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探討大學網站服務品質之研究—以政大資管系網站的建置與評估為例 / A Study of Website Service Quality in University - Take an Example of the Website of MIS Department, NCCU

陳純美, Chun Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)

What should financial companies know before implementing customer-oriented personalization / 金融業在設計顧客導向個人化前應有之認知

林嘉宇, Lin, Chia-yu (Michelle) Unknown Date (has links)
在目前競爭激烈的商業環境中,個人化服務逐漸受到重視,並被公司視為增加競爭力的利器。此篇論文首先釐清個人化與客製化之間的關係,再將個人化相關的應用、技術及設計方法做一個基礎性的探討。 由於 “顧客” 是個人化的重心,此研究以三階段的Delphi研究方法探究哪些因素會影響顧客對於個人化服務的評價。許多個人化相關的研究是以公司的角度為出發點,但此研究則是以顧客的觀點來看台灣金融業的個人化服務。研究的兩個重點為:(1) 顧客對於台灣金融業目前的個人化服務評價為何?(2)台灣金融業在個人化服務方面最需要改進的部份為何? 研究結果顯示,顧客是以一個cost-benefit viewpoint來評量企業所提供的個人化服務。對顧客而言,costs包括隱私上的損失及推銷和廣告所可能帶來的困擾。而benefits的主要來源則是好又準確的個人化服務。針對金融業來說,好又準確的個人化服務便是對個人需求經過精確的量身訂做後的資訊,在最適當的時間、地點以適當的管道提供給顧客。 研究結果也顯示,目前台灣金融業的個人化服務仍需要很大的努力與改進。此研究也整理出三個建議:(1)在個人化的過程中給顧客更多的掌控權;(2)尊重顧客的隱私權;(3)提供真正量身訂做的個人化服務,而不是把個人化當作推銷的藉口。 / Personalization is gaining increasing popularity among enterprises that strive to win a competitive edge by knowing and serving their customers better. This paper begins with an examination of the interdependency and inseparability between personalization and customization. An overview of personalization applications, technologies, and design techniques is then presented. As 'customer' is the theme of personalization, criteria that affect customers' acceptance and evaluation of personalization initiatives are then explored using a 3-stage Delphi method. Differed from many researches that examine personalization through the corporate / implementer's lenses, this study looks at personalization practices in Taiwan's financial industry – from a customer perspective. For such purpose, a financial personalization model is constructed from a customer standpoint. Two main questions to explore are: (1) how well do customers think personalization is being implemented in Taiwan's financial industry, and (2) which areas are in desperate need for improvements. Research results reveal that customers evaluate personalization efforts from a cost-benefit viewpoint. Potential costs include concession in privacy and concerns of possible promotion annoyance. On the other end of the scale, the main source of benefits is good and accurate personalization. In the case of financial industry, good personalization means precisely tailored information delivered at the right time and place. Unfortunately, the research also shows that currently the costs outweigh the benefits. Three suggestions are proposed: (1) give customers more control in the personalization process, (2) respect customers’ privacy, and (3) offer customers truly tailored information instead of an excuse to annoy customers with unwanted promotions.


