱絡頻繁、討論規範也並未限制理性發言空間,在「開放性」上表現佳;至於「公共性」的部分,在討論規範與看板管理者的約束下,討論的議題多能與公共事務相關;然而在「理性」面向上,論證嚴謹程度普遍不足,亦僅有半數的發言能完全保持冷靜平和。 另外,在把政治意見的各項性質進行交叉分析後,可歸納出「理想網路論域」中的「理想政治意見」,應該具有的條件包括:沒有明顯的政黨傾向、篇幅充實、切合討論主題、以事實陳述輔助個人意見、不純粹批評而是褒貶參半或持平而論、情緒冷靜平和、論證深入而嚴謹等。

透過電子郵件之過程寫作對高職學生英文寫作能力效益之研究 / The Effects of Process Writing via E-mail on Vocational High School Students' English Writing Ability

查獻瑞, Cha, Hsien jui Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於英文寫作能力日趨重要,英文寫作的教學也愈來愈受到重視。然而在高職英文寫作教學方面來看,其成效卻往往不彰。基於這個原因,研究者運用透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,期能對高職學生在英文寫作能力的提升上有所裨益。 本研究以北縣某高職綜高學術學程部五十八位二年級學生為研究對象,研究者教導實驗組學生運用「過程寫作」的策略,配合在電子郵件的環境下加強英文寫作的能力;控制組學生則僅接受「過程寫作」策略之教學。實驗前,對實驗組及控制組學生施予前測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之起點行為;實驗後,對實驗組及控制組學生施予後測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之進步情形。實驗終了,再以一問卷來探討實驗組學生對實驗之態度及其自評成效。 研究結果如下: 一、 透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法對學生英文寫作能力確有助 益。實驗組後測成績高於控制組;再者,實驗組在其前後測比較 下,整體寫作能力有顯著之進步。 二、 在電子郵件的環境下運用「過程寫作」的策略幫助學生在作文中之 內容、組織、文法、用字體例方面有所助益。實驗組與控制組之進 步情形雖無顯著差異,實驗組進步情形仍大於控制組。 三、 實驗組學生對透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,持正面的態 度。 四、 實驗組學生認為在接受透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法之後, 自己的英文寫作能力進步了。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果,對高職英文作文教學提出建言,作為未來從事英文寫作教學之教師及研究人員參考。 / Owing to the importance of English writing ability on various purposes, teaching writing has received more and more attention nowadays. However, the traditional teaching and then learning process does not work on vocational high school students. This failure inspires the researcher to resort to alternative methods to upgrade his students' English writing ability. The present study was intended to prove that the instruction of process writing via E-mail is effective in enhancing students' English writing ability. Fifty-eight second-year students from two intact classes of Academic Oriented Course in a comprehensive high school in Taipei County participated in this study. The experimental group was taught to apply the strategies of process approach in an E-mail environment at every stage during the experiment while the control group was instructed in process writing strategies solely. Before the experiment, the pretest was used to indicate the starting points of students' writing proficiency. After the experiment, the posttest was administered to examine the effectiveness of process writing via E-mail. In addition, a response questionnaire was given to the experimental group to probe students' attitudes and their self-evaluation of the experiment. The results were as follows. First, the instruction of process writing via E-mail enhanced students' overall English writing ability. The experimental group outperformed the control group in total scores of the posttest. In addition, concerning the total scores between pretest and posttest, the experimental group made a significant progress. Second, the experimental group outperformed the control group in content, organization, grammar, diction, and mechanics after the experiment although the results showed no significant difference. Still, the experimental group made more progress in all five subskills than the control group did. Third, the majority of students in the experimental group responded positively to the instruction of process writing via E-mail. Last, most students in the experimental group considered they made a progress in their English writing ability after the experiment of process writing via E-mail. The present study concluded the effects of process writing via E-mail. Based on the results, the researcher provided writing teachers and educators with constructive suggestions for conducting a writing class or further studies.

電腦中介傳播人際情感親密關係之研究探訪電子佈告欄(BBS)中的「虛擬人際關係」 / A study of emotional and intimate interpersonal relational - the exploration of virtual relationship in BBS.

