Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kaizen"" "subject:"raizen""
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Värdeflödesanalys i ett råmaterialflöde : En fallstudie där icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter och dess orsaksfaktorer identifierasEriksson, Carl-Oscar, Tornberg, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Syfte – Studiens syfte är att utifrån en värdeflödesanalys kartlägga ett råmaterialflöde samt identifiera icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter och föreslå förbättringsförslag. För att besvara syftet har det brutits ned i tre följande frågeställningar: Vilka icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter kan identifieras i flödet? Vad finns det för argument till att åtgärda de upptäckta icke- värdeskapande aktiviteterna Hur kan de upptäckta icke-värdeskapande aktiviteterna åtgärdas för att höja effektiviteten? Metod - Den genomförda studien är en fallstudie vilken bygger på en induktiv ansats med kvantitativa inslag. Den använda metoden är av kvalitativ karaktär då studien grundar sig på intervjuer och tolkning utifrån observationer av den grundläggande datainsamlingen. Datainsamlingen har genomförts utifrån litteraturstudier, intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier. För att nå en hög trovärdighet har det vid utformning av intervjufrågor varit viktigt att dessa kunnat kopplats till uppfyllnad av syftet. Detta arbete gjordes för att minimera risken för systematiska fel. Resultat – Studiens resultat bygger på en kartläggning av ett flöde där en nulägesanalys genomfördes för att sedan genomföra en värdeflödesanalys. Utifrån värdeflödesanalysen framgick det att en brist i flödet var höga nivåer av slöserier. Det största identifierade slöseriet var bristande kvalité, främst orsakat av produktion av defekta produkter. Denna brist påverkar vidare stora delar av flödet. De åtgärdsförslag vilka läggs fram i studien är att via en förändring av kulturen på företaget, genomföra standarder och vidare jobba med ständiga förbättringar. Implikationer – Resultatet visar vikten av att arbeta med effektivisering av slöserier vilket i studiens fall leder till bristande kvalitet främst i form av produktion av defekta produkter. Studien har ett praktiskt bidrag till tillverkande företag, genom att ta till sig de presenterade åtgärdsförslagen kan det generera en bättre samsyn på kvalitet i verksamheten. Även ett teoretiskt bidrag ges i form av att ämnet ständigt är under utveckling och behöver ny uppdaterad data. Vidare forskning skulle kunna se över hur man rent tekniskt och psykologiskt implementerar en förändring likt denna. Begränsningar – Resultatet kan vara svårt att generalisera eftersom detta är en studie genomförd som en enfallsdesign. Vidare är det även komplext att undersöka och utveckla en studie vilken visar på hur kvalitet är kopplat till företagskultur. / Purpose – The purpose with this study is to map a raw material value flow analysis and identify non-value-creating activities and propound suggestions for improvement. Method – The study is a case study based on an inductive approach with quantitative elements. The used methods is of a qualitative character since the study is based on interviews and interpretation based on observations of the basic data collection. The data collection has been done through literature studies, interviews, observations and document studies. In order to achieve high credibility, it has been important that the design of interview questions can be linked to fulfillment of the purpose. This work was done to minimize the risk of systematic errors. Findings – The study's results are based on a mapping of a flow where a current analysis was carried out to then later end in a value flow analysis. Based on the value flow analysis, it appeared that a shortage in the flow was high levels of waste. The largest identified waste was a lack of quality, mainly due to the production of defective products. This shortcoming also affects large parts of the flow. The measures proposed in the study are to implement standards through a change in the culture of the company, and to continue to work on continuous improvements. Implications – The result, which shows the importance of working with streamlining waste, which in this case leads to a lack of quality, mainly in the form of production of defective products. The study can be seen as a practical contribution to manufacturing companies, by embracing these proposals for action, it should generate a better consensus on the quality of the business. Also a theoretical contribution where further research could look at how to technically and psychologically implement a change like this. Limitations – It can be difficult to generalize the results as this is a study conducted as a one-case design. Furthermore, it is also complex to investigate and develop a study that shows how quality is linked to corporate culture.
