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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The study of Optimal Asset Allocation of Banks after Asset-backed Securitization and write off NPL with secreturization

Yen, Tsung-Yu 30 May 2003 (has links)
In the financial industry , typical indirect-financial institution attracts deposit, inter-bank loan, or issuing negotiable certificate of time deposit and bonds.¡@After collecting money from excess capital units through auditing procedure then loan to the needed parties as a financial intermediary in the market. The roles of financial institutions such as banks are acting as a financial intermediary by providing buy-sell funding to enterprises or individuals. Those banks actually take whole funding liquidity risk to exchange main resource of bank¡¦s profitability. Once failure in managing risk or facing dynamically financial environment changing, bank may engage in difficulty and cause serious financial crisis. Comparison with large international financial institutions, our financial institutions hold a lot of NPL (Non-Performing Loan; Taiwan major NPL almost came from mortgage), it not only lower the liquidity of fund, longer payment duration but also raise operation risk can¡¦t recover financial assets. The quality of asset has also been worse off rapidly. These phenomena raise financial institution operation risk and influence stability of financial system and development of financial environment. With the financial environment is changing, those developed countries mostly adopted structured finance or financial asset securitization methods. The purpose of financial asset securitization in general is to raise fund for originator. Originator is the most important participant on the securitization process. The originators pool and reorganize those assets, which could create cash flow into small-amount unit security and sell to the investors. By this way originator don¡¦t have to wait till maturity and buyback those securities. That is why by using financial asset securitization will help financial institution to improve asset/liability management, spread asset risk and increase the ratio of equity to assets. At the same time, this will improve the effect and efficiency of finance institution¡¦s operating and open up the funding market. Mortgage securitization can raise banks¡¦ capital adequacy and current ratio. By way of asset securitization, the originators enjoy higher asset liquidity, lower funding cost, and improved capital ratio; while investors can use mortgage-backed securities to diversity their portfolios, improve liquidity and enhance yields. For originators, securitization is not only lower the cost of capital, increase the net profit but also enhances the liquidity of cash and balances the assets¡¦ structure. Assets-backed securitization has been prevailed in USA for years. It effectively controls the NPL (Non-performing Loans) problem and stabilizes financial management. Through financial asset securitization optimal asset allocation model, this thesis has the following finding: 1. Financial market funding supply shows multiple effects after Banking Financial asset securitization. In the initial stage of securitization, banks will lower risky assets and then will increase to original size. 2. After Financial asset securitization, a capital adequate ratio will rise first then become normal level. 3. Under assumption that financial asset securitization does not create any capital gain or loss; bank will lower profitability at initial stage. Then after a while, profitability will increase dramatically later. 4. After consideration of risk, this research discovers that securitization wills steeper Capital Allocation Line. It means every risk taking will compensate higher return. Improve Banking efficiency and profitability. Securitization provides a groundbreaking tool to increase profitability and avoid risk. Under MBS structure, the commissions and fees, absolutely out of risk, is major and stable income of the bank. On the other hand, the successful development of USA RTC implement is another contribution to resolve NPL. In sum, financial asset securitization not only accelerates the efficiency of financial institutions for more balance capital markets but also avoids financial risk in the banking system. At present, the prime theme of he banking sector should be how to maintain sound operations by strengthening credit risk management and restructure assets quality. Introducing successful external professional partner system is another way to deal with NPL problems.

Essays in Empirical Finance

Milonas, Kristoffer January 2015 (has links)
This thesis contains three self-contained chapters, covering different subjects but using similar methods: The Effect of Foreclosure Laws on Securitization: Evidence from U.S. States shows that mortgage loans are less likely to be securitized in states with costlier foreclosure procedures. I interpret this in light of prior literature showing a higher foreclosure risk for securitized loans, due to unwillingness to renegotiate by the agents working on behalf of investors. Moreover, the magnitude of the effect increases for loans with higher risk of default, and disappears for loans where state foreclosure laws usually do not apply. Do daughters make family firms more sustainable? studies listed companies with a family owning a large block of shares, and asks how the family composition affects the company’s policies. Creating a novel Swedish data set, I find that environmental performance improves when the family has more daughters. The effect does not seem to operate through more adult daughters leading to more female CEOs or board members, or through the appointment of family members as CEOs. Bank taxes, leverage and risk uses staggered changes in US state-level bank taxation, and documents an increase in leverage when taxes are raised. Banks partly dampen the effect by adjusting their Tier 2 capital (a lower-quality form of regulatory capital that is less able to absorb losses), and by reducing the risk on the asset side of the balance sheet as measured by regulators. / <p>Diss. Stockholm :  Stockholm School of Economics, 2015. Introduction together with 3 papers</p>

