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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hivprevention - en rätt(vis) fördelning av statsanslaget? : Diskurser om homo-, bisexuella och andra män som har sex med män

Lindberg, Annika January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how different discourses about risk linked to HIV prevention is likely to affect the decisions on the distribution of state funding for preventive activities aimed at 'men who have sex with men' (MSM). This by making qualitative interviews with principals that have an impact on this decision. Using a discourse analytic approach, based on both theoretical and methodological foundations, I investigate the discursive constructions of risk of HIV linked to certain groups and behaviors. MSM is found in the material placed into two different formations of groups, on one hand by the behavior on the other hand on the basis of identity. The identity position is organized discursively from a “victim” position while MSM provides an "operator" position. MSM is thus incompatible with the victim's position needed to be taken into account in the allocation of HIV prevention funds. On this basis I argue that the impact of heteronormativity, combined with an unwillingness to stigmatize, threatens to make HIV prevention ineffective when it is distributed on a different premise than epidemiological trends.

Vem får höras? : En diskursiv analys av RFSL:s konstruerande av sexsäljare

Ferhatovic Höglund, Jasminé January 2020 (has links)
This essay aims to examine how RFSL (the swedish national association for sexual orientations) is constructing sexsellers by looking at how sexsellers are described in one of RFSL’s texts. The method used in this paper is Fairclough's discourse analysis which will be applied on one text from the website of RFSL. With this method it is possible to study the textual, the discursive and the social practices of the chosen text. The theoretical framework will be Foucault's power theory, the normalization principle and Gayle Rubin’s charmed circle. The result of this study shows that RFSL is forming discourses which construct sexsellers as either voluntary or involuntary. A voluntary sexseller includes sexsellers who see themselves as sexworkers or people who sell sexual services. By speaking of sexsellers as voluntary, RFSL is forming both a liberal feminist point of view but also a postfeminist point of view, and by speaking of sexsellers as involuntary a radical feminist point of view is formed. Therefore RFSL allows three kinds of sexsellers to be heard in their text: a working, a voluntary and an exposed sexseller.

Tusen bilder, tusen ord. Ett socialt kreativitetsprojekt med unga hbtq-personer

Mörkberg, Elin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the essay is to explore how so called ”safe spaces” are built, and the part that creativity can play in this construction. The essay also explores the duality of idea-based social work that at the same time strives to support vulnerable groups and strives to make social and political changes. The essay has its empirical base in the RFSL Ungdom project ”Tusen bilder, tusen ord” (A thousand pictures, a thousand words). RFSL Ungdom is the Swedish youth organization for homosexual, bisexual and transgender rights. The object of ”Tusen bilder, tusen ord” is to increase psychological well-being amongst queer youth under the age of 26 by providing a safe space where they can meet, and by encouraging their creative expressions in various workshops which are led by queer-identified artists. The essay is conducted through semi-structural interviews with participants in the project, and through participating observations of some of the workshops. Its theoretical base is previous research in the concept of safe spaces, strategies of resistance, and creativity. The result shows that the safe space ”Tusen bilder, tusen ord” is constructed in various ways, for example identification with each other and a ”queer identity” and through the trust that participants in the project felt towards the organization RFSL Ungdom. The creative expressions established an air of openness and understanding in the group, and also served as ways to reshape and transform the heteronormative surroundings, through the project's art-exhibition, and through the inner queer fantasy space bricolage.

"Jag vägrar sätta in mig i en norm!" : En studie av "BRYT! - ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet"

Sandegård, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this essay I examine how the norm-critical material <em>”BRYT! ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet”</em> is used by Hyresgästföreningen in Stockholm in their education of personnel in the perspective of equalisation. I’ve mostly been interested in how the personnel who takes part in workshops about the material react and reflect in relation to the purpose of the material. How do they discuss about norms and the connection to discrimination and how do they look upon the power and responsibility that comes with power in relation to norms?  Earlier research in norm critical pedagogy and the critic of tolerans pedagogy perspective helps me to analyse how critical pedagogy stands above non-critical pedagogy in many perspectives.</p><p>By observing workshops and by interviewing personnels taking part in these workshops I’ve examined how they react on both the practical and theoretical parts of the material.</p><p>To summarise my examination I find the personnel who is educated in working with the material discover new experiences in knowledge and on how norms and discrimination functions. They explain that they have experienced knowledge about the connection between norms and discrimination and thereby how oppression could be counteracted and prevented.</p>

"Jag vägrar sätta in mig i en norm!" : En studie av "BRYT! - ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet"

Sandegård, Frida January 2009 (has links)
In this essay I examine how the norm-critical material ”BRYT! ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet” is used by Hyresgästföreningen in Stockholm in their education of personnel in the perspective of equalisation. I’ve mostly been interested in how the personnel who takes part in workshops about the material react and reflect in relation to the purpose of the material. How do they discuss about norms and the connection to discrimination and how do they look upon the power and responsibility that comes with power in relation to norms?  Earlier research in norm critical pedagogy and the critic of tolerans pedagogy perspective helps me to analyse how critical pedagogy stands above non-critical pedagogy in many perspectives. By observing workshops and by interviewing personnels taking part in these workshops I’ve examined how they react on both the practical and theoretical parts of the material. To summarise my examination I find the personnel who is educated in working with the material discover new experiences in knowledge and on how norms and discrimination functions. They explain that they have experienced knowledge about the connection between norms and discrimination and thereby how oppression could be counteracted and prevented.

