Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial konstruktion"" "subject:"bsocial konstruktion""
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Vad hade du förväntat dig : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelse att bli mamma / What did you expect : A qualitative study about women's experience of becoming a motherPettersson, Anna, Robertsson, Terese January 2018 (has links)
Becoming a mother is most often described as something natural and the qualities to be a mother is presupposed to exist in every woman. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study with the research question as to whether the image of ‘the good mother’ can be found in women's stories of becoming mothers. The data was collected through one group interview and two individual interviews and analyzed with Charmaz constructivist grounded theory as a method. In the analysis we found four theoretical codes that together answer our research questions. The result shows that there is still an ideal type of ‘the good mother’ after which women build their own identity as a mother. / Att bli mamma beskrivs ofta som något naturligt och egenskaperna att vara en god moder förutsätts existera i varje kvinna. Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida bilden av “den goda modern” kunde ses i kvinnors berättelser av att bli mödrar. Data samlades in genom en gruppintervju och två individuella intervjuer och analyserades med Charmaz konstruktivistiska grundade teori som metod. I analysen hittades fyra teoretiska koder som tillsammans svarar på forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet visar att det fortfarande finns en idealtyp av "den goda modern", varefter kvinnor skapar sin egen identitet som mamma.
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#Min Resa Räknas : En studie om lärande och konstruktioner av hälsa i en nätgemenskap.Siri, Brattberg, Josefin, Svanlindh January 2014 (has links)
Mycket av dagens hälsokunskap hämtas via internet och gemensamma uppfattningar kring hälsa skapas och sprids genom sociala medier. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra till förståelsen av hur hälsa lärs i en självorganiserad praktikgemenskap i sociala medier och belysa hur hälsa konstrueras i dessa lärprocesser genom skriftliga och visuella inlägg på internetforumet Min Resa Räknas. Teoretisk referensram: Studien utgår från det socialkonstruktionistiska perspektivet samt teorin om praktikgemenskaper. Metod: Föreliggande studie har inspirerats av en netnografisk metodansats och observationer användes vid datainsamlingen. Insamlingsmaterialet bestod av text- och bildinlägg och hämtades från Facebookgruppen Min Resa Räknas samt från #minresaräknas på Instagram. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Hälsa lärs och konstrueras genom socialt samspel i nätgemenskapen. Lärandet bestod av förhandlingar där kunskaper och erfarenheter kring hälsa utbytes inom gemenskapen. Hälsa konstruerades främst genom kost och träning och centralt för konstruktionerna var förändringsprocesser samt kroppsligt utseende. Slutsats: Hälsans konstruktioner inom internetforumet Min Resa Räknas speglar hälsonormer och samhällsproblem.
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Informella relationers inverkan på personalarbete i små organisationer / Informal relations' impact on staff work in small organizationsHansson, Amelie, Svangård, Cornelia January 2017 (has links)
Today, it seems that informal relationships in the workplace are more important for employees than ever. Furthermore, we have seen a rising interest for staff work, even in small companies. Research has shown that staff work in small companies can be described as ad hoc. However, what influence the informal relationships have on the staff work is a rather unexplored topic. In this study, we wanted create a deeper understanding of how the informal relationships are expressed in a small company and their potential influence on the staff work. To achieve this we conducted a qualitative study with 14 in-depth interviews in a small company with about 30 employees in the south of Sweden. In the beginning of this study we believed that we would find many informal relationships with a high impact on the staff work. The result of this study has shown that informal relationships in a small company can be shallow in their character but still be perceived as good. Moreover, the study has shown that shallow informal relationships can have a similar impact in organizations as earlier research has shown that deeper informal relationships can. The impact that these informal relationships has shown in this study, is interpreted to be engagement, trust and wellbeing. But also negative aspects such as frustration founded in a lack of communication. The informal relationships has also shown an impact on how the staff work is constructed. The informal relationships that are not interpreted as well-functioning has in this study been interpreted to have a negative impact on the ad hoc staff work that the company is conducting. With this study we want to create an awareness around informal relationships and its impact on small companies and their staff work. All this to give small companies good conditions in conducting a beneficial staff work.