Les enjeux de sécurité dans l'Arctique contemporain Le cas du Canada et de la Norvège

Perreault, François 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’analyser la nature et l’ampleur des enjeux de sécurité dans l’Arctique contemporain en utilisant les outils offerts par la théorie de la sécurisation de l’École de Copenhague. Cinq secteurs de sécurité – militaire, politique, identitaire, environnemental et économique – et quatre variables – la géographie, l’identité, l’histoire et la politique – sont utilisées pour examiner les perceptions de sécurité, les sécurisations et les comportements stratégiques du Canada et de la Norvège. La 1re hypothèse avancée dans ce mémoire est la suivante : depuis 2005, au Canada et en Norvège, nous sommes en train d’assister à une sécurisation progressive des enjeux non militaires dans l’Arctique - politiques, identitaires, environnementaux et économiques - et les effets entre ces secteurs de sécurité ont d’importantes conséquences sur le secteur militaire, notamment au niveau de la multiplication de projets étatiques pour la plupart essentiellement militaires, ainsi qu’au niveau d’un déclenchement d’une sécurisation de leur intégrité territoriale ou du moins un accroissement de l’insécurité à son égard. La 2e hypothèse avancée est la suivante : les nouvelles perceptions de sécurité et les comportements stratégiques des États de la région engendrent de l’insécurité à l’intérieur des sociétés ainsi qu’une dégradation de la confiance entre les acteurs étatiques. Cela a pour effet d’augmenter la division politique dans l’Arctique et de ralentir toute construction régionale. Nous concluons, sur la base de nos études de cas, qu’au Canada, la souveraineté, la nordicité et l’intégrité territoriale sont perçues comme étant menacées. De plus, les sécurisations dans l’Arctique semblent faire partie d’un renouvellement stratégique global en matière de politique étrangère et de défense. En Norvège, la Russie est considérée comme l’acteur principal du High North et à partir de 2008, la relation russo-norvégienne a subi une sécurisation. Contrairement au Canada, la Norvège préfère le statu quo stratégique dans l’Arctique en privilégiant les trois éléments traditionnels de sa politique de défense et de sécurité - la dissuasion par l’OTAN, la gestion de la Russie par l’assurance, et l’amélioration des relations est-ouest. / This thesis aims to analyse the nature and the scale of the security issues in the contemporary Arctic by utilising the tools offered by the securitization theory of the Copenhagen School. Five security sectors – military, political, identity, environmental and political – and four variables – geography, identity, history and politics – are used to examine the perceptions, the securitizations and the strategic behaviour of Canada and Norway. The first hypothesis put forward in our paper is as follows: since 2005, in Canada and in Norway, we are witnessing in the Arctic progressive securitizations of non military issues – political, identity, environmental and economical – and the cross-sectoral effects have important consequences on the military sector, such as, an increase in state projects that have mostly military components, as well as on the securitization of their territorial integrity or at least on the insecurity towards it. Our second hypothesis is as follows: the new security perceptions and the strategic behaviour of the regional States increases the insecurities within their societies and have negative effects on confidence between state actors. This increases the political divisions and slows down any regional construction. We conclude that in Canada, their sovereignty, their nordicity and their territorial integrity are perceived to be threatened. These securitizations also seem to be part of a radical global strategic change in matters pertaining to their foreign and defence policies. In Norway, Russia is perceived to be the main actor in the High North and since 2008, their bilateral relation has become securitized. As opposed to Canada, Norway seems to prefer the status quo in matters pertaining to their foreign and defence policies. The three traditional elements of their defence and security policy are applied – deterrence through NATO, but reassurance of the Russians and efforts to enhance East-West relations.


