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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur korrelerar GIH:s Pyramidtest med VO2max på rullband för elitorienterare?

Edlund, Elin, Wiik, Robert January 2011 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka för elitorienterare resultaten vid och korrelationen mellan ett så kallat 5 minuters pyramidtest (5MPT) och ett maximalt test för bestämning av maximalt syreupptag (VO2max) på rullband. Frågorna vi ställde oss var: Vilken korrelation föreligger mellan 5MPT och ett bestämt VO2max på rullband hos elitorienterare? Hur ser en jämförelse ut mellan uppmätt samt beräknat VO2max? Vilken är reliabiliteten för 5MPT? Hur ser ekvationen ut för att beskriva sambandet mellan dessa två olika maxtester? Metod I valideringsstudien deltog 16 elitorienterare (6 kvinnor och 10 män) i åldrarna 17 till 37 år. De två testerna som genomfördes var 5MPT och bestämning av VO2max på rullband. 5MPT är ett skytteltest som är fem minuter långt, där testpersonen (tp) tar sig fram och tillbaka mellan två stolpar (sträcka 5.5 m) där en vertikal trappa (formad likt en pyramid) passeras under varje vända. Antalet vändor, skattad ansträngning samt hjärtfrekvens (HF) registrerades. Utvecklad power (effekt) erhölls genom produkten av vikt, gravitation, antal vändor, höjd på högsta plinten (0,62 m) dividerat med total duration i 5MPT. Testet för att bestämma VO2max utfördes med löpning på ett motordrivet rullband. Under den första minuten av testet sprang tp på en hastighet av 8km/h (kvinnor) respektive10km/h (män) utan lutning. För varje minut ökades hastigheten med 1km/h. Lutningen höjdes med en grad efter minut ett och därefter med 0,5 grader/minut. Testet pågick till dess tp nått sin VO2max. Var 15:e sekund registrerades tp:s HF, VO2 (l/min), VCO2 (l/min), VO2 (ml/kg/min) och respiratorisk kvot (RER) med hjälp av ett datoriserat syreupptagningssystem. Resultat Korrelationen var signifikant och hög (r = 0,89, p<0,0001) mellan utvecklad power på 5MPT och VO2max (l/min) och även mellan antalet vändor på 5MPT och VO2max (l/min) (r = 0,89, p<0,0001) på detta material av elitorienterare. Följande formler, baserade på resultaten från elitorienterarna, kan användas för att predicera VO2max efter genomfört 5MPT: VO2max  (l/min) = (5MPTPOWER – 50,914) / 25,795 VO2max (l/min) = (5MPTVÄNDOR – 74,447) / 9,7668 Slutsats 5MPT uppvisar en stark korrelation med bestämd VO2max sett till power och/eller antalet genomförda vändor. Beräkningsformler för prediktion av VO2max har varit möjligt att beskriva. Se resultatdelen för andra resultat och samband mellan 5MPT och VO2max. / Abstract Aim The aim of this study was to investigate for elite orienteers the results in and the correlation between a so called 5-minutes-pyramid test (5MPT) and a specific maximum oxygen uptake test (VO2max) on a treadmill. The questions we asked ourselves were: Which correlation exists between 5MPT and a specific VO2max on the treadmill for elite orienteers? How would a comparison look like between measured and estimated VO2max? What is the reliability for the 5MPT? How would an equation look like that describe the correlation above? Method In the validity the study 16 elite orienteers (6 women and 10 men) aged 17 to 37 years participated. The two tests that have been carried out were the 5MPT and determined VO2max during running on a treadmill. The 5MPT is a 5-minute-shuttle test, in which the participant moves back and forth in a short interval (5.5 m) over boxes (highest height: 0.62) formed like a pyramid. Power in the pyramid test (5MPTPOWER) was calculated as the product of numbers of laps, body weight, gravity and highest box level divided by time. To determine VO2max the method running on a treadmill was performed. During the first minute the running speed was 8km/h (women)/10 km/h (men) without elevation. Each minute the velocity increased with 1 km/h. The elevation increased with 1 degree after the first minute and thereafter with 0,5 degrees/minute.  The test was finished when the participant had reached her VO2max. Every 15 second the participants heart rate, VO2 (l/min), VCO2 (l/min), VO2 (ml/kg/min) and RER, was registered by means of an online system. Results The correlation between the developed power of the 5MPT and measured VO2max (l/min) was high (r = 0.89, p<0,0001) and also between the number of laps in the 5MPT and measured VO2max (l/min) (r = 0.89, p < 0,0001). The following formulas can be used to predict VO2max after completed 5MPT: VO2max  (l/min) = (5MPTPOWER – 50,914) / 25,795 VO2max (l/min) = (5MPTLAPS – 74,447) / 9,7668 Conclusions 5MPT show a strong correlation with VO2max determined in terms of power and/or the number of completed laps. Calculated formulas for prediction of VO2max have been possible to describe. See results section for other results and relationships between 5MPT and VO2max. / Maximal Aerobic Power versus Performance in Two Aerobic Endurance Tests among Young and Old Adults.Andersson E, Lundahl N, Wecke L, Lindblom I, Nilsson, J.

