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約翰.彌爾頓與共和(1640-1660) / John Milton and the Commonwealth of England(1640-1660)吳象元, Wu, Hsiang Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
約翰.彌爾頓(John Milton,1608-1674),集英格蘭詩人、論冊作者與共和政府官員於一身,經歷了三王國的戰爭、弒君、共和政府成立及復辟。本論文是藉由彌爾頓1640年至1660年間所出版的論冊(pamphlet),探討時代與其思想的互動。彌爾頓的論冊可分三個時期:一為1649年之前,主題為教會、教育與出版自由,二為1649年至1654年間,內容包括國王、人民的權利和共和政府的建立,三為1654至1660年間,主題有對共和政府的評論,以及對自由的呼籲。本論文除緒論和結論,共分四章。第一章為三王國的戰爭與彌爾頓生平,主要是概述英格蘭在1640年代的景況,特別是王權體制的動搖,和思想的蓬勃發展,此外會回顧彌爾頓生平,並參考彌爾頓陳述其內心信念的文字。第二章至第四章將分別討論上述彌爾頓三個時期的論冊。第二章重點為彌爾頓在1649年之前的作品:分別是《論改革》、《論教育》與《論出版自由》。第三章則是探討1649年至1654年間的作品,是以《國王與官員的任期》和《為英國人民聲辯》為主;此為彌爾頓首次明確對政治發表看法,也是彌爾頓進入共和政府任職前後的兩本著作。第四章探討1654年後的作品-《再為英國人民聲辯》與《建立自由共和的可行之道》,是共和後期至復辟前夕之作。透過以上四個章節,我們將檢視彌爾頓思想如何對應英格蘭這二十年間的處境:主教制度、出版品審核制、宗教自由受限、弒君爭議與政府體制的調整。本論文將顛覆不同以往的彌爾頓,以其思想為核心,進而整理彌爾頓的政治思想與時代的連結,並探討其立論的主旨。 / John Milton (1608-1674) was an English poet, pamphleteer, and civil servant of the Commonwealth of England. He lived through the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, regicide, the founding of the Commonwealth and the restoration of the monarchy. This thesis focuses on the pamphlets that Milton published between 1640 and 1660, examining the interaction between the times and his thoughts. Milton’s pamphlets can be divided into three periods: The pamphlets written before 1649 deal with the Church of England, education, and the liberty of unlicensed printing. During the second period between 1649 and 1654 he wrote about the rights of the king and the people and the founding of the Commonwealth. Between 1654 and 1660 his main topics were criticisms of the Commonwealth and appeals for liberty. The first chapter of this thesis covers the Wars of the Three Kingdoms and Milton’s life, focusing on the description of the situation in England after the 1640s, particularly the precarious situation of the monarchy and the thriving development of thought. It will also look back on Milton’s life and reference writings in which he stated his inner beliefs. Chapters two to four will discuss the pamphlets written by Milton during the three periods mentioned above. Chapter Two focuses on Milton’s writings before 1649, namely Of Reformation, Of Education, and Areopagitica. Chapter Three discusses works penned between 1649 and 1654, namely The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates and Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio. In these two works Milton for the first time clearly stated his stance toward politics. Both were written before and after Milton took a post in the Republican government. Chapter Four is devoted to Milton’s works after 1654 – Defensio Secunda and Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth – which were written in the waning years of the Commonwealth and before the Restoration of 1660. The four chapters will give an overview as to how Milton’s thoughts addressed England’s plight during these two decades - episcopacy, censorship, the restriction of religious freedom, the controversial regicide, and the restructuring of the government system. This thesis will reverse the past approach toward Milton, which focused on his thoughts, by clarifying the connection between Milton’s political thought and his era, and discussing the key points of his argumentation.
