Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bourdieu"" "subject:"bourdieus""
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Att vara eller inte vara kritiker - : En kvalitativ textanalys av två svenska litteraturkritiska debatter / To be or not to be a critic. A qualitative text analysis of two Swedish debates about literature criticism : A qualitative text analysis of two Swedish debates about literature criticismKruse, Julia, Viklund, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Among Swedish cultural journalists, conflict and debates are common. It has long been atradition in the cultural pages of newspapers to be a voice in societal debates that discussessubjects like racism, feminism and class issues. The cultural pages have gone throughchanges in the modern era of digitization and economic issues. Because of that, culturaljournalists and critics need to bring something new or unique to be more visible in the newmedia landscape.This study is a case study of two modern debates that revolves around critics and literaturecritique. The purpose of the study was to investigate the cultural journalism field and how theactors in the field position themselves and others in this hierarchy. We wanted to study howthese debates start and develop over time, what the actors describe as good or bad critiqueand how they express that in the debate. By using the framework of Bourdieu's field theorywe could differentiate the capital that the actors possessed and the position and power theymanage in the field.The results showed that the actors that contribute to the debate put on a role. Every rolecarries a different purpose. The idea of what critique should be and what defines good or badcritique was different between every actor in the field but the basic idea was the same. Themain rule was that critique and the critic should work as an informant for the consumer. Thusthey need to be subjective, honest and able to add something new that the author or the bookcannot. The main goal when critiquing an actor in the debate is to undermine the capital andposition that they embody. Many of the writers felt a need to protect the doxa in the fieldsince it is important to their position, capital and therefore the power that they inhabit in thefield. The doxa that they identify with is used as their weapon in the debate to denounce theidea they do not agree with.
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Neoliberal Insecurity: Distancing Inside the Fighter ClassArdila Suarez, Francisco Javier 30 November 2023 (has links)
Während mit quantitativen Methoden zwar einsichtsreicher Forschungsarbeiten zur Ungleichheit durchgeführt werden, vermitteln diese Ansätze ein unvollständiges Bild der zunehmenden sozioökonomische Trennung innerhalb der Gesellschaften im globalen Norden sowie auch im globalen Süden. Diese Dissertation untersucht, welchen Beitrag die Theorie der sozialen Reproduktion zum Verständnis der gesellschaftlichen Spaltung im Zusammenhand mit wirtschaftlicher Veränderung leisten kann. Ausgehend von den theoretischen und experimentellen Arbeiten von Jodhka, Souza und Rehbein geht diese Arbeit der Hypothese einer zunehmenden Trennung zwischen den aufstrebenden und den defensiven Untergruppen der Kämpferklasse als Folge der neoliberalen Reformen des späten XX Jahrhunderts nach. Deutschland und Kolumbien dienen dabei als Studienfälle. Diese Dissertation präsentiert die Gemeinsamkeiten der Folgen entsprechender Reformen in beiden Ländern wie auch ihre Verbindung mit der weltweiten Verbreitung des Neoliberalismus auf. Diese Recherche zeigt, dass die Reformen in den Gesellschaften beider Länder zu Veränderungen geführt haben und dass sie für jede Untergruppe der Kämpferklasse eine entgegengesetzte Wirkung hatten. Sie förderten die Eigenschaften und Kapitalien, die eher mit den Mitgliedern der aufstrebenden Kämpfer in Verbindung gebracht werden, während sie sich gleichzeitig negativ auf die Eigenschaften und Kapitalien auswirkten, die mit den defensiven Kämpfern in Verbindung gebracht werden. Diese Recherche zeigt auch den Zusammenhang zwischen der Internationalisierung der Produktionskette, der Prekarisierung der Arbeit, der zunehmenden Kommodifizierung des sozialen Lebens und der wachsenden Spaltung der Gesellschaften. Letztlich beweist die Dissertation, dass die Theorie der sozialen Reproduktion ein gültiges Instrument ist, um die Auswirkungen von Wirtschaftsreformen zu verstehen und die beobachtete zunehmende Ungleichheit und Segregation innerhalb der Gesellschaften zu erklären. / Although very valuable research on inequality is done with quantitative methods, these approaches provide an incomplete picture of the growing socioeconomic separation inside societies in the global north as well as in the global south. This dissertation evaluates the contributions that the theory of social reproduction can give to understanding of the divide inside societies in relationship with economic transformations. Departing from the theoretical and experimental work of Jodhka, Souza and Rehbein, this research tests the hypothesis of a growing separation between the subgroups of the fighter class, aspiring and defensive, as a result of the neoliberal reforms of the late XX Century. Germany and Colombia being used as cases of study. This dissertation presents the similarities between the impact of reforms in both countries and their relation to the spread of neoliberalism across the globe. This research shows that there have been transformations as a result of the reforms inside each society and that they had an opposite effect for each subgroup of the fighter class. On one side favoring the traits and capitals that more closely associate with the members of the aspiring fighters while simultaneously negatively affecting the traits and capitals that are associated with the defensive fighters. This research also shows the interconnection of the internationalization of the production chain, precarization of work, the rising commodification of social life and the growing divide inside societies. Ultimately, the dissertation proves that social reproduction theory is a valid tool for understanding the impact of economic reforms and explaining the observed increasing inequality and segregation inside societies.