Perversas e incorregibles: la maternidad subversiva en Lumpérica y Los Vigilantes de Diamela Eltit

Hernando Cubas, Mario Alexis Javier 03 August 2020 (has links)
En la presente investigación, analizo comparativamente la representación de la maternidad subversiva encarnada en las protagonistas de las novelas Lumpérica (1983) y Los vigilantes (1994) de Diamela Eltit. Sostengo que, a través de las madres L. Iluminada y Margarita, Eltit da cuenta de la permanente pugna entre los poderes totalitarios del régimen militar de Augusto Pinochet y el sujeto femenino americano, víctima de la opresión patriarcal y colonial. En ambos casos, las madres rebeldes tratan de desmontar los dispositivos ideológicos de la dictadura e interrumpir la perpetuación de la ley paterna al trastocar las redes de parentesco preexistentes. Por esto, las narraciones otorgan centralidad al potencial semiótico-pulsional de las madres como una fuerza capaz de desestabilizar el orden falologocéntrico y restablecer el lazo simbiótico con los hijos. Asimismo, esta tesis no se limita al estudio de la relación entre madres e hijos dentro de la ficción. En realidad, también propongo que la maternidad subversiva es un motivo que se encuentra a la base de la estética de Eltit: una estética que excede lo literario y que pretende desdibujar las fronteras arte-vida, lo que revela una clara influencia de las consignas del Colectivo de Acciones de Arte (CADA) en su obra.

SM-veckans arv : En studie om hur idrottsföreningar påverkats av att arrangera idrottsevenemanget SM-veckan i Sundsvall 2015 / The legacy of SM-veckan : A study on how sports club were impacted by hosting the sports event SM-veckan in Sundsvall 2015

Edin, Mattias, Hedström, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
SM-veckan is a Swedish sports event that gathers minor sports to host their national championships during the same week at the same place. In focus during this study was six Swedish sports clubs in three different sports who were hosts of their respective sports national championship at the event SM-veckan in Sundsvall during the summer of 2015. The aim with this study was to add knowledge about how a sports event impact the hosting sports clubs by investigating the legacy SM-veckan left for the hosting clubs. Qualitative data was gathered through interviews with the six hosting sports clubs, a project leader and a competition leader for one of the sports. The sports clubs got to answer questions about how they were impacted by the event, but also about their goals and expectations of hosting the event. The results show that the sports clubs had very few goals and very low expectations to get something out of hosting the event. The clubs had experienced a small economic impact but did also believe that they had made a statement proving themselves as good hosts. In general the result showed that the event have had very little impact on the hosting sports clubs. One of the clubs had a clear objective to achieve a timing equipment through the event which they also managed to do. This study’s conclusion is that hosts must set up clear goals for why they host an event to be able to leverage and get something out of the event

