Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deorganisationer"" "subject:"partiorganisationer""
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Att göra mål : en jämförande studie mellan Flygvapnets och Forsmarks sätt att sätta upp mål för säkerhetsarbete / Setting goals for your organisation : a comparison between the Swedish Air Force and the nuclear power plant ForsmarkHammarberg, Angelica January 2010 (has links)
I chose to study how the Swedish Air force carries out their work with setting goals for their work to improve flight safety and compare this with how the Swedish nuclear power plant Forsmark performs their work with improving nuclear safety. The study showed that both organisations have a lot to improve on in their ways of how to work. Especially when it comes to engaging the employees in the process, both in letting the employees be a part of coming up with areas to work on and in letting the employees evaluate which progress that has been made. It also showed that both organisations need to improve their methods for evaluating the work that has been done. This is especially important for the Air Force which evaluates on many levels and locations and did not have a set standard for how to conduct the evaluation. Although, Forsmark also needed to improve but on how to conduct the evaluation on more than one level in the organisation, allowing more people into the evaluation process and maybe letting someone not part of the process be a part of the evaluation to see things from a different perspective. Also, Forsmark had goals set which did not have a set time for when to evaluate them, which is another criteria for success.
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Professionalisering : Föräldrars åsikter om en organisationsförändring av den svenska barnidrotten / Professionalism : Parent´s opinions about an organizational change of the Swedish way to organize childrens sportLindberg, Elin January 2010 (has links)
The Swedish way to organize sport has a long tradition and the parents play an important role in ways to organize sport. Without the thousands of adults who voluntary work the sport associations would have problems to survive. However, there are tendencies to that commitment is reduced, which means that the activity is exposed. The purpose of this study was to examine parents opinions about a nonprofit children´s sport respective professional children´s sport. The study was based on questionnaires which were distributed to 83 parents in four different sports; equestrian sport, track and field sports, ice hockey and soccer. The results show that the parents value the sport, the physical activity, in itself, and not the actual organization of the non-profit sport. Furthermore, the parents seem to be in general positive about the changes a professionalising could mean.
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Små designbyråers förmåga till tillväxt på en föränderlig marknadHanberg, Erik January 2007 (has links)
Marknaden för designbyråerna kan beskrivas som förändrad utifrån globaliseringens effekter, den krympta nationella marknaden och designbyråernas minskade upptagningsområde. De för uppsatsen utvalda objekten får problem då det som de erbjuder idag inte räcker. För att på ett konkurrenskraftigt sätt bemöta de nya förändringarna på marknaden och i omvärlden krävs ett erbjudande som levererar något utöver själva produkten eller tjänsten, vilket då i denna uppsats ses utifrån designbyråns organisatoriska form. Objekten i uppsatsen utgörs av små designbyråer som är enmansföretag. Avsikten med denna uppsats är visa för verksamheter som de undersökta objekten eller liknande verksamheter hur dessa kan verka på marknaden och skapa långsiktig tillväxt. Detta ses utifrån deras marknadsföringsstrategier som ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv analyseras och utvärderas. Uppsatsen görs utifrån en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie där ansikte mot ansikte intervjuer genomförs med tre stycken designbyråer. Dessa intervjuas angående sina verksamheter utifrån en frågeguide som byggts upp utifrån de utvalda teorierna. Teorierna har också ställts samman till en syntes som beskriver det tillvägagångssätt som uppsatsen ämnar visa på som det sätt som kan ge designbyråerna långsiktig tillväxt. Det framkommer att byråerna till stor del arbetar så som teorierna och uppsatsens syntes beskriver, dock är resultaten inte jämbördiga för samtliga objekt och inte heller anses något av de undersökta objekten vara fullständiga i sitt utförande. Vidare ses fem faktorer som kan hjälpa designbyråerna att förbättra sin verksamhet och uppnå en långsiktig tillväxt. Dessa faktorer visar på brister i arbetssättet för att skapa värde, avsaknad av engagemang att skapa höginvolverade kunder, avsaknad av double-loop inlärning, förståelse för vilken miljö designbyråerna verkar i och att ett för standardiserat arbetssätt används.