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"Uttrycket: det finns inget dåligt väder bara dåliga kläder funkar inte här" : En fallstudie om kulturellt inkluderande undervisning i friluftslivApelros, Joel January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the conditions for the school subject of physical education and health to be more culturally inclusive. This was done examining a case study focusing one teacher's practice of friluftsliv of cross-country ski race with a multicultural student group in elementary school. The study used qualitative methods consisting of two semi-structured interviews with the teacher, a movie of the preparations and implementation of the ski race and newspaper articles written about the race. The empirical findings were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results were analyzed using social justice theory and Bourdieu's theory of capital to understand how the teacher adapted the practice to become more culturally inclusive. The study showed that the project of the ski race did not reach the whole way of including the multicultural student group. However, the teacher's reasoning regarding adaptation of the tuition of friluftsliv to a multicultural student group goes in line with previous research. The main problem can be understood as a dilemma that the doxa of friluftsliv in general does not fit with an inclusive school-based friluftsliv.
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Grafik som folkbildning : En analys av litografins spridning i det svenska folkhemmet 1947-1957Drugge, Catarina January 2023 (has links)
Graphic Art as Public Education – a Study of the Spreading of Litographic Prints in Swedish Homes 1947-1957 This thesis aims to analyze how graphics as an art form became a tool to democratize art during the period of 1947–1957 in Sweden. Graphic art refers to the collective term that includes multiplied art prints: lithography, etching, woodcut, and serigraphy. I am using Pierre Bourdieu's sociological theories and concepts as a theoretical framework. The first part highlights the various agents whose ambition was to realize the goal that art would be a matter for everyone in society. These agents consisted of organizations and political representatives. The fact that the state guarded good taste and art presented a potential for change in the existing art field and an opportunity for new agents to exert influence. Next, I examine the role of graphics as an art form, in particular lithography, which had its’ big revival in the 1940s. The number of lithographs that were published via Konstfrämjandet and spread across the country testifies to the power of the political goal that art should concern everyone. The process included education via public organizations of adult and childrens education, creating art societies within the workplace and in general contexts, as well as expanding the trading of art via local agents throughout the country. In the last part, I report on my research regarding how communication relating to graphic arts was carried out. Three cultural inquiries (1947, 1953, 1956), intended to form the basis of a modern cultural policy, emphasized the importance of cultural and artistic education of the people. The investigations called for education and the presence of art in homes and workplaces as well as in schools. The communication about the role of graphic arts in the organization’s publications follows the degree of relevance conveyed in the investigations. The summary I present also shows the increase of organization members, exhibition visitors and graphic arts sales during the years 1947–1957, all with the support of the government's democratization work.
