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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Alla ska mot samma mål men det finns olika vägar dit” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur några lärare i F-3 beskriver sin användning av digitala verktyg med fokus på elever i svårigheter. / "Everyone should reach the same goal but there are different ways to get there" : A qualitative interview study on how some teachers in F-3 describe their use of digital toolswith a focus on students in difficulty.

Tell, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Att stötta elever i svårigheter kan göras på olika sätt. Ett av dessa är med hjälp av digitalaverktyg. För att få en djupare bild av det har denna studie gjort med syfte är att öka kunskapenom hur några lärare i årskurserna F-3 beskriver sin användning av digitala verktyg med fokuspå elever i svårigheter i svenskundervisningen. För att uppnå studiens syfte har tvåfrågeställningar varit till hjälp. Det är vilka möjligheter lärarna beskriver att digitala verktygskapar för elever i svårigheter och hur lärarna i studien beskriver att de arbetar för att bedrivasvenskundervisning med hjälp av digitala verktyg för elever i svårigheter. För att besvarastudiens syfte och frågeställningar har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med tre styckenverksamma lärare med erfarenhet av att arbeta digitala verktyg och behörighet i årskurserna 1–3. Studien har även sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i den sociokulturella teorin där språket,medierande redskap, appropriering och det sociala samspelet ligger i fokus. Resultatet i studienvisar på vilka möjligheter som lärarna beskriver att digitala verktyg skapar för elever isvårigheter. Det visar också på vad lärarna i studien använder för applikationer och funktioneri sin undervisning för elever i svårigheter. Slutligen visar resultatet på några av lärarnasupplevda problem och hur de arbetar och tänker för att komma över dessa. Efter resultatavsnittetpresenteras ett diskussionsavsnitt där studiens metod diskuteras samt en diskussion om studiensresultat utifrån tidigare forskning och studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt. / Supporting students in difficulty can be done in different ways. One way is using digital tools.To get a deeper picture of this, this study has been done with the aim of acquiring the knowledgeof how some teachers in grades F-3 describe their use of digital tools with a focus on studentsin difficulty learning Swedish language. To achieve the purpose of the study, two researchquestions have been used. These are the opportunities that teachers describe that digital toolscreate for everyone in difficulty and how the teachers in the study describe that they work tomanage teaching Swedish with the help of digital tools for students in difficulty. To answer theaim and research questions, qualitative interviews were conducted with three teachers with atleast basic experience of digital tools and qualifications in grades 1-3. The study has itstheoretical starting point in the sociocultural theory where language, mediating tools,appropriation and social interaction is the focus. The results of the study show the opportunitiesthat teachers describe that digital tools create for students in difficulty. It also shows whatapplications and functions teachers in the study are using for students in difficulty. Finally, theresults show some of the teachers' perceived problems and how they work and think to solvethem. After the results, a discussion is presented where the study method is discussed as wellas a discussion of the results based on previous research and the study's theoretical startingpoint.

”Här pratar vi svenska!” : En kvalitativ studie av flerspråkiga elevers upplevelser av skolans svenskundervisning / ”Here, we speak Swedish!” : A qualitative study of multilingual students’ experiences of the Swedish language teaching.

Ljunggren, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med följande undersökning är att ge ett kunskapsbidrag om flerspråkiga elevers upplevelse av sin språkliga identitetsutveckling i samspel med skolans svenskundervisning. För att uppnå syftet har följande frågor besvarats: (1) Hur upplever flerspråkiga elever att deras språkande uppfattas inom ramen för svenskundervisningen? och (2) Hur upplever flerspråkiga elever att deras språkliga identitet påverkas av svenskundervisningens förhållningssätt till språkande? Undersökningen har en positionsteoretisk utgångspunkt. Metoden som använts är kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att de flerspråkiga eleverna upplever en enspråksnorm i skolan och att detta har påverkat deras syn på sitt eget språkande och sin egen språkliga identitet. / The aim of the following study is to make a knowledge contribution regarding multilingual students’ experience of their linguistic identity development in interaction with Swedish language teaching in school. To reach this aim the following questions have been answered (1) How do multilingual students experience that their languaging is perceived within the Swedish language teaching? And (2) How do multilingual students experience that their linguistic identity is affected by the approach to languaging in the Swedish language teaching? The theoretical framework in this essay is positioning theory. The method used in this essay is qualitative semi-structured interviews. The result shows that the multilingual students experience a monolingual norm in school and that this has affected how they perceive their own languaging and linguistic identity.

