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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A atuação do Estado na economia como acionista minoritário: possibilidades e limites / The State action in the economy as minority shareholder: possibilities and limits

Filipe Machado Guedes 15 August 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação é sobre a atuação do Estado na economia como acionista minoritário, focando, em especial, no caso do Brasil. Em um primeiro momento, tratamos das possibilidades do uso das participações minoritárias, apontando que, embora estejamos falando de propriedade pública sobre parcelas do capital social de empresas privadas, essas participações não configuram, somente, forma de exploração direta da atividade econômica, devendo ser compreendidas como uma técnica jurídica ou uma ferramenta da qual o Estado pode se valer para realizar as diferentes modalidades de atuação na economia. Nesse sentido, mostramos como as participações minoritárias possibilitam a atuação do Estado como empresário, regulador, fomentador e investidor. Em seguida, falamos dos mecanismos societários que a Administração Pública pode utilizar para que, mesmo como acionista minoritária, possa influenciar a direção das empresas público-privadas, tais como os acordos de acionistas e as golden-shares. Após cuidarmos da natureza jurídica e das vantagens comparativas da atuação estatal na economia por meio de participações minoritárias, passamos a analisar os limites dessa atuação. Desse modo, deve-se distinguir entre o uso das participações públicas como opção legítima de atuação na economia versus sua aplicação como burla ao regime jurídico aplicável às empresas estatais mediante o controle societário disfarçado e a simulação de contratações administrativas. Por fim, tratamos da questão da escolha de parceiros privados pela Administração Pública, bem como dos controles públicos que incidem sobre as empresas participadas. / This dissertation is about the state action in the economy as a minority shareholder especially focusing on the Brazilian case. At first, we discuss the possibilities of the use of minority equity stakes pointing out that, although we are talking about public ownership of shares of private companies, this equity participations do not constitute only a means of direct exploration of an economic activity, instead they should be considered as a legal technique or a tool which the state can rely on to accomplish the different modalities of economic action. This way, we show how the minority positions enable the state to act as an entrepreneur, a regulator, a promoter of private action and an investor. Then we talk about the corporate mechanisms that the Public Administration can use to, even as a minority shareholder, influence the direction of public-private companies, such as shareholders agreements and golden-shares. After dealing with the legal nature and the comparative advantages of the state economic action as a minority shareholder, we proceed to examine the limits of such action. Thus, we must distinguish between the use of minority equity as a legitimate option of state action in the economy versus its application as a way to elude the legal framework applicable to the state-owned enterprises by the disguised corporate control of private companies and the simulation of administrative procurement. At last, we deal with the issue of the choice of private partners by the Public Administration, as well as the public controls which apply to the invested companies.

Omsorgsprincipen vid ansökan om internationellt sydd : En studie av det omarbetade asylprocedurdirektivet (2013/32/EU)