Govern de la Generalitat Valenciana (1983-1995), El

Calvet Crespo, Jordi 15 December 2005 (has links)
La tesi té per objecte el Govern de la Generalitat Valenciana en el període 1983-1995, del qual s'analitza l'estructura, el funcionament i la composició. La hipòtesi principal considera que la formació d'una elit de govern constitueix un factor bàsic per consolidar aquesta institució. En els anys inicials de la Comunitat Valenciana, l'elit concreta el context en el qual operaran les relacions de poder, i estableix les regles, els procediments i les decisions bàsiques que fonamenten la direcció de la comunitat autònoma.El treball es divideix en tres capítols. El primer es dedica al marc teòric, l'institucionalisme, concretament al corrent normatiu, segons el qual l'activitat política depèn de les normes i valors que l'ordenen. Les institucions mantenen la voluntat de regular les relacions de poder, a partir del respecte i el seguiment d'unes pautes i procediments per prendre decisions. A més, també fixen els límits i les possibilitats d'actuació, perquè dicten els criteris de legitimitat i d'oportunitat. De manera més concreta, aquest corrent aporta a l'estudi de la construcció i materialització de la Generalitat Valenciana una perspectiva sobre les normes d'una nova comunitat política regional, que condicionaran l'actuació dels poders públics, però també dels grups i col·lectius de la societat valenciana.El segon capítol es dedica a l'activitat de direcció política, d'una banda, i a l'estructura del Govern, d'una altra. Quant al primer element, es centra més atenció a la participació en la potestat legislativa, que indica les prioritats a l'hora de desenvolupar les previsions estatutàries. A partir de la tramitació dels projectes i proposicions també es coneix el grau de consens i de divisió entre els partits i les elits. Quant al segon element, es comenten les normes jurídiques que regulen el Govern, és a dir, el Consell i les unitats polítiques de l'Administració, ja que la tesi té una orientació politològica, que sobrepassa la concepció que el poder executiu és format pel president i els consellers, només. Així mateix, es compten els titulars de les conselleries i unitats directives de l'administració, la durada en el càrrec i els relleus dels equips directius. S'observa que el Govern és encapçalat, de manera efectiva, pel president i els consellers, els quals elegeixen les persones de confiança per dirigir els departaments. El tercer capítol tracta de la composició del Govern. Basat en entrevistes personals a tota la població d'estudi, analitza les característiques sociològiques, polítiques i actitudinals dels consellers, sotssecretaris i secretaris generals dels departaments. Pel que fa a la posició social, els individus presenten una dosi de valencianitat elevada i comparteixen un estatus similar, per estudis i professió. No obstant, l'origen social presenta una certa varietat. Pel que fa a la filiació, comencen l'activitat política en els anys d'estudis universitaris i ingressen en el PSPV-PSOE en els inicis de la refundació del partit, entre 1978 i 1982. Formen part de les famílies que pugnen per dirigir-lo, i arriben a ocupar càrrecs en la direcció nacional. Tot i així, durant l'etapa autonòmica, la composició del Govern se separa de la composició de la Comissió Executiva Nacional. Finalment, pel que fa a les actituds vers l'autogovern, presenten una homogeneïtat elevada, encara que en aspectes rellevants (simbologia, règim lingüístic, marc competencial), existeix una divisió entre un sector més centralista, que predomina, i un altre més regionalista, minoritari. / This thesis focuses on Valencia Executive (1983-1995), especially on its structure, operation and composition. Its main hypothesis states that the elite formation is a main factor in the consolidation of this institution. During the initial period of Valencian autonomous Government, the political elite set up the context in which power relations were to take place; besides, it established the rules and procedures, and took the basic decisions that brought on the direction of polity.This work is divided in three parts. The first one reviews the New Institutionalism, which points out institutions regulate power relations by fixing rules and procedures for decision making. Moreover, it states that institutions impose the limits and possibilities, since they dictate legitimacy and opportunity criteria. This approach turns to be useful to understand the rules that drive the regional-building process and bind the political behaviour of political parties and groups.The second part focuses, on one hand, on political driving, and on the structure of the Executive, on the other. Regarding the first aspect, it stresses on the participation of the Executive on the Legislative power, since it shows the agenda of region-building and the degree of consensus between parties and elites. Regarding the second, it describes the proper acts of the Executive, including those referring to political appointments for the civil service. Besides, it gives an account of the members of the Executive, the duration of the legislatures and the number of reshuffles. Briefly, the President and the Ministers effectively lead the Government, and also make other appointments.The third part of this work focuses on the composition of the Executive, and it is based on personal surveys that provided primary data about social background, political career and attitudes of the members of the Executive. These people are fully Valencian and share a similar status; moreover, they have had an analogous political career, which starts at the university and follows in the political parties. Finally, attitudes and perceptions about regional institutions seem to be homogeneous, despite the fact that in some relevant issues (e.g. symbols, linguistic questions and legislative power) there is a cleavage between a less federalist sector, which holds the majority, and a more federalist one.

