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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Behöver du stöd att lägga undan skärmen? : Skolsköterskans arbete med barns skärmtid - En integrativ litteraturöversikt / Do you need support to put the screen away? : The school nurse's work with children's screen time - An integrative literature review

Hast, Am, Voss, Linda January 2023 (has links)
I dagens moderna samhälle är den digitala tekniken en stor del av vår vardag och ses som ett relativt nytt samhällsproblem. Under det senaste decenniet har användandet av digital teknik ökat explosionsartat i alla åldersgrupper i samhället. Barn och unga är idag mer stillasittande än förr och skärmtiden prioriteras framför aktiv lek. Distriktssköterskan arbetar för att främja hälsa för hela befolkningen och kan vara verksam inom skolan som skolsköterska. Skolan är en viktig arena för att implementera en hälsosam livsstil från tidig ålder och vikten av en god vårdrelation ses som betydelsefullt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur skolsköterskan arbetar med skärmtid hos barn i skolan. Designen utgörs av en integrativ litteraturöversikt där tolv vetenskapliga artiklar har identifierats från databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed och Medline och därefter granskats utefter vald granskningsmall samt utarbetade kriterier. Vilket resulterade i tre huvudteman och sju subteman som beskriver hur skolsköterskan kan arbeta. Av resultatet framkom vikten av att samarbeta med både vårdnadshavare och övriga vuxna i skolan. Men även att skolsköterskan har en viss kunskap om vad barnen gör på internet. Det hälsofrämjande arbetet med att främja rörelse och begränsa skärmtid sågs som betydelsefullt. Denna uppsats kan påvisa vikten av att identifiera och undervisa gällande skärmtidens effekter för hälsan på både kort och lång sikt. / In today´s modern society, digital technology is a large part of our everyday life and is seen as a large part of our everyday life and is seen as a relatively new social problem. During the last decade, the use of digital technology has increased explosively in all age groups in society. Children and young people today are more sedentary than before, and screen time is prioritized over active play. The district nurse works to promote health for the entire population and can work within the school as a school nurse. The school is an important arena for implementing a healthy lifestyle from an early age and the importance of a good care relationship is seen as significant. The purpose of the essay is to investigate how the school nurse works with screen time in children at school. The design consists of an integrative literature review where twelve scientific articles have been searched from the databases Cinahl, Pubmed and Medline and then reviewed according to the selected review template and prepared criteria. Which resulted in three main themes and seven sub-themes that describe how the school nurse can work. The results revealed the importance of collaborating with both guardians and other adults in the school. But also, that the school nurse has some knowledge of what the children do on the internet. The health – promoting work of promoting movement and limiting screen time was seen as significant. This essay can demonstrate the importance of identifying and teaching about the health effects of screen time in both the short and long term.

The Role of Cultural Self-Construal and Autonomy on Athlete Preference for Intervention

Yu, Alexander Brian 08 1900 (has links)
Self-construal (SC) refers to the way people perceive their identities in relation to self and others (Markus & Kitayama, 1991b). It has been found in the literature to influence thinking, decision-making, and preferences (e.g., Sung, Choi, & Tinkham, 2012) which suggests that a person's SC may affect her/his preference on psychological interventions. However, no empirical studies can be located that examined this relationship. The study examined the effects of independent SC, interdependent SC, general autonomy (GA), and sport autonomy (SA) on athletes' preferences and desire to use the interventions in the future, especially how these relations might vary as a function of the type of intervention. It was hypothesized that the relationship between each of the predictors and preference for and desire to use intervention would be moderated by the type of intervention received. Four hundred and thirty-one current and former athletes were recruited to participate in this study. Participants completed a questionnaire that measured SC, GA, and SA and were then randomly assigned to receive one of two self-talk interventions, representing either a self- or other-focused intervention. Participants were asked to rate their preference for and desire to use the given intervention in the future. Results found positive significant relationships with all predictors and intervention preference, in both self- and other-focused groups. Initial hierarchical multiple and logistic regression analyses did not support a significant moderation effect of intervention type on the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. However, a post-hoc analysis that conducted a hierarchical multiple regression with participants separated by gender found a significant moderation effect of intervention type on the relationship between independent SC and preference for intervention for females only. Additional post-hoc analyses were conducted to replicate Sung et al.'s (2012) analysis procedures in which the SC continuous variables were transformed into categorical ones, and a 2x2 ANOVA and Pearson chi-square analyses were conducted. Post-hoc analyses revealed significant interaction effects of intervention type and participants' dominant self-construal type on their desire to use intervention. Limitations, implications for counseling/consulting, and future research directions are discussed.

