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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykisk ohälsa-Ett arbete om arbetsmiljö / Mental Illness-A raport about working environment

Hagsten Sjöberg, Felicia, Beatrice, Andersson January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att ta reda på hur företag arbetar med arbetsmiljö och vad de gör för att förebygga psykisk ohälsa. Det har utförts både en litteraturstudie och intervjuer för att få så bra och tydlig information som möjligt över hur företaget arbetar med arbetsmiljö, samt vilka lagar och regler som måste följas.Vid genomförandet av resultatet beaktades två AFS:ar, Arbetsmiljöverkets författningssamling, som skribenterna ansåg var bäst lämpade till psykisk ohälsa och företaget. AFS:arna heter “Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete” (SAM) och “Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö”. Företaget har åtta relevanta dokumentationer om psykisk ohälsa. Resultatet visar en granskning mellan företagets dokumentation och arbetsmiljöverkets krav samt en överblick på respondenternas svar från intervjuerna.Slutsatsen med rapporten efter granskning med företagets dokumentation, arbetsmiljöverkets krav och intervjuerna är att verksamheten uppfyller villkoren och arbetar med arbetsmiljö och psykisk ohälsa på ett bra sätt. Företagets vision om arbetet kring arbetsmiljö och ohälsa skulle kunna framföras tydligare för konsulterna men är i övrigt tydlig och bra. / The purpose of this report is to find out how companies work with the working environment and what they do to prevent mental illnesses. Both a literature study and interviews have been conducted to get as good and clear information as possible about how the company works with the work environment, as well as which laws and regulations that must be followed.In implementing the results, two AFSs were taken into account, the Swedish Work Environment Authority's statute book, which the writers considered to be best suited for mental illness and the company. The AFSs are called “Work with the systematic work environment” (SAM) and “Organizational and social work environment”. The company has eight relevant documentation on mental illness. The results show a review between the company's documentation and the Swedish Work Environment Authority's requirements, as well as an overview of the respondents' answers from the interviews.The conclusion with the report after review with the company's documentation, the Swedish Work Environment Authority's requirements and the interviews is that the business meets the conditions and works with the work environment and mental illness in a good way. The company's vision of the work around the work environment and ill health could be presented more clearly to the consultants but is otherwise clear and good.

Politicko-geografické aspekty transformace Britského impéria na Společenství národů / From British Empire to Commonwealth of Nations: Political and Geographical Aspects of the Transformation

Bernas, Vlastimil January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce Politicko-geografické aspekty transformace Britského impéria na Společenství národů Abstract The masterʼs degree thesis "From British Empire to Commonwealth of Nations: Political and Geographical Aspects of the Transformation" deals with gradual transformation of the British Empire, one of the biggest colonial empires of all time, into Commonwealth of Nations, i. e. into a loose association of the United Kingdom and its former Dominions and colonies. The masterʼs degree thesis aims to profoundly analyze all the substantial aspects of this complicated process, namely in broader (above all in political-geographical, historical and legal) relations. The initial historical chapter describes the origins and the following territorial expansion of the British Empire. The second chapter concentrates on different types of administrative units that existed within the British Empire; a special emphasis is given to Dominions whose creation marked the beginning of the disintegrative tendencies within the Empire. The third part of the thesis examines the key period of the transformation of the British Empire into a looser association of states, which means the events of the first half of the twentieth century, when couple of crucial documents amending the character of the British Empire were adopted. The...

