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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conflitos no uso das águas transfronteiriças: o caso da Itaipu Binacional / Conflicts in the use of cross-border waters: the case of binational Itaipu

Inacio Junior, Paulo 30 October 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de examinar o comportamento do estado brasileiro diante das manifestações de insatisfação do Paraguai com o Tratado de Itaipu que reivindicou renegociações sobre o uso da água e a distribuição da geração elétrica. Elas resultaram em revisões de partes do Tratado ao longo da década de 2000. O subsistema platino está dividido em dois tempos, o primeiro de ocupação da fronteira, no período da construção da usina em que a ordem regional rivalizava com a Argentina, e o segundo a partir da década de 2000, quando se consolida uma nova ordem regional voltada à integração. A Itaipu Binacional usa as águas transfronteiriças da bacia onde os dois Estados fazem fronteira e sua existência depende do alinhamento de interesses entre os Estados ribeirinhos no projeto binacional. Isto demonstrou a superação da função de separação política, no entanto tornou mais evidente as desigualdades entre as Partes. As assimetrias no uso das águas transfronteiriças revelam relações de poder entre os Estados ribeirinhos e sugere a existência de agente hidro-hegemônico. No diálogo entre Geografia Política, Geopolítica e Relações Internacionais, defende-se a ideia de que o uso compartilhado da água transfronteiriça impõe uma realidade de interdependente que adapta o comportamento dos Estados, a distribuição de poder e as suas fontes, mas, mesmo assim, mantém a racionalidade estratégica autointeressada. Para viabilizar a investigação foram analisados documentos elaborados pelo Itamaraty e pela Itaipu Binacional, além de fontes secundárias. / This dissertation aims to examine the behavior of the Brazilian state in face of the manifestations of dissatisfaction of Paraguay with the Treaty of Itaipu that demanded renegotiations on the use of water and the distribution of electricity generation. They resulted in revisions of parts of the Treaty throughout the 2000s. The Platinum subsystem is divided into two periods, the first to occupy the frontier, during the construction of the plant in which the regional order rivaled Argentina, and the second from the 2000s, when a new regional order for integration was consolidated. Itaipu Binacional uses the transboundary waters of the basin where the two States border and their existence depends on the alignment of interests among the riparian states in the binational project. This has demonstrated the overcoming of the political separation function, but has made more evident the inequalities between the Parties. Asymmetries in the use of transboundary waters reveal power relations among riparian states and suggests the existence of a hydrohegemonic agent. In the dialogue between Political Geography, Geopolitics and International Relations, the idea is defended that the shared use of transboundary water imposes an interdependent reality that adapts the behavior of States, the distribution of power and its sources, maintains the self-interested strategic rationality. In order to facilitate the investigation, documents prepared by Itamaraty and Itaipu Binacional were analyzed, as well as secondary sources.

Norra Botkyrkas undre värld : En inblick i antihjältarnas vardag

Bajric, Edin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this study was to describe and analyse the daily activities of a criminal group in a southern suburb of Stockholm, Norra Botkyrka, and their attitude to drugs, the police, crimes in general, accomplices and their plans for the future. The study is a combination of different qualitative methods that is built on unobtrusive methods and interviews that was carried out during winter in 2006 and spring in 2007 and six interviews. My interest to carry out this study was grounded on my several years of experience as a prison and probation officer in the prison. I chose to “live” with a group of criminals and participated in some of their social activities.</p><p>The respondents that I chose to call “anti-heroes” proudly tell me about their criminal lifestyle that characterizes of violence, drugs, crimes and conflict where this people show no regret. The readers of this study will be able to do an insight into the criminals’ daily activities. I choose to describe the respondents tough and “tragically” growth and their attitude to the drugs, conflicts, the police, accomplices, women, future and their spot in society. The results of this study will show that the majority of the respondents had a bad growth and comes from torn families, where the most of them began early with drugs and crimes. The organisation of the gang gives a shifting view from what appears to be an organised and structured gang to a disorderly gang with a lot of conflicts. The respondents are so hardly anchored to their criminal lifestyle that an adjustment to normal life, for the majority of them, is next to impossible.</p>

