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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'oeuvre d'art fictive dans le roman contemporain : immersion, intermédialité et interaction

Savard-Corbeil, Mathilde 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Immersion et distanciation : le paradoxe de la multisensorialité dans la mise en scène de Mangez-le si vous voulez de Jean Teulé par le Fouic Théâtre

Bourbon, Estelle 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Corridas en textes et en images : pour une esthétique de la blessure chez Michel Leiris et Ernest Hemingway

Hogue, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

La mouvance médiatique : les faux Mémoires authentiques du chevalier d’Artagnan par Gatien Courtilz de Sandras

Ravenelle, Julien 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L’Escalier dans les arts : un dispositif de (dé)montage

Rousseau Rivard, Joëlle 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Translation priorities: Lewis Carroll’s Alice seen from different perspectives

Moreira, Lílian Carvalho 13 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-16T13:11:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 liliancarvalhomoreira.pdf: 6233245 bytes, checksum: 5463d90e79e4c76afef6e028bbe548fc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T14:13:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 liliancarvalhomoreira.pdf: 6233245 bytes, checksum: 5463d90e79e4c76afef6e028bbe548fc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T14:13:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 liliancarvalhomoreira.pdf: 6233245 bytes, checksum: 5463d90e79e4c76afef6e028bbe548fc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T14:13:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 liliancarvalhomoreira.pdf: 6233245 bytes, checksum: 5463d90e79e4c76afef6e028bbe548fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-13 / As Aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas e Através do Espelho e o que Alice Encontrou Lá , os livros mais famosos de Lewis Carroll, foram amplamente traduzidos intersemióticamente nos últimos 150 anos. Uma enorme quantidade de ilustrações, peças, balés, músicas, filmes, programas de TV e outros foram feitos por artistas conceituados e menos conhecidos. Não existe, no entanto, uma abordagem sistemática desse fenômeo no campo específico da intermidialidade e da tradução intersemiótica. Dois exemplos notáveis servirão para análise: uma famosa série de TV de Jim Henson, The Muppet Show , que foi ao ar entre 1976 e 1981, estrelando fantoches e uma pessoa convidada em que um episódio da quinta temporada levou Brooke Shields interpretando Alice em 1980; e um filme de 1988 com uma mistura de stop motion e animação pelo muitas diretor tcheco vezes premiado, Jan Švankmajer, intitulado Neco z Alenky . Pretendemos aqui comparar essas duas traduções dos romances de Alice, em que os tradutores escolheram características do livro opostas entre si, porém ambas de importância fundamental para a fonte. / Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass And What Alice Found There , Lewis Carroll’s most famous books, have been widely intersemiotically translated throughout the last 150 years. A number of illustration, plays, ballets, songs, movies, TV shows and others was made by renowned and lesser known artists. There is not, however, a systematic approach of this phenomenon in a more strict field of analysis of intermediality and intersemiotic translations. Two notable examples will serve for analysis: a famous TV series by Jim Henson, The Muppet Show , aired from 1976 to 1981, featuring puppets and a human guest, in which an episode from the fifth season starred Brooke Shields playing Alice in 1980; and 1988 film with a blend of stop motion animation by multiple prize winner Czech director Jan Švankmajer, called Neco z Alenky . We intend to compare these translations of Alice’s novels, in which translators choose opposingly distinct characteristics of the books, but both of fundamental importance to the source.

Totta, tarua vai narrinpeliä?:Lars Sundin Siklax-trilogian (meta)fiktiivinen historiankirjoitus

