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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Par l’entremise d’une pratique réflexive, de quelle manière le professeur et l’étudiant inscrit en TREMPLIN DEC peuvent-ils utiliser les TIC de façon éthiquement responsable pour renouveler et améliorer l’enseignement de la philosophie au collégial?

Robert, Rémi January 2018 (has links)
Le début des années 2000 marque l’émergence des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) et du web 2.0 dans le réseau collégial québécois. Dans la foulée de ce progrès technologique, la présence des TIC a modifié la manière d’apprendre le savoir disciplinaire de l’étudiant, tout en permettant au professeur de repenser sa pédagogie dans le but de la rendre plus interactive. Au départ, la miniaturisation des appareils a été une source d’émulation pour les innovateurs, mais aussi de crainte pour les tenants d’un enseignement traditionnel. Encore aujourd’hui, cette dualité repose sur des convictions professionnelles divergentes à l’égard de ce que devrait être l’enseignement de la philosophie. Cette thèse a pour objectif de démontrer qu’en développant leur sentiment de compétence respectif, le professeur et l’étudiant du profil Tremplin DEC doivent faire un usage éthiquement responsable des technologies de l’information et de la communication pour améliorer l’enseignement de la philosophie au collégial et renouveler du même coup l’apprentissage disciplinaire. À terme, la valorisation de la techno pédagogie permettrait de responsabiliser davantage l’étudiant à l’égard de ses apprentissages et le rendrait plus autonome. En plus d’améliorer les taux de réussite, comme en témoigne notre cueillette de données, la techno pédagogie permettrait au professeur de développer une pédagogie de l’accompagnement mieux ciblée à l’égard des besoins particuliers de l’étudiant du profil Tremplin DEC. Pour parvenir à cette fin, notre thèse est divisée en quatre parties et elle se base sur une approche interdisciplinaire. La première partie porte sur la sociologie de la communication. Nous expliquerons la manière dont les TIC modifient la nature du lien social et la dynamique des interactions entre les usagers. Pour les uns la technologie permettrait une communication plus efficace, mais pour les autres elle encouragerait le durcissement des rapports humains de sorte que prioriser l’efficacité de la communication menacerait la qualité et la pérennité des relations interpersonnelles. Quant à elle, la seconde partie porte sur l’éducation et l’importance pour l’étudiant et le professeur de développer une pratique réflexive conjointe à l’égard de l’apprentissage et de la transmission du savoir disciplinaire. En dépit des difficultés auxquelles l’étudiant du profil Tremplin DEC et le techno pédagogue sont confrontés, ces derniers doivent acquérir une série de compétences communes sans lesquelles l’usage des TIC en classe risquerait d’être futile. Du coup, la nature de la relation pédagogique doit être réévaluée pour maximiser l’innovation techno pédagogique. La troisième partie porte sur l’éthique et l’usage responsable des technologies en situation d’apprentissage. En effet, l’utilisation des TIC par le professeur et l’étudiant doit être une responsabilité partagée et reposer sur des valeurs communes de solidarité et de complémentarité. Ce sont ces deux valeurs qui permettraient d’adapter l’encadrement pédagogique du professeur afin de pouvoir répondre aux besoins spécifiques de l’étudiant. De plus, l’implantation d’une communauté d’apprentissage professionnelle optimiserait l’engagement du professeur et la participation de l’étudiant dans sa réussite académique. Finalement, nous proposerons une série de recommandations visant à améliorer l’enseignement de la philosophie. Celles-ci ont pour but d’inculquer une culture du changement qui, selon nous, serait à la fois profitable pour l’ensemble du réseau collégial et constructive pour le développement de stratégies numériques en philosophie. / Abstract : The turn of the century brought with it an emergence of information and communications technologies (ICT) and web 2.0 to the Quebec junior college network. In the wake of this technological progress, the presence of ICT changed (transformed) the way students learned about discipline-related content while allowing the teachers to redefine their pedagogical methods that would make courses more interactive. At the outset, the miniaturisation of these tools was a source of emulation for the developers as well as a cause of concern for the tenants of traditional teaching methods. Even today, this duality has led to diverging professional convictions with regards to how we should teach philosophy. The goal of this thesis is to show that in developing a feeling of mutual competency, students and teachers of the Springboard to a DCS pathway must engage in an ethically responsible usage of information and communications technologies. This will improve teaching methods of philosophy, which will lead to renewed discipline-related learning. Over time, the validation of electronic pedagogy (e-pedagogy) will allow students to cultivate a sense of responsibility with regards to their learning and make them more autonomous. In addition to increasing the passing rate, as shown by our data, e-pedagogy permits the teacher to develop a more targeted approach to accompany the particular needs of students in the Springboard to a DCS pathway. Our thesis is broken into four parts and is based on an interdisciplinary approach. The first part deals with the sociology of communication. We will explain how ICT have changed the nature of socialization and the dynamics of user interactions. For some, technological tools allow for a more efficient communication, whereas others feel that these tools encourage a breakdown of human relationships because in prioritizing communication efficiency, we risk harming the quality and longevity of interpersonal relationships. The second part focuses on education and the importance for students and teachers to develop a shared reflective practice with regards to learning and transmitting discipline-related content. Despite the difficulties faced by students in the Springboard to DSC pathway and their instructor, all of the actors must acquire a series of common competencies, without which the use of ICT would be futile. That means that the nature of the pedagogical relationship must be re-evaluated to allow to increased e-pedagogy innovation. The third part deals with ethically responsible usage of ICT in learning situations. Indeed, in using ICT, instructors and students must assure a shared responsibility and consider common values of solidarity and complementarity. These two values are necessary for teachers to be able to adapt academic supervision in order to answer specific student needs. Furthermore, a professional learning community would optimize teacher commitment thereby increasing a student’s efforts in his or her academic success. Finally, we will propose a series of recommendations to improve the teaching of philosophy. The purpose is to bring about a culture of change which, in our opinion, would be beneficial for the entire college network and constructive for the development of e-pedagogical strategies in philosophy.

