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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proteção da vida humana embrionária e repercussão no campo jurídico e ambiental

Kempf, Denise Fátima 29 April 2011 (has links)
O avanço da ciência, em especial na área da reprodução humana, permitiu a ocorrência de concepção humana de forma extracorpórea através do processo de fecundação in vitro a ser feita em laboratório especializado em reprodução humana assistida. Os embriões não implantados em útero materno são criopreservados. Este trabalho busca trazer os questionamentos da bioética, do biodireito, a cerca deste tema e das questões nele envolvidas. Também examina o enquadramento destes embriões sob a ótica da proteção Constitucional do patrimônio genético, da inviolabilidade da vida e da dignidade da pessoa humana. Trata também do Meio Ambiente quando aborda a Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988, que em seu artigo 225 § 1º, inciso I, legisla sobre a preservação e restauração dos processos ecológicos e, no inciso II, determina que incumbe ao poder público preservar a diversidade e a integridade do patrimônio genético do País ficando demonstrado que tratar de embriões é tratar de patrimônio genético e de Meio Ambiente.Trata ainda da Nova Lei de Biossegurança/2005, a qual veio permitir pesquisas com célulastronco de embriões criopreservados, bem como a regulamentação desta Lei, tratando ainda sobre a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADIN) 3.510-0 que fora proposta junto ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), questionando a constitucionalidade da permissão legal destas pesquisas. Dessa forma, é feita uma análise sobre a legislação existente com vistas a obter uma visão sobre eventuais direitos e proteção dos embriões criopreservados. / The advancement of science, particularly in the area of human reproduction, allowed the occurrence of human conception in a bypass through the process of in vitro fertilization to be made in a laboratory specializing in assisted human reproduction. The embryos not implanted in the uterus are cryopreserved. This work seeks to bring the questions of bioethics, the biolaw, about this issue and the issues involved. It also examines the framework of these embryos from the perspective of Constitutional protection of genetic heritage, the sanctity of life and human dignity. It also deals with the Environment when addresses the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, which in article 225 § 1, section I, legislation on the preservation and restoration of ecological processes and, in section II, provides that "it is for the government to preserve the diversity and integrity of the genetic heritage being shown that treating embryos is to address genetic heritage and also the Middle Ambiente.Trata Biossegurança/2005 New Law, which has allowed research on stem cells from cryopreserved embryos, as well as regulation this Act, still dealing with on the direct action of unconstitutionality (ADIN) 3510-0 which was proposed to the Supreme Court (STF), questioning the constitutionality of the legal permission of this research. Thus, an analysis is made on the existing legislation in order to get an insight into possible rights and protection of cryopreserved embryos.

Risques épigénétiques de la procréation médicalement assistée : enjeux éthiques pour les parents, les futurs enfants et les professionnels de la santé