Hietasaari, M. (Marita) 22 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract Historical novels are widely published and read in Finland. During the last few decades both Finnish and Finland-Swedish writers alike have addressed such incendiary topics as the Finnish Civil War and the events of the Second World War. The object of the present study is Lars Sund’s Siklax trilogy: Colorado Avenue (1991), Lanthandlerskans son (1997, ’Son of a Country Shopkeeper’) and Eriks bok (2003, ’Erik’s Book’). These novels can be defined as postmodern historical novels, relatively rare as a genre in Finland and even less studied. The impact of historical novels on readers’ attitudes may be strong, and as a result it is necessary to contemplate the ways in which history is reproduced and interpreted. The present study analyses the ways Sund’s novels represent the past, their relation to historiography and the historical novel as a genre, as well as their conception of history. The aim of the study is to demonstrate what kind of connection exists between narrative techniques and representations of the past. This study utilizes narratological, intertextual and contextual approaches. Cultural narratology integrates features from both classical and postclassical narratology, in consequence the novel’s narrative structures are examined as active forces that both reflect and influence the cultural discourses of a given period. During the research process, the narrative structure of Sund’s novels has been analysed as well as intertextual allusions to other texts and to other cultural and social discourses. The narrative structure of Sund’s historical novels suffices to raise epistemological questions about the achievability and reliability of historical knowledge. The occurrences of other media on the story and discourse level, such as descriptions of paintings and photographs and filmic narration, as well as numerous intertextual allusions, accentuate the polyphony of history and the subjectivity of historical conclusions. The present study connects Lars Sund’s historical novels with the international, Nordic and domestic tradition. Additionally, the analysis of the visual features of the novels connects the study with the abounding discussion on the relationship between word and image. / Tiivistelmä Historiallisia romaaneja julkaistaan Suomessa runsaasti, ja laji on yhä lukijoiden suosiossa. Sekä suomen- että ruotsinkieliset kirjailijat ovat viime vuosikymmeninä käsitelleet maamme historian kipupisteitä, kuten kansalaissotaa ja toisen maailmansodan tapahtumia. Tutkimuksen kohteena on Lars Sundin Siklax-trilogia, jonka muodostavat romaanit Colorado Avenue 1991 (suom. Colorado Avenue 1992), Lanthandlerskans son 1997 (suom. Puodinpitäjän poika 1998) ja Eriks bok 2003 (suom. Erikin kirja 2004). Nämä teokset edustavat postmodernia historiallista romaania, jota Suomessa on kirjoitettu suhteellisen vähän ja tutkittu vielä vähemmän. Historiallisten romaanien vaikutus lukijan asenteisiin voi olla suuri, ja siksi on tarpeen pohtia myös niitä keinoja, joilla historiaa tuotetaan ja tulkitaan. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan Sundin romaanien tapoja representoida mennyttä, historiankäsitystä sekä suhdetta historiankirjoitukseen ja historiallisen romaanin lajiin. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen yhteys kerrontatekniikoiden ja menneisyyden representaatioiden välillä on. Tutkimuksessa yhdistyvät narratologinen, intertekstuaalinen ja kontekstuaalinen tarkastelutapa. Analyysin kohteena ovat teosten kerrontarakenteet sekä viittaussuhteet toisiin teksteihin ja muihin kulttuurisiin ja yhteiskunnallisiin diskursseihin. Lähestymistapaa kuvaa parhaiten klassisen ja postklassisen narratologian piirteitä yhdistävä kulttuurisen narratologian käsite, jossa teoksen kerronnallisia rakenteita tutkitaan sekä aikakautensa kulttuurisia diskursseja heijastavana että niihin vaikuttavana aktiivisena voimana. Sundin historialliset romaanit nostavat jo rakenteellaan esiin epistemologisia kysymyksiä tiedon saavutettavuudesta ja luotettavuudesta. Muiden medioiden, kuten elokuva-, maalaus- ja valokuvataiteen, esiintyminen niin tarinan kuin kerronnan tasolla sekä lukuisat intertekstuaaliset viittaukset korostavat historian moniäänisyyttä ja tulkintojen subjektiivisuutta. Tutkimus osallistuu kuvan ja sanan vuorovaikutuksesta käytyyn vilkkaaseen keskusteluun ja kytkee Lars Sundin historialliset romaanit osaksi niin kansainvälistä, pohjoismaista kuin kotimaista traditiota. / Abstrakt Historiska romaner publiceras det rikligt av i Finland och genren är fortfarande populär bland läsarna. Under de senaste decennierna har både finländska och finlandssvenska författare behandlat sådana nationella smärtpunkter som inbördeskriget, vinterkriget och fortsättningskriget. I denna avhandling forskas Lars Sunds Siklax-trilogi: Colorado Avenue (1991), Lanthandlerskans son (1997) och Eriks bok (2003). Dessa romaner representerar den postmoderna historiska romanen, som det till dags dato skrivits relativt litet om i Finland och ännu mindre forskats i. Historiska romaner konstruerar nationell identitet och deltar i den kulturella och politiska dialogen om det förflutna och nutiden. Deras inverkan på läsarens inställningar kan vara stark, och därför är det nödvändigt att reflektera på de medel med vilka historien produceras och uttolkas. I avhandlingen analyseras på vilket sätt det förflutna representeras i Sunds romaner; historieuppfattningen samt relationen till historieskrivningen och till den historiska romanen som genre. Syftet är att redogöra för hurdant förhållande det finns mellan berättarmetoder och representationer av det förgångna. I undersökningen förenas ett narratologiskt, intertextuellt och kontextuellt betraktelsesätt. Det gäller att analysera romanernas berättarstrukturer samt intertextuella referenser till andra texter och till andra kulturella och sociala diskurser. Betraktelsesättet skildras bäst med begreppet kulturell narratologi (cultural narratology), som förenar drag av den klassiska och postklassiska narratologin. Detta betyder att romanens narrativa strukturer granskas som en aktiv kraft, vilken både reflekterar tidens kulturella diskurser och påverkar dem. Själva konstruktionen av Sunds historiska romaner framför epistemologiska frågor om den historiska kunskapens åtkomlighet och pålitlighet. Andra mediers närvarande på historiens och på diskursens nivåer, så som beskrivningar av fotografier och målningar eller filmiskt berättande, och åtskilliga intertextuella hänvisningar, betonar historiens polyfoni och tolkningars subjektivitet. Undersökningen kopplar Lars Sunds historiska romaner till internationell, nordisk och finländsk tradition. Dessutom anknyter analysen av Sunds visuella material undersökningen till den livliga diskussionen om samspel mellan ord och bild.

