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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lokalpolisen på Facebook : En kvantitativ studie om polisen i Växjö och Alvesta och deras "Gillare" / The local Police on Facebook : A quantitative study of the Police in Växjö and Alvesta and their "Likers"

Sjögren, Vivica, Svensson, Jonna January 2013 (has links)
The value of an organization’s availability and transparency towards the public whenever and wherever it is necessary has increased. Internet and the social networks have become essential to most of the citizens of Sweden but for organizations social networking still is an area that is relatively unexplored. As the Internet and social media progresses it becomes a greater part of people’s lives, which leads to more demands but also a great amount of possibilities for the organizations that participate in this technical revolution. The purpose of this quantitative study is to examine if and how the people receiving the information published on the Växjö and Alvesta police department’s Facebook-page are considering Facebook as a channel of communication. The study is based on survey responses from users Liking the Facebook page Polisen i Växjö/Alvesta. By analyzing our findings we discovered that although people where interested in taking part of the information they were not too eager to participate in the conversation by for example making comments, however the average reliance for the police had increased since the respondents started Liking the Facebook page. Facebook is a good place for citizens to connect with authorities such as the police, getting the information that they want faster and easier and making the organization more transparent to the audience.

Invandrares syn på och upplevelser av socialtjänsten

Virtanen, Kristina, Sääw, Ellen, Mahmutovic, Dzenana January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine immigrants' experiences of social services' treatmentand their expectations of social services. In this study we have used the following questions:how immigrants have experienced the treatment of the social service, the way in whichimmigrants would like to be treated by social services as well as what kind of beliefs andexpectations immigrants have concerning the social services' duties and powers. We haveused a qualitative method in the study that consists of ten semi-structured interviews. Thetheoretical concepts we have used are culture, ethnicity, cultural competence, professionalismand social psychology. The survey reveals a majority of negative experiences, such as afeeling of being “tossed around”, suspicion and discrimination by the caseworkers due to theethnicity of the respondents. In the positive stories of social services, the caseworker hasgiven room for error, been readily available, proven commitment and understanding and hasbeen helpful. The respondents expressed a wish for a joyful caseworker who will show anunderstanding and commitment to the client. The caseworkers will also have an understandingof immigrant client's background. It also appears in the study that the respondents generallyhave inadequate knowledge of social service duties and powers. We suggest further researchon why information about social services do not reach out to immigrant clients, how culturalcompetence can be introduced more in practical work and how to reduce the high staffturnover in caseworkers. / Studiens syfte är att undersöka invandrares upplevelser av socialtjänstens bemötande samtderas förväntningar på socialtjänsten. I studien har vi utgått från följande frågeställningar: hurhar invandrare upplevt socialtjänstens bemötande, på vilket sätt vill invandrare bli bemötta avsocialtjänsten samt vilka föreställningar och förväntningar har invandrare när det gällersocialtjänstens arbetsuppgifter och befogenheter. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ metod istudien som består av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer. De teoretiska begrepp vi använt oss avär kultur, etnicitet, kulturkompetens, professionellt bemötande och socialpsykologi. Studienvisar på en majoritet av negativa upplevelser som exempelvis en känsla av att blivit ”bolladrunt”, misstänksamhet och diskriminering från handläggarens sida på grund avrespondenternas etniska tillhörighet. I de positiva berättelserna om socialtjänsten harhandläggaren gett utrymme för misstag, varit lättillgänglig, visat engagemang och förståelsesamt varit hjälpsam. Respondenterna uttrycker en önskan om att handläggaren ska vara glad,visa förståelse och engagemang för klienten. Handläggarna ska även ha en förståelse förinvandrarklientens bakgrund. Det framkommer även i studien att respondenterna överlag haren bristfällig kunskap om socialtjänstens arbetsuppgifter och befogenheter. Vi föreslår vidareforskning på varför information om socialtjänsten inte når ut till invandrarklienter, hurkulturkompetens kan införas mer i det praktiska arbetet samt hur man kan minska den högapersonalomsättningen på handläggare.

Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län : En arkivhandledning

Lundblad, Emilie January 2012 (has links)
The County Administrative Board is an authority with big variations in their work. The fact that the County Administrative Board work with so many different issues makes it difficult for the general public to get an insight in what they do and what kind of archival material they create. This handbook is made to illustrate what the County Administrative Board do and how you can find your way to the archives and its documents, both as an employ and as a public visitor. The Handbook begins with a historical overview of the County Administrative Board, from the 17th century to today, with focus on the County Administrative Board of Uppsala. As the Handbook is made for both employees and for the general public several ways to enter the archives are described. Since the employees at the County Administrative Board of Uppsala have access to the archives them self the Handbook also provides detailed descriptions about how to find the way to the records. These descriptions both explains the way to archives organized in dossier and archives organized in chronological order, both provided at County Administrative Board of Uppsala. All the records that the County Administrative Board of Uppsala has generated though the years are not available in the building of the County Administrative Board but at The National Archive in Uppsala. The records are listed in charts in the end of the Handbook.

Kommunikation i offentlig upphandling : En explorativ studie av kommunikationen mellan myndigheter och småföretag / Communication in public procurement : An exploratory study on the communication between public authorities and small businesses

Wetterlund, Annika January 2008 (has links)
<p>Offentlig upphandling används av den offentliga sektorn för att ingå avtal eller teckna kontrakt med leverantörer av varor och tjänster. Rapporter har visat att småföretag inte deltar i offentlig upphandling i samma utsträckning som större. Kostnader för företagen att ta fram anbud har angivits som orsak liksom att förfrågningsunderlagen är krångligt utformade och att kraven som ställs är irrelevanta. Kommunikationen mellan upphandlande myndigheter och företagen har beskrivits som otillräcklig och att kunskapen om det som upphandlas därmed blir lidande.</p><p>Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka kommunikationen mellan myndigheter och småföretag i samband med offentlig upphandling. Hur aktörerna kommunicerar, vilka hinder av kommunikativ karaktär som eventuellt förekommer samt hur dessa hinder kan övervinnas är de frågeställningar som använts. Med kvalitativ metod har aspekter av kommunikationen kunnat belysas. Sju halvstrukturerade samtalsintervjuer har genomförts med respondenter från både myndigheter och småföretag i Jönköpings län.</p><p>Resultatet från undersökningen visar att aktörerna kommunicerar främst genom skriftliga former. Muntlig kommunikation undviks av myndigheterna för att värna om likabehandlingsprincipen. Det förekommer dock i vissa faser. Elektroniska kanaler används i många situationer. Företagen lämnar dock ofta sina anbud i fysisk form. Direkt kommunikation mellan aktörerna förekommer men det är indirekt kommunikation som är mest framträdande.</p><p>Att formulera komplex information på ett tydligt sätt är ett av de hinder som framkommit. Hela processen måste tänkas ut i förväg av myndigheterna och förfrågningsunderlaget får normalt inte ändras i efterhand. Underlagen upplevs ibland vara väldigt omfattande och fulla av upprepningar. Oenighet om kravens betydelse för upphandlingens utgång råder. En del företagsrespondenter upplever att det ställs krav som inte tas hänsyn till, medan någon myndighetsrespondent menar att dessa krav ställs för att skapa en hög lägstanivå.</p><p>Företagsrespondenterna vittnar om att det är enkelt att få svar på frågor angående otydligheter i förfrågningsunderlaget. Diskussioner om bättre lösningar på myndigheternas behov efterfrågas dock av leverantörer. Att använda ett elektroniskt upphandlingssystem kan underlätta för myndigheter i utvärderingsfasen. Systemet kan också ge anbudsgivaren en form av feedback på anbudet då det varnar för om krav har missats.</p> / <p>Public procurement is conducted by public sector to purchase supplies and services. Studies show that small businesses do not participate in public procurement at the same extension as big businesses. Bureaucratic formulated tender specifications and irrelevant requirements are given as some possible reasons. The communication between procurers and suppliers has been described as unsatisfactory and as a consequence, the products being asked for by the procurers are seldom the best for satisfying their needs.</p><p>The purpose for this thesis is to examine the communication between public authorities and small business in public procurement. The issues for the study are how the participants communicate, which communicative obstacles might occur and how these obstacles can be overcome. A qualitative approach has been used to illuminate different aspects of the communication. Seven long interviews with representatives from both public authorities and small businesses in Jönköping county has been conducted.</p><p>The result shows that the participants communicate mostly through written communication. Verbal communication is being avoided by the authorities to protect the principle of equal treatment, though it was found in some phases of the procurement process. Electronic channels are used in many situations but the tenders are often delivered in physical form. Direct communication does exist even though indirect communication is more dominant.</p><p>To formulate complex information in an explicit way is one of the obstacles that was observed in the study. The whole process has to be conceived by the procurers from the start, since the tender specification as a rule cannot be changed afterwards. The tender specifications are considered very extensive by respondents from small businesses, and recurrences of information are common. They also experience that some requirements being asked for do not fill a purpose for the outcome of the process. On the other hand, some authorities refer to that the requirements creates a high lowest level and that they do have a great importance.</p><p>Respondents from the small businesses seem to consider it being easy to get their questions about uncertainties in the tender specification answered, but they also want greater possibilities to discuss alternative solutions to the authorities needs. The use of an electronic procurement tool can make the evaluation phase easier for the procurers. It can also give the suppliers a kind of feedback since the system alert if some requirements in the tender are not being fulfilled.</p>