Dramapedagogik : Barns upplevelser av att delta i dramapedagogiska övningar

Björkander, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>This examination paper is about educational drama and is implemented from a participant oriented perspective. The main purpose of this study is to find out what conceptions and experiences the children actualize when participating in educational drama exercises. The reason why I choose to write about this subject was because of my own fascination and experiences of participating in drama exercises. On account of my further profession as a teacher, I want this study to take direction in school.</p><p>The theoretical frame in this examination consists of literature that describes educational drama as a subject. I also present and discuss some earlier research in this area. At last I describe four educational drama-exercises and explain the purpose with its work.</p><p>The empirical base of the study consists of qualitative interviews and observations in two fifth grade classes somewhere in the middle of Sweden. As a methodical starting point three educational drama exercises were created and carried out. The exercises were about conflicts that could appear in the children’s everyday school reality.</p><p>The results show that there are different aspects of what the pupils gave their attention to in the work with the exercises. My conclusion is that one conception is directed at the drama itself, one conception is directed at role-playing, one conception is directed at solving the problems in the exercises and one conception is directed at the emotional part of the drama.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete handlar om pedagogiskt drama och tar sitt fokus på deltagarnas perspektiv i övningarna. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter som barn/elever bär med sig i och med deltagandet i dramapedagogiska övningar. Orsaken till att jag valde att skriva om det här ämnet var på grund av min egen fascination och erfarenheter av att delta i dramaövningar. Med anledning av min kommande yrkesroll som lärare har jag valt att rikta undersökningen mot skolan.</p><p>I den teoretiska delen av arbetet tar jag upp litteratur som beskriver pedagogiskt drama som ämne. Jag presenterar även tidigare forskning inom detta område. Slutligen beskriver jag fyra dramapedagogiska övningar och hur de går till samt vilka syften som finns med dem.</p><p>Den empiriska delen av undersökningen består av kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer som jag utfört i två klasser i årskurs fem, någonstans i Mellansverige. För att samla in data till min undersökning har jag skapat tre dramapedagogiska övningar i form av forumspel, som mina intervjuer och observationer utgått ifrån. Övningarna behandlar konflikter som skulle kunna ha utspelat sig i elevernas egen skolvardag.</p><p>I undersökningen framkommer det att det finns en påtaglig variation i elevernas tankar om forumspelen. Det finns också en variation i vad de riktar sin uppmärksamhet mot i arbetet med övningarna. Uppmärksamheten riktas bland annat åt själva teatern i sig (roligt med teater, roligt att spela teater). Ibland riktas uppmärksamheten åt själva rolltagandet (att få agera, att vara i roll). Det framkommer även att det riktas uppmärksamhet år själva problemlösandet och känslouttrycken i spelen.</p>

Intressentstrategier : en longitudinell studie av utvecklingen i två svenska företag

Ljung, Anders O. January 1992 (has links)
Företagsledningar ägnar en stor del av sin tid åt att hantera strategiska frågor av delvis annan art än de klassiska affärsstrategiska områdena som marknadspositionering och produktutveckling. Visavi intressenter som ägare, regering, massmedia och fackklubbar utformar de strategier för att säkra resursflöden och legitimitet. Att hantera en dylik koalition av en mängd intressenter med olika och ofta konflikterande förväntningar på företaget är en svår uppgift. Lätt uppstår rollkonflikter och legitimitetskriser som hotar företagets existens om felaktig eller ingen strategi sätts in. Denna studie fokuseras på två huvudfrågor. Den första är hur formering och förändring av dylika intressentstrategier sker. Den andra frågan är om en interaktiv planering är ett kraftfullt verktyg för företag att utveckla framgångsrike intressentstrategier. För att söka besvara dessa frågor valdes en klinisk forskningsansats. Tre fältexperiment genomfördes i ett par svenska företag med en unik möjlighet att följa de relativt dramatiska strategiska förloppen i respektive företag. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Shifting Responsibilities and Shifting Terrains : State Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility and Indigenous Claims

