Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bourdieu"" "subject:"bourdieus""
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”För att oavsett vad man gillar att göra, om det inte finns vatten och bröd, då finns det ingenting.” : En studie om elevers tankar kring att välja det estetiska programmet. / ”Because no matter what you like to do, without water and bread, there is nothing” : A study on students’ concept of choosing the aesthetic program.Ishizaki, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka aspekter som gör att ungdomar från ett så kallat utsatt område väljer eller väljer bort det estetiska programmet. Således är frågeställningarna: Vilka aspekter gör att ungdomar i ett så kallat utsatt område väljer att gå på estetiska programmet? Samt vilka aspekter gör att andra ungdomar i samma bostadsområde väljer bort att gå på estetiska programmet trots intresse? Empirin är insamlad genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med gymnasieungdomar inom ramen för en geografisk plats, ett utsatt område. Det har sedan analyserats utifrån en utbildningssociologisk begreppsram med komplettering av Critical Race Theory. Tematisk analys har använts som analysmetod och de kärnämnen som har identifierats är: att sträva efter en trygg framtid, att vilja vara en del av gruppen, att känna att man inte passar in och att bo i ett så kallat utsatt område. Resultatet visar på att de aspekter som påverkat ungdomarnas val är ungdomarnas bostadsområde och normer som finns där, grupptillhörighet och gruppidentitet, område där de gått i skolan, föräldrars tidigare yrkesliv, sociala nätverk och förebilder och historia av mikroagression som internaliserats.
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Vinnarskolor & Förlorarskolor : En kritisk stuide av vithet i skolorganisationerWilly, Do, Yasmine, Nechma January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar ett avstamp i studier av den svenska skolmarknaden. Med företagen som ideal förmås skolorna att med uppgifterna som producenter konkurrera om elever som tar rollen som kunder. Marknadsföringen och synligheten i media blir en förutsättning för överlevnad på denna marknad. Skolmarknaden med dess fria skolval blir problematisk när den ökar segregationen. Problemet blir omfattande i följden vinnarskolor och förlorarskolor. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka marknadsföringsbroschyrer och medierepresentationen av fyra skolor i Stockholm, varav två är vinnarskolor och två är förlorarskolor. Teorin om New Public Management används i förståelsen för fenomenet skolmarknad och dess konsekvenser. Genom en innehållsanalys med ett intersektionellt perspektiv av skolornas broschyrer och representationen i media, kunna kartlägga maktasymmetrier. I synnerlighet används Bourdieus kapitaldefinitioner och postkolonial teori för förståelsen av hur segregation uppstått och kvarlever. Detta för att påvisa om etnisk- och socioekonomisk segregation synliggörs i marknadsföringen samt om denna kan bidra till en reproduktion av segregation. En analys av sekundärt insamlad statistik används i definieringen av dem olika skolorna. Resultatet visar på en förekomst av etnisk- och socioekonomisk segregation i skolornas marknadsföring och medierepresentation. Empirin av den kvalitativa undersökningen redovisar ett påtagligt samband mellan etnicitet/socioekonomi och studieresultat. Slutsatsen blir att marknadsföringen och medierepresentation påverkar reproduktionen av segregation men de sociala strukturerna är det som upprätthåller fenomenet.
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Policy och predikament : En kvalitativ studie av kemisternas erfarenhet av Chalmers implementering av OA-policyArpe, Dennis January 2015 (has links)
The starting point of this study is a letter to the Swedish Research Council which maintained the difficulty to reconcile chemistry with open access. Previous studies show that when other sciences is increasing in both the deposition rate and selection of OA journals, there is a lull in chemistry. The purpose of the master thesis is to gain an understanding of chemists reluctance to open access in the light of the implementation of Chalmers' mandating open access policy and through field theoretical perspectives understand why. The survey is conducted with a qualitative approach and the empirical data consist of interview material from nine interviews that took place at Chalmers Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The interviews show that chemists believe that the idea of open access is certainly sympathetic but incompatible with the chemical sciences. It is believed that the discipline´s traditions, practice and publishing culture as well as opportunities for career differs from other sciences, including what open access is concerned. This uniqueness has not been taken into account in the implementation of OA policies of funding agencies and universities, according to the informants. Evaluations of other universities implementations of open acces policies have identified success factors like support, legal advice and hands-on help in self-archiving. According to the results of this thesis, functionality and infrastructure appears to be less significant if university management and funders does not establish an atmosphere of alliance and thus undermines confidence in the policy and its proponents. The study confirms the importance of the researchers feel invited and involved in the process of change.
