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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Svarta, Vita, Grå” En studie om särskilda barns vardag / ”Black, White, Grey” A study about special children’s school day

Bohman, Eva, Lilja, Mattias January 2003 (has links)
<p>This is a case study influenced by Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism. Its focus is on a small group of pupils isolated both geographically and socially from the ordinary school. The composition is written from the children’s perspective. Observations and interviews have made it possible to study both the interaction between the children and also the adults, how the children are described by the adults working with them and what expectations they have on the children. </p><p>In the light of earlier research, our case study can be seen as an example how the school is dealing with the children’s problems. The children’s school day seems to be characterized by frames that differ from between tight to and wide. Tight, in the sense that thesepupils are located in a restricted part of the school, together with just a few other pupils and adults. Wide in the sense that these pupils behaviour are all the same whether it is break or lesson. The social interaction between the children and the adults aims to be directed to show the pupils what they <i>are</i>, instead of what they can <i>become</i>. This attempt indicates that the teacher thinks that the children’s problems are caused by the individual child. The children’s individual biographical schemes are seen as the cause of the problem. Even if the children not have been moved from their originally classes only because of this problem, it is still mentioned as a strong argument for not letting the children return to their original classes. The school thinks that these children have bad influence on so called “normal children”, they even speak in terms as "risk of infection".</p>

Ungdomskulturer på institution : kan personalen påverka?

Laitinen, Maritta January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the study was, with initial position from two particular youth homes, to survey the staff’s experiences regarding different youth cultures that might occur at the institutions and how they react to them. The question formulations were as follows: What kind of youth cultures might occur at the institution and how are they being expressed, according to some of the staff members? How do the same staff members, individually, see their role and prospect to influence the type of youth culture that is developing on the institution? Earlier research in the field were used as theoretical starting positions as well as the concepts of “looking-glass self“, “the generalized other” and ”the overtaking of roles” in the symbolic-interactionism. Qualitative research interviews were carried through with three of the employees at the two youth homes and the results of the study evinced that both positive and negative youth cul-tures develops at both of the institutions, concluding the fact that youths affect each other both ways. The results of the positive culture is that the youths identifies themselves with other youths, support each other and by comprehending more might change their attitude toward different matters. The negative culture might be expressed with youths who bring their trou-bles to the institution, youths who discuss divergent subjects within the group, exposure to bad influence which leads to negative behaviour. Henceforth, the personnel considered that they have a propitious potential to influence the youths and the conditions between them. It was deemed crucial that the personnel group acted alike and kept a jointly approach toward the youths.

”Det känns som att jag träffar en vän, men inte en riktig kompis” : en kvalitativ studie om fyra brukares upplevelser av boendestöd

Ulestig, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore how the people with a mental functional disorder experience living support. This studies research questions are; What kind of help do the clients receive from living support? Do they feel that they need more help or do they receive more help then they fell that they need? What does the relationship look like between the clients and the supporter? To answer these questions a qualitative research approach was used. Four clients where interviewed. The results are presented using themes and quotations. The themes that are used are; Activities done together with living support, the experience of social control, the experience of taking part in the planning and the experience of time limitation, and finally the relationship to the supporter. The results are analyzed using symbolic interactionism and normalization perspective. The results show that the clients receive help with housekeeping and other ordinary chores. The clients also experience that the support is a kind of social control, which they experience as positive. The clients feel that the supporter feels like a friend, even though most of the clients feel that there are limits to the friendship.

Elektronisk mobbning i den nya nätkulturen : En kvalitativ studie utifrån två nätgemenskapers och två ideella stödorganisationers arbete och erfarenheter