Roy, Marie-Christine 06 1900 (has links)
La procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) permet à beaucoup d’individus infertiles de concevoir un enfant qui leur est génétiquement lié. Cependant, des données scientifiques émergentes suggèrent que la PMA pourrait entraîner des risques épigénétiques pour les futurs enfants. Conformément à l'hypothèse des origines développementales de la santé et des maladies, la PMA pourrait augmenter le risque de développer des maladies à apparition tardive par des mécanismes épigénétiques, car l’hyperovulation, les méthodes de fécondation et la culture embryonnaire pourraient nuire à la reprogrammation épigénétique de l'embryon. De tels risques épigénétiques soulèvent des enjeux éthiques pour toutes les parties prenantes: les futurs parents et enfants, les professionnels de la santé, et la société. Ce mémoire se concentre sur les questions éthiques soulevées par la prise en compte de ces risques lors de l'utilisation de la PMA. Pour mettre en lumière ces enjeux, nous utilisons l’approche principiste. Nous argüons qu'une tension éthique peut émerger entre le respect de l'autonomie procréative des parents d’intention et le devoir de minimiser les risques pour les enfants potentiels. Une seconde tension éthique peut émerger entre le droit des parents d’intention de faire un choix éclairé, et la réticence que peuvent avoir les professionnels de la santé de communiquer l’information sur les risques épigénétiques de la PMA, étant donné la validité incertaine de ces informations. Nous explorons aussi le risque de conflits d’intérêts pour les cliniciens des cliniques de PMA. Nous soutenons que les parents d’intention et les professionnels de la santé ont la responsabilité partagée de promouvoir les meilleurs intérêts du futur enfant. Nous plaidons pour que plus de recherche soit faite sur les effets de la PMA sur la santé des futurs enfants, pour que soient énoncées des lignes directrices priorisant le recours à des techniques moins risquées au niveau épigénétique, et pour que d’autres lignes directrices guident les professionnels de la santé dans la communication des risques épigénétiques associés à la PMA. Enfin, nous suggérons que cette communication se fasse dans le cadre d’une approche centrée sur le patient. Nous explorons aussi l’apport d’une approche narrative pour aborder les tensions éthiques soulevées par l’approche principiste. / The use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) allows many coping with infertility to conceive. However, an emerging body of evidence suggests that ART could carry epigenetic risks for those conceived through the use of these technologies. In accordance with the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) hypothesis, ART could increase the risk of developing late-onset diseases through epigenetic mechanisms, since superovulation, fertilization methods and embryo culture could impair the embryo’s epigenetic reprogramming. Such epigenetic risks raise ethical issues for all stakeholders: prospective parents and children, health professionals, and society. This thesis focuses on ethical issues raised by the consideration of these risks when using ART. To highlight these issues, we use the principlist approach. We argue that an ethical tension can emerge between respect for the reproductive autonomy of prospective parents and the duty to minimize the risks for potential children. A second ethical tension can emerge between the parents' right to make an informed choice about the use of ART, and the reluctance of health professionals to communicate epigenetic risk given its uncertain validity. We also explore the risks of conflicts of interests for health professionals in ART clinics. We argue that prospective parents and health professionals have a shared responsibility to promote the best interests of the future child. We also argue in favor of further research on the effects of ART on the health of future children, and in favor of clinical guidelines that prioritize the use of techniques that carry less epigenetic risk and that assist health professionals in communicating the epigenetic risks associated with ART. Finally, we suggest that this communication be done within the patient-centered approach. We also explore the contribution of a narrative approach to address the ethical tensions raised by the principlist approach.

Étude du fonctionnement psychique de femmes en protocole FIV suite à l'hypofertilité du conjoint : une recherche clinique en contexte culturel égyptien / A study of the psychological functioning of women in an IVF protocol following spouse's subfertility : a clinical research in the Egyptian cultural context

Labib-Sami, Shams 22 September 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche clinique vise à explorer le retentissement de l'hypofertilité masculine et de la fécondation in vitro (FIV) sur le fonctionnement psychique des épouses dans le premier centre de consultation FIV en Egypte (1986), en contexte culturel égyptien. Près de 60% des couples qui consultent au Centre FIV présentent le diagnostic d'infertilité d'origine masculine. Nous nous intéressons à comprendre ce qui constitue la spécificité du fonctionnement psychique de ces femmes dans ce contexte culturel où l'infertilité masculine est une pathologie taboue, suscitant la honte familiale, et où seule la FIV homologue- utilisant les gamètes d'un couple marié- est autorisée par la loi. La première hypothèse renvoie à l'existence d'une souffrance psychique chez l'épouse liée au maintien du secret de l'hypofertilité masculine. La seconde hypothèse suppose que le diagnostic et les traitements médicaux sont accompagnés chez l'épouse d'une idéalisation oedipienne de ses propres parents. Notre échantillon est composé de dix femmes âgées de 20 à 40 ans inscrites dans un protocole FIV. Sur le plan méthodologique, nous nous sommes basés sur des entretiens de recherche semi-directifs et sur l'inventaire abrégé de dépression de Beck BDI-13. L'analyse des résultats met en évidence la présence chez les épouses d'un discours de plainte adressé envers leurs conjoints, en même temps que l'expression d'une idéalisation de leurs propres parents. La présence de symptômes de dépression variables est relevée dans l'échantillon. Enfin, la manière dont les femmes s'approprient subjectivement l'expérience de la FIV est un indicateur pertinent de leur équilibre psychique. Pour conclure, cette étude se veut être une recherche-action visant à mettre en place un dispositif clinique au service des femmes et des couples dans une institution médicale, et qui soit adapté à ce contexte culturel particulier. / This study aims at exploring the impact of male subfertility and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) on the psychological functioning of a group of female spouses, in the first Egyptian IVF center in Egypt (1986), within the Egyptian cultural context. Approximately 60% of couples consulting at the Egyptian Center for IVF carry the diagnosis of male factor infertility. We are interested in understanding what constitutes the specificity of the psychological functioning of these women within this cultural context, where male infertility is a taboo pathology provoking family shame, and where only homologous IVF -using a married couple's gametes- is allowed by the law. The first hypothesis states that there is a specific female suffering related to the maintenance of the secret of male subfertility. The second hypothesis assumes that for the wife, the diagnosis disclosure and medical treatments are followed by an oedipal idealization of the her parents. Our sample is composed of ten women aged between 20 and 40 years old, and undergoing an IVF protocol. On the methodological aspect, we have used semi-structured interviews and the 13-Item Beck Depression Inventory. Results indicate the existence of a complain discourse among the wives, addressed towards their husbands, and at the same time an idealization of their own parents. Variable depression symptoms have been observed in our sample. Finally, the way women integrate psychologically the IVF experience is a relevant indicator of their psychological balance. As a conclusion, this study aims at being a research-action, which objective is to elaborate a clinical intervention at the service of women and couples, and suitable to this particular cultural context.