'Kultureller Genozid' als potenzieller Straftatbestand

Balke, Laura 04 June 2018 (has links)
„We need to defend culture – source of resilience and resistance, of belonging and identity – as a wellspring to rebuild and restore normality in societies in crisis” – mit diesem Aufruf forderte die ehemalige UNESCO-Generaldirektorin Irina Bokova eine Reaktion der internationalen Gemeinschaft auf die Schändungen materieller und immaterieller Kulturgüter durch die Terrormiliz IS im Irak und Syrien. So besteht Palmyra – Symbol kultureller Vielfalt und interkulturellen Dialogs – zwar in seinen Grundfesten fort, die Zerstörung von Statuen, Vandalismus an prähistorischen Tempeln und Sprengungen des Triumphbogens lassen Experten jedoch schlussfolgern: „Palmyra remains, but its legacy is forever transformed“. Die Zerstörung materiellen Kulturerbes bildet längst nicht alle Schandtaten der Terrormiliz ab; gleichzeitig trachtet sie nach der Zerstörung der distinkten Kultur ganzer Volksgruppen. In ihren Angriffen auf die Jesiden blieb es nicht bei der Zerstörung heiliger Schreine. Auch immaterielle Ausdrucksformen von Kultur sind Gegenstand systematischer Angriffe. Durch Zerstörung materieller und immaterieller Kulturgüter zeichnete der IS verantwortlich für „unprecedented cultural eradication“. Irina Bokova folgerte, „we are witnessing what can be described as ‚cultural cleansing‘ on an unprecedented scale.“ Eine wichtige Rolle in der Bestrebung, die Kulturen der Welt vor solchen Gräueltaten zu schützen, kommt der strafrechtlichen Ahndung letzterer zu. Vor diesem Hintergrund hält der Terminus kultureller Genozid Einzug in die Debatten. Die vorliegende Abhandlung führt zunächst in das Konzept kulturellen Genozids ein und analysiert seinen Status nach geltendem Recht. Daraufhin erfolgt eine Analyse der neueren Völkerrechtspraxis, um festzustellen, inwiefern im Hinblick auf die rechtliche Behandlung des kulturellen Genozids Reformbedarf besteht. Sodann werden Reformmöglichkeiten vorgestellt und bewertet. Am Ende dieses Beitrages soll ein Überblick über den Mehrwert eines potenziellen Straftatbestands kulturellen Genozids und zukünftige Schritte in Reaktion auf die derzeit von Extremisten begangenen Verbrechen an Kultur stehen.


[pt] No contexto do processo de redemocratização do Estado brasileiro, a Aprendizagem Profissional - modelo de formação técnica-profissional, de caráter inicial, implementada por meio de um contrato de trabalho -, institucionalizada como política pública, na década de 1940, como veículo do processo de industrialização nacional, será reconfigurada e emergirá, após retração de sua oferta nacional, como o principal vetor do direito à profissionalização dos adolescentes e jovens, em especial daqueles em situação de vulnerabilidade social e de baixa renda. Tomando como ponto de partida a análise histórica dos processos de surgimento, institucionalização e reconfiguração da aprendizagem profissional, esta tese tem como objetivo central investigar a constituição, ainda em curso, de seus novos sentidos e finalidades, social e educacional, no contexto de sua expansão e consolidação, ao longo das duas últimas décadas, como a mais perene e única política pública nacional centrada no processo de transição escola-trabalho. A realização desta investigação teve como norte a análise das distintas apropriações, interpretações dos atores estatais e sociais envolvidos na implementação da política acerca da sua nova finalidade: constituir-se como vetor de garantia do direito à profissionalização. Com base na teoria do Modelo de Coalizões de Defesa, esta tese concentrou a sua análise na investigação das ideias, valores e proposições do subsistema da política, constituído pelo conjunto dos diversos atores, estatais e sociais, que lidam com a Aprendizagem Profissional, destacando as suas crenças, os seus conflitos e os seus impasses em torno das definições acerca de quais problemas precisam ser enfrentados e dos objetivos e dos impactos a serem alcançados pela nova política de Aprendizagem Profissional. Deste contexto de análise, buscou-se evidenciar a relação entre tais definições e os resultados e alcance da nova política; avaliar o quanto a nova feição finalística emergente do processo de implementação da política se distingue e se assemelha dos modelos correcionais, assistencialistas e tecnicistas que marcaram a Aprendizagem Profissional ao longo da história brasileira; e apontar os novos rumos que a política vem tomando. / [en] Apprenticeship – a system of technical-vocational training implemented through work contract in which someone learns a trade by working under a certified expert - was institutionalized in Brazil as a public policy in the 1940s, as a vehicle for the process of national industrialization. In the context of the process of redemocratization of the Brazilian State in the 1980s, it was reconfigured and, after decades of retraction of its national offer, emerged as the main vector of the right to professionalization of adolescents and young people, especially those in situations of social vulnerability and low income. Taking as a starting point the historical analysis of the processes of emergence, institutionalization and reconfiguration of apprenticeship, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the constitution, still in progress, of its identity, its new meanings and its social and educational purposes. It will focus on the context of its expansion and consolidation, over the last two decades, as the most perennial and only national public policy centered on the school-work transition process. This investigation about the constitution of the new identity of the learning policy was guided by the analysis of the different interpretations held both by the state and the social actors involved in the implementation of the policy regarding its new purpose, which is to constitute itself as means to guarantee the right to professionalization. Based on Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF), this thesis focused its analysis on the investigation of ideas, values and propositions of the policy subsystem, which is constituted by the set of different actors, state and social, that deal with the apprenticeship. The analysis highlights their beliefs, their conflicts and their impasses around the definitions about which problems need to be faced and the objectives and impacts to be achieved by the new learning policy. From this context of analysis, we sought to highlight to what extent this new identity, that emerges from the process of implementing the policy, is different from and similar to the correctional, assistance and technical models that marked learning throughout Brazilian history, and to point out the new directions that the policy is taking.

