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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Climate Change Litigation Based on Human Rights : challenges and possbilities in Sweden

Parling, Isabella January 2021 (has links)
Climate change litigation is expanding at fast speed throughout various jurisdictions around the world. Citizens are taking states’ lack of climate mitigation measures to courts, demanding that more has to be done on the climate crisis. More often now, litigants use human rights based argumentation which relies on international human rights law: human rights treaties, conventions, and precedent from human rights courts. According to litigants, states are therefore seen as both creating and prolonging this threat against the lives of their citizens, violating some of their most basic human rights, such as the right to life. Coupling these human rights obligations with climate treaties such as the Paris Agreement has proven effective when attempting to establish a causal connection between state emissions and climate change’s threat to citizen’s lives. This is sometimes characterized as a global ‘rights turn’ or a ‘greening’ of human rights. While a climate litigation case was denied to be brought up in Swedish courts in 2016, the Swedish government is now in 2021 finding itself tested again. Several children and youths in Sweden are currently suing the Swedish state, claiming that Sweden does not live up to its international human rights obligations. The claim is based on a human rights framing and is more similar to other ongoing or successful climate litigation cases at present time. While also facing a lawsuit as defendants in a case under the European Court of Human Rights, Sweden is now finding itself in the midst of this new phenomenon. Since, however, the issue of climate litigation in Swedish courts is quite new, the results of a new case in Sweden based on different grounds and on the precedent established in other successful cases in other similar jurisdictions, could be different.  The overall purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the intentional human rights obligations that the Swedish state is bound by internationally which can be used in a climate litigation case based on human rights argumentation. The issue at hand is therefore to ascertain what, how and why those obligations concerning the climate and human rights makes it possible or challenging to pursue a case against the Swedish government, and what these obligations entail. If the case is tried in Swedish courts, it will establish the current obligations concerning climate change and its threat to human lives under international human rights law, as well as Sweden’s mitigation duties.

Climate Science Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility : The role climate science communication plays in the action corporations in the food industry are taking toward reaching global climate goals

Blanco Storz, Ana Frida, Friedman, Kelsey January 2022 (has links)
Climate Science Communication is an important tool for helping organizations set strategies to reduce their climate impact. As a major contributor to global climate warming emissions, the food industry needs to take stronger action to reduce their climate impact if the world wants to achieve the global climate goals committed to in the 2015 Paris Agreement. To ensure they meet the climate commitments in their Corporate Social Responsibility strategies, corporations in the food industry should use science-based targets, which research shows are more effective and ambitious. Through the context of Sweden, a country which has set strong emissions reduction policy, this thesis investigates the role that Climate Science Communication and stakeholder communication play in the actions that corporations in the food industry are taking to help achieve the global climate goals. This qualitative study analyzes the firsthand accounts of ten professionals across the food, science communications, and science research industries. Interviews with the participants explore stakeholder management in science communication, the role of collaboration within the science and food industries, and what gaps they see between the science community and the food industry when establishing corporate climate strategies. Results suggest that there is a necessary, and often missing, link between the food industry’s climate strategies and the climate research that informs them. Using principles from Stakeholder Theory, Communications Accommodation Theory, and Cross-Sector Collaboration can help bridge this gap. Improved stakeholder collaboration, better efforts to help decision makers understand climate science, changes to corporate behaviors, and systemic changes in both the corporate world and academia can improve the relationship between the science community and food industry, leading to more effective and impactful climate strategies and results.

Vilda kulturväxtsläktingar : för framtidens föda / Crop Wild Relatives : for the food of the future

