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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det finns ingen värld att leva i där du inte bor" : Levd religions möjligheter och utmaningar i religionskunskapsundervisningen

Andersson, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
Religious traditions are something that all of us have learnt about in school, even if we do not have a personal connection to a specific religion. Studies have shown that there is a discrepancy between what we learn about religious traditions and religiosity in school, and how religious people practice their faith in everyday life. How the religious tradition plays a part of an individual’s identity is not something that school textbooks specifically explains. For example, the course material does not mention how geographical context affects a person’s religiosity, even though the course curriculum, that is being studied in this thesis clearly states that you have to give examples of how different aspects of someone’s identity affect their religious identity.    This thesis discusses how Lived Religion can be included in course material as well as in the teaching of religious education in school in order to give a more accurate and more democratic picture of religiosity. Lived religion is a perspective that capture how individuals express their religious tradition and how religiosity could look like in different contexts. To use Lived religion as a complement in education could also help the pupils to achieve what the objectives in the curriculum asks for. Nevertheless, even if Lived religion is a helpful compliment to the traditional way of teaching the topic of religion, this thesis also shows that is it important to be aware of how this new perspective is used. If the perspective of Lived religion is not used correctly in classroom or how you explain someone’s religious identity, it could have greater negative consequences than its positive gain.   The title of this thesis aims to points towards how Lived religion can communicate a more complete picture of what religiosity is. The thesis argues that it is problematic to omit e.g. religious tradition or geographical context from an individual’s identity. That is also one of the main points of Lived religion, which is that religious identity is the religion lived out in the day-to-day life.

"Tag och ät" : En undersökning av måltidens teologiska betydelser

Österling, Kajsa January 2020 (has links)
In Christian contexts, the meal is usually connected to the sacrament of the Eucharist. In this essay, the aim is to explore the everyday meal in which people gather, both at home and in church settings. What are the theological meanings of a meal, and what are people experiencing around the table? The essay poses the question Which theological meanings are expressed concerning the meal in Christian contexts? To answer this question, the essay has two theoretical frameworks, which are “body theology” and “lived religion”. The method used in the essay is a two-part analysis. The first part is a content analysis, with focus on the writers’ emotions and experiences. The second part is a dialogue with Norman Wirzba. The material contains primary and secondary material, which are books by Kendall Vanderslice, Lina Mattebo (red.), and Norman Wirzba.   This essay concludes that the meal in Christian contexts has many different, mostly positive, meanings. The most prominent meanings of the meal are community and relationship building, identity, spiritual exercise, and a strong sense of the significance of the body. Many of the authors express a feeling of connection to God in the meal, even in the everyday situation. The concept of “exile” is also explored. For future research it would be interesting to aim focus towards meals in non-Western countries, and to investigate the effects of gender and what power dynamics that meals may have.

Den Levda Religionens vara eller icke vara i klassrummen : På jakt efter ett nordligt religionsdidaktiskt perspektiv

Hyvärinen, Geir Felix January 2020 (has links)
In the seemingly ever growing, diverse, and developing fields of comparative education, specific parts of integrative processes in many countries’ religious education (RE) also appears to develop. Whereas many countries’ religious educations tend to act upon integrative aspirations, many of them take different routes as well. Even so, does the more specific part of “Lived Religion”. This study aims to ask and inquire into some of the comparative questions that might occur while reading about different countries’ different forms of implementation of Lived Religion in their education (e.g. In what different ways does Lived Religion seem to be interpreted, understood, and treated?). This is done by examining and comparing three different examples of Nordic studies (Sweden, Norway, and Finland) that refer to the implementation of Lived Religion in their classrooms, as primary materials. This paper concludes that there is an apparent need of more research in this matter, both nationally and comparatively. Whereas also Lived Religion is both treated and understood differently between the examined prime materials, there are though some fruitful similarities and differences that can be worthwhile drawing. While the Lived Religious aspects might be tough to educate, as with many other integrative matters, it is discussed that there is several benefits ongoingly understanding and comparing Lived Religion as a field of research in the classrooms (when it comes to approaching the aspirating integrative ambitions underlying the chosen countries’ curricula and religious educations). Even though this kind of “Lived” understanding of how Religion and Religiousness works for many people and is compatible with the ambitions the chosen Nordic countries has, there are also some similarities and differences regarding the difficulties implementing these kinds of understandings in the classroom. Both because of curricular and practical reasons.

Vad blev av religionskunskapens syfte? : En intervjustudie om religionskunskapslärares ämnesförståelse i relation till undervisningstid / What is the purpose of studies of religions? : an interview study of subject comprehension in relation to time by Swedish upper secondary teachers in religious knowledge

Lindblad, Ilona January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores what happens to the Swedish ethics and religious education in upper secondary school correlated to the amount of scheduled classroom time at hand for teachers and students. To explore this field, five interviews were conducted with licensed teachers of ethics and religions, where they were able to share their own experience in organising their teaching. The result shows that all the teachers have to prioritize their time in such a way that not all parts of what they are supposed to teach according to the national curriculum was given due space within the given time frame. The hermeneutic analysis of the result tells us that the purpose taught in ethics and religious education for upper secondary school tends to be more oriented towards facts about religions contrary to an emphasis on understanding of religions and religiosity.

Mellan stuga och kolmila : Kolmilares religiösa fält mellan 1600-1950.