State cooperation within the context of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court : a critical reflection

Ngari, Allan Rutambo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a reflection of the provisions of the Rome Statute in relation to the most fundamental condition for the effective functioning of the Court – the cooperation of states. It broadly examines the challenges experienced by the Court with respect to application of Part IX such as whether non-State Parties to the Rome Statute can, notwithstanding their right not to be party, be compelled to cooperate with the Court owing to the customary international law obligation for all States to repress, find and punish persons alleged to have committed the crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court (war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide). This is particularly challenging where such persons are nationals of non-States Parties. The various meanings of international cooperation in criminal matters is discussed with reference to and distinguished from the cooperation regime of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. For States Parties to the Rome Statute, the thesis evaluates the measure of their inability or unwillingness to genuinely prosecute persons alleged to have committed crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court within the context of the principle of complementarity. It seeks to address, where such inability or unwillingness has been determined by the Court, how effective the cooperation between the States Parties and the Court could best serve the interests of justice. The thesis answers the question on what extent the principle of complementarity influences the cooperation of States with the Court, whether or not these States are party to the Rome Statute. The concept of positive complementarity that establishes a measure of cooperation between the Court and the national criminal jurisdictions is further explored in the context of the Court’s capacity to strengthen local ownership of the enforcement of international criminal justice. A nuanced discussion on the practice of the Court with respect to the right of persons before the Court is developed. The rights of an accused in different phases of Court proceedings and the rights of victims and affected communities of crimes within the Court’s jurisdiction are considered at length and in the light of recently-established principles regulating the Court’s treatment of these individuals. These persons are key interlocutors in the international criminal justice system and have shifted the traditional focus of international law predominantly from states to individuals and bring about a different kind of relationship between States as a collective and their treatment of these individuals arising from obligations to the Rome Statute. Finally the thesis interrogates the enforcement mechanisms under the Rome Statute. Unlike States, the Court does not have an enforcement entity such as a Police Force that would arrest persons accused of committing crimes within its jurisdiction, conduct searches and seizures or compel witnesses to appear before the Court. Yet, the Court must critically assess its practice of enforcing sentences that it imposes on convicted persons and in its contribution to restorative justice, the enforcement of reparations orders in collaboration with other Rome Statute entities such as the Trust Fund for Victims. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is 'n weerspieëling van die bepalings van die Statuut van Rome in verhouding tot die mees fundamentele voorwaarde vir die effektiewe funksionering van die Hof - die samewerking van State. Dit ondersoek breedweg die uitdagings wat deur die Hof ervaar word met betrekking tot die toepassing van Deel IX soos byvoorbeeld of State wat nie partye is tot die Statuut van Rome, nieteenstaande hul reg om nie deel te wees nie, verplig kan word om saam te werk met die Hof weens die internasionale gewoontereg verpligting om alle persone wat na bewering misdade gepleeg het binne die jurisdiksie van die Hof (oorlogsmisdade, misdade teen die mensdom en volksmoord) te verhinder, vind en straf. Dit is veral uitdagend waar sodanige persone burgers is van State wat nie partye is nie. Die verskillende betekenisse van die internasionale samewerking in kriminele sake word bespreek met verwysing na, en onderskei van, die samewerkende stelsel van die Internasionale Kriminele Tribunale vir Rwanda en die voormalige Joego-Slawië. Vir State wat partye is tot die Statuut van Rome, evalueer die tesis - in die konteks van die beginsel van komplementariteit - die mate van hul onvermoë, of ongewilligheid om werklik persone te vervolg wat na bewering misdade gepleeg het binne die jurisdiksie van die Hof. Dit poog om aan te spreek, waar so 'n onvermoë of ongewilligheid bepaal is deur die Hof, hoe effektiewe samewerking tussen State wat partye is en die Hof, die belange van geregtigheid die beste kan dien. Die tesis beantwoord die vraag op watter mate die beginsel van komplementariteit die samewerking van die State met die Hof beïnvloed, ongeag of hierdie State partye is tot die Statuut van Rome. Die konsep van positiewe komplementariteit wat samewerking vestig tussen die Hof en die nasionale jurisdiksies aangaande kriminele sake word verder ondersoek in die konteks van die Hof se vermoë om plaaslike eienaarskap in die handhawing van die internasionale kriminele regstelsel te versterk. 'n Genuanseerde bespreking op die praktyk van die Hof met betrekking tot die reg van persone voor die Hof word ontwikkel. Die regte van 'n beskuldigde in die verskillende fases van die hof verrigtinge en die regte van slagoffers en geaffekteerde gemeenskappe van misdade binne die hof se jurisdiksie word in diepte bespreek in die lig van die onlangs gevestigde beginsels wat die Hof se behandeling van hierdie individue reguleer. Hierdie persone is sleutel gespreksgenote in die internasionale kriminele regstelsel en het die tradisionele fokus verskuif van die internasionale reg van State na individue, en bring oor 'n ander soort verhouding tussen State as 'n kollektiewe en hulle behandeling van hierdie individue as gevolg van hul verpligtinge aan die Statuut van Rome. Ten slotte bevraagteken die tesis die handhawings meganismes onder die Statuut van Rome. In teenstelling met State, het die Hof nie 'n handhawing entiteit soos 'n Polisiemag wat persone kon arresteer wat beskuldig word van misdade binne sy jurisdiksie, deursoek en beslagleggings uitvoer of persone dwing om as getuies te verskyn voor die Hof nie. Tog, moet die Hof sy praktyk van uitvoering van vonnisse wat dit oplê op veroordeelde persone en in sy bydrae tot herstellende geregtigheid die handhawing van herstelling in samewerking met ander Statuut van Rome entiteite soos die Trust Fonds vir Slagoffers krities assesseer.