Axelsson, Josefin, Albrektsson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie syftar till att definiera fenomenet elektronisk mobbning, att utreda ansvarsfrågan samt att kartlägga organisationernas arbete och eventuella samverkan. Resultatet baseras på intervjuer med BRIS, Friends, LunarStorm och Playahead som analyserades utifrån symbolisk interaktionism. Studien visar på hur liten skillnaden är mellan traditionell och elektronisk mobbning i hur den kommer till uttryck och vem den drabbar. Utmärkande för e-mobbning är spridningseffekten samt hur språket hårdnat i kommunikationen på Internet och andra elektroniska källor. Föräldrarna, skolan och barnen själva borde enligt organisationerna ta ansvar för att motverka e-mobbningen och de anser att lagstiftningen på området är bristfällig. Organisationernas arbete mot e-mobbning är relativt omfattande men effektiv samverkan saknas delvis. Till följd av den nya nätkulturen och att unga besitter en betydligt högre IT-kompetens än vuxengenerationen har unga i stor utsträckning lämnats ensamma att interagera på Internet. Utifrån symbolisk interaktionisms idéer kring den sociala interaktionens betydelse för identitetsskapandet och behovet av en generaliserad andre kan den vuxna frånvaron vara en bidragande orsak till problematiken kring e-mobbning. Dessutom har vuxenfrånvaron lett till att symbolspråket i nätkulturen blivit betydligt tuffare. Uppsatsens slutsats består till stor del i hur stort behovet av vuxen närvaro är i den unga nätkulturen. / This qualitative study aims to examine how cyberbullying appears, who should be responsible for prevention and measures, and how four organizations work against and cooperates round cyberbullying. The result is based on interviews with BRIS, Friends, LunarStorm and Playahead and analyzed with help from symbolic interactionism. The result indicates little difference between cyberbullying and traditional bullying. The tougher language and the quicker circulation of information characterize bullying on the Internet. The responsibility should, according to the organizations, be placed upon the parents, the school and the children. Legislation regarding cyberbullying is insufficient. In the organizations otherwise rather comprehensive work, efficient cooperation is partly lacking. The new Internet culture and the youths’ considerably higher IT-skills have led to that they to a greater extent have been left alone to interact on the Internet. According to symbolic interaktionism, satisfying development of the identity is highly dependent on social interaction and the idea of the generalized other. Therefore, the adult absence could be one of the most important explanations to cyberbullying, as well as to why the language has become more harsh and ruthless. To sum up, this essay emphasizes the need of adult presence in the new Internet culture. Title: Cyberbullying in the Internet culture – a qualitative study of the work and experiences of two Internet communities and two non-profit organizations.

”Jag kommer ju alltid att ha den där ryggsäcken” : en kvalitativ studie av individers upplevelser av sin tillvaroefter att ha lämnat en kriminell livsstil

Blanck, Karin, Laurell, Kajsa January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how individuals who have left a criminal lifestyle may experience their present life. A symbolic interaction approach was the theoretical framework for this research. Qualitative interviews were conducted with seven individuals who have stated having had and left a criminal lifestyle. The results showed that how individuals experience their present life is highly dependent on individuals’ own view of themselves as well as on how others view them. A sense of being judged on the basis of previous lifestyle and a strive to leave the criminal identity could be discerned. There seems to be of importance for individuals to separate themselves from their prior lifestyle, both in thought and action. By doing this, they demonstrate their change both to themselves and their surroundings. By con-demning their previous destructive actions but not themselves as persons, they can maintain a positive self-image. Making good and giving back to society also tends to be of importance. Furthermore the study indicates that individuals, in addition to a sense of belonging, need to experience both resemblance and contrast in interaction in order to fully be able to leave the criminal identity. Some implications for social work practise were discussed.

Kvinnogym - frizon eller skamvrå? : En kvalitativ observationsstudie av olika gymmiljöer

Cylvén, Christoffer, Gomez, Alicia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur kvinnors träning formas i olika gymmiljöer i och med den ökade trenden bland kvinnor att träna på kvinnogym. För att undersöka detta har vi i denna studie använt symbolisk interaktionism som teoretisk referensram. Detta då teorin problematiserar det förgivettagna, vilket könsskillnader ofta betraktas som. Datainsamlingen skedde genom deltagande observationer på två unisexgym och ett kvinnogym. Resultatet visade att kvinnors tränande tycktes begränsas i båda miljöformerna genom gymmens inramning som tycks spegla rådande samhälleliga ideal. Detta visade sig tydligast på kvinnogymmet samtidigt som det är viktigt att notera att denna institution tycks utgöra en motreaktion på problem i unisexgyms manliga kultur. Vår slutsats är att unisexgymmen inrymmer begränsningar för kvinnors tränande men att en könsseparation i detta fall tycks avgränsa kvinnors möjlighet till idealbrytande och istället reproducera problematiken. / The aim of this study was to examine how women’s exercising is formed in different types of gym settings due to the increasing popularity of women only gyms. The study used symbolic interactionism as theoretic reference since it problematizes the taken for granted, a common view when it comes to gender differences. Participating observation was used to gather data at two unisex gyms and one women only gym. The result showed that women’s exercising was restrained in both settings due to their framing which appeared to reflect social ideals. This was most obvious at the women only gym though it is important to note that this institution seems to represent a counter reaction against the male culture at unisex gyms. The conclusion is that unisex gyms pose obstacles for women’s exercising, however, an alternative that provides gender segregation in this case seems to delimit women’s opportunity to diverge ideals and thus seems to reproduce the problem.

