Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprincipal agent"" "subject:"_principal agent""
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The impact of inequity aversion on relational incentive contractsKragl, Jenny 18 June 2009 (has links)
Diese Dissertation enthält drei Aufsätze zur Theorie der Anreizsetzung bei nicht-verifizierbaren Leistungsmaßen. Untersuchungsgegenstand sind die Auswirkungen individueller Fairnesspräferenzen auf die Ausgestaltung und Eignung verschiedener Anreizmechanismen, welche in realen wirtschaftlichen Situationen Anwendung finden. Alle Arbeiten analysieren Umgebungen moralischen Risikos, in denen eine Firma zwei ungerechtigkeitsaverse Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, deren individuelle Arbeitsleistung zwar beobachtbar, jedoch nicht kontrahierbar ist. Der erste Aufsatz untersucht die Effekte von Ungerechtigkeitsaversion auf relationale Anreizverträge. Als Leistungsmaß eines Agenten dient sein individueller Beitrag zum Firmenwert. Abweichend von der Literatur zeigt sich, dass Ungerechtigkeitsaversion vorteilhaft sein kann: Für bestimmte Zinssätze können relationale Verträge mit neidischen Agenten profitabler sein, wenn sie nicht sogar nur mit solchen implementierbar sind. Der zweite Aufsatz vergleicht relationale Individual- und Gruppenbonusverträge. Durch das Vermeiden ungleicher Löhne sind letztere profitabler, solange sich die Firma keinem Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem gegenübersieht. Dies kann sich jedoch umkehren, da Individualboni vergleichsweise kleiner sind und somit die Selbstdurchsetzung des Vertrags fördern. Ursachen dafür sind das Vermeiden des Trittbrettfahrerproblems und die Anreizwirkung von Neid. Im dritten Aufsatz wird relationalen Individualbonusverträgen ein relatives Leistungsturnier gegenübergestellt. Im Gegensatz zum Bonusvertrag unterliegt das Turnier keiner Glaubwürdigkeitsbeschränkung. Dennoch ist ersteres Anreizschema profitabler, solange das Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem der Firma nicht zu groß ist. Dies liegt an der zwingenden Auszahlung ungleicher Löhne im Turnier und den daraus resultierenden hohen Kosten für Ungleichheitsprämien. Weiter wird für ein Beispiel gezeigt, dass die Zinsspanne, für die der Bonusvertrag das Turnier dominiert, im Neid der Agenten steigt. / This thesis consists of three self-contained essays that investigate the impact of fairness concerns among agents on the design of real-world incentive contracts used to mitigate moral-hazard problems under non-verifiable performance. All papers consider situations in which a firm employs two inequity averse workers whose individual performances are, albeit observable by the contracting parties, not contractible. The first paper studies the effects of inequity aversion on relational employment contracts. Performance is evaluated via an agent’s individual non-verifiable contribution to firm value. In contrast to the literature, we find that inequity aversion may be beneficial: In the presence of envy, for a certain range of interest rates relational contracts may be more profitable. For some interest rates reputational equilibria exist only with envious agents. In the second paper, I compare group to individual performance pay. Avoiding payoff inequity, the group bonus contract is superior as long as the firm faces no credibility problem. The individual bonus contract may, however, become superior due to two reasons: The group bonus scheme is subject to a free-rider problem requiring a higher incentive pay and impeding credibility of the firm. Moreover, with individual bonuses the firm benefits from the incentive-strengthening effect of envy, further softening the credibility constraint. The third paper contrasts a rank-order tournament with independent bonus contracts. Whereas the bonus scheme must be self-enforcing, the tournament is contractible. Yet the former incentive regime outperforms the latter as long as credibility problems are not too severe. This is due the fact that the tournament requires unequal pay across peers with certainty and thus imposes large inequity premium costs on the firm. For a simple example, I show that the more envious the agents are the larger is the range of interest rates for which the bonus scheme dominates the tournament.
