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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnets bästa i beslutsprocesser : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur barnets bästa konstrueras i förvaltningsrättens domar i LVU-mål.

Hamberg, Hamberg, Larsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The study aims to, based on a critical discourse analysis, study the judgments in administrative courts in LVU cases in order to identify the occurrence of the concept of the best interests of the child and the significance it is given. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that childrens’s rights are safeguarded, that children must have the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect them and that in all measures concerning children, the child´s best interests must come first. On January 1, 2020, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child became Swedish law with the aim of further clarifying the rights of the child and ensuring that they are safeguarded and taken into account by law enforcement. Incorporation of the Convention on Rights of the Child is described as having contributed to a more children’s right-based approach in all public activities, which it intends to study and review. Previous research in the field shows that children's participation and decision-making processes that concern them are often deficient, despite the fact that many children wish for increased participation. Previous research has also been able to demonstrate that, however, there are no general guidelines for how the legal objective of the best interests of the child should be achieved in legal processes. The critical discourse analysis used to analyze 10 of the administrative court's judgments in LVU cases has been able to demonstrate that the administrative court does not use the concept of the child's best interest in its assessments and decisions at all.

Försvarsmaktens mandat att möta interna hot - Princip eller pragmatism?

Ljungberg, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
I Sverige har det sedan händelserna i Ådalen 1931, då fem civila dog för militärens kulor, varit en grundläggande princip att militären inte ska användas för att upprätthålla landets inre säkerhet och ordning. Under 2000-talet har den principen frångåtts i lagstiftning och i den politiska debatten indikeras att det är försämrade interna hotbilder som påverkat politikens syn på användningen av det militära maktmedlet.  Syftet med undersökningen är att beskriva och öka förståelsen för förhållandet mellan förändrade interna hotbilder och synen på användningen av militären i Sverige. Fallstudien genomförs som en kvalitativ textanalys där officiella dokument från regering och riksdag utgör fallets empiri. Analysen fokuserar på tre olika tidsperioder som jämförs sinsemellan i syfte att kunna identifiera eventuella förändringar.  Undersökningens resultat visar en motsättning mellan grundprincipen att inte använda militären mot den egna befolkningen å ena sidan och ett effektivt nyttjande av samhällets resurser å andra sidan. Förhållandet mellan förändringar av interna hotbilder och synen på användningen av det militära maktmedlet förefaller att i någon mån påverkas av den motsättningen. Den viktigaste slutsatsen gäller användningen av det militära maktmedlet i den del det avser sådant stöd till polisen som kan innebära utövande av våld eller tvång mot den egna befolkningen. Huruvida Försvarsmakten ska komma på tal för sådana uppgifter förefaller vara en fråga lika mycket eller mer om polisens förmåga att själv hantera interna hot än det är en lämplighetsbedömning utifrån uppdelningen av våldsmonopolet.

DIGISKUA : "Vi får lära eleverna att det är OK att misslyckas." En studie om ämneslärares upplevelser av utvecklingsarbete på vetenskaplig grund i särskild undervisningsgrupp.

Motavalli, Zahra January 2023 (has links)
Lärares villkor att ingå i skolutvecklingsprojekt är starkt kopplat till samhälls- och policyförändringar på makro- meso- och mikronivå. På mikronivå har ämneslärare i en särskild undervisningsgrupp ingått i ett forskningsutvecklingsarbete inom Språkutvecklande digitaliseringsarbete då det finns ett utvecklingsbehov inom dessa områden. I utbildningssammanhang och då det talas om lärares handlingskraft och attityder talas det om "agency" och kopplas till självförtroende, motivation, vilja, målmedvetenhet och kreativitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som är utmärkande för lärares erfarenheter samt vilka villkor och möjligheter ämneslärare i årskurs 6-9 upplever med att ingå i ett forskningsutvecklingsarbete på vetenskaplig grund. Studien genomfördes på fyra ämneslärare med avsikten att utifrån ett socialkonstruktivistisk förhållningssätt analysera vilka nyvunna insikter framträder i de sociala samspelen i foksugruppen. Analysen skedde via tematisk analys utifrån den induktiva metoden. Det som framträdde i analysen var teman kopplade till olika framträdande koder. Några nyckelfaktorer visade sig vara de pedagogiska samtalen, att växa tillsammans i en grupp, förmågan att kunna se det positiva och kontiniuitetens betydelse. Vidare ansågs det mer relevant att ingå i ett forksningsutvecklingsarbete skapat utifrån ett  "down-top" perspektiv. Motståndet bland informanterna visade sig vara kopplat till plötsliga förändringar som bestäms utifrån ett "top-down" perspektiv – där förutsägbarhet och tydlighet visades vara betydelsefullt för elever som ingår i en särskild undervisningsgrupp. Sammantaget visade studien att ingå i ett forskningsutvecklingsarbete med fokus på ett sociokulturellt perspektiv och heterarkier främjar kollegialt lärande som engagerar ämneslärare och bidrar till proffesionsutveckling både på individ och organisationsnivå. / Teachers' conditions to be included in school development projects are strongly linked to societal and policy changes at the macro, meso and micro level. On a micro level, subject teachers in a special teaching group have been involved in research development work within Language Development digitization work as there is a development need in these areas. In the context of education and when talking about teachers' power of action and attitudes, they talk about "agency" and it is linked to selfconfidence, motivation, will, determination and creativity. The purpose of the study was to investigate what is distinctive about subject teachers' experiences and what conditions and opportunities subject teachers in grades 6-9 experience with participating in research development work on a scientific basis. The study was carried out through a focus group of four subject teachers with the intention of analyzing, based on a social constructivist approach, which newly gained insights emerge in the social interactions in the focus group. The analysis took place via thematic analysis based on the inductive method. What emerged in the analysis were themes linked to various salient codes. Some key factors were shown to be the educational conversations, growing together in a group, the ability to see the positive and the importance of continuity. Furthermore, it was considered more relevant to be included in a project created from a "down-top" perspective. The resistance among the informants turned out to be linked to sudden changes that are determined from a "topdown" perspective - where predictability and clarity were shown to be significant for students who are part of a special teaching group. Overall, the study showed that being part of a school development project with a focus on a socio-cultural perspective as well as from heterarchies promotes collegial learning that engages subject teachers and contributes to professional development both at individual group and organizational level