Binder of SPerm protein interference in sperm-egg interaction

Heidari Vala, Hamed 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Étude du fonctionnement psychique de femmes en protocole FIV suite à l'hypofertilité du conjoint : une recherche clinique en contexte culturel égyptien / A study of the psychological functioning of women in an IVF protocol following spouse's subfertility : a clinical research in the Egyptian cultural context

Labib-Sami, Shams 22 September 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche clinique vise à explorer le retentissement de l'hypofertilité masculine et de la fécondation in vitro (FIV) sur le fonctionnement psychique des épouses dans le premier centre de consultation FIV en Egypte (1986), en contexte culturel égyptien. Près de 60% des couples qui consultent au Centre FIV présentent le diagnostic d'infertilité d'origine masculine. Nous nous intéressons à comprendre ce qui constitue la spécificité du fonctionnement psychique de ces femmes dans ce contexte culturel où l'infertilité masculine est une pathologie taboue, suscitant la honte familiale, et où seule la FIV homologue- utilisant les gamètes d'un couple marié- est autorisée par la loi. La première hypothèse renvoie à l'existence d'une souffrance psychique chez l'épouse liée au maintien du secret de l'hypofertilité masculine. La seconde hypothèse suppose que le diagnostic et les traitements médicaux sont accompagnés chez l'épouse d'une idéalisation oedipienne de ses propres parents. Notre échantillon est composé de dix femmes âgées de 20 à 40 ans inscrites dans un protocole FIV. Sur le plan méthodologique, nous nous sommes basés sur des entretiens de recherche semi-directifs et sur l'inventaire abrégé de dépression de Beck BDI-13. L'analyse des résultats met en évidence la présence chez les épouses d'un discours de plainte adressé envers leurs conjoints, en même temps que l'expression d'une idéalisation de leurs propres parents. La présence de symptômes de dépression variables est relevée dans l'échantillon. Enfin, la manière dont les femmes s'approprient subjectivement l'expérience de la FIV est un indicateur pertinent de leur équilibre psychique. Pour conclure, cette étude se veut être une recherche-action visant à mettre en place un dispositif clinique au service des femmes et des couples dans une institution médicale, et qui soit adapté à ce contexte culturel particulier. / This study aims at exploring the impact of male subfertility and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) on the psychological functioning of a group of female spouses, in the first Egyptian IVF center in Egypt (1986), within the Egyptian cultural context. Approximately 60% of couples consulting at the Egyptian Center for IVF carry the diagnosis of male factor infertility. We are interested in understanding what constitutes the specificity of the psychological functioning of these women within this cultural context, where male infertility is a taboo pathology provoking family shame, and where only homologous IVF -using a married couple's gametes- is allowed by the law. The first hypothesis states that there is a specific female suffering related to the maintenance of the secret of male subfertility. The second hypothesis assumes that for the wife, the diagnosis disclosure and medical treatments are followed by an oedipal idealization of the her parents. Our sample is composed of ten women aged between 20 and 40 years old, and undergoing an IVF protocol. On the methodological aspect, we have used semi-structured interviews and the 13-Item Beck Depression Inventory. Results indicate the existence of a complain discourse among the wives, addressed towards their husbands, and at the same time an idealization of their own parents. Variable depression symptoms have been observed in our sample. Finally, the way women integrate psychologically the IVF experience is a relevant indicator of their psychological balance. As a conclusion, this study aims at being a research-action, which objective is to elaborate a clinical intervention at the service of women and couples, and suitable to this particular cultural context.