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Från inre faktorer mot lärande organisationerHökerberg, Elisabet January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen gör en första ansats att utifrån befintliga organisationsteorier definiera de faktorer vilka påverkar Försvarsmakten och R3-organisationen. Oganisations-teorierna pekar på yttre krafter så som politik, ekonomi och teknologi samt inre logik-faktorer, vilka består av sociala processer som utvecklas och påverkar det klimat som präglar en organisation. Förutom yttre krafter och inre logik, påverkar även organisationsformen en organisation. Inom Försvarsmakten och dess underorganisationer, däribland R3, är organisationsformen till övervägande del hierarkisk. Ett välanpassat och dubbelriktat informationsutbyte mellan de olika nivåerna inom hierarkin gör den välfungerande och effektiv. Inom R3-organisationen finns detta informationsutbyte bland annat mellan funktionsutvecklaren och utbildningsförbanden. Klimatet samt funktionen inom detta utbyte påverkar organisationens effektivitet och optimering. Framtiden är till del oviss och utveckling, omvärld och resurser förändras ständigt. Genom att sträva efter att vara en lärande organisation kan Försvarsmakten tillgodogöra organisationen de kunskaper som individerna innehar och förvärvar. En lärande organisation investerar i människor och deras fortlöpande lärande. Viktigt är att öka det subjektiva och objektiva handlingsutrymmet för individerna i syfte att gynna lärprocessen, vilket utvecklar hela organisationen. Det ökade internationella samarbetet Försvarsmakten strävar mot, främjar rimligtvis effektivitet och optimering på så vis att kunskapsprocesserna utvecklar och vidgar de referensramar individ och organisation har. Fortsatt forskning kan bland annat ge svar på hur det internationella samarbetet skall utvecklas för att ge ytterligare positiva aspekter avseende den lärande organisationen och dess utveckling. / The author of this essay is Elisabet Hökerberg, a Cadet at the Swedish Armed Forces Technical School, Halmstad. The essay is written as a part of the Officer Education. The objective of this study is to research and examine the main factors which affect the potential for an organization to function as effectively as possible. The essay also aims at describing the most preferable climate characterizing an optimal and effective organization. Factors such as politics, technical boundaries and economies are external factors which affect an organization and are often difficult for the organization to influence. These external factors also have a direct effect on the inner logic that characterizes the relations and climate between the members of the organization. Inner logics are social processes which develop without the members’ direct awareness of them. Opportunism is a typical inner logic factor. In order to increase efficiency and realize the objectives of the organization it is important for those in command to handle these inner logics with care and to be aware of their importance. To realize the objective of an organization the executive staff must have the ability, will and means to lead and guide their employees towards the Managing Directors’ intended objective. The Swedish Armed Forces is no exception and the external powers and inner logics influence the military organization just as it does a regular company. The hierarchic organization which the military organization constitutes also affects its efficiency and optimising. In order to make a hierarchic organization function with effectiveness it is of importance that the vertical and horizontal boundaries are flexible and variable. The result of the study shows that the conception of learning organisations can be an important part of the way towards an organization with minimized negative affection from the inner logic factors. The learning organisation has the ability to assimilate not only the available knowledge of the employees, but also encourages them to incorporate new. By investing in knowledge in this way the personnel readily understand their own importance in the way towards the objective, which leads to a more efficient organization.
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Integration mellan system : En undersökning av olika framgångsfaktorer / Integration of systems : A review of different success factorsPasic, Anel, Cetinkaya, Talat January 2013 (has links)
This paper exposes the problems and challenges organizations face when integrating aged systems, web based systems and web services. The paper focuses on how people with different titles in an organization experience systems integration and the factors that contribute to project failure or success. The research methodology used in this is Grounded Theory and the resulting theory of this paper has taken form through the coding of transcribed interviews, which have gone through a constant comparing to other theories in the area of interest, mostly articles about success factors in system integration. The resulting outcome is a success model aimed to describe the underlying indicators to achieve project success. The success model consists of three factors that contribute to success in integration projects. The factors are: globalization, governance and balance. Integration projects are very complex in nature, more so than normal projects as there are more stakeholders involved and more interests to take into consideration. Due to the complex nature of integration projects, the need for a holistic view arises. It's crucial for an integration project that stakeholders take the interests and needs of other projects taking place simultaneously into consideration. The governance aspect of systems integration deals with the planning of strategies, communication and cooperation with other stakeholders involved within the integration project. It's crucial for integration projects to shift focus from individual goals and individual interest to mutual goals and interests. The third and final factor contributing to success in integration projects is balance. The balance between technical issues and organizational issues is crucial for the success of projects. It's very common that organizations focus on technical issues and neglect the organizational issues.