Lawrence, Rebecca January 2009 (has links)
Using case studies from Australia, Sweden and Finland, and also drawing on examples from parts of Asia, including Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Thailand, the thesis explores how state and market actors respond to Indigenous claims and how Indigenous claims are themselves reconstituted through those particular responses. While the duty of protecting Indigenous rights might nominally fall upon the state, we are increasingly witness to the enfolding of market actors and market rationalities in debates concerning Indigenous claims. The research contained in the thesis highlights how a practice of 'passing the buck', or passing of responsibility onto others, is constituted through both market and government relations whereby responsibility for addressing Indigenous claims is shifted from states to corporations, from corporations to states, and from states back to Indigenous peoples themselves. The thesis consists of four articles. Article 1, titled 'Obliging Indigenous Citizens: Shared Responsibility Agreements in Australian Aboriginal Communities' provides a critique of the governmental provision of services to remote Australian Aboriginal communities through quasi-market arrangements. Article 2, titled 'Corporate Social Responsibility, Supply-chains and Saami Claims: Tracing the Political in the Finnish Forestry Industry' explores conflicts over state logging in Saami territories and the construction of the state/market divide in CSR debates over the rights of Indigenous peoples. Article 3, titled 'NGO Campaigns and Banks: Constituting Risk and Uncertainty' studies the negotiated and contested boundaries of markets through debates over the governance of social and environmental risks in the investment banking sector. Article 4, titled 'The Last Frontier? Windpower developments on traditional Saami lands' considers how colonial rationalities constituting the state-Saami relationship are reproduced in new debates over windpower developments in Saami mountain areas. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: In progress.</p>

Mellan morot och piska : en fallstudie av 1992 års rehabiliteringsreform

Grape, Owe January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is a case study of the Swedish Rehabilitation Reform of 1992. Vocational rehabilitation is described as an organizational activity which takes place in the interaction between social policy regulations and organizational execution. The analytical point of departure is made up of two complementary theoretical perspectives (Chapter 3): New institutional theory and the concept of 'negotiated order'. New institutional theory can aid inter-organizational analysis as it assumes that organizations are not only influenced, but also permeated by institutional and technical frameworks. The 'negotiated order' perspective can provide an understanding of actors' motives when they work together. This perspective also acknowledges that actors are able to exercise 'episodic power', and that this differs from 'formal power'. The first empirical study (Chapter 4) analyses the political motives behind the Rehabilitation Reform of 1992. It shows that at the time of the Rehabilitation Reform economical and political interests were pushing for a tighter regulations in Swedish social policy. The following three empirical studies focus on the 'organizational field' in which rehabilitation is practised. This field consists of the social insurance office, employment agencies, primary health care centres and occupational health service centres. Chapter 5 deals with the regulations and environmental factors influencing the various organizations and their representatives. It points to five external forces that influence the performance of the four type of actors. The social insurance office is influenced by a judicial social insurance logic, the employment agencies by a holistic labour market policy logic, and the physicians in primary health care centres and in occupational health centres by a 'holistic' medical frame of reference, which contrasts with that often found in other medical sub-specialities. Finally, employers are influenced first, by a logic of profit which has a technical and institutional dimension and second, by an institutional welfare state logic. Chapter six shows that the largest 'domain conflict' in the initial phase of the rehabilitation trajectory has to do with defining 'capacity to work'. Domain conflicts are seen as resulting from different institutional logics, implying different views on illness and capacity to work. Numerous and frequent personal interaction make it possible for physicians and rehabilitation officials to avoid conflict. The operative phase is associated with two major domain conflicts. The first is related to negotiations between the social insurance office and the employers about transferring employees to other duties. Both sides avoid exercising power that may damage clients and future trust. Episodic power resources are used to exercise the strategy of 'the golden middle path'. The other domain conflict is related to the judgement of work capacity. The labour market officials' view of work capacity differs from that of the officials at the social insurance office. Chapter seven compares cooperative rehabilitation projects with regular rehabilitation activity. The results show that actors in cooperative projects break the sequential work order used in regular rehabilitation activity and thereby projects quickly collect comprehensive information about individuals. Cooperative projects can also achieve flexible solutions tailored to an individual clients needs. Further, cooperative projects allow time for unconventional initiatives, which regular activity do not. The process of 'returning to work' poses a challenge both kinds of work organizations. Individuals who are disabled in some way are required to meet the same labour market demands as healthy and well educated are expected to meet. Finally, regular rehabilitation work tends uses standardize clients while cooperative projects tend to treat them as individuals. / digitalisering@umu

利益衝突與信用評等: 信評維護的實證研究 / Conflicts of interest and credit ratings: evidence from rating maintenance

翁胤哲, Weng, Yin Che Unknown Date (has links)
We study the effect of conflicts of interest on credit ratings and analyze the rating maintenance of credit rating agencies for various clienteles. By examining the rating-transition path, we found that rating agencies favor their valued clients by stepwise downgrades and full and timely upgrades. Favored clients could, therefore, save capital cost and possibly gain a larger investor base for their new issues. However, such rating behavior would undermine the rating quality and reputation of rating agencies in the long term. Our results provide evidence for the meager literature on rating-agency conflicts from the rating-maintenance perspective. Our findings also lend support to the growing literature that rating agencies do not provide quality services to investors when the regulation is indulgent or the competition within the rating industry is severe.

