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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politik der kleinen Form

Mateo Decabo, Eva Maria 02 May 2019 (has links)
Im Mittelpunkt der Dissertation „Politik der kleinen Form“ steht die Frage nach der Politizität ‚kleiner‘ Formen in augusteischer Zeit: also der sogenannten Liebeselegie des Properz, Tibull und Ovid sowie der erotischen Dichtung des Horaz. Auf der Grundlage einer Analyse der Gattungs- und Formpolitik ihrer Paraklausithyra und Recusationes wird eine neue Interpretation aufgezeigt. Jenseits von inhaltszentrierten Lesarten, die immer nur den Subversions- oder Affirmationscharakter von Literatur herausarbeiten, schlägt diese Dissertation einen dritten Weg vor: den der Ambivalenz und des Paradoxons. / At the centre of the dissertation „The Politics of Small Forms“ is the question of the politicity of ‘small forms’ in Augustan times: of the so-called love elegy of Propertius, Tibullus and Ovid as well as of the erotic poetry of Horace. On the basis of an analysis of the genre and form politics of their paraclausithyra and recusationes a new interpretation is pointed out. Beyond content-centered readings, which work out either the subversive or the affirmative character of literature, this dissertation suggests a third way: that of ambivalence and paradox.

Praxisrelevante Differenzierung der Handlungsmotive von Gewalttätern

Friedmann, Rebecca 15 September 2015 (has links)
Die Motive von Gewalthandlungen unterscheiden sich erheblich voneinander. Verschiedene wissenschaftliche Fachrichtungen beschäftigen sich intensiv mit der Differenzierung von Dissozialität, Gewalt und Aggression. Vor allem in der Neurobiologie, der Psychologie und Psychiatrie (dort insbesondere in psychoanalytischen Konzepten), in der Untersuchung von Lebensverläufen und in der Kriminologie werden häufig zwei Handlungsmotive unterschieden: ein affektives Motiv und ein instrumentelles Motiv. Wenngleich viele verschiedene Begrifflichkeiten verwendet werden und fachrichtungsspezifisch jeweils andere Aspekte der Phänomene im Fokus der Betrachtung stehen, werden doch in vielen Publikationen ähnliche Sachverhalte beschrieben. Legt man die Ergebnisse der unterschiedlichen Studien übereinander, ergibt sich ein recht scharf umrissenes instrumentelles Motiv und ein weniger deutliches affektives Motiv. In dieser Arbeit wird deshalb eine weitere Unterteilung des affektiven Motivs in ein reaktives und ein intrinsisches vorgeschlagen, die in einem dimensionalen Bezug zueinander stehen. Diese Dreiteilung ließ sich in einer quantitativen Untersuchung abbilden. Die differenzierende Beschreibung eines reaktiven, intrinsischen und instrumentellen Motivs als Ergebnis vielfältiger Verknüpfung, hat eine hohe Relevanz für die pädagogische Praxis. Fast alle Programme sind für reaktiv motivierte Täter entwickelt und berücksichtigen die Spezifika der anderen Motivlagen kaum oder gar nicht. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt deshalb mit einer Empfehlung für die Praxis, die den Weg zu passgenauen, für spezifische Motivlagen geeignete Programme ebnen könnte, so dass eine indikative Auswahl auf der Basis einer pädagogischen Diagnostik möglich würde. / The motives regarding the acts of violence differ considerably. Various scientific fields closely examine the differentiation of dissociality, violence and aggression. Particularly in neurobiology, psychology and psychiatry (especially within psychoanalytical concepts), in the examination of life courses, and criminology two motives are frequently distinguished: an affective and an instrumental motive. Even though many different terms are used and, depending on the field, other aspects of the phenomena are focused on, scientific publications describe similar circumstances. The comparison of the findings of the different studies results in a well-defined instrumental and a less distinct affective motive. Therefore, this paper suggests a further differentiation of the affective motive into a reactive and an intrinsic one, with a dimensional connection to each other. This tripartition is shown in a quantitative study. The differentiated description of a reactive, intrinsic and instrumental motive as a result of multiple conjunctions is highly relevant for the pedagogical practice. Almost all programs are designed for reactive motivated offenders and hardly consider the specifics of other motives if they consider them at all. Therefore, this paper concludes with a recommendation for the practice, which could initiate the start of adequate programs related to the specific motives and facilitate an indicative selection based on pedagogical diagnostic.