Att skapa gemenskap : hur beslut fattas i en EU-myndighet

Junker, Sven-Olof January 2014 (has links)
Sedan 1993 har ett trettiotal EU-myndigheter inrättats för att samordna offentlig förvaltning i medlemsstaterna. Genom att till exempel bestämma vilka produkter som får säljas, enas om varornas tekniska standard och vilka metoder för marknadskontroll som ska tillämpas i medlemsstaterna, ska EU-myndigheter förverkliga idén om EU:s inre marknad. Med uppdrag att organisera berörda myndigheter i medlemsstaterna kan EU-myndigheter kännetecknas som ”förvaltning av förvaltning”, eller metaförvaltning. De är organisationer som i första hand ska forma andra organisationers beslut och förfaranden, snarare än sina egna. Denna bok handlar om hur beslut fattas i EU:s tilltagande metaförvaltning. Påverkas beslutsordningen i EU-myndigheter av att medlemmarna i organisationen tillhör nationella myndigheter? Enligt vilket mönster anpassar sig berörda myndigheter för att uppgå som medlemmar i EU-myndigheter? Hur påverkas i sin tur EU-myndigheternas beslutsfattande av denna anpassning? Boken tecknar bilden av en motsägelsefull gemenskap mellan myndigheter vilken inrättandet av EU-myndigheter leder till. Avhandlingen utgår från en studie av Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten EMA, en myndighet som fattar beslut om vilka nya läkemedel som ska godkännas i Europa. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2014</p>

Kartstöd och open source desktop-GIS för Tullverket

Olsson, Fredrik, Rickardsson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

“Hellre för hett än för kallt” : - En studie om sektionschefers uppfattningar av nödvändiga kompetenser för konflikthantering: exemplet statliga myndigheter

