Spelling suggestions: "subject:"offentlig sektor."" "subject:"offentliga sektor.""
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Kommunala initiativ inom öppna data : En nationell fråga på lokal nivå / Open government data initiatives in municipalities : A national matter at a local levelL'Estrade, Gustav, Ling, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Öppna data är ett område som organisationer inom offentlig sektor förväntas arbeta med. Trotsdetta är det fortfarande ett område som visat sig vara problematiskt. En del av problematikenhärstammar i att det är svårt att veta vilket värde öppna data har, vilket är en faktor som ledertill att motivationen för kommunala verksamheter att prioritera öppna data är lågt. I den härstudien undersöker vi vilka utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer som existerar samt vilket värdesom förväntas komma fram av arbetet inom öppna data från ett kommunalt perspektiv.Resultatet av studien kommer från en flerfallstudie där fyra kommuner av olika storlek och tvårepresentanter från Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL) deltog. Genomsemistrukturerade intervjuer som tillvägagångssätt för att samla in empiriska data har mångautmaningar framkommit, främst relaterade till organisatoriska aspekter. Tekniska utmaningarhar enligt tidigare forskning varit utmanande, men upplevs inte som lika utmanande i dennastudie. Samtidigt framgår det att det är svårt att hitta konkreta framgångsfaktorer dåkommunala initiativ inom öppna data fortfarande inte kommit så långt. Det har också visat sigvara svårt att generera värde främst på grund av att det inte finns tillräckligt mångadatamängder publicerade. De data som dock finns publicerade från de olika kommunerna ärofta osammanhängande och svåra att förädla inom privat sektor. Medborgarna som i slutändanska kunna använda tjänster och produkter som baseras på öppna data har därför endast kunnatse begränsade effekter från öppna data. Avsaknaden av ett nationellt samarbete försvårararbetet med öppna data både för offentlig sektor att publicera data och för privat sektor attförädla data. Detta leder i sin tur till att inget värde kan skapas för medborgare. På grund avdetta har det inte uppvisats något konkret värdeskapande utan värdet av öppna data ärfortfarande en förväntning och inte en verklighet i termer av realiserat värde. / Open government data (OGD) is an area that organizations in the public sector expects to workwith. Despite this, OGD is an area that has been proven to be problematic. One part of theproblem can be derived from that it is currently unknown what value OGD has, which is afactor that gives OGD low priority in the public organizations. In this study, we examine thechallenges and success factors that exists for OGD initiatives in municipalities, and at the sametime we study the expected value of these initiatives. The result from the study comes from amultiple case study conducted with four municipalities and two representatives from SwedishAssociation of Local Authorities and Regions. With semi-structured interviews as an approachto gather empirical data, multiple challenges have emerged, mostly related to organizationalaspects. Technical challenges have according to earlier research been challenging, but in thisstudy, this was only perceived as a minor challenge. At the same it is difficult to find concretesuccess factors since OGD initiatives from municipalities still have much work ahead of them.We can also see clearly that it has been difficult to generate any sort of value, mostly becauseof the insufficient number of datasets published. The data that is published however, is mostlyincoherent between the different municipalities and difficult to refine from the private sector.The citizens, who ultimately is going to use services and products based on OGD have thereforeonly seen limited effects from OGD. The lack of national collaboration makes the work withOGD problematic both concerning publication of datasets from the public sector and therefinement of data from the private sector. This leads to a situation where no value can becreated for the citizens. Because of this, no concrete value creation has been shown and thevalue of OGD is still an expectation and not a reality in terms of realized value.