Die Proteine HA und M2 von Influenzaviren

Siche, Stefanie 12 May 2016 (has links)
Die Assemblierung von Influenzaviren erfolgt an Rafts der apikalen Wirtszellplasmamembran mit denen das Hämagglutinin (HA) über Acylierungen im C-Terminus und hydrophobe Aminosäuren seiner Transmembrandomäne (TMD) interagiert. M2 besitzt eine cytoplasmatische amphiphile Helix (AH), die ebenso potenzielle Raft-Motive aufweist: Eine Acylierung und Cholesterol-Bindemotive. In dieser Arbeit wurde per Konfokalmikroskopie an polarisierten Zellen, die fluoreszenzmarkierte M2-Varianten exprimierten, gezeigt, dass diese M2-Motive nicht für den apikalen Transport, der vermutlich durch Raft-ähnliche Vesikel erfolgt, benötigt werden. Messungen des Förster-Resonanzenergietransfers über Fluoreszenz-Lebenszeit-Mikroskopie (FLIM-FRET) in der Plasmamembran lebender Zellen, die fluoreszenzmarkiertes HA und M2 koexprimierten, ergaben, dass diese Motive auch nicht für die Interaktion mit den durch HA, in Abhängigkeit von dessen Raft-Motiven, stabilisierten Raft-Domänen notwendig sind. Mittels reverser Genetik konnten infektiöse WSN-Viren mit fehlender Acylierung am Ende der HA-TMD, nicht jedoch Viren ohne die zwei cytoplasmatischen Acylierungen hergestellt werden. Weiterhin ergaben Wachstumsanalysen, dass die Acylierung von HA und M2 für den gleichen Schritt des viralen Replikationszyklus von Bedeutung sind. Für die M2-AH wurde postuliert, dass sie die Membrankrümmung detektiert und durch Insertion in die Wirtszellmembran die Virusabschnürung bewirkt. Infektiöse Viren ohne M2 oder ohne die AH konnten ebenso wie Viren mit M2 mit einer Helix mit reduzierter Amphiphilität in dieser Arbeit nicht hergestellt werden. Allerdings führte die Substitution der AH durch typische krümmungsdetektierende oder modulierende Helices zu Viren, deren Wachstum um zwei bis vier Titerstufen im Vergleich zum Wildtyp reduziert war. Die Helix-Amphiphilität scheint wichtig zu sein, aber auch die Sequenz oder bestimmte Aminosäuren sind offenbar für eine effiziente Virusreplikation notwendig. / The assembly of influenza virus particles occurs at the apical plasma membrane of the host cell at membrane rafts which the hemagglutinin (HA) interacts with via acylations in its C-terminal region and via hydrophobic amino acids in the transmembrane domain (TMD). M2 possesses a cytoplasmic amphiphilic helix (AH) that also contains potential raft motifs: an acylation and cholesterol-binding motifs. In this work, confocal microscopy of polarised cells, which were expressing fluorescently labelled M2-variants, demonstrated that these motifs of M2 are not required for apical transport, which is assumed to be mediated by raft-like vesicles. Furthermore, FLIM-FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer measured via fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy) analyses, performed in the plasma membrane of living cells coexpressing fluorescently labelled HA and M2, revealed that these M2-motifs are not required for association with the large coalesced raft phase organised by HA. In contrast, deleting HA’s raft-targeting features clearly reduced clustering with M2. While the removal of the two cytoplasmic acylations prevented the rescue of infectious virus by reverse genetics, a mutant virus without acylation in the HA-TMD could be rescued. Moreover, growth analyses revealed that the acylations of HA and M2 are important for the same step in the viral replication cycle. It has been postulated that the M2-AH detects membrane curvature and accomplishes membrane scission by inserting into the host cell membrane. Viruses without M2, without the M2-AH or with M2 containing a helix with reduced amphiphilicity could not be produced in this work. However, substituting the AH by typical curvature-sensing or -generating helices led to viruses with two to four orders of magnitude reduced growth as compared to wildtype virus. The amphiphilicity of the helix seems to be important, but also the sequence or specific amino acids appear to be necessary for an efficient virus replication.