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戈巴契夫與蔣經國的政治體制改革之比較 / A comparison of political reform of Mikhail Gorbachev and Chang Chin-Gwo張德偉, Chang, De Wei Unknown Date (has links)
人類歷史上有著許多偉大的政治體制改革者。中國與俄國千年來,皆是帝王專制的政治體制,直到二十世紀初葉,兩國的帝王專制體制先後被推翻,蘇聯邁向共黨一黨專政的蘇維埃政治體制;中國則因連年戰亂,中華民國政府來台初期亦採取威權統治,直到八零年代蔣經國主政,全力推動政治體制改革,同一時間蘇聯亦在戈巴契夫的主政下,推動政治體制改革。而戈巴契夫與蔣經國兩人對當代兩國政治發展亦影響深遠。本文的研究重點在於探討蔣經國與戈巴契夫兩人在政治體制改革過程中,台蘇的政治體制;改革環境;以及改革者,戈巴契夫與蔣經國二人的人格特質、政治理念與改革實踐的比較。 / Look backward at the human history, there were many political institution reformers. In China and Russia, the regime had been always authoritarianism and controlled by emperors till the start of twentieth century. Both of the authoritarian regimes in these two countries were overthrown one after another. Russia went toward the road of Soviet institution; China (ROC) also adopted authoritarian regime since the successive insurrection in the initial years. This kind of regime did not end until the 1980s due to the political reform Chang Chin-Gwo initiated . At the same time, under the leadership of Gorbachev, the political institution reform has been started. This thesis puts emphasis on the comparison of the political institution reform of Chiang and Gorbachev in terms of political environments, characters of the leaders, political values, and the practices of the reforms.
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中國共產黨組織體制之研究楊爾琳, YANG, ER-LIN Unknown Date (has links)
個重點說明:(1) 組織體制本身之發展為骨幹,說明中共自建黨至建立政權之大略經
過。(2) 說明其內部鬥爭。內部鬥爭是共黨組織之特徵,中共自亦不能例外,其原因
為何?共黨本身如何看待此問題?內鬥發展到何種程度?應有簡單認識;(3) 說明「
政黨(totalitarian party),其極權性表現在思想上、組織上、生活上、行動上、以
國際、階級等)不過是此二性之推展展而已。 /
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清代前期治臺之撫民與理番政策的研究--康熙二十二年至道光二十二年楊熙, YANG, XI Unknown Date (has links)
。 /
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臺灣總督府海運政策之研究(1895-1945) / The Research of the Marine Transportation Policy of Taiwan Governor General's Office(1895-1945)游智勝 Unknown Date (has links)
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專案團隊內創意構想守門與創新績效關係之研究-以業界參與科專廠商為例 / The Study of Gatekeeping Mechanisms of Creative and Innovative Products項維欣, Hsiang, Wei-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
結果發現,創意構想守門能耐及創新型體制規則與專案團隊創新績效呈正相關,且體制規則調節守門能耐與創新績效之關係,且創新實踐作為亦中介創意構想守門與創新績效之關係。而本文除強調以守門角度思考對管理創新的重要性;也提出創意構想守門內涵供經理人設計創意構想守門時,一個有系統的思考框架;而所發展具信效度之量表及創意構想守門與創新績效關係的實證結果,亦可作為後續研究的基礎。 / Nowadays, the raise of economy in our society is from creative ideas. Thus, people care about how to promote abundance creative ideas growing fast. In addition, firms also get survive in serious competitions by these creative ideas. The sources of creative ideas are from brilliant creators. So, researchers of innovation management often begin their studies from the creator’s perspective. There are rarely researchers starting their researches from another actor’s view. However, this perspective ignores that the creativity is the interactions among creators, gatekeepers, and whole society.
Therefore, this study tried to clarify what the gatekeeping is. The study follows the logic of Lewin’s gatekeeping theory, introduces the evolution perspective, and integrates the technology gatekeeper, Csikszentmihaly’s system model, and institutional theory to approach the gatekeeping in selecting creative ideas. This study proposes there are five key factors, the abilities of earning creators’ trust, raising creator’s motivation, selecting ideas’ professional abilities, evaluating standards, and the degree of interactions in the gatekeeping construct. Then, according to the Lewin’s gatekeeping theory, this study classifies these five factors into two dimensions, the gatekeeping capabilities and institutional routines. Then, basis of this theoretical model and Hinkin’s (1998) procedure, this study develops and tests the questionnaire of the gatekeeping creative ideas inside the project teams. After that, the aim of this article explores how and why the gatekeeping and the innovation performance are related.
This research involved a survey, comprised of four sets of questionnaires concerning the gatekeepong capabilities, institutional routines, innovative enabling behaviors, and innovation performances. 111 project teams participated in the study. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and structural equation modeling in order to indicate the direction and relationships among the four sets of variables.