侯立洋, Hou,Li-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年臺灣發行第一件資產證券化商品以來,整體證券化市場發展快速,在可預見的未來,臺灣資產證券化將迅速普及。不過,就一般而言,間接金融與直接金融間似有替代關係,亦即資產證券化可能產生金融逆中介現象。因此,本文的研究目的即在於探討資產證券化對臺灣銀行業放款之影響為何。   本文以2001年第4季至2004年第4季臺灣銀行業將其資產予以證券化的不平衡追蹤資料,搭配固定效果模型的估計,實證研究發現,從臺灣短暫的資產證券化經驗來看,資產證券化的增加確實會造成銀行放款量的相對減少(放款餘額占資產之比率下降),即臺灣實施資產證券化後,產生金融逆中介現象。長期而言,直接金融(含資產證券化)的增加將造成銀行放款成長率趨緩,以及銀行放款餘額占資產之比率下降,但此並不意味資產證券化的普及,將造成銀行總放款量減少,而降低銀行體系金融中介的功能。   另外,透過固定效果模型,發現其他因素對銀行放款之影響如下:(1)銀行逾期放款比率雖與放款呈負向關係,但並不顯著。意即銀行在逾期放款比率增減時,並不會特別調整放款餘額占資產之比率。(2)銀行淨值與放款之關係亦不顯著。表示銀行淨值增加時,放款可能只會與其他資產同步增加,而不會因此特別擴大其占資產之比率。(3)房價指數的係數為顯著正值。顯示擔保品價值愈高時,銀行愈願意辦理放款。(4)其他直接金融存量(扣除資產證券化)的係數為顯著負值。顯示直接金融與間接金融存在明顯替代關係。(5)國內生產毛額與銀行放款之關係不顯著。表示國內生產毛額增加時,銀行放款可能只會與銀行其他資產同步增加,而不會因此特別擴大其占資產之比率。   在控制其他解釋變數後,計算各樣本銀行的特質效果(即放款餘額占資產之比率),發現除了放款餘額占資產之比率較高者,逐漸降低該比率外,其餘銀行並無特定趨勢。因此,似可推論出銀行放款餘額占資產比率的高低,與銀行本身之經營策略有關,致使該比率在不同銀行間有不同水準。 / The entire securitization market has been evolving rapidly since the first asset securitization product was issued in Taiwan in 2003. In the foreseeable future, asset securitization in Taiwan will become prevalent. However, there seems to be a substitution relationship between direct finance and indirect finance; that is, financial disintermediation may emerge as a result of asset securitization. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the effects of asset securitization on bank loans in Taiwan. Based on the unbalanced panel data of the asset securitization of banks in Taiwan from Q4 2001 to Q4 2004 along with the estimates from the fixed-effects model, it is found in this study that, judging from Taiwan’s brief experience in asset securitization, an increase in asset securitization does indeed bring about a relative decline in the amount of loans (a decreased ratio of loan balance in assets). In other words, financial disintermediation has arisen with asset securitization in Taiwan. From a long-term perspective, increment of direct finance (including asset securitization) will lead to retarded growth in bank loans as well as a lower ratio of loan balance in assets. This, however, may not necessarily imply that the popularization of asset securitization would result in a decrease in the amount of bank loans or weaken the financial intermediation function of the banking system. In addition, effects of other factors on bank loans found via the fixed-effect model are as follows: (1) Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio and bank loans have an inverse relationship, albeit insignificant. This means that banks do not usually adjust the ratio of loan balance in assets in accordance with their NPL ratios. (2) The relationship between the net worth of banks and the amount of loans is insignificant as well. This indicates that the amount of loans would only rise with other assets as the net worth of banks increases; the ratio of loan balance in assets will not be specifically elevated. (3) The coefficient of Housing Price Index is significantly positive, indicating that the higher value a collateral has, the more a bank is willing to release a loan. (4) The coefficient of other stock of the direct finance (excluding asset securitization) is significantly negative, which reveals an obvious substitution relationship between direct finance and indirect finance. (5) The relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and bank loans is insignificant, which indicates that the amount of bank loans would only rise with other bank assets as GDP increases; the ratio of loan balance in assets will not be elevated accordingly. As other explanatory variables are under control, the results gained from computing the specific effects (the ratio of loan balance in assets) of each sample (bank) show that only those with a higher ratio of loan balance in assets are found gradually reducing the radio. Such a trend is not found in others. Consequently, it can be inferred that the ratio of loan balance in assets depends on the business strategy of the bank itself, which results in different levels of the ratios among different banks.