吳姝蒨, Wu, Shu-chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討現今人們透過電腦中介傳播系統(computer-mediated communication, CMC)發展出的人際情感親密關係。研究動機是基於網路目前的風行以及研究需要,並視網路為「虛擬情境」,稱此通道下之人際情感親密關係為「虛擬人際關係」,與親身接觸發展出的人際關係有相同與相異之處。   本研究整理1970年左右迄今「電腦中介傳播」從「媒介選擇」、「人際互動」到「人際關係」,從強調網路工作效益至人際效果的研究歷程。「媒介選擇」包括「去線索理論」中的社會臨場感理論、媒介豐富理論、缺乏社會情境線索假說等,以及強調社會影響的社會資訊處理觀點;「人際互動」則分為網路人際情感、網路中的語言與非語言線索、比較電腦中介傳播與面對面兩種人際互動等加以說明;另著重在網路人際關係的文獻探討,詳述walther以「社會資訊處理觀點」看電腦中介傳播人際關係的研究,並也說明可用在網路研究的人際傳播理論。文中提到電腦中介傳播人際情感親密關係研究之重要,並敘述與本研究-「虛擬人際關係」相關的理論與說法。   研究探討的重心有三:1. 欲了解「虛擬人際關係」的發展與組成,以及這種人際情感網絡對於現實生活中人際網絡具替代或互補作用;2. 了解「虛擬人際關係」與親身接觸人際情感關係的異同;3. 找出人們尋求「虛擬人際關係」的原因。   本研究以電子布告欄(Bulletin Board System, BBS)為研究情境,選擇清大電機BBS站心情類版為研究個案,採用俗民方法學的態度,以觀察、親身參與其人際互動、社會網絡分析、深度訪談、電子郵寄問卷等方式探討BBS中的人際親密關係與情感支持。   研究結果發現「虛擬人際關係」網絡對大多數使用者為人際網絡之擴大;其發展過程與親身傳播人際感情關係發展過程類似,也會有自我表白、分享、了解等親密關係與情感互動,但「匿名」、文字互動、想像與期待、與異性交往多、轉移傳播情境會有落差等,是兩人際關係發展不同之處。而「虛擬人際關係」的組成還必須要有電腦網路「匿名」、情感使用、虛擬情境等特質,以及使用者有電腦網路經驗、技巧、媒介接近性、學科背景、個人特質(個性、偏好)等條件,這些不同於親身接觸的人際情感關係的組成與發展因素,也是使用者去尋求「虛擬人際關係」,得到情感與親密之因。   因此,「虛擬人際關係」可以使人發展親密關係並有情感互動,它無法替代實際人際情感親密關係,人們也不可能脫離現實的人際互動,但即是如此,由電腦中介傳播媒介建構的情境卻可以是一處情感交流與宣洩的地方,科技進步也可有溫情的人際效果。 / The study mainly attempts to explore intimate and emotional interpersonal relationship through the computer-mediated communication(CMC) ,orthe Internet, which is regarded as a "Virtual context". The relationship is named as "virtual relationship" which is different from face-to-face(FTF) one.   The study examined several related researches from 1970s on "media choice theory" and "interpersonal interaction". The former includes social presence theory, media richness theory and social information processing(SIP) theory. The latter combs the differences in the interpersonal emotion, ve.rbal/nonverbal cues and human interaction between the CMC and FTF chanell. and interpersonal relationship .Besides, the author describes Walther's SIP theory a lot and suggests it can also be applied to the research of internet-based interpersonal communication. The study also suggests that the most important in the research of CMC is to undesrstand the connection among the users, especially in emotion and intimacy.   There are three points in the research:(1)the development and constitution of the virtual relationships, (2)the difference in between virtual and FTF relationships, (3)finding out the reasons why people come to virtual relationships.   The methods of the study include ethnographic participant observation, social network analysis, depth interview and E-mail questionnaire to discuss the internet- based interpersonal intimate relationships and emotion support. The "feeling", "manwoman" and "love" boards at NTHU were chosen to be the case study .   The results find that "virtual relationship" is most BBS-users's expansion of their social networks. The developing process of virtual relationship is similar to that of FTF relationship, including self-disclosure, sharing and understanding.The different, however, fall on nicknames, verbal interaction, image and anticipation in the BBS. In addition to the development, the constitution of virtual relationships is based upon nicknames, use of emotion, users' idiosyncrasy, BBS experiences and computer skills that are also the reasons why people need virtual relationships.   Virtual relationship, therefore, enables one to develop intimate relations and share each other's feelings. However, the interpersonal relationship under FTF remains unreplaceable. No one can do without the interaction. Even so, the "virtual context" still provides a space for the expression and sharing ones' emotions; therefore, technology progresses also promote the warmth in interpersonal relationships.