Tror jag att jag kan det här? : En kvantitativ studie om elevers tilltro till sin egen matematiska förmåga i relation till faktisk prestation i metod-och problemlösningsuppgifter / Do I believe I can do this? : A quantitative study of student´s confidence in their own mathematical ability in relation to actual achievement in method and problem solving tasks

Algotsson, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
Denna kvantitativa forskningsrapport inriktar sig på hur elever uppfattar sin egen matematiska förmåga, vilken grad av tilltro eleverna har till sin förmåga och hur de presterar i matematikämnet med särskilt fokus på metod- och problemlösningsuppgifter. Den litteratur som ligger till grund för studien baseras på vad det innebär att tro på sin egen förmåga, förmågan att kunna värdera sig själv och sin förmåga samt matematikuppgifters betydelse för skapandet av självuppfattning och tilltro till den egna förmågan. Den forskningsmetod som används för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar är av kvantitativ karaktär och består av ett självskattningsformulär där syftet är att synliggöra elevernas grad av tilltro till den egna matematiska förmågan samt ett tillhörande matematiktest där eleverna löser metod- och problemlösningsuppgifter. Lösningsfrekvensen av de olika uppgiftstyperna analyseras i relation till elevernas grad av tilltro. Studien genomsyras av ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv och resultatet teoretiseras genom att utgå från den socialpsykologiska teorin om själveffektivitet samt symbolisk interaktionism. För att analysera sambanden har materialet även analyserats ur ett statistiskt perspektiv genom analysverktyget SPSS. Resultatet av studien visar att det verkar finnas ett samband mellan elevernas grad av tilltro till sin matematiska förmåga och hur de presterar i både metod- och problemlösningsuppgifter. / This quantitative study focuses on how students perceive their own mathematical ability, what degree of confidence students have in their ability and how they perform in mathematical tasks that focuses on method and problem solving ability. The literature underlying the study is based on the importance of believing in your own ability, the ability to assess yourself and your ability, and the importance of mathematics to maintain and create opportunity to develop self-perception and confidence in your own ability. The research method used to answer the questions of the study is of a quantitative nature and consists of a self-assessment form that aims to visualize the students' degree of confidence in their own mathematical ability and a mathematics test where students solve method and problem solving tasks. The dissolution rate of the different types of tasks is analyzed in relation to the students' degree of confidence. The study is pervaded by a social psychological perspective and the result is theorized by starting from the social psychological theory of self-efficacy as well as symbolic interactionism. To analyze the relationships, the material has also been analyzed from a statistical perspective, using the SPSS analyzing tool. The result of the study shows that there seems to be a connection between the students' degree of confidence in their mathematical ability and how they perform in both method and problem solving tasks.