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Streamlining the invisible value chain : - reduction of losses within administrative processes: a case study / Effektivisering av den osynliga värdekedjan : - reducering av förluster inom administrativa processer: en fallstudieDavidsson, Sara, Gustafsson, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
Continuous improvement of various processes within a company is a necessity to remain competitive on the market. There are many different improvement methodologies to streamline work routines; however the different methodologies do not sufficiently embrace administrative processes or the employee motivation regarding changes. The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a model for streamlining administrative processes, while maintaining the employee motivation during the improvement projects implementation phases. The model has been developed theoretically through literature reviews including different improvement methodologies, such as Lean, TQM, Six Sigma, 5S, ISO 9000 and related subjects, while incorporating perspectives of the relations between quality, production and economy. Besides the aspect of continuous improvement, the methodology of Change management has permeated the model development and model outcome. The developed model for improving administrative processes should over time lead to shorten lead-times and streamlined high quality information flows. The first phases in the model have been implemented at Electrolux Laundry Systems providing the company a solid foundation for further implementation of the rest of the model. The results include several highlighted areas, which shall be further reviewed and improved to streamline the current routines at Electrolux Laundry Systems. / Kontinuerliga förbättringar av ett företags olika processer är en ständig kamp för företag som vill behålla en konkurrenskraftig position på marknaden. Det finns många olika förbättringsmetoder för att effektivisera arbetsrutiner men de olika metoderna har sällan tillräckligt fokus på administrativa processer eller anställdas motivation när det gäller förändringar. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att utveckla en modell för att effektivisera administrativa processer, samtidigt som de anställdas motivation under förbättringsprojektens genomförande tagits i beaktande. Modellen har utvecklats teoretiskt genom litteraturstudier av olika förbättringsmetoder såsom Lean, TQM, Six Sigma, 5S, ISO 9000 och relaterade ämnen, samt även inkluderat perspektiv på förhållanden mellan kvalitet, produktion och ekonomi. Förutom aspekten av ständiga förbättringar, har teorier om Change management genomsyrat modellutvecklingen. Den utvecklade modellen för att förbättra administrativa processer avser att leda till minskade ledtider och effektiviserade informationsflöden. De första faserna i modellen har genomförts på Electrolux Laundry Systems vilka ger företaget en stabil grund för fortsatt genomförande av resten av modellen. I delresultaten finns flera identifierade områden som Electrolux Laundry Systems bör se över för att effektivisera sina nuvarande rutiner.
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Analys och planering införigångsättning av förbättringsarbete på Demotikos ABCohen Rosenbaum, Dan January 2015 (has links)
Många företag står idag inför en affärssituation med stigande konkurrens,krympande marknader, och ökade kundkrav. Framför allt sitter många fast i ett föråldrat sätt attdriva sin verksamhet på, som är dåligt anpassat för den allt tuffare marknaden. Den rekommenderadelösningen stavas ofta ”inför kvalitetstänk och börja jobba med förbättringar”. Det kandock vara lättare sagt än gjort för företag utan tidigare erfarenheter från en sådan strategi, ochmed eventuella betydande brister i sin ordinarie organisationsstruktur. Demotikos AB i Stockholmär ett exempel på ett sådant företag.Avsikten med detta examensarbete är att ta fram ett förbättringsprogram särskilt anpassat förDemotikos AB genom att analysera olika kvalitetsfilosofier och koncept, samt att göra en utförlignulägesanalys av företaget. Målet är att presentera ett förbättringsprogram tillsammans meden implementationsplan som är väl anpassad till företagets utgångsläge och förutsättningar ochsom samtidigt stämmer väl överens med rådande forskningslitteratur. Företaget har dessutom enönskan om att den insamlade kvalitetsinformationen i rapporten ska kunna ligga till grund för enkvalitetsintroduktionsutbildning för företagets anställda.Företagets behovsbild samt problemområden kartlades vi en nutidsanalys. Därefter utgick manfrån kartläggningen och jämförde den med vilka effekter olika förbättringsprogram kunde åstadkomma.Efter ett program hittades gick man vidare till att utvärdera olika arbetsmetoder ochverktyg. Till sist undersöktes en lämplig implementationsplan. / Many companies are