Does Teaching Parents Emotion-Coaching Strategies Change Parental Perception of Children's Negative Emotions?

LaBass, Eric A. 22 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The Mediating Effects of Science Classroom Talk on the Understanding of Earth-Sun-Moon Concepts with Middle School Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Clancy, Shannon M. 18 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Verbal stöttning i arbetet med textsamtal : En analys av fyra lärares arbete med främjande av begreppsförståelse i samhällskunskap

Chukri, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze how four teachers work with verbal scaffolding during text talk to develop pupils' conceptual understanding in fourth grade. There are five forms of verbal scaffolding that the study focuses on. This study answers the following questions: What specific strategies does the teacher use to develop conceptual understanding? How does the teacher apply verbal scaffolding during text talk?   The questions are answered by two qualitative methods, classroom observations and interviews with the four participant teachers. The two methods interact with a shared focus directed on answering the study’s questions. The purpose of the observations was to have a focus on how the teachers used verbal scaffolding during text talk to develop pupils’ conceptual understanding. However, during the interviews, the teachers had the opportunity to express their own perception of their teaching. The study's theoretical framework is based on the concept scaffolding. To make the analysis more concrete, scaffolding has been categorized into five forms of verbal scaffolding. The result showed that all the teachers apply the different categorized verbal scaffolding during the text-talks, although with varying approaches. Furthermore, teachers advocate for different strategies to enhance pupils’ conceptual understanding.