周振鋒, Chou,Cheng-Fong Unknown Date (has links)
品牌內垂直非價格限制,一般係指地域限制與顧客限制,通認為製造商建立有效率、具忠誠度經銷通路的良好競爭手段。製造商藉由此類限制,抑制下游經銷商對單一品排牌產品彼此相互競爭,使得經銷商間品牌內競爭減弱,而隨著降低競爭,經銷商則有能力提高產品價格,增加銷售利潤。相對於製造商而言,增加經銷商能增加經銷商促銷其產品的意願,總體來說,製造商也能增加利潤。尤其,對品牌弱勢、或新進市場的製造商,維持下游經銷商銷售利潤是刺激經銷商促銷、幫助品牌建立的有效方式。此外,品牌內垂直非價格限制亦可解決搭便車問題,製造商因此能確保下游經銷商之銷售不會受到搭便車者的折扣行為而受到影響。 品牌內垂直非價格限制雖有上述功能,惟畢竟其為以合意方式限制品牌內競爭,故對強調「維護自由競爭機能」的反托拉斯法來說,仍有所疑慮。雖說,是否管制此類限制,學說上仍有爭論。事實上,目前多數國家皆將品牌內垂直限制列入管制。但也因為其對競爭是否有影響並未有絕對定論下,如何管制、具體準則如何,似乎仍沒有形成一套明確的準則。尤其在我國,因公平交易法施行未久,實務案例累積數量有限,離標準的建立似仍有一段距離。本文認為,無論從立法歷史、實務管制經驗、經濟理論發達程度與相關探討文獻數量等觀點,美國法確為我國法往後執法的良好參考,適度參酌該國法經驗應有助我國法執法基準之建立。有鑑於此,本文以深入介紹美國法管制品牌內垂直限制為方法,內容中不乏對美國重要司法判決與學說理論之論述,希冀藉此作為我國往後立法、執法的借鏡。 品牌內垂直限制因僅影響品牌內競爭,故美國在Sylvania(1977)案,最高法院已確定將垂直非價格限制以「合理原則」審查。在合理原則下,訴訟原告必須負擔極為沈重的舉證責任,始能獲得勝訴。故往後原告多將品牌內垂直非價格限制定位為「當然違法」之行為類型,如水平限制、垂直約價(垂直價格限制)、聯合杯葛等,以求勝訴。垂直非價格限制與水平限制、垂直價格限制、聯合杯葛如何區分,為即具探討實益的問題。 品牌內垂直限制依芝加哥學派的見解,不論其限制內容為價格或非價格,一律為有助競爭、有效率的競爭方式。芝加哥學派的見解,對近幾十年美國反托拉斯法院,有相當重要的影響。故對芝加哥學派的思想,實有必要加以介紹,始能窺知美國法之全貌。除經濟理論外,從美國法院判決不難看出,非經濟因素對垂直非價格限制合法性的影響實不容忽視。雖說美國法院近來於反托拉斯案件中,多以經濟分析方式決定系爭限制之合法性,但事實上,倫理、社會、道德等價值,最高法院仍無法完全擺脫。而經濟、非經濟因素如何影響、甚至決定品牌內垂直非價格限制合法性,亦為本文的討論重點。 按我國管制品牌內垂直非價格限制之法規,為公平交易法第十九條第六款。該條款性質屬「限制競爭法」領域,但體例上卻列於不正競爭法,似有失當。又,構成該條款之不法限制須有「有限制競爭之虞」之共通要件、且具「不正當限制」之個別要件。此二要件如何具體適用、相互間有何影響,則有檢討之必要。依公平會見解,此二要件判斷標準相若,並無法區分。在如此見解下,導致公平會於執法時僅對「不正當限制」為檢驗,忽略對「有限制競爭之虞」作進一步分析。而是否「不正當限制」又常以無法標準化之非經濟因素,如不公平地位、限制相對人經營自由,為審查重心,卻忽略了限制競爭法管制的基礎—競爭機能受損害。故本文除評論此不合理的現象外,並參酌美國法的執法經驗,提出本文對我國法往後立法與執法的建言。 / Intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints, including territorial and customer restraints, are regarded as those of the best ways that can help a manufacturer to make the distribution of his products efficient. These restraints can lessen or eliminate the intrabrand competition of single manufacturer’s products. Therefore, the downstream dealers could make more profits by raising price. As far as a manufacturer is concerned, these restraints can stimulate dealers’ will of promoting his products by providing showrooms, more service, personnel and so on. After all, the more quantity of a manufacturer’s products dealers sell, the more profits a manufacturer earns. Especially when a manufacturer has weak brand or is new in the market, a manufacturer imposing intrabrand vertical nonprice restrains can build its brand rapidly and easily. Besides, they can solve the problem of free-riding between dealers. Although intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints have functions of improving distributive efficiency of manufacturer’s products, they are made by agreement between manufacturer and dealer to eliminate competition, and may break antitrust laws that preserve the mechanism of competition. In fact, most of the countries in the world have laws to regulate them. Unfortunately, there is no firm and convincible theory can explain whether intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints harm competition or not. Because of this situation, it’s hard for the antitrust bureau to form a standard of enforcing the antitrust law related to them. Especially in Taiwan, Fair Trade Act (FTA) was made in 1991, so the number of cases accumulated by antitrust bureau, Fair Trade Commission (FTC), is not enough to build a concrete guideline to solve the complexity of intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints. It may be helpful for us to see the foreign regulation toward intrabrand vertical nonprice restraints. Take U.S. antitrust law for instance, there are a long history of regulating experience, abundance of economic theories and essays related to antitrust law. Regarding this point, U.S. law perhaps is a good model to Taiwan. Because intrabrand vertical restraints only effect competition of single brand, U.S. Supreme Court in Sylvania (1977) evaluates them by rule of reason. Under rule of reason, the plaintiff must show what damage of competition the restraint at issue has did. Because of being in heavy burden of evidence, the plaintiff is actually hard to win in any case. Later, many plaintiffs who want to get rid of the burden of evidence claim the restraint at issue as a per se illegal type such as parallel collusion, resale price maintenance (RPM), group boycott, but most of them fail. According to Chicago School, intrabrand restraints (price or nonprice) in all circumstances is procompetitive and efficient. The economic theory of Chicago School has had great influence on antitrust decision of Supreme Court in past decades, so it is essential to introduce Chicago School for studying the U.S. antitrust law. Addition to economic theory, non-economic concerns such as protection of small retailers and consumers also have some effect on Supreme Court. But unlike economic theory, non-economic concerns are usually involved with moral and social values, and not only hard to evaluate with economic concepts but with each other. Therefore, Chicago School’s advocates like Bork and Posner claim in antitrust case a judge should ignore about non-economic concerns. It’s, however, still a dispute between scholars. In Taiwan, regulating vertical nonprice restraints is Article 19(6) of FTA. Theoretically this Article belongs to antitrust law’s territory, but legislators put it mistakenly in ChapterⅢ “unfair competition.” Besides, there are two elements to meet Article 19(6), general and particular element. In other words, an illegal vertical restraint must meet “which is likely to lessen competition or to impede fair competition” called general element and “limiting its trading counterparts' business activity improperly by means of the requirements of business engagement” called particular element. According to the opinion of TFC, general and particular element can’t be distinguished from each other and should be judged by the same standard. Because general element is about the concepts of the market and competition and hard to investigate, in terms of the cost of enforcing laws, FTC will naturally judge Article 19(6) of FTA by focusing the particular element. But what’s “improper” in the particular element is not so clear and usually is involved with non-economic concerns such as the freedom of dealers’, the consumer’s rights of option. In fact, from seeing cases made by FTC, we can conclude that FTC usually put non-economic concerns in a key role in cases and ignore economic concerns. It’s a serious problem we need to discuss. After all, economic concern in the U.S. antitrust law is one of the most important reasons to punish the behavior of agreement. At the end of this thesis, we not only get a conclusion but present some advice of FTA and FTC by comparing with U.S. laws.