Druid, Linnea, Thiele, David January 2022 (has links)
Jordbruket står inför många utmaningar. Grödorna behöver bland annat anpassas till ett förändrat klimat. Här är grödornas vilda släktingar, kulturväxtsläktingar viktiga, då de bär på stor genetisk variation. För att kulturväxtsläktingarna ska kunna användas i arbetet med att anpassa och utveckla dagens grödor är det av största vikt att de bevaras. Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att göra en kartläggning av bevarandearbetet som gjorts och behöver göras samt presentera Sveriges bevarandearbete. Litteraturstudien visar att flera internationella konventioner, bevarandestrategier och samarbeten har haft betydelse för bevarandearbetet. Vissa stora fröinsamlingsprojekt har gjorts och på vissa platser har skyddade områden för kulturväxtsläktingar upprättats. Dock krävs fortfarande ett omfattande bevarandearbete. Planer måste omsättas i praktiken, projekt finansieras och politiskt engagemang öka. I Sverige är arbetet på ett tidigt stadie, men vissa framsteg har gjorts och arbete pågår. Att öka kännedomen om kulturväxtsläktingar kan vara ett sätt att ge bevarandearbetet högre status och mer resurser. Där kan biologilärare göra en viktig insats genom att inkludera kulturväxtsläktingar och dess betydelse i undervisningen, till exempel att eleverna får arbeta med frågor om hur framtidens mattillgång kan säkras. / Agriculture is facing several great challenges. The crops need, among other things, to be adapted to a changing climate. Here, the wild relatives of the crops, the crop wild relatives, are important since they carry a vast amount of genetic diversity. For the crop wild relatives to be used in the process of adapting and improving today’s crops, it is essential that they are conserved. This literature review aims to make a survey of the previous conservation efforts and the work that remains, as well as presenting the conservation efforts in Sweden. The review shows that several international conventions, conservation strategies, and collaborations have been significant for the conservation efforts. Some large seed collecting projects have been completed and, in some places, protected areas for crop wild relatives have been established. However, extensive conservation efforts are still required. Plans need to be actualized, projects funded, and political incentive increased. The Swedish conservation efforts are still at an early stage, but some progress has been made and work is in ongoing. Increasing awareness about crop wild relatives could result in their conservation receiving a higher status and increased funds. Biology teachers can make an important contribution to this by including crop wild relatives and their significance in class, for example by letting students work with questions concerning the security of the futures food production.

Environmental/ecological, economic, and social factors inhumanitarian response : A qualitative case study reviewing the humanitarian response delivered by USAID in Haiti with the sustainable dimensions in focus

Madsen, Ane Kok January 2022 (has links)
In the past decades, there has been an alarming increase in the amount of toxicity on earthdue to pollution and consumerism and the natural environment is faster than everdisappearing due to the extensive activity of humans on planet earth (Nations United,2020; United Nations, 2020). The increased amount of rubbish and non-natural waste hasbeen identified as a major issue in the supply chain and waste management inhumanitarian organizations across the board. This thesis has reviewed existing academic research and identified the five commonthemes: Management – training and standardization – stakeholders and donors -transparency - climate change and development, in which the ability to become moresustainable is present. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) hasbeen showing environmental accountability and for that reason, its environmental policyand supply chain have been addressed to understand its waste management and if it issupporting the three sustainable dimensions. Plastic pollution is addressed as a humanitarian crisis and arguing that the devastatingeffects that microplastics are having on our ecosystem and it is clearly showing that it iscausing harm to the environment, the economy, and the social effect. Haiti has since theearthquake in 2010 received a variety of aid, majority from USAID but the sustainableaccountability in their action have been hard to identify. Reviewing the work of USAID and their collaboration with environmental protectioncompanies makes you likely to say that they are supporting the three sustainabledimensions but with further assessment, it is obvious, that humanitarian waste is doingharm and there must be improvements within the organization’s perspective onwaste/plastic while attending a crisis.

Applying Doughnut Economics in Small scale Urban Development Projects : The Case Study of Future School, Tomelilla, Sweden

Hosseini Karimabadi, Seyed Hamid January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

National Appropriateness of International Climate Policy Frameworks in India, Brazil, and South Africa