Pereira Cunha, Naiara January 2020 (has links)
This paper addresses the principle of care in the recast asylum procedure directive (2013/32/EU). The purpose of the study has been to analyze how the principle of care is expressed in the directive regarding procedures for granting or rejecting asylum, as well as to analyze how the directive was implemented in Sweden. The recast asylum procedure directive aims to harmonize EU’s member states' procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection. Initially, this paper describes how the directive was created and how the principle of care is expressed in the directive and the meaning and content of the principle of care at EU level as well as its content and meaning according to Swedish law. To conclude, the Swedish implementation of the directive’s provisions directly connected to the principle of care will be discussed. The principle of care is one of the principles of good governance. The principles of good governance have been important in EU law to ensure legal protection for individuals when they are in contact with authorities of EU or Member States. In the analysis, what is found is that the principle of care can be divided into several sub-principles or requirements: individuals’ right to get their affairs treated; the obligation of authorities to investigate a request in an impartial manner; fair procedure and handling; authorities’ duty to take individual interests in consideration; authorities’ obligation to act within reasonable time and also other requirements regarding routines and procedure. Since a major part of this paper regards analyzing the relationship between EU law and national Swedish law, a discussion about the Member States’ institutional and procedural autonomy towards EU is also included. A conclusion is that the Swedish implementation of the directive's provisions related to the principle of care was deficient and that the directive itself restricts the Member States’ institutional and procedural autonomy. / Den här uppsatsen behandlar omsorgsprincipen i det omarbetade asylprocedurdirektivet (2013/32/EU). Syftet med arbetet är att analysera hur omsorgsprincipen uttrycks i direktivet avseende procedurer för beviljandet eller avslag av asyl, samt hur direktivet har genomförts i Sverige. Det omarbetade asylprocedurdirektivet syftar till att harmonisera EU- medlemsstaternas förfarande vid ansökan om internationellt skydd. Inledningsvis redogörs för hur direktivet skapades och hur omsorgsprincipen uttrycks i direktivet, vad omsorgsprincipen omfattar på EU-nivå, liksom principens omfattning i svensk rätt. Avslutningsvis analyseras genomförandet av direktivets bestämmelser med anknytning till omsorgsprincipen i svensk rätt. Omsorgsprincipen är en av principerna om god förvaltning. Principerna om god förvaltning har varit viktiga inom EU-rätten för att säkerställa ett rättsskydd för enskilda när dessa är i kontakt med EU:s eller medlemsstaternas myndigheter. Analysen kommer fram till att omsorgsprincipen kan delas in i flera mindre principer eller krav: enskildes rätt att få sina angelägenheter behandlade; myndigheters skyldighet att på ett opartiskt sätt undersöka en begäran; rättvis procedur och handläggning; myndigheters skyldighet att väga in enskildes intresse; myndigheters skyldighet att agera inom rimlig tid; samt andra krav på handläggningsrutiner. Eftersom en huvuddel av den här uppsatsen handlar om att analysera relationen mellan EU-rätt och svensk rätt, förs också en diskussion om medlemsstaternas institutionella och processuella autonomi gentemot EU. Slutligen presenteras slutsatsen att det svenska genomförandet av direktivets bestämmelser som anknyter till omsorgprincipen varit bristande och att direktivet har begränsat såväl medlemsstaternas institutionella som processuella autonomi.

Alguns aspectos do regime juridico da posse e do direito de uso e Aproveitamento da Terra e so conflitos emergentes em Mocambique

Alfredo, Benjamin 06 1900 (has links)
Southern Africa is experiencing land conflicts themselves in very different ways between state and stakeholders, within and between communities, within families, and specially within singular persons. The conflict of interests in the right to land in southern Africa with particular reference to Mozambique becoming a major issue and evidence conflicts at various levels of society and some of them are quite destructive. The present thesis seeks to address some juridical aspects on access, tenure and land use rights. Land problems have clear roots in the dispossession of Africans under colonialism and apartheid, and the powerful legacy this has left both in terms of outright suffering and also in the historical memory. Land issues are probably the most contentious topic in Mozambique since the independence in 1975. In Southern Africa and Mozambique in particular, one of the most profound causes of such struggles has related to the tenure, the ownership and control of land. In fact the right to land is the major issue in many societies and in Mozambique the unlimited interest in land are quite similar, due the fact that majority of people are peasant or agriculturists. Land is therefore a very strategic socio-economic asset, particularly in poor societies like Mozambique where wealth and survival are measured by control of and access to land. However, land is also a state symbol and source of political influence and power. The Law in Mozambique retains the principle that land is the property of the state and cannot be sold or mortgaged, but it attempts to adjust this legacy from the socialist past to the reality of a market economy. Despite existing land law the government still not enable to control the access and right of use of land. The situation is compounded by a weak or non functioning judiciary system. / Os problemas sobre o direito de acesso, posse, propriedade, uso e aproveitamento da Terra, constituem matéria de debate actual a nível internacional, com realce para a região da Africa Austral e Moçambique em especial. É uma matéria que preocupa os governos e a população em geral, por a terra ser um bem de grande utilidade sócio-económica e política. Moçambique possui um regime jurídico sobre terra (lei nº-19/97 de 1 de Outubro, seu Regulamento e Anexo Técnico), no entanto, ela é lacunosa e carece de reforma afim de se adaptar à realidade dos problemas que se levantam no âmbito da posse, uso e aproveitamento e dos conflitos emergentes. Alguns factores do surgimento de conflitos no âmbito do processo da posse, uso e aproveitamento da terra resultam no entanto, da perda de confiança dos particulares em relação aos órgãos do aparelho do Estado que lidam com matérias sobre terras, devido a burocracia e a corrupção praticada por alguns funcionários. A terra em Moçambique é propriedade do Estado, o que implica uma maior responsabilidade por parte do governo, na sua gestão. O actual regime jurídico sobre a terra, carece de concertação de alguns aspectos fundamentais do ponto de vista legal. Trata-se da harmonização da legislação pertinente sobre terras. As leis promulgadas sobre a matéria embora defendem a necessidade de gestão da terra que beneficie os seus utilizadores, tal vontade, entretanto, não têm produzido efeitos satisfatórios. É, pois, neste contexto, que a presente tese cujo título é Alguns Aspectos do Regime Jurídico da posse e do Direito de uso e aproveitamento da terra e os conflitos emergentes em Mçambique, pretende contribuir na contínua abordagem sobre a problemática da posse da terra e dos conflitos emergentes. Bem gerida, a terra pode constituir um importante factor de paz, estabilidade sócio-política e de desenvolvimento económico. / Public Constitutional and International Law / Thesis (LL.D. )