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Inkilning i idrott – Bara en rolig tradition? : Erfarenheter och upplevelser av inkilning bland idrottande ungdomar och idrottsstudenter / Hazing in Sports – Just a Fun Tradition? : The Experience of Hazing among Youth Athletes and Sports StudentsUnogård, Olof January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Studiens syfte var att studera unga idrottares och idrottsstudenters erfarenheter och upplevelser av inkilning i idrottsliga sammanhang. Centrala frågeställningar var (1) i vilken utsträckning har unga idrottare och idrottsstudenter erfarenhet av att ha blivit inkilade? (2) Hur går inkilningar till? (3) Hur beskriver unga idrottare och irottsstudenter sina upplevelser av inkilning? (4) Vilken inställning har unga idrottare och idrottsstudenter till inkilning? (5) I vilken utsträckning har unga idrottare och idrottsstudenter hört talas om inkilning? Metod Metoden var en enkät om 39 frågor med inslag av kvalitativa frisvarsfrågor. Urvalet var 209 idrottande ungdomar från åtta olika idrottsgymnasier samt 91 studenter från Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolans tränar- och lärarprogram. Datainsamlingen gjordes mestadels på plats alternativt via post. Kvantitativa data analyserades i SPSS via Pearson Chi-Square med signifikansnivå på p=0,05. Kvalitativa data tematiserades och sammanställdes för kvantifiering, därutöver gjordes en kritisk läsning efter teoretiska utgångspunkter i Pierre Bourdieus teorier. Resultat En majoritet av ungdomarna och idrottsstudenterna har hört talas om inkilning. Nära nog hälften av ungdomarna och var fjärde idrottsstudent har någon gång blivit inkilad, antingen vid sitt eget idrottsgymnasium eller i nuvarande eller tidigare förening. I respondenternas egna beskrivningar framträdde fem kategorier; många inkilningar innehöll antingen (1) alkoholförtäring, (2) avklädda aktiviteter eller aktiviteter med sexuell anspelning, (3) uppträdanden (med eller utan utklädnad), (4) intag av ”äcklig” mat eller dryck samt (5) allmänt beskrivna lekar, uppdrag, aktiviteter och tävlingar. En majoritet av respondenterna instämde i att inkilningar ofta innehåller drag av kränkningar och förödmjukelse och att den inkilade är i en utsatt position men också i att deras upplevelser varit positiva och att den inkilade brukar tycka att det är en kul grej. Få idrottare hade velat avstå inkilningen men var fjärde respondent har någon gång varit med om en inkilning som upplevts som obehaglig. Slutsats Inkilning förekommer inom idrotten (på olika sätt och i olika sammanhang) både i föreningar och vid idrottsgymnasier. Inkilning utgör en viktig del i reproduktionen av en idrottskultur; genom inkilningens prövningar och utmaningar får den nye medlemmen visa sig värdig medlemskap i gruppen eller laget, inordnas i dess hierarki och lära sig hur han/hon ska tänka, vara och bete sig inom den specifika idrottskulturen. / Aim The aim of the study was to examine the experience of hazing in sports among young athletes and sports students. Questions posed were (1) to what extent do young athletes and sports student have experience of hazing? (2) How does hazing work? (3) How do young athletes and sports students describe their experience of hazing? (4) What do young athletes and sports students think about hazing? (5) To what extent has young athletes and sports students heard about hazing? Method The method was a questionnaire of 39 questions with a number of qualitative open questions. The selection of respondents was 209 young athletes from eight different sport high schools and 91 sports students from the physical education teacher programs and sport coaches programs of The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH. The data collection was mostly made through visits to the schools, otherwise per postal mail. Quantitative data was analyzed in SPSS via Pearson Chi-Square with p-value at 0,05. Qualitative data was thematically sorted and categorized and thereafter interpreted through the theories of Pierre Bourdieu. Results A majority of the young athletes and sports students has heard about hazing. Almost half of the young athletes and every fourth sports student have been hazed, either at their own sport high school or in current or former sports club. In their own descriptions five categories emerged; a lot of the cases of hazing included either (1) alcohol, (2) undressed activities or activities with sexual reference, (3) putting on shows (with or without dress out), (4) eating or drinking “disgusting” food or drinks or (5) general games, tasks, activities and competitions. A majority of the respondents agreed to that hazing includes humiliation and degradation and that whom is being hazed is in a vulnerable position but also to that their experience was positive and that whom is being hazed usually thinks it is a fun thing. Few athletes wished to undo their hazing but every fourth respondent has sometime experienced a hazing as discomforting. Conclusions Hazing occurs in sports (in different ways and in different contexts) both in sports clubs and at sport high schools. Hazing is an important part of the reproduction of a sports culture; through the challenges and tests of hazing the new group or team member gets to prove his/her worth of being a member of the group, is conformed in its hierarchy and learns how he/she should think, act and behave within the specific sports culture. / <p>Studien genomfördes med ekonomiskt stöd av Centrum för idrottsforskning (CIF)</p> / Inkilning inom ungdomsidrotten
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La notion de pratique chez Foucault / Foucault's notion of practiceBocquet, Karine 08 November 2013 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est de reconsidérer l'oeuvre de Michel Foucault à la lumière d'une notion dont il s'agira de montrer toute la force et l'intérêt : la pratique. Notion intensive et plastique et non concept unificateur. Effectivement, à une époque où la pratique apparaît comme un concept philosophiquement, sociologiquement et politiquement surdéterminé, Foucault emprunte une voie singulière, refusant d'attribuer à la pratique aussi bien une fonction synthétique qu'une portée théorique, et ce, particulièrement au plus fort du moment doublement central de son oeuvre - le début des années 1970 - moment pratique que ce travail cherche à isoler et à redéployer. Un tel refus de la synthèse théorique est précisément lié à l'originalité de la démarche suivie par Foucault et à la nature des champs qu'il explore. Dès lors, c'est la genèse de l'oeuvre qui, au prisme de cette hypothèse, est susceptible de recevoir un éclairage nouveau. Si les premiers travaux se caractérisent en effet par un primat de l'expérience, on assiste progressivement au mouvement par lequel la pratique se dégage de l'expérience pour atteindre le moment critique d'un effondrement de la théorie dans la pratique, cette dernière se redéployant finalement dans les "pratiques de soi". A la faveur de ce parcours qui pointe les éléments significatifs pour la pratique, on aperçoit alors que, dans le sillage des deux moments majeurs de l'oeuvre de Foucault que sont Les Mots et les choses d'une part, Surveiller et punir et La Volonté de savoir d'autre part, tous les enjeux critiques se cristallisent autour du statut accordé à la pratique, preuve de son importance pour saisir le geste foucaldien. / The purpose of this work is to rethink Michel Foucault's writings in the light of a notion - the notion of practice - whose strenght and interest will be emphasized. More specifically as an intensive and plastic notion and in contrast with a unifying concept. Indeed, at a time when practice emerges as a concept which has been philosophically, sociologically and politically overdetermined, Foucault follows his own path, both refusing to ascribe a synthetic function and a theoretical reach to practice. This approach particularly arose at the height of a central and decisive turning-point in his writings - in the early 70's - a practical moment this work aims at redifining and making stand out. Such a refusal of the theoretical synthesis is precisely linked with Foucault's original approach and with the specificity of the fields he explores. Since then, as regards this hypothesis, a new light is likely to be thrown on the genesis of his works. Given the first works are definitely characterized by a prominence of experience, a movement gradually comes into view making practice stand out from experience so as to reach the critical moment of the collapse of theory into practice, this one finally turning into the "practices of the self". Thanks to this process which points out the meaningful elements devoted to practice, it can then be seen that in the wake of the two major moments of Foucault's works - The Order of things ont he one hand, Discipline and punish, The Will to knowledge on the other hand - all the critical stakes are focused on the status given to practice which proves its importance in order to grasp Foucault's gesture.