Jämförelse i belastning mellan ett dam- och flickelitfotbollslag inom samma förening i Sverige:under en vecka i försäsong och en vecka i matchsäsong. / Comparison of workload between a women's first team and an under-19 girls’ team within the same elite soccer club in Sweden:during a week in pre- and game season.

Pettersson, Elin, Lindström, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Women soccer has increased in players participation over the last decade. Despite this, data is lacking in the transition between amateur and elite soccer, as most studies include male players. It’s important to monitor and understand the players’ training load, to give them good opportunity to develop and progress in their sport and minimize the injury risk. Method: This study includes 18 female participants from the same elite club in Sweden, 10 senior (23,3 ± 2,5 yrs) and eight U-19 players (18,9 ± 0,6 yrs). Data were collected during one training week and one match in pre- and game season. To measure the external load several GPS parameters were collected, and the internal load was measured using a self-assessment Borg CR10 scale. Thus, session total training- and match load was calculated by multiplying training time with CR10 (sRPE). Results: The senior team had a higher total training (sRPE) than U-19 during pre- and game season during a week’s training. The senior-team covered longer distances in higher speed zones, while U-19 had longer distance in lower speed zones during training and matches. The senior team had more number of sprints and reached a higher maximal speed at trainings and matches than U-19 during game season. Conclusion: To our knowledge this is one of the first studies on training- and match load comparing a senior and a U-19 team within the same elite club in Sweden. Data show that the senior team had higher training load than the U-19 team. This may be interpreted that there is a significant gap in training and game load between a senior and U-19 team. In the future it may important to minimize this gap when young players move up from junior to senior level, to handle the load and possible avoid injuries. / Introduktion: Damfotbollen har ökat i deltagarantal under det senaste decenniet. Trots detta saknas det studier på damsidan gällande övergång från amatör till elitfotboll, eftersom de flesta studier inkluderar manliga spelare. Det är viktigt att monitorera och förstå belastningen för spelarna för att de ska få en så bra träning som möjligt, samt att prestera på topp och minska skaderisken. Metod: I studien deltog 18 kvinnliga spelare från samma elitklubb i Sverige, varav 10 var A-lagsspelare (23,3 ± 2,5 år) och åtta var F-19 spelare (18,9 ± 0,6 år). Data samlades in under en träningsvecka och en match under för- och matchsäsong. För att mäta extern belastning samlades flera GPS parametrar in. Den interna belastningen mättes med hjälp avsjälvskattning via Borg CR10 skalan. Den totala belastningen beräknades genom att multiplicera träningstid med CR10 (sRPE). Resultat: A-laget hade högre totalbelastning (sRPE) än F-19 under träning i för- och matchsäsong. A-laget visar längre distans i de högre hastighetszonerna och F-19 visar längre distans i de lägre hastighetszonerna under både träning och match. A-laget har fler sprinter och kommer upp i en högre maxhastighet än F19 under matchsäsong i både träning och match. Konklusion: Så vitt vi vet, är det här är en av de första studierna om tränings- och matchbelastning mellan ett A-lag och ett F-19 lag inom samma elitförening i Sverige. Datan visar att A-laget hade högre total belastning, vilket kan tolkas som att steget i belastningen mellan F-19 och A-laget är betydelsefullt. Det kan vara viktigt i framtiden att minska det gapet när unga spelare ska ta steget upp till seniorfotboll för att klara belastningen ocheventuellt undvika skador.