“In the Eye of the Employer”: An Investigation into the Role of Stigma and Shaming in the Professional Reintegration of Persons with Criminal Records

St. Helene-Uko, Illesha January 2017 (has links)
The employment of persons with criminal records has become an increasingly important issue in the Western world. Literature on Canadian hiring practices in relation to persons with criminal records, however, is severely lacking. This thesis aims to make a significant contribution to the field of criminology by investigating how employers evaluate the employability of persons with criminal records, as well as their attitudes and perceptions towards this population. Through eight open-ended and low-structured interviews with owners and/or hiring managers in the city of Ottawa and using the theoretical framework of H. Blumer’s (1969) symbolic interactionism (SI), E. Goffman’s (1963) stigma, and J. Braithwaite’s (1989) reintegrative shaming for analysis, this thesis attempts to gain insight into the barriers and challenges of professional integration for persons with criminal records. This study ultimately revealed that: (1) criminal record verifications were seldom used among employers to check for past convictions; (2) employers were willing to hire persons with criminal records (under specific conditions); and that (3) employability was based primarily on whether the candidate in question had the skillset required for the position, making the criminal record a secondary consideration. Contrary to popular belief, the results also suggest that while employers may be socially aware of this stigma, not all engage in stigmatizing and/or shaming behaviour towards persons with criminal records during the hiring process. Further, it is often the case that when making decisions, employers must decide between catering to the needs of their business or hiring a prospective candidate despite their criminal record. This study opens new avenues of inquiry concerning persons with criminal records and professional reintegration while proposing future directions for research. RÉSUME La réinsertion professionnelle des personnes judiciarisées est un sujet qui a acquis une grande importance dans le monde occidental. Toutefois, la littérature détaillant les pratiques d’embauche des employeurs Canadiens est limitée. Cette thèse vise donc à contribuer au champ de connaissance sur le sujet. Elle a pour objectif d’analyser comment les employeurs évaluent l’employabilité des personnes avec un casier judiciaire, leurs attitudes ainsi que leurs perceptions de cette population. Sur la base de huit entretiens ouverts et non-structurés avec des propriétaires et/ou responsables du recrutement dans la ville d’Ottawa et en utilisant le cadre théorique de l’interactionnisme symbolique d’H. Blumer (1968), la théorie du stigmate d’E. Goffman (1963) ainsi que celle du reintegrative shaming de J. Braithwaite (1989), cette thèse aspire à une meilleure compréhension des obstacles dans la réinsertion professionnelle des personnes avec un casier judiciaire. Cette étude révèle que (1) la fréquence des vérifications des casiers judiciaire est rare, (2) que les employeurs désirent embaucher les personnes judiciarisées (mais sous certaines conditions) et (3) que l’employabilité est basée principalement sur les compétences requises pour le poste. Le casier judiciaire devient donc une considération secondaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que même si les employeurs sont conscients du stigmate, un comportement stigmatisant or humiliant envers les personnes avec un casier judiciaire n’est pas la norme lors du processus d’embauche. Lors de la décision finale, le dilemme des employeurs porte davantage sur les besoins de leur entreprise versus ceux du candidat que sur le casier judiciaire de ce dernier.