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O subcampo do futebol americano no estado de São Paulo entre 2015 a 2017: rupturas, aproximações e disputas por poder entre ligas e federação / The subfield of american football in the state of São Paulo from 2015 to 2017: ruptures, approximations and power disputes between leagues and federationMorales Júnior, Valter Ruiz 09 March 2018 (has links)
O futebol americano é uma modalidade esportiva recente no Brasil. É regulado e sistematizado pela Confederação Brasileira de Futebol Americano (CBFA). O contexto do futebol americano no estado de São Paulo (SP) durante o período entre 2012 e 2015 foi pautado em uma disputa de poder pelo direito de organização da modalidade. O órgão associado à CBFA era a Liga Paulista de Futebol Americano (LPFA), porém, no ano de 2012, equipes descontentes com a gestão desta instituição romperam relações com a mesma e criaram a Federação de Futebol Americano do Estado de São Paulo (FEFASP). Reforçando a disputa por poder e capital simbólico dentro deste subcampo, principalmente no relacionamento entidade-equipes que se manteve até o início de 2015, quando foi anunciada a vinculação das equipes advindas da LPFA junto à FEFASP, resultando no fim da primeira. Deste modo, emergiram as seguintes questões: Como se organiza atualmente o futebol americano no estado de São Paulo pós-vinculação? Como se deu o processo de filiação das equipes da LPFA junto à FEFASP? Como se dão as ações dos sujeitos em relação à busca por poder e legitimidade social na organização do futebol americano no estado? Quais são os objetivos das equipes e entidades organizadoras da modalidade? Devido à recente inserção do futebol americano no país, à escassez de pesquisas e informações acadêmicas na área e a participação decisiva e protagonista de gestores de equipes em tais processos de divisão e vinculação de instituições reguladoras, o objetivo deste projeto de pesquisa foi investigar e delimitar o processo de organização das estruturas de poder estabelecidas nesta modalidade esportiva no estado de SP a partir de 2015, sob o ponto de vista de dirigentes de equipes. Este trabalho utilizou como referencial teórico para discussão e análise de seu objeto de pesquisa, categorias sociológicas da obra de Pierre Bourdieu. Através da análise de respostas provenientes de seis entrevistas semiestruturadas iniciais, os dados foram organizados e analisados por meio da Análise Temática, de forma que emergiram três grandes temas: a) Início, com os motivos que contribuíram para a vinculação, b) Processo, atuação dos agentes e acordos que resultaram na vinculação e c) Desdobramentos, com as consequências advindas do processo de vinculação, como novas disputas dentro do subcampo, como a disputa entre equipes da capital e do interior, com habitus fundamentados na localização geográfica dos dirigentes de acordo com suas equipes. É possível verificar que as categorias analíticas propostas por Bourdieu auxiliam no desvendar das relações existentes no espaço investigado. Esse trabalho se propôs a investigar um recorte específico do futebol americano no estado de SP, que possibilitou compreender como a vinculação se desenvolveu e o que alterou no subcampo a partir dela. A partir desse trabalho, pôde-se verificar a existência de algumas doxas do campo esportivo brasileiro, como a necessidade da organização burocrática estar relacionada com uma estrutura confederativa. / American football is a recent sport in Brazil. It is regulated and systematized by the Brazilian Confederation of American Football (CBFA). The context of American football in the state of São Paulo (SP) during the period between 2012 and 2015 was based on a power dispute for the right to organize the sport. The body associated with the CBFA was the Paulista League of American Football (LPFA), but in 2012, teams dissatisfied with the management of this institution broke relations with the same and created the Federation of American Football of the State of São Paulo (FEFASP) . Reinforcing the dispute for power and symbolic capital within this subfield, mainly in the entity-team relationship that remained until the beginning of 2015, when it was announced the linkage of the teams from LPFA to FEFASP, resulting in the end of the first. In this way, the following questions emerged: How is football organized in the state of São Paulo? How did the process of affiliation of the LPFA teams with FEFASP take place? How do the subjects\' actions regarding the search for power and social legitimacy in the organization of American football in the state? What are the objectives of the teams and entities that organize the sport? Due to the recent insertion of American football in the country, the lack of research and academic information in the area and the decisive participation and protagonist of team managers in such processes of division and linkage of regulatory institutions, the objective of this research project was to investigate and delimit the process of organizing the power structures established in this sports modality in the state of SP from 2015, from the point of view of team leaders. This work used as theoretical reference for discussion and analysis of its object of research, sociological categories of the work of Pierre Bourdieu. Through the analysis of responses from six initial semi-structured interviews, the data were organized and analyzed through the Thematic Analysis, so that three main themes emerged: a) Beginning, with the reasons that contributed to the linkage, b) Process, performance of the agents and agreements that resulted in the linkage; and c) Developments, with the consequences arising from the linking process, as new disputes within the subfield, such as the dispute between teams of the capital and the interior, with habitus based on the geographical location of the leaders according to their teams. It is possible to verify that the analytical categories proposed by Bourdieu help to unravel the existing relations in the space investigated. This work aimed to investigate a specific cut of American football in the state of SP, which made it possible to understand how the linkage developed and what altered in the subfield from it. From this work, it was possible to verify the existence of some doxas of the Brazilian sports field, as the necessity of the bureaucratic organization to be related to a confederative structure.