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Intranationella migrationserfarenheter bland simmare på riksidrottsgymnasium under Covid-19 / Intra-National Migration Experiences of Swedish National Institute Swimmers During Covid-19Almeida Sundell, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Atleter mellan 16-18 år migrerar allt oftare till andra orter inom Sveriges gränser med ambitionen att fortsätta sin idrottsliga karriär parallellt med gymnasiala studier, så som genom ett riksidrottsgymnasium [RIG]. En migration bland så unga atleter är dock en osäker investering och följs utifrån en migrationsaspekt utav flera anpassningssvårigheter samt psykologiska, psykosociala och akademiska utmaningar. RIG-uppsättningen är ämnad att dämpa denna övergång genom att erbjuda bra utbildning tillsammans med en god idrottsutveckling. Under Covid-19 försvårades den migrationsanpassning som RIG-elever förväntas göra i form av att flera restriktioner lades på individerna. Trots att några studier har gjorts på såväl elevers som idrottares påverkan under pandemin, har inga gjorts på individer som dessutom satsar på dubbla karriärer och migrerade under pandemin, så som RIG-elever. Därför ville jag i denna studie undersöka RIG-elevers upplevelser och erfarenheter av en migration och anpassning till en ny miljö under Covid-19 med syftet att skapa förståelse för hur pandemin påverkade migrationen samt hur individerna lyckades överkomma de hinder och utmaningar som de stod inför. Följande möjliggjordes genom att göra en fallstudie på RIG-simmare från Helsingborg och Jönköping. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer fördes med RIG-simmare, vilka senare analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Bourdieus teoretiska ramverk och begreppen kapital, habitus, fält och illusio vägledde mig i tematiseringen och den efterföljande analysen/diskussionen. Resultatet visar att RIG-simmarna upplevde olika svårigheter att anpassa sig utifrån de resurser och tidigare förutsättningar de besatt. Olika typer av kapitalinnehav innebar också olika typer av anpassningar vilket i ett längre led påverkade motivationen i positiv eller negativ bemärkelse. Samtliga elever, oavsett kapitalinnehav, upplevde utmaningar i distansundervisning, disciplin och rutiner samt brist på gemenskap. Utifrån undersökningen konkluderas det därmed att RIG-elevers anpassning är beroende av hur mycket kapital man besitter inom det nya fältet och hur stark känsla av illusio individerna upplever att de har. Undersökningen belyser i ett längre led hur viktigt det är att hitta hållbara sätt att stödja karriärmöjligheter för unga idrottsutövare, även under en samhällskris som Covid-19. / Athletes between the ages of 16-18 are increasingly migrating to other locations within Sweden with the ambition to continue their athletic careers in parallel with their secondary education, such as through a national sports high school [RIG]. However, migration among such young athletes represents an uncertain investment and is accompanied, from a migration perspective, by several challenges of adjustment, as well as psychological, psychosocial, and academic challenges. The RIG system is intended to ease this transition by offering a good education alongside athletic development. During Covid-19, the migration adjustment that RIG students are expected to make was made more difficult by several restrictions. While some studies have been conducted on the impact of the pandemic on both students and athletes, none have been conducted on individuals who are also pursuing dual careers and migrated during the pandemic, such as RIG students. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine RIG students' experiences and perceptions of the move and adjustment to a new environment during Covid-19, with the goal of understanding how the pandemic affected migration and how individuals were able to overcome the obstacles and challenges they faced. This was made possible by conducting a case study on RIG swimmers from Helsingborg and Jönköping. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with RIG swimmers, which were later analyzed through a thematic analysis. Bourdieu's theoretical framework and concepts of capital, habitus, field, and illusio guided the thematic analysis and subsequent discussion. The results show that RIG swimmers experienced different difficulties in adapting based on the resources and previous conditions they possessed. Different types of capital ownership also meant different types of adaptations, which in the longer term affected motivation positively or negatively. All students, regardless of their capital ownership, experienced challenges in distance learning, discipline and routines, as well as a lack of community. The study therefore concludes that RIG students' adaptation depends on how much capital they possess within the new field and how strong a sense of illusio they have. In the longer term, the study highlights the importance of finding sustainable ways to support career opportunities for young athletes, even during a societal crisis such as Covid-19.