資訊科技與ITIL在國際快遞物流客服中心應用之研究 / A Study of IT and ITIL on Contact Center Applications in International Express & Logistics

洪春美, Hung,Chun Mei Unknown Date (has links)
由於資訊科技不斷地快速發展下,企業要滿足消費者的需求,除了要提昇產品價值外,面對市場的競爭策略也從產品差異化到服務差異化來創造企業價值。 要在服務差異化來創造企業價值的最重要利基是要建立一個專業的客服中心,同時,將ITIL的Help Desk的觀念導入客服中心的Service Desk的功能上,進而達到全方位的客服中心。本研究以一家國際快遞物流公司的客服中心導入ITIL的Help Desk功能結合個案公司的客服中心現有的應用系統架構中為實例,並探索客服中心的服務功能面與結合Help Desk的功能整合後,應用在目前的系統與程序將足以提昇顧客滿意與期望。 從本研究實例中,可以發現客服中心系統與資訊總部導入ITIL的模組,藉由ITIL的Help Desk的基本理論與實作導入客服中心的Service Desk與CRM的結合,將可以加強客服中心的功能完整性與顧客滿意度的提昇。同時,不論是企業內的客服中心或專業的客服公司,要如何在維運上讓服務品質能更提昇與控制,在客服中心的處理成本降到最低外,這些問題要在客服中心三大組成要素的範疇內,包含「人」、「系統」、「程序」。同時,以Help Desk導入客服中心,發現在後送處理的流程中,對客服中心的服務滿意度及專業度也會有非常顯著的表現。 / In order to satisfy the increasing requirements from customers and to face the rapid innovation of information technology, enterprise not only needs to improve its product value but also to change its business model from product-centered to service-centered competitive strategy. The market competitive strategy has been reshaped from product differentiation to service differentiation that creates the business value. One of the imperative key points to create business value through service-differentiation is that we have to build a professional customer service center. And ,we need to deploy the ITIL Help Desk concept to enhance the service desk functionalities of the customer service center. This study demonstrates the deployment of the ITIL Help Desk functionalities to the customer contact center using an international express and logistics company as a case study. By integrating customer service center service capability and the Help Desk new functionalities, the customer satisfaction and expectation can be improved. In this case study, we the deployment of ITIL model for customer service center system and the information data center can be found. Based on the theory of ITIL Help Desk and the integration of customer service center Service Desk and CRM, it is expected the customer service center functionalities and the customer satisfaction can be enhanced and improved respectively. How to operate a customer service center; improve and control its service quality and minimize the operational costs is very important to the enterprise. Three major elements including people, system and process that form the customer service center are also need to be considered. Deploying ITIL Help Desk in customer service center shows high satisfaction and professionalism when shipment is being processed and delivered.