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Three essays on properties, determinants and consequences of accounting standardsEisenschink, Timo 04 February 2014 (has links)
Diese kumulative Dissertation besteht aus drei eigenständigen Arbeiten aus dem Bereich der Rechnungslegungsforschung. Die erste Arbeit ist eine Befragungsstudie von 137 internationalen Rechnungslegungsforschern über die Fair-Value-Orientierung von 28 lokalen Rechnungslegungssystemen. Anhand der Umfrageergebnisse war es möglich, einen internationalen Fair-Value Score zu bilden. Dieser zeigt, dass das portugiesische, slowenische und das russische Rechnungslegungssystem am meisten und das österreichische, deutsche und italienische Rechnungslegungssystem am wenigsten Fair-Value orientiert ist. Die zweite Arbeit untersucht die Determinanten der Wahl von Rechnungslegungssystemen mittels eines Prinzipal-Agenten-Models. In dem Model kann ein risikoneutraler Entrepreneur (Prinzipal) mit einem Anreiz zur Konsumglättung zwischen zwei Rechnungslegungssystemen wählen. Das Rechnungslegungssystem wird genutzt, um eine effiziente vertragstheoretische Lösung mit dem Manager herbeizuführen und um Informationen über das Unternehmen für Kapitalmarktteilnehmer bereitzustellen. Die Modellergebnisse zeigen, dass der Entrepreneur eher gewillt ist das Fair-Value-orientierte Rechnungslegungssystem zu wählen, wenn die Bedeutung von Eigenkapitalmärkten steigt, die Opportunitätskosten des Managements steigen, die Produktivität des Managements sinkt und die Qualität des Enforcements von Rechnungslegungsregeln abnimmt. Die empirischen Ergebnisse bestätigen größtenteils die theoretischen Erwartungen. Die dritte Arbeit untersucht, ob die verpflichtende Einführung der IFRS bei gleichzeitiger Anpassung des Enforcements zu einer Verbesserung der Ergebnisqualität geführt hat. Die empirischen Ergebnisse sind uneinheitlich und können daher den vermuteten Effekt nicht bestätigen. / This cumulative PhD-thesis consists of three papers within the field of empirical accounting research. The first paper provides descriptive evidence on the fair value orientation of existing local GAAP systems by surveying the perception of 137 international accounting academics about the fair value orientation of 28 local GAAP systems. The survey results enable us to rank countries’ local GAAP systems by their fair value orientation. The score ranking shows that Portuguese, Slovenian and Russian GAAP are the top three and Austrian, German and Italian GAAP are the bottom three of the fair value orientation. Furthermore, we are able to show that the fair value orientation of IFRS is higher than any of the 28 local GAAP systems. The second paper investigates the determinants of financial accounting regime choice in a principal agent setting. The model considers a risk-neutral entrepreneur who needs financial accounting information for contracting with a managerial agent and for communicating the firm value to a risk-averse secondary capital market. The comparative static results indicate that the preference of the entrepreneur for a fair value accounting regime increases with the relative importance of the secondary capital market and the opportunity costs of the managerial agent, while it decreases with the overall quality of the accounting signal, the effectiveness of the enforcement process and managerial productivity. Empirical evidence, which is based on country-year and country-level and US time series analysis, provides support for most of the theoretical predictions. The third paper investigates whether earnings quality effects are more pronounced post mandatory IFRS adoption in countries that substantially changed their enforcement system of accounting standards in comparison to countries that already had a strict enforcement system in place. The empirical analysis gives inconclusive results for the earnings quality measures.
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The politics of renewable energy in China : towards a new model of environmental governance?Chen, Chun-Fung January 2015 (has links)
The use of renewable energy as part of the solution for stabilising global warming has been promoted in industrialised countries for the past three decades. In the last ten years, China, a non-democratic and less-developed state, has implemented non-hydro alternative energy sources through top-down, technology-oriented measures and expanded its renewable energy capacity with unprecedented speed and breadth. This phenomenon seems to contradict to the principle of orthodox environmental governance, in which stakeholder participation is deemed as necessary condition for effective policy outcomes. Given that little research has been conducted on environmental politics in an authoritarian context, I first set out to explore the role of the Chinese state in enabling transformation of the renewable energy sector and to understand the ways in which policy elites seek to introduce developmental state and ecological modernisation strategy in the policy area. Second, by adopting principal-agent theory, I explicate how the governance mechanisms have been deployed and how challenges of the expansion of the sector in the governance system with a large territory have being mitigated. Based upon news reports, policy documents, and interviews with 32 provincial officials, business leaders, academic researchers, and NGO practitioners in two subnational governments, I argue that the renewable energy development in China is governed through a hybrid mode of environmental policy model that uses, upon the existing developmental state regime, ecological modernisation as a policy paradigm, which is partially incorporated in the process. Ultimately, I examine in this thesis the possibility of an alternative form of environmental governance in which renewable energy can be diffused in a less-participatory manner, with more direct controls and target-oriented state intervention measures. This thesis challenges the orthodox assumption that the inclusive mode of governance are the only capable form of environmental governance that reaches desired policy outcomes of renewable energy deployment.