Ochrana práv ve veřejné správě / Protection of Rights in Public Administration

Plisková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
1 Summary The public administration itself is bound by applicable laws rules. Therefore, in case of breach of individual rights stemming from the legal system of the Czech Republic, every person is guaranteed a strictly legal procedure with corresponding legal mechanisms, which aim to remedy of status cause by unlawfull action or inaction of the public administration. Moreover, if conditions laid down by European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms are met, an individual has a right to apply to the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg) for a revision of a challenged act of public administration, which is considered to be as a final and conclusive from the point of view of national law. The object of this Thesis focuses, in particular, on analysis of individual means of protection of rights in public administration and their mutual relationships between them at level of legal regulation de lege ferenda. Also, it cannot be disregarded the assessment of effect of courts' decisions or doctrine, including stating own knowledge based on the practice particularly in the area of administrative law. The Thesis focuses on the issue of the protection of individual public rights. As a consequence, legal means designed to provide protection of law in objective sense (that is...

Les biens d'usage public en droit colombien / Regulation of public property available for public use in colombian law

Pimiento-Echeverri, Julian-Andres 02 May 2011 (has links)
Les biens d'usage public sont la catégorie centrale de la construction du droit administratif des biens. L'absence d'une analyse d'ensemble de la catégorie, en droit colombien, pousse à revoir les bases sur lesquelles elle repose et ses conséquences. Plus que toute autre catégorie juridique, les biens d'usage public sont tributaires de leur histoire, c'est dans l'étude de cette dernière que se trouvent les clés d'interprétation de tout le système. Le modèle utilisé par le code civil colombien a été calqué sur la division des biens publics, opérée par le droit espagnol colonial – inspirée à son tour du droit romain. Une mise à jour s'avère nécessaire. À partir de la notion de propriété publique, et de son régime constitutionnel, il est possible de construire une définition matérielle des biens d'usage public, permettant de comprendre les caractéristiques de l'usage public. Cela implique, aussi, une révision complète du régime juridique à la lumière de l'exploitation sociale et économique – valorisation – de la propriété publique. À une triple protection, celle de la propriété publique, du bien d'usage public et de l'usager, s'ajoute une nouvelle approche des occupations privatives. Cette idée d'exploitation sociale et économique anime un nouveau régime des titres habilitant l'occupation privative, des redevances pour occupation des biens d'usage public et des droits réels administratifs. / Regulation of public property available for public use is at the core of administrative law. The Colombian Civil Code has copied colonial Spanish law in the matter, which in turn was inspired by Roman law. However, the absence of an exhaustive and coherent regulation in Colombia has forced the interpreter to study its foundation and further developments to interpret it. An update of this legal system is, therefore, imperative. Beginning with the concept of public property and its constitutional regulation, it is poss ible to analyze the elements of its public use, which will allow proposing a definition of those assets. It is necessary to analyze the regulation of these public properties under the light of their social and economic value. The protection granted by the law to the concepts of public property, public use and public user, has to be assessed under the new approach of the administrative authorizations pertaining to such public property. This notion of social and economic value will also allow scholars/people to have a new vision of the regulation of administrative authorizations, the exclusive rights (in rem) they confer and the income they produce.