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Svensk bolagsstyrning : Kodens påverkanBergsten, Rikard, Goth, Anny, Goth, Ehlin January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Företagsskandaler har varit förekommande i svenskt näringsliv, med exempel såsom AB Kreuger & Toll. Skandalerna har medfört minskat förtroendet för näringslivet men som en lösning har Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning utformats. Syfte: Sedan implementeringen av Koden år 2005 har det skett en utveckling, vilket vårt syfte är att beskriva. Syftet är även att beskriva och förklara de svenska företagens förhållningssätt till Koden samt ge en förklaring till denna utveckling. Metod: Uppsatsen är genomförd med hjälp av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskningsmetod. Den kvalitativa metoden bygger på en deduktiv forskningsansats och i den kvantitativa användes en abduktiv ansats. I den kvalitativa undersökningen genomfördes sju intervjuer med respondenter på Small Cap. 42 bolags årsredovisningar studerades i den kvantitativa undersökningen. Vi har till största del tillämpat den explorativa metoden. Resultat och slutsats: Vårt resultat pekar mot att bolag följer Koden i större utsträckning än tidigare. Det har medfört en lägre flexibilitet i bolagsstyrningen på grund av följsamheten till Koden men samtidigt har det här ökat förtroendet till bolagen. Vi har sett indikationer på att det är noteringsavtalet som har påverkat bolagens förhållningssätt mest. Aktieägarnas bristande intresse, att marknaden inte ser efter substansen i bolagsstyrningsrapporterna samt Kodens dåliga samverkan med andra regelverk gör att potentialen inte utnyttjas. Det har även skett förändringar i bolagens struktur, vilket skapat en ökad öppenhet.
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Frihet till hat? : Hatbrott, rasistiska organisationer och inskränkningar av yttrandefriheten / Freedom of hate? : Hate crime, racist organizations and limitations in freedom of expressionPeippo, Patric January 2011 (has links)
The present paper is part of a project carried on by the Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists. Sweden has ratified several major international human rights instruments. Most of the rights are covered by national law, and only in exception is there a discrepancy between national and international law. Such a discrepancy is found in the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination, in which the State parties agree on penalizing and prohibiting the founding of and participation in racist organizations. Sweden is not complying with this statute, despite the fact that the government has ratified the convention. The Swedish government states that national laws prohibit the activities of these organizations, and therefore it is not necessary to reform the legislation. The National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet) presents an annual report on hate crime in Sweden. Between the years 2005 and 2009 the number of reported hate crimes almost doubled. To some point the increase can be explained by a widened definition of hate crime, but the reports have increased in real terms as well. The Swedish government is combating human rights violations, and the long term objective is to ensure full respect for human rights. Critique raised against Sweden in international reviewing institutions indicates that Sweden has some ground to cover before reaching such an objective. Most of the presented critique concerns the non-existing ban of racist organizations, increased reports of hate crime as well as racist influences within Swedish politics and society as such. Prohibiting racist organizations constitutes limitations in the freedom of expression and the freedom of association. Ever since Sweden incorporated the European convention for the Protection of Human Rights, freedom of expression has been given a unique position within the national legal system. This position is strengthened even further through different judgments in the Swedish Supreme Court, in cases on agitation. The questions raised in this paper are consequently: Is it possible to ensure full respect for human rights, or can you only come near such an ensuring? Does Sweden live up to its international obligations? How does the Swedish government weigh the different rights against each other? Should the rights be differently balanced? The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to establish Sweden’s international obligations, to highlight the possibility of limitations in the freedom of expression and to look at the occurrence of and legislations against hate crime. / Uppsatsen utgör en del av projektet "Implementering av kritik i internationella organ mot Sverige och Rätten till kompensation" som drivs av Internationella Juristkommissionen - Svenska avdelningen. / Implementering av kritik i internationella organ mot Sverige och Rätten till kompensation
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Påverkande faktorer av arbetet på tjejjourerna : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie / Factors contributing to the work at a female voluntary organisation : A qualitative studyJohansson, Frida January 2012 (has links)