Makar emellan : Äktenskaplig oenighet och våld på kyrkliga och politiska arenor, 1810-1880

Eriksson, Marie January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines the discussion that took place during the 19th century surrounding men’s violence against their wives, as well as the contemporary norms and ideas that shaped people’s understanding of, and ability to deal with the problem. The overall objective is to examine how cultural conceptions of gender, class, violence and power (relationships) were created and expressed during the period 1810–1880. I approach this objective through an examination of how men’s violence against their wives was reported and treated as marital conflict, both within local religious arenas (such as church councils and cathedral chapters) and in the Riksdag of the Estates. With a longer diachronic analysis of the discussions in the Riksdag of the Estates con-cerning propositions for changes in the law regarding marital conflict and divorce during the period 1828–1860, the dissertation shows that men’s violence against their wives as well as other forms of male misuse of power were neither made invisible, privatised nor marginalised in the public discussion in Sweden, which previous research has maintained. In contrast to previous research, the dissertation also shows that political attention to wife-beating and the reform work that took place in 19th century Sweden cannot be entirely characterised as a secularised project. The attention politicians directed towards the problem took place in a re-ligious context where the clergy, in practice, through their experience of dealing with wife-beating and other unsatisfactory conditions in marital relations, took the initiative and were instigators in the political process that after the middle of the century brought changes in the law on marital conflict and divorce. The dissertation’s investigations of how marital conflict and violence were dealt with by church councils and cathedral chapters also show how those involved talked about marital conflict based on competing ideas of gender, class, violence and marriage. The dissertation supports previous research that has demonstrated how men’s violence against their wives tended to be made invisible when it was interpreted and dealt with as marital conflict within the religious arenas. However, the results of the dissertation open up for other interpreta-tional perspectives regarding how violence was made invisible in the past, demonstrating that the prevailing understanding of violence that existed through concepts such as conflict and maltreatment may rather have resulted in an exposition of violence, which also included other forms of marital violence and oppression that were not physical. With a starting point in a marital ideology that perceived marriage as being in principle life-long, the intention of the church’s warnings during conflicts was to mediate, even in cases that included men’s vio-lence against their wives. The principal significance was not to make it easier for wives to remove themselves from their husbands’ violence, but to preserve the sanctity of marriage. Despite this, the study of praxis during the period shows that the church councils in particu-lar could assume more flexible and pragmatic attitudes towards the law. In their attempts to find solutions to their congregation’s unsatisfactory state of marital problems, they could even pursue actions that conflicted with legal provisions.