today facing a business situation with rising competition,shrinking markets, and increasing customer demands. Above all, many are stuck with an outdatedapproach on how to run their business, an approach that is poorly adapted to the ever moredemanding market. The recommended solution is often spelled "implement a quality mindsetand start working with improvements". However, this can be much easier said than done forcompanies without any experience of such a strategy, as well as any significant deficiencies in itsregular organizational structure. Demotikos AB in Stockholm is an example of such a company.This thesis is aiming to produce an improvement program for Demotikos AB by analyzing differentquality philosophies and concepts, as well as making a detailed situation analysis of thecompany. The goal is to present an improvement program together with an implementation planthat is well adapted to the company’s current condition and at the same time consistent withcurrent research literature. The company also wish to be able to use the collected quality data inthe report as a basis for a quality introduction for its employees.The company’s needs as well as problem areas were identified, through a present day analysis.The result were compared it with what effects various improvement programs could present.After an appropriate program was found the project went on to evaluate various methods andtools. Finally, a suitable implementation plan examined.
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Att växa med Lean : En fallstudie av utvecklingen av Lean under en längre period i en organisation / To grow with Lean : A case study of the development of Lean over an extended period in an organization.Ayoub, Manahel, Hilda, Sjöholm January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Att växa med Lean Bakgrund: Lean är en metod för verksamhetsstyrning som syftar till att minska slöseri i form av tid och och kostnader samt förbättra effektiviteten i organisationen. Från dess att Lean introducerades av Toyota på 1950-talet har Lean diskuterats utifrån olika perspektiv. Perspektiven är Lean utifrån ständiga förbättringar samt Leans för- och nackdelar. Utifrån det förstnämnda diskuteras Lean ofta utifrån produktutveckling och förändringsprocesser. Vid den andra vanligt förekommande diskussionen om Lean pratas det om metodens för- och nackdelar. Det debatterar ofta om Lean i positiv bemärkelse och de främsta fördelarna som lyfts fram är att Lean är en metod som främjar effektiviteten i ett företag. Å andra sidan, beskrivs Lean vara ett komplext koncept där beskrivningen av begreppet hos flera anses vara diffust. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en ökad förståelse av hur utvecklingen av användandet av Lean ser ut efter flera år i organisationen. En förståelse av de kritiska faktorer som kan uppstå kommer att skapas och man får en insyn av vilka utmaningar som eventuellt uppstår när lean funnits i en organisation under en längre period. Metod: Studien är en fallstudie som undersöker hur utvecklingen av Lean-användander sett ut under en längre period och vilka kritiska faktorer som uppstår under denna tid i ett företaget. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en induktiv forskningsprocess, där det empiriska materialet samlats in genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Utvecklingen av Lean kan beskrivas som en tidslinje enligt faserna Bristen, Systemet, Födseln, Ungdomen, Livslångt projekt, Tillväxt, Människan och Krisen, där Krisen kan inträffa när som under tidslinjens gång. Kritiska faktorer för att bibehålla Lean i en organisation under en längre period omfattas av delaktiga ledare som arbetar nära medarbetarna, utbildning av medarbetarna om syftet med Lean och insikten i att Lean är ett livslångt projekt där anpassningen aldrig tar slut. Vidare är en kritisk faktor att inte bli alltför byråkratisk, utan fortsätta låta medarbetarna ta beslut. Att stirra sig blind på enskilda Lean-verktyg och inte se Lean utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv är också en kritisk faktor. Den sista kritiska faktorn är att skapa delaktighet för medarbetarna. / Title: To grow with Lean Background: Lean is a method of operational management aimed at reducing waste in the form of time and costs, as well as improving efficiency within an organization. Since its introduction by Toyota in the 1950s, Lean has been discussed from various perspectives, namely continuous improvement and the advantages and disadvantages of Lean. The former perspective often focuses on Lean in the context of product development and change processes. The latter, more common discussion about Lean, revolves around the method's pros and cons. There is often a debate regarding Lean in a positive light, highlighting its main advantages, such as promoting efficiency within a company. On the other hand, Lean is described as a complex concept, with the description of the term considered ambiguous by several sources. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to enhance the understanding of how the development of Lean utilization evolves after several years within the organization. By gaining insight into the critical factors that may arise, one can acquire an understanding of the challenges that may potentially emerge when Lean has been present in an organization for an extended period. Method: The study is a case study that examines the development of Lean utilization over an extended period and the critical factors that arise during this time in a company. The study adopts a qualitative research strategy with an inductive research process, where the empirical data has been collected through six semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The development of Lean can be described as a timeline consisting of the phases of Gap, System, Birth, Youth, Lifelong Project, Growth, Human, and Crisis, where the Crisis phase can occur at any point along the timeline. Critical factors for sustaining Lean in an organization over an extended period include engaged leaders working closely with employees, educating employees about the purpose of Lean, and understanding that Lean is an ongoing project where adaptation never ceases. Additionally, a critical factor is to avoid excessive bureaucracy and continue empowering employees to make decisions. Focusing solely on individual Lean tools and failing to see Lean from a holistic perspective is also a critical factor. Lastly, creating employee involvement and participation is crucial.
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Specifika japonského managementu na příkladu Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech, s.r.o. / The specifics of Japanese management on the example of Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech, s.Nováková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis certain elements of the Japanese management model are examined in the context of Euro-Atlantic management model. As a single integral model of Japanese management does not exist, firstly, two groups of selected elements of Japanese management are explained in the theoretical part. The aim of this thesis is to analyze whether selected approaches of Japanese management have been applied at Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech s. r. o., and or how they have been modified in the Czech Republic. The first group of selected elements includes approaches in which active employees allow the organization to achieve high quality products and services - the strategy of kaizen, the activities of quality control circles and total quality management. Japanese management features that are included in the second group lead to the organization cost minimization. Particularly, this paper describes the just-in-time production, total productive maintenance concept, the technique of 5S, the technique of systematic elimination of wasting and the phenomenon of employee loyalty. Having realized a qualitative survey with seven respondents, the analysis showed that the chosen approaches in the organization have been applied, except for the quality control circles. The kaizen strategy has been narrowed down...
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Průzkum uplatňování štíhlé výroby ve firmách / Research of using Lean Production in companiesKUTHANOVÁ, Vladimíra January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on a research of using methods of Lean Production in working environment of selected companies in the Czech Republic. In the introduction the author mentioned theoretic facts about Lean Production, which is originally from Japan. The rest of dissertation also included characteristics of selected companies and description of situations in companies before and after using Lean Production methods. At the end of each part we can find conclusion and suggestion of specific new steps for these companies. A company, called Linde Pohony s.r.o. Český Krumlov, have been using these methods: TPM, 5S and visual management. In a company Rohde & Schwarz, which is located in Vimperk, have been using the methods of Lean Production. : Kanban and also visual management. And a company ČSAT a.s. Praha have been testing methods of Lean Production: MUDA, 5S, Kaizen with a diagram of Ishikawa. In conclusion of the dissertation assumptions were evaluated. The overall summary of exercising Lean Production in companies - Linde Pohony s.r.o. Český Krumlov, ČSAT a.s. Praha a Rhode & Schwarz - Vimperk, were mentioned as well. Outcomes of the dissertation can be used for companies, which had been analyzing or for other companies with similar specializations. The dissertation provides the analysis of utilization selected Japanese principles of Lean Production in Czech companies.