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18 : ”De lärdas elit” – En retorisk studie av Svenska Akademiens ledamotspresentationerNilsson, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Svenska Akademien är en ledande aktör inom det svenska språket och litteraturen och kan därför sägas vara ett slags måttstock för ”den svenska lärda”. I och med att det i denna uppsats studeras vilka egenskaper hos en akademiledamot Akademien själv framställer som viktiga meriter kan det säga oss något om det intellektuella klimatet i det nutida Sverige. För att få en förståelse för vilka dessa idealegenskaper är måste Akademiens egna offentliga kanal betraktas – Akademiens hemsida. Genom att induktivt betrakta vilka persontopiker som förekommer i presentationerna är det en metod för att få en förståelse om hur Akademien framställer sig själv och hur pass väl det lever upp till idealet av en ’lärd’. De kriterier som legat till grund för att konstruera persontopikerna är att det är ett argument för personens lämplighet i Akademien: ledamotens individuella egenskaper och tidigare erfarenheter. Resultatet av lärdhetens alla persontopiker i ledamotspresentationer är: framstående yrkesverksamhet, ärebetygelser, utbildning, den mångfasetterade lärda, ovanlighet, relationer och kön. I uppsatsen följer hur dessa är fördelade utifrån kön och yrkesgrupp och i vilken frekvens de förekommer. Resultatet av huruvida Akademien förhåller sig till lärdhetsidealet speglar hur Akademien vill se sig själv som någonting mer än en ’lärd’ och förgäves strävar efter att vara ’intellektuell’. En distinktion mellan ’lärd’ och ’intellektuell’ går det att läsa om i uppsatsen och hur det faktum att ledamöterna är en del av ett instiutionellt samfund gör dem till ”de lärdas elit”.
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我迷我打卡?台灣K-POP迷妹的打卡實踐 / I Fan Therefore I Check In? Taiwan K-pop Fans’ Check-in Practices蘇湘棻, Su, Hsiang Fen Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,迷打卡出現的場合非常多元,除了迷活動相關的地點,生活打卡也可看出迷實踐的蹤跡。迷打卡種類繁多,展現的資本也非常複雜,除了一眼就能看出的資本呈現,更多時候是必須搭配打卡的情境與脈絡才能知悉。除此之外,這些不斷增生、轉換、積累的資本,透過迷在打卡的展演,進而成為迷獲取象徵資本的籌碼與管道。迷展現資本,同時也會暴露自己的階級,但在網路場域,除了讓資本呈現不同的特色風貌,階級的呈現能夠被隱匿,低度資本也有翻轉的可能。 / Studies of fan cultures have been discussed since 1990. However, influenced by new technology and cultural differences, fans have a variety of media use that leads to culture consumption. This study tries to find out the media use behavior through K-POP fans’ check in practice.
In order to be informational and accurate, the study contains two methods. First, seven participants share their experiences of Facebook check-in behaviors, and then data crawling is used to get all check-in data.
My findings indicate that fans use check-ins on Facebook to perform fans' behavior in fan-activities and in the daily life. The capitals displaying on check-ins are multifarious. Some of them are easy to see but some hidden capitals will be found by understanding the context behind check-ins. In addition, fans emerge, transform, accumulate and display different capitals on facebook check-ins and those displaying capitals are the factors to obtain symbolic capitals as well. Fans show capitals they have on Facebook, which will expose their social classes in the mean time. However, on the internet, fans can hide the clues of classes consciously, and show more capitals than they have.
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The City as Socio-Ontology : Community, Locality and Social Space within a Minor City in Southern SwedenPetersson, Hampus January 2016 (has links)
In sociology in general, community is often seen as an expression for something seriously threatened or even destroyed by modernity. In urban sociology, this question has traditionally manifested itself in a ‘search exhibition’ of communal bonds within the city landscape. This analytical approach tends to split up ‘community’ and ‘city’ into two different forms of social experience. By adopting a socio-ontological approach, this study argues that experiences of community cannot be ontologically separated from experiences of the city. The aim of this study is to examine how the interviewees, living in the same neighborhood within a minor city in southern Sweden, create a perception of the city as a whole in relation to their own positioning therein. From this aim, two research questions have been formulated as follows: How is Milltown socio-ontologically constituted as a social space of relations? And: How do the interviewees construct a purified community? In order to examine this, nine in-depth interviews were conducted with residents in a middle class neighborhood (Greenwood), located in a minor city in southern Sweden (Milltown). The material was analyzed using a socio-ontological approach combined with Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of social space and habitus, and Richard Sennett’s concepts of purified community and collective personality. The results of this study show how the perceived social complexity of Milltown as a whole is purified into an authentic experience of community. Greenwood is being constituted as a private sphere, which is isolated from the rest of the city. Greenwood represents a simplification of the social environment within the city landscape, where personal feelings and values are projected. It is also shown how interaction between neighbors in Greenwood is almost completely absent, and how the interviewees compensate this absence by constructing a collective personality. This collective personality envisages how they are the same, rather than what they actually do in their relations to each other. The feelings of belonging stem from shared expectations that neighbors have on each other, rather than from interactions. Finally, the results show how this purified community identity is constructed against other neighborhoods in Milltown, which are seen to represent different ways-of-life. This study contributes to a more complex understanding of how feelings of belonging are constituted in relation to a specific locality, but also how this understanding enables a perception of the city as a whole. Accordingly, insights have been achieved on how recent attempts to ‘redefine’ the community concept in sociology can be used empirically, and to be further built upon theoretically. Further, urban sociology has traditionally been concerned with big cities. This study argues that the urban sociological tradition has exaggerated the differences between minor and larger cities. The argument is that minor cities should be approached as socially complex milieus as well, where people are aware of each other but do not know each other. Gesellschaft relations should therefore not be understood as something exclusive to the metropolis, but rather as a condition of life in modernity in general. Finally, this study also gives an insight about the mechanisms behind voluntary segregation. This is a matter that is often neglected in urban sociological research, which traditionally has worked in paradigm of poverty, thus focusing on stigmatized neighborhoods.