Exclusion and Resilience: Exploring the Decision-Making Processes of Young People Who Are Homeless

Roebuck, Benjamin S. January 2014 (has links)
Young people who are homeless experience adversity, but many are able to overcome the challenges of street life and transition back into housing. This exploratory, qualitative research draws on the narratives from interviews and focus groups with 35 young people who have experienced homelessness, as well as interviews and focus groups with 30 service providers working in youth shelters and a youth drop-in centre. Exploring themes of victimization, criminal offending, police involvement, and interactions with community services, this research highlights the capacities of young people to navigate around obstacles and negotiate to meet their needs. Integrating symbolic interactionism and social constructivist perspectives, this research explores the importance of micro-level interactions and perceptions, as well as the contexts that frame the decision-making processes of young people passing through homelessness. The implications of these perspectives are discussed within the framework of resilience discourse.

Válka jako videohra: konstrukce sociokulturní jinakosti v blízkovýchodním konfliktu / War as a videogame: construction of the sociocultural otherness in the Near-eastern conflict

Pavelka, Kamil January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses the construction of the Near-Eastern conflict, it's actors and the problematic of the "Self -- Others" relationship in digital games. This Near-Eastern conflict can be viewed as a constructed, thought object or representation with blurred space-time boudnaries, which is not necessarily identical with "material reality". Despite it not being identical, the constructed object does nevertheless contribute to the creation of identities of the material reality's participants, and as such influences their behaviour and the behaviour towards them. In the field of international relations, this constructed identity can have important implications.

Utlandsadopterad i Sverige : En etnologisk studie av hur utlandsadopterades identiteter skapas och uttrycks genom sociala interaktioner / Internationally adopted in Sweden : An Ethnological study of how internationally adopted individuals’ identities are created and expressed through social interaction

Breding, Thi-Sofie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study how internationally adopted people of colours’ national identifications are created in interaction with other people outside of their closest social networks of people, and how this can affect their feelings of social belonging and exclusion. This is accomplished by examining qualitative ethnographic interviews through social constructivist theories and concepts such as Erving Goffman’s symbolic interactionism and theories behind national identifications. The essay explores how the internationally adopted participants are met by other people and how these social situations are constructed. The question “where are you from?” is central in this study. The essay studies how the participants identify themselves and how they express these self-identifications. Results show that the informants relate to a Swedish national identity one way or another and that they express this to others with the help of different symbols, behaviours and actions. The study material shows that the internationally adopted participants get stigmatised in Sweden both for being adopted and for being non-white, and thus risk getting feelings of exclusion from a Swedish national identity. Although there are some social interactions which make them feel connected to and included in certain communities of people which often include other adopted individuals or people of colour.

Att upprätthålla självbilden : En interpretativ fenomenologisk analys om socialarbetarens upplevelse av privatpersoners attityder och nyhetsmediers framställan av professionen / To maintain the self-image : An interpretative phenomenological analysis about the social worker's experience of public attitudes and news media's portrayal of the profession.

Maria, Nordenström, Viktoria, Vallberg January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to deepen the understanding of how the social workers' self-images are affected by how they perceive public attitudes and news media's portrayal of their profession as well as understanding how they are coping with it. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), which focuses on how individuals experience a certain phenomenon, has been used as a method. One of IPA's theoretical underpinnings is symbolic interactionism and therefore experiences which have effect on a person's self-image is significant. The results show that social workers perceive public attitudes as mainly negative and that the media often portrays social workers in a negative way, which aligns with previous studies. Furthermore, there seems to be a dissonance between the social workers' view of their professional role and how they feel that others perceive them, which led to the use of cognitive dissonance as a theory to support the results in the analysis. The social workers use different strategies to lessen the discomfort that emerges from the dissonance. For instance they tend to avoid telling others what they work with. A successful reduction of the dissonance can help the social workers to maintain a positive self-image.