Carlsson, Erika January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Då blir mina tankar klarare och förnimmelser djupare : En fältstudie om deltagares erfarenheter av endagsretreat / Then my thoughts become clearer and perceptions deeper : A field study of participants' experiences of one-day retreats

Unghammar, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna etnografiska fältstudie är att utforska, förstå och skildra hur deltagare upplever de återkommande retreatdagarna i en svenskkyrklig församling utanför Stockholm. Centralt är att ta del av människors egna berättelser, hur de tolkar, förstår och ger mening till det de är med om. Studien befinner sig inom forskningsfältet levd religion. Här ligger tonvikten på hur religion och andlighet praktiseras, upplevs och uttrycks av vanliga människor, snarare än officiella företrädare. Meredith McGuires forskning om levd religion samt Nancy Ammermans forskning kring vardagsreligiositet och andliga landskap har fungerat som teoretisk resurs. Inom fältet levd religion har jag särskilt fokuserat på tre dimensioner: relationer, religiös praktik och berättelser. Efter transkribering och kodning av fältanteckningar samt intervjuer med åtta retreatdeltagare, framträdde sju teman som strukturerar resultatredovisningen i uppsatsen. Temana rubriceras som: Gudsrelation, inre bilder och drömmar, Att uthärda svårigheter och få nytt hopp, Gemenskap och egentid, Ansvar och handling, Blandning av religiösa traditioner, Rum, symboler och artefakter samt Vila i Gud. Eftersom en stor del av empirin bygger på respondenters berättelser görs också en narrativ analys för att förstå livsberättelsens dramaturgi i vår samtid. I konklusionen konstateras att relationer, både till andra människor och Gud, var centrala för respondenternas meningsskapande. Möten med andra troende nyckelpersoner var avgörande när retreatdeltagarna återgav milstolpar i sina livsberättelser. Relationen till den kristna treenige guden framträder som levande och vänskaplig, det är en gud som man både kan anförtro sig till och ifrågasätta. Endagsretreater är en kyrklig praktik som visade sig kunna bidra till en transformativ process när det gäller människors meningsskapande och livstolkning.

Levande bilder i läroböcker : En bildanalys av förekomsten av ortodoxi, ortopraxi, och levd religion i bilder i religionskunskapsläroböcker för högstadiet / Living images in textbooks : An image analysis of the presence of orthodoxy, orthopraxy, and lived religion in images in religion textbooks aimed at secondary school

Olsén, Kristoffer January 2023 (has links)
Levd religion är ett växande forskningsområde inom religionsforskningen. Det svenska skolsystemet ska bygga på forskning och därför bör det enbart vara en tidsfråga innan lärare kommer bli ombedda att inkludera och undervisa elever i levd religion. Syftet med studien är, genom att utföra en bildanalys, att undersöka användandet av bilder i moderna religionsläroböcker för högstadiet, samt utifrån resultatet diskutera ifall man via lärobokens bilder som befintligt redskap kan inkludera levd religion i undervisningen samt visa på skillnader i ortodoxi och ortopraxi. Bildanalysen tog sin bas i systemteori och didaktisk potential för att undersöka två olika traditioner, en baserad ur ortodoxi och en ur ortopraxi. Resultatet visade att bildanvändningen i de undersökta läroböckerna ger exempel på religiositet baserad ur både ortodoxi och ortopraxi och att dimensioner av levd religion kunde ses i tre fjärdedelar av de analyserade bilderna. Studien hjälper aktiva och blivande lärare med att förklara levd religion och ger exempel på hur man kan introducera det i undervisningen genom bilder och därigenom höja elevernas förståelse och kunskap kring religion och religiositet. / Lived religion is a growing field of research within the study of religion. The Swedish educational system is based on scientific research and therefore it should only be a matter of time before Swedish teachers are going to be asked to include and teach pupils about lived religion. The aim of the study is, by the means of conducting an image analysis, to investigate the usage of images in modern religion textbooks aimed at secondary school, and from this result discuss if it is possible by using the images of the textbook as an existing tool to include lived religion in the education of today, as well as illustrate differences between orthodoxy and orthopraxy. The image analysis was based on systems theory and didactic potential to analyse two different traditions, one based in orthodoxy and one in orthopraxy. The result showed that the use of images in the investigated textbooks gave examples of both orthodox and orthopractic religiosity and that dimensions of lived religion could be seen in three fourths of the images analysed. The study helps practicing and studying teachers by explaining lived religion and giving examples on to how introduce it in their teaching by using images and thereby increase the pupils’ religious understanding of religion and religiosity.

KÄLLVATTEN : En berättelse om människans relation till vatten, gestaltat genom konsthantverk / SPRING WATER : A story about humans relationship to water, embodied through crafts.

Wikström, Anna-Kajsa January 2020 (has links)
Källvatten Människan står inför en framtid då rent vatten blir allt mer sällsynt, samtidigt som många vittnar om en känsla av meningslöshet eller ett liv som känns andefattigt, två fenomen som jag tror korrelerar varandra. Mitt kandidatarbete har kommit att handla om människans förhållande till vatten. Om min egen oro för miljöföroreningarnas långtgående konsekvenser och hur vi genom en livsstil i konsumtionens tecken har förpassat vattnet till att bli en livsmedelsprodukt. Det handlar även om de människor som väljer annorlunda, om källan som gestalt i myterna och om hur vattenbärandet kan utgöra en protesthandling i ett högteknologiskt samhälle. Arbetet sträcker sig från iakttagelser av vad som kan anses vara en samtida källkult till ett gestaltande arbete genom konsthantverk. Gestaltningen presenteras som en installation av föremål utförda i silikon, is och metall. Därtill finns ett antal fotografiska bilder.

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