Le statut de Rome de la cour pénale internationale et le droit interne d’un pays en situation de conflit armé : le cas de la Colombie

Roldan, Carlos Andres 07 1900 (has links)
L'incorporation du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale dans l’ordre juridique d'un État partie représente pour celui-ci un énorme engagement envers la justice, la protection et la garantie des droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine. La situation est particulièrement préoccupante dans le cas de la Colombie où la violation de ces droits fondamentaux a historiquement été notoire au cours du conflit armé interne qui sévit encore dans le pays aujourd’hui. Du fait de la ratification du Statut de Rome par l'État colombien, ce pays a le devoir de privilégier la recherche de la vérité, de la justice, de la réparation intégrale et les garanties de non-répétition pour les victimes du conflit armé. Ce traité international vise à empêcher la mise en place de règles consacrant l'impunité et empêchant de connaître la vérité de faits, comme ce qui a longtemps été le cas dans ce pays et qui a entraîné la prolongation du conflit pendant tant d'années. L'adoption du Statut de Rome par l'État colombien a produit différents effets juridiques dans le droit interne colombien. Certains de ces effets peuvent être observés dans les lois adoptées par le Congrès de la République ainsi que dans les arrêts de la Cour constitutionnelle et de la Cour suprême de justice où s'expriment les obligations internationales de l'État, rattachées au respect du système universel des droits de l'homme. Ce mémoire vise ainsi entre autres à exposer de quelle manière les dispositions sur les amnisties et la Loi Justice et paix rendent inefficace la mise en œuvre législative du Statut de Rome en Colombie. / The incorporation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court into the domestic legal system of a State Party constitutes an enormous commitment to justice and the protection and guarantee of fundamental human rights. This situation is especially interesting in Colombia, where the violation of human rights has been historically well-known during the internal armed conflict in which the country has gone through for several years now. Since its ratification of the Rome Statute, Colombia has a duty to search for truth and justice, as well as providing for integral repair and guarantees of non-repetition for the victims of the armed conflict. The treaty does not allow the creation of rules that allow for impunity and prevent knowledge of the truth which can explain that the conflict has persisted for so many years. The implementation of the Rome Statute by Colombia adjustment has produced different legal effects into its legal system. Some of these effects can be observed in certain laws adopted by the Congress of the Republic and in the Constitutional’s Court and the Supreme Court of Justice’s judgements. These laws and judgments have relied on the international obligations of the country contained in human rights treaties and the Statute of Rome. This master thesis exposes, among other things, how the provisions of laws relating to amnesties and the Law Justice and peace make the Rome Statute inefficient in Colombia.

