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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Introducing lean in non-profit organizations

Dahy, Mustafa January 2019 (has links)
Lean together with Toyota shocked the world when it came out. It turned a devastated company into the top car manufacturer. Ever since, the concept of lean has been implemented in companies outside of Toyota, industries outside of the car manufacturing industry and even in the public sector. The non-profit sector suffers problems of inexperienced leaders and economic problems according to theory which is hoped to be solved using lean. It has yet to be properly been introduced into non-profit organizations which this study aims to do. Previous research regarding an implementation of lean in an NPO is almost non-existing. Few instances where specific problems were solved using lean exist but nothing more. Implementing lean as it currently is does not fit well with the nature of non-profit organizations. Therefore, lean must be translated. To make up for a lack of previous research, the study collected qualitative data in the form of semi-structured interviews of eleven people within NPOs. Information regarding lean was gathered through a literature review. The study discovered that the problem regarding uneducated leaders was existent in most interviewed organizations while the economic problems wasn’t equally apparent. NPOs struggled with wastes due to lack of standardization since unpaid employees mostly help out during their spare time and leaders did not feel they could implement standardization and demands upon them. This and other conclusions constitute the answer to the research question with hopes to be a stepping stone to future research. Further research should focus on how to implement standardization while motivating unpaid employees.

"Kunskap är inte tungt att bära" : Hur nedskärningar kan påverka en lärande organisation i ett industriföretag

Samuelsson, Mia, Kumpula, Katja January 2010 (has links)
<p>This has been a practical innovation graduation project with</p><p>the focus of studying the impacts of downsizing on a learning</p><p>organization. The study took place at Karlsson Spools in Sala.</p><p>This has been a part of an ongoing EU project funded by the</p><p>European Social Fund, ESF. We have, with the help of</p><p>interviews and surveys, gathered information on the present</p><p>situation and with the help of theoretical studies built a</p><p>framework on how a learning organization is viewed in</p><p>theory.</p><p>During our study we found that there are many components</p><p>to a learning organization. The company in question has</p><p>displayed some qualities that characterize a learning</p><p>organization such as a plan to train and further develop their</p><p>employees. The problem we found was lack of communication</p><p>and how this has resulted in a less successful outcome of the</p><p>ongoing courses. The reason for this has been primarily due to</p><p>major cuts in personnel. In that aspect we have found that the</p><p>downsizing has hurt the organization. It was, however,</p><p>unavoidable to make those cutbacks and we hope they can</p><p>move forward from this point. Luckily the project has just</p><p>begun and we hope that our suggestions will bring a more</p><p>cohesive structure to the project in the end.</p>

Välgörenhetsorganisationers marknadsföring : <em>"First they open their hearts, then their minds and then they will open their wallets". </em>(Maud Randel)

Carlsson, Mita, Ekholm, Karin, Zamorano, Nathalie January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Our reason for this study is to research how non- profit organizations focused on fundraising, market themselves to create and keep the relationships with their potential and existing contributors. With this study we also want to create an image of the meaning of marketing, applied to non- profit organizations focused on fundraisings, struggle towards attracting more contributors. We also aim to research what our respondents believe will be the outcomes of marketing on nonprofit organizations in the future. For this essay we have chosen a qualitative method which consists of six interviews with respondents whom have different knowledge and experiences of the non- profit sector. We chose this method to be able to view our main subject from different aspects and through the interviews also form a more profound picture of the non- profit sector and also, finally, se what the respondents think about the issue. We have further from our analysis formed a discussion which has later brought us to our conclusions. We can therefore with this state that the marketing of non- profit organizations focused on fundraising is essential to be able to form relationships with potential contributors. We also find that these organizations trough marketing communications can enhance their brand and attract the attention of the people. Our conclusion also shows that the marketing of non- profit focused on fundraising can result in both positive and negative effects. Ultimately we find through our discussion that, the non- profit organizations focused on fundraising lack different aspects of their planning and we therefore find that the primary improvement is not only by feedback to the contributors but also by making different activities to further create strong relationship with their contributors and partners.</p></p>