Upadhyaya, Prabhat January 2017 (has links)
How does the international climate policy frameworks influence the domestic institutional responses to climate mitigation in emerging economies? And how, in turn, do domestic institutions and politics in emerging economies influence the fate of international climate policy frameworks? The thesis provides answers to these questions by studying domestic engagements with Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions in three emerging economies – India, Brazil, and South Africa. The thesis specifically studies how these engagements were influenced by the domestic institutional context provided by national climate policy, norms, and institutional capacity in the three countries. Drawing upon the variations in the engagements with nationally appropriate mitigation actions, made visible by use of the policy cycle as a heuristic device, the thesis informs the implementation of another nascent, yet prevalent, international climate policy framework – Nationally Determined Contributions. The thesis identifies how engagements with nationally appropriate mitigation actions varied in India, Brazil, and South Africa in agenda-setting, policy formulation, decision-making, implementation, and evaluation. In cases where international support is considered crucial for taking mitigation actions, external factors such as lack of clarity on definitional aspects and availability of international support can hamper the prospects of such frameworks at the agenda-setting and policy formulation stages. Efforts to engage with these frameworks under this uncertainty are held back by non-decisions, overriding national climate policy, as well as by uneven inter-ministerial coordination. The thesis argues that successful implementation of upcoming Nationally Determined  Contributions will be influenced by a country’s ability to align them with its national climate policy, localization of the transnational norms, and the extent to which efforts to enhance institutional capacity for  coordinating the implementation of national climate policy are made. In sum, the effective implementation of International Climate Policy Frameworks will be dependent on the willingness of the state to  provide oversight and coordination, and clarity on the availability of international support. / Hur influerar ramverken för internationell klimatpolicy nationella institutionella åtgärder för att begränsa utsläpp av växthusgaser i framväxande ekonomier? Och hur påverkar, i sin tur, dessa länders nationella institutioner och politik dessa ramverk för internationell klimatpolicy? Denna avhandling studerar nationella engagemang i Nationellt lämpliga utsläppsminskande åtgärder (s.k. NAMAs) i tre framväxande ekonomier – Indien, Brasilien, och Sydafrika. Avhandlingen studerar i synnerhet hur dessa engagemang har påverkats av de tre ländernas nationella klimatpolicy, normer, och institutionella kapacitet. Genom att använda policycykeln som heuristiskt analysverktyg identifierar avhandlingen variationer i hur länderna utvecklat sitt engagemang i NAMAs. Avhandlingen visar att och hur engagemang med nationellt lämpliga utsläppsminskande åtgärder varierar mellan Indien, Brasilien, och Sydafrika vad det gäller fastställande av dagordning, policyformulering, beslutsfattande, implementering, och policyutvärdering. I de fall internationellt stöd anses vara avgörande för att vidta utsläppsminskande åtgärder kan externa faktorer såsom bristande definition av de internationella policyramverken för åtgärder samt tillgänglighet på internationellt stöd försvåra utsikterna för att internationella ramverk tas upp i de nationella dagordnings- och policyformuleringsstadierna. Arbetet med dessa ramverk försvåras även av icke-beslut och ojämn interministeriell koordinering samt om tvingande nationell klimatpolicy inte ligger i linje med de internationella besluten. Avhandlingens slutsatser har betydelse för implementeringen av ett annat framväxande ramverk för internationell klimatpolicy: Nationellt fastställda bidrag (s.k. NDC:er). En framgångsrik implementering av   NDC:er kommer att influeras av en stats förmåga att anpassa dem till nationell klimatpolicy samt transnationella normer, så att dessa överensstämmer eller jämkas med nationella normer, samt den institutionella kapaciteten för att koordinera implementering av nationell klimatpolicy. En effektiv implementering av ramverk för internationell klimatpolicy kommer, sammanfattningsvis, att vara beroende av staters villighet att tillhandahålla tillsyn och koordinering, samt tydlighet vad gäller tillgänglighet till internationellt stöd.

"Nedskräpning förbjuden" : Elever på mellanstadiet resonerar kring nedskräpning, källsortering och föroreningar / “Littering prohibited” : Middle-school pupils reason about littering, waste sorting and pollutions.

Melin, Daniéla January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att genom fokusgruppintervjuer undersöka vad elever i årskurserna 5-6 kan och  resonerar om begreppen källsortering, nedskräpning och miljöförstöring Studien tar upp hur hållbar utveckling är upplagt i läroplanens inledande delar och kursplaner, hur de tre dimensionerna av hållbarhet definieras samt tidigare forskning inom ämnet. I det resultat som visualiseras framkom det hur 20 elever på en Grön Flaggskola och en icke Grön Flaggskola ser på nedskräpning och källsortering. Undersökningens resultat indikerar att eleverna är väl insatta i dagens miljöproblem och de vet hur de ska motverka dessa. Anmärkningsvärt visade eleverna på Grön Flaggskolan inte mer kunskap om till exempel hållbarhet. Dock påvisas det att majoriteten av eleverna på båda skolorna innehar en nonchalant inställning till problemen, lägger dessa på andra individer och skjuter problemen framför sig. I studien framförs slutligen en diskussion om införandet av ett nytt ämne i läroplanen, vem som bär ansvaret och hur lärarna kan engagera sina elever att arbeta för en bättre planet. / The purpose of this qualitative study is, through focus group interviews investigate what pupils in grades 5-6 can and reason about waste sorting, littering and pollutions. The study examines how sustainable development is presented in the curriculum's introductory parts and curricula, how the three dimensions of sustainability are defined and previous research within the subject. The result that emerged visualizes how 20 pupils at an Eco-School and a non-Eco-school look at littering and sorting waste. The results of the survey indicate that the pupils are well acquainted with today's environmental problems, and they know how to counteract with these. The pupils on the Eco School did remarkably not show more knowledge about for example sustainability. However, it is demonstrated that the majority of the pupils at both schools hold a nonchalant approach to the problems, place these on other individuals and postpone the problems before them. Finally, the study discusses the introduction of a new topic in the curriculum, who carries the responsibility and how the teachers can engage their students to work for a better planet.