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A CONSTITUIÇÃO DO CAMPO ACADÊMICO DA POLÍTICA EDUCACIONAL NO BRASIL / The constitution of the academic field of educational policy in BrazilStremel, Silvana 15 March 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / This research aimed to analyze the constitution of the academic field of educational policy in Brazil. This analysis involved the investigation of processes that permeate the history of educational policy as a specific field as well as the identification of temporal boundaries in the
constitution process of this field within the Brazilian context. The theoretical framework was based on Pierre Bourdieu’s contributions on the notion of field, authors who point out elements that mark the institutionalization of a particular field (GÓMEZ CAMPO; TENTI FANFANI, 1989; SUASNÁBAR; PALAMIDESSI, 2007), authors that ground the concept of educational policy and its study subjects (BALL, 1994; RIZVI; LINGARD, 2010; among others) as well as studies that discuss aspects of the history and the production of knowledge of the educational policy field (AZEVEDO; AGUIAR, 2001a, 2001b; SANTOS, A. L., 2009;
among others). The research was of qualitative nature and characterized as documentary and
bibliographic, involving a series of data collection, such as: newsletters and ANPEd conference proceedings; Capes and CNPq documents; curricula of Pedagogy undergraduate courses; records about the history of scientific associations (ANPEd, ANPAE); periodicals,
conferences and specific research networks in the field; productions on and about the field of educational policy in Brazil and other countries. In addition to the documentary and bibliographical analysis, this research included an interview with two key-researchers from the academic field of educational policy. It argues that educational policy in Brazil emerges as a specific academic field, after the 1960s, having studies on school administration,
educational administration and comparative education as its background. Although the 1960s can be considered the beginning of the emergence of the field over a number of aspects such as the creation of ANPAE, the implementation of Post-Graduation in Brazil, a more frequent use of the term ‘Educational policy(ies)’ in titles of Brazilian publications, an explicit milestone in the institutionalization process in this field, was the creation of GT 5 - State and Educational Policy within the scope of ANPEd (1986/1987). As a product of historical and
social conditions, after the 1990s, the field gains more autonomy and legitimacy through the expansion of publications on educational policy; creation of disciplines on educational policy;creation of Post-Graduation research lines and groups; creation of specialized scientific
journals; creation of research networks and holding specific scientific conferences related to educational policy. The current context indicates that, in Brazil, the academic field of educational policy is found in an expansion process and in search for consolidation. The research results indicate that it is a field still under construction, with several issues to be resolved towards its consolidation, such as: better definition of its study subjects (as it is
characterized as an inclusive and comprehensive field), the expansion of theoretical frameworks for policy analysis, the concept of what educational policy is, the
internationalization of educational policy studies, the expansion of the dialogue with political science, social science, economics, as well as the contributions that result from continuous development of social theory, in a broad sense. / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a constituição do campo acadêmico da política educacional no Brasil. Essa análise envolveu a investigação de processos que permeiam a história da política educacional como um campo específico, bem como a identificação de demarcações temporais no processo de constituição desse campo no contexto brasileiro. O referencial teórico baseou-se nas contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu sobre a noção de campo, de autores que apontam elementos que demarcam a institucionalização de um determinado campo (GÓMEZ CAMPO; TENTI FANFANI, 1989; SUASNÁBAR;
PALAMIDESSI, 2007), de autores que fundamentam o conceito de política educacional e seus objetos de estudo (BALL, 1994; RIZVI; LINGARD, 2010; entre outros), bem como de estudos que discutem aspectos sobre a história e a produção do conhecimento do campo da política educacional (AZEVEDO; AGUIAR, 2001a, 2001b; SANTOS, A. L., 2009; entre outros). A pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa e caracterizou-se por ser documental e bibliográfica, envolvendo a coleta de uma série de dados, tais como: boletins e anais da ANPEd; documentos da Capes e CNPq; currículos dos cursos de Graduação em Pedagogia;registros sobre a história de associações científicas (ANPEd, ANPAE); periódicos, eventos e
redes de pesquisa específicos do campo; produções do e sobre o campo da política educacional no Brasil e em outros países. Além da análise documental e bibliográfica, a pesquisa contou com a entrevista de duas pesquisadoras do campo acadêmico da política