Värdeskapande konstellationer i kreativa näringar : En studie av två samarbetsinitiativ i Glasriket

Georgiadou, Déspina, Holmberg, Nathalie January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Det blir alltmer viktigt för företag att arbeta tillsammans. Genom att samarbeta blir verksamheterna mer flexibla.  Verksamheter behöver utnyttja sina resurser mer effektivt för att kunna generera värde för de företag som samarbetar. Mer innovativa idéer behövs i dagens recession. I Målerås Glasbruk och Pukeberg fastigheters har nya kreativa strategier skapats. Det de infört är olika typer av samarbeten när de involverade aktörerna är på en och samma plats. Problemet ligger i att det inte är helt klart vilka intäkter, kostnader och värden det är som uppkommer i samarbete. Trots detta gör aktörer initiativ till att samarbeta. Företagsekonomiskt är inte det inte försvarbart. Därför är detta område intressant att belysa.</p></p><p>Syftet med vår uppsats är att analysera, studera och beskriva de olika aktörernas syn på värden, intäkter och kostnader i kreativa näringar genom två jämförande fallstudier av två glasbruksmiljöer.</p><p>Vi valde att göra två fallstudier av två kreativa miljöer. Vi angrep problemet med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och en abduktiv ansats. Vi använde oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod och har fått en djupare förståelse för aktörernas uppfattning kring intäkter, kostnader och värde som uppstår i samarbete. Data har främst samlats in genom intervjuer, litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar.</p><p>Det visade sig vara diffust om vilka intäkter, kostnader samt vilka värden samarbete skapar och för vem. Samarbetet i ena fallet är ett relativt nytt koncept där framtiden får utvisa följderna. Intäkter kunde skapas på lång sikt och kostnader var främst pga. resursutnyttjande samt provisionskostnader. I Pukeberg framkom det att lönsamhet hade uppnåtts genom att flera samverkade vilket skapade värde för alla i samarbetet. Resultatet visade att de ekonomiska fördelarna inte alltid lockar till samarbete utan det kan vara andra inre värden. På längre sikt kunde även samhällsnytta skapas. Det framkom även av båda fall att skal och breddfördelar kunde uppnås genom samverkan.</p> / <p>It´s becoming more and more important for companies to work together. By cooperating, activities become more flexible. Activities need to use their resources more effectively to generate value for companies that cooperate. More innovative ideas are needed in today's recession. In Maleras Glassworks and Pukeberg property have new creative strategies been created. They introduce different types of cooperation when they involve the actors at the same location. The problem is that it is not entirely clear what revenues, costs and values that are generated in the cooperation. Despite this, are the players the one who initializing to cooperate. At an economically point of view is this not justifiable. That is why this area is interesting to highlight.</p><p>The aim of our thesis is to analyze, describe and study how different stakeholders look at the different values, income and expenses in the creative industries by comparative case studies of two glassworks environments.</p><p>We chose to make two case studies of two creative environments. We attacked the problem with a hermeneutic approach and an abductive reasoning. We used a qualitative research method and have gain a deeper understanding of operators' perception on revenues, costs and value created in cooperation. Data was mainly collected through interviews, literature and scientific articles.</p><p>It turned out to be vague about the revenue, expenses, and which values cooperation creates and to whom. Cooperation in one case is a relatively new concept in which the future will tell the consequences. Revenues could be created in the long term, and costs were mainly because of resources and commission costs. The other case revealed that profitability had been achieved by several combined, creating value for all of the cooperation. The results showed that the economic benefits do not always attract the cooperation it can be other internal values. In the long term could social benefits been created. In both cases could economies of scale and economies of scope been achieved with collaboration.</p>