Discursive Shift on Migration Policy in Swedish Politics and Press Media : A Critical Look at Securitization of Migration in Sweden

Orhan Gül, Gözde January 2023 (has links)
The refugeecrisis was a turning point in Swedish exceptionalism a discursive shift has somehowoccurred within the Swedish policy debate and mainstream media whereby the '(im)migrant' isconstructed as a potential security threat. To achieve the goal of the 'security' concerns of thisthesis, a theoretical framework of the social constructivist perspective is to assess howsecuritization is discursively constructed within discursive power relations among differentsocietal actors an d to understand identifying conditions that potentially have enabled this shift.Herein, this research synthesizes media content and political opinion to analyze the shaping andchang ing of the discourse on securitizing migration between 2014 and 2017 by blending qualitativecontent analysis with critical discourse analysis. One of the conclusions reached is the analysishighlights discourses once propagated and shifted gradually in the political sphere and in a sensea certain group of immigrants is constructed as an existential threat within it.

"En typisk EIPS-tjej" : En studie om vårdpersonals inställning till patienter med EIPS/BPD utifrån socialkonstruktivistisk teori.

Bäck, Rebecca January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: EIPS/BPD är en psykiatrisk diagnos som karaktäriseras av ett avvikande sätt att hantera starka känslor. Personer med EIPS/BPD upplever att de stigmatiseras i vården och vårdpersonal ser patientgruppen som krävande. Berger och Luckmanns (1966/1991) socialkonstruktivistiska teori utgår från att verkligheten skapas genom socialt samspel mellan människor. Det inbegriper även konstruerandet av diagnoser och sjukdom. Syfte: Att utifrån socialkonstruktivistisk teori förstå diskursen kring EIPS/BPD-patienter hos personal inom psykiatrisk slutenvård. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med fokusgruppsintervjuer av vårdpersonal inom slutenvårdspsykiatrin. Personalen som intervjuades bestod av sjuksköterskor och skötare/undersköterskor även om läkare och kuratorer också inkluderades. Bearbetningen av intervjumaterialet gjordes med tematisk analys (Braun & Clarke, 2006) och analyserades med socialkonstruktivistisk teori av Berger & Luckmann (1966/1991). Resultat: Personalen beskrev att de flesta EIPS/BPD-patienter är unga “tjejer” och att många har olika former av självskadebeteende. Även suicidförsök beskrevs som en form av självskadebeteende av personalen, och inte grundat i äkta suicidalitet. Personalen beskrev att många med EIPS/BPD blir bättre i sin diagnos när de skaffar familj. Kunskap om patienten kom främst från andra kollegor och genom erfarenhet. Läkare beskrevs av sjuksköterskor och skötare/undersköterskor som kollegor som står utanför teamet vilket enligt dem riskerade att göra vården lidande. Vissa i personalen upplevde att de kunde ge EIPS/BPD-patienter en bra vård medan andra inte upplevde det. Slutsats: Personalen hade en typifierad bild (kategorisering för att göra mer förståelig) av patientgruppen som rörde sig utanför diagnoskriterierna för EIPS/BPD (i DSM-5 and ICD-10) och patientgruppens lidande bedömdes ibland som icke-legitimt. Den typifierade bilden av EIPS/BPD patienter sprids och reproduceras genom sekundär socialisering på arbetsplatsen. / Background: EIPS/BPD is a psychiatric diagnosis characterized by a deviant way of handling strong emotions. People with EIPS/BPD feel that they are stigmatized in healthcare and healthcare professionals see the patient group as demanding. Berger and Luckman’s (1966/1991) social constructive theory assumes that reality is created through social interaction between people, which also includes the construction of diagnoses and illness. Aim: To understand the discourse around EIPS/BPD patients among staff within psychiatric inpatient care from a social constructivist perspective. Method: Qualitative method with focus group interviews of healthcare staff within inpatient psychiatry. The processing of the interview material was done with thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) and analyzed with social constructivist theory by Berger & Luckmann (1966/1991). Results: The staff described that most EIPS/BPD patients are young "girls" and that many have various forms of self-harming behavior. Suicide attempts were also described as a form of self-harming behavior by the staff, and not based on genuine suicidality. The staff described that many with EIPS/BPD get better in their diagnosis when they start a family. Knowledge of the patient came mainly from other colleagues and through experience. Physicians were described by nurses and assistant nurses as colleagues who stood outside the team, which, according to them, risked causing the care to suffer. Some of the staff felt that they could provide good care to EIPS/BPD patients while others did not. Conclusion: The staff had a typified image (categorization to make more understandable) of the patient group that moved outside the EIPS/BPD diagnosis criteria (in DSM-5 and ICD-10) and the suffering of the patient group was sometimes judged as non-legitimate. The typified image of EIPS/BPD patients is spread and reproduced through secondary socialization in the workplace.