I Sverige finns cirka 60 tjejjourer som ideellt arbetar för att stötta och stärka unga kvinnor vars psykiska ohälsa fortsätter att öka. Statistiskt sett så finns klara samband mellan den psykiska ohälsan bland flickor i Sverige och orsak till varför de stödsökande hör av sig till tjejjourerna och andra ideella organisationer. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad jourerna gör för att förbättra den psykiska ohälsan bland flickor samt att beskriva faktorer som påverkar det ideella arbetet på tjejjourerna enligt de aktiva medlemmarna. En kvalitativ intervjustudie användes som metod. Sju intervjuer genomfördes på aktiva medlemmar på olika tjejjourer och analyserades med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Resultatet baseras på två teman jourverksamheten och den utåtriktade verksamheten samt fem kategorier, jourens uppbyggnad, stödsökande, resurser, förebyggande arbete och samverka. Tjejjourernas stödbidrag, anställda och aktiva medlemmar påverkar i vilken utsträckning de har möjlighet att arbeta förebyggande. Hjälp till självhjälp samt att stötta och stärka var prioritet i jourverksamheten trots att behov finns i den utåtriktade förebyggande verksamheten. Studien visar på att det läggs allt mer ansvar på landets tjejjourer från bland annat myndigheter att ta hand om tjejer som behöver stöd. Samarbetet i kommunerna mellan tjejjourer och andra instanser behöver förbättras. Det viktigaste förebyggande arbetet sker på skolorna och kommunen bör uppmärksamma att tjejjourerna kan betraktas som ett komplement i detta forum. / In Sweden there is about 60 organisations that works voluntary to support and empower young woman whose mental illness continues to increase. The purpose of this study was to describe factors that affect the volunteer work at these organisations by the active members. A qualitative interview was used as method. Seven interviews conducted on the active members in different organisations and analyzed by a content analysis. The results are based on two themes,- organisation activities and external activities as well as five categories, organisation structure, support seekers, resources, prevention and interact. The girls voluntary organisations are affected to wich extent they are able to work preventively by the support contributions, employees and active members. Self-help and to support and strengthen was the priority in the organisations although there is a need in the external prevention activities. The study shows that there are more and more responsibility on the girls organisations from other authorities. The cooperation in the municipality between the voluntary organisations and others needs to be improved. The most important preventive work is done at school and the municipality should be aware that girls voluntary organisations can be seen as complementary in this forum.
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”Vi är allt från detektiver till terapeuter” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare inom ekonomiskt bistånd upplever sin arbetssituationJohansson, Elin, Lilja, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Our purpose was to understand how social workers experience the possible complexities that working with economical aid can entail. As an example we chose to focus on long-term economical aid work. We aimed to address the question of which factors could affect their work. In a prior study, done by Dellgran & Höjer (2003) the conclusion was drawn that the combination of economical aid, healthcare and schools makeup a third of practical social work in the terms of the proportion of the amount of social workers, but only 8 percent of the research is done in those areas. Other studies (Stranz, 2007) demonstrate that the research that is done on working with economical aid is deficient. We interviewed six social workers in two smaller municipalities in the southern of Sweden. Our result indicated that the social workers felt pressured by their work-load and the fact that the amount of new cases had increased. They thought that a possible reason for this could be the weak economic climate and changes in the labour market policies. They also felt that alterations and long office turnaround times at other administrative authorities also contributed. The results showed that the majority of the social workers in our study used a motivational approach in their meetings with clients and they also had the best interest in mind for each and every client. We chose to use the theoretical perspectives of Human service organizations by Yeheskel Hasenfeld (1983) and Demokratins väktare (our translation: the guardians of democracy) by Lennart Lundquist (1998) when we analyzed our results. Keywords: Economical aid, social workers, long-termed economical aid, human service organizations.
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Välgörenhetsorganisationers marknadsföring : "First they open their hearts, then their minds and then they will open their wallets". (Maud Randel)Carlsson, Mita, Ekholm, Karin, Zamorano, Nathalie January 2009 (has links)
Our reason for this study is to research how non- profit organizations focused on fundraising, market themselves to create and keep the relationships with their potential and existing contributors. With this study we also want to create an image of the meaning of marketing, applied to non- profit organizations focused on fundraisings, struggle towards attracting more contributors. We also aim to research what our respondents believe will be the outcomes of marketing on nonprofit organizations in the future. For this essay we have chosen a qualitative method which consists of six interviews with respondents whom have different knowledge and experiences of the non- profit sector. We chose this method to be able to view our main subject from different aspects and through the interviews also form a more profound picture of the non- profit sector and also, finally, se what the respondents think about the issue. We have further from our analysis formed a discussion which has later brought us to our conclusions. We can therefore with this state that the marketing of non- profit organizations focused on fundraising is essential to be able to form relationships with potential contributors. We also find that these organizations trough marketing communications can enhance their brand and attract the attention of the people. Our conclusion also shows that the marketing of non- profit focused on fundraising can result in both positive and negative effects. Ultimately we find through our discussion that, the non- profit organizations focused on fundraising lack different aspects of their planning and we therefore find that the primary improvement is not only by feedback to the contributors but also by making different activities to further create strong relationship with their contributors and partners.
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