Ryssland - En säker granne eller en anledning till "Motståndskraft"? : En diskursanalys av Försvarsberedningens representation av Ryssland 2003-2017 / Russia - A secure neighbor or a reason for "Resilience"? : A discourse analysis of the Swedish Defense Commissions representation of Russia 2003-2017

Hermansson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
When Sweden 2017 changed the risk valuation of an armed attack against Sweden from not likely to that it can’t be ruled out, it got the swedish peoples and medias attention. Russia has during the last centuries had an extensive impact in Swedish security and defense politics. This study examine if there has been any change in the Swedish representation of Russia and as a consequence may have affected the risk assessment. By analyze the discourse in four reports by the Swedish Defence Commission with the method of framing this study will use the theory of securitization developed by Barry Buzan, Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde as it advocates a wide concept of security. Securitization is the process in which an actor turns a subject into a matter of security. The study finds evidence that the representation of Russia in the Swedish discourse has changed for the worse and it is possible that it has affected the changed risk assessment.

Influência das taxas de juros e do canal de crédito na formação de um mercado secundário de hipotecas no Brasil

Wilson, Peter Edward Côrtes Marsden 29 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T21:00:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4 Peter Edward Cortes Marsden Wilson.pdf.jpg: 18180 bytes, checksum: 378f62fa4a444505d0f66bffd5fa1114 (MD5) Peter Edward Cortes Marsden Wilson.pdf.txt: 94511 bytes, checksum: 0e509be89e8a539fe7af330bd2a759ff (MD5) Peter Edward Cortes Marsden Wilson.pdf: 520574 bytes, checksum: 626902cd5204fca2d18806d0bca5ed92 (MD5) license.txt: 4886 bytes, checksum: 46df1399d9b47500d98a7ac731adf80e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-29T00:00:00Z / This paper aims to analyze the decline of interest rate and the credit channel mechanism for propelling the secondary mortgage market in Brazil. The macroeconomic stability coupled with falling interest rates and new regulatory framework adopted in 2004, especially to leverage the sector of construction, served as a kick start for the rapid expansion of credit, with attention to real estate. It has established the initial and essential condition, but not sufficient, for creating a secondary market for mortgages in Brazil. In order to find empirical evidence and to analyze the impact of falling interest rates in the issuance of securities a auto-regression (VAR) model (developed by Lehnert, Passmore Sherlund) was used. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a queda de taxa de juros e o mecanismo de canal de crédito como propulsor do mercado secundário de hipotecas no Brasil. A estabilidade macroeconômica aliada ao movimento de queda da taxa de juros e as novas regras institucionais aprovadas em 2004, especialmente para alavancar o setor de construção civil, serviram como pontapé inicial para a expansão rápida de crédito, com atenção ao imobiliário. Formou-se assim a condição inicial necessária, mas não suficiente, para a criação de um mercado secundário de hipotecas no Brasil. Utiliza-se neste trabalho um modelo VAR desenvolvido por Lehnert, Passmore e Sherlund para estudar os impactos da queda da taxa de juros na emissão de títulos securitizados de crédito imobiliário e aumento do número de transações destes títulos.