educacional. Argumenta-se que a política educacional no Brasil emerge como um campo acadêmico específico, a partir da década de 1960, tendo como antecedentes os estudos sobre administração escolar, administração educacional e educação comparada. Embora a década de
1960 possa ser considerada como início da emergência do campo em detrimento de uma série de aspectos como a criação da ANPAE, a implantação da Pós-Graduação no Brasil, o uso mais frequente do termo “política(s) educacional(is)” em títulos de publicações brasileiras,
um marco explícito no processo de institucionalização desse campo foi a criação do GT 5 -Estado e Política Educacional no âmbito da ANPEd (1986/1987). Como produto de condições históricas e sociais, a partir da década de 1990, o campo adquire maior autonomia e
legitimação por meio da expansão de publicações sobre política educacional; da criação de disciplinas de/sobre política educacional; da criação de linhas e grupos de pesquisa na Pós-Graduação; da criação de periódicos científicos especializados; da criação de redes de
pesquisa; realização de eventos científicos específicos de política educacional. O contexto atual indica que, no Brasil, o campo acadêmico da política educacional encontra-se em fase de expansão e busca de consolidação. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que se trata de um
campo em construção, ainda com diversas questões a serem resolvidas com vistas a sua consolidação, tais como: uma melhor definição de seus objetos de estudo (pois se caracteriza como um campo inclusivo e abrangente), a ampliação dos referenciais teóricos para a análise de políticas, a conceituação do que é política educacional, a internacionalização dos estudos
de política educacional, a ampliação da interlocução com a ciência política, ciências sociais, economia, bem como com as contribuições que resultam do desenvolvimento contínuo da teoria social, em um sentido amplo.
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Prática científica dos agentes nas pesquisas em estratégia nos programas stricto sensu em administração no brasil sob a ótica de bourdieu / Sicentific practice of agents of research strategy in stricto sensu programs in brazil from the perspective of bourdieuLima, Adriana de Sousa 09 June 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-09 / The context of the scientific research can be considered as a scientific field, a social space
formed by power relations between agents which accumulate scientific capital. The operation
of this field produces and assumes a specific form of interest, contaminated by the knowledge
of the position occupied on the hierarchies established in the field that directly influence the
scientific practices choices. In this essay was aimed to understand the research agents
scientific practice in strategy in the academic programs in stricto sensu in Brazil, under the
Bourdieu's perspective. The research s strategy combined aspects of praxiology proposed by
Bourdieu with the study technique of collective case and involved statistical analysis with a
set of in-depth interviews. The main findings demonstrates that scientific practices perform as
a mechanical reaction, directly determined by the conditions that precede it, adjusted by the
requirements contained in the field structures. It was identified in the research, among the
epistemological approaches reviewed, the predominance of studies that seek to build objective
relations in which the social agent appears as a mere performer of something that is
objectively programmed, that is external and the hegemony of quantitative research. Finally, it
was noticed that the scientific practice of agents on research in strategy rely on the recognition
of a competence which, beyond the effects it produces, provides authority and contributes to
define not only game s rules but also its regularity / O contexto da pesquisa científica pode ser considerado como campo científico, um espaço
social formado por relações de força entre agentes que acumulam capital científico. O
funcionamento desse campo produz e supõe uma forma específica de interesses, contaminado
pelo conhecimento da posição ocupada nas hierarquias instituídas do campo e que
influenciam diretamente as escolhas das práticas científicas. O estudo que se apresenta buscou
compreender, sob a ótica de Bourdieu, a prática científica dos agentes das pesquisas em
estratégia nos programas acadêmicos stricto sensu em administração no Brasil. A estratégia
da pesquisa combinou aspectos da praxiologia proposta por Bourdieu e a técnica de estudo de
caso coletivo e envolveu análises estatísticas com um conjunto de entrevistas em
profundidade. Os principais achados demonstram que as práticas científicas funcionam como
uma reação mecânica, diretamente determinada pelas condições que a antecedem, ajustadas às
exigências inscritas nas estruturas do campo. Identificou-se, na pesquisa analisada, quanto às
abordagens epistemológicas revisadas, a predominância de estudos que buscam construir
relações objetivas em que o agente social aparece como mero executante de algo que se
encontra objetivamente programado, que lhe é exterior, e a hegemonia de pesquisas
quantitativas. Por fim, foi possível perceber que a prática científica dos agentes nas pesquisas
em estratégia repousa sobre o reconhecimento de uma competência que, para além dos efeitos
que ela produz, proporciona autoridade e contribui para definir não somente as regras do jogo,
mas também sua regularidade.