La quête de la souveraineté Ouest-allemande et de l’intégration à l’Ouest (1948-1955). Le rôle du juriste et diplomate Wilhelm Grewe / In Quest of West German Sovereignty and Integration into the West (1948-1955). Wilhelm Grewe’s Role as a German Diplomat and Professor of International Law / Auf dem Weg zu Souveränität und Westintegration (1948-1955). Der Beitrag des Völkerrechtlers und Diplomaten Wilhelm Grewe

Lambertz, Ruth 11 September 2012 (has links)
Les années 1948-55 sont décisives pour le regain de la souveraineté ouest-allemande et l’intégration de la République fédérale à l’Ouest. Au cours de cette période, on observe la transformation des trois zones placées sous l’autorité suprême des alliés occidentaux en un Etat (quasi) souverain, membre de l’OTAN. Wilhelm Grewe, professeur de droit international, s’engage dès la première heure en faveur d’une base juridique pour les relations avec les Alliés sous forme d’un statut d’occupation (en rédigeant notamment Ein Besatzungsstatut für Deutschland en 1948).En 1951, Konrad Adenauer lui confie la direction de la délégation chargée de négocier le Traité Général sur l’Allemagne (« Deutschlandvertrag »). Wilhelm Grewe use d’astuces juridiques et de pragmatisme politique afin de réaliser les objectifs du chancelier. Les discussions portent essentiellement sur les questions de la souveraineté allemande, de l’autorité suprême, des droits réservés des Alliés, ainsi que sur une garantie de sécurité pour la République fédérale. Le traité, intrinsèquement lié à celui de la CED, est signé en mai 1952.La ratification des deux traités mène à des débats houleux au « Bundestag », notamment sur les questions de la nation allemande et du réarmement. Wilhelm Grewe est alors chargé de la défense juridique des traités devant le parlement et la Cour constitutionnelle. Il joue de nouveau un rôle important lors de la renégociation du Traité Général à la suite de l’échec de la CED. En mai 1955, un « Deutschlandvertrag » remodelé entre en vigueur, le statut d’occupation est aboli, et la République Fédérale rejoint les rangs de l’OTAN et de l’UEO. / The period from 1948 to 1955 was crucial for West Germany's attempts to regain her sovereignty and to achieve her integration into the West. During that time the three zones placed under the Supreme Authority of the Western Allies gradually progressed to becoming a (quasi) sovereign state and a full member of NATO.Wilhelm Grewe, a German professor of international law, was one of those who at a very early stage pleaded for a Statute of Occupation (in 1948, he published Ein Besatzungsstatut für Deutschland) in order to create a legal framework for the relations between the Allies and Germany.In 1951 Konrad Adenauer appointed him Head of delegation for the negotiation of the General Treaty on Germany (“Deutschlandvertrag”). With his legal expertise and his political pragmatism Wilhelm Grewe tried to fulfill the Chancellor’s objectives. The negotiations focused on German sovereignty, supreme authority, the reserved rights of the Allies and a security guarantee for the Federal Republic. This treaty, which was coupled with the EDC, was signed in May 1952.The ratification of both treaties gave rise to stormy debates in the “Bundestag”, concentrating especially on the questions of German reunification and rearmament. Grewe was then entrusted with the legal defence of the treaties vis-à-vis Parliament and the Constitutional Court.He was again called to play an important role when the General Treaty had to be renegotiated after the EDC had failed. In May 1955 a revised “Deutschlandvertrag” entered into force, the Statute of Occupation was abolished and the Federal Republic of Germany became a member of NATO and of the WEU.