"På det viset får vi ju någon sorts ofrivillig insikt, i deras ekonomiska problem då" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolechefers tankar kring barnfattigdom i Uppsala

Westgärds, Sara January 2013 (has links)
This essay is included as a sub-study of a survey about child poverty, which the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University, the Ombudsman for Children and Gillbergska Stiftelsen (the Gillberg’s foundation) has been commissioned by Uppsala Town to implement. The intent of this essay is to investigate how three pre-school managers in the municipal preschool in Uppsala describe child poverty, how they see the preschool’s social responsibility and how they manage child poverty in their practical operation. The essay is a qualitative study and informants' responses has been analyzed and related to symbolic interactionism, the thesis theoretical basis. The results show that pre-school managers' understanding and description of child poverty differ. Child poverty is not a topic discussed very much in early childhood education and insight into families' financial situation is very small. Preschool managers testify that families rarely talk about their financial situation and poverty seem to be seen as something private that the school should not put themselves in, poverty also seems to be associated with shame. Preschool heads out that preschool has responsibility for all children within the business and is responsible for getting views on child abuse but preschool's role in relation to economically disadvantaged children seems to be unclear and there are no general guidelines on how to act if a child is struggling financially. / Denna uppsats ingår som en delstudie i ett kartläggningsprojekt om barnfattigdom som Sociologiska Institutionen vid Uppsala Universitet, Barnombudsmannen och Gillbergska Stiftelsen fått i uppdrag från Uppsala kommun att genomföra. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur tre förskolechefer inom den kommunala förskoleverksamheten i Uppsala beskriver barnfattigdom, hur de ser på förskolans sociala ansvar samt hur man arbetar med och hanterar barnfattigdom inom verksamheten i praktiken. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie och informanternas svar har analyserats utifrån meningskoncentrerad innehållsanalys kopplat till tidigare forskning och begrepp från symbolisk interaktionism, uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Resultaten visar att förskolechefernas förståelse och beskrivning av barnfattigdom skiljer sig åt. Barnfattigdom är inget ämne som diskuteras speciellt mycket inom förskoleverksamheten och insynen i familjernas ekonomiska situation är mycket liten. Resultaten visar att det finns en välvilja hos personalen att hjälpa utsatta barn men att det är svårt att tala om fattigdom med föräldrarna eftersom det är förknippat med skam. Fattigdom tycks ses som något privat och något som förskolan inte ska lägga sig i ifall inte familjerna själva väljer att öppna sig, vilket familjer tycks göra i mycket liten utsträckning. Förskole-cheferna påpekar att förskolan har ansvar för alla barn inom verksamheten och är ansvarig för att få syn på barn som far illa men förskolans roll i förhållande till ekonomiskt utsatta barn tycks vara oklar och det saknas generella riktlinjer för hur man ska agera om ett barn har det svårt ekonomiskt.

Begreppet Likabehandling, en social konstruktion : en kvalitativ textanalys av fem västsvenska skolors likabehandlingsplaner / The concept of Equality of treatment, a social construction : a qualitative text analysis of five western Swedish school’s equality of treatment plan

Rasmussen, Anna, Karlsson, Annelie January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera hur begreppet likabehandling konstrueras genom språketsanvändning i likabehandlingsplaner upprättade i en västsvensk kommun läsåret 2012/2013. Iförhållande till detta formulerades följande frågeställningar. Hur konstrueras begreppetlikabehandling genom språkets användning i likabehandlingsplanerna, vilka likheter ellerskillnader kan urskiljas i hur begreppet likabehandling konstrueras genom språketsanvändning i de olika likabehandlingsplanerna? Studien tar sin utgångspunkt idiskrimineringslagens föreskrifter om att en likabehandlingsplan ska uppträttas iutbildningsverksamheter samt i tidigare forskning om likabehandling i relation till begreppsom rättvisa, diskriminering och värdering. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter ärsocialkonstruktionism och symbolisk interaktionism. Likabehandlingsplanerna har analyseratsmed kvalitativ textanalys inspirerad av diskursanalytiska perspektiv samt med inspiration avkvantitativ innehållsanalys. Fokus ligger på grammatik och ordval som är frekventförekommande i planerna. Resultatet visar att skolorna använder sig av ord somlikabehandlingsplan, diskriminering, känna, mål, åtgärd och ansvar för att konstrueralikabehandling. Det finns också tecken på att vissa av dessa ord ska inneha samma innebördför samtliga deltagare i processen. Skolorna presenterar en verklighetsyn där det krävshandling för att uppnå likabehandling dock är skolorna till stor del inte överens om vilkahandlingar det gäller. Det finns tydliga tecken på att skolorna definierar situationen kringlikabehandling på olika sätt vilket kan komma att påverka hur det praktiskalikabehandlingsarbetet ser ut. / The purpose of the study was to study how the concept of equality of treatment is constructedthrough the use of language in equality of treatment plans drawn up in a western Swedishmunicipality during the school year of 2012/2013. Questions were formulated in relation withthe aim of the study. How is the concept of equality of treatment constructed by the languageuse in equality of treatment plans, what similarities or differences can be seen in how theconcept of equality of treatment is constructed through language use in the different equalityof treatment plans? The study is based on the sections of the discrimination law thatprescribes that an equality of treatment plan should be established in every educationalsystem, as well as in previous research of equality of treatment in relation to concepts such asjustice, discrimination and values. The study is also based on socialconstructionism andsymbolic interactionism. The equality of treatment plans were analyzed using qualitative textanalysis inspired by discourse analysis perspectives and quantitative content analysis focusedon grammar and vocabulary that are frequent in the plans. The result shows that the schoolsuse the words equality of treatment plan, discrimination, feel, goals, action, and responsibilityto construct equality of treatment. There are also signs that some of these words shall holdthe same meaning for all participants in the process. The schools present a reality whereaction is needed to achieve equality of treatment but the schools do not agree on type ofactions. There are clear signs that the schools define the situation regarding equality oftreatment in different ways, which may have effect on the practical work of equality of treatment.