A constituição de motivos para as atividades escolares em jovens estudantes do Ensino Técnico integrado ao Ensino Médio / Young students\' motives to school activities in Technical Education Integrated to High School

Pandita-Pereira, Angelina 20 June 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa parte da necessidade de contribuir para a criação de um Ensino Técnico Integrado ao Médio (ETIM) que seja, a um só tempo, significativo para a coletividade e para seus estudantes. A partir de escritos de estudiosos da Teoria Histórico-Cultural e de revisão bibliográfica identificou-se a necessidade de compreender o ETIM a partir da perspectiva dos estudantes e definiu-se como objetivo desta pesquisa produzir uma análise teórica da relação que jovens estudantes estabelecem com as atividades que realizam no ETIM. Isto implica em compreender como, porque e em quais tipos de atividades os estudantes se engajam neste contexto, a partir da identificação das relações entre os elementos essenciais que compõem este processo. Para tal, os procedimentos de investigação empírica adotados foram: a) análise dos documentos que norteiam o trabalho no ETIM em uma Escola Técnica Estadual (ETEC) da capital paulista; b) questionário respondido por estudantes do ETIM desta escola acerca da vida escolar, familiar e alguns dados demográficos; c) grupo de diálogo com estudantes desta escola e desta modalidade de ensino, com foco em sua vivência escolar, abrangendo ainda as relações entre escola e trabalho. A análise foi realizada a partir da elaboração de um modelo teórico da relação de jovens estudantes com as atividades que realizam no ETIM. Este modelo busca representar graficamente como as relações entre as demandas socialmente constituídas para o ETIM as condições gerais da escola as características das tarefas escolares e a situação social de desenvolvimento do jovem estudante se influenciam reciprocamente e formam uma unidade: a da constituição da hierarquia motivacional dos estudantes para as atividades que realizam no ETIM. Cada um destes elementos e suas relações são analisados nas particularidades dos estudantes participantes do grupo de diálogo e da realidade da escola onde o momento empírico da pesquisa foi realizado. Na análise foi possível explicar a singularidade das movimentações na hierarquia motivacional dos estudantes para com as atividades que realizam no ETIM. Compreendeu-se que na unidade das relações entre estes elementos emergiam, ou adquiriam uma posição hierárquica mais alta, diferentes motivos, quais sejam: motivo orientado à atividade de estudo, motivo orientado a requisitos formais, motivo orientado à comunicação íntima pessoal, motivo orientado à atividade socialmente útil, motivo orientado à atividade profissional/estudo. A partir da reflexão sobre o processo de constituição da hierarquia entre estes motivos, foram elaboradas algumas recomendações para a organização do ensino no ETIM. Nelas defende-se a tese de que, para que se efetive um ensino significativo no ETIM, é preciso que se promovam transformações no sistema de relações que intervém na constituição da hierarquia motivacional dos estudantes, considerando-as em sua unidade, sem perder de vista suas interrelações, de forma que se possibilitem condições favoráveis à emergência de motivos voltados à atividade socialmente útil e à atividade profissional/estudo, tendo como horizonte utópico o desenvolvimento da personalidade coletivista dos estudantes. Para tal, o trabalho coloca em evidência a necessidade de intervir no sentido de promover a organização dos coletivos escolares, sejam estes dos estudantes ou da equipe escolar, imprescindíveis para a realização de um ensino significativo / This research acknowledges the need to enhance Technical Education Integrated to High School (TEIHS) in a way that it can be, at once, significantly relevant for the society as a whole, as well as to the students. Based on the Historical-Cultural Theory and literature review, the TEIHS was investigated from the students point of view, aiming to produce a theoretical analysis of the relations young students establish with the activities they carry out in the TEIHS. This involves understanding how, why and what types of activities students engage in this context through the identification of essential elements encompassing this process, as well as their interrelations. For this purpose, the empirical investigative procedures adopted were: a) analysis of documents guiding the work of TEIHS in a State Technical School (ETEC) situated in Sao Paulo city; b) questionnaire applied to TEIHS students of that particular school, regarding school and family life and some demographic data; c) focus group with TEIHS students of that school, focusing on their school experiences, as well as the relations between school and work. For the analysis, a theoretical model was developed, considering young students engagement to the activities carried out in the TEIHS. This model sought to represent graphically how social demands towards TEIHS - school general conditions conditions of the educational task - and the students social situation of development are mutually related, forming, therefore, a unity, which is the formation of a students motivational hierarchy for the activities they carry out in TEIHS. Each of the four elements and their relationships were analyzed, taking into account both the peculiarities of participants in the focus group and the school reality where the empirical work was conducted. Such an analysis made possible to understand in detail the moves or variations in the students motivational hierarchy towards the activities they perform in TEIHS. It was noticeable that the composition of those elements in mutual relation revealed a range of motives that arose or gained a higher rank, namely: motive oriented to study activity, motive oriented to formal requirements, motive oriented to intimate personal relations, motive oriented to socially useful activity, and motive oriented to vocational or career activity. Reflecting on the process leading to the composition of a motivational hierarchy, some recommendations were devised concerning the organization of teaching in the TEIHS. They support the thesis that, to effectively promote significant education in TEIHS, it is crucial to make changes in the system of relations involved in the formation of the students motivational hierarchy, considering them as a unit, bearing in mind their interrelationships, therefore, creating favorable conditions to the rise of motives aimed at socially useful activity and vocational or career-oriented activity, sustaining, as an ultimate aim, the development of a collectivist personality of students. This work highlights the importance of encouraging the formation of organized school collectives, either of students or of school staff, since they play an indispensable role in promoting meaningful educational work