顧客基礎網路品牌權益構面之再思 / Rethinking of customer-based on-line brand equity

李嘉玲, Lee, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路普及背後孕育著龐大商機,但電子商務仍然面臨商業競爭與來自消費者的挑戰。研究者認為引進品牌權益的概念,協助電子商務經營者建立強勢網路品牌,是一可行辦法。回顧文獻,發現過去顧客基礎品牌權益研究多半為行銷者導向,較少重視消費者個別差異。為了更進一步區分消費者的差異,研究者欲藉由使用與滿足理論對媒體使用動機的研究成果,來瞭解消費者在不同的使用動機下其重視的網路品牌權益構面。本研究以Aaker(1996)提出的品牌權益為基礎,並使用網路消費者為研究對象,建構顧客基礎的網路品牌權益構面。也一併瞭解消費者個別差異,作為電子商務經營者在發展電子商務時的重要參考依據。 本研究分四階段進行。第一階段為定義何謂網路品牌;第二階段透過焦點團體,發展出顧客基礎的網路品牌權益內涵;第三,透過第一、二階段的成果,進行網路品牌權益問卷編製與大樣本施測,確立顧客基礎的網路品牌權益構面。第四階段使用典型相關分析,以瞭解不同使用動機下的消費者,是否重視不同網路品牌權益概念。網路品牌權益量表透過線上調查,收集358份有效問卷。研究結果指出,網路品牌權益可分作五大構面,分別為網站管理(包含營運方式與互動關係)、品牌忠誠(包含使用偏好與使用習慣組成)、品牌聯想、自我表達及知覺品質,因素負荷量達52.77%;量表共33題,信度.905(p<0.01),效標關連效度達.512(p<0.01)。本研究亦發現在不同網路使用動機之下,消費者重視的網路品牌權益不同;在資訊蒐集與娛樂動機下,消費者重視網路品牌的網站管理與知覺品質;在人際與娛樂動機下,則重視知覺品質與自我表達。 最後則對電子商務業者提出品牌經營參考,及未來學術發展方向。 關鍵字:品牌、網路品牌權益、顧客基礎、使用與滿足。 / Despite the universal availability of the Internet and the immense business opportunities generated e-commerce, e-commerce itself is confronted by endless business competition and consumer mistrust. How should e-commerce managers react to these competition and challenges? This research proposes that the introduction of the brand equity concept is viable in helping e-commerce managers establish strong online brands, yet existing literature on customer-based brand equity are mostly marketer oriented rather than customer oriented, thus not much weight is given to individual consumer differences. We use mass media theory “uses and gratification” theory to understand if customer have different internet use motivation will cause them prefer different online brand equity. We use online consumer as research participant, and build customer-based online brand equity construct, describe individual differences as our results. E-commerce managers can utilize as important reference when developing their business affairs. This research is conducted in four stages: the first stage is intended for understanding consumers’ definition of online brands; the second stage develops preliminary customer-based online brand equity constructs via focus groups; the third stage develops customer-based brand equity constructs by designing and testing a survey based on the results of the first two stages using large samples; and the fourth stage uses canonical analysis to find out whether customer have different internet use motivation will cause them prefer different online brand equity. We collected 358 validate questionnaires. Findings indicate that online brand equity can be divided into five dimensions: web site management, brand loyalty, brand associations, self expressions, and perceived quality. Totaling 33 items, factor loading 52.77%, with 0.905 in reliability and 0.512 (p<0.01) in criteria-related validity. When conusumer’s internet use motivation is search information and entertainment, the online brand equity construct they will prefer is web site managemet and perceived quality. But when conusumer’s internet use motivation is interpersonal and entertainment, the online brand equity construct they will prefer is perceived quality and self expressions. According results above, we propsed some recommdations for e-commerce managers and scholars. Keywords: Brand, Online brand equity, Customer-based, Uses and gratification

休閒農場之顧客關係管理指標、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯性研究-以宜蘭縣為例 / The Research of the relationship among CRM Score,Satisfation and Loyalty in Leisure Farms-A case study of Ilan County