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補助金制度下的台灣派系政治穩定與變遷--新制度理論分析觀點吳怡銘, Wu, I-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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企業併購最適支付方式契約設計朱建彥 Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主要目的在於,利用訊息理論中的代理模型(principal-agent model),研究企業併購雙方在「資訊不對稱」下,利用「雙方道德風險模型」(double-sided moral hazard model)的建立,規劃最適的支付方式設計,並對模型最適支付方式契約特性與影響因素作分析。設定企業併購的買方公司(the bidder)為所有人角色,目標公司(the target)為代理人角色,並且雙方公司皆為「風險趨避」的態度,以期望效用極大作為決策依據。買方公司基於「風險分散(risk- sharing)」與「契約誘因(incentives)」的考量,設計一種最適的「簡單線性支付方式」契約型態,綜合部分現金與部分股票支付的「混合性支付方式」,進行併購投資的要約行動。
分析最適支付契約的比較靜態結果。在其他條件不變之下,(1) 若買方公司風險趨避態度增加時,買方公司將提高目標公司持股比例的契約設計,增加契約誘因強度,以避免承擔過多企業併購的不確定風險;(2) 當公司價值估計變異風險增加(外在不確定風險增加),若買方公司的風險趨避係數大於目標公司的風險趨避係數時,買方公司將增加目標公司持股比例作為要約;(3) 若買方公司的努力成本增加時,買方公司愈不願意付出努力水準,傾向於提高誘因機制給目標公司增加目標公司的持股比例作要約。
修正訊息結構的假設,引入契約中加入「承諾付出一定努力」的條款,加入「買方承諾」條款時,雙方道德風險的最適契約設計可以簡化為單方道德風險模型。加入「雙方承諾」的條款時,模型則可簡化成以「完全訊息」沒有道德風險問題的方式來分析。比較三個方面的差異:(1) 誘因強度大小的比較:在單方道德風險下,最適目標公司持股比例契約,將大於雙方道德風險模型下設計的最適契約;雙方道德模型則需視彼此道德風險問題的抵換,誘因強度不一定大於完全訊息模型。(2) 比較靜態結果比較:就影響方向而言,風險趨避係數變動,對不同訊息設計影響方向皆相同;外生誤差風險變動時,單方道德風險的影響則確定為負;至於努力成本的影響方向則不變。就影響大小而言,雙方道德風險模型誘因強度敏感性則恆小於單方道德風險模型的影響;與完全訊息的敏感程度大小則不一定。(3) 雙方期望效用總和比較:在雙方道德風險模型下,最適契約符合契約雙方期望效用確定等值極大的條件。
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都市更新權利變換制度的委託代理、產權結構與契約關係之研究 / A study on the principal-agent relationship, structure of property rights,and the contractual relationship of rights transformation system for urban renewal卓輝華, Cho, Hui Hua Unknown Date (has links)
此外,同一更新單元之土地權利人與實施者,具有短期且為一次性合作的特性,依現行都市更新法律規範,交易雙方以簽訂同意書做為實施都市更新事業的關鍵契約,由於契約簽定後,交易雙方所投入的特殊投資比例不相同,因而普遍引起期初契約簽署的遲疑,甚而契約簽定後,仍有權利義務不明確之爭議。本論文透過不完全契約理論的思維,探討分析土地權利人與實施者的契約關係與特殊投資關係,並建議一個新的交易契約模式,以降低雙方之機會主義行為,進而希能促進都市更新事業之推動。 / In the process of rights transformation of urban renewal, the relationships between land owners and the implementers are the typical Principal-Agent Relationship in modern economic activities. Based on the related rights and obligations under the regulations of urban renewal, land owners and the implementers execute urban renewal business. Due to the differences of asymmetric information, inconsistent goals, and risk preference, the decision-making and/or actions of implementers based on the opportunism, will often unfavorable to the benefits of land owners. Therefore, the problem of Principal-Agent Relationship arises that increases agent cost. Both sides cannot generate the foundation of highly mutual trust, and thus creates the major reason of delaying and inefficiency for urban renewal. This paper studies and analyzes the Principal-Agent Relationship of both land owners and the implementers from both sides with their interaction of contract under unban renewal regulation mechanism, and further from the land owners perspective to design ways of monitoring to protect rights and benefits of land owners, to facilitate the implementation of urban renewal business.