Upper body strength and endurance and its relationship with freestyle swim performance in elite swimmers

Storck, Natalie January 2017 (has links)
Background: Strength is considered an important part in swimming and is usually included in training programs for swimmers. However, studies assessing the relationship between muscle strength, muscle endurance and swim performance are not many and have showed different results. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between bench press, pull-up and 400 meter freestyle swim performance in elite swimmers. Method: The subjects (n=15, age 16-20) performed a one repetition maximum (1RM) bench press test to measure maximal muscle strength and to measure muscle endurance the subjects performed as many pull-up repetitions as possible during 30 seconds. A velocity four (V4) speed test was performed to assess swim performance by measuring time over covered distance and blood lactate levels. Results: The results of this study showed a moderate correlation (r=-0.54) between one repetition maximum in bench press and 400 meter freestyle swim performance. It showed a strong correlation (r=-0.63) between number of pull-ups repetitions during 30 seconds and 400 meter freestyle swim performance. Conclusion: These results suggest that upper body strength contributes to swim performance over 400 meter. The stronger correlation between pull-ups and swimming may indicate that muscle endurance of m. latissimus dorsi and the back muscles may be important to incorporate in a training program since it has shown to have a strong correlation with swim performance at 400 meters. / Bakgrund: Styrka anses vara en viktig del i simning och är ofta inkluderat i träningsprogram för simmare. Dock har endast ett mindre antal studier undersökt relationen mellan muskelstyrka, muskel uthållighet och simprestation och de som har gjort det visar olika resultat. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera korrelationen mellan bänkpress, pull-ups och 400m simprestation hos elitsimmare. Metod: Deltagarna (n=15, ålder 16-20) utförde ett en repetition maximum (1RM) i bänkpress för att mäta maximal muskel styrka och för att mäta muskeluthållighet utförde deltagarna så många pull-ups repetitioner som möjligt under 30 sekunder. Ett velocity four (V4) hastighets test utfördes för att utvärdera simprestation genom att mäta tid över simmad distans och blod laktat värden. Resultat: Resultatet i denna studie visade på en moderat korrelation (r=-0,54) mellan en repetition maximum i bänkpress och 400 meter fristil simprestation. Den visade på en stark korrelation (r=-0,63) mellan antalet pull-ups repetitioner under 30 sekunder och 400 meter fristil simprestation. Konklusion: Dessa resultat tyder på att överkroppsstyrka bidrar till simprestation över 400 meter. Den starkare korrelationen mellan pull-ups och simning kan indikera att muskeluthållighet hos m. latisimus dorsi och ryggmusklerna kan vara viktigt att lägga in i ett träningsprogram då det visat på en stark korrelation till simprestation på distansen 400 meter.

Röd Glöd : Granaternas betydelse under yngre järnålder med fokus på Gamla Uppsala

Sarén Lundahl, Jonna January 2011 (has links)
During an excavation at Old Uppsala 571 raw garnets was found. In comparison with similar fragments from other sites in Sweden my aim was to prove a completely domestic production of garnets for cloisonné work. I have chosen to look at the archaeological sites of Old Uppsala, Valsta, Slöinge and Paviken and more closely at the material from Old Uppsala and Valsta. My theoretical framework has been to look at the garnets own agency in the contemporary society. Garnet cloisonné was a popular jewellery form during the Merovingian period on the continent although it came to an end in the early 7th century. It was during this time in Scandinavia a new sort of garnet, technique and paste was introduced and the garnet cloisonné was profoundly used for the gear of the elite and ritual objects. I believe to have showed that from the 7thcentury and onwards the whole production was domestic but further investigation of the garnets, mostly of a chemical nature, is required. / Gamla Uppsala - framväxten av ett mytiskt centrum