Lagstiftarens intentioner kontra praktikens tolkning och tillämpning : En rättsvetenskaplig undersökning av rekvisitet <em>annat förhållande i hemmet </em>i 2 § lagen (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga

Hermansson, Emma, Malmquist, Madeleine January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p>This thesis has focused on specific aspects of the law concerning the 2nd paragraph of The Care of Young Persons Act (1990:52), LVU. The purpose of this study was to examine the provision <em>other circumstance in the home </em>from a legal perspective; how is the provision defined in the law? A second purpose was to reveal any discrepancy between the intention of the legislation of the already mentioned provision and how this provision was interpreted and applied in practice. This study was jurisprudential and based on both traditional juristic method and sociological methods with qualitative interviews with social workers and text analysis of a case from The County Administrative Court. The gathered information was analysed using a method of discourse analysis. The theoretical framework for this thesis was social constructionism based upon the work of Berger and Luckmann. The conclusion of this study was that the provision <em>other circumstance in the home </em>is connected to the role of the mother though this is not noticed through the legislation. Another conclusion was that the practice considers the legal demand to anticipate as unattainable. The interpretation and application of the provision made by the practice, compared with the intention of the legislation, was representing both an expand and restriction of the provision.</p></p></p>

"Att påverkas behöver inte betyda något negativt - Tvärtom, man får tänka till " : En studie om hur socialsekreterare påverkas av klienters negativa uppfattningar om socialtjänsten i sitt professionella arbete och privatliv / "Being affected does not have to mean anything negative - on the contrary, you get the opportunity to think" : A study of how social workers are influenced by clients' perceptions of the social services in their work and private life

Berisha, Gresa, Höög, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to understand what perceptions the social workers in the social services perceives the clients have about the social services and how this can affect the social workers in their work and private life. The data in this study was collected through a survey, conducted by social workers in six different municipalities. The study has been carried out through a mixed method research. The data was thereafter analyzed through a univariate analysis and a content analysis. The findings in this study shows that a majority of the social workers feel that the clients have bad perceptions about the social services. These are based on several factors, such as own experiences and feelings of shame. Media and rumors also play a significant role. Furthermore, the study also shows that the social workers are most affected in their work than in their private life. Another finding the study showed is that support from the director and the colleagues is a way for social workers to manage the clients' perceptions about them. Explaining and clarifying to the client and the public what the social service means, is an another way of managing it.

EU-medborgares nationella och transnationella identiteter och dess påverkan på europeisk integration : Ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv på europeiskt integration / EU-citizens National and Transnational Identities and its Effect on European Integration : A Social Constructivist Perspective on European Integration