Före detta missbrukares motiv till att sluta missbruka : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar en livsstilsförändring hos missbrukare

Skoog, Madelen, Eriksson, Sofie January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka vilka faktorer och motiv som ligger till grund för en missbrukares beslut att söka vård och behandling. Vidare har syftet varit att undersöka om beslutet grundar sig på individens egen insikt om sin problematik eller om det är ett resultat av omgivningens och nätverkets krav. Studien var av fenomenologisk karaktär då vi hade för avsikt att studera vad det är som gör beslutet till vad det är, d.v.s. finna essensen i vad det är som påverkar och samspelar med beslutet. För att uppnå syftet har vi använt oss av kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats. Vi har intervjuat åtta före detta missbrukare och intervjuerna har varit av semi-strukturerad karaktär. De analysverktyg som användes i studien var motivation, handlingsteori, beslutsfattande samt samhällets och nätverkets påverkan på individen. Dessa användes mot bakgrund av att motivation ofta används som begrepp inom narkomanvård och missbruksforskning. Handlingsteorin och beslutsfattande har använts då vår avsikt var att betrakta ”att sluta missbruka” som en handling, men också som ett beslut. Vidare har samhällets utveckling medfört ett paradigmskifte inom narkomanvården varför vi anser att det är av relevans att beakta samhällets påverkan i studier av missbrukare. I resultatet framkom att före detta missbrukare huvudsakligen grundade sitt beslut att sluta missbruka utifrån den egna insikten om att missbruket föranledde ett eskalerande av negativa konsekvenser samt försämrad psykisk hälsa. Beslutet att sluta missbruka påverkades i olika omfattning av yttre omständigheter i form av respondenternas nätverk, sociala instanser och en önskan om att leva enligt samhälleliga värderingar. / The purpose of this study has been to examine what factors and motives that form the basis for drug users' decisions to seek care and treatment. An additional purpose has been to examine whether the decision is based on the individual's own understanding of their problems or if it is a result of ambient and network requirements. Thus, the study have been of phenomenological nature as we intended to study what it is that makes the decision for what it is, that is, find the essence of what affects and interacts with the decision. To achieve that purpose, we have used a qualitative method with an abductive approach. We have interviewed eight former addicts and the interviews were of semi-structured nature. The analytical tools that have been used in the study are motivation, action theory, decision making, society and the network's impact on the individual. These have been used with the light of that motivation often is used as a concept in drug rehabilitation and addiction research. Action theory and decision making have been used as our intent has been to consider "to quit abusing" as an act, but also a decision. Furthermore, the development of society has brought out a paradigm shift in drug services which is why we believe it is relevant to consider society's impact in studies of drug users. The results showed that former addicts mainly based their decision to quit abusing by the individual's own insight of that the abuse led to an escalation of negative consequences, and poorer mental health. The decision to quit the abuse was affected by different degrees of external factors in terms of respondents' networks, social services and a desire to live according to societal values.