Framing the public opinion on military conflict

Cicek, Edvin January 2021 (has links)
In many cases, an effective method used by political elites to influence public opinion is throughframing strategies. The use of frames by political elites has the power to change the opinion of agreat mass of people. On October 9, 2019, Turkey launched the military operation Peace Spring.Despite being criticized internationally, the Turkish president managed through framing of theoperation, gaining public approval in its domestic sphere. The purpose of this article is to analysehow president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan frames Operation Peace Spring through Twitter as primarysource. The results show that Erdoğan uses a complex framing that contains several recurringsegments that build on each other and enhances the overall effect.

Violence Against the Elite : A Comparative Analysis of two Terminal Classic Mass Graves in Cancuén / Våld mot eliten : En komparativ analys av två massgravar från senklassiska perioden i Cancuén

Wallbing Kenney, Nayelli January 2023 (has links)
In this essay a comparative analysis will be conducted on two mass graves from the terminal classics in the Maya lowlands. This will be done by analysing interpretations of the Cancuén site in Guatemala. Cancuén was a major trading port city in the terminal classics’ southern lowlands. It flourished until its decline in the late 700’s CE. Around the year 800 CE a violent event led to the death of close to 50 elite individuals including the king of Cancuén. Two mass graves have been discovered in the hydraulic system of the city. Individuals in both mass graves represent a variety of ages and genders. A comparative analysis of osteological similarities and differences in the two graves will be based on osteological reports. Previously published work regarding interpretations of the mass graves will be used in an analysis of possible motives behind massacre. Trauma evident in the mass graves as well as their surrounding context suggests that a termination ritual took place after the massacre that the victims were subjected to. / I denna uppsats utförs en komparativ analys av två massgravar från senklassiska perioden i Mayarikets Cancuén, Guatemala. Cancuén var en hamnstad med stort inflytande i låglandet under den senklassiska epoken. Stadens tillväxt av influens och ekonomi skedde under det sena 700–talet e.vt. En våldsam händelse ca 800 e.vt ledde till döden av 50 individer av Cancuéns elit samt stadens egna kung. Två massgravar har påträffats i stadens hydraulsystem. Båda massgravar visar på en variation demografi för både sex och kön. En komparativ analys av osteologiska likheter och skillnader i massgravarna har baserats på osteologiska rapporter. Tidigare publikationer används i en analys av potentiella motivationer bakom massakern. Skeletal trauma i massgravarna samt dess omkringliggande kontext indikerar att en terminations ritual tagit palts efter massakern.

When the Elites Flap Their Wings: Changes in the Elite and Armed Conflict Onset

Dahlberg, Zakarias January 2023 (has links)
This paper examines the hypothesis that a change in the elite increases the probability of armed conflict onset. The paper combines the newly constructed WhoGov dataset on cabinet members, with UCDP data on armed conflicts and rebel group. It analyzes changes in the retention rate among cabinet members and average years in cabinet, and how they affect armed conflict – measured as armed conflict onset and rebel group onset. A linear regression model, with country- and year fixed effects, in addition to time-varying control variables, is applied to test the main hypothesis. In addition, three heterogeneity tests are conducted. First, the paper examines whether there are any differences between democracies and autocracies. Second, it examines the differences between changes in cabinet size (widening or shrinking). Third, it analyzes if the effects are bigger for large changes in the elite. Four main conclusions are reached in the paper. First, the results indicates that a decrease in retention rate increases the probability for both conflict and rebel onset. The magnitudes of the estimated effects seem to be sizeable. They are larger in conflict onsets than rebel onsets, in relation to their respective means. Second, for armed conflict onset, the results are driven by autocracies. Third, the probability for armed conflict is larger following a large change in the elites (retention rate). Fourth, no difference in changes to cabinet size is observed.

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