Små designbyråers förmåga till tillväxt på en föränderlig marknad

Hanberg, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>Marknaden för designbyråerna kan beskrivas som förändrad utifrån globaliseringens effekter, den krympta nationella marknaden och designbyråernas minskade upptagningsområde. De för uppsatsen utvalda objekten får problem då det som de erbjuder idag inte räcker. För att på ett konkurrenskraftigt sätt bemöta de nya förändringarna på marknaden och i omvärlden krävs ett erbjudande som levererar något utöver själva produkten eller tjänsten, vilket då i denna uppsats ses utifrån designbyråns organisatoriska form. Objekten i uppsatsen utgörs av små designbyråer som är enmansföretag.</p><p>Avsikten med denna uppsats är visa för verksamheter som de undersökta objekten eller liknande verksamheter hur dessa kan verka på marknaden och skapa långsiktig tillväxt. Detta ses utifrån deras marknadsföringsstrategier som ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv analyseras och utvärderas.</p><p>Uppsatsen görs utifrån en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie där ansikte mot ansikte intervjuer genomförs med tre stycken designbyråer. Dessa intervjuas angående sina verksamheter utifrån en frågeguide som byggts upp utifrån de utvalda teorierna. Teorierna har också ställts samman till en syntes som beskriver det tillvägagångssätt som uppsatsen ämnar visa på som det sätt som kan ge designbyråerna långsiktig tillväxt.</p><p>Det framkommer att byråerna till stor del arbetar så som teorierna och uppsatsens syntes beskriver, dock är resultaten inte jämbördiga för samtliga objekt och inte heller anses något av de undersökta objekten vara fullständiga i sitt utförande. Vidare ses fem faktorer som kan hjälpa designbyråerna att förbättra sin verksamhet och uppnå en långsiktig tillväxt. Dessa faktorer visar på brister i arbetssättet för att skapa värde, avsaknad av engagemang att skapa höginvolverade kunder, avsaknad av double-loop inlärning, förståelse för vilken miljö designbyråerna verkar i och att ett för standardiserat arbetssätt används.</p>

Professionalisering : Föräldrars åsikter om en organisationsförändring av den svenska barnidrotten / Professionalism : Parent´s opinions about an organizational change of the Swedish way to organize childrens sport

Lindberg, Elin January 2010 (has links)
<p>The Swedish way to organize sport has a long tradition and the parents play an important role in ways to organize sport. Without the thousands of adults who voluntary work the sport associations would have problems to survive. However, there are tendencies to that commitment is reduced, which means that the activity is exposed. The purpose of this study was to examine parents opinions about a nonprofit children´s sport respective professional children´s sport. The study was based on questionnaires which were distributed to 83 parents in four different sports; equestrian sport, track and field sports, ice hockey and soccer. The results show that the parents value the sport, the physical activity, in itself, and not the actual organization of the non-profit sport. Furthermore, the parents seem to be in general positive about the changes a professionalising could mean.</p>