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Egen regi i byggprocessen, gynnsamt eller inte? : En studie om byggprocessen inom den offentliga sektorn / In-house management in the building process, benficial or not? : A study about the building process in the public sectorRymell, Vania, Levin, Thea January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this report is to find out whether or not it is beneficial for a municipality to design building projects in-house in an early stage. The goal for the final thesis is to analyze pros and cons of wide in-house competence within the municipal building process, and how its perceived to impact the process and end result. The goal is answered using three main questions: What is the economical difference between a project executed in Nässjö municipality compared to a similar project in another municipality? How do key participants within the projects experience the process? How do the tenants in the projects feel about the result in regard to its area of use? Method: The method being used for this project consists partly of a qualitative section with semi structured interviews, and partly of document analysis using economic data from two projects. Findings: The result of the study is that it can both be beneficial and not, depending on a few factors. If these factors are met, in-house competence in the design stage can be seen as beneficial for a municipality. If few, or none, of the factors are met there is no specific reason or advantage for a municipality to have in-house competence. The factors are: The size of the municipality Property stock Basis for projects The municipality’s resources Contracting form How the municipality wants to develop knowledge in the staff and invest inwide or narrow competences. Implications: For a municipality to benefit from working with in-house competence,they should follow the factors presented in the result. The conclusion is that a municipality should work in a way that works for them, and not based on what is more beneficial. Limitations: This final thesis is limited to only two municipalities with only one project form each. The report is also limited to the design stage, and the interviews did not include contractors.
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Processarbete inom den offentliga sektorn : En kvalitativ studie om implementationen av ett processtöd på en statlig myndighetJensen, Linn, Lundström, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten is a complex organisation with ties to both the nearby municipal offices and the Swedish government. The government put high demands on the County Administrative Boards in the country when it comes to the time of processing different cases. During October 2017, a suggestion was submitted to the parliament considering the Boards’ processing times of cases being too long and sporadic, where they proposed that continuous work regarding effectivity in their work processes would help reduce the time and irregularity. The County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, with the help of the Bitstream project, decided to implement a new unit, a type of Project Management Office (PMO), in 2018 which was tasked to offer support and tools for the other units’ work processes. Bitstream is a Swedish-Norwegian project, which includes a collaboration between Umeå University, as well as several municipalities in northern Sweden, with the purpose of creating innovations in business modelling within the public sector. The unit, called process support, contains six employees whom originated from the unit for regional growth, and their task is to help the Boards’ units determine their processes during cases to resolve which sub processes are not time efficient. They also help identify the processes that are valuable for the client, which processes are necessary but does not create value, as well as those that do neither. While the implementation and the results of the process support have been fairly successful, the enforcement of the unit proved to be ineffectual, with several complications occurring. This study aims to research the best possible prerequisites to productively implement and administer a Project Management Office in the public sector. Due to most research on PMOs being focused on businesses and not state organisations, the need for such a study is present. Through interviews with five of the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten’s employees, documents from the Board and Bitstream project, and related research on PMO, we display several proposals of change the Board should apply as well as the prerequisites needed to effectively implement and administer a PMO in a state organisation.
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Åtagande och motivation : Studie av frivillig extern rörelse bland chefer i kommunal verksamhet / Commitment and Motivation : Study of Voluntary external mobilityEkdahl, Astor, Granqvist, Eleni January 2013 (has links)
I denna uppsats har en kvalitativ studie genomförts angående chefer i offentlig förvaltning och vad som påverkat dem att säga upp sig. Forskning som redan finns angående motivation och åtagande är till stor del framtagen och applicerad i privata organisationer och företag, vilket var en av motiveringen till denna infallsvinkel i uppsatsen. Empirin har hämtats från en av Sveriges största kommuner, där alla deltagare tidigare arbetas som chefer men avlutat sin anställning under 2012. För att belysa ett fenomen med hög chefsomsättning har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med chefer som arbetat i områdena äldrevårdsomsorg och funktionshinder. Data i form av information och uttalanden samlades in från deltagarna angående vad som påverkat deras beslut om uppsägning. Dessa har analyserats utifrån etablerade motivations- och åtagandeteorier.Resultatet visade att orsaker till uppsägning som framkom under intervjuerna fann stöd i Allen och Meyers teorier om åtagande. Det framkom även starka antydningar av att flera av respondenternas dimensioner av åtagande av olika anledningar ändrats under deras anställning och varit mycket låg i slutet. Det visade sig också vara av betydelse om åtagandet var riktat gentemot organisation, verksamhet eller medarbetare. Åtagandet hade inte varit konstant under anställningen och studien visade även att det var av betydelse om åtagandet var riktat gentemot organisationen, verksamheten eller personal.