"Det är normerna vi tampas med!" : Hbtq-certifieringens inverkan på svenskundervisning i mellanstadiet / "The norms are what we are contending with!" : The effects of LGBTQ-certifications on Swedish teaching in middle schooling

Andersson, Pernilla January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om svenskundervisning ur ett hbtq-perspektiv i fyra olika grundskolor, varav två är hbtq-certifierade, samt att dessutom närmare undersöka lärares kunskaper om och upplevelse av att arbeta med hbtq-perspektiv i svenskundervisning. Jag har studerat hur lärarna arbetade, vilka som representerades i läromedlen och i klassrumsmiljöerna, hur klassrummen var möblerade samt hur eleverna var grupperade. Fyra skolor, varav två genomgått RFSL:s hbtq-certifiering, ingår i undersökningen. Studien visar att det råder brist på kunskap om hbtq hos två av de fyra lärarna. Normkritiskt arbetssätt är inte något som praktiseras kontinuerligt förutom av en lärare som ibland hade inslag av normkritiskt arbete. Ingen av de fyra lärarna hade berört hbtq under sina lärarutbildningar. Slutsatsen av mitt arbete är att det krävs en kompetenshöjning när det gäller hbtq-relaterade frågor hos personal som jobbar i skolan. Att hbtq-certifiera verksamheten verkar inte ge bestående effekt; det krävs uppföljning och kontinuerligt arbete för att ändra på de starka normer som råder i samhället. Då styrdokumenten tydligt förespråkar en inkludering av alla elever oavsett kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionsnedsättning, sexuell läggning eller ålder borde kraven på kompetenshöjning i ett normkritiskt arbetssätt komma via styrning uppifrån för att nå ett snabbare resultat. / The purpose of this article is to study four primary school teachers and how they work with LGBTQ-perspectives. Four schools, of which two are LGBTQ-certified by RFSL, are included in this study. The study reveals a lack of knowledge regarding LBTQ issues in three out of the four teachers. Norm critical practices are not continuously applied by the teachers in their work, with the exception of one who does apply them. None of the teachers had come in to contact with LGBTQ through their own education. The conclusion I have drawn from my work on this article is that an improvement of competence concerning LGBTQ related issues among personnel working in school environments is required. LGBTQ-certification does not seem to come with a lasting effect; follow-ups and continuous work are required to change the strong norms that are currently present in society. As Skolverket clearly advocates for the inclusion of all students, regardless of gender, cross-gender identity or expression, ethnic background, religion or other faith, disability, sexual orientation, or age, the requirements of competency improvement regarding the application of norm critical practices should come through guidance from above to assure quick results.

Tjejer å Tjejer / Girls an´ Girls

Hanna, Eriksson, Marcus, Gerhardsson, Martina, Lindström, Parmis, Pour Noroozy January 2003 (has links)
Tjejer å Tjejer är en dokumentär med ungdomar i åldern 14-17 år som målgrupp. Produktionen har gjorts i samarbete med SVT, Sveriges Television, Växjö. Med filmen vill vi visa unga homosexuella tjejer, eller som de medverkande benämner det flator. Vi vill visa dessa i sina sociala sammanhang. Att vara lesbisk och ung betyder inte att man måste leva annorlunda. För att finna våra karaktärer sökte vi i hela södra Sverige. Vi tog hjälp av diverse organisationer, som RFSL och EKHO. Genom vår casting kom vi i kontakt med många intressanta människor.

Från frigörelse till folkfest : En kritisk diskursanalys av Prideparaden i Svenska Dagbladet

Simander, Cecilia, Agelou, Elisabet January 2019 (has links)
Prideparaden är kulmen för det som kallas Stockholms Pridefestival. Det är ett årligt evenemang och lockar många människor för att både delta och åskåda. Paraden är unik på så sätt att den har ett politiskt syfte som når ut genom glädje och festligheter. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka och analysera hur Prideparaden har gestaltats i Svenska Dagbladets nyhetsrapportering mellan åren 1979-2018, men också hur diskursen haft en påverkan på gestaltningens förändring. Frågeställningarna behandlar vilka skillnader och likheter det finns gällande vilka ämnen som betonas och vilka aktörer som omtalas i artiklarna, samt vilken förändring vi kan se i rapporteringens gestaltning över tid rörande Prideparaden i relation till diskursen. Metoden som används är en kritisk diskursanalys, där totalt 14 artiklar analyseras. Urvalet är begränsat till artiklar som enbart rör paraden. Därefter görs en komparativ analys av resultatet. Studiens resultat visar att det finns skillnader i vilka ämnen som betonas samt vilka aktörer som får komma till tals. Gällande diskursens påverkan på framförallt rapporteringen besvaras detta genom en diskussion då det inte går att dra några generella slutsatser kring resultatet.

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