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Fäbodbruk - “Det magiska mötet mellan natur och kultur” : En fenomenografisk studie om fäbodbruk ur brukarnas perspektivPortström, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Summer pasture contributes both to cultural-historical values and to positive effects on biodiversity. However, the usage of the term ”summer pastures” varies and there is no general definition. This lack of definition gives rise to a conflict: Should the summer pasture be preserved for its cultural-historical value by having it look just like before, or should it be preserved for its value in biodiversity? Today, the authorities’ image of summer pasture is what controls which summer pastures and what values are granted financial support. This means that the summer pastures risk being defined and developed on the basis of the authorities' image, not by the image the farmers themselves have, which is based on historical and conservational knowledge. Thus, the purpose of this study is to highlight the use of summer pasture as a phenomenon and an activity from the user's perspective. In order to discover how the farmers themselves view summer pastures, a phenomenographic method is used to analyze interviews of summer pasture farmers with varying backgrounds and activities. The results of the study show that the summer pasture of today varies with regard to the design of the business. The common denominator is the small-scale animal husbandry where summer pasture take place on the outskirts beyond the home farm, to where the farmer moves with the animals during summer. Summer pasture has traditionally never been an economic gain, nor does it provide much today. The farmers are enthusiasts who believe in a higher purpose of what they do. The lack of definition is something that affects them only in their contact with authorities, from where they are only met with ignorance. The farmers believe that the summer pasture have a cultural-historical value, one that also lies in the future with increasing environmental awareness and climate change. / Fäbodbruk bidrar såväl med kulturhistoriska värden som med positiva effekter på den biologiska mångfalden. Bilden av vad dagens fäbodbruk innebär varierar dock och ingen allmän definition finns. I och med bristen på definition uppstår en konflikt: Bör fäbodbruket bevaras för dess kulturhistoriska värde genom att det ska se ut precis som förr, eller ska det bevaras för dess värde för den biologiska mångfalden? Idag är det myndigheternas bild av fäbodbruk som styr vilka fäbodar och värden som beviljas ekonomiskt stöd. Detta innebär att fäbodbruket riskerar att definieras och utvecklas utifrån myndigheternas bild, inte av den bild brukarna själva har som är baserad på historisk och bevarandevärd kunskap. Syftet med denna studie är således att belysa fäbodbruket som företeelse och som verksamhet utifrån brukarens perspektiv. För att få fram den bild fäbodbrukarna själva har av fäbodbruk används en fenomenografisk metod för att analysera intervjuer av fäbodbrukare med varierande bakgrund och verksamhet. Studiens resultat påvisar att dagens fäbodbruk varierar vad gäller verksamhetens utformning. Den gemensamma nämnaren är att det rör sig om småskalig djurhållning där sommarbetet sker på utmarkerna bortom hemgården dit brukaren flyttar med djuren på sommaren. Fäbodbruk är inget som traditionellt sett är något som gett en ekonomisk vinning och knappast heller ger idag. Fäbodbrukarna är snarare eldsjälar som tror på ett högre syfte kring det de gör. Avsaknandet av definition är något som påverkar dem först vid kontakt med myndigheter av vilka de möts av okunskap. Brukarna anser att fäbodbruket har ett kulturhistoriskt värde men att fäbodbruket även hör till framtiden i och med en ökande miljömedvetenhet och klimatförändringar. / Biologiskt kulturarv som hållbar värdeskapare
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Ledarskap inom socialtjänsten : - En studie om första linjens chefers upplevelser av förväntningar på dem som ledare inom socialtjänsten / Leadership of Social Service : Expectations on first line managersSundin, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
This study focuses on how leadership is constructed in the Social Service of Sweden. The aim is to study how first line managers experience expectations on themselves as leaders and how they handle these as well as how they perceive their possibility to live up to these expectations. The study is based on eight interviews with first line managers in the fields of Social Service. Even though the result show that first line managers experience a lot of, sometimes conflicting, expectations, both from within the organisation but also external expectations from society, they feel that they can handle the pressure. The managers appear to have developed strategies to handle these expectations by re-formulating them into new expectations that is easier to live up to. Also, they believe that they have good opportunities as they feel supported in their work and they have a good self-esteem. Overall the interviewed first line managers don’t describe themselves as stressed or overworked, troubled with meeting up to expectations on them, which somewhat contradicts the result of previous research.
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Manliga kvinnor och ideala män i videospel : En kritisk diskursanalys av representationen av kvinnliga och manliga protagonister i spelrecensioner / Manly Women and Ideal Men in Video Games : A critical discourse analysis on game reviews and their representation of male and female protagonistsRodriguez, Joanna January 2018 (has links)
The gaming industry is a multimillion-dollar industry that is male dominated. The games contain mostly male protagonists and the few female protagonists that makes it to the shelves are met with criticism from the players. I have taken an interest in how the protagonists are portrayed by reviewers. For example, when it comes to age and use of name, if there is any difference between genders and if there is any kind of discrimination like sexualizing in the text. In this study, I use critical discourse analysis to study game review articles of six different games, three with female protagonists and three with male protagonists. The reviews are from two different gaming magazines. The results are that the protagonists are rarely represented as the stereotypical hero to the readers and there is not a big difference between genders. An observation is that the male protagonists are described and depicted as ideal men that are supposed to be aggressive, violent and dominant. The female protagonists are described with similar traits as the male protagonists. The conclusion is that the female protagonists are fitted into the stereotypical main character role. This role is built up by hard traits where softer traits like passive, pacifistic and submissive, which are more considered stereotypically female, is absent from main protagonists.