Från inre faktorer mot lärande organisationer

Hökerberg, Elisabet January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen gör en första ansats att utifrån befintliga organisationsteorier definiera de faktorer vilka påverkar Försvarsmakten och R3-organisationen. Oganisations-teorierna pekar på yttre krafter så som politik, ekonomi och teknologi samt inre logik-faktorer, vilka består av sociala processer som utvecklas och påverkar det klimat som präglar en organisation.</p><p>Förutom yttre krafter och inre logik, påverkar även organisationsformen en organisation. Inom Försvarsmakten och dess underorganisationer, däribland R3, är organisationsformen till övervägande del hierarkisk. Ett välanpassat och dubbelriktat informationsutbyte mellan de olika nivåerna inom hierarkin gör den välfungerande och effektiv. Inom R3-organisationen finns detta informationsutbyte bland annat mellan funktionsutvecklaren och utbildningsförbanden. Klimatet samt funktionen inom detta utbyte påverkar organisationens effektivitet och optimering. Framtiden är till del oviss och utveckling, omvärld och resurser förändras ständigt. Genom att sträva efter att vara en lärande organisation kan Försvarsmakten tillgodogöra organisationen de kunskaper som individerna innehar och förvärvar. En lärande organisation investerar i människor och deras fortlöpande lärande. Viktigt är att öka det subjektiva och objektiva handlingsutrymmet för individerna i syfte att gynna lärprocessen, vilket utvecklar hela organisationen. Det ökade internationella samarbetet Försvarsmakten strävar mot, främjar rimligtvis effektivitet och optimering på så vis att kunskapsprocesserna utvecklar och vidgar de referensramar individ och organisation har.</p><p>Fortsatt forskning kan bland annat ge svar på hur det internationella samarbetet skall utvecklas för att ge ytterligare positiva aspekter avseende den lärande organisationen och dess utveckling.</p> / <p>The author of this essay is Elisabet Hökerberg, a Cadet at the Swedish Armed Forces Technical School, Halmstad. The essay is written as a part of the Officer Education.</p><p>The objective of this study is to research and examine the main factors which affect the potential for an organization to function as effectively as possible. The essay also aims at describing the most preferable climate characterizing an optimal and effective organization. Factors such as politics, technical boundaries and economies are external factors which affect an organization and are often difficult for the organization to influence. These external factors also have a direct effect on the inner logic that characterizes the relations and climate between the members of the organization. Inner logics are social processes which develop without the members’ direct awareness of them. Opportunism is a typical inner logic factor.</p><p>In order to increase efficiency and realize the objectives of the organization it is important for those in command to handle these inner logics with care and to be aware of their importance. To realize the objective of an organization the executive staff must have the ability, will and means to lead and guide their employees towards the Managing Directors’ intended objective.</p><p>The Swedish Armed Forces is no exception and the external powers and inner logics influence the military organization just as it does a regular company. The hierarchic organization which the military organization constitutes also affects its efficiency and optimising. In order to make a hierarchic organization function with effectiveness it is of importance that the vertical and horizontal boundaries are flexible and variable.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the conception of <em>learning organisations</em> can be an important part of the way towards an organization with minimized negative affection from the inner logic factors. The learning organisation has the ability to assimilate not only the available knowledge of the employees, but also encourages them to incorporate new. By investing in knowledge in this way the personnel readily understand their own importance in the way towards the objective, which leads to a more efficient organization.</p>

Den lärande organisationen och Försvarsmakten : En studie rörande teoretisk anknytning / The learning organization and the Swedish armed forces : A study regarding theoretical connection

Sjöström, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Arbetet syftar till att analysera Förvarsmaktens övergripande process rörande erfarenhetshantering ifallet Kosovo mellan 2007 och nutid samt granska hur denna process tar sin utgångspunkt i organisationsteori och metod. Detta är de ingångsvärden som använts i den intervjustudie som genomförts. I denna studie kan två organisationsmodeller påvisas i tidsspannet som arbetet behandlat, en med början 2007 och en senare som i skrivande stund är under implementering, dessa har i olika grad påvisat kopplingar till modellrapporten från FOI 1998. Metodrapporten i sig baseras på Sarv respektive Garvin´s tankar om lärande organisationer och dess bakomliggande tankar är därför genomskinliga. Det teoretiska materialet ger fyra utgångspunkter för analys, mål, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande. Under dialog och mål finns få anknytningspunkter till FOI´s modell, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande å andra sidan påvisar tydligt att tankar mot detta funnit men brister i implementeringeni modellen. För att vidare sammanfoga modellen och dessa tankar anser författaren att tydligare direktiv, styrningar och förklaringar behövs. Författaren påtalar även behovet av vidare forskning på området och specifikt hur processen ser ut efter att den nya organisationsmodellen till fullo implementerats i organisationen.</p> / <p>The study aims to analyse the Swedish Armed Forces process for lessons learned, as it was in Kosovobetween 2007 and present date and examine whether this process is based on organizational theory or not. These were the initial values for the interviews that followed. In answers from the interviews, two organizational models can be found within the given time span, one beginning in 2007 and the later one is as of now being implemented. These models have shown a varying degree of connection to the model developed by FOI in 1998. The model itself is based on the organizational theories of Sarv and Garvin and its ideas can therefore be seen as translucent. The theoretical material gives us four starting points for analysis, dialogue, goal orientation, flexibility and dynamics and finally participation. Under the headings dialogue and goal orientation there are few connecting factors to the FOI model, under the headings flexibility and dynamics and participation on the other hand there are clearly formed thoughts surrounding these issues but the writer found shortcomings in the implementations of these. In order to further merge the model and these bulletpoints the author believes that clearer directives, guidance and explanations are needed. The author also highlights the need for further research within this field to show the outcome of the implementation of the new organizational model.</p>