Pischner, Kim January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of identity when it comes to European integration. Specifically, the citizen of the European Union’s identity as exclusive national or as transnational. What does the social constructivist theory say when it comes to the role of EU-citizens identity and European integration? I also want to contribute to strengthen the social constructivist theory in political science and international politics. I will examine this through a discourse analysis on four different selected materials. A campaign webpage from the Vote Leave group who ran a campaign to make the Great Britain leave the European Union, an interview the German newspaper der SPIEGEL did with Marine Le Pen who is the party leader of the French right-winged party Rassemblent National, a debate article written by the French president Emmanuel Macron and the Swedish party Liberalernas webpage campaign for the European Parliament elections 2019. I analyse how the discourse these four examples shape and creates the feeling of national or transnational identity and what the message connected to that identity-making says about European integration. With my discourse analysis and the theories of Thomas Risse and Catherine E. De Vries on social constructivism, identity and European integration I analyse and see that those who identify exclusively with a national identity are less keen on solidarity between nations, common policies and have a xenophobic view as oppose to those who have a transnational identity who are positive towards solidarity between nations, want a closer European integration and are not hostile towards migrants. I come to the conclusion that the identity of the EU-citizens is a major factor in human action, political mobilization, political action as in choosing and voting for a party, the EU-institutions way of negotiating on common political issues, public opinion and election outcomes. This means that feeling of an exclusive national or transnational identity is an important factor of European integration.

Stora problem delar man upp i mindre bitar : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om hur svenska och danska medier konstruerar samma gärningsman / Large problems you divide into smaller pieces : A qualitative study about how Swedish and Danish media construct the same perpetrator

Lamont, Pierre, Ternström, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how a Danish &amp; Swedish newspaper reported in their news articles regarding the same perpetrator and to see if there were any differences. The perpetrator in this case was Danish, while the victim was Swedish. This was the main reason for us choosing a newspaper from each country. We examined what discourses were used for the perpetrator and analyzed both similarities and differences between the two newspapers in their descriptions. We did this by thoroughly examining each article, one at a time, dissected each sentence and analyzed it. The study answered the following question: How do Danish &amp; Swedish news outlets construct the same perpetrator? This was answered by dividing it into two more detailed questions. How is the perpetrator manufactured in Danish/Swedish crime journalism? Which attributes are given to the perpetrator in both newspapers? We used a critical discourse analysis as our method for examining the 8 articles in total (4 from each newspaper) Our conclusion of the study shows that there are several similarities in the way the discourses are constructed around the perpetrator, often focusing on the morbid details. There are however equally big differences in the way that the specific discourses are described. Danish media focuses more on the direct quotes from the perpetrator, while the Swedish media empathises more on circumstances surrounding him. The two newspapers we chose are two of the major newspaper in respective country, Ekstrabladet &amp; Aftonbladet.

Är graviditet fortfarande det bästa botemedlet? : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur kvällspressen skriver om endometrios under åren 1996–2016

Nippgen, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats presenterar en kritisk diskursanalytisk studie av den svenska kvällspressens artiklar om endometrios. Det empiriska materialet består av 23 stycken artiklar från åren 1996 till 2016. Studiens övergripande syfte är att synliggöra hur sjukdomen och de drabbade som lider av den porträtteras samt medias makt att skapa, upprätthålla eller förändra diskurserna om endometrios. För att uppnå detta utgår uppsatsen från tre teoretiska perspektiv: 1) kvinnors smärta och sjukdomar har inte uppmärksammats medicinhistoriskt. 2) det feministiska perspektivet att detta beror på könsmaktsordningen, 3) medias makt att påverka samhället. Med en socialkonstruktivistisk syn på språk undersöks situationskontexten och artiklarnas makro- och mikroteman. Detta utgör sedan den kritiska diskursanalysen. Resultatet visar att pressen mestadels skriver utförligt om än förenklat om endometrios. Kvinnornas smärta beskrivs som allvarlig, men endometrios framställs också många gånger som ett fertilitetsproblem. Diskurser som visats i tidigare forskning om kvinnors smärta och sjukdomar kunde ses. Under tidsperioden synliggörs även en förändring vad gäller medias beskrivning av endometrios och det diskursiva perspektivet. Den medicinska informationen om sjukdomen blir mer korrekt och den diskursiva förändringen mer feministiskt vinklad. / This thesis presents a critical discourse analysis of how the Swedish tabloids write about endometriosis. The empirical material consists of 23 articles which focus on the disease endometriosis, published between the years of 1996–2016. The thesis’ overall aim is to examine how the disease and individuals who suffer from it are portrayed, and what power the press has to create, maintain or change discourses of endometriosis. To achieve this the thesis uses three theoretical perspectives: 1) women’s pain and diseases have not been acknowledged in the medical history, 2) the feministic perspective, that this depends on the gender order, and 3) the press’ ability to affect society. Guided by a social constructive understanding of language, the thesis analyses the situation context and the articles’ themes on a micro and macro level, which is later constructed into the critical discourse analysis. The result shows that the press mostly writes detailed, although simplified information regarding endometriosis. The pain women experience is described as severe, but endometriosis is also often portrayed mostly as a fertility problem. Discourses shown in previous articles about the pain and diseases in women could be seen in the articles. However, a change can be noted during the investigated time period, both considering the press’ description of endometriosis and the discursive perspective. The information about the disease gets more medical correct and the discursive change tends to have a more feministic approach.

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