林怡君, Lin, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
休閒農業為現代人提供了休閒的好去處,但它仍屬於事業之一種,必須有獲利才能生存。近年來許多不同產業因應用顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)而大幅提昇經營者的利益。本研究嘗試將顧客關係管理之理念導入休閒農場之經營,藉由使農場業者於建造、整修及進行行銷活動時,能集中於遊客們重視的顧客關係管理因素,則可節省農場經營成本亦獲得遊客較高的滿意度及忠誠度,來達到顧客關係的維持,進而使顧客價值最大化並達到經營獲利的目的。研究目的有三:(一)獲得遊客對農場各項顧客關係管理因素之重視度、滿意度及忠誠度。(二)探索顧客關係管理指標、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯。(三)提出針對休閒農場之實務經營建議。 本研究以台灣休閒農業學會評鑑之宜蘭縣優良休閒農場及Google搜尋網站之網頁資訊選擇北關休閒農場、頭城休閒農場及香格里拉休閒農場為本研究之抽樣範圍。問卷共回收521份,有效問卷456份,問卷資料分析採敘述性統計及推論性統計,其中推論性統計包含信度分析、因素分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森(Pearson)相關分析等。研究結果獲致以下結論並驗證本研究假說: (一)休閒農場仍有極大的發展潛力-遊客類型以青壯年的中產白領階級為主,遊客重遊率亦僅兩成左右。 (二)遊客對農場顧客關係管理因素有不同重視程度-遊客對農場設施的安全性、環境整潔舒適衛生、服務人員的服務態度、優美的自然景觀及服務人員解決問題的效率與能力等五項因素最為重視。 (三)遊客特性影響滿意度及忠誠度-遊客在「服務與安全」構面獲得最高的滿意度,對農場的忠誠度呈現「態度忠誠」高於「行為忠誠」的現象。大部分所得、教育程度較低的遊客與旅遊停留時間較長、花費較高的遊客有較高的滿意度與忠誠度。 (四)顧客關係管理指標優於分項滿意度、整體滿意度之評估-經由相關性分析獲致與忠誠度間的相關性間,顧客關係管理指標高於整體滿意度,代表顧客關係管理指標比整體滿意度更具代表性意義。 根據本研究成果,對休閒農場經營策略提出以下建議: (一)提昇「服務與安全」構面滿意度。 (二)參與「策略聯盟」。 (三)依遊客對顧客關係管理因素的重視度,調整經營決策與努力方向。 (四)培養顧客關係與有效知識管理。 (五)增加不同的創意行銷方式。 (六)創造特色休閒農場。 (七)設計多元化的活動,提供客製化服務。 / Recreation agriculture has offered a good relaxing place for the modern, as it is a kind of business; its survival relies heavily on the profit it can make. In recent years there are various industries using the theory of Customer Relation Management (CRM) significantly improve the gains for the owners. The intention of this research is to apply the theory of CRM for the management of the leisure farms. By concentrating on the tourists valued CRM factors during the construction, renovation and conduct marketing activities, the farm industry will not only save the operating cost of the farm and obtain higher satisfaction and loyalty from the tourists as well, but also keep a good relationship with the customers. More over it will maximize the value of customers and achieve the goal of making operation profit. The three main purposes of the research are: (1) obtaining the valuation, satisfaction and loyalty of the farm tourists to each and every CRM factor, (2) exploring the relationship between the management index, satisfaction and loyalty of CRM, (3) submitting a practical and feasible suggestion to the owner for operating the leisure farms. Based on the evaluation on the quality of the leisure farms in Yilan County conducted by Taiwan Leisure Agriculture Association and the information shown in the webpage of Google search engine, this research chooses Pei-Kuan、Toucheng and Shangrila leisure farms as the samples. A total of 521 questionnaires were recovered, 456 recovered questionnaires are valid and were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The inferential statistics include reliability analysis, factor analysis, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlative analysis. The results of this research led to the following conclusions and verify the hypotheses: 1.Leisure farms still have great potential for development – the majority of tourists are white-collar middle class young people, the tourists revisiting rate is only around 20% at present time. 2.Tourists have different emphasis on CRM factors- the tourists are much concerned on the five factors as below: (1) the safety of facilities, (2) the clean and comfortable environment, (3) the attitude of attendants, (4) the beautiful natural scenery, and (5) the efficiency and capability of solving problems of attendants of farm. 3.The personal character of tourist will influence the satisfaction and loyalty - the "service and security" dimension gains the highest satisfaction of tourists, the loyalty to the farms shows that "attitude of loyalty" is higher than " behavior of loyalty". Most tourists of lower income and education have higher satisfaction and loyalty than the tourists who have longer stay and more expenditure. 4.The assessment for that CRM index is superior to the itemized satisfaction and overall satisfaction – According to the Pearson Related analysis for the loyalties, the CRM index has higher correlation than the overall satisfaction, and it means that the CRM index has more representative significance than the overall satisfaction. Based on the results of this research, the following tactics are submitted for the management of the leisure farms: 1.To improve the satisfaction of "service and security". 2.To participate in "strategic alliance." 3.To adjust the strategy and direction of the operation in accordance with the comments on CRM factors collected from the tourists. 4.To make a good relationship with customers and have an effective knowledge management. 5.Adopting various ways to create market. 6.Creating a leisure farm with specialized characteristics. 7.Providing customized services with various activities.