Securitização do Crime Organizado Transnacional nos Estados Unidos na década de 1990 / Securitization of Transnational Organized Crime in the United States in the 1990s

Pereira, Paulo Jose dos Reis, 1980- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Shiguenoli Miyamoto / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T01:17:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_PauloJosedosReis_D.pdf: 1227497 bytes, checksum: d281da57cc7a47b8bc7b81c8685848fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O crime organizado transnacional (COT), apesar de seu papel crescente nas agendas de segurança nacional e internacional dos Estados desde a década de 1990, teve pouca atenção nos estudos de relações internacionais. As referências teóricas tradicionais desta área (particularmente da subárea de segurança internacional), bem como a noção estreita de criminalidade como um assunto doméstico e essencialmente jurídico, dificultaram a avaliação adequada deste novo papel assumido pelas atividades ilícitas transnacionais. Dado o pioneirismo estadunidense em tal processo, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar a alocação do COT na agenda de segurança nacional estadunidense durante o governo Clinton e alguns dos seus resultados, especialmente para a distinção entre as noções de segurança doméstica e internacional. Para tanto, fazemos uma análise documental e histórica, pautada no conceito de securitização da Escola de Copenhagen. A securitização pela qual o COT passou nos Estados Unidos pautou-se na percepção de ameaça existencial que este fenômeno criminal colocava a vários aspectos da nação, tanto sociais quanto econômicos. O "ato de fala" realizado pelo Executivo do país a partir de 1995, com a diretiva presidencial 42, foi aceito extensamente pelo público em geral e por várias elites sociais, uma audiência que conferiu legitimidade a tal processo. Três grupos de apoiadores foram particularmente importantes: a mídia, os especialistas e o Congresso estadunidense. O primeiro ajudou na disseminação da percepção de ameaça entre a população; o segundo auxiliou na quantificação e qualificação desta ameaça, fornecendo um conhecimento "cientificamente" embasado; o terceiro conferiu suporte político às iniciativas próprias do Executivo, bem como foi, ele mesmo, agente de propostas. O contexto histórico de liberalização política e econômica, o avanço tecnológico nas comunicações e transporte, bem como o fim do conflito bipolar, compôs um quadro favorável ao aumento do COT e à sua percepção como ameaça aos países e à ordem internacional nascente. No entanto, esse processo também deve ser creditado aos interesses de agências de Inteligência e aplicação da Lei estadunidenses, que, com o fim da Guerra Fria, buscaram redefinir seus papéis de proteção à nação. São expressões concretas da securitização o aumento de recursos, bem como a ênfase na ação militar e na internacionalização de atividades policiais que ocorreu com os programas de combate à criminalidade transnacional na América Latina, uma região que já era foco, desde a década de 1980, de políticas de combate ao tráfico de drogas, uma das mais importantes expressões do COT contemporâneo / Abstract: Transnational organized crime (TOC), despite its increasing role in the national and international security agendas of States since the 1990s, got little attention in studies of international relations. The traditional theoretical references in this area (particularly on international security subfield), and the narrow notion of crime as a domestic and essentially legal matter, hampered the proper assessment of this new role played by illicit transnational activities. The objective of this work is to analyze the allocation of TOC in the U.S. national security agenda during the Clinton administration, as well as to check some of its results, especially for the distinction between the notions of domestic and international security. To this end, a historical and documentary analysis, based on the Copenhagen's School concept of securitization, was done. The securitization process in which TOC has passed in the United States was based on the perception of existential threat that this criminal phenomenon posed to various aspects of the nation, both social and economic. The "speech act" carried out by the Executive of the country since 1995, with the PDD-42, was widely accepted by the general public and various social elites, an audience that gave legitimacy to this process. Three supporters groups were particularly important: the media, the experts and the U.S. Congress. The first helped the spread of threat perception among the population; the second helped to quantify and qualify this threat by providing a "scientifically" grounded knowledge; the third gave political support to the Executive initiatives and was, itself, an agent of proposals. The historical context of political and economic liberalization, technological advances in communications and transportation, as well as the end of bipolar conflict, wrote a favorable framework for the increase of TOC and its perception as a threat to countries and to the emerging international order. However, this process must also be credited to the interests of intelligence agencies and U.S. law enforcement, which, with the end of the Cold War, sought to redefine their roles in protecting the nation. The increasing of resources adressed to fight crime, the growth of military action and the internationalization of police activities that occurred in programs to combat transnational crime in Latin America are concrete expressions of securitization. In this scenery Latin America can be considereda region that was already the focus, since the 1980s, of policies to combat drug trafficking, one of the most important expressions of contemporary COT / Doutorado / Relações Internacionais / Doutor em Ciência Política