When the land owners and the implementers organize as a「Production Team」on a very urban renewal unit, the land owners initially hold stronger control rights on both proposing step and agreement step; along the implementers hold agreement letters exceeding the official threshold of urban renewal regulations, they will control better execution rights, and the landowners hold weaker surveillance control rights. The current value allocation of rights transformation for urban renewal employs common sharing of expenses with the implementers. After deducting the common sharing of the discounted price substitute payment of the land and buildings after the rights transformation, the remaining lands and buildings shall be allocated to the original landowners according to the rights value proportion before each piece of land rights was transformed. In so doing, the land owners obtain most of the residual claim. Under such separation of the control rights and the residual claim, whether the value allocation of the rights transformation is as suitable arrangement for property rights? Will it be the incentives to the urban renewal participants? Whether it will facilitate the efficiency of urban renewal promotion? These are the main points of the analysis of this paper.
Land owners and the implementers with the same Renewal Unit retain a short-term and once-for-all cooperative nature. According to the regulations of current Urban Renewal Act, both parties of the transaction by signing an agreement as the key contract of implementing urban renewal business. After signing up the contract, due to the different ratio of specific investment input by both sides of the transaction, the initial contract thus normally has been delaying or doubtfully signed. Even worse, after eventually signing the contract, there are still uncertain disputes on rights and obligations. Via the thoughts of Incomplete Contracts Theory, this paper not only analyzes the contractual relationship and the specific investment relationship of land owners and the implementers, but also recommends a new transaction contract model to decrease the opportunism behaviors of both sides, and further more, to facilitate the implement of urban renewal business.
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政府網站資訊公開的委託代理分析 / A principal-agent analysis of government websites information disclosure羅晉, Lo, Chin Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本研究揭示了代理理論應用於政府治理的價值,並檢證政府資訊公開、績效和課責等三項治理要件的關聯。研究成果可彌補實務與研究的落差,並對相關文獻做出貢獻。 / In recent years, governments from around the world have adopted Freedom of Information Act to increase transparency in their governance. With advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs), e-Government has been seen as a cost-effective and possible mean to promote openness and transparency.
Taiwan’s efforts to develop e-Government services have been well-recognized; especially, have made remarkable advantages among developing countries. Nevertheless, most of the existing researches in evaluating e-Government service are based on supply-side indicators and often assess websites alone; as yet, little information is available on the demand aspect of e-Government.
The paper aims to explore the potential and practice of government website information disclosure in terms of the perspective of end user and government agencies. The results show the significance of three aspects in information disclosure of Taiwanese government websites through the application of quantitative and qualitative methodology, including self-administered questionnaire, website evaluation, individual interview, and focus group interview. First, government website information disclosure benefits the revelation of government information, manifestation of multi-agent relationships in internal and external governance of government, and alleviation of partial ageny problems. Second, government website information disclosure enhances revealing and measuring the performance of government agencies; nevertheless, in which the effectiveness is limited due to the absence of institutional incentives. Third, under the circumstances of unsound institution, the effectiveness of accountability has difficulties to be thoroughly realized through government website information disclosure.
In sum, the finding contributes to a valuable reference for other countries in implementing information transparency of e-Government, and has significant implications for policy makers, government agencies, and system designers.