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Applying lean principles to transform conventional oil and gas production operations in a Gulf State into cleaner energyAlsayigh, Ali January 2015 (has links)
There is much interest in the protection of the ecosystem within the oil and gas industry. This is particularly significant in the countries of the Middle East where the oil and gas sectors contribute a large part, in some cases all of the country economies. A case study research analysis into the Lean and Green principles of one of the State of Kuwait organisations could offer the country huge potential and could benefit other Arabian Gulf countries. In the chosen country (Kuwait), Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) has no other outlet for its business apart from oil and gas production. It also does not concern itself with other support business that could contribute to Kuwait's economy.
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Analysis of material flow and simulation-based optimization of transportation system : The combination of simulation and Lean to evaluate and design a transportation systemVuoluterä, Fredrik, Carlén, Oliver January 2018 (has links)
The thesis has been performed in cooperation with a Swedish manufacturing company. The manufacturing site of the company is currently implementing a new machine layout in one of its workshops. The new layout will increase the product flow to another workshop on the site. The goal of the thesis was to evaluate the current transportation system and suggest viable alternatives for the future product flow. By means of discrete event simulation these alternative solutions would be modelled and subsequently optimized to determine if their performance is satisfactory. An approximated investment cost of the solutions would also be estimated. By performing a literature review and creating a frame of reference, a set of relevant methodologies were selected to provide a foundation to the project. Following these methodologies, the current state of transportation was identified and mapped using Value Stream Mapping. Necessary data from the current flow was identified and collected from the company computer systems. This data was deemed partly inaccurate and further verification was needed. To this end, a combination of Genchi Genbutsu, assistance from onsite engineers and a time study was used to verify the unreliable data points. The data sets from the time study and the company data which was deemed valid were represented by statistical distributions to provide input for the simulation models. Two possible solutions were picked for evaluation, an automated guided vehicle system and a tow train system. With the help of onsite personnel, a Kaizen Event was performed in which new possible routing for the future flow was evaluated. A set of simulation models portraying the automated guided vehicle system and the tow train system were developed with the aid of simulation software. The results from these models showed a low utilization of both systems. A new set of models were developed, which included all the product flows between the workshops. The new flows were modelled as generic pallets with the arrival distribution based on historical production data. This set of models were then subject for optimization with regard to the work in process and lead time of the system. The results from the optimization indicates the possibility to reduce the overall work in process by reducing certain buffer sizes while still maintaining the required throughput. These solutions were not deemed to be ready for implementation due to the low utilization of the transportation systems. The authors instead recommend expanding the scope of the system and including other product flows to reach a high utilization.
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Využití vybraných logistický metod ve výrobním podniku / The usage of selected logistic methods in the manufacturing concernKOHOUTOVÁ, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this work was to rate the usage of selected logistic methods and introduction of the operating system Kanban to the production line in the project {\clqq}C214 Top Roll`` of the company Faurecia Automotive Czech Republic, s.r.o, Interior Systems. A minor aim then was to find out the knowledge level of the Kanban method. Methodics Hypotheses: 1.The logistic flows used in the Faurecia company already function sufficiently enough, the proof of which is the stabilised production. 2.Using the operating system Kanban for functioning production, logistics and the whole company Faurecia is rather advantageous. 