文化創意產業體驗行銷策略研究-以台北啤酒文化園區為例 / The Study of Experiential Marketing Strategy for Cultural and Ceative Industries:The Case of Taipei Brewery

黃聖涵, Huang, Sheng Han Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化浪潮的影響下,世界各國紛紛開始注意到「文化延續」的重要性,使得如何保存在地文化成為各國必須面臨的課題之一,創意產業與流行文化於是成為各國首推發展的產業。台北啤酒文化園區身為啤酒產業的發源地,奠定了台北啤酒文化園區於文化創意產業中所具有之重要性,但一項成功創意產業必須有賴於適當的經營方式,才能獲得消費者的支持與肯定。故本研究結合Schmitt之「體驗行銷」理論進行實證研究,根據「體驗行銷」、「生活型態」、「顧客滿意度」以及「品牌忠誠度」等理論基礎發展觀念性研究架構及問卷,研究目的在探討消費者的人口統計變項與生活型態對台北啤酒文化園區策略體驗模組、 顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的之影響,並分析策略體驗模組對於台北啤酒文化園區消費者之顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的關係。研究調查共回收樣本330份,有效樣本為297份。研究主要發現為:(1)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者對策略體驗模組感受有部份差異。(2)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者在顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度有部份差異。(3)策略體驗模組與顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度具中度相關及解釋力。最後,本研究對業界與未來的研究者提出適當的行銷策略與研究上的建議。 / In the trend of Globalization, the characteristics of local culture have become more and more important. The development of cultural creativity industry is thought to be the most important factor of national economy development and the promotion of quality of life. There are many countries that are starting to pay attention to how to preserve local culture. This study is aimed at the cultural creative industry, hoping the basic background and uniqueness of local culture in Taiwan can be understood through the characteristics of local culture. “Taipei Brewery” is the birthplace of Taiwan beer's local culture, so this study took “Taipei Brewery” as a case study. This thesis is based on the theory of "Experiential Marketing" built by Schmitt(1999),to proceed to a concrete investigation on the influence of SEMs(strategies of experiential modules) on Taipei Brewery's customers. The conceptual framework of this research is based on a literature review of the “Experiential Marketing”, “Life Style”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Brand Loyalty”. This research uses a questionnaire to survey the customers of “Taipei Brewery”. The statistical package for the social science (SPSS12.0) system was utilized for the Descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, T-test match-pair, one-way ANOVA, Regression Analysis, Scheffe multiple comparisons, and a Cronbach α.. In total, 297effective questionnaires out of 330 were collected, and the effective response rate was 90.303%. The findings of this research are as follows: (1)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between strategies of experiential modules. (2)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. (3)There is a positive correlation between strategies of experiential modules, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Finally, according to the results of the study we came up with a connotation for the theories and actual situations in running a business.

體驗行銷對網路商店女性顧客保留之影響 / The effect of experiential marketing on the retention of e-store female customers