Tributação da renda imobiliária / Taxation on the real state market

Ricardo Lacaz Martins 31 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho parte da análise das normas que regem a tributação da renda no mercado imobiliário com a finalidade de possibilitar a identificação de um sistema jurídico dotado de princípios e valores próprios, que possibilite o estudo de suas normas de maneira destacada em relação às demais disposições que versam sobre a imposição da renda. Não se tem por pretensão a busca de uma autonomia das mencionadas normas; pelo contrário, o estudo parte da premissa de um único sistema jurídico, mas que pode ser estudado sob diferentes pontos de vista: um sistema que comporta subsistemas normativos, com valores e princípios próprios. Objetiva-se, assim, a identificação e posterior aproximação daquelas disposições que possuem fundamentos e princípios comuns, o que possibilitará a compreensão da extensão das previsões normativas a serem analisadas, bem como as opções efetuadas pelo legislador na produção legislativa. Antes de se efetuar o estudo das normas que versam sobre a tributação da renda imobiliária serão discutidos e apresentados os conceitos gerais necessários às análises que se seguirão. A limitação do legislador na produção legislativa é aspecto central no presente estudo. Entende-se que o sistema jurídico justo demanda uma coerência alcançada somente quando verificada a adequação valorativa das normas que o compõem e apresente unidade, por meio da observância de princípios e valores comuns, por essas mesmas normas. As normas que prevêem as imposições fiscais incidentes sobre renda no mercado imobiliário se prestarão de pano de fundo para a identificação de princípios que regem a tributação do imposto de renda nas diversas situações apresentadas. Serão, assim, objeto de análise a tributação do imposto de renda das pessoas jurídicas, tributadas pelo lucro real e pelo lucro presumido; a tributação especial das pessoas jurídicas sujeitas ao patrimônio de afetação; os rendimentos auferidos pelas pessoas físicas decorrente das atividades ligadas ao mercado imobiliário, tais como o ganho de capital na venda de imóveis e a tributação dos fundos de investimento imobiliários. Ao final da análise da legislação que versa sobre a tributação do imposto de renda nas situações acima mencionadas serão apresentados os princípios e valores escolhidos pelo legislador para a imposição da renda imobiliária. / The present arises from the analysis of principles which rule the taxation on the real estate market aiming the possibility of identifying a legal system endowed with principles and self-values and also providing an outstanding study of its rules with relation to the other provisions which deal with the income taxation. There is no intention of the search of independence from the aforementioned provisions, on the contrary, the study arises from the assumption of a unique legal system, which otherwise may be studied under different points of view, a system which involves normative sub-systems with their own values and principles. It aims, therefore, the identification and later approach to those provisions which own principles and grounds in common, providing that way, the understanding of the extension of the normative foresight to be analyzed, as well as, the legislator\'s altematives when making laws. Before the study of the principles which deal with the real estate income taxation, the general concepts needed to the analysis shall be presented and discussed. The legislator limitation to the law making shall be the central aspect of the present study. It is understood that a fair legal system demands coherence, which is just achieved when the appropriate principle values which integrate it are consolidated by the observance of the common principles and values of such principles. The rules, which provide the tax enforcement collected on the real estate income, shall be the grounds for the identification of the principles which rule the taxation on the income tax of the different situations herein presented. The corporation income tax, collected on presumed and gross profits, special corporation taxation liable to the \"patrimônio de afetação\", the earnings obtained by the individual persons regarding real estate businesses such as capital gain in property sales and the taxation on real estate funds of investments will, therefore, be the object of the analysis. After the analysis of the legislation which deals with the taxation on the income tax of the aforementioned situations, the principles and values enforced on real state earnings chosen by the legislator shall be presented.