Alguns aspectos do regime juridico da posse e do direito de uso e Aproveitamento da Terra e so conflitos emergentes em Mocambique

Alfredo, Benjamin 06 1900 (has links)
Southern Africa is experiencing land conflicts themselves in very different ways between state and stakeholders, within and between communities, within families, and specially within singular persons. The conflict of interests in the right to land in southern Africa with particular reference to Mozambique becoming a major issue and evidence conflicts at various levels of society and some of them are quite destructive. The present thesis seeks to address some juridical aspects on access, tenure and land use rights. Land problems have clear roots in the dispossession of Africans under colonialism and apartheid, and the powerful legacy this has left both in terms of outright suffering and also in the historical memory. Land issues are probably the most contentious topic in Mozambique since the independence in 1975. In Southern Africa and Mozambique in particular, one of the most profound causes of such struggles has related to the tenure, the ownership and control of land. In fact the right to land is the major issue in many societies and in Mozambique the unlimited interest in land are quite similar, due the fact that majority of people are peasant or agriculturists. Land is therefore a very strategic socio-economic asset, particularly in poor societies like Mozambique where wealth and survival are measured by control of and access to land. However, land is also a state symbol and source of political influence and power. The Law in Mozambique retains the principle that land is the property of the state and cannot be sold or mortgaged, but it attempts to adjust this legacy from the socialist past to the reality of a market economy. Despite existing land law the government still not enable to control the access and right of use of land. The situation is compounded by a weak or non functioning judiciary system. / Os problemas sobre o direito de acesso, posse, propriedade, uso e aproveitamento da Terra, constituem matéria de debate actual a nível internacional, com realce para a região da Africa Austral e Moçambique em especial. É uma matéria que preocupa os governos e a população em geral, por a terra ser um bem de grande utilidade sócio-económica e política. Moçambique possui um regime jurídico sobre terra (lei nº-19/97 de 1 de Outubro, seu Regulamento e Anexo Técnico), no entanto, ela é lacunosa e carece de reforma afim de se adaptar à realidade dos problemas que se levantam no âmbito da posse, uso e aproveitamento e dos conflitos emergentes. Alguns factores do surgimento de conflitos no âmbito do processo da posse, uso e aproveitamento da terra resultam no entanto, da perda de confiança dos particulares em relação aos órgãos do aparelho do Estado que lidam com matérias sobre terras, devido a burocracia e a corrupção praticada por alguns funcionários. A terra em Moçambique é propriedade do Estado, o que implica uma maior responsabilidade por parte do governo, na sua gestão. O actual regime jurídico sobre a terra, carece de concertação de alguns aspectos fundamentais do ponto de vista legal. Trata-se da harmonização da legislação pertinente sobre terras. As leis promulgadas sobre a matéria embora defendem a necessidade de gestão da terra que beneficie os seus utilizadores, tal vontade, entretanto, não têm produzido efeitos satisfatórios. É, pois, neste contexto, que a presente tese cujo título é Alguns Aspectos do Regime Jurídico da posse e do Direito de uso e aproveitamento da terra e os conflitos emergentes em Mçambique, pretende contribuir na contínua abordagem sobre a problemática da posse da terra e dos conflitos emergentes. Bem gerida, a terra pode constituir um importante factor de paz, estabilidade sócio-política e de desenvolvimento económico. / Public Constitutional and International Law / Thesis (LL.D. )

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