Skogsträdgårdsvistelser ur barns perspektiv – Speglat under samtalspromenader

Hammarsten, Maria January 2022 (has links)
The licentiate thesis examines what spending time in a forest garden can offer children when this environment is used for teaching aimed at sustainability. What do the children remember from their visits to the forest garden? What do they find special or memorable? What can the children learn there? To answer such questions, walk-and-talk conversations were conducted with children who for a three-year period had regularly visited a forest garden during school hours. The overall purpose of the licentiate thesis is to deepen knowledge about what spending time in a forest garden in a school context can offer children, reflected from the children's perspectives. Furthermore, the thesis aims to deepen knowledge about walk-and-talk conversations as a data collection method when children are respondents. This leads to the research questions: 1. In what ways can walk-and-talk conversations as a data collection method reflect children's perspectives in an environment and in relation to places? What are the possibilities and limitations of the method? 2. What significance do forest garden visits in a pedagogical context aimed at learning for sustainability have from the children's perspective? The theoretical starting points of the licentiate thesis draw on social studies of childhood, ecological literacy and affordances. Another concept that emerged in the analysis process was plant blindness. Data consisted of audio-recorded walk-and-talk conversations, children's photographs and recorded informal, supplementary interviews. A total of 28 children (11 boys and 17 girls) participated in sub-studies II and III. The children were aged 7-9 years, but most were 9 years old. The licentiate thesis consists of three sub-studies: Sub-study I is a literature review that focuses on opportunities, limitations, and challenges in using walk-and-talk conversations as a data collection method with children and young people. Walk-and-talk conversations can increase opportunities to capture children's perspectives and help to reduce power imbalances between children and researchers. However, analysing data from child-led walks and conversations can be challenging, while awareness of the researcher's own position and assumptions becomes particularly important. Sub-study II deals with the forest garden from children’s perspective. The first category, ‘to appreciate the place the forest garden’, contained the following themes: physical work, relationships with animals and plants, aesthetic and edible aspects and food, and friends. Most of the children enjoyed staying in the forest garden with its natural features. They valued the care of living organisms and felt that spending time in the forest garden was fun and exciting. In the second category, ‘aspects of learning in the forest garden’, the following themes emerged; practical skills, coexistence and caring, and biological knowledge and ecological understanding. Sub-study III deals with the four most photographed phenomena in the forest garden. The first were the plants, including trees and shrubs, which provided sensual, aesthetic and emotional affordances. The second was the pond, which provided physical affordances and wishes, while the third, the barbecue area, provided social affordances. Finally, the tipi provided affordances for privacy and imagination. To conclude: children's forest garden visits, with learning and nature encounters, can contribute to sustainable development. The investigated forest garden was an outdoor environment designed for children with natural features and with a focus on organic farming, where the forest garden educators helped to create a framework for both learning and relational opportunities. Developing ecological literacy in the new generation is a crucial concern, and the results of the licentiate thesis suggest that establishing educational outdoor environments where children receive parts of their education can contribute to the development of such literacy. The creation of outdoor environments for children is thus an important sustainability issue. / Licentiatuppsatsen undersöker vad skogträdgårdsvistelser kan erbjuda barn när en sådan miljö används för undervisning riktad mot hållbarhet. Det övergripande syfte är att fördjupa kunskap om vad skogsträdgårdsvistelser i en skolkontext kan tillföra barn, speglat utifrån barnens perspektiv. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att fördjupa kunskaper om samtalspromenader som datainsamlingsmetod när barn är respondenter. Licentiatuppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter tar avstamp i barndomssociologi (Social Studies of Childhood), ekologisk litteracitet och affordances. Ett annat begrepp som framkom efter analysprocessen var växtblindhet. Den undersökta skogsträdgården, var en natur- och utomhusmiljö med inriktning mot ekologisk odling designad för barn, där skogsträdgårdspedagogernas pedagogiska inramning bidrog till att skapa både pedagogiska och relationella möjligheter. Metodvalet har varit ljudupptagna samtalspromenader, barns fotografier samt inspelade informella, kompletterande intervjuer. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att barns skogsträdgårdsvistelser, lärande och naturmöten bidra till hållbar utveckling. Utvecklandet av ekologisk litteracitet hos den uppväxande generationen måste betraktas som central, och licentiatuppsatsens resultat pekar mot att anläggandet av pedagogiska utomhusmiljöer där barn får delar av sin undervisning kan bidra till utvecklandet av sådan litteracitet. Tillskapandet av utomhusmiljöer för barn är därför en viktig hållbarhetsfråga.

The culturally adaptive functionality of self-regulation : explorations of children's behavioural strategies and motivational attitudes