Att göra mål : en jämförande studie mellan Flygvapnets och Forsmarks sätt att sätta upp mål för säkerhetsarbete / Setting goals for your organisation : a comparison between the Swedish Air Force and the nuclear power plant Forsmark

Hammarberg, Angelica January 2010 (has links)
<p>I chose to study how the Swedish Air force carries out their work with setting goals for their work to improve flight safety and compare this with how the Swedish nuclear power plant Forsmark performs their work with improving nuclear safety. The study showed that both organisations have a lot to improve on in their ways of how to work. Especially when it comes to engaging the employees in the process, both in letting the employees be a part of coming up with areas to work on and in letting the employees evaluate which progress that has been made. It also showed that both organisations need to improve their methods for evaluating the work that has been done. This is especially important for the Air Force which evaluates on many levels and locations and did not have a set standard for how to conduct the evaluation. Although, Forsmark also needed to improve but on how to conduct the evaluation on more than one level in the organisation, allowing more people into the evaluation process and maybe letting someone not part of the process be a part of the evaluation to see things from a different perspective. Also, Forsmark had goals set which did not have a set time for when to evaluate them, which is another criteria for success.</p>

Den lärande organisationen och Försvarsmakten : En studie rörande teoretisk anknytning / The learning organization and the Swedish armed forces : A study regarding theoretical connection

Sjöström, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
Arbetet syftar till att analysera Förvarsmaktens övergripande process rörande erfarenhetshantering ifallet Kosovo mellan 2007 och nutid samt granska hur denna process tar sin utgångspunkt i organisationsteori och metod. Detta är de ingångsvärden som använts i den intervjustudie som genomförts. I denna studie kan två organisationsmodeller påvisas i tidsspannet som arbetet behandlat, en med början 2007 och en senare som i skrivande stund är under implementering, dessa har i olika grad påvisat kopplingar till modellrapporten från FOI 1998. Metodrapporten i sig baseras på Sarv respektive Garvin´s tankar om lärande organisationer och dess bakomliggande tankar är därför genomskinliga. Det teoretiska materialet ger fyra utgångspunkter för analys, mål, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande. Under dialog och mål finns få anknytningspunkter till FOI´s modell, flexibilitet och dynamik samt medinflytande å andra sidan påvisar tydligt att tankar mot detta funnit men brister i implementeringeni modellen. För att vidare sammanfoga modellen och dessa tankar anser författaren att tydligare direktiv, styrningar och förklaringar behövs. Författaren påtalar även behovet av vidare forskning på området och specifikt hur processen ser ut efter att den nya organisationsmodellen till fullo implementerats i organisationen. / The study aims to analyse the Swedish Armed Forces process for lessons learned, as it was in Kosovobetween 2007 and present date and examine whether this process is based on organizational theory or not. These were the initial values for the interviews that followed. In answers from the interviews, two organizational models can be found within the given time span, one beginning in 2007 and the later one is as of now being implemented. These models have shown a varying degree of connection to the model developed by FOI in 1998. The model itself is based on the organizational theories of Sarv and Garvin and its ideas can therefore be seen as translucent. The theoretical material gives us four starting points for analysis, dialogue, goal orientation, flexibility and dynamics and finally participation. Under the headings dialogue and goal orientation there are few connecting factors to the FOI model, under the headings flexibility and dynamics and participation on the other hand there are clearly formed thoughts surrounding these issues but the writer found shortcomings in the implementations of these. In order to further merge the model and these bulletpoints the author believes that clearer directives, guidance and explanations are needed. The author also highlights the need for further research within this field to show the outcome of the implementation of the new organizational model.

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