3.Training all the employees is a vital part in the process of introducing the operating system Kamban. Methods: deducion, situation analysis - collection of information,interviews, survey, questioning brief, modeling Structure of the practical part is following: company profile, character of pruduction and setting of the main logistical flows, determination of zones and stock sectors, process implementation and using of Kanban in the production line "C214 Top Roll". The first hypothesis can be confirmed by the situational analysis which evaluates the processing and logistic method. The individual methods {\clqq}met`` or {\clqq}nearly met`` the demands and because all the methods together partake of the production and the production has provided very good results in the previous months, we can consider the production being stabilised. The second can also be affirmed. If the production on a particular assembly line is stabilised, it is possible to introduce the Kanban method. Why not to use it if a there is a great advantage of this method in simplicity and lower production supplies which result in decreasing the total costs? It is beneficial for all participating on the production and for the Faurecia company as a whole. Third hypothesis can be confirmed as well. There has been a survey based on short questionaires and the knowledge of working and using the Kanban has been found inadequate. The best form of providing all the important information will be a training as a part of the process of introducing and using the Kanban method. Both aims have been resulted in stating possible recommendations and improvement suggestions: - production is stabilized, Kanban is possible to apply on 1.9. 2008 - training is necessary, meeting of responsible persons, control, messing, measures, - training of current and new workers, - motivation, communication improve, - system of regural records about information and control of chief (material and production planning)
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Inovação horizontal: um modelo ambidestro de gestão da inovação com base em um caso brasileiroÁlvares, Antonio Carlos Teixeira 07 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by ANTONIO CARLOS TEIXEIRA ALVARES (teixeira@actapar.com.br) on 2018-11-21T16:39:59Z
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Dissertação-Inovação Horizontal com ficha catalográfica.pdf: 1593465 bytes, checksum: 7dfdc07a33c2896d0350b84d11cbe407 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Isabele Garcia (isabele.garcia@fgv.br) on 2018-11-21T17:55:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Dissertação-Inovação Horizontal com ficha catalográfica.pdf: 1593465 bytes, checksum: 7dfdc07a33c2896d0350b84d11cbe407 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-11-07 / Esta pesquisa trata da questão dos efeitos provocados pela busca da inovação a partir de todas as pessoas da organização, particularmente da possibilidade da organização se tornar inovadora, assim entendido como capaz de produzir sistematicamente inovações de qualquer natureza e magnitude. Tal questão é relevante pois a inovação a partir de todas as pessoas de uma organização, praticamente não tem sido estudada pelos especialistas em inovação. Apesar de muito abordada pelo movimento de qualidade no tema de melhoria continua via sistemas de sugestões do tipo kaizen. A denominação Inovação Horizontal foi criada pelo autor para designar as inovações que se originam a partir de todos os funcionários da organização, usualmente a partir de programas internos de sugestões. Os sistemas internos de sugestões produzem basicamente inovações incrementais, denominadas pelos especialistas em qualidade como melhorias contínuas. Alguns autores apresentaram no passado a teoria de que novações incrementais competem com as inovações radicais. Em contraposição foi criado o conceito de ambidestria segundo o qual as organizações inovadoras produzem tanto inovações radicais quanto incrementais. A presente pesquisa a foi baseada em estudo de caso único de uma empresa de um setor maduro (metalurgia) que pratica Inovação Horizontal (a partir de todas as pessoas). Foram entrevistados dezoito gestores, todos os quatro diretores executivos, dez gerentes, dois coordenadores gerais e dois pesquisadores aposentados. O resultado indicou que a organização é inovadora sistemática, tendo criado um modelo de gestão da inovação ambidestro que produz sistematicamente inovações incrementais e radicais, tanto de produtos como de processo e gestão. / This research deals with the effects caused by the search for innovation from all the people of the organization, particularly the possibility of the organization becoming innovative, understood as capable of systematically producing innovations of any nature and magnitude. This issue is relevant because innovation from all the people of an organization, practically has not been studied by the experts in innovation. Although much approached by the movement of quality in the theme of continuous improvement via kaizen type suggestion systems. The denomination Horizontal Innovation was created by the author to designate the innovations that originate from all the employees of the organization, usually from internal programs of suggestions. Internal feedback systems basically produce incremental innovations, called by quality experts as continuous improvements. Some authors have in the past presented the theory that incremental innovations compete with radical innovations. In contrast, the concept of ambidexterity was created whereby innovative organizations produce both radical and incremental innovations. The present research was based on a single case study of a company from a mature sector (metallurgy) that practices Horizontal Innovation (from all people). Eighteen managers, all four executive directors, ten managers, two general coordinators and two retired researchers were interviewed. The result indicated that the organization is a systematic innovation, having created an ambidextrous innovation management model that systematically produces incremental and radicals innovations, of product, process and management.
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