Torres Núñez, Pablo Enrique January 2017 (has links)
The present study aimed to explore the culture specificity of student self-regulation and its supporting motivational attitudes. Specifically, it enquired about similarities and differences between Chilean and English 8 to 9 year-old students in terms of their expression of self-regulatory behaviours, the psychological factors underlying these behaviours, and the functionality of these behaviours for task performance. It also compared student adoption of achievement motivational attitudes as well as the functionality of these attitudes for investment of effort and self-regulatory activity between cultures. Finally, the role of classroom cultures for self-regulation was studied. In particular, it examined the effects of classrooms and the quality of teacher talk (teacher-to-student communicative interactions/demands), such as teacher ‘regulatory talk’ and ‘socio-motivational talk’, on student self-regulation. A quantitative approach to the analysis of qualitative data (i.e. videos of student behaviour engaged in 11 to 13 experimental tasks, semi-structured interviews, videoed literacy lessons) was adopted. Eight classrooms situated in different schools from Chile and England were part of the study. In total, 8 teachers and 49 students – one teacher and six to seven students per classroom – took active part in the study. Qualitative data was primarily analysed using observational scales (for student behaviour), thematic analysis (for interview data), as well as socio-cultural discourse analysis (for videoed lessons). Statistical techniques, such as Mann Whitney U test, Factor Analysis, Multinomial logistic regressions, and Multilevel regressions were then applied on numerical transformations of the data. Overall, results suggest that self-regulation and achievement motivational attitudes vary to important extents according to culture. Most interestingly, these varied between cultures not so much in terms of the degree to which children used or adopted them, but rather in terms of their functionality. Some key findings supporting this conclusion were: i) Strong similarities between English and Chilean children’s levels of self-regulatory behaviours; ii) substantial differences across country samples in relation to the psychological factors underlying the expression of specific self-regulatory behaviours; iii) the finding of evaluative actions being self-regulatory in England but not in Chile; iv) a higher variety of self-regulatory behaviours being predictive of task performance in England than in Chile; v) the fact that learned self-regulatory behaviours accounted for effects of effective metacognitive control on task performance in England but not Chile; vi) some important differences in the achievement motivational attitudes expressed by Chilean and English students; and vii) culture-specific functionalities of various achievement motivational attitudes with respect to student effort and self-regulatory behaviours. Moreover, results suggest that some aspects of children’s self-regulation and motivational attitudes develop as tools to adapt to classroom cultures, specifically to the learning interactions/demands socially afforded by teacher talk. Among key findings supporting this conclusion were: i) effects of classrooms on children’s cognitive, social, and motivational self-regulation behavioural strategies, and ii) clear effects of teacher ‘regulatory talk’ (e.g., teacher ‘self-regulatory talk’ predicting more planning and asking for clarifications in students) and ‘socio-motivational talk’ (e.g., teacher ‘talk against self-efficacy’ predicting higher dependency-oriented help-seeking in students) on those behaviours with respect to which classrooms were found to matter. Thus a theory about the culturally adaptive functionality (CAF) of self-regulation and motivational attitudes supporting self-regulation is developed throughout the thesis.

Kulturspezifische Interaktionsstile oder Wenn schwedischsprachige und deutschsprachige Arbeitskollegen im Restaurant zu Mittag essen : Eine Studie zur Einbettungskultur in kommunikativer Praxis / Kulturspecifika interaktionsstilar eller När svenska och tyska arbetskollegor äter lunch på restaurang : En studie om inbäddningskulturen i kommunikativ praktik

Röcklinsberg, Christoph January 2009 (has links)
Interactions are formed and shaped differently from culture to culture. This thesis focuses on this phenomenon and in the first part deals with (from a theoretical view) the question, how the interplay between language-use and culture can be described. A cross-disciplinary approach within the scope of cross-cultural communication research is developed as is a semiotic concept, based on mainly linguistic, interactional and anthropological theories and methods. In order to describe different culture-specific interactional styles the semiotic field called embedding culture is outlined as an important resource for participants organizing talk-in-interactions. In the second part of this book the relevance of this approach is applied and tested. With the aid of various video recordings of ‘lunch-talks’ among colleagues at a restaurant in Sweden and Germany, this specific type of action and their cultural patterns are analyzed in order to describe cultural-specific styles in face-to-face-interaction. The methodological problem of recorded interaction is pointed out and the role of the camera highlighted. As the analyzed data is mainly based on interactions between men also gender-aspects are discussed. Furthermore, the scenario, time aspects and the customs and rituals of interactions at table are taken into account as relevant features of the embedding culture, all going into a culture-specific style of interaction. The results of the empirical study are, finally, correlated with other, not interaction-based analyses in the field of cross-cultural communication, and the specific national-cultural dimensions are critically discussed. / Interaktioner utformas och gestaltas olika från kultur till kultur. Avhandlingen fokuserar på denna aspekt och behandlar först ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv hur detta fenomen kan beskrivas. Med en tvärvetenskaplig ansats inom ramen av den s.k. interkulturella kommunikationsforskningen (cross-cultural communication) kombineras kulturanalytiska med lingvistiska och samtalsanalytiska teorier och metoder. Ett semiotiskt koncept utarbetas med hjälp av vilka olika kulturspecifika interaktionsstilar kan beskrivas. Det semiotiska fältet som koncipierats kallas för Einbettungskultur (’inbäddningskulturen’). I den andra delen används och prövas detta koncept. Med hjälp av ett flertal videoinspelade lunchsamtal i Sverige och Tyskland analyseras konkreta exempel på kommunikativ praxis och deras kulturella mönster i jämförbara interaktionssituationer. Det beskrivs hur den kulturspecifika interaktionsstilen vid lunchen bland svenska arbetskollegor kan skilja sig från det tyskspråkiga sättet att gestalta samma interaktionstyp. Inspelningssituationen problematiseras och kamerans roll i interaktionen diskuteras. Eftersom analyserna huvudsakligen baseras på samtal mellan män tas genusperspektivet upp. Vid sidan av själva samtalen analyseras även scenariot, tidsaspekten och ritualiseringen av interaktionen vid bordet som tre aspekter av inbäddningskulturen som tillsammans bidrar till en kulturspecifik interaktionsstil. Resultaten av den kulturella analysen som tar sin utgångspunkt i en konkret och jämförbar interaktionssituation i olika kulturer relateras avslutningsvis till andra, icke-interaktionsbaserade analyser inom den interkulturella kommunikationsforskningen och nationalkulturella beskrivningar problematiseras.