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Att utmana och leka med stereotypiska könsuttryck : En netnografisk studie om framställandet av kvinnokroppen av kända kvinnor på InstagramFurulind, Maria, Balazsi, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Sociala medier har i det senmoderna samhället växt sig stort och blivit en vardag i många individers liv. På Instagram publiceras dagligen inlägg med olika syften vilka ofta inte uppfattas medvetet. Med denna studie fokuserar vi på hur svenska kända kvinnor framställer kvinnokroppen på Instagram. Hur de utifrån olika ställningstaganden tar upp feministiska synpunkter, utmanar det västerländska kroppsidealet och hur de vill vara med och bredda synen den normativa kvinnokroppen. Vi har utgått från den digitala tidskriften för unga kvinnor, Veckorevyn, som i januari 2017, publicerade en lista med “25 kända kvinnor du borde följa på Instagram”. Utifrån denna lista valde vi sedan ut de sex kvinnor som var svenska för att analysera bild och tillhörande text. För att uppnå studiens syfte, att synliggöra hur kvinnokroppen konstrueras och förmedlas av de sex kända kvinnorna har vi använt oss av en netnografisk metodansats med semiotisk analysmetod. Resultatet visar att de kända kvinnorna gör ställningstaganden som syftar till att ge utrymme för att omvärdera och utmana det normativa könsroller som vi upplever finns i dagens samhälle. Ett omvärderande av de värderingar som finns i det senmoderna samhället, menar vi skulle kunna leda till att acceptansen kring kvinnans kropp ska expandera och skapa en ny bild av vad som är normativt inom det västerländska skönhetsidealet och könsneutralisera stereotypiska könsuttryck som tillskrivs kvinna som kön.
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Barnets bästa och lämpligt föräldraskap : En studie om hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap i medgivandeutredningar vid internationell adoptionRegnell, Angelica, von Schoultz, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in investigations concerning permission for international adopt, where adequate parenthood is investigated. Qualitative research interviews were used as method. Seven investigators from six different sections of the city of Stockholm were interviewed. The information was analysed on the basis of a sociological approach to law and social constructionism.</p><p>The result showed that adequate parenthood is a condition in the interest of the child. Adequate parenthood is specified as the parent’s qualities and possibility to care for an adopted child. It does not depend on material qualifications, it is principally a matter of personal conditions, which can be defined as self-consciousness and the ability to reflect, feel empathy and manage a crisis. An adequate adoptive parent shall also realize the significance of an adoption. Adequate adoptive parents have a stable and lasting relationship and are surrounded by a stable social network.</p><p>The best interest of the child shall mainly be fulfilled by the qualities of the parents, in other words the adequate parenthood. The adoption has to be in the best interest of the child and thereby fulfil the child’s needs. In a family, children need to develop in their own pace and receive support whenever it is needed. In the investigation undertaken by the authorities, the interests of the child can best be looked after with an investigator that possesses adequate knowledge about children, that investigates thoroughly and feel a responsibility towards the child.</p>
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Äldre och rädslans paradox : Konstruktionen av hotets och rädslans samhälle / Old Age and the Paradox of Fear : Constructing a Society of ThreatÅhlfeldt, Emanuel January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to examine the fear of crime in old peoples lives. Notwithstanding that the age category is exposed to crime to a low degree, old people are experiencing a great fear of crime relative younger people. This is the paradox of fear, also recognized in gender studies. The question is how this paradox can be understood. To answer this, twelve elderly men and women have been interviewed and the reports about crime in the local newspaper, Norrköpings Tidningar, has been analyzed, through discourse analysis.</p><p>The discursive construction of fear is here discussed in terms of discourses of a fearful society, and stereotypes of old age. The hegemonic discourse of old age is collaborating with a discourse, in this paper called the discourse of a threatening society. Old peoples fear is produced, through the interplay of these discourses, because they are objectified and seen as victims alongside with a construction of an ever-present threat.</p>
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Barnets bästa och lämpligt föräldraskap : En studie om hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap i medgivandeutredningar vid internationell adoptionRegnell, Angelica, von Schoultz, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in investigations concerning permission for international adopt, where adequate parenthood is investigated. Qualitative research interviews were used as method. Seven investigators from six different sections of the city of Stockholm were interviewed. The information was analysed on the basis of a sociological approach to law and social constructionism. The result showed that adequate parenthood is a condition in the interest of the child. Adequate parenthood is specified as the parent’s qualities and possibility to care for an adopted child. It does not depend on material qualifications, it is principally a matter of personal conditions, which can be defined as self-consciousness and the ability to reflect, feel empathy and manage a crisis. An adequate adoptive parent shall also realize the significance of an adoption. Adequate adoptive parents have a stable and lasting relationship and are surrounded by a stable social network. The best interest of the child shall mainly be fulfilled by the qualities of the parents, in other words the adequate parenthood. The adoption has to be in the best interest of the child and thereby fulfil the child’s needs. In a family, children need to develop in their own pace and receive support whenever it is needed. In the investigation undertaken by the authorities, the interests of the child can best be looked after with an investigator that possesses adequate knowledge about children, that investigates thoroughly and feel a responsibility towards the child.
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