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När företaget är borta - dansar agenterna på bordet? : En studie om hur svenska små- och medelstora företag kan kontrollera sin agent på den internationella marknaden.Luong, Melinda, Rådmark, Frida, Sjögren, Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
Globalisering har möjliggjort för svenska företag att expandera utomlands och etablera sig påinternationella marknader. Det största hindret för små- och medelstora företag (SMFs) i ainternationaliseringsprocess är avsaknad av finansiella medel och kunskap om den nyamarknaden. På grund av detta är användandet av en utlandsbaserad agent ett bra alternativ. Enagent har en god lokal marknadskunskap och representerar en etableringsform som är mindrekostsam i jämförelse med etableringen av ett dotterbolag. Med hänsyn till detta äranvändandet av en agent ett vanligt tillvägagångssätt bland internationaliserande SMFs.Samtidigt drivs företaget och dess agent av olika mål på grund av skillnader i egenintresse.Trots att en agent är anlitad i syfte att arbeta i enighet med företagets ambitioner, kan denneha ett egenintresse som kolliderar med företaget. Det är därför nödvändigt för företag attskydda det egna intresset genom implementering av olika kontrollsystem. I denna studie harvi använt oss av principal- agentteorin i syfte att förklara förhållandet mellan svenska SMFsoch dess agenter. Utöver detta undersöker vi även hur svenska SMFs kan kontrollera sinautlandsagenter. För att undersöka detta har vi formulerat följande forskningsfrågor: “Hur kanprincipal-agenteorin tillämpas i syfte att beskriva uppdragsrelationen mellan svenska SMFoch dess agent på den internationella marknaden?” samt ”Hur kan svenska SMFs styra attdess agent på den internationella marknaden arbetar enligt företagets önskemål?”. I syfte attbesvara dessa forskningsfrågor har det insamlats och bearbetats teoretiskt material, vilketutgjort underlag för den semistrukturerade intervjuguide som besvarats av studiensintervjupersoner. Detta har resulterat i en analys följt av slutsats där forskningsfrågornabesvaras. Studien avslutas med rekommendationer till framtida forskning. / Globalization has enabled firms to expand abroad and enter international markets. The mainobstacle for small and medium-sized firms in their internationalization-process is the lack offinancial resources and local market knowledge. Therefore, the use of an offshore agent is agood option. An agent holds good local market knowledge and represents an establishmentform that is less costly, compared to the start-up of a subsidiary. Hence, the use of an agent isa common approach amongst internationalized small and medium-sized firms (SME’s).Simultaneously, a firm and its agent are driven by different ambitions due to divergence intheir self-interests. Although an agent is hired to work in unity with the firm’s ambitions, itmay hold a self-interest that collides with the firm’s objectives. Therefore, it is vital for firmsto protect their own interests by implementing different mechanisms that can control theagent. In this study, the principal-agent theory has been applied in order to explain therelationship between Swedish SME’s and their agents. Additionally, it has been investigatedhow Swedish SME’s are able to control their offshore agents on the international market. Toexamine this, the following two research questions have been formulated: “How can theprincipal-agent theory be applied to describe the relation between Swedish SME’s and theiragent on the international market?” and “How can Swedish SME’s control that their agent onthe international market are working in unity with the firm’s requests?” In order to answerthese two questions, theoretical material has been collected and processed in order toformulate the basis of the semi-structured interview guide that has been answered by therespondents. This has resulted in an analysis followed by a conclusion where the researchquestions are answered.
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Korruption und Anreize. Einflussfaktoren auf Korruption und organisationsinterne InterventionsmöglichkeitenKannemann, Fabian 24 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Korruption lässt sich als ökonomische Austauschbeziehung mit den Akteuren Prinzipal, Agent und Klient darstellen. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welche Faktoren das Ausmaß der Schädigung des Prinzipals durch Korruption beeinflussen und mit welchen Mitteln der Prinzipal entgegen steuern kann. Neben den Auswirkungen von Kontrollen, Strafandrohung, kulturellen und individuellen Faktoren wird insbesondere der Einfluss der Entlohnungsgestaltung untersucht. Die Zusammenhänge werden mit Hilfe formaler Modelle dargestellt und durch eine Auswertung empirischer Untersuchungen ergänzt.