De la filiation face aux nouvelles techniques de procréation au regard de la Convention Internationale des droits de l'enfant / About the filiation face to new Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) with regard to the Convention on the rights of the child

Guillat-Demonchy, Danièle 03 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de caractère pluridisciplinaire traite des progrès de la biologie de la reproduction dans le domaine de l’infertilité face à la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant (CIDE) des Nation-unies. La première partie montre que, en France, il y a conciliation entre l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant et l’assistance médicale à la procréation, encadrée par le triptyque des lois de bioéthique de 1994. La deuxième partie traite des dérives de ces techniques pratiquées à des fins sociétales et non médicales. Des parents intentionnels désireux d’un « enfant à tout prix », puisque la loi n° 2013-404 du 17 mai 2013 ouvrant le mariage aux couples de même sexe n’a pas « ouvert » le droit à l’accès de ces techniques de reproduction assistée, se rendent au cours d’un « tourisme procréatif » dans un pays où la maternité de substitution ou gestation pour autrui (GPA) est licite et ont un enfant grâce à une mère de substitution, qui assure la gestation de l’embryon, puis du foetus via une fécondation in vitro. Mais lors du retour en France de l’enfant, eu égard aux articles 16-7 et 16-9 du code civil, se pose le problème de la filiation de l’enfant sans compter sur les risques de la maternité de substitution, d’où l’incompatibilité des techniques de reproduction assistée à des fins sociétales avec la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant, l’adage latin "mater semper certa est" étant la garantie de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant. / This thesis has a plurisdisciplinary approach and deals with the improvements of biology of reproduction in the field of infertility regarding the International Convention on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations (ICRCUN). The first part shows, that in France, there is conciliation between the best interests of the child and the medical assistance to procreation, legalised by the triptych of the bioethics law of 1994. The second part deals with the drifts of those practices used for societal ends and not medical. Intended parents willing to have “a child at all costs”, as the law n° 2013-404 of May 17, 2013 allowing the marriage to couples of the same sex has not “allowed” the right to have access to thoses technics of assisted reproduction, do “procreative tourism” and go to a country in which the surrogate maternity or gestational surrogacy (GS) is legal and have a child thanks to surrogate mother who ensures the gestation of the embryo, and the foetus through an in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, back to France, according to articles 16-7 and 16-9 of the Civil Code, the issue of the filiation of the child arises, without counting on the risks of the surrogate maternity, hence the incompatibility of the methods of assisted reproduction to societal purposes with the International on Rights of the child, the Latin proverb "mater semper certa est" being the guarantee of the best interest of the child.

Assistance médicale à la procréation et cardiopathies congénitales : études en population / Assisted reproductive techniques and congenital heart defects : population-based evaluations

Tararbit, Karim 11 June 2014 (has links)
A partir de données en population, nous avons: 1) évalué le risque de cardiopathies congénitales (CC) chez les fœtus conçus par assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP); et 2) déterminé les effets de l’AMP sur la prise en charge prénatale et le devenir périnatal des fœtus porteurs de CC. Nous avons observé que l'AMP était associée à une augmentation de 40% du risque de CC sans anomalies chromosomiques associées (OR ajusté = 1,4 IC95% 1,1-1,7). Nous avons également retrouvé qu'il existait des associations variables selon la catégorie de CC et la méthode d'AMP considérées. Nous avons observé que l'AMP était associée à une multiplication par 2,4 du risque de tétralogie de Fallot (OR ajusté = 2,4 IC95% 1,5-3,7), alors que nous n’avons pas retrouvé d’association statistiquement significative pour les trois autres CC spécifiques étudiées. Dans notre population, l'exposition à l'AMP ne semblait pas modifier le recours au diagnostic prénatal et à l'interruption médicale de grossesse chez les fœtus porteurs de CC comparés aux fœtus porteurs de CC conçus spontanément. Nous avons par ailleurs observé que le risque de prématurité des fœtus porteurs de CC conçus par AMP était environ 5 fois plus élevé que celui des fœtus porteurs de CC conçus spontanément (OR ajusté = 5,0 IC95% 2,9-8,6). En nous basant sur une méthodologie d'analyses de cheminement, nous avons retrouvé que les grossesses multiples contribuaient pour environ 20% au risque plus élevé de tétralogie de Fallot associé à l'AMP que nous avons observé. Enfin, les grossesses multiples contribuaient pour environ 2/3 du risque de prématurité associé à l'AMP chez les fœtus porteurs de CC. / Using population-Based data, we: 1) assessed the risk of congenital heart defects (CHD) in assisted reproductive techniques (ART) conceived fetuses; and 2) evaluated the effects of ART on prenatal management and perinatal outcomes of fetuses with CHD. We observed that ART were associated with a 40% increased risk of CHD without associated chromosomal anomalies (adjusted OR = 1.4 95%CI 1.1-1.7). We also found varying associations between the different methods of ART and categories of CHD. We observed that ART were associated with 2.4-Higher odds of tetralogy of Fallot (adjusted OR = 2.4 95%CI 1.5-3.7), whereas no statistically significant association was found for the three other specific CHD included. In our population, ART exposure did not seem to modify prenatal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly in fetuses with CHD compared to fetuses with CHD conceived spontaneously. The risk for premature birth in fetuses with CHD conceived following ART was 5-Fold higher as compared to fetuses with CHD conceived spontaneously (adjusted OR = 5.0 95%CI 2.9-8.6). Using a path-Analysis method, we found that multiple pregnancies contributed for about 20% to the higher risk of tetralogy of Fallot associated with ART that we had found. Finally, multiple pregnancies contributed for the 2/3 of the risk of premature birth associated with ART in fetuses with CHD.