Att samtala och berätta : En undersökning om samtal och diskussioner i samband med högläsning i klassrummet / Discuss and share : a study on conversations and discussions in connected to reading aloud in the classroom setting

Sydow, Alfred January 2016 (has links)
Reading and especially the practice of reading aloud are crucial elements in the education of children’s earlier years. Amounts of previously conducted research is tackling reoccurring problems around reading and literacy, but just relatively few relate their work to the practice of reading aloud in the classroom setting.  This study is hereby focusing on reading aloud in the context of the large classroom and examining question types of observed conversations. By taking three different student and teacher groups (years 1, 2 and 3) into account, the small-scale study attempts to answer concerns on how, where and about what these conversations are taking place. With a backdrop on related research, the study makes use of three different researchers as a framework to respond to this. Because the narrow scale of the study it can’t be seen as representative as such, but provides suggestions for further reflections.

Textsamtal som lässtöttande aktivitet : Fallstudier om textsamtals möjligheter och begränsningar i gymnasieskolans historieundervisning / Text-talk as a scaffold for students’ reading literacy : Case studies of the potentials and limitations of text-talk in History instruction in upper secondary school.

Hallesson, Yvonne January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates how various text-talks, i.e. text-focused classroom discussions, may scaffold students’ reading of specialised texts in upper secondary school. The study consists of qualitative case studies based on classroom observations of two teachers’ History instruction, focusing on parts defined as text-talks. An intervention study was conducted where one teacher worked with two text-talk approaches. The research questions regard how students move in relation to the text in the text-talks and how text content is incorporated, what scaffolding structures emerge, and whether and how the text-talks differ. A secondary aim is to generate theories concerning the potentials and limitations of text-talk as a reading scaffold. Analyses were done in terms of text movability to show reading positions, intertextual cohesion to show relations between source text and text-talk, and scaffolding which includes peer scaffolding, teacher scaffolding and the text-talks as a scaffold per se. A methodological contribution is the development of a model for content-based analyses of authentic text-talks. The results show that in text-talks that work as a scaffold, students take the expected positions toward the text, and the talks are clearly related to the source text, by means of lexical and conjunctive cohesion that is often varied and built-out. For more demanding texts, the students show dynamic text movability and move between exploring contents, subject field and context. Other characteristics are either peer scaffolding showing dialogicity and negotiation of meaning, or teacher scaffolding enabling students to progress and develop tools for text reception. The intervention approaches seem to scaffold reading to a greater extent than text-talks within ordinary instruction where the framing is weak. In conclusion, the results suggest that both student- and teacher-led text-talks may scaffold reading, but they need to be well planned and prepared with a structured framing.

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