Organisational Learning in Business Model Innovation in the Bottom of Pyramid market : An empirical fieldwork about the market introduction of clean cookstoves in Mozambique

Premer, Stefan, Nansubuga, Brenda January 2018 (has links)
There is a need for cleaner technology initiatives into the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) market to combat the effects of climate change. The difficulty of these initiatives lies in their business model innovation process, as those organisations struggle in finding adequate strategies to establish their business in the BoP market. The BoP market is characterised as highly uncertain, which makes the operation of businesses challenging. Hereby the thesis aims at answering the question on how organisational learning occurs in business model innovation in the BoP market. Through a case study approach, the thesis intends to understand the requirements to establish a functioning business model by analysing organisational learning under business model innovation within the BoP market. This has been realised through a three week field study in Northern Mozambique, observing the market introduction of a cleantech company operating in this context. Hereby the business model innovation process and the environment of operation was analysed. This research contributes to the current discussion of business model innovation in BoP markets by detecting organisational learning as a useful mechanism and adding relevant insights on how organisational learning occurs in this specific context. Therefore the study opens the discussion on organisational learning in business model innovation in the context of the BoP market by asking for further studies on the topic.

Indigenous Peoples and the shifting paradigm on conservation - From the myth of untouched nature to the role of human cultures in protecting biodiversity

Maduro, Nigel, Ambriz, Carlos, Heyman, Lisa, Buoro, Mari January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis explores the shifting paradigm in conservation, moving away from the myth behind the preservationist approach that separates humans from nature towards a more inclusive conservationist approach. The study focuses on the role of Indigenous Peoples in this evolving paradigm and examines factors that influence their ability to participate in and influence conservation debates and policies. The research draws on qualitative exploratory methods, including interviews with Indigenous Peoples and experts in the conservation field. Thirteen factors emerged from the thematic analysis, namely: legal recognition, law enforcement, political representation, awareness, external support, community building, capacity-building, connection across Indigenous communities, economic inclusion, public attention, protests, advocacy, and intimidation. The findings emphasize the need for a systemic and inclusive approach to conservation policymaking that incorporates cultural diversity and respects the rights, perspectives and agency of Indigenous Peoples. Ultimately, the conservationist approach, and particularly the effective inclusion of cultural diversity in conservation debates and policies, can enhance society's capacity to protect and sustain natural resources and biodiversity for current and future generations, aiding our sustainability journey in its ecological and social sides.

Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Three Smallscale Hydropower Stations in South of Sweden / Metan- och Koldioxidutsläpp Från Tre Småskaliga Vattenkraftverk i Södra Sverige

Danielsen, Edevardt Johan, Jonsson Valderrama, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Over the past decades, evidence show that the anthropogenetic greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH₄) are the main drivers behind global warming and are becoming stronger. Globally, hydropower is among the main sources of renewable energy and the popular notion that hydropower electricity is carbon neutral has been under debate as evidence from measurements in different regions of the globe show significant and highly variable carbon emissions from hydropower reservoirs. But these global estimates are still highly uncertain since they are restricted to a few locations in the south of Europe, North America, and South America, and lack both the temporal and spatial variability in addition to some of the flux pathways (often downstream emission and degassing). This study assesses the CH4 and CO₂ emissions from reservoirs associated to three small hydropower stations in the south of Sweden and aims to understand potential spatial and temporal variability in the temperate region. The study performed flux measurements of CH4 and CO₂, an analysis of CH4 and DIC concentration in the water, and a depth profile of temperature, DO, CH4 and DIC at the hydropower station’s reservoirs. In summation this study finds significant CH4 and DIC concentrations, as well as CH4 and CO₂emissions from the studied reservoirs. The findings of this study underline the notion that hydropower might be a `blind spot` in the Swedish GHG budget report, and if so, the carbon emissions from hydropower electricity need to be re-evaluated.

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