三角行不行? PTT中三角關係之權力語藝分析 / A rhetorical analysis of power of the love triangle : perspectives from the couple, the player, and the homewrecker on PTT

戴宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
三角關係的三個角色,在PTT的三個板,大老婆、第二者與第三者板,分別以自我為主體抒發心情故事,依據板規陳述自我或評價他人,現實中對三角關係的看法與解讀的權力角力,延伸到網路討論板裡的各自表述,形成若有似無的隔空對話,這種為對話的自我表述型態與權力的運作息息相關,是一種網路與現實交會所形成的特殊溝通型態:三個角色以遵循與抗拒倫理規範看待自我與他人,而宰制與抗拒是權力運作的一部分,倫理價值觀也是權力產物,板上的文章成為乘載訊息的語藝產物。 本研究結合權力語藝分析、對倫理價值觀宰制與抗拒,分析PTT三角關係的三個角色互相指涉的文章,試圖從中找出三個角色呈現的訊息與形象、權力策略,並了解網路中的情境脈絡如何影響三角關係的三個角色,以及如何與現實社會的倫理規範對話。 整個社會對三角關係有一套約定俗成的主流論述:男外向、女順從忍讓,第一者是受害者,不需負任何責任,第二者是背叛者,罔顧信任與責任,第三者是破壞者、壞女人。網路的匿名性使人願意分享更多在現實世界裡礙於社會規範而較少表達的各種自我告白與揭露;三個板因板規而拉起無形的界線,每個角色都是「主流」,不用擔心勢單力薄。傅柯的權力論述指出,倫理規範透過全景敞視主義使所有人同時成為監視者與被監視者。肖小穗的權力語藝分析方法:解讀權力訊息、分析權力語藝策略(選擇、內化與聯合策略)。 從分析中得知PTT大老婆板、第二者板、第三者板的三個角色各自站在不同立場、宣示不同權力,把對倫理規範的宰制與抗拒也做為策略的一部份,運用某些相同與不相同的策略,企圖獲取認同、抒發心情。三個角色以對倫理規範的宰制與抗拒呈現其訊息、營造形象,其中三個角色多以宰制態度描述自己並指責他人,鞏固立場。以選擇策略來看,三個板中的任何角色都以符合他們角色的定位選擇發聲角度,並延伸其觀點:第一者與第三者所選擇的發聲角度大部分都較被動,第二者則有較多自主性;內化策略,第一者強調現今社會的倫理觀點,第二者強調人有權追求自由,第二者與第三者皆試圖合理化三角關係形成原因;聯合策略,三個角色運用各種論述權力的搭配強化選擇與內化策略。三個角色大部分還是選擇以自己角色為主體的板發表文章,仍有少數到不屬於自己角色的板發文,挑戰以該角色為主體的主流氛圍。文章發表者以女性為主,可能因女性易抒發情感及感受到社會對女性的約束。 三個角色在新舊觀念接軌時,意識與潛意識仍無法擺脫傳統倫理價值觀的影響,實踐層次上,則由於外在條件改變而有新的態度與觀點。三個角色試圖與他人對話、取得認同或影響他人的同時,現實與網路世界都籠罩在權力的控制下,網路與現實也始終相連。


謝佳凌 Unknown Date (has links)
文本的意義不僅是在觀看時協商,同時在對話中決定。本文目的在於了解電視劇迷在網路社群中談論電視劇的互動型態,以及如何實踐身為劇迷的身份。這個電視劇迷集結的網路空間,同時是虛擬社群、觀眾社群、也是迷的實踐社群的集合體。 研究過程以中情局BBS站中三個電視劇討論區以及奇摩家族中二個電視劇討論區為觀察主體,對討論區的文章作歸納分析、訪問討論區管理者以及進行迷們的電子問卷調查。研究發現,電視劇討論區受訪者認可其社群的存在,並感受尊敬、友善、溫馨、互助氣氛,但電視劇的播出壽命會主導著電視劇迷社群的興盛。這並非指該社群會消失,而是這群迷會轉往其它地方繼續存在。電視劇迷看電視劇原因以「喜愛該劇演員」為主,而電視劇討論區聚集了不同演員的支持者,因此電視劇討論區的凝聚力比起劇中演員的專門討論區來得小。 對電視劇迷群而言,電視劇觀看過程延攬至和朋友、同學、父母每日的對話,並融入網路這新興的口語書寫文化中。他╱她們從消化電視劇所提供的素材再生產出網路討論的文本,藉由對文本的共同詮釋來獲得歸屬感和友誼。 電視劇迷是具生產性的一群,不僅由書寫談論賦與媒體文本意義、創作同題材的網路小說,更聚集迷群力量,抗議製作體系拖戲及希望修改故事線。在討論區互動中,迷們接合現實空間和網際空間的分界,實踐、交換迷身份展現的論述。

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