邱祺馨, Chiu, Chi Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
近年,網路商店如雨後春筍般興起,業者想在網路零售市場佔有一席之地並非易事,此種情況持續惡化是由於業者採用低價競爭策略所致,也使得網路商店之間的差異化程度消失殆盡。「體驗經濟」概念,根據顧客的慾望來營造體驗情境,提供業者一個可作為差異化基礎的思考方向。網路提供了多元的方式營造獨特的購物情境,當消費者沉浸於選購產品的樂趣中且內心需求被充分填滿時,將可提升消費者實際購買產品的可能性。   由於網際網路和電腦的普及,女性在資訊科技的使用上和以往相較之下已不致於造成太大困難,調查資料亦顯示女性網路購物群族在近幾年有漸增趨勢;除此,家庭中大部分品項的購物決策落在女性手中。基於上述原因,網路商店若想擴大收益,應重視女性市場的發展潛力。本研究關切的課題為網路商店提供何種體驗才能有效地留住女性顧客。   本研究以Schmitt之策略體驗模組作為體驗行銷架構,以產品特性為干擾變數,探討體驗行銷模組和顧客保留強度之間的關係。本研究採用網路問卷調查法蒐集樣本資料,並利用階層多元迴歸分析法來驗證整體架構。研究結果顯示,感官體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗和關聯體驗對顧客保留強度具有正向影響,行動體驗之影響程度較微弱,而情感體驗對顧客保留的效果未被確立。在產品特性對體驗行銷模組和顧客保留強度之間關係的干擾效果部分,風險變數的干擾效果未被確立;努力變數對思考體驗和顧客保留之間的關係具有顯著的干擾效果,且是決定女性消費者是否在網路商店購買產品的最關鍵因素。網路商店業者若想成功留住女性顧客,須營造具有啟發性與充滿新資訊的體驗情境,使女性消費者願意付出更多的努力沉浸於該情境中,進而在心境上自然而然地轉移至購物的決定。 / E-stores are springing up quickly for the past decade, making it increasingly difficult for retailers to survive in the Internet retailing market. The situation is worsened by low-price competitive strategy. To online shoppers, the differences among e-stores are shrinking. Facing this difficulty of differentiating themselves, the concept of Experiential Economy seems to come to the rescue for online retailers, because it suggests creating differentiation through offering experiences according to customer desire. Internet is especially promising in the construction of unique shopping environment without incurring high cost. By satisfying the psychological needs of customers, retailers can expect to differentiate themselves and close more deals.   Nowadays the use of Internet is equally popular between males and females. Survey data also showed that female online shoppers have increased in recent years. In addition, studies showed household purchasing decisions are largely undertaken by females. To strengthen their market advantage, retailers should pay more attention to female shoppers. Thus the purpose of this study is to examine which types of online experiences help to retain female customers more effectively.   The experiential marketing construct of this study is based on Schmitt’s strategic experiential modules (SEMs). This study empirically examines the effects among the experiential marketing modules, product properties, and customer retention intensity. The results show that SENSE, THINK, ACT and SOCIAL modules have positive effects on customer retention. The effect of the ACT module is confirmed, although much weaker, while the effect of the FEEL module is not confirmed. As for the moderating effects of product properties between the experiential marketing modules and customer retention, the result does not confirm the moderating effect of the risk factor of product properties; however, the effort factor in the product properties has significant moderate effect between the THINK module and customer retention. It is very interesting to discover female customers’ experiential preference that is described in the THINK module, because intuitively male customers, rather than female customers, are perceived to exhibit such preference. To retain female customers, online retailers need to construct an experiential condition which is rich in new information and is appealing to consumers’ creative thinking.


鄒琪曜 Unknown Date (has links)
服務業要存在於市場中甚至成功必須著重在能使顧客滿意與符合顧客需求的高品質服務傳遞策略上,有鑑於服務品質構面理論,已相當成熟,故本研究擬將服務品質之現有理論基礎,探討國際快遞業者對於服務品質與顧客滿意度之關係。 然而,相對於第一次顧客滿意度的研究,第二次顧客滿意度的研究仍相當欠缺。近幾年大部份研究皆以重要事件技術法找出服務疏失與服務補救類型之相關次數分配的探討,較少研究服務疏失、服務補救對顧客滿意的第二次滿意影響。 因此,本研究擬以國際快遞業者為研究對象,服務品質、服務疏失與服務補救為研究重點,探討顧客的第一次與第二次滿意程度,不但找出國際快遞業的服務品質衡量模式與顧客滿意度之間的第一次滿意關係,更試著找出國際快遞業的服務疏失與服務補救類型與顧客滿意度之間的第二次滿意關係,形成一個對國際快遞業者較完整的服務品質、顧客滿意度、服務疏失、服務補救後之整體顧客滿意研究。本研究以一般使用國際快遞服務者為訪查對象,發放問卷進行分析得出以下結論: 1.國際快遞服務品質之保證性對於顧客之第一次滿意有顯著之相關性。 2.當國際快遞業之顧客對於服務品質的可靠與反應性滿意程度越低,則越易造成顧客所認為之服務疏失。 3.顧客在使用國際快遞業者所提供之服務卻發生服務疏失時,國際快遞公司可採取服務補償之補救行動來增加顧客滿意。 4.國際快遞業針對服務疏失所進行之服務補救,對於顧客滿意度有正面之影響。 5.顧客產業特性對於服務品質、服務失誤、服務補救及顧客滿意度皆會產生影響。