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Framgångsfaktorer vidförvaltningsöverskridande kvalitetsarbete inom kommunal verksamhet : Styrkebaserade intervjuer med tjänstemänSundvisson, Annika, Westermark, Britta January 2019 (has links)
Inom offentlig sektor satsas årligen stora resurser på kvalitetsförbättrande arbete. Trots det blir utfallet sällan det avsedda. Orsakerna till det är delvis kända. Byråkrati, regelstyrning och en hierarkisk funktionsorienterad organisationsbyggnad, där ansvar och beslutsfattande fördelas på flera individer, leder till bristande helhetssyn. Kunderna är många och som grupp heterogen, dessutom kan uppfattningen om deras behov skilja sig åt inom organisationen. Vidare utgör skillnader i normer, arbetssätt och metoder försvårande aspekter i samverkan mellan olika förvaltningar. Utifrån beskrivna utmaningar och brist på forskning finns ett behov av ökad kunskap gällande hur framgång kan uppnås vid kvalitetsarbete som involverar flera förvaltningar. Syftet med studien var att skapa insikt i vad som utgör framgångsfaktorer vid förvaltningsöverskridande kvalitetsarbete inom kommunal verksamhet. Semistrukturerade, styrkebaserade intervjuer med sju tjänstemän från fyra kommuner utfördes. Samtliga hade erfarenhet av framgångsrika förvaltningsöverskridande kvalitetsarbeten. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades med innehållsanalys. I analysen identifierades fem övergripande teman: Gemensam bild, Struktur, Uppmuntrande ledarskap, Gå utanför ramarna och Maktbalans. Studien kan vara av intresse för Sveriges kommuner då den visar på vad som kan utgöra framgångsfaktorer vid kommunalt, förvaltningsöverskridande kvalitetsarbete. / In the public sector, large resources are invested annually on quality-enhancing work. Nevertheless, the outcome is rarely what was intended. The reasons for this are partly known. Bureaucracy, regulatory control and a hierarchical function-oriented organization building, where responsibility and decision-making are distributed among several individuals, lead to a lack of holistic view. The customers are many and as a group heterogeneous, in addition, the perception of their needs may differ within the organization. Furthermore, differences in norms, working methods and methods complicates the interaction between different administrations. Based on the challenges and lack of research, there is a need for increased knowledge of how success can be achieved in quality work involving several administrations. The purpose of the study was to create insight into what constitutes success factors in municipal quality work involving multiple administrations. Semi-structured, strengthbased interviews with seven officials from four municipalities were conducted. All of them had experience of successful quality work which involved more than one administration. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed with content analysis. In the analysis, five overarching themes were identified: Common image, Structure, Encouraging leadership, Exit the framework and Power balance. The study may be of interest to Sweden's municipalities as it shows what can be success factors in municipal, quality work involving more than one administration. / <p>2019-06-27</p>
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Innovation i allmänhetens tjänst : Effektiva innovationsprocesser i ett offentligt bolagAndersson, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Offentliga sektorn i Sverige skulle, enligt en rapport från Europeiska centralbankssystemet (ECBS) 2003, kunna hålla samma kvalitet med bara hälften av resurserna. Det behövs därför nya sätt som kan öka värdet och minska kostnaderna i offentliga verksamheter i Sverige. Innovativa processerföreslås vara en möjlighet till att hitta nya arbetssätt för en effektivare offentlig sektor. I studien undersöks innovationsprocessen i ett offentligt bolag i syfte att ge förslag på arbetssätt som kan effektivisera bolagets innovationsprocesser. Följande frågeställningar vägledde studien: Vad kännetecknar effektiva innovationsprocesser? Hur kan effektiva innovationsprocesser tillföra värde för ett offentligt bolag? Hur kan Bolaget AB arbeta för effektivare innovationsprocesser i sin verksamhet?</p><p>Syftet med studien är att ta fram förslag på arbetssätt för effektivare innovationsprocesser i Bolaget AB: s verksamhet.</p><p>I studien används en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt fyra personer. Det vill säga två medarbetare, en chef och en VD i ett offentligt bolag i Sverige. Intervjuerna syftade till att ge en nulägesbeskrivning av bolagets innovationsprocesser. Utifrån studiens teoretiska referensram analyserades empirin och förslag på arbetssätt för en effektivare innovationsprocess gavs.Effektiva innovationsprocesser ser olika ut i olika organisationer. Det finns ingen allmängiltig process som är mer effektiv än andra utan den skall anpassas till den organisation där den verkar. En effektiv innovationsprocess i det offentliga bolaget som undersöks här kan innebära möjlighet att skapa ettkonkurrenskraftigt näringsliv som ger fler arbetstillfällen för stadens invånare och ökar tillväxten i regionen. Det offentliga bolag som undersökts i studien har brister i den idégenererande verksamheten och i den kontinuerliga utvärderingen. Det är främst kulturella hinder som i dagsläget påverkar innovationsprocessen negativt. Bolaget behöver även rutiner för bland annatomvärldsbevakning och informationshantering.