La pensée des medias dans le theatre, des avant-gardes historiques au théâtre contemporain / Thinking the media in theatre, from historical avant-garde to contemporary

Hagemann, Simon 29 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la place et l’utilisation des médias de masse sur les scènes théâtrales des XXe et XXIe siècles et vise à déterminer l’importance de la pensée des médias par les artistes pour la compréhension des grandes mutations théâtrales de cette période. L’étude, réalisée dans une perspective historique, est organisée en trois parties, selon les médias identifiés comme culturellement dominants : cinéma ; télévision et vidéo ; Internet et autres médias numériques. L’analyse des réflexions des artistes de théâtre face à l’évolution médiatique, qui provoquent l’apparition de nouvelles formes théâtrales – avec ou sans utilisation d’innovations technologiques -, offre de nouveaux regards sur le théâtre, et plus généralement, les arts du spectacle, sur les médias, ainsi que sur leurs relations. Cette thèse s’interroge sur les fonctions du théâtre dans un paysage où les arts et les médias sont en situation de concurrence, mais aussi d’inspiration réciproque, et réfléchit, au final, aux possibles conséquences de cette situation sur les études théâtrales à l’ère des médias numériques. / This thesis studies the place and utilisation of mass media on theatre stages during the 20th and 21st centuries. It aims to determine the importance of the thinking about the media in theatre during the great theatrical changes of the period. The research study, presented from a historical perspective, is organised into three parts: cinema, television, and the Internet and other digital media - the identified dominant media. Changes in media culture and certain artistic reflexions provoked the appearance of new theatrical forms, both with and without the utilisation of new technological innovations. An analysis of the thinking of theatre artists facing media developments allows new insight into theatre, the media and their relationship. This thesis aims to question the functions of theatre in the developing art and media landscape, and reflects on possible consequences for theatre studies in the age of digital media.