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Vad ska du bli när du blir stor? : Vilka faktorer påverkar gymnasievalet?Beckman Pontén, Helen, Åkerblom, Emma January 2012 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att kartlägga vilka faktorer som påverkar i gymnasievalet. Frågeställningar som belyses är vilka faktorer som påverkar eleverna och vilka personer som är betydelsefulla. I studien diskuteras också skillnader mellan olika grupper som exempelvis kön. Metoden som valdes var enkätundersökning med elever i årskurs 9 som stod inför sitt gymnasieval. Resultatet visar att intresse och att programmet ska förbereda för högre studier är de faktorer som påverkar mest. Betydelsefulla personer är framförallt eleven själv, men också vårdnadshavare. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har Pierre Bourdieus begreppsram använts. Resultatet visar att vårdnadshavarnas utbildningsnivå har en direkt påverkan på elevens meritvärde vilket i sin tur påverkar valet mot ett bredare program med inriktning mot teoretiska ämnen. Det finns ett samband mellan vilket intresse som utvecklas och elevens habitus. Vårdnadshavarnas informationskapital och skolkapital påverkar också elevens val av program. / The main objective of this study is to identify factors that affect the high school choice. The research questions highlights factors that affect students and which persons were significant. The study also discusses the differences between various groups such as sex. The chosen method was a questionnaire survey of students in grade 9 who were facing their election. The results showed that interest and the program to prepare for higher studies was the factors that impacted the most. Important people were mainly pupils themselves, but also parents. As a theoretical point, Pierre Bourdieu's conceptual framework has been used. The results shown that parents education has a direct impact on the student's merit rating, which affects the choice of a broader program focusing on academic subjects. There is a relationship between the interest which is being developed and the student's habitus. Parents' information capital and school capital also affects the student's choice of programs.
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Värdet av skapande i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers förhållande till skapande verksamhet i Stockholm och i Tornedalen / The value of creativity in preschool : A study on how pedagogues in Stockholm and in Tornedalen relate to creative activitiesWesterberg, Ida Maria Isaksdotter January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how preschool pedagogues in Stockholm and in Tornedalen speak about and relate to creative activities. By qualitative interviews in two geographically distant areas, one minority culture and one majority culture, I have collected information from six pedagogues, three in each area. Values in, and the significance of culture in creative activities have been the main focus. From this study I conclude that all pedagogues agreed upon the creative activity having an extensive role in the preschool work. The role of the individual pedagogue within the creative activity is multiple and dependent on where, when and how the activity is carried out. The focus in creative activities varied; while the pedagogues in Stockholm mostly spoke about creativity as a phenomenon of art, the pedagogues in Tornedalen spoke about creativity in a wider sense and often connected to practical problems. Another important factor relevant to creative activities was the environment like the preschool, the home, the nature and the society. The way the pedagogues used these environments differed remarkably; in Tornedalen they spoke more about the family and different professions in the society while the pedagogues in Stockholm spoke about the nature and exhibitions. My opinion, after this study, is that it is difficult to discriminate the creative activities from other preschool work, since creativity is permeated with playing and vice versa. Creativity is also a natural part of children exploring and if you like creative activities can permeate everything a pedagogue attends to.
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