Bedömningsmatriser i svenskämnet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärar- och elevuppfattningar av bedömningsmatriser / Scoring rubrics in the Swedish language : A qualitative interview study regarding teacher’s and student’s perception of scoring rubrics

Johansson, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Studien tar avstamp i praktikens frågor. Svensklärare och elever på gymnasieskolan har intervjuats för att skönja uppfattningar och erfarenheter om bedömningsmatrisers tillämpning i undervisningen. Studiens resultat har diskuterats ur ett OTL-perspektiv. Tre lärare deltog i studien och enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med samtliga. Sex elever intervjuades i fokusgrupper uppdelade om tre elever i varje.  Resultatet presenteras genom tematisk analys av transkriberade intervjuer.  Studiens resultat visar att lärarna och eleverna delar liknande uppfattningar om och av bedömningsmatrisers tillämpning i undervisning. Bedömningsmatriser ansågs ha både för- och nackdelar som är av betydande roll dels för lärarens yrkesutövning, dels för elevens lärande. Bedömningsmatrisens största utmaning sågs av både lärare och elever som för abstrakt för att eleverna ska förstå skillnaden i kvaliteter mellan de olika nivåerna. Den största möjligheten med matrisanvändning uppfattades vara en tydlig kartläggning av elevens kunskaper. / The study is based on practice questions. Swedish teachers and students in upper secondary school have been interviewed to discern perceptions and experiences about the application of scoring rubrics in teaching. The results of the study have been discussed from an OTL perspective. Three teachers participated in the study and individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with all of them. Six students were interviewed in focus groups divided into three students in each group. The result of the study is presented through thematic analysis of transcribed interviews. The results of the study show that teachers and students share similar views about and of the application of scoring rubrics in teaching. Scoring rubrics were considered to have both advantages and disadvantages that are of significant role for both the teacher's professional practice and for the student's learning. The biggest shortcoming of the scoring rubric was seen by both teachers and students as too abstract for the students to understand the difference in qualities between the different levels. The biggest advantage of the rubric was perceived to be a clear mapping of the student's knowledge.

Hela världens skönlitteraturer? : En diskursanalytisk studie om svensklärares förhållningssätt till icke västerländsk skönlitteratur / The whole world's fiction? : A discourse analysis of teachers’ approach to fiction from outside of Europe

Lindqvist, Robin, White, Ebba January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates teaching of fiction from outside of the Western world. The study was conducted via a discourse analysis of five semi structured interviews with upper secondary school teachers in Swedish language and literature. The aim is to describe how the discourse of fiction from outside of the Western world is depicted by the teachers’ dictums about literature in general and their own teaching of literature. This is done by adapting Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s theoretical conception of signs, floating signifier, moment, articulation, chains of equivalence and subject position along with the pedagogical conceptions inclusion, integration and exclusion. The result shows that the signs “cultures” and “knowledges” were central in the discourse. The signs had the character of floating signifiers, due to the difference in the teachers’ statements. The chains of equivalence showed that fiction from outside of the Western world often was associated with negativity while the European and western fiction often where given a more positive approach. A majority of the teachers’ approach was further characterized by exclusion of fiction from outside the Western world, even though an individual teacher’s approach were characterized by inclusion. Based on the results, we also claim that the discourse concerning fiction from outside of the Western world in the Swedish subject is in a state of change, since the discourse in general was characterized by instability.

När man talar om trollen : Personreferens i svenskt samtalsspråk

Öqvist, Jenny January 2005 (has links)
The thesis investigates reference to non-present, singular persons in Swedish talk-ininteraction. The overall aim of the study is to analyse instances of person reference as parts of their linguistic, sequential and social contexts, and to describe these instances with regard to interactional, formal/structural, and functional aspects. An important point of departure for the study is that instances of person reference must be analysed as choices from different alternatives. This means that instances of person reference should neither be thought of as mere manifestations of the speaker’s own state of knowledge of the referent and her/his assessment of the addressee’s knowledge state, nor as reflections of structural aspects of the discourse. Theoretically and methodologically, the study belongs to the fields of interactional linguistics and conversation analysis (CA). The data for the study are drawn from naturally occurring everyday and institutional interaction and includes two-party and multi-party interaction, and telephone as well as face-to-face interaction. The analyses of introductory references to persons highlight issues such as the speaker’s claimed knowledge of/familiarity with the referent as well as the claims being made on behalf of the addressee, the role and importance of the referent in the activity of the talk, and the implications of person reference on the affiliation/disaffiliation of the participants with the referent, as well as with each other. The analyses of references to persons that have already been introduced in the interaction centres on partly different issues. The categorization of these references is based on two factors; the first being the sequential position of the reference and the second being whether the reference contributes to sequential continuity or discontinuity. The analyses emphasize that referential choice is an important resource for the construction of continuity and discontinuity, and that participants make use of these resources in unmarked as well as marked ways. This means that participants choose between different referential expressions, and these choices have different consequences depending on, inter alia, the sequential position of the reference. The study shows that reference to persons is doubly contextual: participants’ referential choices are made in consideration of the foregoing as well as the upcoming activity of the talk. Consequently, in order to adequately describe instances of person reference, the sequential context must be taken into account.