Le travail du care : entre engagement et distanciation. La relation entre professionnels et résidents au sein des unités Alzheimer / The ethics of care between commitment and detachment. The relation between professionals and residents in Alzheimer's Special Care Units

Farhat, Mounir 04 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000 se développe une littérature enjoignant les professionnels au contact des malades d'Alzheimer à "personnaliser" leur prise en charge. Derrière ce terme se cache en réalité une véritable injonction à l'humanisation dans le cadre d'une relation où cette dimension semble faire défaut. Ce qui est demandé au personnel médical et paramédical, c'est un engagement véritable et authentique auprès de cette population. Ce qui est visé, c'est un contrôle des émotions et de leur manifestation.Cette thèse interroge la mise en pratique de la "personnalisation" au sein des unités Alzheimer en EHPAD. S'appuyant sur une démarche qui s'inspire des enquêtes interactionnistes, cette recherche montre non seulement la banalité de l'"engagement" dans ce type d'univers, mais également la complexité de sa mise en oeuvre.Dans la perspective des études sur le care, un travail souterrain, qui reste le souvent invisible, consiste à faire en sorte que la vie de l'étage soit possible pour l'ensemble des individus en présence. C'est cette intelligence de la situation qui conduit, d'un côté, à éloigner le risque de la réification et, de l'autre, à prévenir l'épuisement professionnel.Bien loin de la rhétorique de la "bonne distance professionnelle", l'enquête montre que l'activité des soignants s'articule autour d'un subtil dosage entre engagement et distanciation, pour reprendre la proposition d'Elias (1956). Les émotions sont tout à la fois une nécessité dans le cadre de la réalisation des tâches qui incombent aux professionnels, et une source de danger qu'il faut parfois savoir mettre à distance.L'univers des unités Alzheimer est marqué par un poids relativement important de la régulation autonome par rapport à la régulation de contrôle, pour reprendre la terminologie de Reynaud (2004). Les velléités de formalisation achoppent face au caractère fondamentalement insaisissable et local du care. / In France, since early 2000s spreads a literature inviting professionals in contact with people suffering from Alzheimer disease to "personalize" the way they take care of them. This term refers to a humanization that seems to fade away in this particular context. What is asked to medical and paramedical staff, is a true and authentic commitment toward these patients. What is aimed, is a control of emotions and the way they are expressed.This Ph.D explores the way in which "personalization" is practically accomplished in the context of Alzheimer’s Special Care Units. Based on interviews and observations, it shows the banality of "commitment", and also the complexity of it’s execution. From the ethics of care perspective, an invisible work makes life possible for every protagonist living in that kind of environment. This cleverness of the situation drives away the danger of reification, and prevents burnout.Far from the chimerical "professional distance", this field work shows an articulation between commitment and detachment (Elias, 1956). Emotions appears to be a necessity in order to carry out the tasks, but also a danger that requires to be put away. Thus, Alzheimer’s units are characterized by the relative importance of autonomous regulation, in comparison with control regulation (Reynaud, 2004) : formalization process struggle due to the elusive and local nature of the ethics of care.

Kontoret bra, men hemma bäst? -En kvalitativ studie om distansarbetets inverkan på socialsekreterares arbetssituation