Svenska strategiska narrativ under kalla kriget och 2010-talet : en kvalitativ textanalys av fyra regeringars deklarationer i jämförelse mellan neutralitets- och solidaritetspolitik / Swedish strategic narratives during the cold war era and the 2010:s : a qualitative text analysis of four governments' policies in comparison between neutrality and solidarity

Hammarlind, Eric January 2016 (has links)
Is the credibility of today's Swedish security policy under question? Through two world wars and the years that followed Sweden has invoked a policy of neutrality and military nonalignment. This policy has come to be perceived as an integral part of the Swedish national identity. Is it possible then that Sweden’s past and present strategic narratives could be contested? This thesis investigates whether or not there is consistency in the narratives expressed by both right wing Swedish governments and socialist Swedish governments. The narratives of both parties are examined during two separate eras of history; the Cold War era of the 1980s is compared with the current more globalized era of the 2010s. A constructivist perspective is utilized in the analysis and a narrative analysis is applied. The results show that there has been significant consistency in the narratives of Swedish security policy from both right wing and socialist governments. There is much greater variation shown between the two eras than there is between the two parties themselves. / Är dagens svenska säkerhetspolitik trovärdig eller omstridd? Allt sedan världskrigen har svenska regeringar förhållit sig till en grundläggande idé om svensk neutralitet och alliansfrihet. Denna politik har kommit att betraktas som en väsentlig del av svensk nationell identitet. Samtidigt har inriktningen för den svenska säkerhetspolitiken förändrats vid ett antal tillfällen under de senaste decennierna och gått från neutralitet till solidaritet. Är det då möjligt att gångna som nutida svenska strategiska narrativ är omstridda? Denna uppsats undersöker hur konsekventa svenska säkerhetspolitiska narrativ har varit. Detta genom att granska de narrativ som konstruerats av respektive socialdemokratiska och borgerliga regeringskoalitioner. Dessa narrativ jämförs både inom och mellan två historiska epoker; det kalla krigets 1980-tal och det nutida globaliserade 2010-talet, med specifika nedslag för åren 1982, 1987, 2009 och 2015. Uppsatsen tar utgångspunkt i ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv och en narrativanalys tillämpas i analysen. Resultatet indikerar en betydande samstämmighet inom svensk säkerhetspolitik mellan borgerliga och socialdemokratiska regeringar. En betydligt större variation framträder i en jämförelse emellan de olika tidsepokerna än emellan samtida regeringar av olika politiska färger.

Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori / Europe's border under a security policy change? : A case study on security policy at the European border between 2007 - 2010 and a review ofthe Copenhagen School’s theory of Securitization

Cerda, Salvador January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School’s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission’s “Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges”, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement. The frame of analysis will be the Copenhagen School’s theory of Securitization with the acknowledgement of the critic brought forward by Johan Eriksson and Thierry Balzacq. The Copenhagen school brings forward with their theory, the importance of the discourse of security and thus presents actors and referents which are involved in the process. They also include different sectors in which the different threats images may appear. All of this will be crucial for my examination of the theory as a hole. Furthermore, the essay will modify its methodology to include some of the critic. The purpose is to test if the theory can give a satisfying view of the threat images, sectors, actors and referents at the European border, with a qualitative and a quantitative method. In conclusion, the essay found that the securitization actor during the period between 2007-2010 was the commission itself and the reference object was EU and indirect its members states. The functional actors was the organization PKK and the UN, who with their actions changes the security dynamic in the region. Furthermore, the threat images that was constantly present in the rapports, was organized crime which was consistent with the result that the most found sector was the military sector. These results can be linked to the work of Peter Andreas who argues that the American and European border have shifted from a military tasks to policing tasks. This task change is something that also can be related to Johan Eriksson’s work regarding the change of task in the Swedish security. My final conclusion is that the Securitization theory most be seen as a framework for analyses. Further discussions are need regarding the theories concepts. I notice there are three fundamental discussions that need to be focused on; the focus on the securitized threats images, the lack of including the context and the focus on the speech act.

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