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Upphandling inom offentlig sektor : konkurrensutsättning inom Region Gotland / Procurement within public sector : competitive tendering within Region GotlandGardelin, Patrik, Hallgren, Jerry January 2011 (has links)
Andelen konkurrensutsatt offentlig verksamhet har ökat i jämn takt sedan början av 1990-talet, och utvecklingen har både sina förespråkare och kritiker. När det gäller de stora partierna inom de olika politiska blocken, är konsensus numera att konkurrensutsättning är här för att stanna, skiljelinjen ligger mer på hur stor andel av den offentliga verksamheten som skall konkurrensutsättas. Även bristen på en genomlysning och uppföljning av konkurrensutsatta verksamheter har väckt kritik. Kostnadseffektivitet är det som förespråkas vid konkurrensutsättning och används som syfte till att anlita privata eller korporativa aktörer etc., för att bedriva en tidigare offentlig verksamhet på ett mer företagsekonomiskt effektivt sätt. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur Region Gotland använder sig av konkurrensutsättning och upphandling för att nå en företagsekonomisk effektivitet i sin verksamhet, och jämföra det empiriska underlaget mot tillgängliga teoretiska källor. För uppsatsen har följande två frågeställningar valts som uppsatsens problemformulering: (1) På vilket sätt genomförs konkurrensutsättning för att uppnå företagsekonomisk effektivitet i offentlig verksamhet? (2) I vilken omfattning sker uppföljning av verksamheter för att kontrollera att tilldelade resurser används på bästa sätt? Uppsatsen visade inte på något otvetydigt klargörande när det gäller ekonomisk vinst vid konkurrensutsättning, eftersom uppföljning och utvärdering av upphandlade verksamheter inte sker i den utsträckning som vore önskvärd. Detta skapar problem med att dra några konkreta slutsatser om det råder någon ekonomisk skillnad, ifall verksamheten bedrivs i offentlig eller privat regi, det blir mer ett antagande än bevisad kunskap. Det framkom även att den byråkratisering som medföljer vid konkurrensutsättning innebär ökad kostnad för det offentliga, och det är inte alltid som effektiviseringarna motsvarar omkostnaderna. Ingen av respondenterna ansåg att konkurrensutsättning är ett felaktigt förfarande utan det behövs mer tid för att bygga upp kunskapen, och att därmed fullt ut utnyttja upphandlingen som ett ekonomiskt instrument. Skiljepunkten mellan respondenterna är snarare hur användandet av konkurrensutsättning bör användas för att gynna Region Gotland och det lokala näringslivet. Flertalet av de anbudsförfaranden som har utfallit med bra resultat, är inom områden där konkurrensutsättning har använts under längre tid, och ”trial and error” är en av förklaringarna som uppsatsen har kommit fram till. Storleken på förfrågningsunderlagen är betydelsefullt, för att öka antalet anbud och därmed konkurrensen. Vilket i sin tur minskar risken för oligopol - eller monopol - ställning för något enstaka storföretag. Antalet anbud ger också en prispress vilket för det offentliga kan betyda större ”effektivitetsvinster”. / The proportion of Swedish public sector exposed to competitive tendering has increased steadily since the early 1990s. This development or progress has its proponents as well as critics. As for the major parties in the two political blocs, there is now a consensus that competitive tendering is here to stay. The dividing line is more on what proportion of the public sector to be opened to competition. The purpose of this thesis was to examine how The Region of Gotland uses the competitive tendering and procurement to achieve business efficiency in their activities, and compare the empirical basis in relation to the available theoretical sources. For our thesis the following questions are chosen: In what way are implementations of competitive tendering used in order to achieve business efficiency within the public sector? To what extent is monitoring of public sector to ensure that allocated resources are used as intended in the best way? The empirical data shows that there is no straight line in terms of financial results of competitive tendering, as the monitoring and evaluation of procurement activities does not occur to the extent needed. For the same reason a comparison with financial outcome of public operation would become more an assumption than proved knowledge. Areas where a tender procedure has turned out with good results are mostly, in areas where competition has been used for a long time. Our conclusion is that time is needed to develop knowledge of good practice and examples. The size of the tender specifications is important, to increase the number of tender and thus competition. This in turn reduces the risk of monopoly. The number of tenders also provides a downward pressure in prices which can mean greater “efficiency gains”.
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