</p> / <p>The public sector in Sweden should, according to a rapport from the European central bank system (ECBS) in 2003, be able to keep the same quality with only half the economic resources. New ways that could raise value and reducing expenses in the Swedish public sector are therefore much needed. Innovative processes are suggested to be important for the public sector to find new andmore efficient methods of work. In this research the innovation process in a public corporation is reviewed with an intention to give suggestions of work methods that could improve the corporation’s efficiency. The following questions have guided the research: What characterize efficient innovation processes? How can efficient innovations processes help value to a publiccorporation? How can the public corporation work for more efficient innovation processes in their business?The purpose of this research is to develop suggestions for work methods that will help to improve the efficiency of the public corporation´s innovation processes.In this research a qualitative method is used in form of semi structured interviews with four employees in a public corporation in Sweden, two co‐workers, one executive and one CEO. The interviews were aimed to give a description of the present innovation processes in the corporation. The empiric data was analyzed from a theoretic point of view and set out to give suggestions for work methods that will help to improve the efficiency of the corporation´s innovation processes.Efficient innovation processes can vary from one organization to another. There is not one process that is more efficient than other processes and the innovation process have to be suited for the specific organization. A more efficient innovation process in the public corporation in this study can mean possibilities for a competitive business environment which gives job opportunities and an economic growth in the region. The public corporation in this study has flaws in their idea generating activities and in their continuous evaluation. It is primarily cultural obstacles that affect the innovation processes negative. The public corporation also needs routines for external and internalenvironment monitoring and for managing information.</p>
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Innovativt ledarskap : Ledarskap ur ett innovationsperspektiv i den offentliga sektornAndersson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem.</strong> With the Swedish public sectors problem with efficiency in mind, several reforms have beeninitiated during the last decades. These reforms go, in academic contexts, under the name“New public management”. The reforms have resulted in, among other things, an increasedcompetition, privatization and goal-orientation in the public sector. These new conditionshave changed the public leadership challenge and demand an increased focus on innovation todecrease costs and increase value as a central aspect of the Swedish public leadership.</p><p><strong>Purpose.</strong> The purpose for this research has been to examine the conditions for innovation in a publicorganization and how the leadership can improve the organizational innovativeness.</p><p><strong>Method</strong>. This research does not aim to measure the innovativeness in a public organization, instead itfocuses on understanding the condition for innovation and how the leadership can affect theorganizational innovativeness. Hence, it is motivated that I use a qualitative approach in theresearch process. Semi structured interviews and precedent research are being used as afoundation for the results and recommendations given.</p><p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> The leadership’s opportunities to improve the organizational innovativeness depend on anumber of independent organizational variables and the adaption of the variables to oneanother and the system as a whole. Leadership includes both the formal boss and the coworkerin a relationship that ought to be characterizing by reciprocity and cooperation. Bothmanagement and leadership are vital competences for the formal boss as both structure andculture must support each other. The conditions for organizational innovativeness improve ifthe organization has a structure and a culture that enhances: transboundary cooperation, spaceand energy for creative activities, a common context that contributes to an organizationalidentity and motivation and competence and organizational learning. The examinedorganization needs to decentralize the right to make decisions, improve the openness of theculture, and strengthen the organizational identity and audit structures in purpose to facilitatetransboundary cooperation.</p>