O processo de planejamento urbano na vigência do Estatuto da Cidade: os casos dos planos diretores de 2006 de São José dos Campos e Pindamonhangaba / The process of the urban planning in the validity of the Statute of the City: the cases of the master plans 2006 from São José dos Campos e Pindamonhangaba.

Lobão, Isabella Guimarães 21 June 2007 (has links)
Avaliar as transformações apresentadas pelo processo de Planejamento Urbano, através do instrumento do Plano Diretor, na vigência do Estatuto da Cidade é o campo em que se situa esta pesquisa; cujos resultados deverão contribuir para a discussão acerca dos alcances e limites do Plano Diretor como instrumento de planejamento urbano. De modo a formar pressupostos teóricos que fundamentem a análise dos casos, estuda-se o processo de urbanização e o histórico do planejamento urbano no Brasil; as distintas concepções assumidas pelo Plano Diretor ao longo dos anos em que se desenvolveu e consolidou a prática do planejamento urbano no Brasil; o conteúdo regulamentado pelo Estatuto da Cidade; e a região do Vale do Paraíba paulista. Por fim, a partir do estudo e análise do processo de elaboração e do conteúdo dos Planos Diretores de 2006 dos Municípios de São José dos Campos e Pindamonhangaba, no Vale do Paraíba paulista, compreendido nas etapas de Diagnóstico e Proposições, verifica-se em que medida o processo de Planejamento Urbano, através do instrumento do Plano Diretor, vem incorporando os princípios, diretrizes e instrumentos urbanísticos regulamentados pelo Estatuto da Cidade, em 2001; no sentido de enunciar uma nova concepção de planejamento e gestão territorial. / To evaluate the transformations presented by the process of the Urban Planning, through the instrument of the Master Plan, in the validity of the Statute of the City is the field where it is pointed this research; which results may contribute for the discussion about the reaches and limits of the Master Plan as an instrument of the urban planning. In order to form theories which base the analysis of the cases, are studied the process of the urbanization and the historic of the urban planning in Brazil; the distinct conceptions assumed for the Master Plan during the years in which was developed and consolidated the practice of the urban planning in Brazil; the content regulated by the Statute of the City; and the region of the Valley Paraíba paulista. From the study and analysis of the process of elaboration and of the content of the Master Plans 2006 from the cities of São José dos Campos and Pindamonhangaba, in the Valley Paraíba paulista, comprehended by the stages of Diagnostics and Proposals, it is verified how the process of the Urban Planning, through the instrument of the Master Plan, incorporates the principles, directives and urbanistics instruments regulated by the Statute of the City, in 2001; in order to enunciate a new conception of territorial planning and management.

Sentido e alcance do princípio da função social da propriedade urbana: a ausência de plano diretor e o conteúdo mínimo dedutível do sistema da constituição federal brasileira de 1988