Från motgång till framgång : En kvalitativ studie om steget vidare från studieavbrott / :

Dann, Sofia, Ödalen Frank, Leonie January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur ungdomar beskriver steget vidare från studieavbrott till sysselsättning. Författarna använde kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer baserade på en intervjuguide för att besvara studiens frågeställningar, med avsikt att fånga in kunskap om de ungas uppfattningar kring vändpunkter samt betydelsen av självbilden och relationer i omgivningen. Totalt genomfördes fyra intervjuer med ungdomar i åldrarna 17-20 år, där samtliga gjort studieavbrott under gymnasietiden men vid tillfället för intervjuerna var åter i någon slags sysselsättning. Författarna använde tidigare forskning samt de teoretiska perspektiven symbolisk interaktionism och KASAM för att analysera datamaterialet. Resultatet av studien påvisade att samtliga ungdomar upplevt någon slags vändpunkt under vägen tillbaka till sysselsättning, som de anger varit betydande. Vändpunkterna har dock varierat i uttryck och har kunnat bestå av såväl en händelse eller ett möte. Vidare konstaterar författarna att självbilden har haft stor inverkan på ungdomarnas möjlighet att både hantera vändpunktssituationer samt på motivation till studier och att relationer med faktorerna vägledning och respektfullt bemötande varit avgörande för steget vidare mot sysselsättning. / This study aimed to investigate how school drop-outs describe their way back to any type of occupation. The authors carried out a qualitative study with interviews based on an interview guide to be able to answer the studies questions at issue, with the intention to capture knowledge about the young adults’ opinion concerning turning-points and the meaning of self-image and relations in the surroundings. In a total, four interviews were carried out with young adults in the ages of 17-20 years, whom had dropped-out of high-school but were, at the time of the interviews, back in some kind of occupation. The authors used previously published science articles, along with the theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism and KASAM to analyze the data. The result of this study showed that all of the young adults had experienced some kind of turning-point during their way back to an occupation, which they found to be substantial. There were some variations in how these turning-points occurred; they turned out to be an event as well as a meeting. Further on, the authors has found that self-image have had a great effect on the young adults´ possibilities to handle turning-point situations, as well as their motivation for studies, and that relations with factors of guidance and a respectful treatment has been crucial for the step towards an occupation.

Jämställdhet i barnfamiljer

Martikainen, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie om över- och underordning i heterosexuella pars vardag. Carin Holmbergs (1993) avhandling " Det kallas kärlek" är min största hjälp och det är från den jag hämtat större delen av de teorier jag använt. Holmbergs (1993) teorier om könsmakt är min utgångspunkt. Det var hennes avhandling som lade grunden och väckte mitt intresse för att göra en liknande studie. Jag gjorde fyra gruppintervjuer med en mindre observation. De slutsatser jag kan dra utifrån det empiriska materialet är att kvinnorna i regel är underordnade männen ifråga om att det är kvinnorna som tar på sig det största ansvaret för hemmet sysslor och befriar männen från att ta ansvar. Männen är de som valt bort vissa sysslor hemma och kan då göra de saker de själva tycker är roligast. Jag kan inte se något tydlig över- och underordning i mina informanters sätt att agera under intervjuerna.

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