Kommunikativa strategier i texter om tobaksavvänjning : Innehåll, argumentation och modelläsare / Communicative strategies in texts about tobacco cessation : Contents, argumentation and model readers

Skoglund, Astrid January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to examine the content and communicative strategies in texts used in a project on tobacco policy delegated by the Swedish government to the National Institute of Public Health (“The National Tobacco Assignment 2008–2010”). The study uses communicative strategies as an umbrella term for the way the texts fulfil the political assignment through adaptation to suit different receivers in a discursive practice with set guidelines for communication between experts and users, and how these strategies are visible in the studied texts. The material consists of six guides for care personnel and ten brochures for smokers. The study is a text-focused critical discourse analysis combining methodological tools from different linguistic traditions. These are chiefly taken from critical text linguistics, new rhetoric, and sociosemiotics. The main question posed in the study is how the public authority’s assignment to influence people through the texts is combined with ideas about smokers’ empowerment. The investigation problematizes how the content and form of the texts relates to the authority’s assignment to exert influence, and to motivational interviewing as a discursive practice with an empowerment perspective on lifestyle changes. The analyses show that controlling ideas and notions about smokers’ empowerment exist in parallel in the government texts about smoking cessation. Controlling elements are most prominent in the sections of the guides about groups who, in the encounter with care personnel, do not show any interest or desire to quit smoking. In the studied brochures the controlling elements are most prominent in those aimed at operation ­patients, adolescents, and parents-to-be. Both groups of material – the guides and the brochures – nevertheless give the impression of being designed to be compatible with a patient-cent­red discursive practice. This is noticeable, for example, in the occurrence of associative and dissociative argumentation strategies which legitimize or tone down controlling elements.

Att vänja sig till det svenska språket : studier av en individuell skriftspråklig förändring utifrån Olof Bertilssons kyrkobok 1636-1668

Hellström, Solbritt January 2008 (has links)
<p>On the annexation of Jämtland by Sweden in 1645, Danish clergymen were allowed to remain on condition that they officiated in the Swedish language.</p><p>This dissertation investigates the changes in the written language of one of these Danish clergymen and is based on the parish register kept by the Rev. Olof Bertilsson between 1636 and 1668. The premise for this study is that individual variations and alterations in written language do not occur arbitrarily, but display systematisation and express social consensus. The analytical basis for this approach is derived from Alexander Zheltukhin’s work on orthographic code theory and employs concepts used in sociolinguistics, but also borrows ideas from theories of mixed languages and second-language learning.</p><p>Between 1636 and 1646 Olof Bertilsson displays a highly stable orthographic code with few variations. Following his attendance at the Riksdag (the Swedish Parlament) in Stockholm in 1647, a distinct change is evident in his orthography. Changes occur quite early in the spelling of some place-names, personal names and important and frequent ecclesiastical terms.</p><p>A decisive factor in determining when and how change occurs is his access to examples of Swedish texts. In the last decade of his life, an influx of Swedish clergy, increased contacts with Swedish officials and help from young clergymen with a Swedish education, contribute to a predominance of Swedish forms in Olof Bertilsson’s individual orthographic code.</p>

"Helt sjukt snyggt..." : Ungdomsspråket i romanrepliker, en jämförande studie / "Completely awesome..." : A Comparative Study of Dialogue Language in Teenage Novels