Intermédialité, matérialité du réel et articulation du corps dans l'oeuvre House of leaves de Mark Z. Danielewski

Georgiev, Salome 08 1900 (has links)
Il aura fallu plus de dix ans à Mark Z. Danielewski pour publier la version finale de son roman House of Leaves. Dix ans de réflexion, de recherche, de remise en question, d’écriture et de réécriture… Très vite devenu un best-seller international, House of Leaves fait sensation dans le domaine littéraire, suscitant à la fois émerveillement, inquiétude et réflexion. Alors que le roman met en scène un récit relativement simple et déjà exploité à maintes reprises en littérature - à savoir l’histoire d’une famille américaine emménageant dans une maison cauchemardesque aux proportions variables - il surprend de par sa forme et son contenu. Multiplicité de typographies, notes de bas de pages infinies, textes sens dessus dessous, pages blanches suivies de passages chaotiques et illisibles, mots en couleurs ou rayés, pluralité de langues et langages, photographies, dessins, maquettes, etc. : Danielewski transcende totalement les lois de la littérature dans son ensemble. Véritable oeuvre d’art, unique en son genre, House of Leaves se distingue de par sa présentation innovante et son originalité excessive. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, j’étudie trois aspects principaux de l’oeuvre : la structure architecturale du livre, l’intertextualité et l’intermédialité présentes dans le texte et la notion des genres. Tout d’abord, je m’intéresse à la structure externe et interne du roman et je cherche à comprendre pourquoi Danielewski déconstruit totalement les règles architecturales et leurs limites. De plus, j’analyse le lien entre l’évolution de la maison de la Famille Navidson et la psychologie des personnages. Ensuite, j’étudie le rôle des mythes fondateurs et des divers langages au sein du roman. Pourquoi Danielewski, qui remet en question les règles structurelles mises en place dans notre monde, attache-t-il autant d’importance aux mythes ? Dans un second temps, je mets en perspective les aspects intertextuels et intermédiales dont le roman regorge. Pour finir, je m’interroge sur les notions de genres et gender. Quel est le genre littéraire de House of Leaves ? Est-ce un roman ? Une nouvelle ? Une pièce de théâtre ? Un script cinématographique ? Un recueil de poèmes ? Ou, est-ce un ensemble de genres? De plus, comment définir le gender et pourquoi Danielewski, si innovant d’un point de vue littéraire, se montre-t-il tellement traditionnel dans la présentation hiérarchique du genre masculin et féminin dans son oeuvre ? / It took Mark Z. Danielewski over ten years to publish the final version of his novel House of Leaves. Ten years of reflection, research, questioning, writing and rewriting. Quickly becoming a bestseller, House of Leaves also caused a sensation in the literary field, arousing together wonder, concern and cogitation. While the novel features a relatively simple story that has been used repeatedly in the literature – the adventure of an American family moving into a nightmarish house with varying proportions – it surprises with regards to both its text formatting and its content. A multiplicity of typographies, an infinite number of footnotes, upside-down texts, blank pages followed by chaotic and illegible sections, coloured or striped words, a plurality of languages, photographs, drawings, models etc. : Danielewski ultimately transcends the rules of literature. A true and unique masterpiece, House of Leaves is an artwork in its own field of literature and stands out for its innovative presentation and extreme originality. In the context of this thesis, I study three main aspects: the architectural structure of the book, the intertextuality and intermediality in the manuscript and the notions of genres and gender. I firstly analyze the external and internal structure of the book and attempt to understand why Danielewski totally deconstructs the basic rules of architecture. Besides, I examine the link between the evolution of the Navidson family’s house and the psychology of the characters. Then, I evaluate the role of the founding myths and the various use of languages within the novel. Why does the author attach so much importance to myths? Secondly, I put into perspective the intertextual and intermedial aspects of the novel. Finally, I try to apprehend which literary genre does the novel belongs to, and I reflect upon the role of gender in the narrative. Is it a novel? A play? A movie script? Is it a poem? Or a combination of genres? Furthermore, how to define gender and why Danielewski, normally so innovative, is traditional in the hierarchical presentation of the masculine and feminine gender in his work?

Staying Connected: Border-Crossing Experimentation and Transmission in Contemporary Chinese Poetry

Shi, Jia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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