Blomqvist, Klara, Ludén, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
För att kunna hantera konflikter krävs olika kompetenser, vilka som krävs och hur vi behärskar dessa genom olika erfarenheter som vi skapat oss i olika sammanhang är en central fråga i denna studie. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka kompetenser sektionschefer inom statliga myndigheter upplever sig behöva för att hantera konflikter på arbetsplatsen mellan sina medarbetare. Vi vill också belysa under vilka omständigheter de samlat på sig dessa erfarenheter. För att besvara syftet tog vi hjälp av följande frågeställningar: “vilka kompetenser anser sektionschefer vara relevanta för att hantera en konflikt?”, “vilka tidigare erfarenheter anser de vara användbara?” samt “hur använder de sig av tidigare erfarenheter för att hantera konflikter på arbetsplatsen?”. En forskningsöversikt över olika fält presenteras under följande rubriker: vad konflikthantering innebär, vad som krävs för konflikthantering som tredje part, nödvändiga kompetenser samt relationen till statliga myndigheter. För att undersöka syftet genomförde vi intervjuer med sju sektionschefer på två statliga myndigheter. Med utgångspunkt i Lev Vygotskijs teori om sociokulturella perspektiv samt Mikhail Bakhtin har vi analyserat och redovisat resultatet. Resultatet visar att sektionscheferna anser sig behöva kompetenser såsom ödmjukhet, vara lyhörd, att kunna se vad som händer på kontoret samt vara modig och våga ta tag i saker. Vikten av att hålla sig neutral nämner de också som en viktig aspekt. De omständigheter som sektionscheferna berättat bidragit med erfarenheter inom konflikthantering är livserfarenhet det viktigaste som de fått sig till livs i familjesammanhang, sportsammanhang samt tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter. I diskussionen behandlas även relationen till tidigare forskning samt resoneras kring framtida forskning. / In order to manage conflict, different competencies are required, which competences are required and how we master them through different experiences, from different contexts, are a key issue in this study. This study aims to investigate which competences section managers within government agencies feel they need to manage conflict at work between their co-workers. We also want to highlight the circumstances under which they amassed these experiences. To be able to answer the purpose, we took the help of these issues: "Which competencies does section managers believe to be relevant to manage conflict?” "Which past experiences do they believe to be useful?" and "How do they use past experience to deal with conflicts in the workplace?". A research across various fields is presented under the following headings: what is conflict, what is required from the third party in conflict management, essential competencies and the relationship to government agencies. To examine the purpose, we conducted interviews with seven heads of sections of two different state agencies. On the basis of Lev Vygotskij's theory about sociocultural perspective, and Mikhail Bakhtin, we have analyzed and reported the results from the empirical material. The results shows that the section heads considers necessary competencies such as humility, to be responsive, to be able to see what happens in the office and to be brave and be able to address problems. The importance of being able to stay neutral was also mentioned as an important aspect. The circumstances that seem to be the most important in the contribution with experience in conflict management seems to the section managers be life experience in different ways. These experiences they received from family context, sporting and previous work experience. In the discussion we also deal with the relation to previous research, and there is also a discussion about future research.

Processen att lämna ett gäng och en del av sin identitet : En kvalitativ studie om före detta gängmedlemmars exitprocess och kontakten med myndigheterna / The process of leaving a gang and part of one’s identity : A qualitative study about former gang members process of leaving a gang and their contact with authorities

Shalaby, Aida, Papathanassiadou, Irini January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to understand how gang members desist from their gangs and which role authorities have in the process. More specifically the aim was to discover turning points and find out how the former gang members themselves look upon the contact with authorities, for example social services. This study was based on five interviews and two autobiographies with former gang members. The interviews took place in a organisation for former offenders in Sweden and the choice of autobiographies was based on the purpose of this study. As the results showed, the most common turning points was social bonds, fear of prison, disappointment and traumatic events or experiences. Authorities did not have any impact on the decision of leaving the gang. Former gang members also indicated that they had negative experiences with the authorities. Based on the results of this study suggestions for improvement have emerged. Authorities need to have experienced employees, knowledge about gang members, have a flexible work method and a positive approach.