Optimización del sistema de fecundación in vitro en la especie porcina: condiciones de maduración y cocultivo en gametos

Almiñana Brines, Carmen 30 January 2008 (has links)
En un intento de optimizar el sistema de fecundación in vitro en la especie porcina se estudió la influencia de distintas condiciones de maduración y de cocultivo de los gametos. Se evaluó la reducción del tiempo de coincubación de los gametos a 10 min observándose un claro efecto del ratio espermatozoides:ovocito. El estudio de las necesidades de los espermatozoides en términos de aditivos del medio de fecundación y tiempo de coincubación reveló variaciones entre verracos. La utilización de un tiempo de coincubación tan corto como 2 min fue suficiente para obtener unas tasas de penetración y monospermia similares a las alcanzadas por los sistemas de FIV tradicionales. El sistema de FIV en pajuela con 10 min de coincubación aumentó la penetración monoespérmica y mejoró la calidad de los blastocistos. La adición de 5 nM de 9- cis ácido retinoico al medio de maduración aumentó significativamente la formación de blastocistos. / The present study was conducted in an attempt to optimize porcine in vitro fertilization system. For this purpose, the influence of maturation and gamete coculture conditions were studied. The coincubation time may be reduced to 10 min to increase the efficiency of fertilization depending on the sperm:oocytes ratio. The needs of boar spermatozoa for IVF, in terms of additives to IVF medium and coincubation times vary among boars. The use of coincubation time as brief as 2 min is long enough to obtain good fertilization rates similar to those achieved from current long term exposure times in IVF. A straw IVF system in combination with a 10 min coincubation increased monospermic penetration and the quality of blastocysts compared with the microdrop-IVF system. The addition of 5 nM of 9- cis retinoic acid in the IVM medium increased blastocyst formation rate, suggesting that RA may play an important role during IVM.