Johansson, Åsa, Kheniab, Ahmed January 2020 (has links)
As a consequence of the Covid-19 global pandemic, many occupational groups have been forced to readjust to teleworking. This has resulted in meetings held through different digital platforms, such as smartphones and video-meetings, instead of seeing each other physically face-to-face. This study aims to investigate social workers' experience of performing social work from home based on the aspects of relationship and communication. Central questions that are covered is how collegial- and client relationships are affected when digital means of communication becomes the leading way to communicate. Previous research that is referred to in this study illustrates aspects such as how relationships are affected when communication is done through digital means, what social workers' work situation looks like and the importance of relationships at work for social workers. The theories that are used in this study is symbolic interactionism, communication theory and control-demand-support. The study is based on the qualitative research method semi-structured interviews, containing six participants. The results of this study shows that performing work from home has both positive and negative aspects. Teleworking social workers have a need for social interaction and support from colleagues. Also, physical encounters are perceived as important when it comes to the assessment of clients, but the more established the relationship is, the less of a need for physical encounters. Having client contact from home can generate a negative feeling that clients comes to close, while for others an emotional distance is created through the calming effect of the home environment. / På grund av omständigheterna med covid-19 har organiseringen av arbetet kommit till att ställas om till distansarbete för flera yrkesgrupper ute i samhället. Detta har bland annat inneburit möten via digitala medier, som till exempel mobiltelefon och videomöten istället för att mötas fysiskt. Denna studie undersöker socialsekreterares upplevelse av att utföra socialt arbete på distans utifrån aspekter relation och kommunikation. Centrala frågor som behandlas i är hur kollegiala relationer och klientrelationer påverkas när digitala kommunikationsmedel blir det ledande sättet att kommunicera på. Den tidigare forskning som hänvisas till i denna studie belyser aspekter av bland annat relationsskapande när kommunikationen sker digitalt, hur socialarbetares arbetssituation ser ut och vad vikten av relationer på arbetet innebär för socialarbetare. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna i denna studie är symbolisk interaktionism, kommunikationsteori och krav-kontroll-socialt stöd. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Socialsekreterare som arbetar på distans har ett behov av fysisk social samvaro och stöd från kollegor, att fysiska träffar upplevs som viktiga vid bedömningar av klienter, men ju mer etablerad relation desto mindre behov av fysiska träffar har man. Det visade sig även att utförandet av klientrelaterat socialt arbete hemifrån kunde ge en negativ känsla av att klienter kommer för nära, medan för andra skapades en emotionell distans genom hemmiljöns lugnande inverkan.

Professional Isolation and Connectedness in Computer Supported Cooperative Work Systems : A Focused Ethnographic Study of Knowledge Workers Working from Home

Mohlin, Alice January 2021 (has links)
Both companies and individuals have observed positive effects after implementing working from home (WFH) practices as digital technology expands collaborative possibilities. As a result, the hybrid workplace has emerged as a sustainable possibility for future workplace solutions. In a hybrid workplace, the workforce is distributed between a co-located office and WFH to different extents, naturally inferring an intense use of collaborative technology in daily operations. However, despite reports of aforementioned positive effects, research show that the feeling of professional isolation (PI) is a reoccurring issue for knowledge workers WFH. And although the spread of the issue appears to be severe in literature, little is known about the effects that the collaborative technology actually has on the level of experienced PI.  Within the interdisciplinary research field of CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work), collaborative information technology systems are studied from both technological and social perspectives. Thus, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of professional isolation in relation to the use of collaborative information technology systems, this study aims to explore how knowledge workers currently WFH experience and perceive the support of CSCW systems for communication in relation to PI.  Based on a qualitative, focused ethnographic approach, nine knowledge workers from different companies and positions currently WFH were interviewed about their perceptions of CSCW systems for communication support in relation to PI. The empirical data that the interviews generated was subjected to a thematic analysis, from which five themes emerged and constituted the empirical findings. These themes were then analyzed in the light of the research questions and discussed with the concepts in the literature review as well as with a symbolic interactionist perspective.  The results of this master’s thesis research show that most of the participants do not experience professional isolation as defined in literature, however, they display a loss of connectedness to co-workers when using the CSCW systems for communication support when working from home. The connectedness in question is achieved with ‘social interaction’, however, the research findings of this master’s thesis illustrate that ‘social interaction’ is not symbolically connected to any of the CSCW systems for communication support for the participants. Based on these research findings, it is proposed that ‘social interaction’ is not included in the concept of ‘communication’ within the field of CSCW. Furthermore, it is suggested that organizations aspiring to implement working from home (WFH), or hybrid workplace practices may want to re-evaluate current and future social activities within the CSCW systems for communication support based on the insights provided by the master’s thesis research study.

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