När myndigheter bryter normen : En kritisk diskursanalys av myndighetsskandaler

Nilsson, Susanne, Westin, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur skandaler där statliga myndigheter är inblandade skapas i relation mellan tryckta medier och myndigheters egna uttalanden. Detta görs utifrån ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv genom att undersöka vilka diskurser som konstrueras och fungerar konstituerande i skandalernas utveckling. Utöver den kritiska diskursteorin tar vi även hjälp av  teorier om intryckshantering och medialisering för att analysera empirin genom en kritisk diskursanalys. Metodvalet har gjorts på grund av dess anknytning till det kritiska diskursteoretiska perspektivet som ser diskurser och sociala praktiker som ömsesidigt konstituerande och konstituerade. Den empiri som analyserats är hämtad från de svenska dags- och kvällstidningarna Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet samt Transportstyrelsens och Pensionsmyndighetens egna uttalanden från respektive myndighets webbsida. Det huvudsakliga resultatet av studien var att myndigheter tenderar att svara efter den rapportering som sker i tryckta medier och anpassa sin kommunikation därefter. De tryckta medierna har därigenom makten att utmana och sätta diskursen kring det normbrott som skandalen innebär. En diskurs som myndigheterna därmed tvingas bemöta och utmana för att undvika att den egna verksamheten uppfattas som avvikande i förhållande till denna diskurs. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate how scandals involving government agencies are created in relation to print media and authorities’ own statements. This is done from a discourse theoretical perspective by investigating the discourses that are constituted and functioning in the development of scandals. In addition to the critical discourse theory, we also use theories of impression management and medialization to analyze the material through a critical discourse analysis. The choice of critical discourse analysis as the methodology has been made because of its connection to the critical discourse theory, which sees discourses and social practices as mutually constitutive and constitutional. The analyzed material has been taken from the Swedish daily and evening newspapers Dagens Industri, Dagens nyheter and Aftonbladet, and Swedish Transport Agency’s (Transportstyrelsen) and Pension Authority’s (Pensionsmyndigheten) own statements from the respective authorities website. The main result of the study was that authorities tend to respond to the reporting in print media and then adjust their communication accordingly. The printed media thus have the power to challenge and discourage the norm violation that the scandal implies. A discourse that the authorities are therefore forced to respond to and challenge to avoid their own activities being perceived as deviating in relation to this discourse.

Förenklade informationsklassificeringsscheman hos svenska statliga myndigheter / Simplified classification schemes at Swedish state agencies

Gustavsson, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Information is a vital part for most organizations, not least for state agencies as they handle personal data for every citizen, such as medical records, social security numbers and other sensitive information. It is therefore critical to protect the information assets at a sufficient level according to its value. Information security aims to do this by preserving the properties of confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information. This means that accurate and complete information shall be accessible and usable by an authorized entity upon demand. Swedish state agencies are obliged to manage their information security by the implementation of an information security management system (ISMS). The ISMS has to be set up and operated in compliance with the international standards ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002, but these standards are somewhat vague in describing how to perform certain procedures. One part of the ISMS consists of the process of classifying the information, a process that according to the result from a survey by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is troublesome (MSB, 2014), especially for smaller-sized agencies. In this classification process, a classification scheme is used to determine the consequences to the organisation if the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the information is jeopardized. The result of this process determines the level of protection that each piece of information asset will receive at a later stage. It is vital to classify the assets at a suitable level to avoid over or under classification, as the former can lead to unnecessary costs and difficulties in using the assets, and the latter can put the asset at risk of unauthorized access. The interest from the academic world have however been low regarding research focused on the 27000 series of standards, compared to the more mature ISO/IEC 9000 and ISO/IEC 14000 series. This thesis project aims to investigate how the classification scheme has been simplified and to identify enabling factors from the development and use of simplified classification schemes. The research questions for this thesis project are: In which ways have a number of Swedish state agencies simplified their information classification schemes? Which factors have influenced the development and use of a simplified classification scheme? A mixed method, an embedded case study, was used, including both a review of existing information security policies for the state agencies to gather information about current information classification models and schemes, as well as interviews with the chiefs of information security for the state agencies regarding the development and usage of a simplified information classification scheme. In total, 120 documents from 81 agencies were reviewed and 7 interviews were completed. The results from the study shows that the state agencies that have simplified their classification scheme do so by focusing on one aspect: confidentiality. The agencies motivate this by a number of reasons: The aspects integrity and availability are regarded complex and difficult for the end user to relate to and classify. In order to simplify for the end user these aspects are handled by the IT department and the IT environment The integrity and availability aspects are more or less built into the IT environment and thus handled automatically as long as the end user correctly classifies the information asset according to the confidentiality aspect and handles the information according to the handling guidelines The study also shows the need for a national, common set of handling guidelines and consequence levels for the classification scheme as this would simplify and improve the security in communication between the state agencies

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