Dramapedagogik : Barns upplevelser av att delta i dramapedagogiska övningar

Björkander, Johan January 2006 (has links)
This examination paper is about educational drama and is implemented from a participant oriented perspective. The main purpose of this study is to find out what conceptions and experiences the children actualize when participating in educational drama exercises. The reason why I choose to write about this subject was because of my own fascination and experiences of participating in drama exercises. On account of my further profession as a teacher, I want this study to take direction in school. The theoretical frame in this examination consists of literature that describes educational drama as a subject. I also present and discuss some earlier research in this area. At last I describe four educational drama-exercises and explain the purpose with its work. The empirical base of the study consists of qualitative interviews and observations in two fifth grade classes somewhere in the middle of Sweden. As a methodical starting point three educational drama exercises were created and carried out. The exercises were about conflicts that could appear in the children’s everyday school reality. The results show that there are different aspects of what the pupils gave their attention to in the work with the exercises. My conclusion is that one conception is directed at the drama itself, one conception is directed at role-playing, one conception is directed at solving the problems in the exercises and one conception is directed at the emotional part of the drama. / Detta examensarbete handlar om pedagogiskt drama och tar sitt fokus på deltagarnas perspektiv i övningarna. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter som barn/elever bär med sig i och med deltagandet i dramapedagogiska övningar. Orsaken till att jag valde att skriva om det här ämnet var på grund av min egen fascination och erfarenheter av att delta i dramaövningar. Med anledning av min kommande yrkesroll som lärare har jag valt att rikta undersökningen mot skolan. I den teoretiska delen av arbetet tar jag upp litteratur som beskriver pedagogiskt drama som ämne. Jag presenterar även tidigare forskning inom detta område. Slutligen beskriver jag fyra dramapedagogiska övningar och hur de går till samt vilka syften som finns med dem. Den empiriska delen av undersökningen består av kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer som jag utfört i två klasser i årskurs fem, någonstans i Mellansverige. För att samla in data till min undersökning har jag skapat tre dramapedagogiska övningar i form av forumspel, som mina intervjuer och observationer utgått ifrån. Övningarna behandlar konflikter som skulle kunna ha utspelat sig i elevernas egen skolvardag. I undersökningen framkommer det att det finns en påtaglig variation i elevernas tankar om forumspelen. Det finns också en variation i vad de riktar sin uppmärksamhet mot i arbetet med övningarna. Uppmärksamheten riktas bland annat åt själva teatern i sig (roligt med teater, roligt att spela teater). Ibland riktas uppmärksamheten åt själva rolltagandet (att få agera, att vara i roll). Det framkommer även att det riktas uppmärksamhet år själva problemlösandet och känslouttrycken i spelen.

Konflikter i arbetslag : En studie kring hinder och möjligheter i förhållande till lärarrollen / Conflicts in work groups : A study about obstacles and possibilities for the role as teacher

Widéll, Maja, Lundberg, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Studien behandlar, genom en kvalitativ ansats, de uttryck lärare har kring konflikter i arbetslag som en möjlighet respektive ett hinder i förhållande till lärarrollen. Vidare är studiens mål att skapa förståelse för konflikternas betydelse för lärarrollen. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes individuellt med verksamma lärare inom årskurserna 3-6, vilka representerar tre skilda skolor inom samma kommun.   Under lärarutbildningen har området konflikter främst behandlats ur ett elevperspektiv. Genom att vistas inom skolans värld har dock studiens författare uppmärksammat att konflikter även är vanligt förekommande bland lärare, där effekterna på olika sätt påverkat yrkesutövningen. I sammanhanget bildades ett intresse kring området, med utgångspunkt i huruvida konflikter verkar som en möjlighet, respektive ett hinder för lärarrollen.   Resultatet av studien visar att konflikter i arbetslag uttrycks både som en möjlighet, respektive ett hinder, för lärarrollen. Konflikternas hanterande beskrivs vidare som avgörande för huruvida de betraktas. Lärarens erfarenhet, inställning och kunskap kring konflikter i arbetslag betonas som en central del för konflikternas utfall. Lärarna uttrycker konflikter i arbetslag främst som en negativ företeelse för lärarrollen. Svårigheter som kan uppstå avser samarbete, bristande engagemang, lärarens hälsa samt avstannande i lärarrollens utveckling. I sammanhanget visar studiens resultat dock även på möjligheter i samband med konflikter i arbetslaget som berör ökad kreativitet, ett mer framgångsrikt samarbete samt ett förbättrat utvecklingsarbete. / The study describes, through a qualitative method, the expressions teachers have about conflicts in work groups as a possibility or an obstacle for the teacher role. Furthermore the study aims to give an understanding of the consequence of conflicts for the teacher role. Qualitative interviews were individually conducted with teachers from three different schools teaching children aged between 10-12.   The concept of conflict has during the teacher education mainly discussed through a student perspective. By being in school, the study authors noted that conflicts are also common among teachers, where the effects on various affected professional. In this context, formed an interest around the area, on the basis of whether the conflicts appears as a possibility, and an obstacle to the teacher role.   The result of the study shows that conflicts in teacher teams are described as a possibility, respectively an obstacle in the role as teacher. The managing of a conflict is described as decisive in how the conflicts are considered. The teachers' experience, attitude and knowledge of conflicts in working groups are essential for the results of the conflicts. The teachers express conflicts in working groups mainly as a negative occurrence for the teacher role. Difficulties that can appear concerns cooperation, deficient commitment, the teacher's health and deficient development. In the context the study's results also show the possibilities gained from a conflict in a working group, it encourages increased creativity, improved cooperation and a more successful development work.

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