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”Kalla mig inte mamsell!” : En jämförelse av tre skandinaviska översättares behandling av kulturspecifika element i fransk- och engelskspråkig skönlitteratur / “Don’t call me miss!” : A Comparison of Three Scandinavian Translators’ Strategic Choices in the Translation of Culture-Specific Elements in French and English NovelsAxelsson, Marcus January 2016 (has links)
The present study deals with the work and practice of three Scandinavian translators, namely Kjell Olaf Jensen (Norwegian), Marianne Öjerskog (Swedish) and Agnete Dorph Stjernfelt (Danish). The main question of the thesis is what strategies the translators use when translating culture-specific elements from French and English. Theoretically the thesis positions itself within the framework of Descriptive Translation Studies and draws upon system theories as well as Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of culture. The method consists of a source text – target text analysis, using a somewhat modified version of Pedersen’s (2007) method identifying seven translation strategies, namely (1) retention, (2) specification, (3) direct translation, (4) generalization, (5) substitution, (6) omission and (7) official equivalent. In this thesis the three former and the official equivalent are categorized as “adequate”, whereas generalization, substitution and omission are categorized as “acceptable” using Toury’s (2012) terminology. Six different types of culture-specific elements are investigated, namely (1) titles, address and professional titles, (2) currencies, (3) weights and measures, (4) literature and music, (5) education, and (6) names. In addition to this analysis, interviews with the three translators were carried out. Results show that there are both similarities and dissimilarities in the translators’ choices of translation strategies. It also turns out that the strategies used to a great extent depend on the culture-specific element in question and hardly ever on the source language. Results also suggest that the higher the translators’ amount of accumulated total capital, the more likely it is that they adopt a heterodoxic translation strategy. Jensen and Stjernfelt are more often positioned at one of the two extremes of the adequacy–acceptability axis than is the case for Öjerskog. Moreover, results from the interviews and the text analyses show that there are a number of norms that govern the translators’ practices. The translatorial practice is to manoeuver in a field governed by norms in order to produce the best possible target texts – target texts that are true to the original and conform to domestic literary standards.
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Experiential learning in professional Rugby UnionLloyd, Sam January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to understand the role played by experiential learning in professional Rugby Union. Furthermore, to understand how performance information is utilised by coaches and athletes in every day practice. The thesis employed an ethnographic research method, utilising extensive participant observation, interviews, and document analysis. The thesis draws significantly on the theoretical tools of Scho??n, Bourdieu and Foucault. The key results and findings were that coaches used performance related information as a technology of self , and inculcated a hegemonic ideology. Furthermore, power relations were found and manifested inside the coach / athlete relation that reinforced the coaches spatial and temporal dominance. These dominant power relations were legitimised through the omnipresent ideology, and thus reproduced by the players and coaches. While evidence of experiential learning was documented, particularly with the academy players, the social location of practice marginalised the value of experiential learning in the coaching process. This was because performance information and the use of video based reflection were consistently used as tools of coaching authority, discipline and symbolic violence.
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