知識互補建構過程分析-以技術知識與顧客知識為例 / An examination of the process of knowledge complementarity between technological knowledge and customer knowledge

姚成彥, Yao, Chen Yen Unknown Date (has links)
在快速變動的環境下,全球企業致力於持續創新以維持競爭優勢。創新是不同知識重組的過程。技術知識與顧客知識成為建構知識互補,達到創新的重要因素。過去的研究著重於測試互補效果的存在以及對於結果的影響。然而,針對知識互補的過程缺乏詳細的瞭解。本研究的目的即希望經由瞭解技術知識與顧客知識如何互補達到創新的過程,對於知識互補建構完整的概念。本研究包含兩個研究問題: (1) 如何定義兩種組織知識(技術知識與顧客知識)的知識互補?(2) 組織如何管理知識互補(技術知識與顧客知識)以達到創新? 本研究經過反覆的文獻探討及深度個案訪談後,將知識互補定義為一種狀態,當某一種知識提供另外一種知識的缺乏,經過知識互動後增加為了達到某個特定目的的全部價值。此外,建構知識互補過程開始於察覺為了達到某個特定目標知識的不足,進而確認另一種知識來補足它。經過知識互動後,互動的深度及廣度有所變化,兩種知識可能逐漸增加或產生知識質變而達到創新。 本研究基於文獻探討及個案分析的結果提出五個命題。命題主要是針對知識互補的過程、階段及不同類型的知識互補進行探討。本研究發現知識互補有三種型態:基礎性互補、突現性互補及機會性互補。 本研究利用動態觀點分析研發及業務部門知識互動情形,進而瞭解組織建構知識互補的過程。這種過程導向的研究不僅發現知識互補的存在,更進一步解釋知識互補的建構過程。組織可藉由動態管理知識互動以建構知識互補的過程,來達到持續創新的目的。本研究著重於知識本身,知識互補的概念、流程及型態對於創新及知識管理提供未來進一步研究的基礎。 / Global enterprises are currently engaged in continuous innovation to compete and sustain themselves in the dynamic changing market. The development of innovation is a process of novel combination of different kinds of knowledge. Both technological and customer knowledge have been identified as crucial for building knowledge complementarity for delivery of innovation. Researches have examined the existence of complementarity between inputs and the effect of output. Nevertheless, detailed understanding of the process of knowledge complementarity development is still lacking. The objective of this study is to develop a complete concept of knowledge complementarity with a thorough understanding of how technological knowledge complements customer knowledge in the process of adaptation and innovation. There are two research questions, as follows. (1) How can we define knowledge complementarity between the two kinds of organizational knowledge (technological knowledge and customer knowledge)? (2) How do organizations manage knowledge complementarity between technological knowledge and customer knowledge for innovation? Through iterative analyses of the existing literature and examination of empirical data, this study clarifies the definition of knowledge complementarity as a situation in which one source supplies knowledge that another source lacks, thus increasing the total value for achieving a specific purpose through knowledge interaction. The process of building knowledge complementarity starts with sensing the insufficiency of knowledge for a specific goal and identifying sources that can satisfy the deficiency. Then, through knowledge interactions, the scope and depth of the knowledge of the interactive parties are increased and evolved, resulting in an increased innovative value for the specific purpose. Based on the literature review and observation of case studies of T Probe Card and Cyber Software, five propositions were formulated. These propositions concern the sequences of the process of knowledge complementarity and different types of knowledge interaction for knowledge complementarity. The three types of knowledge complementarity identified are: infrastructural complementarity, emergent complementarity, and opportunity complementarity. In different to the static view to examine the relationship between knowledge management variables, this study uses a dynamic view to understand knowledge interaction between R&D and sales department in the process of building knowledge complementarity. This process-oriented study not only examines the existence of complementarity but also provides the explanation for "how" something happened and the sequence of events leading to the outcome. Rather than placing focus on the interactive activities, the underlying point of this study is on the knowledge itself. Operationalizable indexes of the scope and depth of knowledge interaction have been clearly developed for the purpose of examining knowledge interaction and their interplay in different types of knowledge complementarity. The concept, process and distinctive types of knowledge complementarity provide essential input to innovation and knowledge management. Organizations intent to build sustained innovation capability could benefit from this study by dynamically managing knowledge interactions for complementarity of different purposes.

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