Möller, Bengt January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats studeras det ungdomliga talspråket i romanrepliker  genom stiljämförelse av dessa i tre ungdomsromaner, utgivna resp. 1911, 1967 och 2008. Syftet är att undersöka vad som är typiskt för ungdomsspråk, se i vilken mån dessa typiska drag finns i de tre romanerna, och hur detta har ändrat sig under loppet av hundra år. Det studerade materialet består av 100 repliker ur var och en av de tre romanerna, och dessa har undersökts med avseende på antal ord per replik, satsstruktur, sägeverb, slang och svordomar, "onödiga" småord, stilmarkerande ord och typografiska markeringar av prosodin. Som jämförelsematerial har använts flera olika tidigare undersökningar av ungdomsspråk, i första hand Klingberg (1970), Labov (1972) och Kotsinas (1994). Resultatet redovisas i form av tabeller över de underökta variblerna. Resultatet visar att författarna till de tre romanerna har strävat efter att efterlikna ungdomligt talspråk, i förstahand med hjälp av svordomar, slang, "onödiga" småord och enkel satsstruktur.</p>

Läsförståelse i svenskundervisningen för döva

de Silva, Ronny January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats behandlar läsförståelse i svenskundervisningen för döva. Syftet har varit att få en uppfattning om lärares syn på läsförståelse, deras erfarenheter kring döva läsare och deras arbete med läsförståelse i svenskundervisningen för döva. Mina informanter är lärare och de undervisar på riksgymnasiet för döva. Metoden har varit kvalitativa intervjuer. Jag har varit intresserad av lärarnas kunskaper och erfarenheter samt åsikter och därför har jag valt denna metod.</p><p>Läsförståelse innebär enligt informanterna utvunna upplevelser utifrån texten kopplade till läsarens tidigare erfarenheter. Enligt merparten av informanterna är det inte så stora skillnader mellan vana döva läsare och vana hörande läsare. När det gäller ovana döva läsare kan element i texten som fraser, homonymer, synonymer, referensbindningar och verbpartiklar vålla problem. De har ofta svårt att uppfatta kontexten i texten. I fråga om undervisningen handlar mycket om elevernas redan förvärvade kunskaper och erfarenheter samt intressen, enligt informanterna. Det gäller för läraren att börja där eleven befinner sig. Informanterna betonar bland annat texter med rimlig nivå. En stor del av texten skall eleverna kunna känna till och resten skall vara nytt. På så sätt blir läsningen träning. Annat som informanterna betonar är samtal mellan lärare och elev kring texten. Sålunda kan mycket bli klargörande för eleven. Högläsning, vilken sker på svenskt teckenspråk, kan ge förståelse av textens innebörd men fungerar framförallt som ett redskap för att framkalla läsintresse och nyfikenhet hos eleverna.</p><p>När det gäller lärarens förkunskaper betonar informanterna kunskaper i och om svenskt teckenspråk och svenska språket. Kunskaper om andraspråksinlärning och om svenskundervisningen för hörande kan vara viktiga.</p><p>Nyckelord: Läsning, Läsförståelse, Svenskt teckenspråk, Svenska som andraspråk, Döva</p>

<em>Gräset är apoteksgrönt </em>eller <em>var går gränsen för ett gränslöst språk</em> : om nationell identitet i svensk språkpoesi

Cullhed, Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Based on the on the assumption that the two recent Swedish poetry collections <em>mil</em> by Anna Hallberg and <em>mallamerik, mallamer, malameri, mallame, amerik, mallameka, merikka, </em>by Lars Mikael Raattamaa, are constructed with theoretical questions about identity, national identity, language hierarchy and power in mind, this study aims to investigate the ways in which these issues come to expression. Simplified, the term <em>language-poetry</em>, or <em>språkmaterialism</em>, can be used to describe a language-philosophical poetry that aims to eliminate the hierarcic structures between writer and reader in a text and invite the reader to become the co-worker of it. The study shows that by different ways of eliminating the <em>centre</em> of the text, the text is made democratical. But one question that this study asks is how can a nation's conventional and standardised written  language – the language of the centre – be used to write itself out of this centre into the margin? Stepping from a theoretical background of postcolonial theories on identity and national identity, including reflections as those given by Benedict Anderson, Madan Sarup, Timothy Brennan, Stefan Helgesson and Mia Cuoto, the analysis points out how this poetry laborates with the terms <em>bugging, repetition, national language identity, and space </em>as poetic material, in order to work in line with ─ and contrary to - conceptions of a unified and shared language. Adapting and transforming the architectural term sprawl into literature, and spreading similar phrases over the pages by, for example, thematizing names, Swedish suburbs, and the use of language referents made empty, an elimination of the textual centre is shown to take place. This study concludes that in these poems it is by pointing out markers of a Swedish identity which is transparent that identity becomes both constituted and articulated, as well as problematized; concepts of collectivity, orality, and lack of textual coherence create a dimension of  boundlessness in language.  </p><p> </p>

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