Novel NMR Methods for Fast Data Acquisition : Application to Metabolomics

Pudakalakatti, Shivanand January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Synopsis My research work is focused on: (i) development of novel Fast NMR methods in solution state and their application to metabolomics and small molecules. (ii) NMR based metabolic study of human IVF to assess embryo viability for implantation. The major components of the embryo growth media were identified for evaluating the embryo quality. Described below are the projects carried out towards the dissertation of my PhD. Chapter 1 describes NMR methods which are the foundation stones for new Fast NMR methods developed. Typical 1D and 2D NMR experiments used in metabolomics and statistical methods for analysis are described. A few applications of metabolomics are also covered in the chapter. Chapter 2 describes a new Fast NMR method based on polarization sharing and parallel acquisition using the dual receiver system. The method developed helps in acquiring simultaneously three 2D NMR spectra: 2D [13C-1H] HETCOR, 2D [1H-1H] TOCSY and 2D [13C-1H] HSQC-TOCSY in a single data set. This method achieves a time saving of about two fold. All the experiments are acquired on molecules with natural abundance of 13C. The method was used to assign the side chain atoms (1H and 13C) of two important peptides. i) 12 amino acid residue peptide, which is a part of central linker domain of Human Insulin like Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 known to play a vital role in the IGF system and ii) a 18 amino acid residue peptide which acts as an antimicrobial agent. Chapter 3 describes extension of the Fast NMR method described in chapter 2. The method is combined with G-matrix Fourier Transform NMR spectroscopy. In this method we have acquire simultaneously two 2D NMR experiments and one reduced dimensional 3D experiment. The three experiments are 2D [13C-1H] HETCOR, 2D [1H-1H] TOCSY and GFT (3,2)D [13C-1H] HSQC-TOCSY, which provide complementary information for rapid assignments. GFT (3,2)D [13C-1H] HSQC-TOCSY gives 3D correlations in a 2D manner facilitating high resolution and unambiguous assignments. The experiments were applied for complete assignment of 21 unlabeled metabolite mixtures corresponding to the Innovative Sequential medium (ISM1) used for culturing human embryos for IVF. Further, a 13C multiplicity edition block is added to the method to simplify the resonances assignment in GFT (3,2)D [13C-1H] HSQC-TOCSY. Taken together, experiments provide time gain of order of magnitudes compared to conventional data acquisition. Chapter 4 of the thesis describes a metabolomics study of Human in-vitro fertilization to assess viable embryos of implantation potential using NMR as non-invasive tool. NMR study included the analysis of 127 embryo culture media (Innovative Sequential Media-1) and 29 controls (culture media without embryo) of both day-2 and day-3 transferred. The embryos were divided into 3 categories 1) implanted (successful) 2) transferred not-implanted (unsuccessful) 3) not transferred based on morphological studies. All NMR experiments were acquired with CPMG (T2 filter) incorporated in 1D 1H presaturation pulse scheme. The study was based on estimation of lactate, pyruvate and alanine levels in the embryo culture media (ISM1). The study reveals higher uptake of pyruvate and high pyruvate/alanine ratios in case of implanted embryos compared to one which failed to implant. Present study provides pyruvate/alanine ratio as a biomarker to select the embryos with high implantation potential. The method combined with morphology based assessment or with other biomarkers can be serve as a powerful tool to assess the embryo quality. Chapter 5 describes a novel NMR method for rapid characterization of translation diffusion of molecules in solution either in mixture or pure form. Unlike acquisition of several 2D [13C-1H] HSQC experiments with varying gradients to get diffusion measurement, a single 2D [13C-1H] HSQC is sufficient to measure the diffusion coefficients which is in the linewidths of peaks. The method uses the idea of accordion NMR spectroscopy, wherein gradients are linearly co-incremented with 13C chemical shift evolution period during t1. The methodology speeds up the acquisition by replacing series of 2D [13C-1H] HSQC with single 2D constant time [13C-1H] HSQC. The method was used to monitor the diffusion of metabolites in a time-resolved manner during polymerization of SDS-PAGE gel. Using this method, it was possible to detect the presence of oligomers of diphenylalanine (FF) during its self assembly to form nanotubular structures.

A Cishet Man’s Poland : Compulsory Heterosexuality in Polish Legislation on Reproductive and Sexual Rights

Lodenius, Lina January 2022 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how compulsory heterosexuality is present in Polish legislation on women* and trans* people’s reproductive and sexual rights. The aim of this study is to increase an understanding of how compulsory heterosexuality’s presence in legislation regarding reproductive and sexual rights can consequently affect women* and trans* people in practice. By the means of qualitative content analysis and the operationalization of compulsory heterosexuality through the lens of queer feminism, this thesis analyzes three Polish legislations on reproductive and sexual rights, namely the Constitution of Poland, the Family Planning, Human Embryo Protection and Conditions of Permissibility of Abortion Act, and the Family and Guardianship Code. Adrienne Rich’s theory of compulsory heterosexuality suggests that heterosexuality is not natural, but a violent institution enforced in society through e.g. law. This thesis found that compulsory heterosexuality was present in all three legislations, and presented itself through: erasure of women* and trans* people, denial of their sexuality, idealization of heterosexuality, rape and violence, control of their bodies, robbing of their children, punishment for being LGBTQIA+, diminishing their aspirations, restricting their self-fulfillment to parenthood and marriage, keeping them from seeking reproductive care, erasure of their traditions, objectification, and dismissive language. Possible consequences identified were: invalidation and invisibilization of queer and trans* people, increased oppression, the social norm being a negative bias against LGBTQIA+ people, criminalization of LGBTQIA+ people, more deaths at the hands of the law, more parentless children, making women* and trans* people question their body or intuition, and an increase in illegal unsafe abortions or abortion tourism.

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