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Strategiskt förändringsarbete i politiskt styrda organisationer : en studie av Motala kommun / Strategic Change in Political OrganizationsBjörck, Ulf, Brinck, Marie January 2000 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Många politiskt styrda organisationer står inför stora och avgörande förändringar för hur deras verksamhet skall bedrivas i framtiden. Politiskt styrda organisationer har annorlunda förutsättningar för att genomföra strategiska förändringar än privata. Vad innebär den politiska kontextens säregenhet och vad kan göras för att överbrygga problem. </p><p>Syfte: Att utifrån FUM undersöka hur strategiskt förändringsarbete kan bedrivas i politiskt styrda organisationer. Genomförande: Vi har haft en explorativ ansats och genomfört 10 intervjuer med ledande politiker i Motala kommun. </p><p>Resultat: För att kunna bedriva strategiskt förändringsarbete i en politiskt styrd organisation måste man vara medveten om organisationens särart, nämligen att det är många intressenter inblandade och att organisationens existens bygger på legitimitet och demokrati. Dessa faktorer påverkar förändringsarbetet främst genom att processen kommer att ta tid. Problem som kan uppstå är att organisationen inte är förändringsbenägen p.g.a. traditionellt arbetssätt, bristande extern och intern förankring, bristande engagemang och helhetssyn. Vi ser att det främsta medlet för att överbrygga problemen är förbätrad kommunikation.</p>
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Public E-services and Electronic Identification –A Comparative Implementation Study of Swedish Public AuthoritiesJohansson Krafve, Linus January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents an implementation study on the handling of electronic identification in three public authorities in Sweden. Electronic identification is a complex but very topical policy domain, largely tied to the general policy aspirations of e-government development. Theories on policy action, logic of appropriateness, garbage cans, and the dialectics of institutions and technology are used. The result highlights that the policy process of electronic identification in the three studied authorities could not be adequately explained from a traditional policy-implementation dichotomy. The action imperative to develop e-services is very strong and explains why and how electronic identification has been developed within the three authorities. The three authorities have very different institutional capacity to implement e-services with electronic identification. The available technology on electronic identification is inscribed with certain logics of appropriateness, that doesn’t sit equally easy with the administrative logics of appropriateness in all three authorities.</p>
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Partnerskap: intensjon og virkelighet i NAV reformens velferdskontorNyhuus, Katrine Haugli, Thorsen, Tone January 2008 (has links)
<p>The new Welfare Reform in Norway consists of the establishment of a new welfare office; NAV office. The NAV office will open in all municipalities within 2010 as local partnerships between the state and the municipals as equal partners. The central government will keep responsibility for the national services and the local governments will keep responsibility for the locally provided welfare services. As such the NAV office will consist of two separate public servcelines, with the accountabilities for their individual services intact. The Government wished to keep the separation between the national and local governmental services but needed to ensure the provision of a more holistic, integrated and effective service delivery, more in tune with the public need. The aim was to provide a more joined-up welfare service and to put more effect behind the efforts to achieve the reform goals: increased work participation, more user-friendly services and more effective public administration. The NAV office as such becomes a local one-stop-shop.</p><p>The challenge of this partnership is that two separate, traditionally hierarchic public structures embark on a partnership venture where the more relational and both vertical and horizontal communicational skills are required, true to the spirit of the joined-up government model. Our aim with this study was to investigate how a few early onset NAV offices cope with this partnership stunt. We particularly wished to examine how the partners establish and use the important vertical and horizontal dimensions, and how the partnership manager operate to facilitate the partnership activities.</p><p>We mean that the focus of 4 partnership actors rather than two governmental partners is more correct with respect to depicting the situation in the local NAV partnerships and how the central partnership managerial duties are shared. We have developed a new model of how they divide the partnership responsibilities between them and the operations of an emergent essential partnership driving force. We have also due to the nature of the NAV partnership actors and the way they operate in the partnership, developed a new partnership model. This dialogue model is a more accurate picture of the NAV partnership than the original partnership model.</p><p>The early attempts to provide integrated services has not reached the potential we have hoped for, partially due to the allowance of the two partners to continue service production in the old way while the reform structure and following administrative challenges are ironed out. We believe that an understanding of the particularities of partnership management and the adherence of the relational qualities to the partnership structure is a prerequisite in successfully managing the NAV partnership and thus the reform goals. This needs to be the imminent focus of the reform participants.</p>
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