The result proves the concept theoretical model of gatekeeping creative ideas is reasonable and the questionnaire has fair reliability and validity. Furthermore, results of this study also showed a medium level of consistence among the four variables of the gatekeeping capabilities, institution routines, innovative enabling behaviors, and innovation performances. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining the relationship between gatekeeping and innovation performance, as well as in providing the researchers and managers with a better understanding of how and why gatekeeping in creative ideas relate to the innovation performances. Therefore, this research can be the foundation of creative ideas’ gatekeeping for innovation studies in the future. It also reminds the managers the importance of gatekeeping and provides a thinking model in managing innovations.
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台灣地區建置縣(市)立檔案館可行性之研究 / A Study on Feasibility of Establishing County Archives in Taiwan Area洪一梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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知識經濟下的大學學術生產體制與研究生的學術勞動:政治經濟學批判 / The academic production regime and the laboring of graduates in the knowledge economy: political economy perspective曾翔, Zeng, Siang Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文認為,我們必須正視資本主義式的學術生產體制對於研究生的剝削與壓迫,承認師、校、生之間的矛盾,進而團結抵抗資本主義的不斷擴張。 / This dissertation tried to examine the interconnection between the transformation of higher education and capitalism from political economy perspective.
Based on the critique on capitalism by Marx, the inspection on fictitious commodity by Polanyi and the account of commoditization of knowledge of Jessop, this dissertation argues that, in the so-called knowledge economy, knowledge presents as the form of commodity and capital, and subsequently subsumes the knowledge worker into the exploited relation of production under capitalism. Besides, knowledge is also the key to create “long wave”, and more importantly, the competency of capital, which allows capital to gain surplus profits in the competition. With the development of knowledge economy, university has been transformed as “Academic Production Regime”.
The graduates are also been subsumed into the Academic Production Regime. They are unique in this regime because they are “produced commodity of labor power, and also the labor power to produce commodity”. I bring up the concept of “learning by laboring” to examine, “Do the graduates produce surplus value?” and “Do the graduates endure the press from market?”
With the case of Taiwan University Union, I asserted that the mixture of laboring and learning, academic subcontracting, and grant of student aid obscured the exploitation to graduates. Graduates now endure the press from market and be ignored by the protection of labor laws.
I investigated the controversy of applying graduates employees to labor law, and argue that every labor should be protected by labor law.
Finally, I contended that we shall confront the conflict between graduates, faculty and the university, and uniting to against the spread of capitalism
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教育體制、學習環境與學生成果之研究 / A Study on Education System, Learning Environment and Students' Academic Outcomes張明宜, Chang, Ming Yi Unknown Date (has links)
This research highlights the importance of considering the degree students’ integration into school classes when estimating school effects. Combining and using two different datasets collected before and after education reform in Taiwan, the study compares school effects under two different education systems in order to answer the question about the efficiency of education reform.
I estimate multilevel growth models to assess how school environments affect changes in students’ initial and change rate of their academic performance across junior high school years. Besides, two-part random-effects models are also introduced into the analyses to testify how school environment influence adolescent performance in their high school enrollments. My results support and extend Blau’s structural theory, revealed that school contexts and school networks directly and indirectly influences students’ performance in their school classes and in their high school enrollments, suggesting students’ outcome are conditioning by the local structure, the school environments. However, through making more friends inside and outside school classes, students still have their own power to modify the environmental impacts on themselves.
With respect to the comparisons of school effects on individuals’ performance under two different education systems in Taiwan, the decreasing peer influences and the decreasing significance of school networks indicate that the school effects gradually decline after the administration of education reform. One should note that simply a little change on education system might alter students, parents, and teachers’ behaviors. The decreasing peer effects and the decreasing school effects on students’ academic performance suggesting that students might change their behaviors on interacting with their friends and change their behaviors at schools in order to jostle higher education after education reform. The increasing cram schooling and the increasing significance of family SES support the inference that students modify their behaviors to come up against the education reform in Taiwan.
These findings suggest the need for more panel datasets collected from the newly cohorts after education reform was administrated for a period and the need for more studies of education reform and school effects, to have more understanding about the mechanisms of school efficiency.
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學校人事人員角色衝突之研究─以台北市國民小學為例 / Investigation of role conflict in school personnels - Taipei Primary school as an example王瑞琪, Wang , Ruey Chyi Unknown Date (has links)
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