Erenberg, Jean Jacques 04 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jean.pdf: 697737 bytes, checksum: 733765cfe7ccdc753dd9ea35c790e895 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-04 / The present paper work aims at showing that the urban property social function principle has a minimum content, legal and mandatory, that can be extracted of the Brazilian constitutional system since the promulgation of the Federal Constitution in October, 5, 1988 and that does not depend on City Plannig Law presence to happen in a full form, direct and immediate on all urban property in the domestic territory. To support that affirmation, first we chose the study of the principles, searching to find its importance and to identify the points of contact and distance of these in relation to the juridical rules; after that we tried to locate the role of the managing plan, pointing the hypotheses of obligatoriness in constitutional and infraconstitutional levels and the consequences of not editing that plan, when it is obligatory; then we made some relevants questionings about the new constitutional profile of the property by the positioning of the social function as an intrinsic and forming element of its concept, capable to assure its effectiveness in a State of social welfare. Finally we had proceeded an analysis of the property social function in general and then of the urban property in special. The study concludes that, in fact, it is possible to extract of the Brazilian constitutional system after-1988 an essential legal content to the social function of the urban property principle, capable to make valid the underlying idea of fulfilment of the city social functions and fulfilment of the human life dignity basic principle. In this context, the managing plan it figures as an instrument to ensure the power of the urban property social function and not as a conditional circumstance of its existence and applicability / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar que o princípio da função social da propriedade urbana tem um conteúdo mínimo, jurídico e cogente, que pode ser extraído do sistema constitucional brasileiro instituído a partir da promulgação da Constituição Federal de 5 de outubro de 1988 e que não depende da edição de plano diretor para incidir de forma plena, direta e imediata sobre toda propriedade urbana localizada no território nacional. Para dar suporte à afirmação que se pretende demonstrar, elegeu-se primeiramente o estudo dos princípios, buscando revelar sua importância e identificar os pontos de contato e de distanciamento destes em relação às regras; em seguida buscou-se a identificação do papel do plano diretor, apontando-se as hipóteses de obrigatoriedade nos planos constitucional e infraconstitucional e as conseqüências da não edição do plano, quando obrigatória; seguiram-se questionamentos a respeito do novo perfil constitucional da propriedade diante do posicionamento da função social como elemento intrínseco e conformador de seu conceito, capaz de assegurar sua efetividade num Estado de bem-estar social. Por fim teve vez a análise da função social da propriedade em geral e da propriedade urbana em especial. O estudo conclui que, de fato, é possível extrair do sistema constitucional brasileiro pós-1988 um conteúdo jurídico essencial para o princípio da função social da propriedade urbana, capaz de fazer valer a idéia subjacente de cumprimento das funções sociais da cidade e de cumprimento do princípio fundamental da dignidade da vida humana. Nesse contexto, o plano diretor se afigura como um instrumento de efetivação da função social da propriedade e não como circunstância condicionante de sua existência e aplicabilidade


RAFAELLE MONTEIRO DE CASTRO 21 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese estuda a construção do lugar da criança e do adolescente enquanto sujeitos de direitos a partir do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA). Como objetivo inicial, estabelece uma leitura dos direitos da criança enquanto um processo complexo de mudanças e práticas na construção de uma nova cultura. O ECA estabeleceu dispositivos institucionais como leis, programas e órgãos que configuraram um circuito institucional gerando novas práticas no cotidiano. Mas, ao mesmo tempo em que funciona como uma transformação jurídico-institucional avançada, o ECA dispara uma ação intempestiva e abrupta no cotidiano da sociedade brasileira. Atores foram colocados em diálogo para a validação desse direito, nesse sentido, uma nova perspectiva de direitos trouxe consigo a valorização do ator e sua capacidade de ação em rede dentro de uma nova lógica de gestão pública. Os efeitos reais das inovações do ECA podem ser observados à luz da presença da criança no espaço público, geralmente, lugares em que são invisíveis, e onde o seu direito à cidade tende a desaparecer. Através de pesquisa empírica o estudo evidenciará trajetórias de crianças e adolescentes da Favela da Rocinha, no Rio de Janeiro, com passagem pelo Conselho tutelar, por meio de tramas e relatos dos casos. Este estudo inclui também, de forma complementar, uma análise da relação deste Conselho com algumas agências que compõem a Rede de proteção de crianças e adolescentes - Ministério Público, Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) e Escola - de forma a entender como cada uma dessas agências, em seu modo de funcionamento, revela a fragilidade a que estão expostas crianças e adolescentes de origem popular. / [en] This thesis studies the construction of the place of the child and the adolescent as subjects of rights from the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent. As an initial goal, it establishes a reading of children s rights as a complex process of changes and practices in the construction of a new culture. The ECA established institutional arrangements such as laws, programs and bodies that set up an institutional circuit generating new practices in everyday life. But, at the same time that it functions as an advanced juridical-institutional transformation, the ECA triggers an abrupt and untimely action in the daily life of Brazilian society. Actors were put in dialogue for the validation of this right, in this sense, a new perspective of rights brought with it the actor s valorization and his ability to act in a network within a new logic of public management. The real effects of ECA innovations can be seen in the light of the child s presence in the public space, usually where they are invisible, and where their right to the city tends to disappear. Through empirical research, the study will show trajectories of children and adolescents from the Favela de Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro, with passage through the Guardianship Council, through plots and case reports. This study also includes, in a complementary way, an analysis of the relationship of this Council with some agencies that make up the Network for the Protection of Children and Adolescents - Public Prosecutor s Office, Social Assistance Reference Center and School - in order to understand how each one of these agencies, in its way of functioning, reveals the fragility to which children and adolescents of popular origin are exposed.

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