多角化經營與智慧資本關係之個案研究 / A case study of the relationship between diversification and intellectual capitala case study of the relationship between diversification and intellectual capital

劉致圓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係透過實地訪談並搭配以往文獻進行歸納,藉由瞭解企業進行多角化之動機、所採行之策略類型以及所搭配之進入方式,進而探討多角化經營如何影響智慧資本之蓄積及具體管理制度為何,以期對多角化營運之企業在資源之掌握與管理上作一參考。本研究係依據個案分析之結果,提出以下三項結論以回應研究問題,同時根據研究發現陳述相關建議,最後提出研究限制與未來研究之方向。 一、多角化動機會影響策略類型之選擇,且會搭配適合之多角化進入方式。 二、採取不同之多角化策略及進入方式,所重視之智慧資本項目不盡相同;而無論採取何種策略及其進入方式,所共同重視之項目為人力資本之「員工專業技能」、「向心力」,流程資本之「營運流程」、「創新流程」與「組織彈性」,創新資本之「創新投入」,關係資本之「策略夥伴」,共計七項。 三、針對不同的多角化策略及其進入方式下所重視之智慧資本,企業應採取適當之管理制度予以蓄積與維護,使其得以有效發揮效益。 / This research is primary to provide some references on resource control and management for enterprises which are diverdified or will diversify. By realizing the motivation, types of strategy, and the matching modes of entry for diversification by field interviews and based on previous literature, the study discusses how diversification affects the accumulation and pratical management system of intellectual capital. According to the result of case analysis, the research claims three conclusions in response to the research questions. meanwhile, we also propose some relevant suggestions, and state research limitation and direction in future. 1.The motivations would affect the types of strategy for diversification, and enterprises will choose appropriate modes of entry. 2.Within different diversification strategies and matching modes of entry, the emphasized intellectual capital items will be different. This study finds no matter what strategic types and modes of entry adopted, the common emphasized intellectual capital items include employees’ professional competence and centripetal force in human capital, operating process, innovative process, and organizational elasticity in process capital, innovative input in innovation capital, and strategic partnership in relational capital. 3.For different diversification strategies and the matching modes of entry, all enterprises should adopt appropriate management system to accumulate and maintain the important intellectual capitals, so that they could achieve remarkable success.

The contribution of justice MM Corbett to the development of the law of taxation in South Africa

Van der Walt, Wessel Johannes 30 September 2007 (has links)
Mr Justice Corbett made a substantial contribution to the South African tax law as he delivered several judgements during his long career on the bench. Starting from the lower ranks as a judge he became Chief Justice of South Africa. Precedents set by his judgements are considered important and indicative of the level of South African tax law. This dissertation observes his background, looks at the operations of the tax court in South Africa and examines whether his judgements were cited and applied in subsequent cases as accepted precedent. International case law is referred to, to compare his judgements with comparable international tax law. / Auditing / M. Comm. (Accounting)

Die misdaad onsedelike aanranding

Du Plooy, Renita Elizabeth Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
Indecent assault consists in an unlawful and intentional indecent assault which is and is intended to be indecent. There is some controversy in the case law whether the indecency is committed only by acts which are, objectively speaking indecent, against the view that even though the act is not indecent itself, may nevertheless found a conviction of indecent assault if it was the intention of the accused to act indecent and such intention was conveyed to the victim. It is submitted that the last mentioned approach is to be preferred but that the following test should be used: 1. If the act, is objectively speaking indecent and there is no doubt about the unlawfulness as well as the indecent intention of the accused, the crime of indecent assault was committed. 2. If the act is objectively speaking indecent but the indecent intention of the accused can not be proven, there is a rebuttable presumption that the accused acted with an indecent intention. Such as presumption must be rebutted b the accused himself. 3. If the act is not objectively speaking, indecent but the indecent intention of the accused can for example be proven by the accused confession to such an intention, the act became indecent. / Text in Afrikaans / Law / LL.M.

Post Keynesian monetary theory and its implications for monetary policy in South Africa

Jackson, Michael Keith Caulton 06 1900 (has links)
The theoretical foundations of the Post Keynesian view of money are examined, including the nature of money, role of uncertainty and time, and the use of equilibrium concepts. This provides a backdrop against which the Post Keynesian analysis of interest rates, investment behaviour: inflation and demand determination is presented in a framework of non-neutral money and Keynes' principle of effective demand. A model of the Post Keynesian theory of money is presented, with arguments as to why the IS/LM model of the neoclassical synthesis is considered deficient. The money supply endogeneity view is explored, together with Keynes' finance motive. The open economy case is considered, with emphasis on a small open economy. The monetary policy perspectives of the Post Keynesian camp are examined. The implications for South Africa are considered in respect of money supply targeting, interest rate policy, anti-inflation measures, public debt management, exchange rates and Reserve Bank objectives. / Economics / M.A. (Economics)

Die simfonie in Suid-Afrika, 1970-1990 : 'n styl en struktuurstudie

Kriek, Elizabeth Margaretha 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / D.Mus. (Musiekwetenskap)

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